Cape Frontier Times 1841 2 April - June
Wednesday 7 April 1841
Wm. BOND returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the support he has met with as a Bit, Bridle and Spur Maker, and continues to Manufacture all articles in the above line to order – Corn and other Mills re-cut and repaired, Locksmiths' Work and Bell Hanging on the shortest notice.
Graham's Town, near the Baptist Chapel.
MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 25th March by the Rev A. Smith, J.W.H. VAN DER RIET, second son of J.W. VAN DER RIET Esq, Civil Commissioner, to Rose Ellen, third daughter of the late Captain A.C. RURNETT, HM 54th Regiment.
Died at Graham's Town on the 1st April, Alexander McDONALD Esq, a native of Scotland, the oldest resident of this town, and much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. His loss is much felt by his surviving widow, and the Wesleyan connexion, in which he had been an office-bearer for many years.
As we rightly conjectured, last week, a double murder has been perpetrated at the Cowie – the remains of the unfortunate woman, Mrs. WELSH, having been discovered in a thorn-bush, situated between the cottage of a man named PIERCE (who is now in custody on suspicion) and that of the husband of the victim. We have been at some pains to ascertain the following facts, connected with the discovery of the two bodies, which we believe to be substantially correct. WELSH, it appears, left his residence on Wednesday the 3rd inst, with his wagon for Graham's Town, leaving his wife and the lad BROWN at home, who were seen on the Thursday but not afterwards. On the Saturday PIERCE, who lives at a distance of about 700 yards from WELSH, desired someone who was passing by to turn the cattle out of WELSH's kraal, which had been shut in all the previous day. The cattle were accordingly turned out, and no suspicion of any kind appears to have been excited, until WELSH returned from Graham's Town, which was, we believe, on the 8th or 9th day after he left home. On his return he found his cottage in great confusion, as if it had been ransacked. Some time after PIERCE called upon him, and after some conversation, said to him: "Come and look at the bones of a huge red-haired Kafir which I have found", and upon WELSH enquiring what he meant by a red haired Kafir, replied, confusedly, that he had never made use of the expression – that he had merely said, the bones of a Kafir. PIRECE, however, led WELSH to the spot, which is about 500 yards from each cottage, towards the sea, and the remains pointed out by PIERCE proved to be those of the ill-fated lad, which were in such a state of decomposition as to render it impossible to say, with any degree of certainty, how death was produced. We may, however, refer to the report which has been credited by some, of the skull having been fractured, as wholly unfounded. The belief then obtained that Mrs. WELSH, who happened, unfortunately, to have been a woman of violent temper, had probably, in a moment of passion, hit the boy an unlucky blow, and made her escape, with a view of proceeding to Port Elizabeth, to embark for England. This opinion was strengthened by the fact of her being known to be possessed of a considerable sum of money, by her having recently enquired of a neighbour respecting a passage to England, as well as by her previous general ill-treatment of the boy.
A day or two, however, after the remains of the lad were discovered, PIERCE called upon WELSH and said there was a stench in the thorn-bushes, which we have before described as being between the habitation of PIERCE and WELSH, though not directly in the way, and enquired whether a calf, belonging to him, had died in that neighbourhood: WELSH said that a calf belonging to him had lately died, but in a spot in quite a different direction. The next day PIERCE went to a person of the name of CROUCH, who lives in a cottage about half a mile beyond WELSH's, on the way to the mouth of the Cowie, to whom he made the same observation. CROUCH's son and PIERCE, however, proceeded together to Port Frances, and the latter, whilst upon the road, suddenly exclaimed: "Well I am glad I shall see the ship in the Cowie before I am hung". Of this expression CROUCH took no particular notice, although he thought it strange. The next day PIERCE again visited WELSH, and again mentioned the stench in the thorn bushes, adding that he could not bear to go by the place: after this PIERCE again went to CROUCH, and repeated the same observation, when the latter asked him why he did not go to see what it was, adding that he (CROUCH) himself would go. PIERCE, however, said he would go. Subsequently PIERCE said to CROUCH: "Oh, I have found it out; it is as I suspected; I have found the bones of a dead calf." On the morning of the day on which the body of Mrs. WELSH was found, it appears that PIERCE was at WELSH's, and when he left, someone in the house called WELSH's attention to the speed with which PIERCE must have got home. WELSH looked out, but could see nothing of him, and remarked that the time must have passed quicker than they thought. It may be here necessary to state that from WELSH's to PIERCE's cottage is a gently-inclined plane, and that a person going from the former to the latter is visible all the way to one standing at the door of WELSH's cottage. Some few minutes afterwards, WELSH thought he saw something moving within the thorn-bushes, which he watched with attention for some time, thinking it might be one of his calves that had been left there, but after a while he saw PIERCE get up from amongst them and return home. This caused no suspicion, as WELSH thought that he had turned aside for some purpose. Hitherto, singularly enough, as we think, nothing that had been said or heard seems to have roused the suspicion of WELSH respecting the fate of his wife; but a few hours after the last occurrence we have mentioned, WELSH perceived two vultures hovering over the spot where he had seen PIERCE rise, and it then occurred to him that they might lead to a discovery of something. He accordingly sent a Hottentot to the spot to see what the birds were doing there, who, upon reaching it, placed his hat upon a stick, and waving it over his head to attract attention, called out to WELSH, who immediately hastened to the call and discovered the remains of his wife.
From the statement of Dr. ATHERSTONE, the district surgeon who went to the Cowie for the purpose of examining the remains of the lad (for when he left town the body of Mrs. WELSH had not been discovered) it would seem that she was stabbed by some sharp instrument, after which she is supposed to have run about six yards and then to have fallen from loss of blood: from the spot she appears to have been dragged along the ground about 16 yards, and carried from thence a similar distance, and then flung down. On the spot where she is supposed to have fallen, some lightish coloured hair was found, and a struggle is supposed to have taken place between the deceased and her murderer, a part of whose hair it is conjectured she wrenched off in her struggles to defend herself. Here a considerable quantity of blood was found. The scalp of the head had dropped off: two of the ribs were fractured, also the left shoulder blade. The body, however, had the appearance of a skeleton, on which scarcely anything was left but the bones, and was in so advanced a stage of decomposition as to baffle all enquiry as to the manner of her death.
When PIERCE was taken into custody he is stated by the constable who apprehended him to have turned pale: and when he had recovered himself, to have exclaimed: "Well, I know I shall be hung for it, but I am glad I have seen the ship in the Cowie." Some Fingoes residing in the neighbourhood are suspected of being concerned in the murder, and have been taken into custody. The grounds of suspicion against them are, however, slight – the possession of a gun that was taken from WELSH's cottage, and that of some money.
We forbear, for the present, alluding to other circumstances with which we are acquainted, and which might possibly have a tendency to implicate the individual now in custody. No-one should, however, be rashly judged upon circumstantial evidence, and it is well, perhaps, for the prisoner (if committed to take his trial) that he will not go before a jury for 6 months to come.
Wednesday 14 April 1841
BIRTH at Belmont on Wednesday the 7th inst, Mrs. John CARLISLE of a Son.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Robert NORRIS Esq
The Creditors in the above Estate are requested to send in their Claims to Mr. J.O. SMITH, at Port Elizabeth, or to Mr. J. DOUGLAS, at Graham's Town, within Three Months from this date;
and all parties Indebted to the said Estate are desired to liquidate the same within the above-mentioned period.
J.O. SMITH, Port Elizabeth
J. DOUGLAS, Graham's Town
Graham's Town, 31st March.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Joint Estate of Josias BRINK and Theodora Johanna BRINK (born OEREL) of Graaff-Reinet.
At the Circuit Court, holden in and for the Division of Graaff-Reinet, on the 16th inst, the undersigned were, by order of the said Court, appointed Curators for the administration and settlement of the above Estate, and they therefore call upon all persons indebted to the said Estate to pay the same to the first undersigned, on or before the first day of June next, or legal proceedings will be taken against them; and all persons claiming to be creditors in this Estate are required to send in their claims with proper vouchers within the same period.
Graaff Reinet 31st March 1841.
Wednesday 28 April 1841
Splendid Sheep Walk
The undersigned duly authorized thereto, will offer for sale by Public Auction on Thursday 29th inst, on the spot, all that eligible farm belonging to Mr. George UBSDELL, situate about 17 miles from Port Elizabeth, and known by the name of "Coega's Koppen", together with certain stock consisting of Sheep, Ewes and Wethers; about 60 head of Oxen, two Wagons, 20 Cows and Calves, and whatever further may be produced on the day of sale.
Opening of Sidbury Church
Notice is hereby given that the Sidbury New Church will be opened for Public Worship on Wednesday the 5th day of May next, when Divine Service will be performed in English, in the Morning, at 11 o'clock; and in Dutch, at 3 in the Afternoon. Collections will be made at the close of each service in aid of the Building Fund. The Clergy who have been invited to attend have been requested to make such arrangements among themselves respecting the details of the Services for the occasion as they may think best.
By order of the Committee
Wm. BLAKE, Secretary
Sidbury, 22nd April.
Wednesday 5 May 1841
Accommodation House and Retail Beer Trade
Market-square, Graham's Town
Thos. H. WARREN, having taken of Mr. TROTTER the above Premises and Business, announces his intention of conducting the latter with the same good order and attention to the comfort of his guests and customers, which have ever distinguished it, and respectfully solicits public patronage and support.
He begs to assure individuals or families visiting Graham's Town, especially the Rev. gentlemen, the Missionaries and their families, who may take up their residence at his house, that the utmost attention will continue to be paid to their accommodation and comfort.
Board and Lodging will constantly be afforded on reasonable terms.
Horses taken in and stabled.
Graham's Town, May 5th 1841.
Wednesday 12 May 1841
Winter Goods
J. DICK begs to return his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public for their patronage from the period of his commencing Business, in Graham's Town, and can only say, that to those who may in future honor him with their orders, he will endeavour to give that, which, he trusts, he has hitherto done, viz: satisfaction.
J. DICK has just received a fresh investment of Winter Goods, by the Mary Ann, consisting of warm Winter Waistcoatings, of the most elegant patterns, in great variety. Trouserings, fancy Doeskins, and Buckskins, Anglais Stripe, Black Casimeres, Pilot Cloths, and Petershams, Stcks and Braces &c &c.
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles HINDS, of Graham's Town, Hair-dresser &c.
Notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 29th May will be sold at the Stores of Messrs. Wm. ANDERSON Sen. & Co, the whole of the Effects belonging to the said Insolvent Estate, viz:
Men's Shoes and Blucher Boots, Ladies' Black and Colored Boots, Women's Leather Shoes, Lasting Shoes, Cantoon Trousers, Jackets, Braces, Regatta Shirts, Waistcoats, Stocks, sundry articles of Clothing, a lot of Ornamental Hair, Scissors, Penknives, Razors, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Windsor Chairs, Trunks, 1 Looking Glass, Bed and Bedding, sundry Cooking Utensils, sundry Hair-Dresser's and Shoemaker's Tools, 1 Sea Chest &c, and what may be further offered for Sale.
J. HART, Sole Trustee
Messrs J.D. NORDEN & Co, Auctioneers.
Wednesday 19 May 1841
BIRTH at "Hillary Farm" on Saturday the 15th instant, the wife of William BLAKE Esq of a daughter.
Wednesday 26 May 1841
The members of the Graham's Town Total Abstinence Society drank tea together on Friday evening last, in the new Wesleyan School Room. When the tea apparatus was removed, Mr. T. NELSON was called to the chair, and the business of the meeting was commenced. The assembly, which was numerous and respectable, was addressed by the Chairman, Mr. R. GUSH, the Rev. Mr. LOCKE, Mr. HEWITSON (who has lately arrived in the colony), Mr. W. SMITH, Mr. N. SMIT, Mr. TUDHOPE, who afterwards signed the total abstinence pledge, and the Rev. Mr. SHAW, who, in allusion to an entry made in Mr. WESLEY's journal, in which a certain person was characterised as being nine-tenths a Quaker, and one-tenth a Methodist, observed that he was nine-tenths a teetotaller, and that the remaining tenth part of him belonged to temperance. The Rev. speaker, however, seemed to intimate that it was not impossible that the fractional part adhering to temperance might eventually be absorbed by the teetotal portion of his composition. Though not teetotallers ourselves, even in the ninth degree, we feel persuaded that the agitation of the question is productive of good; and we think, therefore, that those who bring it thus prominently before the public are well entitled to the thanks and countenance of the friends of temperance.
Wednesday 2 June 1841
Mr. HOWSE's farm between the Koonap Post and Double Drift has just been the scene of another Kafir outrage. Late on Saturday night last it seems that five armed Kafirs attacked two wagons in which some people in Mr. HOWSE's employ were asleep. The Kafirs first commenced by throwing stones, probably with a view to rouse the sleepers that they might the more conveniently fire at them, but finding this ineffectual, they lifted up the wagon flaps and fires several shots into each wagon; the wagon-chest of one wagon was struck by a shot, and the wagon sail partly burnt. The Kafirs, too, loosened an ox from the wagon but were prevented from making off with their booty by the sleepers, who – being by this time aroused – got out of the wagons, fired upon their assailants, and put them to flight. Major ARMSTRONG CMR, who is stationed at Koonap Post, was promptly upon the spot, and the spoor of the Kafirs was subsequently followed, with what success we cannot say. Mr. HOWSE's people have expressed their unwillingness to remain any longer on a spot where their lives are exposed to so much risk. That gentleman has, we hear, about 1,600 valuable sheep on the farm, and his people were engage in the erection of kraals where they were attacked. It is in vain to blink the question, some steps are imperatively called for to check theses daring attempts upon the property and lives of Her Majesty's subjects.
Wednesday 9 June 1841
Whereas Daniel HANNON of Port Elizabeth, Fisherman, and Mary KENNY, his wife, widow of the late Lawrence WELCH, dec., have, on the day of the date hereof, mutually executed before me, the Notary, and certain Witnesses, a Deed of Separation from Bed, Board, Cohabitation and Community of Property – Notice whereof is hereby given to the Public; and also that, subsequent to said date, all Debts, contracted by either party, will run for account and risk of him or her who shall or may contract or incur the same – Given under my hand, at Port Elizabeth, this 27th day of May 1841
C. WHITCOMB, Notary Public.
Wednesday 16 June 1841
DIED at Graham's Town on the 15th instant, Arthur Edward, the infant son of F. CARLISLE Esq.
BIRTH this morning, the Wife of Mr. Richard ORSMOND of a Son.
Wednesday 23 June 1841
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
In the Estate of the late Richard Clavell BINGHAM, deceased.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are required to send in their Claims, with proper Vouchers, to the Undersigned, within Six Weeks from this date, and persons indebted are required to pay the amount thereof within the same period.
For self and Co-Executors
Graaff-Reinet 2nd June 1841
A young man of the name of FOLEY, we are sorry to inform our readers, died here on Saturday last, of small-pox, and he was not interred until Monday, his friends having in the meantime held a wake over his body. The Magistrate was applied to on Sunday morning to interfere, who issued the necessary instructions, directing at the same time (as the deceased was a Roman Catholic) a communication on the subject to be sent to the minister of the Roman Catholic Church. We are told that the friends of the deceased refused to bury him on Sunday as directed and we should rejoice to hear that all who were mixed up with these disgraceful and barbarous proceedings were compelled to perform quarantine in the small-pox hospital.
This disease has appeared at the Kowie.
Wednesday 30 June 1841
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday the 27th June, the Lady of Lieut. and Adjutant BROOKES, 75th Regt, of a Son.
DIED at Belmont on the 18th inst, after a short illness, Catherine, the wife of John CARLISLE Esq, and eldest daughter of Thomas PHILIPPS Esq.
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