Daily News 2017 07 July
7 July 2017
KARIMULA Mia Ahmed ID 550917 5177 08 3 + 23 March 2016 of 21 Valleyview Ave Morningside x Hosina Sheriff UDDIN ID 671227 0146 08 1. ESTATE No 002044/2017/DBN. ANAND-NEPAUL 9th Floor Royal Towers, 39 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban.
MGWABA Mbulelo Wiseman ID 590206 5514 08 7 + 11 April 2016 of 10 Bilkis Street, Highridge Kwa-Dukuza (Stanger) x Cynthia Lungile MGWABA ID 610507 0444 08 9. ESTATE No.7665/2016. SD MOLOI & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street. 7th Floor Suite 701.
MUSGRAVE-BEADON Herbert Oliver ID 371225 5022 08 6 +13 April 2016 of Rob Roy Care Centre, Botha's Hill 3610. ESTATE No 4266/2016/PMB. LIEBENBERG FRASER HOPLEY - MICHAEL DAVID HOPLEY 5 Park Lane Kloof 3640 TEL:- 031 7640066.
NTSHINGILA Similo Nombekezelo ID 820210 0519 08 5 + 25 March 2017 of 14 A Elephant Walk Wildenweid Richards Bay.ESTATE No 6407/2017/DBN. PRETORIUS, MDLETSHE & PARTNERS INC Suite 5A Jangnoor Centre, 62 Hulett Street, Stanger TEL:- 032 552 3651.
NTSHINGILA Sibusiso Goodwill ID 810419 5255 08 0 + 25 March 2017 of 14 A Elephant Walk Wildenweid Richards Bay. ESTATE No.006810/2017. PRETORIUS, MDLETSHE & PARTNERS INC Suite 5A Jangnoor Centre, 62 Hulett Street, Stanger TEL:- 032 552 3651.
PARSEE Genash ID 391104 5075 08 7 + 25 April 2016 of Gracewood 23, 30 Rose Ave Durban x Leelamma PARSEE ID 410730 0065 08 2 . ESTATE No 6406/2016/DBN. LEELAMMA PARSEE Gracewood 23, 30 Rose Ave Durban 4001.
PHILPOTT John William ID 220114 5015 18 8 +21 Feb 2017 Widowed pensioner of 54 Park Lodge Mansions, Berea. ESTATE No 003752/2017. Ms S d'OLIVIERA C/o JORDAAN, LOUW & PARTNERS, Stadco Building 126 York Street P O Box 9098 George 6530. TEL:- 044 8730278.
PILLAY Subramoney ID 421014 5072 08 9 + 17 Feb 2017 of 11 Somerset Gardens, 1 Somerset Drive, Umhlanga Rocks 4319 x Sarojini PILLAY 520820 0120 08 1. ESTATE No 004499/2017 GARACH INCORPORATED PO Box 800, Umhlangga 4320.
PROSSER Julia Judith ID 301113 0048 08 9 + 4 April of 71 Rouken Glen, 381 Musgrave Rd, Durban. ESTATE No 4859/2017. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS 8th Floor Mercury House 320 Anton Lembede Street Durban 4001. POBox 1434 Durban. TEL:- 031 2085 158
SPASO CURACH ID 361018 5032 08 6 + 17 Aug 2015 of 40 Forest Hills Rd, Waterfall 3610. ESTATE No 8624/2015/PMB. LIEBENBERG FRASER HOPLEY - MICHAEL DAVID HOPLEY 5 Park Lane Kloof 3640 TEL:- 031 7640066.
PASO MARY ID 340702 0028 08 4 + 13 June 2015 of 40 Forest Hills Rd, Waterfall 3610. ESTATE No. 8533/2015/DBN. LIEBENBERG FRASER HOPLEY - MICHAEL DAVID HOPLEY 5 Park Lane Kloof 3640 TEL:- 031 7640066.
11 July 2017
NICOSIA Nicola 5 May 1921 ---9 July 2017 . Father to Clive and father-in-law to Charmaine. Grandfather to Kyle and Jasmin. Great-grandfather to Declan, Tyra, Kayleigh. Brother to John, Lydia and Mary. Adoptive father of Beverley. Memorial on 14 July 2017 at DOVES Greyville at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
SLADE Peter Frederick + 6 July 2017. Will be missed by family and friends. SHANLEYS 031 2057644.
TUPPER nee HANSEN Felicity Ann 12 Sept 1950 ----8 July 2017. Mother of Michelle and Lianne. Sister to Sharon and Peter. Grandmother of Oscar, Felix and Grace. Memorial on 14 July 2017 at 2pm at Pinetown Methodist Church Pinetown.
WEPENER Dennis . Memorial at The Chapel Margate Retirement Village on 18 July 2017 at 11:00am.
WILLIAM DIXON 22 Aug 1925 ----6 July 2017 in his 92nd year. Father, grand and great-grandfather. Memorial at City Hill Church Marian Hill Rd on 12 July 2017 at 12:00pm.
BOZZA Valentino .30 years gone now. Father of Dina, Joe, Netta, Father-in-law of Fred and grandfather.
DU TOIT Ettiene Seugnet 17 Dec 1931 ----11 Jan 2016.
GREEN Violet + 11 July 2016. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. ; RIP from SCHEEPERS Family.
JOËLLE 19 Feb 1954 ----11 July 2001 , Mother, daughter and sister and aunt. RIP.
REVEL Leslie . Father of Sharon, Darren, Zane and Ryder.
SCHEEPERS Kevin. + 11 July 2015 .RIP Always in our heart.From SCHEEPERS Family.
12 July 2017
PHIRI Raymond Chikapa Enock (Ray) + 12 July 2017 in Nelspruit Hospital of Lung cancer. He founded the band Cannibals in 1970's and then Stimela. His hits -platinum-selling albums such as Fire, Passion and Ecstacy,. (Soul music)(Jazz) . Son of + Kanyama PHIRI. DAILY NEWS REPORTER.
13 July 2017
DAWSON Grace Nora. Mother to Venetia NOAH and June POISSON and + Clifton, Bramlin and Selwyn DAWSON. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother as well as great-great-grandmother. Requiem Mass on 14 July 2017 at St Gabriel's Anglican Church Austerville . Viewing at 12:30pm. Service at 13:00pm. DOVES 0860 02 55 00.
DUFFIELD Esme. I will miss you my friend from Peggy.
FINE Joan x Raymond . Mother to Karyn and Richard. Funeral 13 July 2017 at 12:00 at Red Hill Jewish Cemetery.
GRAAFF Colin William. Funeral Service on 14 July 2017 at St Ann's Catholic Church Sydenham. Viewing at 09:30am. Service at 10:00am. Cremation private.
GROOM Michael + 10 July 2017 x Jane. Father of Kate, Louise, Samantha and James. Grandfather Spike to Emily. Son of Reg & Fae. Brother to Sharon. Memorial Service at Parkhill Bowling Club Durban North on 15 July 2017 at 2:00 pm OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
OTTE Nils Astrup 17 May 1919 ----11 July 2017 at Brunfelsia Care Centre New Hanover. Memorial Service details to follow.
STAINBANK Mary. Mother of + Jackie, Mike, Theo and Greg. Requiem Mass at St Anne's Catholic Parish Sydenham Durban on 17 July 2017. Viewing at 10:00am. Mass at 10:30am. Private cremation. Donations to Highway Hospice Sherwood.
14 July 2017
HARIPERSAD Ravanthi ID 440810 0463 08 3 + 21 March 2017 of no address given. ESTATE No 007153/2017. MIROSHNI NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES Unit 15 Crystal Rock 16 Sostice Rd, Umhlanga Ridge . TEL:- 031 5663831.
HOOPLAL Suresh ID 631125 5153 08 7 + 9 May 2017 of 21 Kiepersol Circle, Dawnside, Stanger x Sheritha HOOPLAL ID 651217 0152 08 4. ESTATE No 007270/2017 . MESSRS B.G. SINGH & CO 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street PO Box 907 Stanger 4450.
RABIKISSOON Thilapersadh ID 530402 5089 08 8 + 14 Sept 2013 of 105 Bluegrove Place , Grove End Phoenix x Chunderwathie RABIKISSOON ID 571231 0177 08 9. ESTATE No 007549/2017/DBN. MESSRS R. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORP. Suite 6, Daddy's Centre, 258 Lenny Naidu Drive Bayview Chatsworth REFL- RM 2503/DEE.
RAW Sarah Elizabeth ID 270717 0021 08 1 + 15 Jan 2017 of 21 Mckenzie Rd, Windermere. ESTATE No 007598/2017/DBN. GAVIN GOW INC PO Box 610, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 TEL:- 031 561 1011. FAX:- 031 5611059
RAJAH Sathisleen Rajah ID 521019 5148 08 5 + 22 May 2017 of 38 Saraswati Rd, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg x Padmani RAJAH ID 581228 0156 08 7 . ESTATE No 004430/2017/ PMB. SAMEERA CASSIMJEE ATTORNEYS 414 Longmarket Street Pietermaritzburg TEL:- 033 3424 247.
VERTUIN Peggy ID 450604 0549 08 3 + 28 Feb 2017 x Dennis Bernard VERTUIN ID 410512 5165 08 7 of 38Saraswati Rd, Northdale Pietermaritzburg. ESTATE No 3068/2017/PMB. SAMEERA CASSIMJEE ATTORNEYS 414 Longmarket Street Pietermaritzburg TEL:- 033 3424 247. - INDEPENDENT ON SATURDAY 15 July 2017.
ELLIS Patricia Coleen ID 420317 0127 08 4 + 5 March 2001 of Unit 3, Duckbill Rd Newlands East x Desmond Thomas ELLIS ID 440213 5009 08 6. ESTATE No 1175/2016/DBN. NTINI & ASSOCIATES 347 West St Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3011944.
ELLIS Desmond Thomas ID 440213 5009 08 6 + 2 Sept 2006 of Unit 3, Duckbill Rd Newlands East. ESTATE No 16424/2010. NTINI & ASSOCIATES 347 West St Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 3011944.
FLORIAS Maria ID 231010 0048 08 2 + 5 Aug 2015 of 32 Delaware Ave, Virginia. ESTATE No 012175/2016/DBN. GAVIN GOW INC PO Box 610, Umhlanga Rocks 4320 TEL:- 031 561 1011.
LYLE Sally Audrey ID 360906 0032 08 8 + none given of Le Domaine Retirement Village, 100 Acutt Street, 806 Rayner Village, 100 Acutt Street, Hillcrest, Durban 3626. ESTATE 8725/2015/DBN. MOORE STEPHENS CJL PO Box 11800 Marine Parade 4058.
MOTALA Idris Ahmed ID 580419 5044 08 6 + 6 Nov 2016 of 119 Amlock Drive Parlock Durban 4037 x Rabia Mahomed MOTALA ID 621222 0264 08 4 . ESTATE No.1721/2017/DBN . ZAIN FAKROODEEN & ASSOCIATES Suite 19/20 Croftdene Drive Croftdene Chatsworth 4092. TEL:- 031 4010031 REF:- Mrs HARIDASS/es/05M309 001.
MUNSAMY Joelyn Rose ID 760118 0137 08 3 + none given of 9 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Ridge Durban 4321. ESTATE No 14145/2015/DBN. SDG ATTORNEYS AND COVEYANCER Suite 1, 7 on Millenium , 5-7 Millenium Boulevard Umhlanga Ridge 4319 TEL:- 031 566 2656.
NAIDOO Thangavelu ID 530509 5081 08 7 + 26 Feb 2017 of no address given x Jayanthi NAIDOO ID 560821 0113 08 5. ESTATE No 007140/2017. MIROSHINI NAIDOO & ASSOCIATES Unit 15 Crystal Rock 16 Solstice Rd, Umhlanga Rocks TEL:- 031 566 3831.
PILLAY Mervin Rajagopaul ID 631120 5209 08 8 + 9 July 2015 of House 62, Road 747, Montford Chatsworth x Pathmavathie PILLAY ID 631219 0216 08 8. ESTATE No 2249/2015. NOLAN NAICKER AND COMPANY 107 Lenny Naidu Drive Bayview. Chatsworth.
PILLAY Nagamah ID 450706 0136 08 2 + 9 Aug 2016 of 19 School Lane Gledhow. ESTATE No 013126/2016/DBN. SELVIE PILLAY AND COMPANY 28 Lindley Street Stanger 4460. - INDEPENDENT ON SATURDAY 15 July 2017.
REDDY Lutchmiamma ID 270622 0065 08 0 + 5 May 2006 of 31 Lunar Crescent, Woodhurst, Chatsworth, Durban. ESTATE No 11045/2008/DBN. AVISH KALICHARAN & ASSOCIATES PO Box 6741 Highveld 0169.
ROHRBECK Petrus Hendrik ID 390329 5009 08 0 + 17 Aug 2016 of Avon Hills 2, Ballito x Celeste Marion ROHRBECK ID 431223 0033 08 1. ESTATE No 008490/2016. ATTORNEYS RYNOE SMITH for PSG TRUST (PTY)LTD. P O Box 12337 Brandhof 9324. TEL:- 087 820 7451.
SWAN Joan Irene ID 321009 0045 08 1 + 5 Oct 2016 of 19 Winston Park Rest Home, 412 Retief Rd Winston Park 3610. ESTATE No 008931/2016 NEIL GERBER for BAKER TILLY MORRISON MURRAY PO Box 1098 Westville 3630. TEL:- 031 2675300.
18 July 2017
LINNETT Colin & Wendy announce engagement of their son Andrew to Kristina VOUROS.
CHISLETT Brian +14 July 2017 x Wendy. Father of Trevor, Kevin, Pauline and Kerry. And loved grandson. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
DEWAR Colin Edward Ross 11 Feb 1934 ---15 July 2017 x Maureen Father and stepfather of Kevin, Gordon, Sandra and Lynette. Grandfather to Ross, Tadhg, Lara, Kyr, Mila, Shae and Laura. RIP.
DOWSE Barbara Seymour 27 Nov 1934 -----14 July 2017 x Esmonde for 60 years. Mother of Catherine, Kenrick, Alison and Keith, Marywin and Simon. Grandmother of Ashleigh, Nicolas, Seth, Sarah, Matthew, Andrew and Megan;. Mother of 'AliMaryCathKen' ; Memorial at Kloof Methodist Church Park Lane Kloof on 20 July 2017 at 14:00pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MACBEAN Roy 1933 --- 15 July 2017 With beloved Barbara.
MOODLEY Norman . Will be missed by Staff at CPG , Brother of Bernie and Colleen, Mum; Priscy. Brother-in-law of Sivi and Vikash. Funeral 18 July 2017 at the Clare Estate Crematorium from 3:00pm ---5:00pm. Donations to Childline.
SLATTER Errol Mervyn + 14 July 2017. Husband, father, grand and great-grandfather.
VENTER Stoffelina Johanna (Diet) 3 July 1927 ---14 July 2017. Mother of Dirk, Klaas, Jan and Alette. Mother-in-law of Lynn, Lovie, Cheryl and Henrie. Grandmother and great-grandmother. AVBOB 031 2061831.
WHITE Ronald Stuart 4 April 1924 ---13 July 2017. Memorial on 20 July 2017 in the VC Hall Flame Lily Park Malvern. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959
AYRES Michael. Gone 1 year now. Remembered by Lorraine and his family overseas.
FATAAR Ophie Gone 23 years now x Rita (Cooks)
KEACHIE Bessie . Missed by son Raymond (Jnr).
20 July 2017
AZIZ Ashraf + 19 July 2017 in hospital after being shot in a botched robbery in Verulam. He was 37 years. - ZAINUL DAWOOD.
ATKINSON Walter Roy 15 July 1955 ---17 July 2017. Memorial at Gracelife Church Fynnlands Bluff on 22 July 2017 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
COUZENS Denis 4 July 1922 --- + 15 July 2017. Father of Pamela & Raphael, Noel & Cheryl and David. Grandfather of Jacques & Jennifer, Leigh & Wayne, Julie & Meeuvis, Jonathan & Candace, Michael & Elizabeth. Great-grandfather of Thomas & Jotham. Celebration of life Service at Tabor Hall Middleton Rd Winkelspruit on 24 July 2017 at 11:30am. MARTIN'S Amanzimtoti 031 903 5423.
DE BRUYN Martin Trevor . Funeral on 21 July 2017 at Austerville Baptist Church Wentworth. Viewing at 09:30am. Service at 10:00am. Cremation private.
DU PLESSIS Cindi Brey + 18 July 2017. Always loved from Ray KELL and the GREENFIELD family.
JOOSTE nee CONCALVES Irmina 1929--- + 16 July 2017 reunited with Dad. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Nadine and Robert, Roslyn, Lorraine and Robert, Justin and Cheryl, Tara, Slade and Deacon, Lauren, Christopher and Chantal, Ethan and Ben, Stephen and Jenna, Owen and Alice, Robert, James, Stephanie and Josh, John and Claire. AVBON 031 206 1831.
MATTUSHEK Margaret Ann19 Sept 1945 ----30 June 2017. Memorial at Westvlle Methodist Church Westville on 22 July 2017 at 3pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
POGGENPOEL Cynthia. Sister-in-law and aunt of Gwen, Graeme, Bradleu, Colleen, Liam and Seike FEBRUARY.
PRICE nee O'CONNOR Sally * 1944 passed away at her home Atlantic Golf Estate in Cape Town widdow of Alfred PRICE. Sister of Trisha BIRD and Biddy MOULD, twin brothers Michael & Rory O'CONNOR their families, and stepmother of Peter, Belinda and Michelle. Celebration of her life at 12 Avon Rd, Diep River at noon on 22 July 2017.
ROBERTSON Walter Alexander . Requiem Mass at St Dominic's Catholic Church Hillcrest on 21 July 2017 at 10:00am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
WATSON (KNOX) Roland Greg of Wentworth. Funeral on 21 July 2017 at St Gabriels Anglican Church Wentworth. Viewing at 11:00am. Service at 11:30am proceeding to Dudley Street Cemetery.
FRASER Norma Valerie + 20 July 2012 . Missed by Terrance.
21 July 2017
GOVENDER Nomasagren ID 540615 5049 08 7 + 2 May 2017 of 49 Satara Rd, Merebank Durban x Jayasagren GOVENDER ID670817 5136 08 6 . ESTATE No. 5953/2017/DBN. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY 322 Florence Nightingale Drive Westcliff, Chatsworth 4092 TEL:- 031 4012191.
SHANGASE Bongokuhle Almon ID 601129 5463 08 8 + 20 Feb 2017 of Rural Area of Mahlabatini KZN x Sebenzile Khanyisile SHANGASE ID 620110 0973 08 8 .ESTATE No 6331/2017. DAVID GARDYNE & PARTNERS 12th Floor, Mercury House, 230 Anton Lembede Street, Durban. PO Box 1434, Durban 4001. TEL:- 031 2085158.
SOOKOO Pahlad ID 481109 5608 08 5 + none given of 16 Todco Rd Valdin Heights Verulam 4340 x Dhayawanthie SOOKOO ID 500304 0768 08 6 ESTATE No 13633/2016/DBN. D RAMDAYAL & COMPANY 27 Ramdayal Building, 122864 Street Corner Sunford Drive JG Champion Drive, Sunford Phoenix. TEL:- 0722 524 412.
SWAIN Lionel Kenneth ID 391213 5061 08 6 + none given of 125 Guildhall, 25 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban 4000. ESTATE No. 6712/2016/DBN. ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTRIX PUNGI PILLAY & ASSOCIATES Suite 302, 3rd Floor, Denor House 365 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
31 July 2017
BONHOMME Trevor + 29 July 2017 at age 75. Husband for 56 years and father of 6 and 13 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. He was a politcan activist. Remembered for Durban March 1989 against segregated beaches.; Brother of Virgil.- Chris NDALISO.
CARRINGTON Marie + 26 July 2017. Sister of Pat JONES. Remembered by family and friends.
SHAIK Nadia + 29 July 2017. It is suspected she was stabbed by a relative. - MPHATHI NXUMALO.
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