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Daily News 2013 11 November

1 November 2013


LUCIEN Brad & Bianca a girl Morgan. Sister to Sienna.


DICKSON Sarah x on 31 Oct 2013 in Dubai to Kyle DALTON. From PHIPSON & TREPP.


BADRIPERSAD Brady. Colleague and friend from the MARSH (PTY )LTD family.

CROSS Tammy + 8 Oct 2013 at age 37 years x Adrian CROSS + 8 Oct 2013 hours after his wife died. He killed himself - he was 45 years. The couple were married for 15 years. They lived in Merthyr Tydfil South Wales. (London). Funeral was 28 Oct 2013 at St John's Church in Cefn Coed.

LOUW Delyn Emilio of Newlands East. Funeral on 2 Nov 2013 at The Conerstone Ministries Newlands East at 0930am. Proceeding to The Dudley Street Cemetery.

MAPHUMULO Phelelani (15) and NGUBANE Mabutho (12) killed by lightning. They were from Willowfountain outside Pietermaritzburg.

MOORE Michael + 26 Oct 2013 in Greensboro, Georgia USA x Carol. Parent of Catriona, Nicola and Simon. Brother of Barry, Anthony and Justin. 

NELLY Lunga + 31 Oct 2013 in Clairwood. Knocked down by a truck.

NISBET Sarah. Memorial on 4 Nov 2013 at Karkloof Polo Club Clubhouse.


MARAIS Petrus Jacobus ID 380120 5088 08 9 + 23 May 2013 of 56 Assegai Crescent Austerville Durban 4052. ESTATE No. 9767/2013. HULLEY AND ASSOCIATES INC. Suite 17, Corporated Park, 11 Sinembe Crescent , La Lucia Ridge 4051.

MYEZA Tntokozo Xolani ID 790710 5250 08 7 + 11July 2013 of 118 Castlehill Drive, Newlands East. ESTATE No. 8786/2013/DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS PO Box 3360, Durban 4000. TEL:-031 3013333.

NAICKER Kashnie ID 86076 0069 08 9 [as in press] + 17 April 2013 of 55 Alwar Rd, Merebank, Durban. ESTATE No. 7515 /2013/DBN. CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS 58 St Andrew's Drive, Durban North. 4051. REF:- Ms Dinanath.

NANNI Merle Joan ID 241208 0024 08 1 + 26 Sept 2013 of Ridgewood Frail Care Centre, 33 Halse Ave , Mt Edgecombe 4302. ESTATE No. 14637/2013 DBN. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY P O Box 1357, Hyper-by-the Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.

REDHI Savithry ID 461202 0047 08 8 + none of 14 Asparagus Fern Rd, Brackenham, Richards Bay.ESTATE No 05/09. DES NAIDOO ATTORNEYS 6 Sand Rd, Riverclub. TEL:- 011 463 7236.


BARTLETT George Shepstone ID 310314 5039 08 6 + 25 March 2010 of Barlett Farms, Inchanga, KZN. ESTATE No 3067/2010/PMB. BARRY WILLIAM ARTHUR ALLESON PO Box 30669, Mayville 4058. TEL:- 031 2018269 FAX:- 031 2018269.

CHERKOOT Vijaikumarie Devi ID 350524 0115 08 4 + 14 Aug 2012 of 176 Colorado Circle Bayview Chatsworth. ESTATE No 2786/2013 DBN. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY PO Box 1357, Hyper-by-the Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.

NAIDOO Claude Anthony ID 291001 5114 08 3 + 6 Dec 2011 of 125 Rose Heights Rd, Arena Park, Chatsworth x Poobathi NAIDOO ID 371212 0567 08 3. ESTATE No 4140/2013/DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS P O Box 3360, Durban 4000.TEL:-031 3013333.

4 November 2013


BERNSTEIN / KAGANSON David & Taryn a son * 28 Oct 2013 in Cape Town. Grandchild for Neville & Melanie, Mervyn & Beverley NICK and + Arnold KAGANSON, great-grandson for Ruth BERNSTEIN and Shima BLEDIN.


FLAX Graham + 3 March 2013. Unveiling of tombstone on 10 Nov 2013 at Westpark Cemetery at noon.


ASPDEN Norman x Irma for 67 years. Father and grandfather. AVBOB 031 2061831.

BLUMBERG Cecil Wallace (Doogie) + 28 Oct 2013 x Bubbles (Mame). Father of Jenny (Ducas), Mark and grandfather of Mel and Jon.

CHIN Edwin + 1 Nov 2013. Cousin of Jeff, Alida, Irwin, Estelle and familie.

CLOW Gordon + 19 Oct 2013 x + Jean. Father of Sheila. Funeral at Christ Church Kenilworth on 13 Nov 2013 at 12 noon. Cremation private. CONSTANTIABERG 021 6712400.

CULLINAN Heather, Melanie and Rachel. Mother ,daughter and granddaughter. Rachel was the daughter of Michael. From Grannie Anne.

HOYER nee BROWN Ann Bernadine + 31 Oct 2013 at age 85 years x Michael. Sister of Mary (Maim). Mother to John & Judy, & Bruce. Granny to Craig, Katheryn & Brynn, Steven, Anthony & Jenna & Grant. Great-grandmother to Arron

KASTENGREN Magnus + 3 Nov 2013 at age 32 years of Sweden. He was an extreme skier. He fell from New Zealand's highest mountain, the 3 754-metre Aoraki/Mount Cook.

NAIDOO Gopaul Krishan x Punie. Father of Venesan & Yushavia, Yavini & Damon. Grandfather of Yuvaan, Nivarya, Rosa , Solaya and Aran KARHIK. Brother of Sagren, Vicky, Mano, Saro and Baby. Son of + Mr & Mrs N C NAIDOO. Funeral on 5 Nov 2013. Body wil lie in state at Dravida Society Hall New Germany Rd from 11am -2pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 2:30 for cremation.

RANA Dr Jaya Nathoo + 2 Nov 2013 x Dr Naren J RANA. Mother of Dr Hemant N RANA, Dr Priya RANA. Mother-in-law of Barry D'SULLIVAN and Dr. Priya Hermant RANA. Grandmother of Keira, Karina and Kimaya. TEL:- 031 2082932 /0797663889.

RIDL Peter John +31 Oct 2013. Eldest son of + Water & Flo. Brother of Jeanette, Chris, Anthony, Adrian, Penny, Felicity, Jeremy, Angela and Liz. Also grandfather.


PIERI Ranieri 1906 ----1984. Father of Joe PIERI and family.

PILGRIM Glen & Sally. Wife and daughter. Missed by Alastair, Lulu and family.

PLAATJIES Hayden Kern 30 Dec 1991 ----4 Nov 2006 . Missed by Mom, Dad, Stacey, Lesley and TJ.

SHIRRA Jeanne 5 Oct 1950 ------4 Nov 2007 x Tom. Sister and aunt of Trish, Kelly and Jared. ; Sister and aunt of Joe , Glynis, Matt and Grace.

STOLTENKAMP Desmond . 8 years gone now Loved and remembered by Ros; Father of Lonese, Avie, Kevin, Meryl, Heidi Albra ,Craig and Aroon. Grandfather of Leith, Jared, Kieran, Tenielle, Kyron, Matthew, Christy, Aziz and Adam.

5 November 2013


MARTENS / PLATT Dave & Jenny, Guy & Lynda announce engegement of Sally and Sean.


BISHUN Rishichund (Cooks / Patience) x Sheryl. Father of Taryn & Dane. Son of Rebecca & +Arjoon BISHUN. Son-in-law of Mrs Dunie WILLIE. Funeral on 6 Nov 2013 at Rivers Church Glen Anil from 12:30pm ---2:30pm Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.

BLACK Pippa 26 June 1963 -----3 Nov 2013. Daughter of Peter & Janette DAUNCEY.

BOTHA Jean-Paul born in Eshowe .He was the son of Angela. He died at the weekend at age 43 years. He was founder of Ruff Tung label in Durban and was one of South Africa's leading designers.

BUCHANAN nee MARRIER-dUNIENVILLE Monique 20 Aug 1942 -----1 Nov 2013. Mother and grandmother of Robin, Ethan and Skyla. ;Mother and grandmother of Josée-Anne, Peter, Caitlin, James and Thomas. ; Mother and grandmother of Glen, Penny, Greg and Ryan; Sister of Christiane, Maurice, Marie-Helene, Michel and Bertrand.

BOULLE Shirley 26 Feb 1922 + 15 Oct 2013 x Gerald Victor Louis Joseph BOULLE. [Private]

CHAPMAN Margaret Kathleen 22 Feb 1940 ----1 Nov 2013. Memorial at St Mary's Anglican Church Warner Beach on 5 Nov 2013 at 2pm. MARTIN'S 031 9035423.

DICKSON CHEYANNA. We think of you from Mommy, Granny and Grandpa.

KRUIZE William (Bill) x Margaret. Father to Andre, Susan and Stephen. Brother to Christina, Christy. Memorial at Bill Buchanan Heights on 9 Nov 2013 at 2pm.

LEITA Laurentino Da Costa + 3 Nov 2013 x Dolores. Father of Minda and Tony. Grandfather and great-grandfather.

MALE Denis Blythe + 2 Nov 2013. Will be missed by Sue, John, Signe, Billy, Jenny, Carla and Bianca. Private cremation. Donation to Helping Paws. 

MILLER John William 28 April 1937 ----31 Oct 2013. Memorial on 6 Nov 2013 at 10am at Waterfall Methodist Church Kloof.

SAAD Paul Anthony 30 March 1933 -----2 Nov 2013. x Patricia. Father to Stephen (Lynda), Paul (Ashleigh), Donne (Peter) and all the grandchildren .RIP from Martin and family. Sympathy to family from Vicky, Lambro and Dad Peter. Funeral at Holy Trinity Church Berea on 6 Nov 2013 at 11am. DOVES 0860025500.

SARGENT Patricia Maeve (Paddy) + 30 Oct 2013. Mother fly free from Mands, Keri and Gleyde. Now with Dad. MARTIN'S 031 7092142.


DANIELS Joyce Edna. 20 years gone now. Mother of Clive, Denise, Trevor and Kerri-Leigh.

ESKRINE Grant 1963 ---2005. Missed by Roy, Tracey, Hamish & Jamie, Also by Rachael, Tania and Illa, his 8 nephews and nieces.

VOLEK Gerald Alwyn + 5 Nov 2012 . Father and Amie we miss you from Kevin, Nola, Kerry, Glen and Tracey.

6 November 2013


ALBERT Ed . 6 Feb 1923 ----5 Nov 2013 Brother of Don and friend of Chooky. Father of Richard.

BUTHELEZI Sphumelele (36) was found murdered on 4 Nov 2013 in Stetemi Reserve . Sister of Nonhlanhla. Mother of 6 children.

NAICKER Tyreece Jordan + 4 Nov 2013. He swallowed a firework on Sunday. He was 6 years old. Son of Michelle and Clive. Nephew of Pastor Ronnie NAICKER. Michelle and Clive has 3 daughters.

SHOOP Richard shot himself and died at age of 20 years. Brother of Kevin SHOOP. It happened in Paramus New Jersey. SAPA-AP

7 November 2013


AARYAH NANJEE. 6 years today. Happy birthday.


SCHACH Michael & Jackie of Toronto Kanada's daughter Emily to Marc ,eldest son of Barrie & + Howard SIDELSKY. Grandson of Murien BERGHAUS. Emily is granddaughter of Dr Wally & Rene SCHACH of California formally of Johannesburg. 


DE KLERK Haley & Gloria married 7 Nov 1953. They met in 1951 in Warner Beach. He was 21 years and she 14 years.They have 3 children, 5 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. [1 marriage photo and 1 of now.] BEREA MAIL.


CHRISTOPHER Ellen Patricia. Funeral on 8 Nov 2013 at St Francis Xavier Catholic Church Bluff at 11 am. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.

DE BRUIN Brian Peter 26 Sept 1941 -------5 Nov 2013. Partner and companion for 24 years to Christine. Special friend toChristopher and Dylan; Father and grandfather to Janine, Ian, Christian, Jordan and Oliver.

De GERSIGNY Tony + 4 Nov 2013 in Langebaan. Twin brother to + Tim. Brother of John and Ivy.

ELLIS Beryl Thearle. Memorial at All Saints United Church Pietermaritzburg on 8 Nov 2013 at 12 noon. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.

MELLORS Clive John 1938 ---2013. Missed by Anne, Wendy, Gavin, Roger and grandchildren.

MOODLEY Ambigay (Gayle) x + Menza MOODLEY . Mother of Melanie, Navin, Priya and + Neson and grandmother. Funeral at Faith Centre International Greenwood Park from 11:30 ----1pm on 8 Nov 2013. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 2:20pm for cremation at 3pm. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.

MOONSAMY Charlie 3 Dec 1953 ------6 Nov 2013 of Springfield Park x Merl. Father of Jolene (daughter), Bradley (son). Grandfather of Kaylib, Caitlin, Luke and Corban. Funeral at Betshan Worship Centre at 3pm on 7 Nov 2013.

NAIDOO Mathavakesavan . Funeral on 7 Nov 2013. Body will lie in state from 10:39 ---11:30 at 136 Greendale Rd Chatsworth proceeding to Scdifa Community Hall Silverglen from 12 ----3pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 3pm for cremation at 4:20pm.

PILLAY Unamalay Swamivel x + Swamivel PILLAY. Mother of Dharmavelli, Amuthaveli, Krish Swamivel, Strivelli, Rajrndran, General Ravichandran PILLAY & Dr Mervyn Swamivel PILLAY. Grandmother of Shaun, Rivashnee, Dr Preeyan PADAYACHEE, Priyadharshnee, Kameshnee, Melaney, Trivino, Shaylin, Preolin, Daveshan, Preshanthan, Shivanan, + Prinisha SWAMIVEL. Great-grandmother of Shivalee & Shivayan. Funeral on 7 Nov 2013. Body will lie in state at Shallcross Community Centre from 12 ----4pm.Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium for cremation at 5:30pm. WYEBANK 031 7057321.

REDOLFI Alida + peacefully x + Guido. Mother of Bruno .TEL:- 0829690673.

SCHEEPERS nee TEDDER Nancy Lorna 5 Nov 1966 -----4 Nov 2013. Memorial at Methodist Church Scottsburg on 9 Nov 2013 at 11am. Private cremation. KAN FUNERALS Scottsburgh 039 9760200.

THORN Marion Hebe (Revd) Requiem Mass at St Michaels Anglican Church Umhlanga Rocks on 8 Nov 2013 at 11am.OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

WEGE Michael John + 4 Nov 2013 x Sally. Father of Jacques and Courtney. Brother of Laura WEGE. Memorial at The Chapel Pineville Junction on 9 Nov 2013 at 10am. MARTIN'S 031 7092142.


COLZI Giuliano. 11 years gone now. Missed by Giuliana PIERI and family and Daniela TORINO and family.

DONALDSON Anne . Remembered by Gordon and family

FISHER Donald Edward . 3 years gone now. Father of Laverne, Josh, D.J., Bruce. Grandfather of Riley and Tr'e and Jane and Ronnie.

8 November 2013


DEVLIN nee NUPEN Robina Mary (Robin) 23 July 1942 -----4 Nov 2013. Wife, Mother and grandmother of Philip, Maureen, Dana, Sean, Brenda and Jason. Memorial on 13 Nov 2013 at 10am at Rosebank Union Church.

MOODLIAR Mogam + 4 Nov 2013 while on holiday in Greece at age of 74 years. He was a Human rights lawyer. Married to Rookumani. Father of 2 daughters Sayuri and Yoshira and son Roushal and Grandfather of 2.


BOUCHER Dalton Vernon ID 410718 5130 08 4 + 6 July 2013 of 10 Ben Nevis Rd Redhill Durban 4051 . ESTATE No. 13810/13 Mr C BOUCHER 10 Ben Nevis Rd Redhill Durban 4051.

BOUCHER Loraine Georgina Olga ID 390718 0109 08 7 + 3 Dec 2007 of 10 Ben Nevis Rd Redhill Durban 4051 x Dalton Vernon BOUCHER ID 410818 5130 08 4. ESTATE Nr 13809/13 . Mr C BOUCHER 10 Ben Nevis Rd Redhill Durban 4051.


LINDSAY Janet ID 702846095 + none of 23 Sol Harris Crescent Durban. ESTATE No. 10484/2012/PMB. TUCKERS INC 84 Trichardt Rd Ravenswood Boksburg 1460, TEL:- 011 897 1900.

11 November 2013


MARX Marion + 5 Nov 2013 x Peter. Mother of Dieter, Linda, Nicola and David. Sister of Peter.

PETERSEN Roderick + 10 Nov 2013 (43 years) a maths teacher at Empangeni High School. Car accident in Empangeni after coming from Church. With him died his wife Ronelle (40 years and clerk at a local hospital), and their 2 children Josh 11years and Amy 6 years. An older daughter was not with them. She is Bianca (25 years). With them in the car was Silakhokonke (8 years), his
sister Phiwokhuhle (11years) MAGWAZA. They also died. They were the childern of Stembile MAGWAZA.

14 November 2013


BARNWELL Denise 5 Jan 1945 ----12 Nov 2013 x Tony. Mother of Renee. Grandmother of Blaise, Thaun and Eden. Daughter of Elvia LE BRASSE. Funeral at St Theresa's Church on 15 Nov 2013 at 2pm Cremation private.

MORGAN Michael George Vanden. Father ,grandfather. Now with Dove.

OGLE Jerry Sylvester 17 March 1959 ----8 Nov 2013. Son of Patricia. Brother of Joan. Father of Ricardo and grandfather of Caide. Funeral at Holy Family Parish Church Newlands East on 15 Nov 2013 at 10am ---12 noon. Cremation private.

PIGGOTT Martin Stuart + 10 Nov 2013. Son, husband and brother.

PUCKREE Kasavan (Kevin) x Joyce. Father of Bradley, Jhanel, Brendon. Father-in-law of Sarah. Grandfather of Abigail and Abriana. Funeral at No 9, 43rd Ave Umhlatuzana Township 14 Nov 2013 from 11am to 12pm proceeding to Pentecostal Repentant Church from 12noon ---3pm proceeding to Mobeni Crematorium for cremation at at 3-4pm TEL:- Brendon 0722072221.

ROWLES Winnie + 11 Nov 2013 Mother and granny of Heather, Ian, Ellen, Natalie and Heather.

SMITH Victor (Vicky) x Cynthia . Father of Charmaine , Tony and Marlin and father-in-law and grand and great-grandfather. Requiem Mass at Christ The King Parish Wentworth on 15 Nov 2013 ar 12 noon. Cremation private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.

VAN ROOYEN Dinah 6 Oct 1949 ----10 Nov 2013 x Nico. Vrou, moeder en ouma Diens vind plaas uit NG Kerk Malvern op 15 Nov 2013 om 2nm. AVBOB 031 2061831.


CARDO Richard + 14 Nov 2012. From Hannah and "George".

CASH nee SNASHALL Carol. Daughter of Dave & Penny SNASHALL.

FREDERICKS Marjorie. 15 years . From Delyse, Gerrard, Marcelle, Lance and Martin; Mother of Yunus, Rose, Clare and Angela.

NAICKER Kothunda. Remembered by Ruthra ,Sunny, Parusha and Shavani.

15 November 2013


DEMONT -GOSLING Robert & Elicia a girl Jasmine Anne * 30 Oct 2013 . Sister for Harley. Grandaughter for Guy, Marise, David & Pat.


GOVENDER Ruby x Jace. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 2---3:30pm on 16 Nov 2013. TEL:- Trivi 082 3093554.

PADAYACHEE Paddy . Funeral at Dravida Hall Clare Estate on 16 Nov 2013 at 3:30 pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium . Body will lie in state at Residence from 11:30 ---1pm. At Church from 1:30pm.


HARRIELAL Kishor ID 480314 5109 08 1 + 8 Aug 2013 of 106 Batonmore Crescent, Stanmore Phoenix x Nalnie Devi HARRIELAL ID 521102 0121 08 1. ESTATE No. 14726/2013.EXECUTRIX NALNIE DEVI HARRIELAL.

NAICKER Regina ID 700315 0141 08 0 + 11 June 2012 of 40 Essem Park Place Parlock Durban x Kumeren Singaravaloo NAICKER ID 670423 5125 08 6. ESTATE No 6624/2013 DBN. DONNAVAN NAIDOO 169 Kwartel Rd, Birch Acres, Kempton Park 1609.

NAIDOO Veerasamy Loga Priya ID 510919 5106 08 7 + 7 Sept 2013 x Precilla NAIDOO in community of property of 30 Lloyd Street, Cabooture, Queensland, Australia. ESTATE No 9534/2013. SUBHASH MAIKOO & ASSOCIATES 484 Burger Str Pietermaritzburg Street 3201. TEL:- 033 3427173 FAX:- 033 3427174.


DIXON Valerie Ann ID 460221 0053 08 7 + 18 June 2013 of 35 Cuckoo Circle, Yellowwood Park 4004. ESTATE No. 6126/2013/PMB. ROBIN ANTHONY KEMP for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY P O Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300 FAX:- 031 2671838.

EWEG Margaret Elizabeth ID 120519 0046 08 0 + 20 Aug 2008 of The Camphors Care Centre, 30 Fisher Rd, Hillcrest Durban. ESTATE No. 15560/2008/Dbn. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEY P O Box 1357 Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 564 7276.

FOSTER Catherine Jessie ID 261020 0041 18 8 + 7 Oct 2010 of HD 175 Dunrobin Lane, Bothas Hill, Durban 3610. ESTATE No 2609/11/DBN. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800 Marine Parade 4056 TEL:- 031 3328622.

18 November 2013


BEIRUT:- Liwa al-Tawhid Brigate Abel Quader SALEH, died from wounds he suffered in a regime air strike last Thursday. He was head of the Syrian Rebels. Also al-ABBAS Yuseff - he was Likwa al-Tawhid's intelligence Chief.

SINGH Harrish (Hoppy). Son of + Mr & Mrs Deosook SINGH, brother of + Benny, Dolly, Prem and Dubs, and brother of Ranjith (Roy) ASHOK, Ishwar (Id) and Premilla. Funeral on 18 Nov 2013 at The Clare Estate Crematorium between 11am -1pm.

19 November 2013


DU PREEZ Mark & Ronel a boy Damian Astley * 18 Nov 2013 in Doha Qatar. Grandchild for Johan & Mary.


BORLAND (SCRIBBLY) Bernard Victor (Bernie) 1924 ----15 Nov 2013 x Delight Emma. Stepfather of Peter and Sandra.; Father and grandfather of Michael, Kerry, Tamerin and Blake;Father of Lorraine and friend of Bill, remembered by Juliet and grandfather to Teri, Cara and Grant. Great-grandfather of Jakob, Elise, Breanna, Harry; Step-dad and father-in-law and grandpa of Doug, Les, Stephen and Natalie THOMPSON.

CROOME Violet + 17 Nov 2013. Father of Beric x Judy.

GILES Rosemary 16 Sept 1954 ----18 Nov 2013 x William.

HEARN Averil + 15 Nov 2013. Missed by Graham and family. Funeral on St Francis of Assisi Waterkloof Pretoria at 14:30pm.

MAIN-BAILLIE Jamie Robert. From your Dad. Funeral at Our Lady of Fatima Durban North on 22 Nov 2013 at 3:30pm. BELL 031 3014793.

MSONI Sanele drowned near La Mercy. He was 6 years old Son of Nobuhle MSONI (33 years)

NAIDOO Bobby. Funeral on 19 Nov 2013 at Kharwastan Community Hall from 12noon ---15h00. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematoriu, from 4pm cremation at 17:30pm.

NAIDOO Kanniammal (Pushpa). Funeral on 19 Nov 2013 at Rd 706. House 203 where body will lie in state from 10----11am. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Cemetery for burial.

NORTMAN Veronica Yvonne. Mother, grandmother and aunt. Funeral at 100 Selbourne Rd, Umbilo (Stellawood ) on 21 Nov 2013 at 12pm.

PILLAY Lushen. Only son of Asho & Rani PILLAY, brother of Serusha. Body will lie in state at 12 Hilmer Rd, New Germany from 10am ---12:30pm Proceeding to Wyebank Sungam Hall at 3pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 4pm.

PILLAY Mrs Swamivel (Mummy) . 16th Day Memorial at Scidifa Hall Newmarket Street Silverglen on 20 Nov 2013 at 6 pm. Supper will be served.

ROETS Johannes Nicolaas Jacobus . Funeral at Christ The King Church Wentworth on 21 Nov 2013 at 11:30am. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Crematorium. DOVES 0860025500.


SEW Mr Sunjeeth (Sandy) 15 Dec 1948 ----19 Nov 2012 x Rainuka SEW, children and grandchildren.

STILES Arthur Frank 1 March 1929 ---20 Nov 2012. Missed by Megan, Shelley, Ronald, Wayne, Cheryl and Grandchildren.

WARMAN Mark + 19 Nov 1988.. Now Mom & Dad is with you . Love from the Family.

20 November 2013


CUFFE Philip + 19 Nov 2013 in Australia. Friend, brother and uncle of Terence, Elisa, Neil, Rodney, Andrew and families.

DISNEY MILLER Diane + in hr home at age 79 years in Napa ,California. She was the daughter of Walt DISNEY and she was his inspiration to build Disneyland theme park..

FISHER-HILL Anna + 17 Nov 2013. Mother and grandmother of Maryke, Gerard and Anneli, Clifford, Julie, Simon, Maelyn, Sian, Liam, Rebecca, Bryce and Jason. Private cremation.

MASEKO Gandhi 17 Nov 1963 -----14 Nov 2013. Father, brother and son. Teane (Myles), Carolyn, Phumzile, Bongi, Zola, Inga and all the MASEKO family. Memorial at Johannesburg Country Club Auckland Park on 21 Nov 2013 from 4 –4:30pm.

OUE Desire + 15 Nov 2013. Gunman have killed a journalist in Ivory Coast's economic capital of Abidjan,. She was 40 years old and the managing editor of the Tomorrow Magazine review.

21 November 2013


BETAR John & Ann of Fairfield Connecticut. They eloped in 1932 and they will celebrate their 81 year together on Monday. They received the longest-married couple award for this year from the Worldwide Marriage Encounter. John is 102 and Ann 98 years. They had 5 children. They lost 1
daughter and their only son. Oldest daughter is 80 years. They have 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. (photo)


DAVIS Stephen John Michael. Unveiling at Westbrook Cemetery on 24 Nov2013 at 10:30am following by a light meal at his daughter Anne's home.


ABRAHAMS Clinton Mark. Son of Ann & + Desmond ABRAHAMS. Brother of Delysia, uncle of Kim, Lee, Angelica, Anthony, Mirac and Sugen. Funeral at Holy Family Parish Catholic Church Newlands East on 22 Nov 2013 at 11am. Cremation private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.

BRISSET nee GILBERT Pamela Thelma 18 July 1945 ----18 Nov 2013. Wife, mother, grandmother. From your husband and children. + Errol; + Rory; Craig, Preston, Crispian, Yul; Yuka Lyanne, Taryl, Erlene, Sheridan, Quinton , Mala, Caleigh, Erron, Laiken, Ryde', Tiara, Christine, Gabriella and
Clinton. Service on 23 Nov 2013 at Open Door Assembly Greenwood Park Durban at 10:30am.

CROSS Yvonne Mabel + 19 Nov 2013. RIP from friends . SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

DAVIES Penny 31 Sept 1929 ---19 Nov 2013 x Pip. Mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

DLAMINI Vusimuzi & Lindokuhle NTOZAKA burned in their shack on 19 Nov 2013 in Jan Smuts Highway.

HARTIGAN Jeanne + 16 Nov 2013 . Wife, mother and friend. Memorial at St Charles Catholic Church Victory Park.

ISAACS Marlot + 20 Nov 2013 at age 41 years he was from Sydenham. Shot in Windermer. He was a Taxi owner.

JACOBS Prof Peter . A South African Bone Marrow Registry Cofounder and Board Member and life-long transplant practitioner.Tribute from Prof Johnny MAHLANGU, Chairman and the Board of the SABMR; Profesor Ernette DU TOIT and Staff of the South African Bone Marrow Registry.

LAW Graham John 6 Dec 1942 ----19 Nov 2013. Brother of Andrew.

LE MÊME Dudley * 2 Feb 1925 Born in Mauritius ----21 Nov 2013 x Jean. [private].

LEWIS Mary Elizabeth 13 Sept 1926 -----19 Nov 2013. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Lost to Alzheimers for so long. From Sheila, Kathy and Helen, Lorraine, Lewie, Gwen and Abrie. Thanks to Mooihawens. Private cremation.

MABUZA Thandaza + 19 Nov 2013 at age 7 years. She crossed a busy highway near Kwa Mashu. Daughter of Lindiwe MABUZA (35)

MAIN-BAILLIE Jamie . Nephew and cousin of Marcus, Robyn, Brendon, Tyrone, Aimee, Kasia, Jade, Shane, Nohla and Daniel.

MATHONSI Sizwe (25). Body was found on Saturday in Pietermaritzburg. Stabbed.

MOLVER Eileen + 15 Nov 2013. RIP SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

NXUMALO Zakhithi + 19 Nov 2013 at age 25 years in Tongaat Mall Collapse. Mother of 3. Sister of Nomthandazo (33).

PADAYACHEE Rajambal x + G.R. Mother of Arnand, Asothi and Ansuyah. Sister-in-law of Manie PADAYACHIE. Mother-in-law of Sintha and Josh. Grandmother of Thiloshini, Adeshini, Nolan and Camira. Great-grandmother of Samara and Cameron . Funeral on 21 Nov 2013 at Siva Temple Hall from 10:30 ----13h00proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Hall for cremation at 4pm. RAMBOS Funerals 032 5513150.

VAN NIEKERK JONES Stella 10 Dec 1928 ----15 Nov 2013 . Mother of Naomi x John. Granny of Hayley, Juanita, Angela, Phil and Daryl. Great-gran to Madison, Ethan, Jake, Matt and Isabella. ; Mom of Steve, Linda, Chantal, James, Lauren, Kathryn, Sam, Marc, Sharon. Great-gran of Tyra, Chloe,
Charlotte, Daniel, Benjamin and Matthew.; Funeral for mother of Naomi and Steve , sister of Dennis at Club de Vie Le Domaine Hillcrest on 25 Nov 2013 at 10:30am.

WRIGHT Edward Alexander (Eddie) x Cynthia. Father of Cheryl, Brenda, Peter, Wendy, Anthony and Janine. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at The Fairydene Retirement Village Sarnia on 23 Nov 2013 at 11:30am. BELL 031 3014793.


CHRISTENSEN Norma Patricia + 21 Nov 2008. Mother, companion and friend - Finn.

CHURCHWARD Peter . 22 year gone now. Missed by Joy and family.

FORBES-HARDING Allan 1 March 1962 ---21 Nov 1994. Fom Amanda, Talese, Nalé, Tajuad, Joley and Véal.

KAPP Nicolas + 21 Nov 2012 x Juanita. Father of Callynn Leona KAPP.

KIMBLE Alex + 21 Nov 2010 From Mom, Hernani, Sharon, Debbie and family.

PAUL Arthur 1 Sept 1955----21 Nov 2008. 1 Day after our 31 anniversary. Missed by Vanessa, Romola, Denise and Vishnu.

SNOOK Ingrid 11 Feb 1985 -----21 Nov 2004. Love from Dad, Mom, Paul, Jacqui and Isabel, Caroline, Andrew and family.

22 November 2013


CLARKE Sheila May + 13 Nov 2013. Mother of Avryl, Ursula, Andy. Gran of Stacey, Chris, Ainsley, Brett, Cayley, Mark and great-grandmother of Abbey, Kate, Dean, Matthew, Tiffani, Megan, Jordan, Nicole.

I'ONS Gerald Harry + 19 Nov 2013. Father , grand and great-grandfather.


AMRA Zuleka ID 800376328 (as in Press) + 23 June 2005 of 56 Winchester Drive Reservoir Hills KZN. ESTATE No 15062/2013 . LA KHAN ATTORNEYS Suite 118, Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Str, Durban.

HOINES Brian Patrick Noel ID 261205 5033 08 8 +23 Sept 2013 of 08 The Lodge, 62 Somerset Valley Estate, Somerset Park . ESTATE No 15805/2013. JOHNSTON & PARTNER P O Box 3823 Durban 4000. TEL:- 931 3036011.

NAIDOO Kriben ID 720920 5063 08 4 + 27 Oct 2013 of Apartment 124 Barrington, Gazelle Rd Ballito x Pooendree NAIDOO ID 780519 0154 08 3 . ESTATE No 15217/2013 DBN. GARACH & GARACH P O Box 800 Umhlanga 4320.

TOMKIN Samuel Norton ID 080828 5035 08 1 + 31 Jan 2013 of 1 Malabar Place Don Mills, Canada. M3B 1A4. ESTATE No 6729/2013DBN. RSM BETTY & DICKSON P O Box 2120, Westville 3630.


DE CHARMOY Jean Gabriel Marie Jose ID 230624 5030 08 4 +3 Aug 2012 of Unit 88 Barrington , Gazelle Rd, Ballito 4399. ESTATE No 8528/2012/PMB. BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY P O Box 1098, Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300. 

DOW Glenys Marjorie ID 440720 0093 08 9 + 13 April 2013 of 212 Kensington Drive Durban North. ESTATE No 6829/13 DBN. JODI HALKIER & ASSOCIATES 24 Swapo Rd Durban North. TEL:- 031 5636723. REF:- S.Stewart/Shireen.

MEIRING David ID 230927 5018 98 4 DOB 27 Sept 1913 + 29 Oct 2012 of 14 Milldene Park, 65 Prospect Hall Rd, Durban North. ESTATE No. 019947/2012 DBN. MERVYN MILLAR ATTORNEYS PO Box 1357, Hyper By Sea 4053. 

MTHETHWA Sibongile Phillipine ID 590902 0695 08 3 + 1 Aug 2003 of 18 Orient Gardens, 239 Orient Drive, Orient Hills, Isipingo x Maizi Derrick MTHETHWA ID 561119 5763 08 0 ESTATE No. 7885/2004. ARADHANA DHARAMDAW & SAMLAL GARBARAN, 40 Prince Str, Athlone Park, Amanzimtori 4126. TEL:- 031 9041630.

STEVENS Lovell John ID 290712 5027 08 0 + none of 21 Dryden Hall, 165 Ridge Rd, Durban. ESTATE No 2929/2013/PMB. ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET 478 Lilian Ngoyi Rd, Durban TEL:- 031 3121303.

25 November 2013


ATKINS Ron. Husband and father of Debs, David, Blake, Hayley, Greg and families.

HUMAN Wayne + 6 Nov 2013 Lifepartner of Giselle. Memorial on 6 Dec 2013 at 3pm at Silvermist Mountain Lodge Constantia Neck Hout Bay (Cape Town).

SWARTZ Martin Henry David x Bernadette. Father of Paulette, Carmel, Heather, Derna, Martelini, Tania, Robyn and Roscoe. Grand and great-grandfather. Funeral on 26 Nov 2013 at St Gabriels Anglican Church Wentworth at 11:30am. Cremation private.

26 November 2013


DYER / BIXON Lynx & Jenny and James & Barbara announce engagement of Brinique & Sean.

HIGGINS /ROCHER : HIGGINS Henrie & Leigh's son Brandon is engaged to Bronwyn, daughter of Lennie & Carol MARAIS



DUBE Bonisile Pretty - 37 years

DUBE Goodness - 31 years.

HLENGWA Bafunani - 54 years

KHOMO Fielda -37 years

LUTHULI Bazini - 39 years

MDUNGE Qaphelani Phumzile -63 years.

MKHIZE Thandeka - 29 years

MHLONGO Vukani Godfrey -32 years.

MTHETHWA Nokwanda - 26 years

MZELEMU Wiseman - 29 years

NGCOMBE Nompumelelo Princess - 40 years

NGCONGCO Nombuso -24 years.

Name witheld - 42 years.

1 Unidentified man.

ATTLEE Cecil Winston (Boy)18 Dec 1942 ----24 Nov 2013. Dad, grandfather and friend. Funeral at Christ Church Point Rd on 29 Nov 2013 from 10:30 ----11:30am.

BRUCE Margaret Ann 18 April 1933 ----22 Nov 2013. Mother and grandmother of Inga, Michael, Rudi, Carole, Jock ,Lolita and grandchildren.

DEDAVAS Assie (Sheila) . Mother of Ursula, Aubrey and Christopher. Mother-in-law of Pam. Grandmother of Caitlin and sister. Funeral on 27 Nov 2013 at Newlands Christian Tabernackle at 1:30pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 3:15pm CENTRAL Funerals 0837758020.

GETHING Betty Joy . Mother , mother-in-law and grandmother of Garth and Rowan, Ingrid and Colin, Clair and Shane, Duncan, Bronwyn and Jordan.; Memorial at Musgrave Methodist Church St Thomas Rd on 28 Nov 2013 at 2:30pm.

HAWKINS Sara Wilhelmina 9 July 1928 ----19 Nov 2013. Mother and mother-in-law of Brian and Glenda, Hazel & Maurice, Kaye, John & Ingrid, June. Grandmother of Rochelle, Kim, Claire and Robert, Bianca & Allister and Travis. Great-grandmother of Erin, Jamie, Tye and Sienna.

ISAAC Marlon Michael . Taken suddenly. From Mummy, Bernice, Jenine and Denver. Son of Ingrid. Father , brother and grandfather. Funeral at St Anne's Church Sydenham on 27 Nov 2013 from 10am ---10:30am. Proceeding to Stellawood Cemetery. PHOENIX Funerals 031 5073925.

KESHWAR Maurice + 22 Nov 2013. Father and grandfather.

KING-PETER John . Memorial at All Saints Anglican Church Bellair on 29 Nov 2013 at 2pm.

MARKHAM John + 24 Nov 2013 at Highway Hospice . Jounger brother of Judy and + Pete and Joan. Misses by Judy and Alastair, Paul and Sue, Robert and Suzanne, Janet and Marcel and all his BRUCE-BRAND and KOHLER nephews and nieces.

MULDER Chris x Charmaine. Father of Mark, Angelique ,Stoffel and Lana and grandfather. Funeral at NG Kerk Umhlanga on 29 Nov 2013 at 11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

OLLIVRY Monique + 22 Nov 2013. Mother of Roger and Carolyn. Missed by daughter and son-in-law Lynn & Geoffrey and grandmother Angelique, Jody and James. Funeral at St Charles Catholic Church Victory Park on 28 Nov 2013 at 11:30am.

PADAYACHEE Chinnam(Paddy) . 15th & 16th Day Memorial at Reservoir Hills Seva Samaj Hall Reservoir Hill on 28 Nov 2013 Supper from 17h00. Service 19h00. TEL:- 0761987221.

PIERRE Desmond Gabriel 14 Aug 1942 -----21 Nov 2013. Husband, father grand and great-grandfather. Funeral at St Michaels Catholic Church Redhill on 29 Nov 2013 at 11am. Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery. DOVES 0860025500.

RODEN Basil . Will always love you from Thelma.

SMITH Elizabeth + 23 Nov 2013 Dear friend of Tubby, Ann, Ian, Mark and Sylvia.

STEPHENS nee HATTING MJ (Molly / Stevie) 14 Feb 1920 ------23 Nov 2013. (93 years) Mother of Noeline and + Margaret. Grand and great-grandmother.

WULFSON Ethene 29 April 1924 ---22 Nov 2013 at home in Plettenberg Bay. She had an Irish spirit. From WULFSON Family.


CELISTIAN Tyvian (Tyvie) + 26 Nov 1993. From Mom & Dad.

DE JAGER Trevor Lawrence 9 Oct 1934 -----26 Nov 2011 x Elaine.

DU BOIS Kevin x Emmie.

PILLAY Wolaganathann Munien (Devraj & Johnny) 25 Nov 1943 -----9 Nov 2013 x Lutchmee . Father of 4, Grandfather of 9.


MUDALY Neelakandan 11 May 1936 -----10 Nov 2013 of Singers Sewing Machine's Durba . Thank you all for support in our time of need from Wife, children and grandchildren.

SAAD Paul Sr. Family say thank you for support and sympathy. From Patricia and family.

29 November 2013


MARX Eunice 27 April 1979 ----24 Nov 2013 Sympathy to Thomas, Marcus, Elzari, Goosen Snr, Nellie, Yolande and Goosen, from Akeso Crescent Clinic Randburg.

MOONILALL Warrant Oficer Rylin + 28 Nov 2013. He was shot when they took his car in Newlands West. Only son of Devan MOONILALL


BATOHI RS ID 340715 5067 08 9 + 12 Aug 2013 of 69 Spencer Rd, Clare Estate Durban 4001 x R BATOHI ID 360809 0249 08 4. ESTATE No 8097/2013 PMB. SAMUEL & COMPANY 51 Hunt Rd, Berea Durban Docex 26, Musgrave. PO Box 5549 Durban .TEL:- 031 2013560.

SKARADONAKIS Franciena Jacoba ID 321014 0031 08 1 + 23 June 2013 of Soins La Vie Care Centre Looacutt Drive Hillcrest. ESTATE No 14421/2013/DBN. CARLITZ CROCART & ASSOCIATES INC 3rd Floor , 14/36 Silverton Rd, Musgrave, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 2023100.

SMITH Trevor Sidney ID 360706 5038 15 3 + 30 July 2013 of 2 Dyke End , St Andrews Mount Edgecombe 4304 x Valerie Anne SMITH ID 381118 0075 18 3. ESTATE No 12591/2013/DBN. RSM BETTY & DICKSON (Durban) P O Box 2120 Westville. 3630.


ALDWORTH Erna Christina ID 240922 0052 08 9 +25 May 2011of 155 Kensington Drive, Durban North. ESTATE No. 417/2012 PMB. MOORE STEPHENS CJL P O Box 11800 Marine Parade 4056. TEL:- 031 3328622.

MKHIZE Michael Mandla ID 640327 5611 08 5 + none x Alvina Nozipho MKHIZE formerly MLITWA ID 641217 0420 08 8 of 81 Roland Chapman Drive Summerfields Montclair 4004. ESTATE No 494/2009/DBN. ATKINSON , TURNER & DE WET 478 Lilian Ngoyi, Durban TEL:- 031 3121303.

STENT Colin John ID 580905 5061 08 8 + 25 May 2013 of17 MacDonald Rd, Westville. ESTATE No. 5793/2013 PMB. FRANCES ANN STENT P O Box 488, Westville 3630 TEL:- 031 2668258.


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