Daily News 2013 05 May
3 May 2013
BEY-LEVELD Raymond 25 Jan 1941 ----29 April 2013 .Cancer. Father of Barry and Theresa.
EVANS Marjorie Ruth (Marge) + 24 April 2013 in Krugersdorp. Mother of Brendan, Barbara, Alane, Jenni , Jasmine and families.
GOODBRAND Pamela Pearl. Wife, mother and grandmother of Robert, Lynne, Claire, Ryan, Calvin, Tyler, Kyran and Kayley.
HARLOW Timothy + 27 April 2013 tragically. Son and brother of Gary, Mandy, Nick and Kamo. Memorial at St Columba's Presbyterian Church Johannesburg on 3 May 2013 at 11 am.
KELLY Chris (Kriss Kross) . He was a rapper and was known by his fans as Mac Daddy. He was found dead on Wednesday in Altanta Los Angeles (Possible drug overdose). He was 34 years old. Sapa-AFP.
KHAN MOHAMMED KHWAJA + 1 May 2013 tragically. Known him for 17 years from Barry & Carol LIPMAN.
KROGH D'Arcy Lancelot 1941 ---2013 of Fairlands x Judy. Father of Muriel and Johannes; father to Ansie, Wicus and Karen. Funeral at AGS Floridapark Church on 6 May 2013 at 11am prior to a private cremation. Lieu of flowers to Huis Weesgerus Kinderhawe.
MILNE Graham . Husband, father en brother. Memorial at His Church Cowies Hill Pinetown on 3 May 2013 at 2pm.
MOODLEY Dareshan + over weekend of 27/28 April 2013 at age 16 years. He was stabbed by his older brother who is 18. His other brother is still in hospital.
ADAMS Mary ID 181124 0038 08 0 + 28 Feb 2013 of Emmerson House, Goodwin Drive, Morningside Durban 4001. ESTATE No. 3267/2013 PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800 Marine Parade 4056 . TEL:- 031 3328622. REF:- Wendy Van Ryneveld.
CHETTY Annam ID 201117 5046 08 0 + 10 Nov 2011 of Hibiscus Place Austerville, Durban 4091. ESTATE No 10003/2012/DBN. AYOUB KADWA & COMPANY P O Box 37122, Overport 4067.
KOCH Florence Betty ID 220902 0020 08 2 + 5 April 2013 of 75 Danville Ave Durban North 4051.ESTATE No. 5519/2013/DBN . MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY, P O Box 1357, Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.
MKHIZE Michael Mandla ID 640327 5611 08 5 + 14 Nov 2008 x Alvina Nonzipo MKHIZE formally MLITWA ID 641217 0420 08 8 of 81 Roland Chapman Drive, Summerfields, Montclair 4004. ESTATE No. 494/2009/DBN. ATKINS TURNER & DE WET P O Box 485, Durban 4000. Durban or Docex 127. REF:- MR TURNER/LP/03/M1940.
NENE Mfanafuthi Juda ID 650101 6095 08 6 + 10 Aug 2011 x Sharon B NENE ID 731218 0516 08 2 of Eshowe. ESTATE No. 13116/11/DBN. MUSA GUMEDE & ASSOCIATES P O Box 714, 31 Mahatma Gandi Street Kqa Dukuza 4450. TEL:- 032 5516016.
NOTCUTT Jennifer A. ID 400607 0090 18 1 + 8 Feb 2013 of 6 Lytton Grove Glenwood Durban x Simon NOTCUTT ID 400627 5097 08 0. ESTATE No 2761/2013/PMB. ROGER ADKINS P O Box 1780 Westville 3630 . TEL:- 031 2667931
RAMSAHAR Pritham ID 540307 5127 08 5 +27 March 2008 of 176 Fullham Rd, Reservoir Hill Durban. ESTATE No. 6272/2008. A B MAHARAJH ATTORNEYS 767 Marine Drive, Brighton Beach TEL:- 031 4677282.
CROOKS Brett Norton ID 671119 5010 08 3 + none of 20 Adams Str, Scottburgh KZN x Monique Cecelia CROOKS ID 730625 0103 08 6. ESTATE No.12926/2009/PMB. ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET 478 Windermere Rd , Durban. TEL:- 031 312 1303.
STEWART Barry Lamont ID 320105 5079 08 2 + 30 July 2012 of 78 Unicorn Place, The Gardens, La Lucia Ridge 4019 x Moira Alexandria STEWART ID 311222 0062 08 7. ESTATE No. 7388/2012/PMB. MOORE STEPHEN CJL P O Box 11800, Marine Parade 4056.
6 May 2013
PARAMO Alejandro (23) and David (21) + 4 May 2013 in Chihauhau Ciudad Juarez. They were shot. They were sons of well known Mexican journalist David of TV Azteca and Martha Gonzalez NICHOLSON editor of Peso de Chihuahua. Supplied by Sapa-AP Reuters, Sapa-AFP
PIRIE David 14 Dec 1950 ----30 April 2013. Brother of Graham and Patricia. Uncle to Natasha , Candice, Tonia and Nicola.
PORTILLI Ricardo. Hispanic soccer league referee + 4 May 2013 at age 46 years in Murray (Utah).He was punched in the head by a 17 year old goalie during a match a week before that. Supplied by Sapa-AP Reuters, Sapa-AFP
7 May 2013
BURNS Adrienne Beryl (Beryl) . RIP friend of Lesley. Memorial at The Queensburgh Methodist Church Northdene on 8 May 2013 at 2pm Cremation private. AVBOB 031 2061831.
BUYS Henning Gerrit + 3 May 2013.Father of Wendy (daughter) , Muki and Ellie.
DESMET J.O. (Des) Friend and golfing partner for 35 years of Jim and Sally.
DUNCAN Lizzie + 19 Dec 2012 in Cardiff, Wales. Memorial at Durban North Methodist Church Broadway on 8 May 2013.
ELS Lydia Jacoba x Maritens. Suster van Marie, San en Danie. Begrafnis 8 May 2013 om 2nm uit NG Kerk Montclaire. AVBOB 031 2061831.
GELLING John Douglas (Doug) 17 June 1929 ----5 May 2013 x + Ethne. Father of Meryl and Dave, Karen and Gavin, Nigel, Bruce. Grandfather of Craig, Lindsey and Phillipa, Stuart and Clive, Melissa and Samantha.
GROBLER Petrus Daniel + 4 May 2013. Father and grandfather. Memorial at NG Church Scottburgh on 8 May 2013 at 11am. Thank you to Dr Riyaard AHAMED and Oncology Ward Parklands.
JONES Alf + 4 May 2013 . Husband ,father, grandfather & brother. Celebration of his life at City Hill Waterfall Church on 11 May 2013 at 11am.
LOVELL Doreen Margaret 28 Dec 1911 -----3 May 2013. Mother of Michael and Penny. Mother-in-law of Carol and + David. Grandmother of Hilton, Liza, Amanda, Brandon, Deborah and great-grandmother. Requiem Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church on 10 May 2013 at 11am.
MAHARAJ R.D.(Pundit) Formaly of Stanger at late from Westville. Father of Roshini, Rejini, Shirley, Venesh, Daisy, Ashni, Aman, Suman and Rishen. Funeral on 7 May 2013 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2pm -3pm for cremation at 4pm. RAMBOS 032 5513150.
MAINGARD Louis Marie Joseph Pierre 19 March 1930 ----5 May 2013 at home in Hibberdene x Pamela. Brother of Gilbert and Robert, Luce. Father of Catherine and Karen. Grandfather of Brett, Julie, Byron, Christian, and Philip. Greatgrandfather to Sebastian.; Love from Jose and Estelle (Tonnie and Jo) Jean-Marc, Tessa, Charl, Pippa, Pierre and the TOSTEE grandchildren. Requiem Mass at St Joseph Catholic Church Morningside on 10 May 2013 at 10am.
MILLIN nee VAN DER BANK Petronella Sophia. Daughter ,sister, aunt and cousin, AVBOB 031 2061831.
MONTILE Bruce Eugene 4 May 1932 ---2 May 2013 x 56 years to Marilyn. Father of Meryl and Trevor, Beverley and David, Maree and Michael. Grandfather of Lee, Drew, Brent, Robyn, Mandy, Matt, Gareth, Devlin en Kendell. Memorial at Flat 3 Rippon Rd Assagay on 8 May 2013 at 10pm. TEL:- 0833010843.
MURRAY Alan Baxter + 5 May 2013 x Pearl . Father and grandfather of Shirley, James, Thomas, Janet, Carrie, Rohan, Charmaine, Grant, Kim, Chris, Lance, Troy, Thalia, Dean, Grace and Faith.
NAGEL Koekie. Eggenote, Moeder en Ouma. Verassingsdiens on 8 Mei 2013 om 12middag vanuit Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Ashley. AVBOB 031 2061831.
NAIDOO Sivalutchmi (Sahe) . Fineral at 4 Jhelum Rd Merebank on 7 May 2013. Body will lie in state from 10am ---1:30pm proceeding to Puntans Hill for viewing. Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium at 3:30pm.
SMITH Ternce of Glenvista. Funeral at East Chapel DOVES Braamfontein on 9 May 2013 at 10am prior to private cremation. DOVES Braamfontein 011 3395967.
SWANEPOEL John Peter 30 June 1936 ----5 May 2013 x Dorothy. Father of Mike and Kevin. Father-in-law of Wendy and Debbie. Grandfather to Bradley, Miles, Brenon and Craig. Memorial at Athlone Park Methodist Church on 10 May 2013 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
TRUSLER Lynette Margaret 2 Sept 1946 ----2 May 2013 x Cyril. Mother of Clive and Judy. Grandmother of Warrick, Bruce and sister to James. Memoriam at Full Gospel Church on the Move Queensburgh on 8 May 2013 at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
VELCICH Alan Ralph 23 Jan 1951 -----4 May 2013 at home in Johannesburg at age 62 years (cause a primary brain tumor). Funeral on 10 May 2013 at 12h00 at Northfield Methodist Church Benoni.
BILL MCLACHLA "Billy Mac" 8 Jan 1931 ---7 May 2013. Father of Kimmy. Cassie is a worldclass mother. Chow Mum. Warwick and Ryland are grown up to be magnificent young men.
CHICCARO Adelmo Mario. 21 years gone now. Father of Emilio, Pia and family.
PAUL LANCE. 18 years gone now. Son, brother and uncle. From Mom and Dad.
TAYLOR Pauline Mariam. 15 years gone now. From Roy.
8 May 2013
AVI DELYS BECK . 5 Dec 1928 -----3 May 2013. Mother, grandmother. Cremated on 7 May 2013.
MEESER Margart Irene 19 July 1929 ----5 May 2013 , Mother and grandmother of Penny, Breandan, Kerry.
OLIVIER Harry Edward Gert . Funeral at The Dutch Reformed Church Umbilo at 11am on no date given proceeding to Lala Kahle Cemetery.
PYDEE Harry (formally from Magazine Barracks). Funeral on 8 May 2013 at his Residence from 10:30am proceeding to the Kharwastan Temple Hall from 1---4pm. Cremation at 5pm at Mobeni Height Crematorium.
9 May 2013
BOWLER Mrs Birdie 5 April 1922 ----7 May 2013 (91 years). Sister, Mother, grand, great-grandmother, Mother-in-law and aunt.
DESMET Johan (Des) . Strenth to Elmarie . We will mis you brother from Bruno, Greg, Tessa, Mike, Wendy, Steve and Heather.; Brother of Dirk, Rosemary, Paul, Peter, Philip and families in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
ENNIO BOLDRINI 30 Jan 1933 ----7 May 2013. Father of sons Marco and Roberto and daughter Paola. Grandfather of Gustav, Gaby, Cara and family. DOVES 0860025500.
ERASMUS Victor Jan 9 May 1945 -----6 May 2013 x Daphne. Father of Clinton and Hayden. Memorial at their home 17 Harborth Rd, New Germany on 10 May 2013 at 2pm.
HACKLAND Peter + 7 May 2013 tragically. Husband, father, brother and son. Service at Ixopo Methodist Church on 11 May 2013. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
KNOX Grant + 6 May 2013. Companion for 17 years to Alistair. Son of Erica.
MARITZ Swin 15 July 1933 -----7 May 2013. Condolences to Sally-Anne and Dianne on pssing of your Dad. Love from Debbie and John.
NURSE SHAYNE + 6 May 2013. Husband, father and grandfather. Memorial on 10 May 2013 at 11am at Harlequins Sports Club Bluff.
REDDING Angeline Chalice + 7 May 2013 tragically. DOVES 0860025500.
SINGH Tholsie (Cookie) 9 Nov 1962 -----29 April 2013 x Bobby. Mother of Kashil. Daughter of Neela. Sister of Mulli and Julli , Seelan (brother). Memorial of 10th Day on 9 May 2013 , 13th Day 12 May 2013 from 10----12 noon at 11 Falcon Crest , Dawn Crest , Verulam.
NAIDOO Appana Chinna (Billy) x Freda. Father of Miroshni, Suraya, Vanessa and Sudeshni. Father-in-law of Kooglan and Sudeer. Brother of Chinni, + Sonny, + Mummy, + Bobby, + Narain, Baby, Neela, Umsie and Chilka. Funeral on 11 May 2013 at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2pm ----4pm. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.
GOVENDER Shunmugam Shaun 18 April 1966 ----6 May 2012. Yearly Memorial on 12 May 2013 at 10am at Battersea Hall Reservoir Hills.
JONES Walter x Cyrian. Gone 15 years now. Father and grandfather of Jerome,Olivia, Dyllon and Declan; Father and grandfather of Claude, Meresce, Keenan and Tyrelle; Missed by Vincent , Jackie , Taneele and Rylan.
MAJAL nee CROWIE Jean . 1 year gone now. Mother, grandmother, sister and aunt.
MOODELIAR Devan. 6 years gone now. Dear Friend. RIP from Gloria, Kennedy, Sylvia and Kershan ex Unilever Staff.
PAYNE Jack Matthew 13 July 1920 ----9 May 2001. Husband, father, grand and great-grandfather.
10 May 2013
EXALL Francis (Twiggy) x Lanthe . Father of Paul. The Ex-Ramblers, Fulham Jnrs, Addington Durban United and Maritzburg footballer passed away. Wake on 14 May 2013 at Parkhill Bowling Club at 2pm. From all the boys ExPro, Gauteng,Kzn and Cape Town.
JEANNES Jeanie "Nana" 22 March 1913 ----8 May 2013. Funeral on 13 May 2013 at Trinity Presbyterian Church Lynnwood Pretoria.
JOSEPH Errol + 7 May 2013. At age 64 years at Wentworth Hospital. Son of + George & Monica. Brother of Basil and cousin. From Maurice and Deanne.
KOPING Roselin (Ros) + 4 May 2013. Mother and Mother-in-law of Rael & Debbie KOPING , Leora & Gavin BERGHEIM. Grandmother of Kayla and Jager KOPING and Jayse and Aiden BERGHEIM.
LALL Hussan + 9 May 2013 at age 50. Killed in driveway -gun..Father of Arif.
PEDDIE Sybil Evelyn 22 March 1936 ----8 May 2013. Memorial 13 May 2013 at Christ Church Umkomaas at 2pm. Private Cremation. KZN FUNERALS Scottburgh TEL:- 039 9760200.
ROZMAN Adolf 16 June 1937 ----7 May 2013. Memorial at Baptist Church Pinetown on 11 May 2013 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
SIMPSON Andrew "Bart" + 9 May 2013 at age 36 years. He was a British yacht-racing champion and two time Olympic medalist. His vessel capsized in San Francisco Bay during training for American Cup.
WALDECK Iris Verona (Nicky) 1 Dec 1925 ----5 May 2013 at Thembalami Gare Centre. Mother and Grandmother of Trevor, Vivien, Kiara and Natasha. Memorial at New Apostoic Church Edenvale at 10am on 15 May 2013.
ZONDI Nkosinathi + 9 May 2013 shot at his house in Umhlazi at age 46 years. He was a school principal. Brother of Nothando ZONDI. Father of Mnqobi (17) and Phumele (23).
KOYD May ID 240512 0038 08 7 + 4 March 2013 of 152 Caister Lodge, Musgrave Rd, Durban. ESTATE No 2873/2013 PMB. FULLER AND COMPANY 29 Maryvale Rd, Westville 3630.
LANDEY Lawrence John ID 200328 5050 08 6 + 28 Feb 2013 of Edenroc, Snell Parade, Durban. ESTATE No 3911/2013 . BDO WEALTH ADVISERS (PTY) LTD 22 Wellington Rd, Parktown 2041. TEL:- 010 0605000
NAIDOO Claud Anthony ID 291001 5114 08 3 + 6 Dec 2011 x Poobathi NAIDOO ID 371212 0567 08 3 of 125 Rose Heights Rd, Arena Park, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 4140/2013. JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS 397 Anton Lembede Str, 3rd Floor Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3013333
NAIDOO Chalmagon ID 490522 5063 08 6 + 21 July 2011 x Chandrakantha NAIDOO ID 550103 0676 08 6 of 41 Saunders Ave, Isipingo Durban. ESTATE No. 18173/2011 DBN. LARRY SINGH & ASSOCIATES Shop 2, Isipingo Main, 114 Old Main Rd, Isipingo 4133. TEL:- 031 9026072.
MOONEY Erna Wilhelmina Bertha ID 220930 0025 08 2 + 14 Jan 2013 of 3 Newlyn Rd, Glenwood. ESTATE No 2478/2013. L.MOONEY 12A Tremley, 15 Ebor Ave, Glenwood, Durban 4001.
POSTUM Poonia ID 361111 0059 08 7 + 20 June 2012 of 17 Michelia Place, Lotus Park Isipingo. ESTATE No. 11622/2012/DBN. LARRY SINGH & ASSOCIATES Shop 2, Isipingo Main , 114 Old Main Rd, Isipingo 4133. TEL:- 031 9026072.
17 May 2013
BOTHA nee ANDERSON Nellie Joan + 9 May 2013 . Mother of Nico and Ursula, Peter and Samantha. Memorial at Wychwood Baptist Church on 18 May 2013 at 10am. TEL:- 083 4127445.
JACOBS Dinah (Ougat) + 4 May 2013 in JHB. Memorial in JHB on 18 May 2013 at Open Door Assembly Newlands at 09am.
LAZENBY Trish. Wife, mother and grandmother. Memorial at NG Church Westville on 17 May 2013 at 2pm.
WILSON Judy 14 April 1945 ---13 May 2013. Wife and Mum of Gavin, Caroline and James. Service on 23 May 2013 at 2pm at St Martin's-in-the-Veld Dunkeld.
20 May 2013
NAICKER Neil. Happy 21 years. From your Mum, Dad, brothers, sister-in-law and nephew.
2 FBI Agents were killed in training accident on 17 May 2013. LOREK Christopher (41) & SHAW Stephen (40) in Virginia Beach.
JARVIS Brian 2 Oct 1929 -----11 May 2013. Father of Greg, Diane , Michael. Memorial at Golden Harvest Bromhof on 21 May 2013 at 3pm.
PYDEE Harry x Sushiela. Father of Claud, Lyn and Rithesh. Grandfather of Raven, Jesse, Dilyn . Brother-in-law of Mali. 16th Day Memorial at Umhlatuzana Civic Centre on 21 May from 17:30pm ----20:30pm.
PAUL Kay + 20 May 2012. Mom, gran and great-gran. Remembered by Heather and Duncan and families.
21 May 2013
ROONEY Coleen (27 year) & Wayne (soccer player 27 years) a son Klay Anthony * 21 May 2013 in London. Brother for Kai (3 years).
WALTERS / HART Ross & Susie a son Tom Ian * 19 May 2013. Grandchild for Peter, Toni, Bryan, Eileen and honorary grandparents Ian and Ardre.
WALTERS Mark & Tanya a girl Daniella . Sister to Tamara. 2nd granddaughter for Alastair & Felicity.
PORTER Brian. From all at Independent Newspapers Clasifieds.
DIEMONT /LEITCH Dudley and Carol, Anton and Penny announce engagement of their children Cindi to Kevin.
TAIT /LAWRENCE Larry & Jenni announce engagement of their daughter Kirsten to Garth, son of Lynne and + Rory.
GENGAN Agnes (Ronnie). Mother of Leon and Samantha. Grandmother of Simone, Leititia, Joash, Keagan, Nathan and Reagan. Mother-in-law Hazel and Ravi. Memorial at Faith Centre Ministries Malvern on 21 May 2013 from 12----2pm.
GIBSON nee TURNER Alexa Ann 14 June 1925 ----16 May 2013. Will be remembered by John, Lynn, Gina and Ashleig, Margaret, Martin, Nicola and Nick. Memorial at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 27 May 2013 at 10:30am OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
GREEN Hylton Rhodes + 17 May 2013. Private cremation on 23 May 2013. Morning tea on 25 May 2013 at Sandown Village Pinetown at 10:30am MARTIN'S 031 7092142.
KEECH Ruth . Died in Cape Town. Work as a social worker and cousellor. A writer and poet. Mother of Beatrice and grandchildren.
KOOR Sonia Olive. Mother of Joseph. Memorial on 21 May 2013 at 10am at Red Hill Jewish Cemetery.
LAWLER William (Bill) Love to family from Alan, Shirlee, Malcolm, Colleen, Greg and Tea.
MANZAREK Ray + 20 May 2013 in Germany at age 74 years. (Bile duct cancer) He founded The Doors that had a dramatic impact on rock 'n' roll in 1960. Sold about 100 million albums. ROSENHEIM.
McCLEAN Delene 24 Aug 1939 ----17 May 2913 x Mike McCLEAN. Mother of Raymond, Keely and Terry. Funeral at Brooklyn Methodist Church Pretoria on 22 May 2013 at 2:30pm.
PANAYOTAKIS Isidoros 10 July 1948 ----19 May 2013. Husband, father, grandfather. Funeral at the Greek Orthodox Church St John Primrose Germiston on 23 May 2013 at 11am.
PEDLER Kenneth Henry Wainworth died tragically. Father, grandfather and brother. Memorial in June.
RAYSON nee McINTYRE Margie x Trevor. Mother and grandmother of Richard, Cindy, Janet, Craig, Matthew, Trent, Luke and Dylan. Memorial at Musgrave Methodist Church on 23 May 2013 at 10am DOVES 0860025500.
RUST Eric John 26 June 1930 -----17 May 2013 x Alice. Father of Guy, Ian and Memory. Also a grandfather. Memorial on 25 May 2013 at Bluff Methoist Church at 10am.
SCIOCTTI Charles Elben . Funeral at Grace Doves South Chapel Greyville on 23 May 2013 at 11am. Cremation Private. DOVES 0860025500.
SHARMAN Billy (Bill) * 22 Dec 1948 --- + 17 May 2013.Condolences to Conan and Jason from John and Sally BEAN; Sympathy to Lyn, Conan, Jason and families from The Morning School Royal Cato; Memorial at Red Point Church Pinetown on 23 May 2013 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.
STOCKER Julia (Omie) + 29 May 2013 at age 102. Grannie of Carl and family and James, Stephen, Michelle, Lou and Penni.
VIDELA Jorge Rafael + 17 May 2013 at age 87 years. (former Argentinian dictator) He died in prison, 5 days after his fall in the shower from injuries sustained in fall. BUENOS AIRES.
D'HOTMAN DE VILLIERS Burton 1922 ----2012. Father and grandfather. Father of Michelle and grandfather of Joelle, Simone and Gabrielle.
GAFNEY John William. 8 years gone now. Remembered by Colleen. Remembered by Joybell.
GREGORY Dan 21 Aug 1951 -----21 May 2010. Son of Con (mother) and his sister Leigh. Father of Liz, Ross, Deb and grandson Danie, and your girls Sara and Katie.
RAINS Allan 19 Dec 1946 ----20 May 2010. Missed by Teresa, Brad, Nicky, Chloe, Chris, Hilton, Eon and Cindy.
SCOTT Rob 28 Aug 1949 ----21 May 2011 x Gill.
22 May 2013
COHEN Yvonne & Meyer 's son Amit to Doré LIPSCHITZ, daughter of Elaine and in memory of Merton and Arlene.
ANGEL Christine. Wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother of Bobby, Luke and Nesh, Steve and Kate, Cuan, Morgan and Hannah.
DAWSON Dennis Lee. 5 Sept 1923 ----17 May 2013. Re-united with Pamela. Remembered by Helen & Andries and family, Mel & Simon and family, Nigel & Janneke and family.
DISON Leon . Mourned by David, Laura, Rinki, Warrick, Jenny, Daniel, Adam, Jonathan and Matthew. Funeral on 22 May 2013 at 12noon at Westpark Cemetery. Prayers 22 May 2013 at 33 Galway Rd, Parkview.
OLFIN-MILNE Elizabeth Maria 2 Jan 1934 ----19 May 2013. Sister of Otto. Sister-in-law to Hazel and aunt to Sandy and Greg.
VAN DER WALT Karma 15 Jan 1992 -----20 May 2013. You were like a daughter to me from Aunty Daphne. Simpathy to my brother Carl on his loss. Uncle Andre, Aunty Daphne and cousins Nicolette and Gavin, Denzil and Mandy, Jade, Zander and Penelope.
WILSON Judy 14 April 1945 -----13 May 2013. Wife and mother. Gavin, Caroline and James. Service at St Martin's-in the Veld Dunkeld on 23 May 2013 at 14h00.
SOTERIOU Michael. 1 year Memorial Service at Greek Orthodox Church Germiston on 26 May 2013. Tea will be served after service.
23 May 2013
DALE . A first grandson Thank you Marlon & Karin for Spencer Robert Thomas * 15 May 2013 in New Jersey USA. Love from Mom & Dad.
WALTERS Alastair & Felicity announce birth of 2nd granddaughter Daniella, sister to Tamara. Congradulations (as in press) to Mark & Tanya.
PILLAY Lauren Jade . 21 years today. Love from Dad & Mum, Joey and Grandma.
CHAPMAN John & Pearl x 15 May 1948 in England. They have 1 son Russell who is in Canada . The couple live in Morningside Durban. John was in the Merchant Navy and stationed on the Queen Elizabeth troop ship. He than worked on the Union Castle boats and then Hind Brothers. BEREA MAIL 24 May 2013. (Photo).
DUNN Brian 14 May 1936 -----18 May 2013 x Beulah. Father of Albert, Shirley. + Keith and Malcolm. Service on 25 May 2013 at 11am at Durban North Baptist Church. Private Cremation. NAIDOO Funeral KwaDukuza 032 5523796.
EVAN-ARI (LOEWENSTEIN) Hillary +21 May 2013. Hillery passed away 21 May 2013 . Missed by his sisters Myra EGDES and Hermia HEYMAN and their families.
GEHRMANN Kurt Walter 1936 ---+ 21 May 2013 in Durban. Father of Walter, Gilbert, + Roland, Connie. Father-in-law of Jennifer and Thomas. Grandfather of Jacqueline, Laura, Amee and Sasha.
LUCAS Victoria Coles . Funeral at New Apostolic Church Wentworth at 10am on 25 May 2013 proceeding to The Dudley Street Cemetery for internment. DOVES 0860025500.
McALPIN Andrew (Andy) 13 Jan 1951 ----18 May 2013 x Barbara. Father of Sharon, Mandy and grandfather of Ted. Drinking buddy to Ben. Funeral at St John the Baptist Anglican Church Pinetown on 24 May 2013 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH 0312059959.
PILLAY Indravathi (Indra) 10 Jan 1947 -----20 May 2013. Daughter of Mrs Govindamma & + Tommy PILLAY. Wife of + Loganathan (Dudu) PILLAY. Mother of Santosh, Melosha and + Ashlynn RAGHUNUNAN. Grandmother of Keraton and Quvardon. Mother-in-law of Shardla and Neshanie. Siblings Sarojini, Sarah, Mulligay, Anna and Rajen. Funeral on 24 May 2013 at Rd 702, House 130
Montford, Chatsworth from 11---1pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium where body will lie in state between 2---4pm.
WASSERMAN Yvonne 29 May 1940 ----20 May 2013. Mother of Christo, Marlene and Paul, Jeanette and Thierry. Grandmother of Rebecca, Georgina, Sophia and Mia. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 9035423.
WILLS Anthony Arthur (Tony) 29 Feb 1924 ----22 May 2013 at Pinetown Nursing Home x + Olga. Father of Kim, Trevor, Rodney and David . Father-in-law. Grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather of 6.
WYNGAARD Brian Stanley of Merwent x Joan (Pam) . Father of Antonio, Delwyn, Pamela , Riccardo, Lynne-Marie, Marcciano, Angelique, Mev-Lynne and Romario. Brother and grandfather. Requiem Mass at Christ The King Parish Church Merewent on 24 May 2013 at 12noon. Proceeding to Dudley Str Cemetery.
YATES Lily x + James. Mother of Janet, Howard, Carolyn and Shirley. Grand and great-grandmother. Funeral at DOVES Greyville on 24 May 2013 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.
BUCKNER Marie. 7 years gone now. From Mike, your daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren Cheryl, Vince, Michael and Savannah.
LABUSCHAGNE Faye + 28 May 2008 x Peter. Mother and grandmother.
24 May 2013
BALARAM BHARUTH (Bally) . Ex Owner of Belmes Supermarket Stanger x Meera, father of Seema, Sue and Sovina. Father-in-law of Ravi JHUPSEE and Dr S PERSADH. Grandfather of Sneha and Sharu. Body will lie in state at 2B Mt Richmore Estate Salt Rock on 25 May 2013 from 11---1pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium till 4pm.
DLAMINI Sylvester Lindiwe + 23 May 2013 at age 64 . Murdered in her home in Lamontville Durban.
FORD Keith Wilbert " Gunner" 29 Jan 1921 ---22 May 2013. Re-united with Rose Violette, his wife for 60 years. Will be remembered by John, Jacqui, Ray, Joy, Travis and Nic. Memorial at 3pm on 28 May 2013 at Old Eds, 4th Street Houghton Johannesburg.
LAUBSCHER Erik + 22 May 2013 at age 86 years x Claude (BOUSCHARAIN). Father of Michele and Francesca and Pierre.
RIBEIRO Manuel Mendes 28 March 1936 -----22 May 2013 x Rosa, children and their families.
RIGBY Lee + 22 May 2013 at age 25 years. Killed in London.
THOMPSON Eunice + 22 May 2013. Aunt of Brian, Paddy, Duncan, Vicki and family.
EBRAHIM Yunus ID 421007 5481 08 6 + 27 April 2009 of 8 - 50th Avenue Umhlatuzana Township Chatsworth x Bibi Haqthar EBRAHIM ID 490826 0554 08 2 ESTATE No 10313/2009/ DBN. LA KHAN ATTORNEYS 118 Queen City , 54 Denis Hurley Str Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3055075.
FREEDMAN Joseph ID 330310 5086 08 1 + 25 Dec 2012 of 5 Hudson Place Glenashley 4051. ESTATE Nr. 000527/ 2013 DBN. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY P O Box 1357 Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.
STOREY Reginald Adrian ID 431216 5159 08 3 + 7 March 2013 of 25 Fernlea Rd, Sunningdale, Durban x Rosalind Grace STOREY ID 551024 0208 18 4 . ESTATE No. 3608/2013/PMB. STUART JAMES FOURIE 23 Jan Hofmeyr Rd Westville 3629.
BROMLEY Vivian Moseley ID 340220 0039 18 3 + 1 Nov 2011 of 12 Crossfield Court 244-248 Lower High Str, Watford Herfordshire. ESTATE No. 9175/2012 DBN. ROBERTS & CHAPLIN P O Box 136, Umhlali 4390
27 May 2013
CAULFIELD George 17 Feb 1935 ----22 May 2013. Funeral at St James Anglican Church Morningside on 28 May 2013 at 1pm. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
ELMS Julian Patrick 8 Jan 1953 ---7 May 2013. Father of 4 and grandfather of 9. Funeral at The Holy Family Parish Newlands East on 28 May 2013 at 11am. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.
JACOBS Llewellyn Alister (Lazer) x Faye. Father of Brandon-Lei and Leagh. Son of Marlene & +Boycie. Brother of Genevieve, brother-in-law of Michael, Reza and Ferial. Son-in-law of Cathy and Vivien. Funeral at St Anne's Catholic Church Sydenham on 28 May 2013 1pm. Private Cremation.
JORDAMUS Louis Anthony (Moenas) 27 Oct 1947 ----18 May 2013 x Desiree and Children. Also by Boeta and Kathy. Funeral on 25 May 2013 at 10 am at United Reformed Church Retreat Thence to Muizenberg Cemetery.
SHABAN Martin died in Cape Town. Brother-in-law of Clive SIDLEY.
TOSCANO Vincenzo 1924 ----23 May 2013. Father and grandfather of Nina and Daniella.
WARDELL Colin Neville (Poppy) + 23 May 2013. Father of Jason and Debbie. Brother of Ernst, Andrew and Patsy. Grandfather. Funeral at Howick Methodist Church on 28 May 2013 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
WELLBELOVED Doug 18 May 1922 ----22 May 2013 .Father of Venetia and Fred, Shane, Wendy and family, Jacques, Celeste and family.
28 May 2013
AZOR nee MEYER Joyce Iris 1940 ----24 May 2013. Mother of Eric, Glynis and family, Jennifer, Mike and family, Raymond, Sheila and family and Llewella. Condolences from Mike , Gail, Natasha and ELSE family and Peter DRAYCOTT. Memorial at Bluff Methodist Church on 29 May 2013 at 12pm. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.
COPP Rita Elzbeth 3 June 1926 ----24 May 2013 at Umhlanga x + Russell. Mother of Merryl & David, Ros & Garry, Derek & Claire. Gran of Tammy, Natalie & + Tim, Great Gran of Emily.
FIELDING Reg 12 May 1939 ----24 May 2013 x Lynne. Father and grandfather ofLance, Janice, Lauren and Rowan.; Father of Jeff and Taryn; Grandfather ofSinead and Dylan. Funeral at Pinetown Methodist Church on 29 May 2013 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
FORD Keith Wilbert 29 Jan 1921 ---22 May 2013. The "Gunner " is at rest now with Rose Violette (wife) for 60 years. Memories for John, Jacqui, Ray, Joy, Travis and Nic. Memorial at Old Eds, 4th Street Houghton Johannesburg on 28 May 2013 at 15pm.
FOURIE-WILLIAMS Barry John + 25 May 2013 x +Edith. Father of Glen, Noelene and Ashley. Grandfather of Marlon, Robin, Dane, Kirsten, Zak, Niki, Toni, Barron, Lesley, Nezita. Great-grandfather of Dominique, Diego, Elgin, Jordon, Mikhail and Keano. Funeral at Parish of St Columba Greenwood Park on 30 May 2013 at 2pm.
GEHRMAN Kurt Funeral at The Lutheran Church Durban in Umbilo on 29 May 2013 at 10pm Cremation private. AVBOB 031 2061831.
LOTTER Michael Louis + 25 May 2013 x Mary. Father of Conway, + Vaughan, Jason, Tammi and Jenna. Father-in-law of Brandon and Felicity. Grandpa of Finn, Seveb, Grace, Otis, Madison.
LOUW Casper + 24 May 2013 from Umhlanga Rocks x Lyn for 43 years. Uncle of Michael, Hayley, Bruce and Meghan. Brother-in-law of Pam. Memorial at The Grace Family Church Umhlanga Rocks on 30 May 2013 at 12 noon.
MOSTERT Wally + 24 May 2013.
NEIL John . Father of Warwick ,Des and grandfather of Dylan.
SINGH Mrs Kunthi Devi x + Harry SINGH. Mother of Dr Shobhana PANDAY, Pramod SINGH(Ishwar) , Nishnu and Asha SINGH. Mother-in-law of Kamal PANDAY, Jenny, Vishi and Rish. Grandmother. NEWLANDS City 031 3071600.
WOEBER Michael Alan 22 Feb 1939 ------26 May 2013 at Hospice x + Edith. Father of Catherine, Janet and David. Grandfather of Nicola, Emma, Kirsten. Funeral at St Mark's Anglican Church North Riding on 31 May 2013 at 10am.
GREEN M.S. + 27 May 1990 x Violet and Children.
HALPERIN Reg. 3 years gone now. From Hazel and Roy, Les and Lee-Ann and grandchildren.
WATERMAN Michael + 28 May 2011 . From Cheryl.
29 May 2013
GROWE Audrey May + 29 May 2013 x + Ron. Mother of Nicky, Roderic and Susan. Mother-in-law of Jenny. Grandmother of Michelle and Kylie.
LAUBSCHER Eric . Memorial Service at Welgemeend, 129 Kloof Str Cape Town on 19 June 2013 at 3:30pm.
NEIL John . Father of Warwick , Des and grandfather of Dylan.
PASSCHIER Aaron + 24May 2013 in Tofo Mozambique. Son and brother. Celebrating his life on 1 June 2013 at 'The Honey Farm' Broederstroom (60 km north of Johannesburg).
RIBEIRO Manuel Mendes 28 March 1936 ------22 May 2013. Requiem Mass at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Parow , Western Cape on 29 May 2013 at 13h00.
WOEBER Michael Alan 22 Feb 1938 -------26 May 2013 at Hospice x + Edith. Father of Catherine, Janet and David. Grandfather of Nicola, Emma and Kirsten . Funeral on 31 May 2013 at St Mark's Anglican Church North Riding.
30 May 2013
McGREGOR Rex & Sarah a girl Charlotte Mo * 23 May 2013.
BRACCO Marco. Our thought are with your family from your friends at Island View Shipping.
CHALMERS Robert. Memorial at La Lucia Trinity Church on 31 May 2013 at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500
COPP Rita. Memorial at Christ Church Umhlanga on 3 June 2013 at 12 midday. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
EIDELMAN Fay Rose + 29 May 2013 at age 93 years. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Mother of Irvine and Glenda and their families. She will be laid to rest on 30 May 2013 in Raanana Israel where her husband Harry EIDELMAN rests.
GRAYSON Ann + 24 May 2013 . Love from Carol, Diane, St John, Laurence, Christopher. Service on 1 June 2013 at 11am at St Winifreds, Hatfield, Pretoria.
HONIBALL Martha Christina (Babsie) Moeder van John, Lena en Billy. Begrafnisdiens vanuit Die Elim Community Full Gospel Kerk op 31Mei 2013 om 12h00. Stoet vetrek na Stellawood Begraafplaas. AVBOB 031 2061831.
KING Tony 11 April 1924 -----29 May 2013 . Father and father-in-law of Brian & Carol, Patricia & John, Greg and Steven, Lynee & Clinton, Heather and Stof. Grand and great-grandchildren.
McCLEERY William (Paddy) 19 Dec 1931 ---28 May 2013 from Bill Buchanan Home. Missed by friends there and Windsor Tennis Club and his cousins in Ireland. No Funeral as per wish. Tea at Windsor Tennis Club on 31 May 2013 at 4pm.
NEES nee JONES (formally BENEY) Winsome Yulle Webb (Yulle) 11 Oct 1924 -----28 May 2013 x Carel. Mother of Brian BENEY, mother-in-law of Candy. Sister of Ethne(Kentoo) and Lynn. Aunt of David and Michael(Conway Nunn) and Valerie ARNOLD. ;Missed by Coral & Eddie.
PEEL James William 1943----27 May 2013. Brother, friend and mentor. Penny PEPPER and family in Australia. Michelle PEEL Love you Darling always. Service at Westville Baptist Church on 3 June 2013 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
TURNER John Alexander 3 June 19?? -----26 May 2013 x Elize. Father of Stephen , Jacqueline, Carolyn, David, Janet, Janet, Colin, John, Michael & Debbie. Gradfather of Colen, Holly, Michelle, Duncan. Brother of Freda and Margaret , brother-in-law of Anita, Ingor and Louis. Memorial at St Cyprians Angican Church Umbilo on 1 June 2013 at 11am. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031
VAN JAARSVELDT George Andries .Father of Johnny, Clinton, Kevin, Desray and grandfather. Cremation Service at Frere Rd Presbyterian Church on 31 May 2013 at 2pm. AVBOB 031 2061831.
VAN ROOYEN nee BELL Sandra Lee + 25 May 2013. Sister of Beverley, Steven and Daron and aunt.
WARD Graham 1 Sept 1938 -----28 May 2013. Father of Susan and Dave. Grandfather of Lauren and Kayleigh.; Loyal member of Durban Symphonic Choir, Durban Chamber Choir , St Paul's and St James. Missed by Pat and Ken. Funeral at St Paul's Anglican Church Durban on 31 May 2013. DOVES 0860025500.
DOLPHIN Tamarin. One score and four years ao. Remembered by Mom, Dad , Warren and Nicole.
DONNO Lydia + 30 May 2012. Emembered by John, Lynda, Karen and Jonathan.
ROWLETT Colin. 2 years gone now. From family.
STEVENS Robyn + 30 May 2005 From Yvonne.
31 May 2013
BRACCO Marco + 29 May 2013 . Husband ,father ,brother. Condolences to Carla, Buss,, Carlo and Nicole from Jenny & Neville BEARD and HENEKE family. Funeral at St Dominic's Catholic Church Hillcrest on 7 June 2013 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
EDELSTEIN Hilliard Bernard. Father of Merle x Michael, grandfather of Geoffrey and Philip. Memorial on 3 June 2013 at 2pm at Red Hill Jewish Cemetery.
LOVELOCK Robert Mark 31 Aug 1953 ----29 May 2013 . Husband ,father, brother and grandfather. Memorial at Christ Church Arcadia on 7 June 2013 at 10am.
McDOWALL Mandy + 29 May 2013. A Caring woman. Love from Brendan, Eiran and Kevin SWART ; Also from Mark, Penny and Louise SWART.
SEALE MANNING 14 Dec 1936 ----29 May 2013. Wil be missed by Christine, Gary and grandchildren. Service ar Methodist Church Langebaan on 3June 2013. Cremation Private. DOVES Vredenburg TEL:- 022 7131812.
BELL Brenda Margaret ID 480911 0080 08 2 + 21 April 2013 of 129 Juniper Rd, Berea Durban 4001. ESTATE No. 4075/2013/PMB. ROGER ADKINS P O Box 1780, Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2667931.
DLONGOLO Nokuthula Patricia ID 560707 0925 08 3 + 23 Dec 2012 of 35 Mkhiwane Crescent, Kwandengezi KZN. ESTATE No. 20077/13/DBN. M.E & MBHELE & CO P O Box 2232, Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031 7010271.
HAYES Angelique Renee ID 600210 0092 08 9 + 15 Dec 2012 of 16 Jasper Place, Austerville Durban. ESTATE No 5631/2013/DBN . ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Thambo, Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.
MANGCWATYWA Mali Lily ID 300101 0836 08 3 + 17 Sept 2005 of 5480 Bhubesi Rd, Lamontville Durban. ESTATE No. 11785/2008 DBN. LLOYD O'MEARA & CO 121 Helen Joseph Rd, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 2028173/4.
NGUBANE Zwelithule James ID 470915 5270 08 7 + 2 Oct 2012 of Nokweja Reserve, Ixopo KZN x Nobuhle NGUBANE ID 661027 0470 08 1. ESTATE No.9058/2012/PMB. M.E & MBHELE & CO P O Box 2232, Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031 7010271.
PAMLA Rosemary Ntombhlope ID 640823 0331 08 3 + 17 Aug 2012 of F 453 Mvemvane Close, Ntuzuma Township, KZN. ESTATE No. 17516/2012/DBN. M.E & MBHELE & CO P O Box 2232, Pinetown 3600. TEL:- 031 7010271.
HOOSEN Shaik Fareed ID 510727 5132 08 0 + 22 Oct 2010 x Farida HOOSEN ID 500215 0082 08 3 of 41 Insight Place , Croftdene ,Chatsworth. ESTATE No. 8301/2012. A.R. KAZI & COMPANY 169 Felix Dlamini Rd, Durban 4091. P O Box 2786, Durban 4000.
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