Daily News 2012 11 November
2 November 2012
BAND Pamela & Mike a daughter * 1 Nov 2012 in Sydney, Australia. Grandchild for Harriet & Geoffrey LONDON .Also congratulations from aunt Lorna and great-grandfather Joe SHARIRO.
JANSEN VAN VUUREN nee SCHLEBUSH Kitty announce the engagement of her daughter Sueney DE BRUIN to Jean MARAIS.
DUFF R G M (Jane) 19 Feb 1918 ----27 Oct 2012.
FANN Patricia + 30 Oct 2012. Mother of Tracy, Fonnly and granny of Erin.
HENDRICKS Warren + 29 Oct 2012. Son ,Brother and Uncle. Dad , Rodney, Keyah, Cheryl, Rhonda ,nieces and nephews. Requiem Mass on 3 Nov 2012 at 10am at Our Lady Help Christian Catholic Church Landsdowne. Private cremation.; Brother ,brothe-in-law and uncle of Cheryl, Colin, Elton and Joel.
McWILLIAMS Francis (Frank).+28 Oct 2012 in his sleep. He was married twice. Both times they died before he did. He was a Greek and Jew. Father of Linda, Mike, Helly and Jerry, their spouses Frank, Francis, Tony and Fiona. Grandfather of Warre, Melly, Chris, Nick, Matto, Nicky, Amy and Fergie. Great-grandfather of Tris.
MORKEL Basil + 30 Oct 2012. Brother of Selwyn, Maureen , children and grandchildren.
ROSEMAN Charles. Father and grandfather of Steven, Linda, Dean, Romy and Kim KANTOR; Father and grandfather of Steve, Gaby, Danielle and Adam ROSEMAN; Father of Michael and grandfather of Vicky and Stephanie L.A.
SCHURLINK Rosalie. Final farewell on 5 Nov 2012 at 10 am at Cachet N.G.Church Primrose Germiston. Private cremation. Service in Sign language (Afrikaans ) with interpretation into English.
SYMON Dr Israel (Sonny) 1915 ---2012. Passed away at age 97 years. Husband, father and grandfather. Wife Pauline, Rodney and Barbara, Bernard & Arlene, Glenda & Gavin. Grandfather of Russell, Lara and Sara.
TIMMERMAN nee STARREVELD (Annie-Ester ) Anke + 29 Oct 2012 in Cape Town. Now with Frits and Harry. Our Mother ,Oma and Omel. Behoude vaart en goede wacht! Robert, Marianne, Dieter, Sue, Ingrid and Warren and our Jackson. Service at DOVES Bellville on 7 Nov 2012 at 10am. RSVP Robert @ 082 670 6840.
WHITE Vera + 29 Oct 2012. Condolences to Mary, Tony ,Myles and families. From Joan & Neville TAPSON, Russell, Michele and René.
AULD Alice Muriel ID 250208 0037 08 1 + 27 Feb 2010 of 22 Hoogvorst Rd, Hatton Estate Pinetown. ESTATE No. 8922/2010/PMB. FULLER & COMPANY 29 Maryvale Rd, Westville.
DUVENAGE Anna Catharina Margaretha ID 250122 0005 08 1 + 25 Dec 2011 of 20 Riverglades Soofie Saheb Drive, Durban North 4051. ESTATE No. 303/2012 DBN. J.A.DUVENHAGE P.O.Box 50371 Musgrave, 4062.
JAGAYSOR Laluk ID 510104 5139 08 7 + 1 April 2012 x Tharamathie JAGAYSOR ID 570416 0099 08 3 in community of property. Address at 136 Lawnhaven Ave, Foresthaven Phoenix KZN. ESTATE No. 6345/2012/PMB. ABDULLA & KALICHARAN 28 Beaconsfield Street, Office No 6, Dundee 3000. REF:-Mr. Kalicharan/Est:J/N.
MIOSIC Ivan ID 110308 5020 00 7 + 6 Oct 2012 of 421 Queen Elizabeth Ave, Manor Gardens Durban 4001. ESTATE No. 9615/2012 PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL P.O.Box 11800, Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 031 3328622. REF:-I.MIOSIC.
NGCOBO Dumile Oswald ID 660818 5374 08 3 + 29 Nov 2009. No Address. ESTATE No. 4020/2010. MAHES ATTORNEYS P.O.Box 22434 Glenashley 4022. TEL:- 031 5645154
Sabitha (aka Sabitha NANKOO aka Sabitha KOWLAS ) ID 440805 0492 08 2 + 2 Nov 2011 of 12 Cliffbury Place, Eastbury , Phoenix. ESTATE No. 11324/2012. THORRINGTON-SMITH & SILVER P.O.Box 2773 Durban ,4000.
CARLYLE Arthur Alton ID 431112 5050 08 5 No further details. ESTATE No. 1588/12/DBN. FRABCOIS MEDALIE & COMPANY 2nd Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Rd Pinetown 3610. TEL:- 031 702 4315.
KEYSER Elizabeth Ann ID 300822 0065 08 0 + 14 July 2010 of 9 Finnemore Place Bluff, Durban 4052. ESTATE No. 15436/2010/PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800, Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 031 332 8622.
KIDD Norma Edith Jean ID 250310 0172 18 9 + 31 Jan 2010 of Newlands Harare, Zimbabwe. ESTATE No. 10521/2011/PMB. FULLER & COMPANY 29 Maryvale Road, Westville 3630.
SIBISI Henry Bonginkosi ID 720628 5621 08 8 + 25 Nov 2009 of 1301 Kwamakhutha, Amanzimtoti 4126 x Claudia MAKHANYA ID 750123 0272 08 0. ESTATE No. 18418/09/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS PO.Box 1434 Durban 4001. TEL:-031 3011582.
5 November 2012
COZENS Ladragh (Lads) + 25 Oct 2012 . Love to Cameron, Jamie, Frances and Michael. Love from Duncan, Corinne and Nicole.
DU PLESSIS Elizabeth Magdalena 6 Dec 1923 -----1 Nov 2012 in Malvern, Mother, Grand and greatgrandmother. Memorial at the NG Kerk Malvern at 11 am. (no date given)
FRENCH Daphine Lorraine 11 Oct 1940 ---- + 31 Oct 2012. Memorial at Mtunzini Methodist Church on 7 Nov 2012 at 11 am. DOVES 0860025500.
LEACH Abigail Eleanor + 29 Oct 2012 (Murdered) in Sydenham Lodge. She was 48 years. Married to Dominic DALAIS and has 3 children. [WEEKLY GAZETTE 1 Nov 2012]
LEE Rosina Salomina 29 Sept 1921 ------30 Oct 2012. Mother of Delyse, Paul and Janet. Nan to Sharna, Graham, Nicole and Jonathan. Great gran of Alex. Goodbye Gypsy Rose LEE.
OLIPHANT Danny +30 Oct 2012 (Padongeluk) op ouderdom 56 jaar x Rachel. Pa van 5 dogters en 3 seuns en het 11 kleinkinders. Ongeluk op die Weskuspad naby Silwerstroomstrand -afdraaipad. Gewese ANC-parlementslid. Gedenkdiens 5 Nov 2012 by Westfleur/Avondale -burgersentrum in Atlantis om 18:30nm. [RAPPORT 4 Nov 2012]
PAPENFUS Rufus + 30 Oct 2012 in Louis Leipoldt Hospitaal in Bellville. Hy was 'n potprenttekenaar van die Burger. Word oorleef deur 'n dogter, 'n kleindogter en 'n agterkleindogter. Word Saterdag uit NG Kerk Monte Viste begrawe. [ RAPPORT 4 Nov 2012]
SENEKAL Priscilla + 1 Nov 2012. Verassingsdiens op 6 Nov 2012 om 10vm vanuit NG Kerk Fynnlands Gemeente. Ingesit deur AVBOB 031 2061831.
SOKOLIC Margaret + 2 Nov 2012 x F SOKOLIC . From Michael, Jackie and family (Windsor).
VORSTER June Kathleen. 2 Aug 1943 -----2 Nov 2012. Sister of Dawn, Joy and David.; Mother of Daryl x Diane , grandmother of Trevor, Bradley and Alex; We will remember you from Edward, Bob, Clinton, Tanya, Demi-Lee, Blake and family. On reques no memorial.
DANIELS Joyce Edna. 19 years gone now. Mother of Clive, Denise, Trevor and Kerri-Leigh.
GIBBS Russell (Russ)27 June 1961 -----5 Nov 2007 in accident.
GRANT ERSKINE. Missed by Roy, Tracey, Hamish & Jamie, by Rachael, Tania, Illa and 8 nephews & nieces.
KRUGER Desmond + 5 Nov 1993 . Miss you son from Dad & Mom.
RABIE Deon 18 Nov 1957-----3 Nov 2011 . Our Son, brother,husband and father. From Tinkie and Alta.
STOLTENKAMP Desmond .7 years gone now.Always remembered by Ros. Father of Lonese, Avie, Kevin, Meryl, Heidi, Albra, Craig & Aroon; Also remembered by Leith, Jared, Kieran, Tanielle, Kyron, Matthew, Christy, Aziz and Adam.
6 November 2012
FRASER MACKAY Carryn ,a son, - Grant would have been so proud. Brother to Neil. 2nd grandson for Norman & Noeleen.
GOLDBERG / DIAMOND Oliver & Andy a son * 2 Nov 2012 in London. Grandchild for Peter & Audrey, Gerald & Ashna. Great-grandchild for Gitta and Anne.
KISTAN Suveera 6 Nov 2012 . Happy Birhday . 12 years today. Daughter of Nadira's . Sister of Dilip, Sunil, Renuka and Sandhya.
HORNSEY / MEYER Kirsty and Deon is engaged.
APELGREN Eric Edgar " Chummy Mjobe" 26 May 1930 -----31 Oct 2012 x Margaret Linic APELGREN nee KING. Father of Lenin, Louise, George, Cecily, Greta, Patricia, David, Janet, Eric, Penelope, Belinda, Adrian, Carl and Gail. Son of George & Patricia APELGREN (deceased). Brother of Oswald, Brian and Doris MAMET. Funeral 7 Nov 2012 at Christ The King Catholic Church
Wentworth 12 noon. Burial at 2pm at Stellawood Cemetery.
BASILICO Antonio (Mastrantonio). Sympathy to MARIANO Family, Paolantonio, Renate, Gianni, Maurizio and families. Remembered by Tony & Maria DI CILLO.
BAXSTER Pamela Jane 2 Aug 1972 -----2 Nov 2012. Jungest daughter of Alan & Ann.; Remembered by Dawn, Leon and Hannah; Sister of Lynne.
COOPER Valerie Joan 13 Sept 1931 ------2 Nov 2012 of Ballito and resident at Chelsea Village Retirement Home. Mother of Wendy ,Linda and Bruce. Memorial at Queensburgh Assembly of God on 9 Nov 2012 at 11 am. MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 709 2142.
COULL Brian Charles 30 Aug 1946 ----2 Nov 2012. Husband, father and grandfather. Memorial at Kearsney College Botha's Hill on 7 Nov 2012 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
CROUCH Brian 15 Feb 1948 -----5 Nov 2012. Husband, father and grandpa. From Linda, Bruce, and Tammy, Mandi and Darren, Peyton and Jessica.
EVANS Sheila 6 April 1938 ----2 Nov 2012. Mother of Gwyn & Athol, Kate & Chris, Steve & Cindy. Grandmother of Faye, Mandy, Michael, Angela, Jeremy, Shanna and Taryn. Funeral at St Lukes Anglican Church Howick on 9 Nov 2012 at 10am.
GERTENBACH William (Chucles) 29 Nov 1948 -----5 Nov 2012 x Carole. Father of Jamie and Stepfather to Paul. Memorial at St Elizabeth's Church Westville on 12 Nov 2012 at 10:30am.
GOVENDER Vijan + 24 Oct 2012. (40 years) Branch Manager of Cullin Africa. Married to Sharyn.Father to Dhiristi, Leisha, Kirthi. Only son of Daddy. Brother of Vijie and Cindie. 16th Day Memorial on 7 Nov 2012 at 7pm at Wyebank Funeral Parlour Chatsworh.
HENDRICKS Warren. Condolences to family from Heidi & Vincent (Thailand) and Rowan of Hazendal.
HOOPER Dr Dolfie. 9 July 1927 ----3 Nov 2012. Memorial at St Thomas Church Musgrave Rd at 2:30 pm on 8 Nov 2012.
JOUBERT-DE VILLIERS nee DACOMB Ada Emma . 19 Oct 1925 ----3 Nov 2012 x Charles. Mother of Carl and Lewin. Memorial at Glenhaven Frere Rd, Durban on 8 Nov 2012 at 12 noon.
KOTZEE Irma. Mother of Carissa. Condolences from Captain, Management, Memberes and Staff at Royal Durban Golf Club.
KUHN (TILBURY nee JAMIESON) Ruth Annette 19 Dec 1929 ------3 Nov 2012. Mother of Jann and Andrew, Chris and Gay. Gran Gran and Nan to Rochelle, Caryn and Kayle. Great-granny to Farryn.
LINDSAY nee WOOLNOUGH Nora Kathleen 17 June 1918 -----4 Nov 2012. Widow of Ralph and Mac McKENNA. Mother of Lynette and Renee. Aunt to Denise. Mother-in-law of Paul and Iain. Grandmother "Gigs" of Robert, Carolyn, John and Nicola. Great-grandmother of Tyler, Ewan, Brandon, Ethan and Andrew. Memorial by Tabor Hall ,Mooi Hawens Winkelspruit op 7 Nov 2012 at 11 am. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423.
MILLS Graham Victor 1 Oct 1936 ------1 Nov 2012 x Rosemunde. Father to Denise, Tracy and Linda. Father -in-law of Trevor, Kevin and Kevin. Grandfather of Michelle, Caitlyn, Andrea, Kieran, Jordan and Erin. Funeral at St Joseph's Catholic Church Durban at 11am on 6 Nov 2012 .
MILOS Iolanda + 4 Nov 2012 x + Nino. Mother of Claudio and Doreen. Grandmother of Clayton. Great-grandmother of Casey.
MOLVER Trevor 28 Aug 1942 ----2 Nov 2012. "Molly" to Joy, his wife. Father, grandfather, great-grandfather and brother. Memorial at Bluff Methodist Church on 8 Nov 2012 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
RAPHAELY Dawn + 3 Nov 2012 in Cape Town . Sympathy to Steve, Peta, Pippa and Claudia. Niece and cousin of Clare BAECHER, Shelley MEDWIN, Lili, Reiner and Max HEINSLE; Cousin of Estelle TAITZ and Joan RICHTER and families.
SICELO Roger Mbonami + 4 Nov 2012 at KGV Hospitial . Raymond-Manny ald all your friends.
STEVENS Francis + 4 Nov 2012. Brother of Wendy. Private cremation.
TIMMERMAN nee STARREVELD Anke (Annie-Esther ) + 29 Oct 2012 in Cape Town.
VAN MIDDELKOOP Ans + 4 Nov 2012 at Caister Lodge at age 90 years. Mother, grandmother, great-grandmother of Marian & Martin, Annemieka, Irene, Erika and Derek en Kiersten, Gavin and Roger.
WALKER Neville x Emma . Father of Mark and + Russell. Father-in-law of Samantha. Grandfather of Jade and Thomas. Funeral at German Lutheran Church New Germany on 10 Nov 2012 at 10am. Tea after service in Hall. Donations at Altersheim Frail Centre. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.
NORRIS nee BRAUNS Dorothy (Dotty). 4 years gone now. Mother,
mother-in-law and grandmother of Nina, Estelle and families.
PILLAY Elizabeth. 2 years gone now.Mssed by Milly and the PILLAY family.
7 November 2012
DEACON Clive 20 Nov 1971 ----31 Oct 2012. Missed by his son Kyle, wife Simone ,sister Rene, brother-in-law Roger and dad Aubrey.
EVANS Les + 5 Nov 2012 x Brenda for 40 years. Father of Kerry and Wayne. Father-in-law of Fabio and Faye. Grandfather of Blake, Tatum, Rogan and Luca. Memorial on 7 Nov 2012 at 11am at Bet David Morningside.
FALCONER Una Florence + 3 Nov 2012 . RIP from Craig, Janine, Siemon, Crystal, Jodie , Casey, Jann, Abbygail and Nikita.
HARRISON John Gifford + 3 Nov 2012.Father of Marc and Caelene.
KUHN Ruannette Kuhn (TILBURY nee JAMIESON. Service at St Agnes Church Kloof on 9 Nov 2012 at 2:30pm. DOVES 0860025500.
MCMANUS Daniel 6 Jan 1961 ----3 Nov 2012 x + Joy. Father and grandfather Nicey, Will & Monica. Service at the Hope Chapel Northfield Methodist Benoni on 9 Nov 2012 at 10am.
8 November 2012
GOLDBERG /DIAMOND Oliver & Andy a son * 2 Nov 2012 in London. Grandchild for Peter & Audrey, Gerald & Ashna. Greatgrandchild for Gitta and Anne.
TROSKOLANSKI TSCHUDIN Francoise & Jurek announces engagement of their daughter Sophie to Alain, son of Marcelle & Alain.
WATT-PRINGLE /THORN Peter x Lois on 8 Nov 1952 at Holy Trinity Church Kokstad. Officiated by Archdeacon Hugh PRINGLE. Peter & Lois now reside at Amberfield Retirement Village, Howick.
ALBERTYN Debra Sharon (Debbie) of Austerville . Mother of Mellissa, Russell and Sharlaine and Granny. Sister of Violet, Pansy, Trevor and Lloyd. Funeral on 10 Nov 2012 at 11:30am at Christ The King Catholic Church. Cremation private. CENTRAL Funeral Services 031 8361440.
BAIJNATH Ralton . Son of Myren & Glorianne BAIJNATH of Umzinto. Grandson of Mr & Mrs B BAIJNATH and + Mr & Mrs A.M JOSEPH. Of Umkomaas. Funeral on 8 Nov 2012 at 3pm at Scottburgh Cemetery. Body will lie in state at Umzinto Christian Ministries Church from 12pm ---13h00. 14:30 to Scottburgh Cemetry. UMZINTO Funerals 039 9741600.
BIELEFELDT Gerhard Ernst (Plankie) + 4 Nov 2012 x Cathrina . Father of Roland, Zelda, Cheryldene, Fallon. Brothers, sisters and grandchildren. DOVES 0860025500.
GERTENBACH William (Chuckles) 29 Nov 1948 ---5 Nov 2012 x Carole. Father of Jamie, stepfather to Paul. Memorial at St Elizabeth's Church Westville on 12 Nov 2012 at 10:30 am.
HEPBURN Wilfred David (Tolla) 7 Sept 1952 -----7 Nov 2012 (Tragic)
KRAMER Boundy + 6 Nov 2012 x Carol vir 47 year. Father to Trevor, Colette,
Diane and Jody. Grandfather to Celeste and Kerryn. Great-grandfather to
Jessica and Benjamin.
LATILLA Natalie 27 Sept 1944 ----6 Nov 2012.Now with Dad. Mom and granny of Debbie, Paul and Patrick; Sister, Mom , Aunt and grandmother. Sister of Karen,daughters Lindi, Gina, Cindy and Debbie. Niece and nephew Lea, Brandon and Keegan. Granny of Gareth, Ashley, Patrick, Shannon and Daniel. Memorial at Tarentaal, Rand Aid on 8 Nov 2012 at 1pm.
MILLER Edward George . Brother of Mavis STEWARTY and + Fred MILLER. Uncle to Ian , Jane and Mark STEWART.
MISSELBROOK Olga 19 June 1916 -----6 Nov 2012 at age 96 years. Mother of Peter. Mother-in-law of Merrilyn.Grandmother of Guy, Stephanie, Adrian, Sherri-Lyn and Simon. Great-grandmother of 10. DOVES Bellville 021 9485531.
MURPHY John James + 3 Nov 2012. No Church Service .Cremation private. AVBOB
031 2061831.
NAIDOO Sungree x Dr VR NAIDOO. Mother of Sue, Deena, Shamala and Kuben. Daughter-in-law Ruby and Monisha. Granny of Jamie, Anika, Naren, Danurshan and Piara. Funeral on 9 Nov 2012 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 11---1pm.
NAIR PP (Arthur) + 5 Nov 2012 at age 82 years x Gladys. Father of Kenneth, Neville, Jessie and Arlene. Funeral at St Annes Catholic Church Sydenham on 9 Nov 2012 at 10:30am.
PEACOCK Sarah Jane 11 Nov 1963 ----2 Nov 2012. Sister of Helen. Aunt to Sean and Nicholas. Memorial at Randburg Baptist Church on 10 Nov 2012 at 14h00 pm.
PIETERSE Mauritz (Mo) + 5 Nov 2012 in Australia. Son of Geraldine. Mauritz came from Nelspruit before going to New Zealand and then Australia. He died of dihydration (Daily News correspondent and Daily Mail.)
RIDGWAY Glenn Melville (Ginty) 27 Oct 1922 ----5 Nov 2012 x Gladys. Father of Marilyn, + Doug and Charles. Father-in-law of Gill. Grand and greatgrandfather. Brother to Lyall. AVBOB 031 2061831
RICHARD Maurice Lewis x + Lorraine RICHARD. Dad of Shayne, Prishima, Ryan, Leevani. Grandfather of Brayden. Son of Imelda DRANE and brother of Leslie. Requiem Mass at St Anthony's Catholic Church Greyville on 10 Nov 2012 at 11am. Thereafter to Stellawood Crematorium.
SMITH Harold Vernon + 3 Nov 2012 . Memorial on 14 Nov 2012 at Sweet Waters Church Winkelspruit, Amanzimtoti at 0945am. Conducted by Pastor RYAN. AVBOB 031 2061831.
STEENHUISEN Dallas Eppe 5 Feb 1946 ----4 Nov 2012 . Brother we miss you. Memorial at St Winfreds Methodiste Church Amanzimtoti on 9 Nov 2012 at 2pm. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423.
TONKIN Mavis .Of Rose Village , Roosevelt Park. Memorial at Trinity Methodist Church on 8 Nov 2012 at 14h00 pm.
WILSON Keith David. Celebration of his life at The Lion's Clubhouse Durban North on 9 Nov 2012 at 3pm.
BULLOCK Myra 7 Feb 1943 -----8 Nov 2010. Sister to Arnold, and Yvonne. Mother to Robert.
HOHLS (RETIEF) Cecilia . Wife, Mother of daughters, and family of Lynette, Basil, Monica, Paul, Sonja, Travis, Justin/ Sam, Shaun/Shell, Richard/Candice , Brendan, Matthew/Elaine and Daniel.
SINGH Janak (Jay) 15 Aug 1948 ----8 Nov 2004. Husband, father and grandfather.
SOICHER Wally . 2 years gone now. X Monica. Dad we miss you from the SOICHER family.
9 November 2012
BAYVEL Phillipa Jane 21 May 1975 ----5 Nov 2012 . Celebration of her life on 12 Nov 2012 at St Mungos Church in Bryanston at 11am.
BENECKE Jeanette 15 Dec 1943 ----30 Oct 2012 Tragically taken . From Debbie and Kerry. TEL:- Debbie 0828478518 .
DEACON Clive 20 Nov 1971 ----31 Oct 2012. Missed by his son Kyle, wife Simone, sister Rene, brother-in-law Roger and dad Aubrey.
HIRST nee VAN DER VYVER Faith Valerie + 29 Oct 2012. Fay will be mourned and missed by Farrow, Fred, Cheryl, Lukas, Hannah and Emma. Memorial Service will be hold. Cremation private.
MOODLEY Lenny x Kathy. Brother of Tony, Benny,Savie and Sheila. Funeral 9 Nov 2012 . Body wil lie in State at Ghandis Hill Temple Hall from 12:30 ---3:15 pm .Thereafter proceeding to Tongaat Crematorium for cremation at 4pm.
BATOHI Sewcharan ID 181127 5049 08 7 + 19 Aug 2012 of 10 Spencer Rd, Clair Estate Durban 4091 . ESTATE No. 15765/2012/DBN VEDESH S BATOHI 10 Spencer Rd Clare Estate Durban. TEL:- 031 2691227.
FRIER Gert Jacobus ID 260907 5046 08 2 + 8 Dec 2011 of 185 Marine Drive, Bluff. ESTATE No.7271/12/DBN . THE SOLUTION GROUP VA NAIDOO-EXECUTOR PO BOX 10085 , Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 0827615075 / 031 3682468
MATHAPELO MABINDISA ID 661122 0901 08 4 + 5 Oct 2007 of 18 Wright Place Glenmore, Durban. ESTATE No. 4210/2012/DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS P.O.Box 3350 Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 301 3333
DRAKE Malcolm Richard ID 290210 5100 18 9 + 23 Aug 2010 of " A Place in the Country", Lilydale Farm , Ixopo KZN. ESTATE No 16994/2010/DBN. R.C DRAKE PO Box 202, Umgeni Park 4098. TEL:- 031 263 2515
GREENHAM Eleanor ID 270103 0048 08 7 + 5 March 2012 of 17 Broadlands 105 Waterkant Road, Durban North. ESTATE No. 2666/2012/PMB. CHRIS GREENHAM P.O.Box 4708, La Lucia Ridge 4019. TEL:- 0824545007
ISAACS Ada Bertha Elenore ID 220611 0162 08 9 + 23 Jan 2012 of 17 Cornelius Rd, Sydenham, Durban. ESTATE No 5886/ 2012 DBN . ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTOR DATIVE 121 Helen Joseph Rd, Glenwood Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 2028173.
MASON Constance Mary ID 301206 0029 08 1 + 4 April 2012 of 5 Hazelmont, 15 Toledo Ave, Durban KZN. ESTATE No 6827/2012/DBN. SHARON MARGARET EMMERICH P.O.Box 35653 Northway 4065. TEL:- 031 5638176
ZONDI Dlamandlakhe Jetrom ID 430810 5217 08 0 + none x Khathazile Hilda ZONDI ID 420930 0206 08 6 of No Address. ESTATE No 477/2012 DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN 3rd Floor, 397 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. POBox 3350 Durban 4001. TEL:-031 301 3333.
15 November 2012
FORD-LANCASTER Adam & Kerri a daughter. 1st Grand daughter for Debbie & Sutton FLEETWOOD.
MEYER Chris & Paula a boy Benjamin * 12 Nov 2012 . Brother for William and James.
SHERWOOD -KLOSS Brad & Jody a boy. Grandchild for Digby and Melanie, Jenny and Spanky. Great-grandchild for Fay.
JARRATT BRANDON Happy Birthday.Brother of Bryce and Chelsea. From Mum and Dad.
AITKIN Michael and Manuel & Yvonne MORTE announce engagement of Julia-Anne AITKIN and Jonathan MORTE.
SHEFTS Hilton. Unveiling of the tombstone on 25 Nov 2012 at 11am at Jewish Westpark Cemetery.
BADENHORST nee AVN DRAU Daphne Maureen Millicent 2 April 1921----11 Nov 2012. Mom of Maureen, Wally, Val and Carla.
EDMUNDS John Gwillym 26 Aug 1940 ---13 Nov 2012. Husband, father and grandfather. Requiem Mass at St Joseph's Catholic Church Richmond on 16 Nov 2012 at 12 noon. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
HAW trevor Robin Chatterton 25 July 1948 ----11 Nov 2012. Husband, father, and grandfather. Memorial at Westville Methodist Church on 16 Nov 2012 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
JACKIE GRANDEMANGE 14 June 1957 ----8 Nov 2012 x Margaret-Anne. Father of Michael and Catherine died in Mauritius.
MATTHEW BRIAN ALLANSON + 11 Nov 2012 x Doreen.Father of Glen. Brother of Shell, John and families.
MEYER Elizabeth + 11 Nov 2012. Funeral at St James Anglican Church Morningside Durban at 2pm at 16 Nov 2012.
STOFFELS Brenton Christopher. Service at Assumption Catholic Parish Umbilo on 17 Nov 2012 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
SIRPUTH Reethlall. Memorial at 309 Crestbrook Drive Brookdale Phoenix on 16/17/18 Nov 2012. Missed by SIRPUTH,MAHARAJ, PREMRAJ families.
THOMPSON Inez Margaret 3 April 1918 -----9 Nov 2012.Memorial at Berea Congregational Church Musgrave Rd on 16 Nov 2012.
JOHNSON nee DICKS Agnes Elizabeth (Betty) 26 July 1941 ----15 Nov 2011 From you sisters and families.
LANDZANAKIS Manoli. Happy Birthday. From Yiayia, Papou and Nono.
LEE Dennis 17 Nov 1927 ----15 Nov 2011.From your beloved Val and families. Dad of Brett, Debs , Jodi and Mia.
OVERALL Beryl Irene 27 Oct 1925 ----15 Nov 2007. Mother of David. ;Mom of Maggie.
SLADE Ron +15 Nov 1995. From your daughter Rhonda.
16 November 2012
VAN ZYL nee PRINGLE Earl & Josie twins Christian and Abigail * 14 Nov 2012 in Cape Town. Love from great-gran, oupa and ouma, uncle and aunt, Casey-Lee and Ethan.
JOFFE Elana x Bernard JOFFE. Long life to you from Partners and Staff of Wertheim BECKER.
RAUTENBACH Hetty + 14 Nov 2012. Condolences to Antionette, Urwin and family. Peter, Lesley and Staff of Heinrich Mann.
ROTHBART Alice + 13 Nov 2012 .Sister-in-law and aunt to Lily, Rosanne, Linky. Sympathy to Michael, Sandra and Leon.
HEUVEL Ninah Leigh-Anne 22 Sept 1985 ----17 Nov 2006. From Mom Doreen, Dad Bev. Sister to Craig, Ryan and saughter-in-law of Verna , Nicki and grandson Zack.
TURNER (Tilly) B.D 7 years now. Missed by Gerald, Barbara, and Robert, Loren & Jon, Craig and Tali.
MUNISAMY Narainiamah ID 510715 0107 08 2 + 22 Nov 2011 of 22 Shellford Place Sunford Phoenix. ESTATE No. 17441/2012 DBN.
RAMAI Jayaram ID 290605 5084 08 7 + 13 July 2012 of 22 Henrietta Street, Gandinagar Tongaat 4400. s/spouce Rohnee RAMAI ID 400412 0116 08 0 . ESTATE No 17267/2012 . GARACH & GARACH PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.
CASSIM Sofja Bibi ID 320725 0221 08 0 + 28 Aug 2006 of 66 Fernham Drive, Redfern, Phoenix. ESTATE No. 14608/2007/DBN. L.A.KHAN ATTORNEYS Suite 118 Queen City, 54 Queen Street Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3055075.
DU TOIT Ralph Vivian ID 340501 5064 8 08 7 (1 to many no) + 1 April 2009 of 22 Nqutu Rd, Hillcrest S/spouce Meryl Ann DU TOIT ID 411124 0056 08 6 ESTATE No 6974/2009. ANDREW PEENS & ASSOCIATES 209 Cowey Rd, Morningside, Durban.
FITZGERALD Jane Gladswood ID 391124 0029 08 7 + none of no adress ESTATE No. 10722/2008. D T CAMPBELL PO Box 707 Rondebosch Cape Town 7701. TEL:- 021 6715874.
SANKAR Munesar ID 350121 5051 08 1 + 13 Oct 2011 of 25 Falcon Street, Kharwastan Chatsworth S/spouce Maya Devi SANKAR ID 410523 0042 08 0 ESTATE No. 2387/2012 DBN. GARACH & GARACH PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.
WEBSTER Lee Campbell ID 700509 5041 08 5 of 6 Meyer Close, New Germany 3610. ESTATE No. 9636/2012 DBN. SUBHASH MAHARAJ AND COMPANY 322 Florence Nightingale Drive , Westcliff. Chatsworth 4092
19 November 2012
BOWDEN Gary 18 Feb 1972 ----16 Nov 2012.(suddenly) Son and brother. Love Mom, Dad, Lester and Jenna.
BUTLER Cynthia Gwendoline 16 Aug 1921 ---13 Nov 2012. Wife, Mother, gran and great-granny. From Ronnie BUTLER and family.
CAWOOD Barrett. Son of Billy & Brenda. Brother of Gary and Megan. Stepson of Carol and brother-in-law of Angela. Uncle of Nichole. Funeral at OAKLEIGH Chapel Presbury Pietermaritzburg on 20 Nov 2012 at 11am.
DEMPSTER Patrick Lyndon 11 Mei 1931 ----15 Nov 2012 x Margaret. Father, grandfather of Shirley, Graham & Felicity, Jane, Michael, Emma, Matthew, Megan, Nick, Paige and Jonathan. Memorial at Parktown North Methodist Church, Parktown North on19 Nov 2012 at 12 noon.
FLANDERS Eileen 17 June 1922 ----16 Nov 2012 x + Tommy. Mother of Lorraine, David & Judy. Grand and Great-grandmother. Memorial on 20 Nov 2012 at Overport Memorial Congregational Church North Ridge Rd. Time:- 3pm.
GILLIS Paul 1 Feb 1925 ---16 Nov 2012 .Funeral on Sunday 18 Nov 2012 at 1pm at Pinelands Jewish Cemetery.
LILIENFIELD Elizabeth Justitia 14 Dec 1918 ----15 Nov 2012 peacefully. DOVES 0860025500.
McDOWALL John Edward + 15 Nov 2012. Father of Darin. TEL:- Darin at 082978 4260.
MUNRO Elna . Sister of Joan, Mike and family.
VAN DER MERWE Danie. Condolences to family from Gay SHUTTE and family.
VIEIRA Constantina 15 Aug 1924 ----9 Nov 2012. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at St Patricks Catholic Church La Rochelle on 19 Nov 2012 at 10am.
WILSKUT Charlene and Neo (cousins aged 2 and 3 years) + 17 Nov 2012. Locked themselves in an old car and fell asleep at +/- 12:30 . Discovered at 2:30pm . Temp ouside 36 ° C. It happened in Zeerust, North West. BOTHO MOLOSANKWE.
MAGHNATH NUNDLALL 19 Nov 1941 -----16 March 2010 x Basanthi. Thinking of you on your birthday. From wife, children and grandchildren.
WARMAN Mark . 24 years gone now. Love from Mom, Dad, Hylton, Louise, Anthony, Jennifer, Ann and Craig.
McARTHUR Don. Joan, Lauren, Ross want to thank all for Cards, phone calls and messages and food during the loss of Don.
20 November 2012
RAATH / FOXCROFT Rowan & Mary-Lyn a girl Rachael Sage * 19 Nov 2012 at Genesis Clinic Sandton.
MARCUS Barry John . Unveiling of tombstone on 19 Nov 2012 at 12 noon. TEL:- 011 6403332.
ABRAHAMS Tracy . Condolences to family with the loss of their daughter Tracy from VAN DER MERWE, DE WET, FONTUIN Families.
ABRAHAMSE Tracey-Lee 15 Feb 1982 -----17 Nov 2012. Daughter of Clive & Pati. Sister to Justin, Maylene and James. Grand daughter of Gordon & Valda. Requiem Mass at St Pius Lympleigh Rd, Plumstead. No flowers. Private cremation.
EVA Captain Neville Bernard x Charlene. Father of Ashton and Dale. Funeral at The N.G Church Escombe at 10am. Cremation Private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
FEUILHERADE Mike. Father and Granfather from Nick, Lisa, Matt and Luke in heaven. ; Friend and old Colleague. From Graham, Deborah FISH and Management and Staff at Glodina Towels (Dano Textile Industries.)
GREEN George Wilkinson (Wilkie) 15 March 1926 -----16 Nov 2012. Memorial at The Nazareth House Chapel South Ridge Rd Glenwood on 30 Nov 2012 at 11 am. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
HAYWOOD Hettie 9 Jan 1923 -----18 Nov 2012 . Geliefde Ma, Ouma, Grootouma, Sussie en tannie. Liefde van Philip, Tersia, Simone', Jean-Pierre, Kirsty, Cyanne en familie, Begrafnis Woensdag 21 Nov 2012 vanaf N.G.Moeder Gemeente Pinetown om 15:30nm . MARTINS Pinetown 031 7092142.
MELTZER Jessie 11 Jan 1930 -----18 Nov 2012. Mother of Stephen, Mark. Morher-in-law toJean and Debbie. Granny of Nicola and Natasha.
MERAND VERDUN 15 Oct 1920 -----18 Nov 2012 Brother-in-law and uncle of Hally, Gwen, Denise and Linda.
MINNIE nee PORTLOCK Sandra Lesley + 18 Nov 2012. Mother of Brett, Wendy and Bianca. Granny of Shae.
OLIVIER nee RADFORD Marlene 9 March 1939 ----16 Nov 2012. Sister to Ivan and Brian. Mother to Keith, Jenny and Tony; Garyand Stefni; Michael and Susan; Granny and great-granny.
PALIEM Scheila 17 Jan 1943 ----18 Nov 2012 x Nadesan. Mother of Lana, Leslie, Mellanie and Idris. Mother-in-law and grandmother. Funeral on 21 Nov 2012. Body will lie in state at 10 Arbenhome Crescent, Arena Park Chatsworth from 10am ----11:30am. Proceeding to Shekinah Temple, Chatsworth. Service at 12 noon. Burial at Hillary Cemetery at 14:30 pm. Service at her place on 20 Nov 2012 at 6pm.
PAYNE Cecil. Missed by Evelyn , Nigel, Adrian and families. Service at Westville Methodist Church on 23 Nov 2012 at 16 h00 .
REDDY Deedadayalan (Jeff) from Cliffbury Place Eastbury Phoenix Funeral on 21 Nov 2012 at Clare Estate Crematorium. Body will lie in state from 11am ---1pm at home and 2-3:30 pm at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall.
SMITH Vivian + 16 Nov 2012. Dad, Grandfather, and great-grandfather to Angela, Shelley, Ray, Katie, Lyrica and Belinah.
THOMSON Mary Fox + 10 Nov 2012 x + David THOMSON.
WATSON Dulcie Jemima Martha. 9 July 1921 ---19 Nov 2012 at APN Home, New Germany at age 91 years. Will be missesby Lynn, James, Bryan, Kathy. Mother-in-law of Franco, Michelle, Theo and Frank. Grand and great grandmother.
YEOMAN Martin . Memorial at OAKLEIGH Chapel Prestbury Pietermaritzburg on 22 Nov 2012 OAKLEIGH 033 342 6116.
BRISSETT Jean. 6 years now gone. Mom to Gavin, + Sharon, Arlene, Shelley and families.
FERREIRA Jessie. 4 years nou . Mother of Peter, Danny, Dolfie and June.
FISHER Jean + 20 Nov 2009 x Iain. Mother and grandmother of Julia & Chris, Richard and Debra, and grandmother of Nicola, Laura, James, Matthew and Andrew.
VENTER Jack + 20 Nov 2011. Remembered by Gina, Tarryn, John, Emi, Robyn and Grant.
21 November 2012
BENEKE nee FURGUSON Elaine Rosalind 26 Feb 1936 in Turfontein ----+ 17 Nov 2012 after suffering a lung-disease. She was a single mother of 3 children. Gary, Mark and Bryan. Granny of Calvin and Bianca, Nicole and Simone, Bryan, Danial and Adele. Mother-in-law of Helen, Sharon and Sante. Memorial at Mondeor Community on 22 Nov 2012 at 15h00.
BROWN Eileen Marjorie . Funeral at Willows Methodist Church Willow Glen on 23 Nov 2012 at 10am. Cremation Private. GROBBELAARS & CHURCH Funeral Service 012 3485556.
BRUMMER Wilhelmina Martha .Service at Sinoville Methodist Church on 23 Nov 2012 at 12h00. Cremation private. GROBBELAARS & CHURCH Funeral Service 012 3485556
22 November 2012
MARCUS Barry John. Unveiling of tombstone on 25 Nov 2012 at 12 pm. TEL:- 011 6403332
MERVIS Gerald & Yvonne. Parents of Gary, Louise and Wayne. Unveiling of plaque on 22 Nov 2012 at 11 am at Stellawood Jewish Cemetery.
ARJUNAN-VEERAPPEN Bobby. Son of Mrs P ARJUNAN & +Vadivel ARJUNAN. Brother of Kogie, Deda, Baby, Jenny, Cheryl, Devica, Dodo, Vanitha and Selvan. Brother-in-law of Rajen and Tubby. Uncle of Prinolan, Noelene and Audrey. Funeral at Residence 88 Hope Street Overport on 22 Nov 2012 at 11 am. Thereafter to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall at 2pm. Cremation at 3:30 pm TEL:- 082 7939420.
ARTHUR FRANK STILES 1 March 1929 ----20 Nov 2012. Husband, Dad, Grandfather. Love Meg, Shelley, Ronald, Nicole, Wayne, Cheryl, Carla, Claire and Brent.
BELL Mary Lillian (Granny Mare) 31 Jan 1927 -----14 Nov 2012. Wife, mother and gran. Memorial Private.
BENEKE nee FERGUSON Elaine Rosalind 26 Feb 1936 ----- + 17 Nov 2012. (Correction of maiden name)
DE BRUYN Gloria + 19 Nov 2012 .Mother of Tony and Louise, Derek. Jody & Pam, Bushy & Delene, Gary & Janine, Maggie & Russell, Sarel & Ruth, Cynthia & Craig. Grannie and great gran. Funeral at Pentecostal Gospel Mission Pietermaritzburg op 24 Nov 2012 at 10am.
EVERETT Mike. Founder member of Bin 3 Beachwood Golf School. Condolences to familie from Bin 3 members James, Kevin, Dave, Ken and Barry.
LANGTON David 18 Nov 1937 ----20 Nov 2012 Husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. DOVES 0860025500
LEINBERGER Mike 12 Oct 1952 ----21 Nov 2012. Husband, father, brother. Donation to Sungardens Hospice in Pretoria.
MAKANJEE Iswarlal (Formaly of Market Trading Company) x Nirmala. Father of Manisha x Vikash. Funeral 22 Nov 2012 . Body will lie in state at Clare Estate between 11 am ---12:30 pm Cremation thereafter.
RHODES Beresford Keith 15 April 1934 ----18 Nov 2012 x Phyllis. Father of Greg, Charmaine, Desray and families. Brother of Dawn MOONEY.
SCHANA Harald Rudolf 9 July 1943 -----18 Nov 2012 .Father and grandfather of Rolf, Iwan and Alexander. Funeral on 26 Nov 2012 at 14hr00 at Milnerton Presbyterian Church Tygerhof. ROLF 082 5505505.
STATT Robert (Jimmy) + 19 Nov 2012 .Private Committal Service for family only will be held. Wake for everyone at Fynnland Sports Club Bluff at 2pm on 23 Nov 2012. SHANLEY'S Funerals 031 2057644.
VAN ROOYEN Naomi Florence May + 20 Nov 2012.Mother and Omi. Cremation Service at the N.G. Church Bluff on 23 Nov 2012 at 10 am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
WALLACE Ivon (Cape Town) .Brother of Eva and Bryan.
WATSON Dulcie Jemima Martha . Memorial at A.P.N. Retirement Home New Germany on 23 Nov 2012 at 10am.
CHURCHWARD Peter. 21 Years. Remembered by family.
DENNIS Brett. Son , brother and uncle..
HILES HOWIE. 23 years gone now.Dad and Dampie of Nigel, Cherylynn, Jenna and Damon.
HOWIE HILES + DENNIS HART. Husband and brother of Joan.
LOWNDS Eric . Birthday wishes for Son. We miss you Mum, Dad and sisters Yvonne and Tracey.
MILOSZEWSKI STANISLAW 10 June 1928 ----22 Nov 2008 x Dabka, Children grand and Great grandchildren; Also from Jola & Dean.
23 November 2012
COURTENAY Bryce * in + 22 Nov 2012 at age 79 of gastric cancer in Canberra Australia x Christine. He was an SA writer. His first book is The Power of One published in 1989. His last book is Jack of Diamonds. Kamcilla PILLAY for DAILY NEWS.
MELTZER Jessie + 19 Nov 2012 . Condolences to Mark and Steven and families. Aunt of Craig, Susan, Martin, Michael, Michelle and Families.
WILLIAMS Vida Maxine +20 Nov 2012. Mom and Granny of Rob, Heather, Guy and Laurie.
HERISON Donald Louis Henry ID 610403 5231 08 7 + 16 Nov 2011 x Cherilyn Vanessa CUSTERS ID 661207 0036 08 8 van P/Bag X4 Hibberdene. ESTATE No 18009/2011. ATTORNEYS /AGENTS S A GROBLER 21 Hamilton Rd, Ashley 3610.
MANSOOR Fathima Hoosen ID 400516 0076 08 4 + 5 Sept 2011 of 279 Sirdar Rd, Clairwood, Durban. ESTATE No. 17339/2012/DBN. LARSON FALCONER HASSAN PARSEE INC 2nd Floor, 93 Richiefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Rocks 4319.
PILLAY Suchilla formerly NAIDOO ID 510323 0153 08 9 + 17 Sept 2009 of 22 Courtbridge Close, Stonebridge Phoenix 4068. ESTATE No. 15914/2009 DBN. D PADAYACHEE ATTORNEYS P.O.Box 729 Mount Edgecombe. 4300. TEL:- 031 507 6705
GOVENDER Joanne Beverley ID 770429 0028 08 3 + 7 Nov 2010 x Kiren GOVENDER ID * 31 May 1973. ESTATE No. 19543/2010/DBN. BRADLEY ALIPHON ATTORNEYS 12 Sagewood Way Glen Anil 4051.
KEWLY Lesley Margaret ID 470303 0179 08 4 + 8 Dec 2005 of 14 Beach Rd, Glen Anil 4051. ESTATE No. 15868/2010 PMB RSM BETTY & DICKSON (Durban) PO.Box 2120, Westville 3630.
SAMUDH Kassim Alli ID 530130 5147 08 1 + 6 July 2011 of 42 Stonehill Grove, Centenary Park Phoenix . ESTATE No. 15435/2011/DBN. Z A SHAIK CA(SA) 4 Wyegate Place, Southgate, Phoenix 4068.
SHANGE Bawelile Nomangisi ID 730902 0352 08 2 + 9 May 2010 of Ezimwini KwaMahleka Rural Area Umbumbulu. ESTATE No. 18548/10. JEFF BLOCH & ASSOCIATES Suite 403, Kingsfield Place, 30 Joe Slovo Street Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3077005.
VENKETSAMY Dayalmoorthi ID 480913 5081 08 1 + 12 Mei 2012 of 154 Lotus Road, Springfield 4091. ESTATE Nr. 8696/2012 JOHNSTON & PARTNERS P.O.Box 3823, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3036011.
WALTERS Neville Kingsley ID 401020 5045 08 6 + 25 Dec 2011 of 1 Sydney Drive , Westville Durban. ESTATE No. 1499/2012/DBN. K.J. CASSIDY CA (SA) P.O.Box 33024 , Montclair 4061. TEL:- 031 469 0588.
WOOD Wesley Gordon ID 810426 5085 08 6 + 18 Sept 2011 x Sara WOOD ID 770108 1072 18 9 of Cromarty Farm, Darnall KZN. ESTATE No 15972/2011 DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:-031 563 7111.
29 November 2012
DUNCAN Ian, Tamarin, Ethan and Connor announce birth of daughter and sister Caitlyn Jessica * 19 Nov 2012.
SALOMON SHAPIRO Talia , Paul and Gabriella a son and brother * 27 Nov 2012 at Morningside Clinic
SHAPIRO (TRAUB) Craig & Lorraine a daughter * 25 Nov 2012. Grandchild for
Arnold & Sue, Aubrey & Ethne.
BECK Irene Hilary. Memorial at Twilanga Umhlanga at 2pm on 30 Nov 2012.
BUYS Marcus 8 July 1963 -----24 Nov 2012. From Darynn, Kyle, Chardé, Mom, Stephen, Sammy, Julie, Jethro, Jarryd, Vaughn, family and friends.
HENREY Rosalie Ferns + 27 Nov 2012 . Wife of Mike , mother of Julien x Sarah and grandmother of Ethan and Ella. Friend of Una.
KRUGER Maria Catharina Susanna + 28 Nov 2012. Funeral ar Stellawood Chapel Durban on 3 Dec 2012 at 11am . Cremation Private. AVBOB 031 2061831.
LIZZIO Ray Rosa + 26 Nov 2012 Mother of Santo, Mario, Lisa and Thierry.
SNEDDON Grant James + 25 Nov 2012. Brother of Susan and Martin.
VAN VUUREN Marie * 25 Nov 1938---- + 25 Nov 2012 . Nou with Grampy. Mom and granny of Kiara, Jesse , Bronwyn and Neil.
WARD Maureen Hope + 26 Nov 2012 in Johannesburg. Sister to Memory and aunt of Dorian and Graham and greataunt of the EMMETT children. Funeral at Bryanston Methodist Church Bryaston on 30 Nov 2012 at 2pm.
WEGA Elizabeth Mary + 27 Nov 2012 Sister of Di WOODS.
WICKHAM REGINALD HAYWARD 10 July 1937 -----24 Nov 2012 x Dot. Father of Gavin and Wayne and Lynne and grandchildren.
YARR Mark + 26 Nov 2012 . Husband , father and grandfather. Memorial at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 30 Nov 2012 at 11:30am. TEL:- 033 342 8764 (24hrs).
PARKER Romona (Mona) RIP love Neville.
ROGERS Pat. 4 Years now . x Bob . Mother and grandmother.
ZWEMKE Angela 29 Oct 1962 ---29 Nov 2008. Mother of David.
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