Cape Times 1882 2 April - June
ORR - On 30th March 1882 a Daughter to the wife of R B ORR at Somerset West
ECKLES - On 31st March 1882 a Daughter to the wife of P J ECKLES at Cape Town
HANSON - On 30th March 1882 a Daughter (stillborn) to the wife of H J HANSON at Cape Town
ROBERTS John Bell (in his 48th year) - on 31st March 1882 at New Brighton
CHRISTIAN Aletta (in her 88th year) (relict of late Ewan CHRISTIAN) on 31st March 1882 at Cape Town
SANGER Henry (of Dublin Ireland, and Kimberley) - on 2nd April 1882 at Cape Town
ARMSTRONG Wilhelmine Elizabeth (born BRETT) (age 49 years + 8 months + 20 days) (widow of late Frank ARMSTRONG) - on 24th March 1882 at Ceres
MORKEL - On 27th March 1882 a Son to the wife of Henry MORKEL at Somerset West
GOODMAN - On 26th March 1882 a Son to the wife of William E GOODMAN at Cape Town
SHAW - On 5th March 1882 a Son to the wife of H T SHAW at Kyloe, Beal, Northumberland, England
HEYDENRYCH - On 31st March 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Robert J HEYDENRYCH at Schmidtsberg
O'CONNOR - On 1st April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of James O'CONNOR at Cape Town
LEWIS - On 31st March 1882 a Son to the wife of E Derby LEWIS at Cape Town
WAYMOUTH - On 30th March 1882 a Son to the wife of S WAYMOUTH at Cape Town
CUTTING William Mathew (age 61 years) - on 3rd April 1882 at Papendorp
VINTCENT Maria Catherine (relict of late Joseph VINTCENT) - on 3rd April 1882 at Cape Town
ROSS William (age 30 years) - on 1st April 1882
BARRINGTON Hon. Henry Frederic A (in his 74th year) - on 25th March 1882 at Knysna
SCHAFFER John (age 8 months) (son of C SCHAFFER & G SCHAFFER) - on 1st April 1882
PILLANS Maria Stuart (age 8 years + 1 month) (daughter of Charles & Mary PILLANS) - on 29th March 1882 at Beaufort West
EDYE - On 27th March 1882 a Son to Harry Mills EDYE & R M EDYE at Riversdale
BREAKY Grace Margaret (age 2 years + 4 months) (only daughter of James BREAKY) - on 4th April 1882 at Cape Town
HAIN David Scott (age 1 year + 4 months) - on 3rd April 1882 at Cape Town
GATT Francis Ellen (age 1 year + 6 weeks) - on 31st March 1882 at Napier
THURSDAY 6th April 1882
PILGRIM - On 4th April 1882 a Daughter at Cape Town
BARTLETT - On 4th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of John BARTLETT at Cape Town
CURRAN Mary (age 53 years) (wife of W CURRAN) - - on 5th April 1882 at Cape Town
PAYNE Mrs. Ellen (age 70 years) - on 5th April 1882 at Cape Town
KLERCK - On 5th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J G KLERCK at Papendorp
LINDQUIST - On 6th april 1882 a Daughter to the wife of C J LINDQUIST at Cape Town
MARTIN Henry (of Okiep, Namaqualand) to HOSKING Alice Ann on 5th April 1882 at Cape Town
KANNEMEYER Fredrik Marien Johan (age 13 years) (son of Fredrik Carel KANNEMEYER) - on 6th April 1882 Cape Town
MAXWELL John Edward Vaughan Montague (son of John & Penelope MAXWELL) - on 4th April 1882 at Malmesbury
PETERSSEN Christine (age 1 year + 4 months) (youngest daughter of William & Mary PETERSSEN) - on 6th April at New Brighton
MONDAY 10th APRIL 1882
ALLAN - On 7th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of William ALLAN at Cape Town
LUYT Dorothea Johanna Hendrika (born SEEDORFF) (age 40 years + 8 months) (relict of late D C LUYT) - on 8th April 1882 at Cape Town
KERDEL Leendert Edward (age 2 years + 10 days) (son of J P KERDEL & M KERDEL, born WAHL) - on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town
HITZEROTH Miss Johanna Christina (in her 81st year) - on 9th April 1882
HARRISON - On 9th April 1882 a Son to the wife of A S HARRISON at Cape Town
PORTER - On 9th April 1882 a Son to the wife of P J PORTER at Cape Town
HAMILTON - On 8th April 1882 a Son to the wife of W P HAMILTON at Cape Town
BROWN John Andrew (youngest son of late J S BROWN) to RYAN Mary Ann (2nd daughter of P RYAN, of Killarney, Ireland) on 6th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
DURRANT-STEWART Charles Horace (of Dalguise, Perthshire, Scotland) to WRIGHT Mary (daughter of John WRIGHT) on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
ALLSOP Robert Cocks to BRIDGE Rosa (4th daughter of late James BRIDGE, of Ashford, Kent, England) on 10th April 1882 at Paarl
PLANK Alfred (of Marlborough, England) to HUSWICK Jane on 10th April 1882 at Cape Town
HARNES Mrs. Felida - on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town
SASMAN Atthelet Louisa (age 2 years + 11 months) - on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town
O'REILLY Kathleen Margaret (age 2 years+ 8 months) (daughter of Thomas J O'REILLY & Bessie O'REILLY) - on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town
BURNS Mrs. Emily Travers - on 7th April 1882 at Cape Town
RUSSELL Marianne (wife of Dr. J A RUSSELL) (daughter of late James WILSON) - at Woodville, Edinburgh, Scotland
DOVEY John William (of Portsmouth, England) (age 35 years) - on 8th April 1882 at Cape Town
FRASER - On 8th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Captain J FRASER
EKSTEEN John Jnr to SMITH Annie Louisa (of Malmesbury) on 10th April 1882 at Cape Town
EVANS George Herbert (age 18 months) (only son of George & Mary EVANS, late of Highbury, London, England) - on 8th April 1882 at Cape Town
THOMAS Mary Ann (age 26 years) (wife of Richary Henry THOMAS) - on 9th April 1882 at Cape Town
BINDEMANN - n 9th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of L F S BINDEMANN (dental surgeon) at Swellendam
SANDER - On 11th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J F SANDER at Cape Town
NEWMAN - On 12th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Henry NEWMAN at Cape Town
BATAILLON Jibert Noel (age 4 months) (son of H A BATAILLON & J M BATAILLON, born MARAIS) - on 11th April 1882 at Cape Town
DARIES Caroline (youngest daughter of Hendrick & Mary Ann DARIES) - on 11th April 1882 at Cape Town
McGRATH Henry Frederick (age 11 months + 9 days) (son of Thomas J McGRATH & Mary A McGRATH) - on 11th April 1882
HONEYBORNE Eileen Maud - on 9th April 1882 at Prince Albert
FRIDAY 14th APRIL 1882
BRODIE - On 12th April a Daughter to the wife of J BRODIE Jnr at Cape Town
SCANLEN - On 13th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Thomas C SCANLEN at Cape Town
GILDENHUYS Frederick Barnard to BEGLEY Elizabeth Gertrude on 11th April 1882 at Cape Town
KRONE Jesina Rachael Louisa (age 5 months + 14 days) (only daughter of Johan Philip KRONE) - on 13th April 1882
DENNING H H P - on 15th March 1882 on board RM Steamship "Conway Castle"
VAN BLOMMENSTEIN - On 13th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of D L VAN BLOMMENSTEIN at Cape Town
TAYLOR John Thomas to FREY Ellen (widow of late Henry Louis FREY) - on 13th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
McPHERSON George Campbell (of Edinburgh, Scotland) to WATTS Mary Martha (only daughter of Charles WATTS) on 12th April 1882 at Cape Town
O'SULLIVAN John Peter (of Kimberley) to HANAFEY Harriet Maria (eldest daughter of John HANAFEY) on 3rd April 1882 at DuToitspan (Special Licence)
WILSON Alexander Andrew to GRAHAM Jane Louth-Hay (2nd daughter of Robert GRAHAM) on 13th April 1882 at Cape Town
PEARSON Edward Oscar (age 18 years) (2nd son of late W T PEARSON) - on 14th April 1882 at Cape Town
WOLMARANS Charles James (age 1 year + 10 months) (only child of Peter & Minnie WOLMARANS) - on 14th April 1882 at Cape Town
QUIN William (in his 57th year) - on 12th April 1882 at Worcester
MONDAY 17th APRIL 1882
FELL - On 13th April 1882 a Son to the wife of W FELL
MOULD - On 15th April a Daughter to the wife of Daniel MOULD at Cape Town
MULLER Carl Alexander (eldest son of H A MULLER, Doctor of Philosophy, Bremen, Germany) to DREYER Catherine Maria (only daughter of Advocate DREYER) on 14th April 1882 at Cape Town
MILES Catherine (age 67 years + 4 months) (relict of late George MILES Snr) - on 15th April 1882 at Cape Town
WAVELL - On 10th March 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Captain Archibald G WAVELL at Springfield, Sandbach, Cheshire, England
HUXTER - On 15th April 1882 a Son to the wife of Edward at Ceres
THEUNISSEN - On 15th April 1882 a Son to the wife of J M THEUNISSEN at Cape Town
STEINBACK - On 17th april 1882 a Son to C STEINBACK at Castle Bridge
CURRIE - On 15th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of R CURRIE at Cape Town
BISHOP - On 15th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of F L BISHOP at Cape Town
ALEXANDER - On 16th April 1882 a Son to Mrs. John ALEXANDER at Cape Town
BURTON Margaret Elizabeth (age 5 years + 5 months) (daughter of Isaac B BURTON & Frances E BURTON) - on 15th April 1882 at Cape Town
WATKINS Charlotte Jacoba (age 3 years + 1 month) (daughterof Thomas & Mary WATKINS) - on 17th April 1882 at Cape Town
ROPER John Frederick Ralph to BRETT Wilhelmin Elizabeth (2nd daughter of James Russell BRETT) on 14th April 1882 at Worcester (Special Licence)
MAWBY Alfred Meers (3rd son of Dr. William MAWBY, of Winburg, O F S) to VAN WYK Annie Olivier (eldest daughter of late W R VAN WYK, of Clanwilliam) on 12th April 1882 at Cape Town
HUDSON Benjamin Hugh (eldest son of R D HUDSON) to RICKMAN Charlotte Mary (daughter of late John RICKMAN, of Lincoln, England) on 18th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
SCHULTZ Abraham (age 22 years) - on 18th April 1882 at Paarl
SANDENBERGH Olevia Maria (daughter of late Major R C HARKER, of Plettenberg Bay) - on 14th April 1882 at Riebeeck West
VAN BREDA - On 19th April 1882 a Son to the wife of Peter VAN BREDA at Cape Town
CURREY - On 18th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J B CURREY at Cape Town
PHILLIPS Ralph Edwin (youngest son of S PHILLIPS) to CROWDER Edith Annie (youngest daughter of Theophilus CROWDER) on 18th Aapril 1882 at Cape Town
PARK William (3rd son of Ed. Lepsett PARK, of Country Leitrim, Ireland) to THEUNISSEN Helena Wilhelmena (3rd daughter of late P THEUNISSEN) on 14th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
FRIDAY 21st APRIL 1882
DAVIDSON - On 20th April 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. Alex DAVIDSON at Cape Town
HOCKFELDEN John to B??TMAN Elizabeth Hendrika (3rd daughter ofF H B??TMAN) on 18th April 1882 at Cape Town
SAMPSON (Miss) Mary (age 73 years) ( eldest daughter of late Lieut-Colonel SAMPSON , of St Helena) - on 21st April 1882 at Cape Town
TUBB George John Pringle (age 10 years + 7 months) - at Robben Island
MONDAY 24th APRIL 1882
ECKERMANN J P to BLOMKAMP Hendrina on 17th April 1882 at Cape Town
LITTLE Marea Ann (age 36 years + 3 months + 19 days) (wife of Thomas LITTLE) - on 21st April 1882 at Waterford
MUSSON Lillian Grace (age 3 months) (daughter of Frank MUSSON) - on 22nd April 1882 at Cape Town
CHERRINGTON - On 25th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Mrs. W W CHERRINGTON at Cape Town
SOHIPPER - On 22nd April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of F SOHIPPER at Cape Town
BINGLE - On 23rd April 1882 a Son to the wife of F H BINGLE at Cape Town
FRYLINCK J R to CRUSE Annie C on 18th April 1882 at Worcester (Special Licence)
KRETZSCHMAR Frederick E (2nd son of E KRETZSCHMAR, of Verulam, Natal) to THERON Sophie (2nd daughter of T J THERON) on 12th April 1882 at Richmond, Cape Colony
SALISBURY Frank to ROWLANDS ???? (widow of late Walter ROWLANDS, of Malmesbury) on 29th March 1882 at Jacobsdal, O F S
POCOCK John Thomas (2nd son of G L POCOCK, of George) to STEYTLER Lizzie (eldest daughter of late Fred STEYTLER, of Kimberley) on 24th April 1882 at Stellenbosch
GLOYNE Harry to BUTTERWORTH Barbara (daughter of Jeremiah BUTTERWORTH) on 10th April 1882 at Cape Town
CARLTON Arthur Burning to WATERS Kathelene (widow of F WATERS) at Cape Town
KEBOE Thomas Alexander (age 48 years) - on 24th April 1882 at Cape Town
SHEATH George (of Edgebaston, Birmingham, England) - on 20th April 1882 at Cape Town
SULLIVAN - On 23rd April 1882 a Son to the wife of G SULLIVAN at Caledon
WYNER - On 24th April 1882 a Son to the wife of H WYNER at Cape Town
AGNEW - On 24th April 1882 a Son (stillborn) to the wife of J P AGNEW at Papendorp
CREED - On 23rd April 1882 a Son to the wife of Henry Lionel CREED at Cape Town
WRIGHT - On 25th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Allen WRIGHT at Cape Town
BERGH Anna Aletta Cornelia (age 14 years) (daughter of Samuel BERGH) - on 25th April 1882 at Cape Town
WALSH James (age 39 years) (brother of John WALSH) - on 24th April 1882 at Cape Town
PALMER - On 26th April 1882 a Son to the wife of J H PALMER at Cape Town
LEVY - On 24th April 1882 a Son to the wife of Alfred LEVY at Cape Town
FRIDAY 28th APRIL 1882
LOVEGROVE Fred R to DAY Alice Marie (eldest daughter of Richard DAY, late of Exeter, England) on 27th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
ELLIS Edith Constance (wife of William R ELLIS) (youngest daughter of late Henry HEWITT Snr) - on 28th April 1882 at East London
VAN BLOMMENSTEIN Hendrik (age 7 months + 19 days) (son of P H VAN BLOMMENSTEIN & A M VAN BLOMMENSTEIN, born THERON) - on 23rd April 1882 at Caledon
ZAAIMAN - On 28th April 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. Jacobus ZAAIMAN at Cape Town
PRODGERS - On 27th April 1882 a Son to the wife of E W PRODGERS at Cape Town
CARLSSON - On 27th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J H CARLSSON at Cape Town
KOTZE John Jurgen (eldest son of J J KOTZE, of Great Berg River) to TOUBES Sarah (eldest daughter of late Andries TOUBES) on 25th April 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
FLANAGAN Ellen Josephine (age 5 years + 1 month) (daughter of John FLANAGAN Jnr) - on 28th April 1882 at Cape Town
BRIGH Anne Aletta Cornelia (daughter of Saul & Sarah BRIGH) - on 22nd April 1882
VAN SITTERT Johanna Christina Elizabeth (age 3 months) (youngest daughter of A VAN SITTERT & E VAN SITTERT, born GREVE) - on 28th April 1882 at Cape Town
MONDAY 1st MAY 1882
CLOETE - On 28th April 1882 a Son to the wife of L W CLOETE at Cape Town
TUESDAY 2nd MAY 1882
ROUS - On 1st May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of William at Cape Town
WELLS - On 30th April 1882 a Son to the wife of F J WELLS
SICHEL - On 27th april 1882 a Son to the wife of G SICHEL at Cape Town
SHORT George to APSEY Ellen Mary on 19th April 1882 at Cape Town
MARAIS William Brown Rowan to MYBURGH Maria Johanna (youngest daughter of Hugo MYBURGH on 1st May 1882 at Cape Town
HYLAND James G L (eldest son of James HYLAND, of Sussex, England) to SHEPHARD Eleanor C W (2nd daughter of late Stephen SHEPHARD) on 26th April 1882 at Cape Town
NYHOFF Charles Hendrik (in his 56th year) (husband of Rosa A NYHOFF, born JANSEN) - on 30th april 1882 at Cape Town
FOX John Patrick (eldest son of Patrick FOX, of HM Customs) - on 28th April 1882 at Kimberley
BROOKER - On 1st May a Daughter to the wife of W G BROOKER at Wellington
ECKHARDT Caser (of Hamburg, Germany) to DEVENISH Sarah Caroline (daughter of late Donnel DEVENISH) on 21st April 1882 at Carnarvon
BANKS Alfred George (in his 23rd year) (son of late Richard BANKS) - on 2nd May 1882 at Cape Town
BOURHILL Lillian Christina Josephine Edmonds (in her 21st year) (wife of James Fraser BOURHILL) - on 28th April 1882 at Fraserburg
HOATH William Warrick (only child of W W L HOATH) - on 28th April 1882 at Hanover
FISHER - On 29th April 1882 a Son to the wife of Rev. F H FISHER at Mossel Bay
FLOOK - On 3rd May 1882 a Son to the wife of S FLOOK at Papendorp
BRADY - On 3rd May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J H BRADY at Cape Town
WATTS - On 3rd May 1882 a Son to the wife of Henry James WATTS at Cape Town
NOLAN Mrs. Catherine NOLAN (age 53 years) - on 2nd May 1882 at Cape Town
BUXTON Edgar William (age 2 months) (son of Edgar & Sophie BUXTON) - on 3rd May 1882 at Cape Town
EASTON Percival (infant son of James & Emma EASTON) - on 3rd May 1882
FRIDAY 5th MAY 1882
ALEXANDER - On 25th April 1882 a Daughter to the wife of G P ALEXANDER at Kimberley
FARMER - On 22nd March 1882 a Son to the wife of Reginald M FARMER at Demarara, West Indies
LE ROUX - On 4th May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. D P LE ROUX at Paarl
STANTON - On 2nd May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of H T STANTON at Worcester
ALCHIN Captain John H to PATMAN E (widow of late Henry PATMAN) on 25th April 1882 at Cape Town
TEMPLEMAN William Daniel (age 1 year + 9 months) (youngest son of Robert & Harriet TEMPLEMAN) - on 4th May 1882 at Cape Town
FENESEY Christine (age 24 years) (wife of Richard FENESEY) - on 2nd May 1882 at Kimberley
FRIBERG Ernst Theodore to CARLSSON Ida Maria (4th daughter of late J A CARLSSON, of Karlshamn, Sweden) on 4th May 1882 at Cape Town
ASHMAN Arthur de Roos (son of R ASHMAN, of Hyde Park, London, England & Brussels, Belgium) to GRAY Sylvia Margaret (daughter of James GRAY,of Somerset West) on 3rd May 1882 at Cape Town
BOWREN ???? (widow) (late of Claremont, Cape Town) - on 29th April 1882 at DuToitspan
BELL Charles Davidson (age 68 years) (formerly Surveyor-General) - on 7th April 1882 at Edinburgh, Scotland
CUTTING Elizabeth Warmington (widow of late William CUTTING) - on 1st April 1882 at Springbokfontein, Little Namaqualand
DU PLESSIS Johanna Catharina (born KRIGE) (age 26 years) - on 5th May 1882 at Paarl
MONDAY 8th MAY 1882
LOVISEUR - On 6th May 1882 a Son to Mrs. M LOVISEUR (of Bloemfontein) at Cape Town
HAMMERSLEY - On 3rd May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of A HAMMERSLEY at Kimberley
DE VILLIERS Abraham Isaak Jeremias (age 47 years) - on 6th May 1882 at Cape Town
GARLAND Marion (age 1 year + 3 months) (youngest daughter of Ernest R GARLAND & Elizabeth GARLAND) - on 6th May 1882
TUESDAY 9th MAY 1882
WATKINS - On 7th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Henry WATKINS at Cape Town
MANIKUS - On 7th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Dr. MANIKUS at Cape Town
WILMORE - On 6th May 1882 a Son to the wife of G T WILMORE at Cape Town
BROWN - On 4th may 1882 a Son to Mrs. Edmund J BROWN
VAN RENEN - On 8th May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. Seb VAN RENEN at Cape Town
SOUTHEY Captain R G to GREAVES Edith (daughter of G D GREAVES) on 25th April 1882 at Cradock
COOK Charles Edward (youngest son of late John COOK , of Teignmouth, Devon, England) to APPERLY Rosa Elizabeth (2nd daughter of David APPERLY, of Cheltenham, England) on 8th May 1882 at Cape Town
KERR William Shankland (of Ayrshire, Scotland) to HOLLOWAY Anna Maria (eldest daughter of late John Barnard HOLLOWAY) on 8th May 1882 at Cape Town
DAVIS Maria Elizabeth Ravens (in her 72nd year) (relict of late Captain James DAVIS) - on 8th May 1882 at Cape Town
JACKSON Rebecca Frances (born WEST) (wife of Edward C JACKSON) - at Cape Town
THORP John Thomas William (age 14 months + 14 days) (only son of Thomas THORP & Mary Elizabeth Martha THORP, late of Knottingley, Yorkshire, England) - on 7th May 1882 at Cape Town
STEENSMA Antoinetta Ewondina Risseeuw (age 28 years) (wife of Jan Philip STEENSMA) - on 7th May 1882 (Notice in Dutch)
BAILEY - On 8th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of M H BAILEY at Cape Town
CROLE Charles Frederick to RYAN Catherine Helen (eldest daughter of P RYAN) on 2nd May 1882 at Cape Town
RAIVIER Hester Antoinette (age 63 years) (widow of late Captain John RAIVIER) (eldest daughter of late Louis LEISCHING) - on 8th May 1882 at Cape Town
DEVENISH Thomas Anthony (age 2 months + 18 days) (infant twin of Anthony & Anna DEVENISH) - on 8th May 1882
THURSDAY 11th MAY 1882
THWAITS - On 9th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of H R THWAITS at Cape Town
HARRISON - On 9th May 1882 a Daughter (stillborn) to Mrs. J HARRISON at Cape Town
LINDUP George N to ROBERTS Rose Blanche (2nd daughter of Charles Julius ROBERTS) on 10th May 1882 at Cape Town
DIXIE Henry Bazett (age 25 years) (eldest son of late Daniel DIXIE) - on 10th May 1882 at Cape Town
RYAN Doreen Elizabeth (age 2 1/2 months) (daughter of Surgeon-Major RYAN) - on 9th May 1882
FRIDAY 12th MAY 1882
WADMAN Frederick (of Bristol, England) to CUTTING Nellie (daughter of late W CUTTING) on 6th May 1882 (Special Licence)
FRAHM Arthur Christian (age 3 years) (2nd son of David FRAHM) - on 11th May 1882 (surviving his older brother by only 6 weeks)
SATURDAY 13th MAY 1882
BUIRSKI - On 11th May 1882 a Son to the wife of A BUIRSKI at Swellendam
McGREGOR Robert (of Glasgow, Scotland) to JONES Elizabeth (of Southampton, England) on 6th May 1882 at Cape Town
RATTRAY James Jnr to DURING Maria Johanna on 12th May 1882 at Robertson
DEMPERS Herman Johan (Attorney of Caledon) to LOUW Hester Anne (3rd daughter of late Hendrik LOUW) on 10th May 1882 at Paarl (Special Licence)
SOREY Christina Johanna (born HOLTMAN) (age 46 years) (wife of George SOREY)
HILLIARD Jane Myers (relict of late George HILLIARD) - on 12th May 1882 at Cape Town
DODD Edward William (age 63 years) - on 12th May 1882 at Cape Town
PAINE Nicholas (age 20 years)
GOLDSWORTHY George Harper (4th son of Major-General GOLDSWORTHY, of Madras Army) - on 5th February 1882 - drowned at Lake Heron
MILLER Hugh Edmund (age 3 years) (son of Charles MILLER) - on 6th May 1882 at Cape Town
MONDAY 15th MAY 1882
DUMINY - On 12th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Van H DUMINY at Cape Town
PALMER - On 3rd May 1882 a Son (stillborn) to the wife of Richard PALMER at Papendorp
SAWYER Henry Nicholas - on 7th May 1882 at Riversdale
TUESDAY 16th MAY 1882
SWAIN - On 12th May 1882 a Son to the wife of W E SWAIN at Cape Town
FORREST - On 10th May 1882 a Son (stillborn) to the wife of John FORREST at Cape Town
AURET - On 10th May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. J G AURET at Victoria West
CORRIGAN Elizabeth Ann (in her 55th year) (wife of William CORRIGAN Snr) - on 14th May 1882 at Cape Town
HOUSTON Phoebe (in her 63rd year) (relict of late William HOUSTON) - on 15th May 1882 at Cape Town
ROOS Paul Francis (youngest son of T J ROOS) - on 15th May 1882 at Cape Town
DENISON Frank (of London, England) (age 46 years) - on 15th May 1882 at Cape Town
LOMAS Alice E (age 19 years) (youngest daughter of Henry & Margaret LOMAS, of Liverpool, England) - on 11th May 1882 at Beaufort West
KLEYN - On 8th May 1882 a Son to the wife of W J F KLEYN at Caledon
STEGMANN - On 14th May 1882 a Son to Mrs. J A STEGMANN at Cape Town
MONTJOLE - On 15th May 1882 a Son to the wife of J Winter MONTJOLE at Cape Town
WARD - On 16th May 1882 a Son to the wife of E C R WARD at Cape Town
CRUTCHLEY William Caius to MATHEW ???? (only daughter of Felton MATHEW) on 16th May 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
WOLFF Leo to BEST Adelaid Milford (youngest daughter of Rev. BEST) on 3rd May 1882 at Victoria West (Special Licence)
BALLARD John to AVERY Ellen (widow) on 16th May 1882 at Cape Town
MOBSBY Percy Alfred Sinclair (age 6 months + 7 days) (only son of Herbert Sinclair MOBSBY - on 15th May 1882 at Cape Town
THURSDAY 18th MAY 1882
SHEASBY - On 14th May 1882 a Son to the wife of W F SHEASBY at Cape Town
PAINE - On 16th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of John Menelaus PAINE at Cape Town
SATURDAY 20th MAY 1882
DUCKETT - On 16th May 1882 a Son to the wife of C J DUCKETT at Darling
GRELIET - On 18th May 1882 a Son to the wife of A GRELIET at Kimberley
CHAMPION Margaret (age 36 years) (wife of Frederick Augustus CHAMPION - on 18th May 1882 at Cape Town
WILSON Ellen Jeanette ( age 3 years + 9 months) (daughter of Duncan + Charlotte WILSON, of BeaufortWest) - on 15th May 1882 at Prince Albert
AUSTIN Martha (age 9 months + 3 days) (only daughter of William & Mary AUSTIN) - on 18th May 1882 at New Brighton
MONDAY 22nd MAY 1882
KOTZE Petrus Johannes to ROESCH Ann on 20th May 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
CARTER Jansen Frederick (age 23 years + 9 months + 9 days) - on 20th May 1882 at Cape Town
RICHERT Frederik Andries Heinrich (age 23 years + 9 months) (son of ????, born STEENSMA) - on 21st May 1882 at Cape Town
TUESDAY 23rd MAY 1882
SOLOMON - On 20th May 1882 a Son to the wife of Henry SOLOMON at Cape Town
GUEST - On 16th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of W J GUEST at George Toen
HAMMOND - On 21st May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of William HAMMOND at Cape Town
RINES - On 21st May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of William RINES at Cape Town
HERBERT - On 22nd May 1882 a Son (stillborn) to the wife of C J HERBERT at Cape Town
STOKES William to SEARLE Sophia Christina Wells (widow ofd late O SEARLE) on 20th May 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
QUICK Edgar Arthur (age 3 years) (Son of E L QUICK & M E QUICK) - on 21st May 1882 at Cape Town
GALE Mrs. Rebecca (age 63 years) - on 21st May 1882 at Cape Town
KUBE Johan Andreas Christiaan (age 5 months) ( son of D W KUBE & MM KUBE, born BRUKMAN) - on 20th May 1882 (Notice in Dutch)
KNIGHT William (eldest son of late James KNIGHT, of Leicestershire, England) to MARTIN Annie Louisa (only daughter of late John Fletcher MARTIN) on 23rd May 1882 at Cape Town
SYM Sarah Limont (widow of late Dr. G SYM) - on 21st April 1882 at Edinburgh, Scotland
THURSDAY 25th MAY 1882
TAYLOR Mary Jane - on 23rd May 1882 at Cape Town
FRIDAY 26th MAY 1882
LUDOLF Louis Paul Ronald Alexis (of Port Elizabeth) to CROSS Jane Arabella (of Porterville) on 23rd May 1882 at Cape Town
KIRSTEN Johanna Cornelia (age 71 years + 1 month) (widow of late Diederik Franco KIRSTEN) - on 25th May 1882 at Cape Town
WELCH Katie (youngest daughter of W WELCH & E A WELCH) - on 25th May 1882 at Cape Town
SATURDAY 27th MAY 1882
FAIRLEY Henry (of Edinburgh, Scotland) to MOFFAT Lizzie (eldest daughter of D MOFFAT, of Airdrie, Scotland) on 18th May 1882 at Kimberley
HILL Thomas (in his 39th year) - on 26th May 1882 at Cape Town
MODALL Jeanie (age 3 years) - on 25th May 1882 at Cape Town
SYMONDS Reginald William (age 5 months + 19 days) (only son of Francis & Amelia SYMONDS) - on 22nd May 1882
SNOWBALL Sally (age 15 months) (youngest daughter of J T SNOWBALL & Roseinna SNOWBALL) - on 26th May 1882 at Cape Town
BERGTHIEL Caroline (age 4 years) - on 26th May 1882 at Cape Town
MONDAY 29th MAY 1882
JANSEN Peter (age 24 years) - on 25th May 1882 at Beaufort West
HONEY Eric Herbert Grey (age 18 months) (youngest son of John William HONEY) - on 23rd May 1882 at Grahamstown
BOSENBERG Ernest Henry (age 18 months) (youngest son of Dr. BOSENBERG) - at D'urban, Cape
TUESDAY 30th MAY 1882
BOYD - On 27th May 1882 a Son at Cape Town
CHADWICK Albert Davidson (5th son of late Samuel, of Hornsey, Middlesex, England) to FOTHERINGHAM Ann MacDonald (eldest daughter of Alexander FOTHERINGHAM, of Cheshire, England) on 25th May 1882 at Cape Town
SPIERS George to BECK Johanna Wilhelmina (youngest daughter of late Adriaan BECK) on 22nd May 1882 at Cape Town
COPLAND Alexander to HAMILTON Rebecca (daughter of John HAMILTON, of Glasgow, Scotland) on 27th May 1882 at Cape Town
CLOETE Robert Graham (youngest son of late Judy CLOETE) - on 28th May 1882 at Cape Town
VAN LANN Gilbert (youngest son of Henry & Emily VAN LANN) - on 26th May 1882
BROWN Edmund Percival (age 23 days) (son of Edward & Mary BROWN) - on 27th May 1882 at Cape Town
McCALL Jane Bunting (age 3 years) (daughter of John McCALL & Mary Jane McCALL) - on 26th May 1882 at Cape Town
DICKSON Jane White (age 1 year + 11 months) (daughter of David & Jane DICKSON) - on 20th May 1882 at Cape Town
GAIN Mary Ann (age 45 years) (relict of late George GAIN) - on 29th May 1882 at Cape Town
HOWDEN Louisa Matilda (age 35 years + 10 months) (wife of W HOWDEN) (youngest daughter of late Dr. FRAENKEL, of Worcester) - on 27th May 1882 at Humansdorp
FELIX Abraham Josevus (in his 50th year) - on 26th May 1882 at Cape Town
MUNSON - On 21st May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. W G MUNSON at Calvinia
NICOLAY - On 20th May 1882 a Son to the wife of Hugo NICOLAY at Cape Town
ERNTZEN - On 29th May 1882 a Son to Mrs. H S ERNTZEN at Cape Town
FISHER - On 31st May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of A M FISHER at Cape Town
CHEESMAN - On 28th May 1882 a Son to the wife of Dr. George E A CHEESMAN at Wellington
POEZYN William A H to BENTO Johanna C J (eldest daughter of late Jose BENTO) on 31st May 1882 at Cape Town
ARNOLD Sarah Johanna Wilhelmina (age 64 years) (wife of James ARNOLD) - at Cape Town
FRIDAY 2nd JUNE 1882
MARTIENSSEN - On 1st June 1882 a Son to the wife of Abraham MARTIENSSEN at Cape Town
THOMPSON - On 30th May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. H THOMPSON at Cape Town
SLABBER - On 30th May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. T C SLABBER at Cape Town
TEEPE - On 31st May 1882 a Son to the wife of T P TEEPE at Cape Town
SIVEWRIGHT - on 24th May 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Frank SIVEWRIGHT at Upton Park, Essex, England
AMYOT - On 1st June 1882 a Son to the wife of A T AMYOT at Cape Town
RYAN Sarah Eliza Henrietta (born RUTTER) (age 38 years) (wife of Charles H RYAN) - on 1st June 1882 at Cape Town
SOUTHALL Ellen (in her 31st year) (wife of William SOUTHALL) - on 1st June 1882 at Cape Town
MURISON - On 1st June 1882 a Son (stillborn) (wife of Alex MURISON Jnr) at Cape Town
SCHERLICH - On 2nd June 1882 Twin Sons to the wife of A SCHERLICH
RUTTER - On 31st May 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. James RUTTER at Castle Bridge
MANSON - On 21stMay 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. W G MANSON at Calvinia
MONDAY 5th JUNE 1882
KNOX Alexander (of Glasgow, Scotland) to GARDENER Jeanie (youngest daughter of late Matthew GARDENER, of Glasgow, Scotland) on 1st June 1882 at Cape Town
BOWDEN Louisa Mathilda (wife of William BOWDEN) - on 27th May 1882 at Humansdorp
BACK Ann Mary (wife of Thomas BACK) - on 7th May 1882 at Clapham, England
DÜK - On 4th June 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. C DÜK at Malmesbury
JOSEPH - On 5th June 1882 a Son to the wife of H W JOSEPH at Cape Town
LYNDHURST Emma Mary (age 14 months) (only child of Ernest & Elizabeth LYNDHURST) - on 5th June 1882 at Cape Town
MOORSHEAD William (age 13 months) (2nd son of S MOORSHEAD & E MOORSHEAD) - on 29th May 1882 at Cape Town
ABBITT Robert Alexander Davis (age 2 years + 6 months) (youngest son of T ABBITT & E ABBITT, born LAUBSCHER) - on 3rd June 1882 at Cape Town
VAN DER MERWE Ellie (born MEIRING) (age 45 years + 9 months) (wife of R P VAN DER MERWE) - on 20th May 1882 at Hex River
KLYNSMITH Johann Andrew (age 51 years) (husband of M KLYNSMITH, born HENNEKE) - on 3rd June 1882 at Cape Town
WILLRIS Algenon (of Kimberley) (in his 50th year) - on 4th June 1882 at Cape Town
WARE James (of DuToitspan) (age 27 years) - on 6th June 1882 at Kimberley
BATEZAT - On 7th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of H BATEZAT at Cape Town
LOYNES - On 5th June 1882 a Son to the wife of A T LOYNES at Cape Town
DE KORTE Benedictus to VALE Fanny (eldest daughter of W F VALE, of Bayswater, London, England) on 7th June 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
FALKINER Doran Hayes (age 4 months + 10 days) (son of Dr. T F FALKINER) - on 7th June 1882 at Cape Town
ADRIAANZEN Georgina Mary (age 23 years) (wife of Jan Josephus ADRIAANZEN) - on 8th June 1882 at Cape Town
FRIDAY 9th JUNE 1882
JOHNSTON Margaret Jane (age 36 years + 8 months) (wife of David JOHNSTON) - on 7th June 1882 at Cape Town
MULLER Julia Willemenha (age 60 years) (relict of late John Nicholas MULLER) - on 7th June 1882 at Cape Town
LOUW William Christian Thomas (age 4 months) (son of A H M LOUW) - on 8th June 1882 at Cape Town
BROWNE - On 8th June 1882 a Daughter to Mrs. W G BROWNE at Cape Town
BOVELL - On 9th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of W L BOVELL at Cape Town
CALDER - A Son to the wife of S CALDER at Cape Town
LOVE Henry N (of Kimberley) to HOPKIRK Margaret (2nd daughter of late James HOPKIRK) on 9th June 1882 (Special Licence)
SCHMIDT Fredrica Elizabeth (age 80 years) (sister of J WEBB & D WEBB) - on 9th June 1882 at Cape Town
ARNOLD Nellie (age 6 years) (daughter of O ARNOLD) - on 13th May 1882 (on passage to England)
MONDAY 12th JUNE 1882
TAYLOR - On 8th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Duncan TAYLOR at Cape Town
HACKER - On 10th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of Rev. W J HACKER at Cape Town
RUSSELL Alexander (of Kimberley, late of Edinburgh, Scotland) to EARLY Elizabeth (daughter of Thomas EARLY, of Edinburgh, Scotland) on 9th June 1882 at Cape Town
BEYERS Hendrik Phillipus - at Paarl
TUESDAY 13th JUNE 1882
BAILEY - On 10th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of G BAILEY at Cape Town
CLARK - On 11th June 1882 a Son to the wife of John CLARK at Cape Town
MILLS Fred Ernest (of Kimberley) to BROWN Sarah Jane (2nd daughter of Stephen BROWN, of London, England) on 10th June 1882 (Special Licence)
FLACK Edmund Johnson (eldest surviving son of late Joseph FLACK) to ELTON Clara Edith (youngest daughter of John ELTON) on 7th June 1882 at Cape Town
KOTZE Susanna Maria (eldest daughter of P J KOTZE) - on 12th June 1882 at Cape Town
CRANKO William Justavus (age 54 years) - on 11th June 1882 at Cape Town
EDWARDS Kensington (age 57 years) (husband of M EDWARDS, born KEYTER) - on 11th June 1882
WILKINS John - on 12th June 1882 at Cape Town
LARKIN John Thomas (age 29 years) - at Wellington
MILLER - On 13th June 1882 a Son to the wife of Emmanuel MILLER at Cape Town
RODOLF Samuel (age 70 years) (President of Cape Town Hebrew congregation) - on 14th June1882 at Cape Town
DOVETON May Beatrice (born 22nd May 1881) (daughter of L DOVETON & R DOVETON) - on 13th June 1882
FRIDAY 16th JUNE 1882
GLENNIE - On 15th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of W G GLENNIE at Cape Town
COUSINS Herbert James to SMITH Louisa Adelaide on 13th June 1882 (Special Licence)
BRETT Francix Russell (age 80 years) - on 9th June 1882 at Grootfontein
DARTER Winifred Mabel (infant daughter of George & Emma DARTER) - on 14th June 1882 at Cape Town
ALLMAN Francis Edward (of Piquetberg) (2nd son of G ALLMAN, of George Town) to KNOX Jessie (youngest daughter of late John KNOX) on 15th June 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
MONDAY 19th JUNE 1882
HERTSLET - On 16th June 1882 a Son to the wife of Percy HERTSLET at Port Elizabeth
CAIRNCROSS Ronald Graham Thompson (age 9 1/2 years) (son of Charles & Agnes CAIRNCROSS, of Kimberley) - on 16th June 1882 at Stellenbosch
TUESDAY 20th JUNE 1882
SHORT William to GRAY Helen (eldest daughter of late James GRAY, of Swellendam) on 13th June 1882 at Cape Town
BOND Charles Alfred (of Worcester) to TAYLOR Susan Henrietta (4th daughter of late Thomas TAYLOR), of Swellendam) on 14th June1882 at Cape Town
MAGEE Harry Walter Patrick (only son of Patrick & Nena MAGEE) - on 17th June 1882 at Cape Town
VINTCENT William Allen Thomas (in his 6th year) (son of William R D VINTCENT) - on 19th June 1882 at Cape Town
GIBBS Captain F N (of East London) to PARKER Sara (youngest daughter of G F PARKER) on 14th June 1882 at Durban, Natal
FULTON Sarah Victoria ("De Angelis") (wife of John FULTON) - on 20th June 1882 at Cape Town
BÖSENBERG Rene Julien (infant son of C J BÖSENBERG & C H BÖSENBERG) - on 18th June 1882 at Cape Town
MOCKE - On 20th June 1882 a Son to the wife of F P J MOCKE at Cape Town
FRIDAY 23rd JUNE 1882
COLDREY Fred Aspin to FALCK Gertruida Susanna on 20th June 1882 at Swellendam
KLERASS Margaret (born 5th July 1870 - age 11 years + 11 months + 15 days) (2nd eldest daughter of Mrs. KLERASS, of Germany) - on 23rd June 1882 at Cape Town
PAINE Maria Petronella Francina Pfeiffer (age 69 years) (relict of late Henry Augustus PAINE - on 23rd June 1882 at Cape Town
MONDAY 26th JUNE 1882
RITCHIE William (Classical Professor at SA College) to JEROME Emily Kate (only daughter of J JEROME, of Portsmouth, England) on 23rd June 1882 at Cape Town
COLLIER James to LILLIS Isabella on 22nd June 1882 at Cape Town (Special Licence)
WENTZEL William Joseph (age 6 years) (son of L W WENTZEL & C W WENTZEL) - on 24th June 1882
TUESDAY 27th JUNE 1882
TURNER - On 22nd June 1882 a Daughter to thwife of Samuel J TURNER at Cape Town
PAGE - On 26th June 1882 a Son to the wife of H S PAGE at Cape Town
HILL - On 21st June 1882 a Son to the wife of F T HILL at Cape Town
BOYLSON - On 25th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of W BOYLSON at Cape Town
P???HOUSE Edward (of Gravesend, Kent, England) to MURRAY Isabella Abernethy (youngest surviving daughter of late William MURRAY) on 13th June 1882 at KingWilliamsTown (Special Licence)
SMITH William (of Sussex, England) to HAYBITTEL M A Harris (eldest daughter of W HAYBITTEL)
VAN SITTERT S C to BENNETT Julia Maria (eldest daughter of Thomas BENNETT) on 26th June 1882 at Cape Town
McLOUGLAN Patrick (in his 47th year) - on 23rd June 1882 at Oudtshoorn
SCHOLTZ - On 27th June 1882 a Son to the wife of Dan L SCHOLTZ at Cape Town
SMITH Edwin (age 66 years) - at Beaufort West
DALLAS Jessie Seymour (age 8 months) (daughter of Seymour DALLAS & Gertrude Wynne DALLAS) - on 27th June 1882 at Cape Town
SOUTHALL Maude Alice (age 5 weeks) (daughter of William SOUTHALL & late Emma SOUTHALL) - on 27th June 1882 at Papendorp
DEAL - On 21st June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of J H DEAL at Kimberley
STANFORD - On 18th June 1882 a Daughter to the wife of F STANFORD at Cape Town
HOLLAND Mary (in her 70th year) (relict of late Thomas HOLLAND) - on 20th June 1882 at Cape Town
DE ROOS Sophia Fredrichs (wife of L DE ROOS) - on 28th June 1882 at Cape Town
SCHICKERLING Jacobus Arnold (son of widow J F SCHICKERLING) - on 20th June 1882 at Fauresmith, O F S
FRIDAY 30th JUNE 1882
McASKELL - On 28th June 1882 a Son To the wife of N McASKELL at Cape Town
BATTS - On 29th June 1882 a Daughter to Rev. H J BATTS at Port Elizabeth
TATLOW George Garnett (3rd son of John G TATLOW, of Dublin, Ireland) to CHRISTIE Jean Dalgetty (2nd daughter of late Dr. James C CHRISTIE) on 27th June 1882 at Cape Town
BYRNE Denis (eldest son of Patrick BYRNE, of Koeberg) to BUTLER Kathrine (of Uitenhage) on 26th June 1882 at Kimberley
HOPLEY William Musgrove (eldest son of F H HOPLEY, of Burghersdorp) to VAN DER BYL Annie (eldest daughter of late John VAN DER BYL) on 29th June 1882 at Cape Town
REDELINGHUYS Johannes Hermanus (in his 75th year) - on 29th June 1882 at Cape Town
CHADWICH Ada Mary (age 25 years) (wife of George J CHADWICH) - on 28th June 1882 at Darling
DOUGLESS Marion Constance (age 3 years + 6 months) (youngest daughter of M DOUGLESS) - on 22nd June 1882 at Beaufort West
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