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Daily News

Daily News 2016 06 June

2 June 2016


STOCKDEN nee SKENE Adam & Jacqueline a girl Riley Grace * 27 May 2016. Grand and great-grandchild.


BURMEISTER Gwladys Mary 25 Oct 1927 ---28 May 2016 x + Mel. Mother of Peter. Memorial at ST Olav's Church, St Thomas Rd on 3 June 2016 at 12 noon.

CHISLETT Michael Kenneth (Mike) + 29 May 2016 . Condolences to his wife Bev. His sons Wayne and Garth also Trevor and Rose. His sisters Glenda and Alison and their families. He started football at St Joseph's, to Durban City ,then Birmingham FC, then Avalon and ended at Virginia. He played Currie Cup for NatalFrom all the Boys of Ex-Pro. Cape Town, JHB and KZN.; Brother and brother-in-law of Trevor and Rose and uncle to Jarryd and Kayley.

DUNNINGTON Carl Graham 29 Oct 1934 ---1 June 2016 x Denise. Father of Grant and Viv, Bruce and Alex, Tracey and Colin, and grandfather of Megan, Shelley, Michael and Stefanie. Great-grandfather of Skye. RIP. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

ECKERSLEY Marilyn Theresa (Lilly) of Sunnydale, Eshowe x Gregory. Mother of Leeandra and Simone. Mother-in-law of Vinesh and Jerome. Grandmother of Taliyah and Jezreel. Funeral at Open Door Assembly Church Sunnydale Eshowe at 12:30pm . RICHARDS BAY Funerals 083 741 0493.

FORBES Brian + 28 May 2016 at age 68 x Magda nee CUPIDO. Father of Dalene, Liezl & Graham. Grandfather of Charlot & Sebastian.; Funeral on 4 June 2016 at 09:00 at Athlone Methodist Church Hazeldal.

HOWARD George Robin (Bob) 8 Sept 1942 ---1 June 2016 x Connie. Father of Karen, James and Kate. Father-in-law of Rob, Louise, Bruce and grandfather of Dani, Aimée, Dom, Jolie , Emma, Jess, Oliver and Nathan. Cremation private by his request.

LABAN Freda x Mr L LABAN. Mother of Ivan, Neera, Prema and + Gona. Grandmother of Francis & Renee, Michelle & Rory, Tanya & Prishen, Vanessa, Lisa and Jessica. Great-grandmother of baby Hannah. Mourned by LABAN, NUNDOO & MOODLEY families. Funeral at Durban Christian Centre Mayville on 3 June 2016 . Viewing from 12---1pm. Service at 13:30pm. Proceeding to Mobeni Heights Cemetery for buriel at 3pm.

MNCWABE Simo +1 June 2016 (39) in the Henley area in Edenvale, Pietermaritzburg. He was chief financial officer at Mooi Mpofana Municipality and he just quit his post 24 hours before. - SHERLISSA PETERS

VAUGHAN Gerald Russell 18 May 1944 ----29 May 2016 .Father of Michelle, Jenny and Shereen. Grandfather of Stephanie, Jessica and Saskia and Tatum. RIP.

MEMORIAM:- MORGAN THAMBIRAN A 10 June 1919 -----9 Aug 2015 x Pushpavathay. Father of Dan, Lallie, Dr Sharmaine and Allen. Father-in-law of Rumba, Farook, Dr Krian and Elma. Memorial at Wyebank Funeral Parlour Chatsworth from 11am ---12pm on 11 June 2016. Lunch after Service.

3 June 2016


DE WET Margaret Elizabeth ID 350323 0031 08 0 + 22 March 2016 of 58 Cotswold Drive, Westville 3629 x Lourens Francois DE WET ID 310621 5010 08 5. ESTATE No 005144/2016/DBN. ROGER ANTHONY DALE ADKINS PO Box 1780 Westville 3630.

LABUASCHAGNE David Jacobus ID 320805 5016 08 9 + 8 Sept 2015 x in community of Property to Doreen LABUSCHAGNE ID 391011 0058 08 5 of 43 Impala Park, 29 Almond Rd, Warner Beach. ESTATE No 4577/2016. WARWICK TRUST Postnet Suite 205 Private Bag X 3, Plumstead 7801.

MOODLEY Sivalingum Arumugam ID 670704 5145 08 7 + 6 Dec 2015 of 3 Braemar Ave, La Lucia Durban x Senthamarai MOODLEY ID 680402 0142 08 8. ESTATE No 002811/2016. SENTHAMARAI MOODLEY 3 Braemar Ave, La Lucia Durban 4051. TEL:- 083 7853249.


HAMID Abdul ID 431127 5139 08 4 + 4 June 2015 of House 97 Road 726, Montford, Chatsworth. ESTATE No 6087/2016/DBN. L.A. KHAN ATTORNEYS Suit 118 Queen City 54 Denis Hurley Street Durban.

MBATHA Nkosinathi Stanley ID 510124 5554 08 5 + none x Winnie Olga MBATHA ID 530708 0149 08 5 of R352 Kwa Mashu. ESTATE No 15444/2012/DBN. MULLER & ODAYAR ATTORNEYS 1st Floor Wearcheck House, 16 School Rd, Pinetown. TEL:- 031 7021979.

NAIDOO Narainsamy Mariemuthoo ID 231127 5056 08 2 + 11 Oct 2007 of 39 Daintree Ave, Asherville Durban. ESTATE No 2794/2008/PMB. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E261 001.

RAMNATH Kuspawathee ID 301012 0061 08 6 + none given of 4 Barrs Flat Corniston, Verulam 4339. ESTATE No. 13620/2003/PMB. MARAJ ATTORNEYS Suite 134, 1st Floor Ridgeton Towers, 6 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge 4321. TEL:- 031 566 3850.

SLATER Norman James ID 510812 5050 08 4 + 6 Dec 2013 of 11 Pigeonwood Lane Zimbali Ballito 4420. ESTATE No. 10953/2013/PMB. COLENBRANDER INC AGENT TO EXECUTOR PO Box 456, Hilton 3245. TEL:- 033 3430800.

STANLEY STEPHAN DAZAL SLANEY ID 190310 5041 08 5 + 1 May 2014 of Bill Buchanan Home Durban. ESTATE No 27647/2014/DBN. MRS WYATT PO Box 1651, Mount Edgecombe 4301. TEL:- 031 536 2869.

6 June 2016


DAY Wesley + 2 June 2016 at age 22 in Grahamstown in a fire. He comes from Hillcrest and was studying law at the University. He was trapped by the burglar guards in his room. -SAMKELO MTSHALI.

VAN HEERDEN Ralph. Condolences to the family, Colleen, Shane, Lisa, Fiona and Esme and families from Baby, Chuchu, Mel and Lisa MYERS (Australia).

7 June 2016


GIRVEN Derek & Wendy a boy Kayden John.


BROWDE Jules . A war veteran, human rights trailblazer and friend of Madiba. He was a Advocate. He died at age 97. JENNY RAJAB.

BENGSTON Michael Arthur .Funeral on 8 June 2016 at St Michaels Parish Redhill. Viewing from 12:00 ----12:30 noon, Service at 12:30, proceeding to Redhill Cemetery for burial.

BOOTH John 14 Dec 1932 ---5 June 2016 at age 83 years. Soulmate of Dawn for 26 years. Father of Shannon and + Brandon and grandfather.

CLANCY Peter Michael 5 June 1945 ---12 May 2016 in St Augustines Hospital at age 70 x Gillian CLANCY for 45 years.He was a firefighter and later Safety Officer at Durban Central Fire Station.. Memorial Service on 10 June 2016 at St Elizabeth Anglican Church Westville at 2pm.

DAY Wesley James 8 Feb 1994 ----2 June 2016. Will be missed by Debbie, Trevor, Brendan, Adelina, Devin & Deb, Brendan & Tammy, Callum, Lauren, Jess. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and "people". Funeral at Victoria Hall Maritzburg College on 9 June 2016 at 3:30pm.

FRASER Sally 1 June 1949 -----1 June 2016 x Dennis. Mother of John & Carol. Grandmother of Thomas & George. Mother-in-law of Elena & Steve. Memorial Service at Kloof Methodist Church on 10 June 2016 at 12:00 noon. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

HOLDEN Tom + 4 June 2016 . Your dedication and faithful service to Irish Freemasonry in Natal will be missed. Condolences to his wife Margaret, children Ken (son), daughter Tracy & Mel and grandchildren. From the Provincial Grand Masters, Officers & Bretheren of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Natal.

HOLDEN Tom 28 April 1941 ----4 June 2016 . Husband, father and grandfather of Margaret, Tracy, Ken, Sharon & Travis, Mel, Andre, Josh and Caiden. Memorial at 2pm on 9 June 2016 at Pinetown Presbyterian Church Pinetown. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

KEMP Denise 9 May 1940 -----2 June 2016 x Colin for 54 years. Mother of Lance & Barbara, Paul & Michelle, Neil & May, Clyde & Michelle. Grandmother of Graham, James, Christine, Jess, Rebecca, Isabella, Gaby, Garrick and Caleb. RIP . Colin and family. Memorial at Kloof Methodist Church on 9 June 2016 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

MARTIN Shirley /Peggy 28 June 1928 -----2 June 2016 x + Henry (Digger). Mother to David and Clive. Grand and great-grandmother. Sister to Jean. ;Memorial at Edenroc on 10 June 2016 at 10am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

McKEOWN Malcolm Henry + 3 June 2016 x Margie. He was Director. Condolences from Management and Staff of McGLASHAN, McKEOWN INC.

MORGAN Yvonne 16 July 1937 -----5 June 2016. No Service on request.

OLIVER Stan 16 Jan 1936 -----4 June 2016 x Merle. Father and grandfather Requiem Mass on 10 June 2016 at 12:00noon. At Parish of The Immaculate Conception Pinetown Catholic Church. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

PAUL Ronald Leslie 20 July 1930 ---5 June 2016 (Ex Teacher of Truro Primary & Coedmore Primary ) Funeral on 7 June 2016 at the Church of the Epiphany Westcliff Chatsworth. Body will lie in state from 10:00am ---12:15pm proceeding to Moobeni Heights Crematorium for Cremation at 13:00pm. Loved always by his sister Patricia, Aunty Dolly and Lynette, Colin, Ralph and

PEATE Henry Williams + 6 June 2016 x Joan (nee COLLIER). Brother to Dave and brother-in-law of Maureen and family.


WEBSTER Brian. Gone 1 year now. Husband, father and grandfather of Lolette, Melissa, Leandra, Werner, Keegan, Wayne, Gregory, Nazley, Tamlyn, Nick, Adam, Aaliya and Kayla 

10 June 2016


MANJRA Uzair Aslam + 9 June 2016 in car accident in Durban. He was 16 years old.- SIHLE MLAMBO.

NTSHAPHA Badedile + 8 June 2016 after shooting at age 54. Phetheni NGUBANE + 12 June 2016 in a Pietermaritz Hospital. She was also shot and was 50 years old. They were at an ANC branch election meeting. SHERLISSA PETERS.

CHAPPEN Henry 13 May 1928 ----4 June 2016 x + Agnes. Father of Raymond & + Velda, Ethel & Iqbal, Noelene & Thomas, Doreen & Brian and Anthony & Juliet. Grandfather of Quinton & Stacy, Reece & Kle, Tanya, Tyrelle & Tanielle and Jarred & Joshua. Great-grandfather of Mikayla and Brandon & Austin. Funeral on 11 June 2016 at 10:30am at Sparks Estate Methodist Church. Viewing from 10:00am Private Cremation. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

ROODT Selwyn Steven 13 June 1963 ----4 June 2016 at age 52 x Claudette ROODT. Father to Natasha & Claude ROODT. Father-in-law to Sifiso MAKHOBA. Cremation was private. Celebration of his life at Durban Paddle Ski Club on 11 June 2016 at 15:30am.


DALY John Keith ID 281124 5040 08 7 +10 Nov 2015 of Bill Buchanan House Goodwin Drive, Durban 4000. ESTATE No 001608/2016/DBN. SHARON MARGARET EMMERICH PO Box 35653 Northway 4065.

DE GOUVEIA Maria Do Ceu ID 320517 0010 18 7 + 7 April 2016 of 350 Moore Rd, Durban. ESTATE No 5814/2016/DBN. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS 12th Floor, Mercury House, 320 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001. PO Box 1434, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 208 5158.

GOVENDER Chinnasamy ID 380105 5036 08 9 + 6 Sept 2015 of 29 Natureview Street Croftdene, Chatsworth x Kistamah GOVENDER ID 451016 0031 08 8. ESTATE No 014246/2015. M.Y BAIG & COMPANY 84 Croftdene Drive, Croftdene, Chatsworth Durban. REF:- Mr BAIG/05G279 001.

HENDERSON Donald Robert ID 290104 5034 08 6 + 2 Jan 2015 of 2 Moodie Crescent, Montclair Durban . ESTATE No 2462/2015. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban. TEL:- 031 201 8820.

RHAMATOOLA Mahomed ID 310808 5231 08 0 + 12 Dec 2013 x Haffiza RHAMATOOLA ID 311014 0183 08 2 of 22 Timeura Grove Moorton, Chatsworth. ESTATE No. 20620/2014 ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/05 E261 001


HAMILTON Ian Lowe ID 280410 5067 18 8 + 24 June 2010 of 25 Weinemoore Court, Moore Rd Durban 4001 x Loraine HAMILTON ID 460422 0088 18 6 ESTATE No 12351/2010/DBN. D M GOVENDER ATTORNEYS PO Box 5528, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 307 7911.

MAHABEER Harrisunker ID 511005 5112 08 2 + 25 Sept 2015 of 92 Broadgrove Ave, Stanmore, Phoenix x Dawanthree MAHABEER ID 530423 0135 08 0. ESTATE No 13733/2015/DBN. D PADAYACHEE ATTORNEYS 38 Blenford Crescent Sunford, Phoenix.

MOODLEY Saradhambal ID 511013 0530 08 4 + 25 Feb 2015 of 71 Highstone Rd, Whetstone Phoenix Durban x Dhanapalen MOODLEY ID 490215 5585 08 9. ESTATE No 1002/2016/DBN . SHARM MOODLEY AND ASSOCIATES ,Suite 8, 1st Floor Al-Falah Centre, 38 Parthenon Street, Starwood, Phoenix 4068. TEL:- 031 500 3445.

RAMSAMI Sobrien ID 340225 5166 08 9 + 9 Aug 2007 of 50 Hercus Ave Belverde, Tongaat 4400. ESTATE No 12695/2008. DM GOVENDER ATTORNEYS PO Box 5528, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 307 7911.

RODEN Doreen Ellen ID 250531 0126 18 6 + none of 7 Glenhaven, 446 Kingsway, Amanzimtoti 4126. ESTATE No 15573/2013/DBN. ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET ATTORNEYS REF:- Mr Atkinson/lp/03/T0842 478 Lilian Ngoyi Rd Morningside Durban 4001 TEL:- 031 3121303.

SEWPERSAD Lowhur ID 371229 5079 08 8 + 29 July 2002 of 17 Sierra Madra Street Shallcross Chatsworth x Girghar SEWPERSAD ID 431212 0097 05 5. ESTATE No 263/2016 /DBN. ANIL RABINATH & ASSOCIATED 299 Underwood Rd, Sarnia TEL:- 031 708 2749.

SHAM Narendra Revichandra ID 511220 5135 08 8 + none given of 71 Stamfordhill Rd, Morningside Durban. ESTATE No 11175/2008/PMB. SHAM & CO INC Suite 127, First Floor Ridgeton Towers, 6 Aurira Drive, Umhlanga .TEL:- 031 566 5264.

WORLOCK Eve-Ann ID PASSPORT: 410620 00048 08 1 + 7 Sept 2015 of 125 Rolling Hills Autumn Drive, Umhlanga. ESTATE No 12909/2015/DBN. ANTHONY WHATMORE & COMPANY 45 Adelaide Tambo Drive Durban North 4051. TEL:- 031 5637111.

15 June 2016


RODEL Biddy + 9 June 2016. Mother , mother-in-law and grandmother. Celebration of her life on 18 June 2016 at 11am at 5 Riesling Rd, Constantia Cape Town. TEL:- Bridhit - 079 6957 585

16 June 2016


ASHBY Ron 9 Aug 1925 ----13 June 2016. Father of Dianne and Marilyn. Grandfather of Kirsty and Murray.

GOVENDER Amarasen (AG) 17 June 1966 ----4 June 2016 x Sarojini. Father of Kylin & Larisa. Son of Gonum. Brother of Tilly and Ranjini. Brother-in-law and uncle.. 16th Day Memorial on 18 June 2016 at RB Chetty Hall Phoenix. Supper from 5pm ---6:30pm. Service at 7-8pm.

NEUBAUER Arthur 8 Oct 1939 ----27 May 2016 Celebration of his life at Crusaders Bowling Club on 18 June 2016 from 12:00 noon to 2pm. 

NOURSE Neil Spencer 26 May 1940 ----14 June 2016 in Hillcrest x Helen. Father of Leneille (Gavin), Anthony (Brenda) and Graham (Carol). Grandfather of Warwick, Tyson and Paige. Brother of Jenny and brother-in-law of Brian. Aunty Jenny and uncle Brian.

SEDERIS George 8 May 1924 ----30 April 2016. Celebration of his life at St Michaels Church Marine Drive Umhlanga on 18 June 2016 at 2:30pm.

SOUTER Doug. Memoriam Service at The Assagai Bluff on 17 June 2016 at 2:30pm.


HATCH Bernard 13 April 1960 ----16 June 1993. Son of Gloria. Brother, brother-in-law, uncle of Banessa, Mario and Matt.

KLEIN Sheila. Remembered by Ellen, Milly and Mark.

LEONARD RAMANI. Love from Leela and family.

TWYNHAM Pamela + 16 June 1983. Remembered by Chimpie, Wendy, Lyn and family.

17 June 2016


BROCK Clifton Gordon ID 530106 5091 08 1 + 29 Oct 2015 of 65 Fern Drive, Greenwood Park, Durban 4051. ESTATE No. 1748/2016. WARRICK DE WET ATTORNEYS 51 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Rd, Durban. TEL:- 031 201 8820.

MILSTEAD Jayne ID 631210 0247 08 2 + none given and no address. ESTATE No 972/2016/DBN. EDWARD NATHAN SONNENBERGS 1 North Wharf Square Loop Street, Foreshore Capetown 8001.


MOODLEY Devanai ID 360415 0469 08 4 + 28 June 2015 of 73 Palm Rd, Croftdene, Chatsworth 4092. ESTATE No 8878/2015/DBN. ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/mn/05 M197 002.

SINGH Balwan ID 360206 5033 08 6 + 4 Jan 2016 x Tholamani SINGH ID 470506 0047 08 1 of 15 Mitchell Crescent, Mithanagar, Tongaat. ESTATE No. 1474/2016/DBN. CHETTY & KISTAN ATTORNEYS PO Box 64, Verulam 4340. TEL:- 032 533 6933.

20 June 2016


BARATH Praveen " Willy" + 17 June 2016 when a runaway truck ran him over before crashing into a family home in Phoenix. Father of Veronica RAMCHANDER. ZAINUL DAWOOD

NKOSI Alson Mzwakhe (44) + 17 June 2016 was shot dead at East Mine in Vryheid. Alson was a IFP candidate councillor in Vryheid. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.


BERMAN Toby. Gone 6 years now. Wife of Godfrey. Mother and grandmother.

24 June 2016


BUTIA Lochinee ID 340921 0114 08 8 + 7 Jan 2016 of 175 Nature View Street, Crofdene, Chatsworth, Durban. ESTATE No 6658/2016/DBN. JACKSON & AMEEN 10th Floor Mercury House Office 1003,320 Anton Lembede Street, Durban 4001.

DAVENHILL Larry Romauld Savage D 530818 5102 08 6 + 29 Aug 2009 of 65 Spearman Rd, Sydenham, Durban 4052 x Amelia Patricia Therese DAVENHILL ID 590124 0080 08 9. ESTATE No031151/2014/DBN. PAULSON ATTORNEYS 30 Beacon Rd, Bluff Durban.  TEL:- 031 4672246.

PATEL Mariam ID 290726 0069 08 7 + 19 Nov 2004 of 28 Voortrekker Street Pietermaritzburg 3201. ESTATE No 13499/2005/PMB. NKONKI KZN PO Box 303, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 274 7400.

VALLEY Hawa Ismail D 420507 0069 08 4 + 5 April 2016 of Flat 1906 Belmont Arcade, Marine Parade, Durban 4001. ESTATE No 4927/2016. NKONKI KZN PO Box 303, Durban 4000. TEL:- 031 274 7400.


GANGA Ramtahal ID 481129 0056 08 0 + 3 April 2014 of 19 Valiant Place, Havenside Chatsworth x Parshila GANGA ID 481129 0056 08 0. ESTATE No 22314/2014/DBN. SHENAAZ B HABIB & CO , 311 Lenny Naidu Rd Bayview Chatsworth.

GRAY Gavin Rosslyn ID 490327 5084 08 6 + 31 Oct 2008 of 20 Cranford Ave, Staines Middlesex England and previously of 48 Madeira Rd Morningside Durban. ESTATE No 10690/2013/PMB. ROB GRAY at 28 Helen Gibling Gardens. 201 Burman Drive Morningside Durban 4001.

27 June 2016


TAYLOR Isobella Greer + 26 June 2016 x + Charles TAYLOR. Aunt and friend.;Friend of Andy, Norma, Murdoch, John, Pat, Andrew, Michael and Dot, Morag and Kevin for 60; Like a big sister to me for 62 years from Sheila RICE (PORTEOUS)

28 June 2016


CAMPBELL John Alexander + 23 June 2016 Partner of Carole. Campbell to lana, Mandy, and famly. No funeral at John's requiest. Wake at Woodlands Sports Club on 29 June 2016 at 4pm.

ECKSTEIN Lorraine Norma + 24 June 2016 x + Franklin Stuart ECKSTEIN. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. DOVES 0860025500.

HENDLER ELLIOTT + 24 June 2016. Cheers my mate , Dudley and Di.; Will be missed by Karen and his family and Friends at Eden Crescent. Father of Laurellr and Vanessa. Companion to Karen CARLSTON. Memorial Service at Stellawood Crematorium Stella Rd Durban on 29 June 2016 at 10am. Cremation Private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

JANSEN Cecil Desmond 25 Dec 1926 ----25 June 2016 x Nan. Father and grandfather. Memorial on 29 June 2016 at 2:30pm at Kloof Methodist Church Kloof at 2:30pm. Cremation private.

MAIDEN Roy 18 May 1927 ---26 June 2016 x Laura. Father of Anthea, Neville and + Peter. Father-in-law of Julia and Godfrey. Grandfather of Toni, Craig, Sarah and Gregory; Love from Neville, Julia, Sarah and Greg.; Love from Anthea, Godfree, Toni and Craig GOLDSWAIN.; Memorial at Sandown Village Pinetown on 29 June 2016 at 10am.

MOODLEY Keshweran (Kesh) 18 Nov 1977 ---26 June 2016 x Asheka. Father of Thamarai and Nimalan. Son of Dolly. Funeral on 28 June 2016. Service will start at 11am at MTSS Hall, Merebank. Proceeding to Clairwood Cemetery at 14:15pm.

MUIR Willaim 4 May 1940 ---25 June 2016 in Hospital. Former principal viola, KZN Philharmonic Orchestra. Husband of Ann . Father of Alasdair and Tania. Grandfather of Hannah and Rachel. Memorial Service at Grayville Presbyterian Church Windermere Rd Morningside Durban on 29 June 2016 at 11am. BELL 031 301 4793.

NAIDOO Appana Kurmi . Former principal of Port Shepstone Secondary. Funeral at Andhra Hall Port Shepstone on 28 June 2016 from 11:30 ---14:00.Proceeding to Port Shepstone Crematorium for cremation at 15:15pm.

PAYNE Joy + 25 June 2016 . Mother of John, Michael and Jane CONDOW. Grandmother to Warren and Sheila. Memorial at OAKLEIGH Chapel Pietermaritzburg on 30 June 2016 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.

RONNE Gail Lynette x Chris for 40 years. Mother of Lola, Ryan, Shanel and Shireen. Grandmother of Shanique, Tyde, Chris and Seth. Great-grandmother of Blake and mother-in-law of Freek and Quinten.

SEAGREEN Charmaine. The Document Warehouse Management and Staff regret the sudden passing of Our beloved colleague and friend. Condolences to the family and her two girls Carlyle and Callan. RIP -Run with the Furkids.

THOMAS Lynette Gwen + 26 June 2016. Mother, grandmother of Bruce, Lee-anne and Brenton.


FRESHWATER Patricia + 26 June 2006. Wife ,mother and grandmother. RIP from Charles, Dave, Greg, Angela and Zoe.

NARIAN Kivash 28 June 1992 ----25 Aug 2015. Is your Birthday. Remembered by Mum Radha, Dad Umesh and brother Rivesh.

SWAN David Michael 1959 ---2006. Love from Mum Gayle and Matthew.

WESSELS Valerie 26 March 1927 ---28 June 2014. Mother of Andre and Annamarie.

29 June 2016


GOSAI Vanmaribhai x Paliben. Father of Jumna, Vajiya and Champa. Funeral at Clare Estate Crematorium on 29 June 2016. Body will lie in state from 17:00 ---18:30pm Cremation thereafter.

30 June 2016


JUNE FINALIST:- BARNARD Mark & Amy x 23 April 2016. (photo)

GILLESPIE Reynier & Shelley married 19 March 2016 (photo)

MITCHELL Jared & Kim married 19th March 2016 (photo)


MBILI Bongiwe + 28 June 2016. She was hit by a stray bullet in Amanzimtoti. She was a 39 year old nurse. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.

FENN Richard Frank + 24 June 2016. Husband, father and grandfather of Marian, Carolyn, David and families.

GOVENDER Ravi 31 Oct 1963 ---28 June 2016. Funeral on 30 June 2016 at Umhlatuz Civic Hall Chatsworth from 11:30 ----15:30 proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium to be cremated at 17:30pm.

JAMBY Douglas William. Requiem Mass on 1 July 2016 at Christ The King Church Wentworth. Body will lie in state from 09:30 Mass at 10am. Crematon private. ISIPINGO INC. PAM'S 031 9022444.

KEENE Rina + 28 June 2016. Mother of Eddie & Nick.

LAW Joan Margaret Basden 11 Oct 1928 -28 June 2016 in Mothwa Haven. Remember by her Godson/cousin Andrew and Beb. Funeral to follow.

NAIDOO Rani x + Tommy NAIDOO. Mother of Rajen and Kilen. Grandmother of Darshan and Kaylene. Funeral on 1 July 2016 at home 14 Arbenhome Arena Park from 10am ---11:30am proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium at 12:30---14:30pm.

NELL Daphne + 29 June 2016. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.

PAUL Angelina Johanna . Funeral on 1 July 2016 at St Anthony's Catholic Church Greyville .Viewing from 11:30 ---12pm. Requiem Mass thereafter at 12noon. Cremation private.

SOBEY Ellen Joy Elizabeth 23 Oct 1930 ----29 June 2016 x + Frank SOBEY. Mother of Russell, Jennifer, Trevor, Keith and Glenda. Grand and great-grandmother. She had Parkinson's.; Memorial Service on 1 July 2016 at Glenwood Presbyterian Church (Frere Rd) Glenwood at 11am.

THOMAS Maureen Cynthia 23 June 1935 ---26 June 2016 x Ian. Mother of Denise , Michael, Carol, Brett and Karen. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother. Service at Greyville Presbyterian Church on 2 July 2016 at 09:00am.; RIP from Barbs, Bob, Deon, Lol, Demi and Luke.


CHAPMAN Dean x Bridgitte.

EDWARD Arthur Clifford 26 Aug 1942 ---30 June 2015. Husband, father, grandfather of Margaret, Carole, Brad, Travis, Tristan and + Ian, your sister Barbara , nieces and nephews in UK.

MILLS Alfred Davis + 30 June 1970. Father of Bobby.

MUNSAMY Loganathan (George) Yearley Memorial at his residence 3 Circle Drive Wyebank on 3 July 2016 at 11am.

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