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Farmers Chronicle (Cathcart)

The Farmers Chronicle 1889 - 4 - October to December

Thursday 17 October 1889

Birth at Cathcart on the 15th October, the wife of E.C. WEBB of a daughter.

Thursday 31 October 1889

Perhaps at no time within memory of the oldest inhabitant has such a shock been felt in our little community as that which ran like lightning through the village on Tuesday morning last in the whispered words ‘Mrs. Geo. PRESTON is dead.’ At first it seemed almost incredible, as only the day previous the lamented lady had been in perfect health and spirits. On making enquiries we found the news only too true, and that Mrs. PRESTON had passed away at 5 o clock that morning. We may state that she died in giving birth to twins, both of whom are dead.
(several further paragraphs about her character and funeral)

Birth at 58 Railway Cottage, Rayner’s Post on the 23rd inst, the wife of J.M. GOVE of a daughter.

Thursday 7 November 1889

Birth at Cathcart on Monday 4th November, the wife of Geo. J. TAYLOR of a son

Thursday 14 November 1889

We are exceedingly pleased to hear that our energetic townsman Mr. George PATMORE has just received an order to manufacture sixty new wagons for the Gold Fields trade. This speaks well for Cathcart and we congratulate Mr. PATMORE on the justly celebrated name he has established for himself.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Newton HART, which sad event took place about 10 o clock this morning. To the sorrowing husband and family of the deceased lady we tender our heartfelt sympathy.

Thursday 28 November 1889

Birth at Sidespur on the 5th November 1889, the wife of R. KEMP of a son

Birth at Malang’s Kraal, Bedford on the 22nd November, the wife of John D. HUGO of a son

Thursday 5 December 1889

Died at Bedford on the 29th November, the infant son of J.D. and J.E. HUGO

Thursday 12 December 1889

Birth at Glenfillan on Dec 1st, the wife of Mr. W.R. HOBBS of a daughter

Birth at Cathacrt on Saturday 7the December, the wife of Robert HAYES of a son

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