The Daily Representative 1925 3 July - September
Wednesday, July 1, 1925
BROOKES.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 30th June, to Mr. And Mrs. A.K.H. BROOKES, a Son.
Local & General
A Pretoria Wedding.
The many friends in Queenstown of Miss Louise RODDA, a niece of Mrs. A.M. FAIRWEATHER, will be interested to read of her wedding at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Pretoria, on Saturday afternoon to Professor S.R. BARNES, of the Faculty of Commerce and Lecturer in Accountancy to the Transvaal University College. The honeymoon will be spent at Lourenco Marques, Durban, East London, and Queenstown.
Thursday, July 2, 1925
HOBART-TICHBORNE.- At Kent House, Queenstown, on the 1st July, the wife of Dr. HOBART-TICHBORNE, East African Medical Service, of a Son (Walter Gordon Arnold).
JARVIS.- Passed away peacefully at her residence, 68 Ebden Street, 1st July, Sarah, widow of the late G.E. JARVIS; aged 84 years.
Friday, July 3, 1925
Local & General
An 1820 Child.
By the death of Mrs. Elizabeth GEER, in her 104th year, a link with the 1820 settlers is lost. Mrs. GEER had the distinction of being the first child to be born in Port Elizabeth of 1820 settler parents.
Saturday, July 4, 1925
Sterkstroom Notes
Our sympathy with Mr. Barney VAN HEERDEN and family in the recent bereavement they sustained in the death of Mrs. Cecilia G. VAN HEERDEN, in her 55th year.
Monday, July 6, 1925
TORR.- At Zeerust, on the 4th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Stanley TORR, of Avondale, Zeerust, a Son.
FILMER.- Passed peacefully away at Queenstown, July 3rd, 1925, Anna FILMER, aged 94 years. At Rest.
In Memoriam
DICK.- In loving memory of my dear husband David DICK, who died 6th July, 1899.
Monday, July 6, 1925
Local & General
A gloom was cast over the town this morning when it became known that Mrs. FAIRWEATHER, wife of Mr. A.M. FAIRWEATHER, of Messrs. MORUM Bros., Ltd., had passed peacefully away about 7 a.m., and flags were hung at half mast over most of the principal places of business in town. Deceased had suffered intermittently for a number of years, but though unable to take any active part in the public work of the town, she took the keenest interest in all that was going on, and kept wonderfully bright. The greatest sympathy goes out to Mr. FAIRWEATHER and the two sons, James and Lex, in their great loss. Captain James FAIRWEATHER, of the Royal Air Force, is at present serving with his squadron in Mesopotamia, while Mr. Lex FAIRWEATHER is on the engineering staff of the Capetown Municipality. The funeral will take place from the house, 63 Berry Street, to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at three o'clock.
Railwayman's Tragic End.
An accident occurred at the Point, Durban, resulting in the death of an elderly European checker in extra-ordinary circumstances. The man, whose name was George CHALMERS, was standing in a railway truck in the dock area, counting the rolls of steel wire which had just been discharges from a steamer, and which were being sent up-country. In order to let down the iron side of the truck so that the loading operations could go on, he pulled out the iron pins holding the door, but failed to notice that a small screw at the top was protruding. As the iron side of the truck was released the screw at the top caught in the ring Chalmers was wearing on his finger, and he was pulled over by the weight of the falling door. He crashed head first on to the concrete wharf, and his head was shattered. He died immediately on admittance to Addington Hospital.
Shot by Sister.
Michael ROSS (14), son of a well-known Messina farmer, was on Thursday fatally shot by his young sister, aged 10. They were spending their school holidays with their father on his farm 15 miles from Messina. The lad took with him a very old type of Mauser rifle. His sister, being very curious to know how a gun was handled, persuaded her brother to give her a demonstration. Later the boy was called away by his mother, and the sister unloaded the rifle and placed it against a tree. When her brother returned he at once reloaded it and replaced it in the same position. When the two returned together to complete the demonstration, the brother evidently had forgotten that he had reloaded the gun. His sister then took up the gun. To her amazement the rifle discharges and the bullet entered her brother's jaw. It was discovered later that the bullet had penetrated the spine. Dr. KIRTON was sent for by a native runner and eventually the lad was motored in to Messina hospital. Paralysis set in, however, and he died shortly after admission.
Wednesday, July 8, 1925
FAIRWEATHER.- Died on Monday, 6th inst., at her residence, "Bractullo," Queenstown, Maggie, the beloved wife of A.M. FAIRWEATHER; aged 52 years.
Wednesday, July 8, 1925
Local & General
Funeral of Mrs. FAIRWEATHER.
The funeral of the late Mrs. A.M. FAIRWEATHER took place yesterday afternoon. It was very largely attended, those present including practically the whole of the male staff of Messrs. MORUM Bros., Ltd. The services at the house and the graveside were conducted by the Rev. Chas. PETTMAN, assisted by the Revs. J.W. McGAHEY and R. RUSSELL, M.A. The chief mourners were Mr. A.M. FAIRWEATHER, Mr. Lex FAIRWEATHER (son), Mrs. RODDA, Pretoria (sister), and Mrs. CRAWFORD, Pretoria (niece)...
Friday, July 10, 1925
Saturday, July 11, 1925
GRANGE.- At Barberton, on the 9th inst., to Captain and Mrs. F. HARRIS-GRANGE, a Son.
FINCHAM.- At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 11th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Percy FINCHAM, of Retreat, a Son and Daughter.
NITSCHKE-PETTMAN.- At Wesley Church, on Thursday, the 9th inst., by the Rev. C. PETTMAN, father of the bride, Muriel Natalie PETTMAN, to Roland NITSCHKE, of East London.
Monday, July 13, 1925
ST. CLAIR.- Died at Skye, Scotland, on the 9th July, Alexander ST. CLAIR, late of Hundalee, Bolotwa, aged 57 years. (By cable).
Tragedies of the Road.
Motor Car Turns Somersault.
King Rugby Player Killed and Another in a Very Critical Condition.
Accident Caused by Broken Axle.
East London, Monday.
While motoring here from King Williamstown on Saturday afternoon to take part in a match on the local recreation ground the Pirates Rugby Club's second team met with a mishap, which unfortunately ended in the death of the captain of the fifteen, BURMEISTER, while another player, SYMONDS, lies in the Frere Hospital in a very critical condition. Three others, including the driver, were injured to a less degree. It appears that the axle of the car snapped, causing the vehicle to turn a somersault, with the result mentioned.- Reuter.
A Fatal Swerve.
P.E. Man Killed En Route to East London
Grahamstown, Monday.
News has reached here of a motor car accident on the King Williamstown road, involving the death of Mr. Thomas GUSH, of Port Elizabeth, and serious injury to two other men. The occupants of the car were going to East London to attend the conference of the Municipal Employees' Association. Near Breakfast Vlei the driver swerved to avoid a drain, when the rim of the rear wheel slipped over. The car capsized, pinning GUSH under the handle of the steering gear and causing his death. T. DWYER, of Port Elizabeth, and R. STRICKLAND, of Johannesburg, are in the Settlers' Hospital. – Reuter.
Durban Tragedy
Woman Killed by Runaway Horse
Head Almost Torn From Body.
Durban, Sunday.
A terrible tragedy occurred in a crowded Durban street yesterday, as a result of which Mrs. JOHNSTONE, and elderly European woman, was killed. A horse harnessed to a van bolted down Victoria Street, which was thronged with people shopping at the Indian market. Several Indians were knocked right and left, as also was another white woman, and then the horse bore down on Mrs. JOHNSTONE. She looked up just too late and one shaft caught her in the throat, almost tearing her head from her body, while the van wheels broke her legs. She died immediately. – Reuter.
Died in the Street
Aged East Londoner's Sudden End
East London, Monday.
At an early hour this morning the body of a white man was found lying in the gutter in St. George's Road, the heart of the chief residential quarter. Life had been evidently extinct only a short while, as the body was still warm. Deceased proved to be Mr. E.T. STEVENSON, retired, 76 years of age, who retired to bed the previous evening in apparently good health, and his family were not aware that he had gone out. Death is certified to be due to heart failure. – Reuter.
Local & General
News of the death of Mr. Alexander ST. CLAIR, late of Hundalee, Bolotwa, has been received by cable by Mrs. J.H. THOMAS, Bolotwa. Mr. ST. CLAIR returned to Scotland with his wife and son in 1907. Letters received by the last home mail mentioned that he was recovering from an operation for appendicitis, and was leaving for a holiday in Skye. The greatest sympathy will be felt for Mrs. ST. CLAIR, of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders.
Tuesday, July 14, 1925
HALSE.- At Kent House, East London, on the 11th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Eric HALSE, of "Carnarvon," a Son.
Thursday, July 16, 1925
Dead in a Copse
Insurance Agent's Tragic End
Johannesburg, Wednesday.
This morning Mr. P.A. DE WET, an insurance agent, residing at Middelburg, was found dead in a copse near the railway station at Belfast. There were two revolver wounds in the head and the indications pointed to suicide. – Reuter.
Minister Found Shot
Sequel to Depression
Stellenbosch, Wednesday.
The Rev. J. KOCK, formerly Dutch Reformed Church minister at Kuils River, was found dead in his residence here with a discharged rifle beside him. He was recently rescued from drowning at Hermanus and had been in a rather depressed condition for a considerable time. – Reuter.
Friday, July 17, 1925
GREEN.- Passed peacefully away at King Williamstown on the 15th inst., Edward Joseph GREEN, in his 77th year.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Alice Anne HARDING, who died 17th July, 1922. Inserted by her husband and children.
Saturday, July 18, 1925
Local & General
Death of Mr. G. FERNIE.
At 6.30 this morning death put a merciful end to the sufferings of Mr. Gavin FERNIE. He had been in bed for fifteen months, and his long illness – the direct result, no doubt, of this war service – was only cheered by the kindly sympathy of his many friends and of the public in general, which manifested itself in various directions. The deceased was thirty-eight years of age and was born at Tarkastad, where his father, now the Town Clerk of Indwe, was then Postmaster. He had nearly twenty years' service in the Post Office and had been appointed Postmaster at Tsolo when illness overtook him. A noted player at soccer, cricket, and Rugby, he was also a fine athlete at one time and won many prizes at the 100 yards, 220 yards, and 440 yards distances. Mr. FERNIE was also a spelendid singer, and his last appearance in public was in Miss TAIT's production of the opera "Tom Jones," wherein he played the title role. He served in the German West campaign and afterwards proceeded overseas, where he was slightly gassed and also suffered a good deal of illness. The funeral will take place at three o'clock to-morrow afternoon from 29, Queen's Drive, and it is hoped that there will be a large muster of ex-servicemen to honour their deceased comrade. Mr. FERNIE leaves a widow and child, for whom much sympathy will be felt.
Monday, July 20, 1925
PAPILSKY.- To Mr. And Mrs. J.S. PAPILSKY, at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on Saturday, 18th inst., a Daughter. Both well.
Local & General
Passing of a Pioneer.
The death took place on Wednesday of Mr. John Henry RUSSELL, at his residence at Turffontein, after a long illness, at the age of 76 years. Mr. RUSSELL was one of the oldest pioneers of Kimberley, where he carried out diamond digging operations, being a friend of many of the directors of the DE BEERS Company and also of Mr. RHODES. Mr. RUSSELL was the son of Henry RUSSELL, author and composer of "Cheer, Boys, Cheer," the brother of Clarke RUSSELL, the sea novelist, and step-brother to Sir Landon RONALD.
Tuesday, July 21, 1925
BOTHA.- At Queenstown Frontier Hospital, on the 19th inst., Ockert Johannes BOTHA, beloved husband of Magdalena BOTHA, in his 54th year.
Wednesday, July 22, 1925
Notice by Executor
Notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate of the late William MILNER, of Queenstown,...
(Sgd.) M. MILNER,
Executrix Dative.
3. Haig Avenue, Queenstown.
Estate late Emma Bennetta MARSBURG (born MALLET), No. 8380, of Queenstown...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Mrs. DAVOREN and Doreen desire to thank all relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes in their sad bereavement...
Thursday, July 23, 1925
ROWLES-JENNINGS.- Married at St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Queenstown, on 22nd July, by Rev. W. WEBB, John James, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. J.E. ROWLES, King Williamstown, to Nora Lydia, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. JENNINGS, Queenstown.
LEHMANN.- At Heswall, Burghersdorp, on the 23rd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. W.E.A. LEHMANN, a Son.
Friday, July 24, 1925
Saturday, July 25, 1925
LLOYD.- Passed peacefully away at Germiston, on July 23rd, Mary Ann Josephine LLOYD, late of Qamata. Age 80 years and 27 years. Deeply mourned.
Tuesday, July 28, 1925
Local & General
Bathroom Tragedy.
A European about 30 (50?) years of age, named Penrith? CLEASBY, was found lying dead in a bathroom in Bird Street, Port Elizabeth, on Friday afternoon. The main gas pipe leading to the geyzer in the bathroom was disconnected, and the room was full of gas. CLEASBY, who was manager of the local gas company, only arrived in the city to take up that position about three months ago, and he was booked to leave for England by the Windsor Castle on Friday. He was a single man, and it appears he had been in indifferent health for some time past.
Wednesday, July 29, 1925
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Charles William THOMPSON, who died of wounds in German East Africa on 29th July, 1916. Inserted by father, brothers and sisters.
Local & General
The many Queenstown friends will regret to hear of the death from malarial fever of Mr. Harry TRENOWETH, formerly of this town. The sad event occurred in Rhodesia, on his farm, which he had recently acquired.
Thursday, July 30, 1925
HUGHES.- On the 26th July, at Exonxa, Glen Grey, the wife of Robert HUGHES, of a bonny Daughter. Both well.
Thursday, August 6, 1925
PETER.- On the 4th inst., at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. And Mrs. Albert PETER, a Son.
BRUSSOW.- On the 6th inst., at 4 Bell Road, to Mr. And Mrs. G.T. BRUSSOW, a Daughter.
Friday, August 7, 1925
Tragedy of Railway Cottage.
Matrimonial Unhappiness Revealed.
Husband Who Wished for Separation.
Victoria West, Thursday.
The tragic deaths of a railway shunter named Dirk VAN ZYL and his wife at Hutchinson on Monday were the subject of a magisterial inquest, which concluded here to-day.
Giving evidence Hendrik COLLINS, an engine driver of Hutchinson, said that a month or two ago Mrs. VAN ZYL, his wife’s sister, informed him that VAN ZYL wished her to sign an agreement to a separation, as he did not wish to live with her any longer, having become enamoured of another woman. Witness advised her not to consent, as she had done nothing which would warrant such a step.
Medical evidence was given by Dr. SANDERS, Acting District Surgeon, to the effect that death in each case was due to revolver bullet wounds.
The Magistrate’s finding was in accordance with this and that the wounds on both deceased were inflicted by Dirk VAN ZYL. The bodies were buried here yesterday in the same grave. – Reuter.
Saturday, August 8, 1925
In the Estate of the late James MASOKA, of Oxkraal, Districk Queenstown (No. 6644)...
Attorney for Executor Dative.
Estate of the late Carl Frederich Wilhelm AHLSCHLAGER, of St. Marks. No. 6390...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Monday, August 10, 1925
RITCHIE.- Passed away on August 9th at Queenstown, Oswald Ivan RITCHIE, youngest son of the late Rev. J.P. RITCHIE and Mrs. RITCHIE, formerly of Queenstown.
M.L.A.’s Wedding
Bridayl Pair Welcomed at Tarkastad
A Notable Gathering
Tarkastad, Saturday.
The local branch of the Women’s South African Party gave a reception at the Town Hall in welcome to Mr. G.C. VAN HEERDEN, M.L.A., and Mrs. VAN HEERDEN, who were married in the course of the recent session. There was a large gathering present, and an attractive musical programme was rendered...
Tuesday, August 11, 1925
Estate late Johanna Maria Helena DE LANGE. No. 8379...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, August 13, 1925
In the Estate of the late Ockert Johannes Albertus BOTHA, of Queenstown. No. 8546...
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Friday, August 14, 1925
Local & General
Mystery of a Grave.
Situated in a wild and lonely spot where the railway line runs beneath the high and frowning krantzes in Pretorius Kloof, a very old grave of which no one in town or district knew anything had been discovered, says the Graaff-Reinet correspondent of “The Star.” The inscription on the tombstone is in good order and runs: “Sacred to the memory of Heila S.E. CORNER, who departed this life on January 27th, 1933, aged 23 years 10 months and 4 days.” The grave is about 50 feet from the railway line and is close to the hut occupied by a native watchman whose duty it is to see that no boulders are rolled down by baboons on to the railway line. There could not have been a farmhouse there, and the discovery has caused considerable speculation as to who this young lady was, how she came to die, and why she was buried nearly 100 years ago in such a wild and rugged locality, and through which the railway was constructed nearly 60 years later.
Monday, August 17, 1925
DICKSON.- At Grahamstown, on the 15th August, 1925, to the wife of Brigadier-General E. DICKSON, C.M.G., C.B.E., of Rhodesia, a Daughter.
Tuesday, August 18, 1925
Local & General
A Farm Tragedy.
On Thursday Mr. Bert KORF, a farmer living in Stutterheim district, went out with a shotgun to shoot hawk. His wife heard a gun report, and on going outside found her husband lying on the ground close to the house with half his face blown away. The injured man was taken into Stutterheim, where he died yesterday. How the accident occurred is a mystery. Mr. KORF leaves a wife and two children.
Wednesday, August 19, 1925
COOPER.- On the 17th instant, at Springs Nursing Home, Mabel Frances COOPER (nee HILL), beloved wife of Chas. Downham COOPER, Compound Manager, West Springs, after a long and painful illness. Deeply mourned by sorrowing husband and children.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear wife and our mother, Elizabeth DIXON, who died on the 19th August, 1920.
Inserted by W.J. DIXON, Harry and Annie ROBERTS.
In the Estate of the late Hugh CAMPBELL, of Queenstown. No. 5114...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Thursday, August 20, 1925
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear wife, Louisa THOMPSON, and our devoted mother, who passed away peacefully on 20th August, 1922.
Inserted by husband and children.
Friday, August 21, 1925
Passed peacefully away at 4, Bell Road, Ione Jean, dearly beloved infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. G.T. BRUSSOW, age 16 days.
FINCHAM.- Died at the Hangingshaw, Rustenburg, Transvaal, on the 18th August, Arthur William FINCHAM, third son of the late George FINCHAM, of Roydon, Queenstown.
Monday, August 24, 1925
SCOTT.- Passed away at Whittlesea on the 22nd instant, the infant son of Mr. And Mrs. W.T. SCOTT. Age two days.
Tuesday, August 25, 1925
In Memoriam
WIGGILL.- Oswald John.- In loving memory of our dear son and brother, who passed away at Maritzani, Bechuanaland, on 25th August, 1921. To memory ever dear.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Elizabeth Ivy MARLINGHAUS (born JAMES), of Whittlesea, in the district of Queenstown (No. 8710)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Local & General
Hotel Tragedy.
A shocking affair occurred at Middle Drift Hotel during Saturday night, says the “Cape Mercury.” The lessee Mr. W.J. GATTRILL, retired to his room about midnight, apparently in the best of health and spirits. At 7 a.m. on Sunday he was found in his room dead, apparently by his own hand. He was hanging by the neck to the bedpost, a piece of rein having been buckled round his neck, the other end being fastened to the bedrail. Half of the body was reclining on the floor, and, assuming that the suicide theory is correct, it was a case of most determined self-murder. The deceased was about 50 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children, with whom all sympathy will be felt in their great trouble.
Wednesday, August 26, 1925
BRYCE.- Died at Queenstown on the 26th inst., Albert Dundas, beloved husband of M.R. BRYCE, in his sixty-first year.
Mr. And Mrs. OLIVIER desire to express their grateful thanks to the doctor and all kind friends for their sympathy and floral tributes during their recent sad bereavement.
Monday, August 31, 1925
In Memoriam
ROBERTSON.- In loving memory of our dear husband and dad, Thomas ROBERTSON, who died August 30th, 1924. Inserted by loving wife and son
Tuesday, September 1, 1925
In Memoriam
MILES.- In loving memory of John MILES, of Riet Kuil, who died 1ste September, 1924.
In loving memory of John BOTHA, who passed away on 1st September, 1924, at Sterkstroom. Ever remembered by his daughter and grandchildren.
BOTHA.- Passed away on September 1st, 1924, at Sterkstroom, Johannes Peterus BOTHA. His loving children Maria and John BOLD.
Wednesday, September 2, 1925
Estate of the late Thomas William MOLONY (No. 64, 614, R.159-588)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Estate of the late Marthinus Johannes DU PREEZ, of Queenstown. (No. 7671)...
Attorney for Executor Dative.
Saturday, September 5, 1925
O’CONNOR-SCHMIDT.- To be married at Queenstown on the 9th at the Baptist Church by the Rev. Clifford J. NEWELL, William Melville O’CONNOR, of Port Alfred, to Mary Ann SCHMIDT, youngest daughter of E. SCHMIDT, Queenstown.
Monday, September 7, 1925
FILMER-McEACHERN.- Married in the Wesleyan Church, Bloemfontein, September 3rd, 1925, by the Rev. E.P. ROTH, Harry E. FILMER, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. A.H. FILMER, of “Thornlands,” Queenstown, to Dorothy A. McEACHERN, only daughter of Mrs. McEACHERN, of Bloemfontein.
Tuesday, September 8, 1925
In the Estate of the late Basil Joseph DAVOREN, of Queenstown (No. 8375)...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, September 10, 1925
Local & General
Well-known Journalist’s Death.
Mr. Ernest GLANVILLE, the South African novelist and journalist, and a brother-in-law of the Rev. C. PETTMAN, of Queenstown, died on Sunday afternoon at his residence in Rondebosch. He had been ailing for some time, but his death occurred very suddenly, and came as a shock to his family of friends. Mr. GLANVILLE was born at Wynberg in 1854, being the son of Mr. Thomas Burt GLANVILLE, sometime member of Parliament for Grahamstown. He was educated at St. Andrew’s College, Grahamstown, and at the age of 19 he went to the diamond fields. He was one of the first men to peg a claim in the Kimberley Mine, and he witnessed the growth of the Diamond City from the huts and tents that were erected at Dutoitspan, in the very early days. He quickly developed a taste for writing, and one of his earlier journalistic engagements was as war correspondent for the London “Daily Chronicle” during the Zulu war of 1879. He was one of the first to see the body of the Prince Imperial, who fell in a reconnaissance, before it was taken to Chislehurst, in England.
Friday, September 11, 1925
SCHWARTZ.- On the 9th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Jock SCHWARTZ (nee Anna GREEF), 19, Porter Street, a son. Mother and child both well.
In the Estate of the late Sarah JARVIS, of Queenstown, Cape Province...
Executors Testamentary.
Wedding Bells
A Bridegroom From Tylden
A very pretty wedding took place in the Wesleyan Church, Bloemfontein, on Thursday of last week, when Miss Dorothy McEACHERN, of Bloemfontein, was married to Mr. Harry FILMER, of Rookwood, Tylden.
The bride looked lovely as she walked up the aisle, leaning on the arm of her cousin, Mr. Herbert CUMBER, who gave her away...
Saturday, September 12, 1925
KATZ-MICHAELS.- The marriage will take place at the Royal Hotel, Indwe Cape, on the 16th September, at 3 p.m., of Gertrude MICHAELS, of “Welgelegen,” Johannesburg, to Jospeh L. KATZ, of Angelo, Transvaal. All relatives and friends cordially invited (No cards.) Reception, Royal Hotel, Indwe, Cape.
Local & General
Death of Former Queenstonian.
The Kokstad correspondent of the “Daily Dispatch” regrets to announce the death of Mr. George BARNES, which occurred on Tuesday at the farm of his son-in-law, Mr. Alf KIRK. Mr. BARNES came to East Griqualand over 40 years ago from Queenstown. He was well known in the territories as a progressive farmer. He had reached the ripe age of 83. His large family of sons and daughters are all in the neighbourhood.
Friday, September 18, 1925
Estate of the late Thomas Hugh Alexander ENGLAND, of Fontenoy, district of Indwe, Cape Province (No. 6638)...
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary.
Charles G. HAY
A Tribute
By the death of Mr. Charles HAY there has been removed from this community a personality so outstanding and so unique that, humanly speaking, to replace him will be impossible. It is often charged to South African boys that they are wanting in character. Strength and beauty of character was Mr. HAY’s great charm. It was lovable even at times of its contradiction. His boyhood was not of the easiest. He was one of a family of seven and his father, who had come the Queenstown in the early sixties and had settled down and married here, was in anything but affluent circumstances. When called on, therefore, a mere lad, to face the battle of life he was but ill equipped for the task. The whole of his assets consisted of the clothes he was standing in, worse still, of education he had had only just a smattering. He had been to “Beswick’s School” for a few years, but before he was able to get into his stride he was taken away to help in keeping “the home fires burning.” Before there was any connection between the Border and Midland lines most of the frontier mails went by post cart from Queenstown to Cradock. For a time Mr. Geo. HAY held this contract and the lad, Charles, was one of the whips. It was very strenuous work. Often, owing to shortage of drivers he was compelled to take the mails across to Cradock in one day, the trip taking 16 or 18 hours, longer in wet weather, and to bring the return mails to Queenstown the next day. Only a few minutes were allowed at the various stopping places just to change horses. The experience, and the knowledge he gained of horses, stood him in good stead in the rough and tumble on the Rand later. He there became a foundation member of the Rand Turf Club and also successfully performed as a gentleman rider ant their meetings. He spent some years there in business but fortune did not smile too highly, added to which a very ugly accident befell him. He was riding in a cigar and umbrella race at a gymkhana in Pretoria when his horse collided with another, fell, and rolled over him, breaking his leg, arm, and several ribs. This took many months to mend; at the end of which time he came back to Queenstown and remained here ever afterwards. He married the elder daughter of one of Queenstown’s best known farmers, and took to farming himself and speculating in stock, of both of which undertakings he made a great success. His knowledge of all kinds of stock was such that he was readily recognised as one of the biggest authorities in the country. It is largely due to his good work that Queenstown has become the greatest stock sale centre in the Eastern Province. But whilst being busy making a success of his own concerns he took the greatest interest in public affairs, not as a looker on either. The same intense energy he displayed in his private business he transferred to is public ... small one or a big one he would fight with the same joy. At the very prospect of a fight his eyes would sparkle with delight. He knew nothing and would have cared nothing for the line of less resistance. Humbug was poison to him, “honesty” was his motto. He was wont to hit hard, yet he was a most generous opponent, and if after the fight the thought he had hurt an antagonist unnecessarily he would be of Quixotic chivalry to make amends. It was this touch that turned men who had been his opponents into most devoted friends. He was the most fearless man it was possible to meet. He would be ever ready to defend his view against all comers. If the whole world were against him that would not shake his determination if he had convinced himself of the righteousness of the cause he was championing. To her now widowed and to the two sons and daughter may the grief of the whole community be to them some consolation in their great sorrow.
Saturday, September 19, 1925
Sterkstroom Notes
Congratulations to Nurse Anna VAN DER MERWE on her marriage to Mr. Richard RANCE, of Pretoria. Both the bride and her parents, Mr. VAN DER MERWE, of the Railway Station staff, and Mrs. VAN DER MERWE are highly respected by the community.
Monday, September 21, 1925
WATERMEYER.- To Mr. And Mrs. N.G. WATERMEYER, of Cofimvaba, Transkei, at the Duncanvale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 18th September, a son. Both well.
Wednesday, September 23, 1925
FILTER.- At Kohler’s Garage, Queenstown, the Gravity Petrol Filter, wholesale and retail. Both well.
Estate of the late Theunis Jacobus NEL (161/603. 3738/17)...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Friday, September 25, 1925
Cathcart Road Tragedy
Elderly Man Drops Dead
At about 2.20 this afternoon an elderly man dropped dead in Cathcart Road just outside the Imperial Tea Rooms. The body was identified as being that of William Jacobus JORDAAN, aged 72, and it is stated that he had been suffering from heart trouble.
SHEASBY-HOPE.- On September 23, 1925, at Wesley Church, Queenstown, by Rev. G.H.P. JACQUES, M.B.E., James Lionel, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. J.B. SHEASBY, of Lowlands-on-Vaal, to Edith Grace, youngest daughter of the late F.M. HOPE, Esq., of Grahamstown, and Mrs. F.M. HOPE, 60, Berry Street, Queenstown.
Monday, September 28, 1925
JORDAAN.- Died suddenly, William Jacobus JORDAAN, aged 72 years, 8 months, 28 days, beloved father of Mrs. J.B. FRIEND.
Wednesday, September 30, 1925
GUNN.- On the 29th September, to Mr. And Mrs. H.C.H. GUNN, a daughter.
KIDSON.- At “Rus in Urbe,” Lady Frere, 30th September, 1925, to Mr. And Mrs. B.E. KIDSON, a son.
Local & General
Lady FROST, widow of Sir John FROST, at one time Minister of Agriculture for the old Cape Colony, and member for Queenstown for nearly 40 years, who is now living at Thornton House, Kenilworth, celebrated her 91st birthday on Sunday, the 20th inst., when she received the congratulations of a number of friends.
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