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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1847 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 3 July 1847

MARRIED in St.Mary’s Church on Friday June 25th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Daniel Jacobus STRYDOM to Miss Susara Susanna Margaretha OELOFFSE

June 27 A daughter of Mr. James Samuel REED, baptised Ann Elliot
On the 30th, a son of Mr. LACEY, baptised George

Saturday 10 July 1847

Mrs. VAN RÖNN of a daughter
Port Elizabeth, 9th July 1847

In St.Mary’s Church on Sunday July 4th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
A daughter of Mr. TUNBRIDGE, baptised Sarah

Saturday 17 July 1847

DIED at Uitenhage Town on Sunday morning the 4th July 1847, after a few days’ illness, Andrew, 5th son of S.H. DU TOIT Esq JP, aged 19 years 3 months and 11 days, deeply regretted by his relations and numerous friends. Deceased served as Field Captain in the Uitenhage Native Levy.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 1st instant, Albert John, the infant son of Mr. R.J. PAINTER, aged 10 months.

Saturday 24 July 1847

In St.Mary’s Church on Sunday July 11th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Mr. George TOWNROW, bachelor, to Mrs. Lucy THOMAS, widow

July 21: Elizabeth Matilda READ, aged 1 year and 3 months.
July 23: Patrick WELSCH, aged 34 years, late of the 27th Regt.

Saturday 31 July 1847

BIRTH at this place on Monday the 19th instant, Mrs. Thomas PROUDFOOT of a daughter.

Saturday 14 August 1847

In St.Mary’s Church on Sunday August 8th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Frederick WHEELER to Miss Ellen LAWRENCE

On the 8th August by the same
A daughter of Mr. Thunis BOTHA, baptised Susan Catherine
A daughter of Dr. DAVIES, baptised Frances Mary

Saturday 28 August 1847

To Owners of Wagons and Others
The undersigned are daily expecting another supply of the Patent Anti-Friction Grease and Court Blacking.
Port Elizabeth 20th August 1847
PS A great saving is effected by the use of this grease, as can be attested by many who have used it.

MARRIED, August 18th, by the Rev. J. Pears, Robert Tosswill VEITCH to Sarah, second daughter of P.C. MASSYN Esq of Somerset.
28th August 1847

Saturday 4 September 1847

At Gamtoos River on Wednesday Aug 11th by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Mr. George BERESFORD to Miss Maria Helena KEMP

On the 21st August by the same
A son of Capt. G. WATTS, baptised John Chapman
A son of Capt. P.H. WATTS, baptised Philip Richard

At Bushman’s River, May 15th, Jane ADCOCK, aged 2
At Sunday’s River, Aug 26th, Anty. ISEMONGER, aged 40
At Little Hampton, Sussex, Jan 5th, Mary Ann Ide, aged 42 years, sister to the above.

Saturday 11 September 1847

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Sept 8th Mr. Jan Martinus HOETS to Miss Arabella Helena Centlivres CHASE at Cradocks Place

By the same, a son of Mr. Henry HARVEY, baptised Alfred James Fossey
By the same, a son of Mr. J. HALL, baptised North

Saturday 25 September 1847

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Sept 14th, Mr. Joseph FROST to Miss Maria [Dorothe] HERMAN

Two daughters of Mr. INMAN, baptized Helen Bernetta and Grace Ann
A son of Mr. Isaiah TITTERTON, baptized Charles Samuel

Mr. William RAWLINSON, aged 65 years

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