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Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1826 - 3 - July to September

Friday, July 7th 1826 – Vol 21, No. 1069


His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to appoint G.J.ROGERS, Esq. Inspector of Slave Registry, to be Registrar and Guardian of Slaves, under Ordinance of the 19th June last (No. 19), until the pleasure of his Majesty be known. Cape of Good Hope, 6th July 1826.

His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor has been pleased to permit Messrs. P.HARMSEN, and W.M.HOPLEY, Jun. to act as Sworn Translators. Cape of Good Hope, 6th July, 1826.

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COMMISSARIAT, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Town, 5th July 1826
Notice is hereby given to such Persons as may be willing to contract for the Supply of FULL RATIONS OF PROVISIONS to His Majesty’s Troops, including the Native Corps, stationed at Graham’s Town and the several detached Postss on the Frontier, from the 25th September next to the 24th December following, That sealed Tenders for the same, with reference to the Particulars hereunder expressed, specifying in figures, and in words at length, the Prices in British Money of each Full Ration, will be received by Deputy Assistant Commissary General JOHNSTONE, at his Office, Graham’s Town, until 12 o’clock on Tuesday, the 15th August next.
The Rations to be composed as follows, and the Deliveries to be made by the Contractor direct to the Troops at the several Posts, free of any extra charge.

No. 1.
Men’s Full Ration
left bracket 1lb. of Bread
1½lb. of Fresh Meat
2oz. of Flour  
right bracket English weight with the usual regulated proportions of Firewood & Candles
No. 2.
Rations consisting of
left bracket 1lb. of Bread
1lb. of Fresh Meat
right bracket No Fuel or Candles

The probable number of Rations to be supplied at each Post, the quality of the several Articles, and any other information canbe obtained on application to Deputy Assistant Commissary General JOHNSTONE.

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Arrivals in Table Bay
30th June – Gunjara, English Ship, C.OAKLEY, Master, from Maurtius 26th May, bound to this Port, cargo Wheat, Rice, Sugar and Coffee.
Passengers – Mrs. OAKLEY, Miss BRUNEAU, and Mr. Julie MANUEL
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay
2d July – Concordia, Dutch Shipe, J WILLEMS, Master, bound to Antwerp, cargo Coffee from Batavia, and Skins from this Port.

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In the English Church on Monday 3d July, by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
William Johnston, to Sarah, widow of the late R. MITCHELL


In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 30th June.
A Son of Mr. Richard Wrankmore, baptized Martinus.
In the Lutheran Church on Wednesday the 5th July.
A Son of C.A. BECKER, baptized Carl Johannes
In the English Church, at Port Elizabeth,
By the Rev. F. McCleland, A.B.
4th June – A Daughter fo T.Sadler, baptized Margaret
11th – A Son of G.D. Dissel, baptized George Daniel William
13th – A Daughter of Mr. James SWAN, District Surveyor, baptized Margaret.
18th – Two Sons and a Daughter of T. GRIFFIN, baptized Stephen William Bill, Charles Carter and Margaret.
25th – A Daughter of Jonathan CROOKS, Bombardier, Royal Artillery, baptized Amelia.


1ST July – An Infant Son of Benjamin MORGAN
2d – A Daughter of Mr. W.J. SMUTS, named Magdalena Elisabeth, aged 5 months and 4 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of John GRENGER, named Johanna Catharina, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Ditto – Johan Adam LANKHOFF, aged 33 years, 5 months and 12 days.
Ditto – Maria LOURENS, widow of the late Jacob HEUVEL, aged 75 years.



This day, 7th July, on account of Andries VAN SITTERT, a Garden House, called Klippenburg, with the Land adjoining, situate under the Lion’s Head; also, the Slave Boy named CAROLUS OF MOSAMBIQUE.

On Saturday the 8th inst. On account of Jan Hendrik BUITENDAG, a House and Premises, situate no. 69, Loop-street.

On Tuesday the 11th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following person, vis:
The insolvent estate of the late John LLOYD, a Turning Lathe and Tools, a Writing Desk, 3 Pictures, a Cupboard, and a small quantity of Ebony and Linum Vitae Wood.
Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, A.Ps. a Glass Case, Chest of Drawers, a quantity of Merchandize; also, the slaves DOLPHINA and MINA, both of this Colony.
Pieter Francois PIENAAR, the Slaves SAMPSON and WILLEM, both of the Cape.
Gert MUNNIK, Gs. 2 table, 1 dozen Mahogany Chairs, and an open Cart; also the slaves APOLLOS OF THE CAPE, coachman, and CANDASA OF THE CAPE, housemaid.

On Wednesday, the 12th inst. By the Agent at Stellenbosh,
Dirk HAMMAN, 10 Stukvats.
Andries Jacobus BURGER, the Slaves ANNA, JULINDA and JONATHAN, all OF THE CAPE.

On the same day, on account of Nicolaas Godfried HEYNS (whose estate is placed under sequestration), a Corn Farm called Ronde Kuil situate at Koeberg, with the Buildings theron, in extent 53 Morgen; also, whatever Right and Title he may have to a Piece of Quitrent Land, applied for to Government; also, a Horse, Horse Waggon, Farming Implements, and whatever may be further offered for Sale.

On Saturday the 15h Instant, by the Agent at Graaf-Reinet, on account of the Insolvent Estate of David Johannes DE VILLIERS, a Bullock Waggon complete, also a [illegible – a line or two missed here] 

[On … Instant] at the Sequestrator’s Stores , Church-square, on account of the folllowning persons, viz:
Hendrik Tobias THERON, Js. a Mahogany Bedstead, a Horse-hair Matress, 4 Pillows, a Counterpane, a Gold Repeater, with Chain, 5 Seals, and Key, and a Writing Desk.
Philip Ernst BIEL, a female Salve named CAROLINA, with her three children JAN, CARL and DANIEL.
F. KANNEMEYER, a Billiard Table.
Arthur BARKER, 50 pair strong Shoes, 20 half Hides Saddle Leather, a Mahogany Sofa, 12 Chairs, and a Silver Watch.
James LOUDON, (whos Estate is placed under Sequestration), a Counting-House Desk, a Table, an Iron Chest, 2 bags of Rice, a quantity of Gunny Bags, &c. &c.

On Thursday the 20th Instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Henry BREST, at his House, at the Town Market, the whole of his Effects, comprising Household Furniture, Glass and Earthenware, a Bathing Machine, a Shower Bath, and sundry Articles appertaining to the Bathing House.

On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account Jan Willem MAAS (whose Estate is taken under Sequestration), Household Furniture, Culinary Utensils, a Triangle with Scales and Weights, and what may be further offered for sale; further, a Plot of Ground situate in the Back-street, Tulbagh.

On Friday, the 21st instant, at 10 o’clock, on account of Cornelis VAN BAALEN, a House and Premises, situate at Walendorp.

On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons, viz: -
The Estate of the late Free Black ADAM, a Chest with Carpenter’s tools.
Jan Daniel Edzard GRIMBEEK, a Slave Boy, named ADONIS OF THE CAPE.

On Saturday the 22d instant, by the Agent at Caledon, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Willem GEERING Sen., 6 Oxen.

On Wednesday the 26th instant, on account of Henry BLATT, a House and Premises, situate No. 23, Rose-street; also, a Four-post Bedstead and Bedding complete, 6 Chairs and 3 Tables.

On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of Petrus Jacobus HUGO, a Freehold Erf, called Middelburgh, with the Buildngs thereon, situate behind Pappagaai’s Berg, near the aforesaid Village.

On Thursday the 27th instant, on account of Henry DRAY, at his house behind the Castle, Household Furniture, consisting of Mahogany [Bedsteads], Wardrobes, Dinner, Card and Pembroke Tables, Sofas, 2 Mirrors, 12 Pictures, 2 Carpets, 24 Silver Table Spoons, and 24 ditto Tea ditto.

[Sequestrator’s Office … ]




Friday, July 14th, 1826 – vol. 21, No. 1070


Sailed out of Table Bay
11th July – New Times, English Schooner, H. CLARK, Master, bound to St Helena and England.
11th July – His Majety’s Ship Samarang (28), Captain D. DUNN, bound to the Isle de France.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay
4th July – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W. McLEOD, Master, from Tabble Bay 28th June, cargo Sundries for this Port. Passengers: Messrs. LE CLUS and NIEBERG.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay
4th July – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, bound to Table Bay.
Ditto – Success, ditto Schooner, G. SMITH, Master, bound to Breede River.

In the English Church, on Monday the 10th July,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain
Mr. John TOWNSEND, to Miss Elizabeth BAUMAN.

In the English Church on Sunday the 9th July,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain
A Son of Colour-Searjeant Edward JONES, H.M. 98th Regt. Baptized Edward.
In the Reformed Church on Sunday the 9th July
A Son of M. BERGH, baptized Matthys Petrus Johannes.
A Daughter of J.L. JORSSEN, baptized Catharina Carolina Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of H.D. LANGEVELD, baptized Dina Petronella.
A Daughter of J.F. LUYT, baptized Christina Johanna.
In the Lutheran Church on Sunday the 9th July.
A Daughter of the late A.D. LAURENS, baptized Engela Johanna.

5th July – An Infant Daughter of Peter WALKERS.
9th July – Dina Johanna ABRAHAMSE, widow of the late M. LION, aged 29 years, 3 months and 18 days.
12th – A Son of F. DE SILVA, named Lazar, aged 6 days.

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NOTICE – All Persons having (any claims against the) undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:

Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, A.Ps. (placed under sequestration)
Gert MUNNIK, Gs. (placed under sequestration)

To this Office, withini the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement…
Sequestrator’s Office, July 12, 1826
V.A.SONNENBERG, Sequestrator.

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ALL Persons having any claims against the following Estates administred by th Orphan Chamber, viz:
Of the late Petrus Jacobus MARITS, G.Ss.
---- Hendrik Jacobus DE BRUYN, and surviving widow, Cecilia Johanna ROBERTS,
---- Jan BOUTHER
---- Maria Magdalena STEENKAMP, Gdr.
---- Petrus Johannes DE WIT, Ps. and surviving widow Susanna Catharina UYS,
---- Johanna Geertruyda BARNARD, and surviving husband Isaak Gerhardus THERON,
---- Elsabé Petronella VAN DER POEL, and surviving husband Henricus Wilhelm MANENBERG
---- Johan Fredrik VAN REENEN, and surviving widow Gesins VAN BLERCK,
---- Ensign George JOHNSON
---- Female Hottentot Rachel,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months form this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the above Estates are desired to discharge their respective debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution by the Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th June, 1826.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.




Friday, July 21st 1826, vol 21, no 1071

Arrivals in Table Bay.
10th July – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Algoa Bay 5th July, cargo Colonial Produce for this Port.
Passengers – Messrs. STEEDMAN, DIXON, and HAWKINS.
Ditto(10th July) – Orange Grove, English Schooner, A.BURCH, Master, from Delagoa Bay 8th June, cargo Ivory and Gum, for this Port.
Passengers – Messrs. NOURSE and NITCH.
18thGood Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, from Breede River 6th July, cargo Colonial Produce.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
16th July – Harriet, English Schooner, Jas. PALMER, Master, cargo Sundries, for Algoa Bay and St. Helena.
20thOlive Branch, English Brig, Jas. ANDERSON, Master, cargo Sundries, for London.

Arrivals in Simon’s Bay
15th July – Hon. East India Comp. Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, from St. Helena, 14th June, bound to this Port, with Empty Casks.
Passengers – D. 0’NIEL, late Solider in the H.E.I.C.S. and Felix ROWE, a Convict for New South Wales.
Ditto (15th July) – Neptune, English Ship, J. COMBERLEDGE, Master, from Madras 28th April, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs General HAWKE, Mrs. LORD and 3 children, Mrs. LUSHINGTON and 3 children, Mrs. BANNERMAN and 1 child, Mrs. GRINDLAY, Mrs. ANSELL, and Mrs. CUPPAGE; Major-General HAWKE, Lieut.-Colonel BOWLER, M.N.I. Major CROKER, H.M. 20th Regt., Lieutenant BROWN, ditto, Lieutenants PEPPERCORN, BUCHANAN, and FULLERTON, M.N.I. ; - BANNAMORE, Esq. and – GOWEN, Esq. II. C.C.S.; 21 Invalids, H.C.S., 2 children and 8 Servants.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
19th July – Britannia, English Ship, C.LAMB, Master, bount to Calcutta, cargo Coals from this Port.

Arrival in Mossel Bay.
2d July – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, John PAGAN, Master, from Table Bay 27th June, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr A. BLAND (in the Cabin), and 20 men for the Whale Fishery.

Sailed out of Mossel Bay.
10th July – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, John PAGAN, Master, bound for Port Beaufort.

Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
11th July – Flamingo, English Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, from Mauritius 17th June, cargo Sundries, for this Port and Table Bay.
Ditto (11th July) – Thomas, English Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, from Mauritius 165h June, cargo Sundries, for this Port and Table Bay.
Passengeers – Mr. WATTS. A man, named William BROWN, lost overboard on her passage to this Port.



In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 16th July.
Fredrik Gerhard SPOLANDER, widower, to Hester Petronella PRICELIUS.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
6th July – George WOOD, to Susan GARBITT.


In the English Church, on Sunday the 16th July.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting
( … missed by scan)
A Daughter of J. [ ] THOMSON, Esq. baptized Letitia [ ]
A Daughter of Mr. John ROSE, baptized Ann Harriet Eliza.
A Son of Ditto, baptized John Edwin Benjamin.
A Son of Serjeant Samuel ELLIS, H.M. 55th Regiment, baptized James.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday, the 16th July.
A Son of A. BRINK, Esq. Cs. baptized Jan Hendrik.
A Son of J.A. LAUBSCHER, baptized Johannes Albertus.
A Daughter of A.P. SMIT, baptized Hilletje Maria Jacomina.

In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday, the 16th July.
A Son of Mr. P.D. HӦHNE, baptized Jan Andries.
A Son of Mr. F.L.GAUM, baptized Johannes Sebastiaan.
A Son of P. McLACHLAN, baptized Daniel Archbald Wilhelm.
Also, an Adult Person, baptized Johanna Catharina LOUKHOFF.
On Monday, the 17th July.
A Son of Niels BECK, baptized Niels Ole.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
25th June – A Daughter of B.J. DE LANGE, baptized Anna Johanna Sophia Maria.
Ditto – A Son of W.A. VAN DEVENTER, baptized Michiel Daniel.
Ditto – A Son of S. NEL, baptized Gerrit Jacobus Daniel.
Ditto – A Daughter of F.J. VAN DYK, baptized Helena Johanna.
2nd July – A Daughter of R. EMSLIE, baptized Mary Ann.
4th - A Son of Lieutenant-Colonel SOMERSET, Commandant on the Frontier &c. &c. baptized Henry Plantagenet.
Ditto – A Son of B.M WEHINEYER, baptized Gottlieb Wilhelm Bernhard.
9th – A Daughter of Captain PAGE, baptized Sophia.
Ditto – A Son of T. WALKER, baptized William George.


12th July – Simon Hendrik DIPPING, aged 85 years.
Ditto – A Son of H.R.OOSTENDORP, named Hendrik Rudolph, aged 15 months and 4 days.
15th – Catharina Margaretha BUTGER, aged 47 years and 5 months.
17th – Daniel SHEE, aged 41 years and 5 months.
Ditto – Mrs. Aletta Cornelia SPARNBERG, aged 50 years, 11 months and 13 days.
18th – A Son of Niels BECK, named Niels, aged 2 years, 1 month, and 22 days.

At Graham’s Town.
6th July – A Son of Lieut.-Colonel SOMERSET, Commandant on the Frontier, &c. &c. named Henry Plantagent.
Ditto – Robert PRICE, late Serjeant-Major in His Majesty’s Cape Corps, aged 57 years

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On Tuesday the 25th instant, at the Sequestrator’ Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
H. Loenard STOHRER, one open Horse Wagon, two sets of Harness, one Saddle Horse with Saddle, a Bedstead and Matress, and a Table.
Pieter Francois PIENAAR, the Slaves Sampson and Willem, both of the Cape.
Henry DRAY, a Gold Watch, a Siver ditto, a Gold Watch Chain, 2 Seals, and 2 Keys.
James LOUDON, (whose Estate is placed under a Sequestration) a Saddle Horse.

On Thursday, the 27th instant, on account of Henry DRAY, at his house behind the Castle, Household Furniture, consisting in Mahogany Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Dinner, Card and Pembroke Tables, Sofas, 2 Mirrors, 12 Pictures, 2 Carpets, 24 Silver Table Spoons, and 24 ditto Dessert do.

Saturday the 29th instant, on account of John MURRAY, Js. (whose Estate is place under Sequestration) ad House and Premises, situate No. 6, Boeren-plein; also Household Furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Glass and Earthenware, Plate, Pictures, Looking-Glasses, Culinary Utensils, &c.; also the Slaves Jack of Madagascar, cook, Africa of the Cape, September, Louis and Mentor, all of Mosambique, boatmen.

On Monday the 31st instant, on account of the aforesaid John MURRAY, Js. a Plot of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situate at Green-point; also Whale Boats and Implements appertaining to the Whale Fishery.

On Thursday, the 1st August, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hs. A House Clock, a Gold Repeater, 12 Siver Table Spoons, 12 ditto do. Forks, and 4 Cows.
Michael Johannes SMUTS, a Slave Boy named Spadille of Mosambique.
Christiaan A. STORM, 12 Stinkwood Chairs, and 3 ditto Tables.
George HOFFMAN, a Slave Boy named Alexander of Bengal.
Henry DRAY, a Mahogany Chest of Drawers, a Rosewood ditto, a Horse-hair Mattress, a Feather-Bed, and Two Carpets.
Hendrik HEEGERS, 3 Gold Watches (Repeaters), 2 ditto Hunting ditto, 1 Siver ditto, 2 Gold Chains and 4 Seals, 12 Silver Table Spoons, and 12 ditto Dessert ditto.
Andries VAN SITTERT, a Slave Boy named Carolus of Mosambique.

On Wednesday the 2d August, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place Nooitgedagt, near the Eerste Rivier, at 11 o’clock, on account of Johannes HARTOG, Ps. 100 Half Aums of Lime and Fustage.

On Saturday the 5th August, on account of Gerhardus MUNNIK, Gs. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration) at the Place of Arned WAHL, near the Salt River, Household Furniture; consisting in Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bedding, Glass, Earthenware, and Culinary Utensils; also the Slaves Candace and Apollos, of the Cape.

On Monday the 7th August, by the Agent at Simon’s Town, on account of the aforesaid Gerhardus MUNNIK, Gs. A House and Premises situate at Simon’s Town.

On Wednesday the 9th August, on account of Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, A.Ps. (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration) a House and Premises situate No. 19, Long-street, also Household Furniture consisting in Tables [ … ] Case, &c. &c.

On Thursday the 10th August, at 12 o’clock, on account of John MURRAY, a House and Premises, situate No. 44, Strand-street.

On Thursday the 15th August, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of the Insolvent Estate of S.T. SMIT, the Place called Poortje, situate in the said District. The sale to take place at the Public Offices there.

Sequestrator’s Office, 19th July, 1826.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator

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Died, on the 2nd instant, after an illness of a few days, my beloved Daughter Maria Cornelia, aged 4 years and 4 months – of which severe loss I hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends.
Cradock Town, Algoa Bay, 3d July 1826.




Friday, July 28th 1826, Vol. 21, No 1072.


Arrivals in Table Bay.
23d July – Arethusa, English Bark, A. BROOKS, Master, from Newport 7th May, bound to this Port, cargo Deals and Coals.
24th – Penelope, Ditto, W. CHRISTIE, Master, from Gravesend 7th May, cargo Sundries for this Port.
Passengers – Messrs. SHUNAMAN and MACNAMARA.
Ditto (24th) – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay 14th July, for this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Michael HAYES.
26th – Thomas, English Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, from the Mauritius and Algoa Bay, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
27th – Bonavista, English Brig, Robert TOWNS, Master, from Gravesend 30th April, bound to the Mauritius, Penang, Batavia, and Singapore, cargo Sundries. Put in for water and refreshments.
Passengers – Major BARROW and two sons, Mr ONGE, Master BOGLE, and one servant.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
23d July – Ann, Coasting Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, for Algoa Bay and Port Natal, cargo Sundries.
Ditto (23d July) – Eliza Jane, English Ship, Robert HARE, Master, for the Mauritius, cargo Sundries and a few Horses.

Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
23d July – Ospray, English Ship, A. McGILL, Master, from Calcutta 24th April, bound to Liverpool, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Capt. SNODGRASS, H.M. 38th Regt. And Military Secretary to Sir Arch. CAMPBELL, bearing dispatches relative to the Peace with the Burmese; Mrs. SNODGRASS; Lieut. and Mrs. A.G. ANSON, H.M. 11th Lt. Dragoons; Mr. DARLOTTE, and one female servant.
Ditto (23d July) – Lady Nugent, English Ship, E.P. COPPIN, Master, from Calcutta 23d March, and Madras 7th May, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. THOMAS and 3 Children, Mrs. DORMER, Mr. BURKINYOUNG and 2 children; Lieut. PONSONBY, 2d Regt. B.C.; Lieut. MOFFALL (sic), 7th ditto ditto; Lieut. HUGHES, 44th B.N.I.; Lieut. ALDRITT, M.Art.; Master ALDRITT, Miss RICHIE, and 2 native Servants.
Mr. Thos. EDWARDS, Assist. Surgeon, 13th Madras Infantry, died at sea on the 14th May.
24th – His Majesty’s Ship Arachne (18), Capt. And. BAKER, from Madras 29th May, bound to England.
Passenger – Lieut. SMITH R.N. bearing Dispatches relative to the Peace with the Burmese.



In the Reformed Church on Friday, the 21st July.
By Special Licence.
Mr. Benedictus DE RONDE, to Miss Dina Elisabeth KIEGWETTER LICHTWARK.
On Suday the 23d July.
Mr. Hendrik GREEFF, sen. To Mrs. Margaretha Elisabeth DE VILLIERS, widow of the late Abraham Isaack DE VILLIERS.


In the English Church, on Sunday the 23d July,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain
A Daughter of Mr. James Luke CHURCH, baptized Ann Matilda.

Same day in the Reformed Church
A Son of Johannes Martinus ROHLANDT, baptized Daniel Jacobus.
A Daughter of Mr. Jacob Pieter Laurens CLOETE, baptized Johanna Catharina.
A Daughter of Jacobus Johannes HEYNS, baptized Barendina Carolina.
A Daughter of Arend DE WAAL, Hs. Baptized Elisabeth Margaretha.

In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday, the 23d July.
A Son of Mr. H.J. LEIBBRANDT, baptized Johan Sebastiaan.
A Daughter of Mr. R.P.J. VAN DER RIET, baptized Johanna Hendrina.
A Daughter of Mr. E.G.[LANDSBERG] baptized Elisabeth Catharina Cornelia.
On Wednesday, the 26th.
A Son of Mr. J.W.T.G. MARTIN, baptized Johan Joseph Ernst Wilhelm.
A Son of Mr. C.G. LANGERMAN, baptized George Gustaaf Christiaan.
A Son of J.G. VAN GRAAN, baptized Moses Jacobus.

In the English Church, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
16th July – A Son of Mr. George HERBERT, baptized Ewald Benedictus.



19th July – An Infant of Anna Johanna MULLER.
Ditto (19th July) – Catharina Elisabeth KRUGER, aged 65 years.
20th July – Johan Jacob GROS, aged 24 years, 7 months and 20 days.
22d July – An Infant Daughter of David Hendrik MELLET.
24th July – Sarah GOODEN, wife of James GOODEN, aged 52 years.
25th July – Caspar Claasen DYKMAN, aged 24 years 8 months and 24 days.

At Port Elizabeth.
2d July – Maria Cornelia DAMANT, second Daughter of the late Dep. Assistant Comissary-General John DAMANT, Esq. aged 4 years and 4 months.
3d – William Henry Llewellyn JONES, aged 34 years.

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Died at Uitenhage, on the 17th June, 1826, aged 63 years, 3 months and 12 days, Martha Maria FERREIRA, beloved wife of J.G. LOTTER

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Died ad 8 o’clock on Friday Evening, the 21st instant, my beloved husband, Gideon Johannes JOUBERT, aged 38 years and 15 days, much regretted – of which I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
S.C. de VILLIERS, widow G.J. JOUBERT, Ds.

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On Tuesday the 8th August, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of Christiaan A. STORM, the Slaves ACHILLES OF BATAVIA, labourer: SPATIE OF DITTO, EVA and SABINA, both OF THE CAPE.
On the same day (Wednesday the 9th August), by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of Hendrik CROUS, sen. (at the Drostday), the Slaves ADAM and SERINA OF THE CAPE, and MAY OF JAVA.
On Monday 14th August, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of Fredrik WIPPENER, a House, situate No. 14, Church-street; also a Slave Boy, named MAART.




Friday, August 4th, 1826. Vol. 21 No. 1073


Arrivals in Table Bay
28th July – Calista, English Bark, R. ROBERTSON, Master, from Gravesend 11th and the Downs 12th May, bound to this Port and Mauritius, cargo Govt. Stores and Sundries.
Passengers – A. McDONALD, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. PARROTT, and Family, Mr. O. PARROTT, Liet. J. SEARGEANT, Cape Corps, Mrs. SEARGEANT, Mr. RICHARDSON, two Women and one Child of the 49th Regiment, and one Servant.
Ditto (28th July) – Flamingo, English Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, from Mauritius 16th June, and Algoa Bay 24th July, bound to this Port, cargo Sugar, Rice and Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Lieut. MACDONALD, H.M. 55th Foot, Mr. and Mrs. HUTTON, and Family, and 2 Servant; Messrs. SILBERBAUER, KEMP, and BAHL.
31st – Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, from Port Frances 21st, and Algoa Bay 24th July, cargo Colonial Produce.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
27th July – Barbara, English Brig, P. COLLICOTT, Master, bound to St. Helena and Rio de Janeiro, cargo Wines and Sundries.
28th – Bonavista, ditto, R. TOWNS, Master, bound to the Mauritius, cargo Sundries.
31st – City of Bordeaux, ditto, J. ALEXANDER, Master, for Algoa Bay, cargo Sundries.
1st August – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, J. JARVIS, Master, for Mossel Bay and Breede River.

Sailed out of Simons’ Bay.
28th July – His Majesty’s Ship Arachne, (18), Captain And. BAIRD, bound to England, from Madras.
31st – Franklin, American Brig, C. TREADWELL, Master, bound to Portsmouth, for Orders, cargo Coffee from Padang.
1st August – Neptune, English Ship, J. CUMBERLEDGE, Master, bound to London, cargo Sundries from Madras.

Sailed from Port Beaufort.
28th July – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, John PAGAN, Master, bound to Table Bay, cargo Colonial Produce.



In the Reformed Church, on Friday, the 28th July.
Hendrik VAN ZYL, Js. to Wilhelmina Christina LOCK, widow of the late J.P. GOUS, jun.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A. on the 19th July.
John CARLISLE, Esq. of Belmont, to Catharine, eldest daughter of Thomas PHILLIPS, Esq. of Glendour.



In the English Church, on Sunday the 30th July,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A son of Mr Philip John GAUGAIN, baptized James.

In the Reformed Church on Sunday the 30th July.
A Son of Mr. F.H. TRUTER, baptized Jacob Laubscher.
A Son of J.N.J. JOONE, baptised Johan Bernard.
A Daughter of C.H. NEYHOFF, baptized Christina Johanna.

In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday, the 30th July.
A Son of Mr. F.G.E. LANDSBERG, baptized Coenraad Gabriel Cornelius.
A Daughter of R.J. HEYDENRYCH, baptized Elisabeth Magdalena.



31st July – A Son of Jacob COENRADIE, named Jonas, aged 14 months.
2d August – A Son of H. CLOETE, Esq. Ls. Named Henry Robert Josias, aged 8 years.




Friday, August 11th, 1826. Vol 21, No. 1074.


Arrived in Table Bay.
4th August – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Port Beaufort 30th July, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
3d August – Earl of Egremont, English Brig, R. JOHNSON, Master, bound to London, cargo Wines and Sundries.
4th – Mary, English Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
8th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
Ditto (8th) – Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, for Saldanha Bay and Buck Bay.
10th – Gunjava, English Ship, C. OAKLEY, Master, bound to the Mauritius, cargo Sundries and Horses.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
4th August – Lady Nugent, English Ship, E.P. COPPIN, Master, bound to London, cargo Sundries from Bengal.



In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 6th August.
Johannes Hendrik DE WAAL, to Elisabeth Maria Fredrica PAUELSEN.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
Mr. Johannes Nicolaas HAMMAN, to Miss Johanna Elisabeth Hendrica DEKENAH.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
On the 28th July.
Peter CAMPBELL, Esq. to Miss Mary Ann CUMMING.



In the English Church, on Sunday the 6th August,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A Son of Mr. Wm. HUTCHONS, baptized Edward.
A Son of Mr. R. YOUNG, baptized James William.
Two Daughters of Mr. R.T. MIDDLETON, baptized Julia Sophia, and Lucinda Caroline.
A Son of Serjeant Edward WILSON, H.M. 49th Regt., baptized James.
On Monday the 7th August.
A Daughter of C.S. PILLANS, Esq. baptized Anne Jane.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 6th August.
A Son of F.W. KELLERMAN, baptized Gabriel Eliza.
A Daughter of D. DANIELSZ, baptized Elisbeth Margaretha.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
A Son of Mr. J.D. KLINCK, baptized Johan Daniel.
A Son of Mr. R.J. DE OLIVEIRA, baptized Manuel Joäo.
A Daughter of Mr. A. AURET, baptized Jacoba Maria.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
20th July – A Daughter of Mr. Geo. McLACHLAN, baptized Isabella.
21st – A Daughter of A. DE LANGE, baptized Elisabeth.
30th – A Daughter of J.J. ROOS, baptized Anna Margaretha Johanna.
Ditto (30th) – A Son of M.J. OTTO, baptized Michiel Petrus Johannes.
Ditto (30th) – A Daughter of G.J. DELPORT, baptized Catharina Johanna Maria.



1st August – Maria Barendina STRIKKERT, widow of the late W. KAMAN, aged 56 years.
2d – Catharina Fredrica SCHWARTSENBURG, widow of the late P. HAMELING, aged 66 years, 6 months, and 6 days.
4th – James DUNN, aged 36 years.
Ditto (4th) – Albrecht Johannes HERHOLDT, aged 47 years and [8] months.
6th – Mr. Johan Fredrik SCHIKKERLING, aged 78 years, 7 months, and 25 days.
7th – A Son of Wm. WEST, named James Kingham, aged 8 months and 8 days.
9th – A Daughter of the widow Mary HAMILTON, named Mary, aged 13 years.

At Graham’s Town.
11th July – Thomas LEWIS, aged 3 months.
23d – Thomas SIMPSON, aged 18 years.

item divider

Notice is hereby given, that my respected Father-in-law, Mr. M. HOFFMAN, died on Thursday, the 3d instant, aged 77 years and 9 months.
J.J. TESSELAAR, Caledon, 5th August, 1826.

item divider

Died at Stellenbosch, on the 3d of this instant August, our much respected Mother, J.E. HAMMAN, Widow of the late Mr. J. SCHOLTZ, aged 76 years – of which painful circumstances I hereby give Noitce to Friends and Relatives.
In the name of all the Children, J. SCHOLTZ.




Friday, August 18th, 1826. Vol 21, no 1075.


Arrivals in Table Bay
August 11th – Martha, English Brig, J. DOBSON, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 14th July, bound to this Port, cargo Coffee, Tobacco, and Sundries.
14th – Sarah, English Ship, J. MILLAR, Master, from the Downs 27th May, bound to Calcutta. Put in for Refreshment.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
17th August – Lady of the Lake, English Ship, E. MARTIN, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Flamingo, English Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, bound to St. Helena.

Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
12th August – Christianshavn, Danish E.I.C. Ship, G.J. HOLM, Captain, from Copenhagen 19th April, and Kilross (in Ireland) 20th May, bound to China, cargo Sundries.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
16th August – Ospray, English Ship, A. McGILL, Master, bound to Liverpool, cargo Sundries from Bengal.



In the Reformed Church, on Monday the 14th August.
Mr. Dirk Jacobus VISSER, Js. to Miss Maria Johanna BESTER.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
3d August – Mr. John Owen SMITH, to Miss Elizabeth GILBERT.
William LACEY, to Mary Ann GOODHEAD.



In the English Church, on Sunday the 13th August,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A Son of Mr. M. MORISON, baptized George.
A Son of Mr. A. GOSLETT, baptized Jacob Sinjeur.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 13th August.
A Son of Mr. J.G. KLERCK, baptized Willem Jan.
A Son of J.A. VAN VUGT, baptized Arnoldus Johannes.
A Son of G.C. HANSLO, baptized James Gordon Therry.
A Daughter of Mr. K.N. DE KOCK, baptised Alida Maria.
A Daughter of Mr. P.D. VAN DYK, baptised Maria Anna.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
A Son of D. BEETS, baptized Johannes Christiaan.
A Daughter of Mr. A. BRINK, As. Baptized Anna Elisabeth.
A Daughter of N. BAMBERGER, baptized Aletta Sophia.
Also, one Son and three Daughters of J.G. WALENDORP, baptized Johan Georg, Christina Sophia, Maria Cornelia [ ], and [ ] Maria Elisabeth.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
7th August – A Son of Mr. Donald McDONALD, baptized Donald William.



8th August – A Son of Geo. HOFFMAN, named Daniel Christiaan aged 2 years, 2 months and 2 days.
13th – A Daughter of the late J.A. AGRON, named Johanna Charlotta, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Ditto – Mr. Johan Hendrik ROUX, aged 64 years and 4 months.
14th – A Daughter of J.E. HENDRIKSE, named Anna, aged [ ]

item divider

ABSCONDED, since the 1st of May last, a Male Slave named Hendrik, the property of the Undersigned aged about 23 years of age, 5 feet high, has a coarse voice, thick lips, high forehead, black hair, black beard, and one leg crooked; much resembles a bastard Hottentot, and is well known in the Country Districts; he took with him his clothes and bedding. – Whoever lodges him in Prison will be handsomely rewarded, and those harbouring him will be prosecuted.
Widow C. DU PLESSIS, Dg.




Friday, August 25th, 1826. Vol 21, No. 1076.


18th August – Roscoe, English Ship, J. HARGRAVES, Master, from Calcutta 27th May, bound to Liverpool, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Captain SNOW, H.M. 67th Regiment, Mrs. And Master SNOW, and Mr. GOALEN, Merchant.
23d – Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, from Buckbay 22nd instant, cargo Lime.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
21st August – Sarah, English Ship, Jas. MILLER, Master, bound to Calcutta, cargo Sundries.
22d – Penelope, English Bark, W. CHRISTIE, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
Ditto – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner J. PAGAN, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth, cargo Sundries.
23d – Martha, English Brig, J. DOBSON, Master, bound to the Knysna, in Ballast.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
19th August – Coventry, English Brig, J. PURDIE, Master, bound to the Mauritius, in Ballast.

Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
15th August – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Table Bay 4th instant, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Messrs. W. SMITH and Servant, MUNTINGH, STONE, CAREW, KNYER, ADCOCK, and 2 Hottentots.
Ditto – Ann, English Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, from Saldanha Bay 5th instant, bound to this Port and Port Natal, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. KING.
Ditto – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Table Bay 8th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs SERGEANT, Mrs. BUTTON, and Lieutenant ROBINSON.



In the English Church, on Monday the 21st August,
by th Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
Private Johnn HICKEY, Musciian His Majesty’s 49th Regt. to Sarah HUNTER.
On Tuesday the 22d ditto
Henry John MOWAT, to Dorothea Johanna Christina JANSSEN.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 20th August.
Johan Michiel LE ROES, to Christina Magdalena FICK.
Nicolas LAKE, to Johanna Aletta MEYER.



In the English Church, on Sunday 20th August,
by the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A Daugher of Mr. Robert DYASON, baptized Mary Ann.
On Wednesday the 23d ditto.
A Daughter of James Weir HOGG, Esq. Barrister at Law, and Registrar of the Supreme Court at Calcutta, baptized [Llewellyn].

[In the Reformed Church ]
A Son of J. WEIDEMAN, baptized George Harrison.
A Son of G.J. COETZEE, baptized Gerhardus Jacobus.
A Son of J.J. PENTZ, baptized Charles Henry Adriaan de Neys.

In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 20th August.
A Son of Mr. T.F. MUNNIK, baptized James Barry.



16th August – Maria Elisabeth BYL, wife of E.H.F. HOPKINS, aged 18 years, 8 months and 10 days.
21st – George SMITH, aged 32 years.
22d – A Daugher of John BRYAN, named Mary, aged 8 days.
Ditto – Gysbert Johannes SMITH, aged 28 years, 7 months and 9 days.




Friday, September 1st, 1826, Vol. XX!, no 1077


Arrivals in Table Bay
28th August – Woodburn, English Schooner, John Bevan, Master, from Falmouth 28th May, cargo Sundries, for this Port.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
24th August – Christianshavn, Danish E. I. Comp. Ship, G.T.HOL, Commander, bound to China, cargo Sundries, from Copenhagen.



In the Reformed Church, on Monday the 28th August.
Mr. Kennet Nicolaas VAN BREDA, As. To Mrs. Maria Christina TEUBES, widow of the late Mr. D. VAN BREDA, Ss.

In the Lutheran Church, on Tuesday, the 29th August.
Mr. Joseph Petrus DUSING, to Miss Carolina Catharina DILIMAN.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
15th August – Searjeant Robert WALLACE, of His Majesty’s Cape Corps, to Jane MALLET.



In the English Church, on Sunday the 27th August,
by the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A Daughter of John LITTLEFIELD, baptized Elizabeth.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 27th August.
A Daughter of L. BIEL, baptized Clara Aletta Fredrica.
A Daughter of W. JACOBSZ, baptized Anna Margaretha.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
A Daughter of E.H.F. HOPKINS, baptized Maria Elisabeth.
A Daughter of J. VAN DEN EYKEL, baptized Alida Cornelia.
On Wednesday the 30th August.
A Son of Mr. C.J. GARISCH, baptized Abraham Isaac.

In the English Church, at Port Elizabeth,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
13th August – A Son of Private Richard STONE, H.M. 55th Regiment, baptized Richard.
A Son of P.C. DARFLING, baptized Christian Fredrik.
A Daughter of D.J. STRYDOM, baptized Johanna Magdalena.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
13th August – A Daughter of W. Senior DENTON, baptized Hellen Senior.
Ditto – A Son of Mr. C. DALE, baptized Charles.



23d August – Johan George WALENDORFF, aged 41 years and 6 months.
25th – Mrs. Martha Cornelia VAN DER RIET, Widow of the late W.S. VAN RYNEVELD, Esq. aged 64 years and 1 month.
27th – A Son of C.M. OLVERWA, named Hendrik, aged 2 years and 7 months.
28th – Maryna Adriana COETZEE, wife of Wm. NEL, aged 49 years, 8 months and 18 days.

At Graham’s Town.
17th August – Mr Patrick GIBBLIN, aged 50 years.
Ditto – Margaret Ann HANCOCK, aged 14 years and 4 months.

item divider

Overleden te Swellendam, op Zaturdag den 26 dezer, den Hr. Hendrik VAN AS, Jun. in den ouderdom van ruim 54 jaren; diep betreurd door zyne Weduw, Kinderen en Vriend, J.G. BLANDKENBERG.



Friday, September 8
th 1826, Vol XX1, No. 1078


Arrivals in Table Bay.
2d September – Globe, English Brig, R. JOHNSON, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 3d August, cargo Sugar and Coffee.
3d – Reliance, English Ship, C. MAITLAND, Master, from Mauritius 23d July, bound to London, cargo Sugar.
4th – Pyramus, ditto, J. BRODIE, Master, from Bombay 21st June, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs BRODIE, Captain EDEN, His Majesty’s 6th Regiment, Captain PAUL, Lieutenants CURTOIS and PHILLIMORE, Mr CHAPLIN, Mr. PARISH, and Mr. FREEMAN, Honorable Company’s Service.
6th – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Port Elizabeth 25th Aug. for this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. FLEMMING, THOMSON, LUYT, James SHUTTLEWORTH, a prisoner, and one Free Black.
Ditto – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Port Elizabeth 25th August, cargo Colonial Produce, for this Port.
Passengers – Six men from the Whale Fishery.
Ditto – Buckbay Packet, Coasting Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, from Buckbay, cargo Lime.
7th – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, J. JARVIS, Master, from Mossel Bay 21st August, cargo Timber, for this Port.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
2d September – Roscoe, English Ship, J. HARGRAVES, Master, bound to Liverpool.
Ditto – Thames, English Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth.
4th – Calisto, English Bark, R. ROBERTSON, Master, bound to Simons’ Bay.

Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
1st September – Iberia, English Brig, P. KISTON, Master, from Monte Video 25th July, bound to this Port, in ballas, for cargo.
2d – His Majesty’s Ship Success, (28), Captain J. STRILING, from Plymouth 9th June, bound to this Port, Mauritius, and New South Wales, with Specie.
Passengers – Lieutenant STEVENS, R.M. and a reinforcement for the Ships of this Station.
Ditto – Catherine, English Ship, J. MACKINTOSH, Master, from Calcutta 4th June, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonel ROPER, H.C. 39TH N.I., Lady and 3 Children; Lieut-Col. FAGAN, H.C. 68th N.I. and 4 children; Capt. SIBBALD, 41st N.I. ; Capt. DELAFOSS, 3d batt Bengal Artillery; Capt. MACTIRE, 4th N.C. and Lady; Lieut. CHEAP, 51st N.I. ; Lieuts. WILSON and FLOOD, H.M. 13th Foot ; G. MACKINTOSH, W. SUTHERLAND, and J.G. GREIG, Esquires, and 5 Native Servants.



In the English Church, on Monday the 4th September,
by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
Thomas APPELBEE, to Harriet NELSON.
On Tuesday the 5th ditto.
Richard RUSSELL, Colour-Searjeant of his Majesty’s 55th Regiment, to Ann CROWLEY.



In the English Church, on Sunday the 3d September,
by the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial and Acting Military Chaplain.
A Son of John COACUM, Corporal H.M. 55th Regiment, baptized John.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 3d September.
A Son of Mr J.T. JURGENS, baptized Rudolph CLOETE.
A Son of Mr. J.P. SCHIKKERLING, baptized Roeland Wilhelm.
A Son of Mr. J.M. CROESER, baptized Ryno.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
A Son of Mr T.F. DREYER, baptized Thomas Fredrik.
A Son of C.F. EUVRARD, baptized Fredrik Hendrik Jacobus.
A Son of J.G. VOIGT, baptized Johan David GODLIEB.

In the English Church, at Port Elizabeth,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
On Sunday the 27th August.
Five male adult Govt. Apprentices, baptized Alexander, Francis, John, Thomas, and Diederik.
Three femail adult ditto, baptized Francina, Christina and Thirza.
An Adult Free Man of Colour, bapized Damon.
An Adult Slave Girl of Mrs. the Widow DE LA HARPE, baptized Sophia Cornelia.
Three Daughters of the above Alexander and Francina, baptized Louisa, Margaret and Clarissa.
Two Sons of ditto, baptized Henry and George.
A Son of the above Francis and Christina, baptized Francis.
A Daughter of ditto, baptized Francina.
A Male Slave of Mrs. the Widow DE LA HARPE, baptized Abraham.



1st September – A Son of J.A. VAN VUGT, named Carel Johan Jacobus, aged 2 years and 12 days.
Ditto – Johanna Magdalena EYKENSTROOM, Widow of the late J.N. KE[E]R, aged 82 years.
3d – Helen ZOON, aged 34 years and 2 months.
6th – Mrs Christina Elisabeth LEIBBRANDT, Wife of Mr. C.F. LIESCHING, aged about 26 years.

At Port Elizabeth.
21st August – A Daughter of Mr. P. TAUTE, named Sarah, aged 19 years.

item divider

NOTICE – All persons having any claims against the following Estates, administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:

Of the late

John Baptist,
Petronella Johanna VAN NIEKERK, widow of D. Jacobus ROBBERTSE, D.Js.
Fredrik Jacobus BOTHA, and surviving widow Maria Petronella VENTER.
Catharina Jacoba ENGELBRECHT, and surviving Husband Johannes Steph MEYER,
Judith RENEKE, and surviving Husband Anthony Joh. Carolus BOTHA
Stephanus Petrus NAUDÉ, and surviving widow Elizabeth Johanna MEINTJES,
Johannes Arnoldus VOSLO, and surviving Widow Johanna ROOD,
Johanna Petronella DANTU, and surviving Husband Jacobus Herm. GETZE,
Jan Fred. SCHICKERLING, and surviving Widow Maria Eliz. MOCKE,
Male Slave Christiaan,

Are here by requested to forward them … to the Orphan Chamber … within three months … on pain of deprivation of further right …
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 6th September, 1826, J.J.L.SMUTS, Sec.




Friday, September 15th, 1826. No.1079 Vol.XX1.

NOTICE – All persons having any claims against the following Estates, administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz: -
Of the late Johan BAPTIST,
- Petronella Johanna VAN NIEKERK, widow of D. Jacobus ROBBERTSE, D.Js.
- Fredrik Jacobus BOTHA, and surviving widow Maria Petronella VENTER.
- Catharina Jacoba ENGELBRECHT, and surviving Husband Johannes Steph MEYER,
- Judith RENEKE, and surviving Husband Anthony Joh. Carolus BOTHA
- Stephanus Petrus NAUDÉ, and surviving widow Elizabeth Johanna MEINTJES,
- Johannes Arnoldus VOSLO, and surviving Widow Johanna ROOD,
- John ASBEY,
- Johanna Petronella DANTU, and surviving Husband Jacobus Herm. GETZE,
- Jurgen HOLWEDA,
- Jan Fred. SCHICKERLING, and surviving Widow Maria Eliz. MOCKE,
- Male Slave Christiaan,
Are here by requested to forward them … to the Orphan Chamber … within three months … on pain of deprivation of further right …
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 6th September, 1826, J.J.L.SMUTS, Sec.

item divider


Arrival in Table Bay.
14th September – Buckbay Packet, Government Schooner C.GREEN, Master from Buck Bay 13th Instant, cargo Lime and Skins, for the Port.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
11th September – [Reliance], English ship, C. MAITLAND, Master, for London.
13thGood Intent, Coasting Schooner, J.JARVIS, Master for the Breede River, cargo Sundries.

Arrivals at Simon’s Bay.
8th September – Calista, English Bark, R.ROBERTSON, Master, from Table Bay [4th] instant, cargo Govt. Stores.
11thPeru, English Brig, J.GRAHAM, Master from Monte Video – 11th August, bound to this Port for cargo, in ballast.

Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
7th September – His Majesty’s Ship Spirit of [ ], Captain J.POLKINGHORNE, bound to the Isle of France, staying on board His Majesty’s [ ]
Ditto – Iberia, English Brig, P.KISTON, Master bound to the Knysna, in ballasts
8th – Hon. East India Company’s Schooner St. Helena, James FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, bound to Table Bay with empty Casks.
9thCatherine, English Ship, J.MACINTOSH, Master bound to St. Helena and London, cargo Sundries, from Calcutta.



In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 9th September, 1826.
By the Reverend Geo.HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain
By Special Licence.
Mr. George Macnamara BURNETT, to Miss Maria Theresa Francisca COCKBURN.

In the Reformed Church on Friday the 8th September.
By Special Licence.
Anthony HEERING, to Alida MUYTEL.



In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 10th September
A Son of J.B.BLOM, baptized Johan George Zacharias Stephanus.
A Daughter of Mr. J.D.OVERBEEK, baptized Wilhelmina Anna.
A Daughter of Mr. J.H. VOS, J.Cs. baptized Johanna Jacoba.

Same day in the Lutheran Church.
A Son of P.J.FRISLEW, baptized Christiaan Johannes.
A Daughter of Johanna Francina OBERMEYER, baptized Maria Petronella Johanna

In the English Church at Simon’s Town.
By the Rev. Geo HOUGH A.B.

10th September – A Daughter of Mr. J.[ JONES], baptized Cornelia Mary.
Ditto – A Son of Ditto, baptized William [GRIFFITH].

At Graham’s town by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
On Sunday the 27th [August ]
A Daughter of Thomas BINGLE, baptized Jane
A Son of George FUTER, baptized [Thomas ]
A Son of P.J. GREYLING, baptized [ Jan Christoffel]
On the 3rd September.
A Son of W.van der Merwe, baptized Gert Christian.
A Daughter of Mr H. LLOYD, baptized [Maria Packenham]
A Son of Ditto, baptized William.



6th September – Mrs. Elisabeth Esther DU TOIT, Wife of Mr. P.F. ROSSOUW, aged years and 5 months.
9th – An Infant Daughter of Mr. P.J. POGENPOEL

At Graham’s Town.
20th August – Mary [G y] WYATT, aged 16 months.
1st September – Fredrick William HILES, aged 61 years.
Ditto – Catherine Fitzgerald, aged 14 months and 14 days.

item divider

Died on the 16th of this instant August, my beloved Wife, Maria Elizabeth BYL, who had only attained to 18 years, 8 months, and 17 days of age. - I give this painful Notice to Friends and Relatives.
19th August, 1826
Empheus F. HOPKINS.

item divider

Died on the 22nd instant, our beloved Son, Gysbert Johannes, aged 28 years, 7 months, and 9 days, - of which we give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, August 23, 1826.
Lourens J. SMITH



Friday, September 22d, 1826. Vol XX1, No. 1080


15th September – Kate, English Brig, D.WATT, Master, from England 23d May, and St. Helena 20th August, carto a small quantity of Iron, for this Port.
Ditto – Marquis of Hastings, English Ship, Mr. MARTIN, SECOND Officer, in Command, in consequence of Capt. OSTLER being missing since the 8th Instant, - from Batavia 23rd July, and Mossel Bay 11th instant, cargo Teas and Coffee, for London.
16thRival, English Brig, G. EVENING, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 6th August, cargo Sugar and Coffee, for the Port
Passenger – Mr. PRIOR.
Ditto – Success, Coasting Schooner, Geo. SMITH, Master, from the Knysna 28th August, cargo Colonial Produce, for this Port.
19thBuckbay Packet, Government Schooner, C. GREEN, Master, from Buck Bay 18th instant, cargo Lime, for this Port.

21stEmulous, English Brig, W. WELLBANK, Master, from Mauritius 28th August, cargo Sugar and Sundries, for this Port; has on board the Mariner’s, Ben Johnson’s, and own Mail.
Passengers – J. WHEATLEY, Esq. Barrister.

Sailed out of Table Bay.
14th September- Pyramus, English Ship, J. BRODIE, Master, for London.
17thMary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, for Port Elizabeth, cargo Sundries.
19thKate, English Brig, D. WATT, Master, for Port Elizabeth, cargo Sundries.
2[0]th – St. Helena, Honorable Company’s Schooner, James FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, for St. Helena, cargo Wine.

Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
17th September – Reaper, English Bark, William BROAD, Master, from the Downs 1st July, bound to Calcutta, cargo Ordnance for the Honorable East India Company.
Passengers – Mr. J. BAKER, Miss E. BAKER, Miss M. BAKER, and one Native Servant.
20thRatcliff, English Whaler, (out of 11 months) J.COLEMAN, Master, from Delagoa Bay 30th August, bound to the West Coast, to fill up cargo, having but 600 barrels of black Oil; has put in being leaky, and lost all her anchors.
Ditto – His Majesty’s Ship Samarang, (28), Captain D. DUNN, from Mauritius 26th August, bound to this Port.



In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 17th September, 1826.
By the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of Mr. John ROWE, baptized John Saunders.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday, 17th September.
A Daughter of M. VAN EYSSEN, Cs. Catharina Alida Johanna.
A Daughter of J.P. VISSER, baptized Plantefina

In the Lutheran Church, on Friday, 15th September.
A Daughter of Mr. G. GLAESER, baptized Aletta Johanna Sophia.

On Sunday the 17th September.
Two Daughters (Twins) of Mr. J.J. ZEYLER, baptized Johanna Wilhelmina and Margaretha Catharina.
A Son of A. SPOLANDER, baptized Jan Nicolaas.



13th September – A Daughter of J.P. BERGSTROM, named Johanna Maria Elisabeth, aged 2 years and 6 months.
14th – Andries JINKEL, aged 62 years.
15th – Fredrik DE JONK, aged 37 years.
Ditto – A Daughter of J.S. LE RIES , named Hendrina Maria Elisabeth aged 2 years and 21 days.
16th – Susanna HEYDENRYCH, Widow of the late J. ROHLAND, aged 76 years and 11 months.
17th – Pieter Francois FRUY, aged 38 years and 3 days.

item divider

Run away, the boy MARKUS of MOSAMBIQUE; whoever trings him to me will receive a reward of 20 RDs.



Vol.XX1 Friday, September 29th, 1826. No. 1081.


Arrivals in Table Bay.

23rd September – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, John PAGAN, Master, from Port Elizabeth 11th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Ditto – Hetty, English Schooner, J. WILLIAMS, Master, from Gibraltar 19th July, cargo Flour and Wheat, for this Port.
25thGeorge, Coasting Sloop, G. THOMSON, Master, from Simon’s Bay, cargo Lead, for this Port.
27thMadras, English Ship, C. BEACH, Master, from London 22d July, bound to Bengal, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. ACLAND, Mrs. EBDEN and Family, Miss BIRD, Miss CAMPBELL, Miss KILBEY, Miss SYKES, and Miss HENBY; Colonel BIRD, Dr. BAILEY, DR. VERSFELD, Mr. HOHNE, and four servants, for this Place; Mrs. BEACH, Mrs FRENCH, Mrs. MCKENZIE, Miss DAYLEY, Miss CAMPBELL, and 2 Misses FRENCH; Mr. READ, H.C.S. Messrs. TULLOH, CURDEW, McCLEAN, G.FRENCH, J.FRENCH, W. FRENCH, J. EDWARDS, AND - BOYD, DR. BABINGTON, MR. McKENZIE, Merchant, and 7 Native Servants, for Bengal.
28th – Buffon, French Brig. Jos. DUCOM, Master, from Bordeaux, cargo Sundries, for Bourbon and Calcutta.
Passengers – Mr. DUSSUMIER, and Servant.

23rd September – George the Fourth. Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth, cargo Sundries.
26thMarquis of Hastings, English Ship, G. MARTIN in command, bound to London
27thArethusa, English Bark, A. BROOKS, Master, bound to Ireland, cargo Wine.

22nd September – Catherine Elizabeth, Dutch Ship, J. INGERMAN, Master, from Batavia 2d August, bound to Amsterdam, cargo Coffee and Spices.

25th September – Reaper, English Bark, W. BROAD, Master, bound to Calcutta, cargo Ordnance from London.
Ditto – Peru, English Brig. J.GRAHAM, Master, bound to Calcutta, cargo Coals, &c from this Port.
26th – His Majesty’s Ship Success, (28), Captain J. STIRLING, bound to Mauritius with Specie, and New South Wales.



In the Reformed Church, on Sunday, 24th September.
Frans Nicolaas JORDAAN, to Anna Johanna KOCK, Widow of the late P.J. LINGENFELDER.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
On the 7th September.
Alexander FORBES, to Jane THOMAS.



In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 23d September, 1826.
By the reverend GEO. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of J.W. FAIRBRIDGE, Esq. M.D. baptized Sarah Armstrong.

On Sunday the 24th September, by Ditto.
A Daughter of G.M. PEDDER, Esq. baptized Caroline.
A Daughter of Private John McGEOGH, His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Elizabeth Jane.

In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 24th September.
A Daughter of J.J. BOONZAIER, baptized Louisa Cornelia.
A Daughter of P.F. ROSSOUW, baptized Elisabeth Maria Susanna.

In the Lutheran Church on Sunday, 24th September.
A Daughter of Mr. P.J.A. RAVEN, baptized Johanna Sanetta Alida
A Daughter of Mr. H.J DE NECKER, baptized Maria Barendina.

At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
10TH September – A Son of Corporal KENNEDY, of H.M. 55th Regiment, baptized John.
Ditto – A Daughter of George FAIRCLOTH, baptized Sarah.
Ditto – A son of M.J. POTGIETER, baptized Martinus Jacobus Fredrik.
17th – A Son of A. de MEYER, baptized Jan Baptis.
Ditto – A Son of W. ELLIOT, baptized William.



22nd September – Johan Hendrik UNGEREN, aged 59 years, 7 months and 17 days.
25th – Ann BAKER, Wife of George BAKER, aged 62 years.
Ditto – Johan Seibert DORMEHL, aged 71 years and 10 months.
27th – John CONSTABLE, junior, aged 27 years, 7 months and 25 days.

At Graham’s Town.
11th September – John KENNEBY, aged 11 days.
15th – Joseph LOFTS, aged 40 years.

item divider

NOTICE – All Persons having any Claims against the following Estates, administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:
Of the late Johan Baptist DE NEGRINE
-- Petronella Johanna VAN NIEKERK, Widow of Jacobus ROBBERTSZ, D Jx
-- Fredrik Jacobus BOTHA, and surviving [widow] Maria Petronella VENTER
-- Catharina Jacoba ENGELBRECHT, and surviving husband Johannes Steph. MEYER
-- Judith RENEKE, and surviving husband [A ] Joh. Carolus BOTHA
-- Stephanus Petrus NAUDĖ, and surviving [widow] Elizabeth Johanna MEINTJES
-- Johannes Arnoldus VOSLO, and surviving [widow] Johanna ROOD
-- John ASBEY
-- Johanna Petronella DANTU, and surviving husband Jacobus Herm. GETZE
-- Jurgen HOLWEDA
-- Jan Fred. SCHICKERLING, and surviving [widow] Maria Eliz. MOCKE
are hereby requested to forward them to the Orphan Chamber …
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope
6th September, 1826. J.J.L. SMUT[S]




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