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Farmers Chronicle (Cathcart)

The Farmers Chronicle 1890 - 3 - July to September

Thursday 3 July 1890

Birth at the Farm Esher on July 1st 1890, the wife of J.C. FRONEMAN Jr of a son (being the eighth son).

Died at Cathcart on Sunday June 22nd 1890, Maunsell Grey, youngest son of George and Florence PATMORE, aged 10 months and 17 days
(thanks and verse)

Birth at Cathcart on Thursday 19th June the wife of J.H. WILKS of a son

Thursday 31 July 1890

Birth at Butterworth Transkei on the 20th July, the wife of J.H. BRYANT of a daughter

Thursday 7 August 1890

Died at East London on Saturday 2nd August 1890, Henry Albert TURVEY of Cathcart, son of Edward Mortimer TURVEY of Queenstown, aged 41 years.

Thursday 21 August 1890

Died at Cathcart on Friday August 15 1890, Fred. Augst. HOAR of Devonshire, England, aged 69 years and 3 months. The widow and family take this opportunity of thanking those friends who were so kind and thoughtful in the hour of need, more especially Drs. Wheatley HART and J.E. HANCOCK.
One column obituary includes the following:
The late Mr. Fed. Aug. HOAR was born in Devonshire and joined the 91st Regt on 2nd Jan 1840, at the age of 17 years. He came to the Colony in 1843 and took his discharge at Fort Fordice, District f Fort Beaufort, on 8th June 1853. He received the situation at Fort Peddie of Contractor’s Agent for the troops, from whence he went to Grahamstown as clerk in the Commissariat Department. Whilst there he received from Col. SOUTHEY, then Colonial Secretary, the appointment of Chief Constable and Messenger of the Court of Stockenstroom and Postmaster, which appointment he held for over 27 years. He came to Cathcart over 5 years ago and has been a great sufferer nearly the whole time. He leaves a widow, one son, six daughters, forty eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

Thursday 4 September 1890

A man has sued for divorce on the grounds that his wife had hit one spot on his head with a rolling pin for nineteen years, and his physician tells him that he will certainly have softening of the brain unless the woman selects some other point. She declares that she is too old to change her habits; hence the suit.

Thursday 25 September 1890

Proposed by Mr. H.T. ELLIOTT that a second class undenominational public school be established in Cathcart with a headmaster and lady assistant
Seconded by Dr.Wheatly HART and carried
Mr. H.T. ELLIOTT put in a list of names of parents promising to support the second class undenominational public school, showing a total of 41 children, and giving a scale of fees amounting to £199 10s per annum
Proposed by Mr. H. ELLIOTT that applications be called for by advertisement in the Cape Argus, Penny Mail and Farmers Chronicle, space not to exceed two inches double column, four issues once a week, for teachers for a second class undenominational public school, headmaster at a salary of £150 per annum with house allowance and a lady teacher at £90 per annum, duties to commence on 1st January next

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