Farmers Chronicle 1887 - January to July
Friday 28 January 1887
Cathcart Undenominational Public School
Under 8 years 17/6 per quarter
Between 8 and 10 25/- “
Between 10 and 13 37/6 “
Separate Department for Boys and Girls
Reduction if 3 pupils are sent
Boys’ Department: Mr. T. PIERCE
Girls’ do. Mrs. PIERCE
(Pending appointment of regular teacher) under supervision of Head Master
Friday 18 February 1887
Married at Queenstown on the 14th February 1887 by the Rev. Alexander GRANT,
William Isaac, third son of John ARNOLD Esq, Amalinda Park, East London Division, to Kate Atkey, eldest daughter of Pascal A. ALFORD Esq, Queenstown.
Mr.PERKS has leased his Flour Mills and Wool Washery at Thomas River to Mr. S. HAAGNER, from the 21st inst. One and all in Cathcart will regret to hear that Mr. PERKS is “one more” bound for the land of the “Rising Sun”, the new El Dorado, where we most sincerely trust a speedy fortune awaits him. He takes with him the large and commodious produce store which has served Cathcart for many good purposes for some years past. This iron building will be erected at Witwatersrand, at which place Mr. PERKS intends establishing his future home…
Friday 25 February 1887
Married on Wednesday 16th February by the Rev. J. W. LLEWELYN, Joseph Monteith BILL of Cathcart to Annie BERTRAM, fourth daughter of Mr. P.D. BERTRAM of Queenstown.
Friday 18 March 1887
Died on the 23rd February last at the residence of Mr. J.J. EVA, of Allanwater, in this District, Dirk Renerar VAN ROOYEN, aged 77 years
Friday 15 April 1887
Birth at “Sidespur”, District of Cathcart on the 22nd March, the wife of Mr. Robert KEMP of a son
Birth at Cathcart on the 5th instant, the wife of E.O. HUTCHISON of a daughter
Died at Cathcart on the 5th April 1887, Mary A. CLIFF, the beloved wife of Revd. W. CLIFF, aged 37 years.
Friday 22 April 1887
Mrs. A. MILES is, we are glad to say, convalescing favourably.
The Rev.J.G. STEPHAN of Goshen has gone to Europe for a holiday.
Mr. HOBBS had an ox run over and killed by the afternoon train on Monday.
There are two or three very dangerous round holes in the Whittlesea road between the junction with the Tylden road and Mr. BARTLETT’s gate.
Death has been busy in Cathcart during the week. We regret to record that Mrs. F.C.FLETCHER died very suddenly on Monday evening. The unfortunate lady had been ailing for some little time but her symptoms were in no way of any grave import. On the evening in question, while Mr. FLETCHER was reading a letter, she suddenly fell back and must have expired instantaneously. The cause of death was fatty degeneration of the heart. She was buried on Tuesday afternoon, a large concourse of people, including the choir of St.Albans church being present. The deceased lady took great interest in church work and on Easter Sunday, although suffering from great physical weakness, attended church in order to make her Easter Communion. On Tuesday evening the infant son of Mr. H. T. ELLIOTT passed away after a long illness. We tender our sincere sympathies to both families.
Friday 29 April 1887
Birth on the 20th April at Cathcart, the wife of John ELTRINGHAM of a daughter
Died suddenly at Cathcart on Monday the 18th April 1887, Caroline Laura, the beloved wife of F.C. FLETCHER, aged 31 years.
Friday 6 May 1887
Died at Scheaffhausen April 25th, Gertrude Alice, aged 2 months and 22 days, infant daughter of T. and S.A. HAYES
Died at his residence in Back Street, Cathcart on May 2nd 1887, John SEILER, aged 56 years (late of the German Legion), greatly respected, leaving a widow and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.
(Bible verse)
We regret to have to record the death of Mr. J. SEILER, which took place on Monday. He had been suffering for a long time from a painful disease, internal cancer, which he had borne with wonderful resignation. Deceased was one of the oldest inhabitants of Cathcart and very highly respected as one of those industrious, honest men who always pay their way and do their duty to family and community alike.
Mr. Daniel DE WET of the farm Forest Range died on Monday evening. He had been in Cathcart under medical attendance for over three weeks, but although in a most critical condition his end was not expected to be so near. The cause of death was an acute affection of the heart.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. J.C. FRONEMAN Jun of Esher has lost about 170 sheep by the late cold weather. From what we can gather he had just finished dipping.
Friday 13 May 1887
It is rumoured that the Hon’ble Thomas BROWN on conclusion of his coal contract intends starting a cigar manufactory. The silent hills around his homestead will resound with the clatter of the steam engine and the joyous laughter of the merry maidens whom he intends to employ will make the desert smile again. Nothing like local industries.
Friday 20 May 1887
Birth at Cathcart of the 18th instant the wife of Thomas PIERCE of a son
Birth at Cathcart on the 11th May 1887 the wife of Mr.R.P. HOAR of a son
Friday 3 June 1887
Birth at Cathcart on the 24th May, the wife of E.H. BYRAM of a son
Birth at Braemer Cathcart on the 27th May, the wife of George PIKE of a daughter
Friday 15 July 1887
Birth at Cathcart on the 10th July the wife of F.W. GILSTAIN of a daughter.
[this was Hilda Mary GILSTAIN, my grandmother ~ Sue]
Married on the 7th June 1887 at St.Andrews church Klipplaats by the Rev. W. SHAW, William Joseph, son of Jas. GIBBENS to Margaret Hester, eldest daughter of the late William GIBBENS, both of Lower Chilton, District Cathcart
Died at Kamai Poort on 31st May 1887, Olive Gladdes, only daughter of Richard and Jessie GUINEY, aged 4 years and 1 month
Died at Anta on June 15th 1887, Edgar Stonewall, only son of Richard and Jessie GUINEY, aged 2 years and 6 months
Mrs. GUINEY begs to tender her sincere thanks to Dr. DARLEY-HARTLEY and the many kind friends who so willingly assisted her during the severe illness of the children.
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