Daily News 2015 09 September
1 September 2015
CHAPMAN Yvonne Iris 19 March 1940 ----28 Aug 2015 x Alan. Mother and grandmother of Wayne, Tess, Jessica, Hannah, Tracey, Judy.; Mother and grandmother of Kevin, Lynn, Bugz and Meggie Moo; Mother and grandmother of Bruce, Rene, Emily-Jo and Joshie. Memorial on 1 Sept 2015 at 11am at The Hillary Methodist Church.
COUCH Erasmus Lawrence of Wentworth . Funeral at Christ The King Parish on 2 Sept 2015 . Body will lie in state from 11:30am Service at 12 noon proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
CULBERT Donald +29 Aug 2015. RIP From Cynthia , Vivienne, Karl and Neville.
DAVISON Coral Louise + 30 Aug 2015. Memorial on 2 Sept 2015 at The Stellawood Chapel Umbilo at 1pm.SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
EALES John 1923 --- 29 Aug 2015. Father of Josette, Penny and Andrew. Father-in-law of Jenny and Sandy and grandfather.
MORKEL Yvonne Dawn. Funeral at Sweet Waters Amanzimtoti Winkelspruit op 2 Sept 2015 at 10am. Cremation private. DOVES 0860025500.
WILSON Colin E 1936 ---28 Aug 2015. Loved by Liz, Mark & Shan, Alan & Jacs & Leigh - Pa of Jess, Kayla, Brooke, Cam, Matt & Jamie. Farewell on 1 Sept 2015 at Crusaders from 4pm. Liz TEL:- 0823775736.
ANDOW John + 1 Sept 2008. Remembered by Jean, Bobbi, Andrew, Samantha, Nicole ,Dawn, Didier and Jessica.
GRANEY Michael. Brother of Geraldine and Jenny.
MARESCIA Basil (Bonny) x Pam. Father of Patrick, Marc and Chrystal, father-in-law and grandfather and great-grandfather.
REID Ruby . Remembered by Brian, Jean, Justin & Denise.
ROOKS Kerri Amanda. 3 years gone now from Dad, Mom and Shelli; Also remembered by Sandy.
2 September 2015
DOVERTY Sandy (Alexanda James) 16 Aug 2015. Brother of Irene. Love from Kerry.
GOVENDER Govindamma (Dhanu) x + John GOVENDER. Mother to Anand, Deena, Ronnie, Angie, Dayaneethie. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother. Funeral on 3 Sept 2015. Body will lie in state at Kharwastan Temple Hall from 1---3pm proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium. Cremation at 4pm.
ZEH HAROLD Father and grandfather of Grant, Taryn, Alexa and Brent.
SKEYIYA Thembile Lewis + 1 Sept 2015 (Former Constitutional Court judge. Suvived by his wife and 4 children.
3 September 2015
ARKIN Marcus x + Sue ARKIN. Father of Anthony and Glenda. Funeral on 4 Sept 2014 at 10am at the Red Hill Jewish Cemetery.
COUZENS Gwen. Sister of Trevor, Margie and family.
DU PLESSIS born MURRAY Una Lorciene . Grandmother to Grant, Clair and Lara. Aunt to Rowan, Lynette, Eugene , Lynn and family. Mass at the Nazareth House Chapel Soth Ridge Rd Berea on 7 Sept 2015 at 2pm. Donation to Nazareth Home. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
FYNN Morris + 31 Aug 2015 at age 84 in Umbogintwini south of Durban x Thoko. He was an Anti-Apartheid activist. He sawed down apartheid segregation signs along Durban beaches. Father of Angela FYNN CAMP, Iris CUPIDO. FYNN had 28 Children, 56 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. He founded the FYNN Descendents' Association and Trust. He was call Chief because King Shaka as well as king Faku of the Pondos gave Tribal Land to the FYNNs. (His direct descendent ) Henry Francis FLYNN x to Zulu Princess MAVUNDLASE and appointed Chief which was tranferred then to Morris via hereditary line. Iris CUPIDO said. Funeral on Grace Tabernacle Church Wentworth on 5 Sept 2015 from 09:00am. He will be lied to rest at Umtwalume. ZAINUL DAWOOD.
JACOBS Kathie Catherine of Wentworth. Funeral on 4 Sept 2015 at Christ The King Parish Wentworth Viewing from 11:30am. Mass at 12 noon. Cremation private.
SCHUTTE Margaret Ann (Margie) 3 June 1941 -----30 Aug 2015. Mother, grandmother . Memorial on 4 Sept 2015 at Christ Church Escombe Queensburgh at 11am. Cremation private.
SIMPSON Eileen + 28 Aug 2015. Will be missed by Maureen and Gerald.
WHEATLEY Clive Aubrey of Wentworth . Funeral on 4 Sept 2015 at Christ The King Parish Austerville . Body will lie in state from 09:00am Service at 09:30am. Proceeding to Dudley street Cemetery. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S.
WILLIAMS Trevor Clyde 1 March 1956 -----1 Sept 2015. Husband, father ,grandfather, brother and uncle. Funeral at Glenridge Church, The Station NMR Ave on 4 Sept 2015 at 10am. MARTIN'S Funerals Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423.
WYNESS Graham . Memorial at Durban North Baptist Church on 4 Sept 2015 at 09:30am. MARTIN'S Pinetown 031 709 2142.
ZAROUDOUKAS Veronica (Niekie). Service at The Greek Orthoudox Church Germiston on 4 Sept 2015 at 11am.
NICHOLSON Elma (Lu) + 3 Sept 2009 . Mother of Ronald (Bobby) and Family.
4 September 2015
CHISHOLM Phyllis Beryl ID 240229 0060 08 8 + 2 Feb 2014 of 68 Arbour Village, Bedfordview. ESTATE No 23923/2014/DBN. EBRAHIM DESAI PO Box 48046, Qulbert 4078. TEL:- 031 2081844.
HARISUNKER Hansraj ID 560829 5120 08 8 + 12 Jan 2015 of Flat 11, 47 Wallfern Close, Redfern, Phoenix x Anila HARISUNKER ID 530310 0107 08 7. ESTATE No 06872/2015/DBN. L.A.KHAN ATTORNEYS Suite 118, Queen City, 54 Denis Hurley Street, Durban 4001.
LE ROUX Jacobus Gerhardus ID 450828 5021 08 3 + 17 Oct 2014 of Kabeljoustraat 1, Vleesbaai 6500. ESTATE No 4366/2015. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS PO Box 529, Westville REF:- Mr Lott/nn/W180.
PADAVATTAN Shemuel Matthew ID 880902 5111 08 5 + 29 June 2015 of 8 Buckler Drive, Brakenham, Richards Bay.ESTATE No 9522/2015/DBN. MERVYN MILLAR PO Box 1357, Hyper By The Sea 4053. TEL:- 031 5647276.
BAUERMEISTER Theunis Johannes ID 380603 5027 08 2 + none x Susanna Elizabeth Adriana BAUERMEISTER (subsequently deceased) of address not given. ESTATE No 18095/2009/DBN. C J VAN DER WALT PO Box 39132, Queensburgh 4070.
HOOK Antony Washington ID 531028 5723 18 3 + none of 72 Rainbow Drive, Crestview, Waterfall. ESTATE No 14518/2011/DBN. EBRAHIM DESAI PO Box 48046, Qulbert 4078. TEL:- 031 2081844.
7 September 2015
KING Montreal age 19 was killed 6 Sept 2015 after being stabbed at the Durban Day music festival at People's Park. Son of Charmaine.
8 September 2015
SCHMAHMANN Rosa. Consecration of headstone on 9 Sept 2015 at 12 noon at Redhill Jewish Cemetery.
DEATH:- BARKER nee RAWLINGS Laureen Hazel (Topsy) 16 March 1934 ----31 Aug 2015 in her 81st year. Mother of Wendy-Ann and Roddy, Shirley and Jaap, Denia and Michelle. Grandmother of Kirsten ROSEWALL,Kate and Dale ROSEWALL, Sarah-Leigh and Matt BIGGS, Courtney and Dylan BARKER, and great-grandmother of Connor ROSEWALL. Thank you Doctor Hugo GROENEVELD of Kokstad Private Hospital. Thank you to carers Marge, Doris, Elizabeth and Lena.
BEARE Ronald x Jennifer. Father of Helene, Julian, Robyn, Brett and Vanessa. Memorial on 8 Sept 2015 at 10:30 at Redhill Jewish Cemetery.
EWART Dave. Uncle of William, Allan and Kevin.
GETAZ Else + 3 Sept 2015. Mother of Michael and Lynne, David and Lindi. Grandmother of Jayne, Kirsty, Andrew, Nicci, Sven, Heidi, Trond and Sarah;. Aunt of Karen, Angela, Cathryn and family.
HABGOOD Robert Anthony (Bobby) + 4 Sept 2015 (cancer). Father of Jacci and Charlene.; Memorial on 12 Sept 2015 at 10am at Destiny Life Church Seaward Estate Ballito.
HARRIS Michael (Mike) + 4 Sept 2015 x Suzanne. Father of Candice and Roxanne. Memorial on 11 Sept 2015 at 1pm at Glenwood Presbyterian Frere Rd, Cremation private.
McEWEN Nee MILLER Jean 25 Feb 1942 -----4 Sept 2015 x Barry. Mother of Christene, Lara, Monica and Bridget. Grandmother of 9. Funeral private. Donations to Highway Hospice.; Public Memorial at Hillcrest Park Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Hillcrest on 19 Sept 2015 at 2:15pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
ROCK Dennis Adam + 4 Sept 2015 x Therese. Father of Jenny, Kathy, Rosy and Maureen. Funeral at Church of Immaculate Conception Pinetown on 10 Sept 2015 at 11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
SIDAWAY Susanna Magdelena 25 Jan 1947 -----4 Sept 2015 x David. Father and grandfather. Cremation private.; Celebration of her life on 10 Sept 2015 at the Olive Tree Church, Florida Rd at 11am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
STEPHEN Anthony Thomas 24 July 1952 ----3 Sept 2015 x Susan. Brother and uncle of Christian, Ilse and Gabriel. Memorial at St Thomas Anglican Church Musgrave Durban on 11 Sept 2015 at 2pm. BELL Funerals 031 301 4793.
THORPE Marie Louise (Molly) .Memorial at Salvation Army Durban Central Church , Moore Rd on 11 Sept 2015 at 11am.
VAN DEN BERG Loretta Albertina (Mrs Van) *6 Aug 1931 ------8 Aug 2015 in King Edward Hospital. Mother of Robert and + Brian. [Private]
WEBB Alison + 7 Sept 2015 in Capital Hospital . From EdenRoc Retirement Centre. Will be missed by his partner Bob WAKELING, Sister Hazel. Brother-in-law of Derek. Nieces and Nephew's. Private servive .
ACHMAD nee DE KLERK Hazel Antoinette . Gone 6 years now. Sister, sister-in-law and aunt of Estelle, Ivan and family.
DUNN Colin Keith . 26 years gone now. Father of Estelle, Ivan and family.
GRIEVES Leslie 08 Sept 2012 . Father and grandfather of Melba and grandson Matthew.
SEWCHARREN Mrs B. 4 June 1947 ----7 Sept 2014.Mother. Missed by SEWCHARREN family.
11 September 2015
DAWOOD Thaira Bibi ID 450214 0019 08 5 + 25 Feb 2015 of 29 Planet Place, Woodhurst Chatsworth x Eideres DAWOOD ID 390327 5307 08 2. ESTATE No 7904/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive , Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 .REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05D076 001.
KUNY Ella ID 201003 0057 08 4 + 20 April 2015 of Beth Shalom, 85 Vause Rd, Berea KZN. ESTATE No 7206/2015. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS PO Box 529 Westville. 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban. REF:- Mr Houareau/nt/W181.
MOODLEY Devanai ID 770729 5146 08 1 + 28 June 2015 of 73 Palm Rd, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 8878/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 .REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05M197 002.
PACE Terrance Robert ID 330119 5060 08 1 + 19 July 2015 of 10 Zenith Park, 26 Uitsig Rd, Durban North 4051. ESTATE No 9719/2015/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS PO Box 1434, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2085158.
DREYER Karl Bernhard Hans Paul ID 340928 5004 08 1 + 28 July 2011 of 56 Bellamont Rd Umdloti, KZN x Hermina Johanna DREYER ID 480610 0067 08 7. ESTATE No 13934/11/DBN. RIDGETOP INVESTMENT MANAGERS (PTY) LTD, PO Box 1428, Hillcrest 3650 KZN.
KUPPENS Bernardina Gertrudis Helena Josephna ID 280910 0077 18 1 + 26 Feb 2011 of 36 Harmony, Elise Marwick Rd, Malvern, Durban. ESTATE No 9238/2011/DBN MARINA ERASMUS Executrix c/o FOURIE STOTT, 23 Jan Hofmeyr Rd Westville 3629. REF:- S FOURIE.
MALEKJEE Jaban Nesa ID 350204 0266 08 4 + 2 Dec 2009 of 102 Westview Rd, Redhill, Durban (Widow) ESTATE No 1816/2010/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031. REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05E126 001.
NAICKER Kanniappen ID 370611 5323 08 0 + 25 Sept 2013 of 91 Democrats Street, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092 widower. ESTATE No 022619/2014/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Mall, 120 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 401 0031 .REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05N109 001.
NKOSI Sarah Dolly ID 560806 0734 08 9 + 8 March 2014 of 5 Amersham Rd, Dawncrest, Chiltern Hills 3629 x Thulasizwe Joseph NKOSI ID 541120 5701 08 3 . ESTATE No 24078/2014/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS PO Box 1434, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 2085158.
SINGH Prathap Presotham ID 310504 5085 08 5 + 30 April 2015 of 79 Kingston Rd Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg x Reethawathi SINGH ID 471027 0122 08 8. ESTATE No 003633/2015/PMB. SAMEERA CASSIMJEE ATTORNEYS 414 Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201. TEL 033 3424247.
SOOKLAL Sanjeev ID 700508 5107 08 6 of 17 Jan 2009 of 29 C Delta Lane, Isipingo Beach, Never married. ESTATE No 5734/2009/DBN. ARADHANA DHARAMDAW & SAMLAL GARBARAN 40 Prince Street, Athlone Park Amanzimtoti 4126 . TEL:- 9041630.
14 September 2015
DURBAN :- Montclair Checkers:- MACHI Thokozani & William MTHEMBU died when they were gunned down on Saturday 12 Sept 2015. They were from Glebelands
COSNETT John + 8 Sept 2015. Husband and father to Maggie, Sue ,Carrie, Aaron & Wayne. Pops to Jess, Jase, Bella, Jonathan, Robyn, Chloe, Meg and Abi. Wake on 12 Sept 2015 at 5 Inyoni Drive Hillcrest at 5pm.
15 September 2015
ANDERSON Cherryl Ann 27 July 1962 ----11 Sept 2015. Wide for 35 years and mother to Peter, Jarrod, Wade and Mitchell. Memorial at Grace Family Church Umhlanga Rocks on 17 Sept 2015 at 2pm. ; Friend to Padda, Jackie, Alistair and Paul.; Condolences from Enforce Security Management.
BRAITHWAITE Barry 13 June 1922 ------14 Sept 2015. Father, father-in-law, grand and great-grandfather. Memorial at Christ Church Umhlanga on 22 Sept 2015 at 10:00am.
BROKENSHA Felicity-Jean 1 Jan 1936 -----11 Sept 2015 x + Miles. Mother of Irene and grandmother (Ouma) to Alice, Miles, Sebastian, and Julian. Requiem Mass at St Bernard,s Catholic Church Newlands Cape Town on 18 Sept 2015 at 10:00am.
BROOM David. Condolences to family from "The Board" Manangement, Members and Staff of the Royal Durban Golf Club.
DUBBER Annys + 13 Sept 2015 .Friend of over 40 years of Mike and Ray.
FALKSON Heather Barbara Joy 22 March 1940 -----12 Sept 2015. Sister of Winsome HATTINGH and family. Aunt and great-aunt. For information call John HATTINGH at 031 2017308.
FILLMORE Olive 7 Feb 1924 -----10 Sept 2015. Missed by Frances, Medwyn, Claire and Andrew.
GOVENDER Krish 16 Oct 1964 ----1 Sept 2015. 16th Day Memorial Service on 15 Sept 2015 from 5pm at No 7 Karanja Farm , Killarney Isles Camperdown.
KESWELL Patricia Mary + 12 Sept 2015. Wife of Ronnie KESWELL and mother of Noel, Neil and Anthony. Funeral on 16 Sept 2015 at 11am at Christ Church in Overport Durban proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium Reservoir Hills at 13:30pm.
KOMAR Boleslaw (Bill) + 12 Sept 2015 in Johannesburg. Will be missed by Hendryk, Stan, Wanda, Emi, Paul and Family. Service at St Josephs Catholic (Polish) Norwood on 16 Sept 2015 at 2pm. Donations to Highway Hospice.
MAFOKO Solomon (Lefty) + 12 Sept 2015 at age 82years in hospital. Memorial on 20 Sept 2015 at Umlazi M-section Hall from 12:00pm. Funeral on Sunday 20 Sept 2015 in Krugersdorp, 23Rietbok Street,JHB. Rant-en-dal from 07:00am.
MARCHUSSEN Roy Wallace 8 Nov 1934 ----12 Sept 2015 x Claudette. Brother, father and grandfather. Memorial at Westville Presbyterian Church on 18 Sept 2015 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116
McCONNELL Robert 28 May 1942 ---14 Sept 2015. Husband, father and grandfather. Celebration of his life at 19 Sept 2015 at St Dominic's Church Hillcrest at 11:00am.
STEELE Denise Memorial at The Grace Family Church on 16 Sept 2015 at 2pm.
TONKIN Louisa (Pearl) + 12 Sept 2015 in her 96th Year. Mother of Trevor and grandmother of Byron and Nigel. Memorial at Golden Years Care Center Hillcrest on 20 Sept 2015 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
VAN ZYL Craig. 3 July 1998 ----12 Sept 2015 . From Mom, Dad and Darren.
VON FALKENHAUSEN Ingo Mortimer Victor + 12 Sept 2015 x + Margaret. Father to Inga and Michael, Rudi and Carole , Joachim and Lolita, Janine and Kim, Carolyn and Rob, Bridget and Gavin. And Grandfather.; Friend of Ray.; Memorial at The Musgrave Methodist Church , Musgrave Rd, Durban on 18 Sept 2015 at 10:30am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
WAITES Glynis + 10 Sept 2015. Daughter of Marge. Mother to Deidre, mother-in-law to Sebastian. Grandmother of D'Artagnan and Fabian, Long time partner of Gary, sister to Debbie, Garth and Stephen. Stepmom to Cara, Rochelle, Jonty, Penny and Joanne. Memorial at Christ Church Pinetown on 16 Sept 2015 at 14:00pm.
MEMORIAM:- ANTONIZZI Mike. Gone 3 years now. Husband ,father and grandfather of Daphne, Brian, Gavin ,Sharon , in-laws and grandchildren.
CHARLTON Betty 2 Sept 1936 -----15 Sept 2014 x Bob. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Great-great grandmother of Kayla and Mason.
WILLIAM Alice. Cousin and aunt of Alison, Kevin, Dana, Melanie and Robert
16 September 2015
McGRATH Derrick Terence + 13 Sept 2015 x Margaret. Father of John, Ann and family. Memorial at Eden Gardens Morningside Durban on 18 Sept 2015 at 0945am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
17 September 2015
DEATHS:- FYNN Ann Magdaline Eliza 5 Feb 1945 ----- 9 Sept 2015. Missed by Brother, sister, nieces and nephews and family. Funeral at GH Ullbright Memorial Congregation Church Harding. Viewing from 09:30 ---10:30am before Service. Proceeding to Harding Cemetery. AVBOB 031 2061831.
GOVENDER Billy. Funeral on 17 Sept 2015 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 3---4:30pm.
HEAVEN Ninette Dawn + 12 Sept 2015. Memorial on 22 Sept 2015 at 2pm at the Christadelphian Hall Pinetown. MARTIN'S 031 709 2142.
LEYDS RAJAH Niger (Boxer) + 14 Sept 2015 x Antoinette. Father of Lisa and Heather (+ Avril, Fiona, Craig, Leslie and Larry. Grand and great-grandmother.
MEYER Barrie John + 13 Sept 2015. Father of Adrian, Christopher & Stephen. Memorial Service at Ridgewood Village (Mt Edgecombe) Club House on 23 Sept 2015 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH.
MILNE Helen Ann 26 July 1934 ---15 Sept 2015. Mother, grandmother and sister. We will miss you from Wendy, Pete, Jade and Rebecca/Linda, Damon, Alexia and Troy. Memorial at St Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 18 Sept 2015 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
MITCHELL Edna Theresa + 16 Sept 2015 x Royce. Mother of Clive, Stan, Margie and Lyn ,their spouses. Grand and great-grandmother.
MUDALY Thanigasalam (Ray) x Govindamma. Father of Charmaine, Rueben, Priven, Vani and + Keven. Father-in-law and grandfather, Brothers Dave and Siga MUDALY. Nephews and nieces, and + Vasie, Siva, Sorbiah, Maya and Nagavelli. Funeral at home 48 Moonien Rd Overport on 18 Sept 2015 between 09h00---12:30pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Hall from 13:00 ---14:00.
Cremation to follow at 14:30pm.
NAIDOO Rookmoney (Rosy) 26 May 1927 ----16 Sept 2015. Mother of Thilla, Sugan, Yogan family and friends. Funeral at Kharwastan Community Centre on 17 Sept 2015 from 12:30----16:00.
PILGRIM Alister. "Mashuba", Mentor, Mate and Legend. From John & Kathy NIGHTENGALE.
PILLAY Radha x Mr MS PILLAY. Mother of Senthamaraj, Prathani, Thiruvilasen and Anbajothi. Mother-in-law and grandmother. Funeral on 17 Sept 2015 at home43 North Street Ocean View, Stanger from10:30-----11:30pm proceeding to Siva Sungam Hall from 12noon --- 3pm proceeding to Stanger Crematorium for cremation at 4:30pm. RAMBOS Stanger 032 551 3150.
RAJU Brian Narasu + 15 Sept 2015 at age 62. Funeral on 18 Sept 2015 at Christian Revival Centre Unit 9 Chatsworth at 11:00. Private cremation at 2pm. DOVES 0860025500.
RUNGASAMY Ambigama x + Soobramoney (Soobrey). Mother of Rogers, Strini, Naven, Mervin, Radeshnie. Mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt. 16th Day Memorial Service on 19 Sept 2015 at 5pm at Arupta Hall Bayview, Chatsworth.
SCARROTT Marthina Elzabeth Johanna (Martha) 25 Dec 1926 ----12 Sept 2015. Will be missed by Lionel, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Cremation Service at Stellawood Chapel, Congella at 10am.
SUBRAYEN Munsamy. Brother of + Angie, Vadie Girlie, Ambi, Devi, Ghandi, Pushpa and Christy. Father of Siva, Mickey, Kugan and Priscilla. Funeral on 17 Sept 2015 at Mountview Civic Centre from 12pm ---3pm. Proceeding to Verulam Crematorium at 4pm for cremation at 16:30pm. TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL Verulam 032 533 3917/ 083 570 8384.
TWYNHAM Mumay Marilyn . Funeral on 18 Sept 2015 at The Holy Family Parish Catholic Church Newlands East. Viewing at 10am. Service at 10:30pm. Cremation Private. ISIPINGO INC PAM'S 031 9022 444.
VALJEE Ruve . Son of Lavashni & Vinay VALJEE. Funeral on 17 Sept 2015 at Clare Estate Crematorium from 1---2:30pm.
WINSKILL Richard + 13 Sept 2015 . Condolences to his family from District Grand Master, Officers and Brethren of English Freemasonry in KZN. Memorial at St Winifreds's Methodist Church Warner Beach on 17 Sept 2015 at 11am.
ZONNEVELD formaly ROSE and GRIFFIN Muriel Jean + 15 Sept 2015 x Arnold. BARKER & BARKER 033 3428764 .
BASTION Malcolm David (Mally) 17 Aug 1950 ----17 Sept 2013 x Pat.
FORBES Mervyn. 20 years gone now. From Paddy, children and grandchildren.
HAWKINS Tom Preller. Gone 17 years now. From Blommtjie, Ted, Fred, Muffin and families.
HEPPLEWHITE Edward. 20 years gone now.From Cecile, Will, Ralph, Jen and Kel.
VILJOEN Keith Steward + 17 Sept 2013. Remembered by Leon, Bev, Mark, Sam, Anita, Vashvir, Ashwin, Candice, Tylene, Hannah Grace and Zak.
18 September 2015
KALTWASSER Wefys + 12 Sept 2015 x + Douw KALTWASSER. Sister to Bronwen and Neala (nee JONES). Memorial at Melville Kruis Gemeente 21 Sept 2015 at 14:30pm.
JAMADAR Liaquath Ally Khan Sikander ID 600310 5152 08 4 + 24 July 2015 of 57 Saunders Ave, Isipingo Hills KZN x Fathima Bibi JAMADAR ID 590127 0233 08 7 ESTATE No 10749/2015. AYOUB KADWA & COMPANY ATTORNEYS 169 Brickfield Rd, Overport Durban 4062. TEL:- 031 2081611. FAX:- 086 696 9601.
SUKUROOH Ramasser ID 490928 5120 08 3 + 8 July 2015 of 2 Leicester Rd, Verulam, Parkgate x Sita Devi SUKUROOH ID 531020 0137 08 9. ESTATE No 9751/2015/DBN. LEGATOR MCKENNA INCORPORATED 2100 Eagle Building 357 Dr Pixey Kaseme Street, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 3051571.
DOCRAT Farouk Moosa ID 480612 5111 08 4 + 14 Aug 2010 of 2 Ocean Terrace, Isipingo Beach 4052 x Ghairoon Nisha DOCRAT ID 470610 0573 08 6. ESTATE No 16879/2010/DBN. E. EBRAHIM ATTORNEYS Suite 2B, 1st Floor Kenilworth Park, 202 Felix Dlamini Rd Overport, Durban.
SHONGWE Nonhlanhla Sibongile Beryl ID 660406 0371 08 8 + 22 Sept 2014 of 1065 Chris Hani Rd , Avoco, Durban 4051. ESTATE No 28237/2014/DBN. RAJAN MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES 1401 Anton Lembede (Smith) Street, Durban.
SINGH Dharam Sewpal ID 460830 0115 08 2 + 24 Oct 2011 of Unit No 13 Streamside Villa, 15 Manjee Place, Kenville, Durban. ESTATE No 18919/2011/DBN. GARACH & GARACH C PO Box 800, Umhlanga 4320.
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