Grahamstown Journal 1833 - 1 - January to June
Thursday 3 January 1833
DIED on Wednesday evening, the 2nd inst, Edward Nathaniel, ninth son of Mr. T.H. HALSE, aged eleven months.
Thursday 10 January 1833
Dr. Ambrose George CAMPBELL begs to acknowledge the liberal support he has received from the Inhabitants of Grahamstown since his residence amongst them, and has to inform them that he still continues to devote his whole time and attention to his Profession.
To those individuals who through misfortune or small income are incapacitated of defraying the expense of a Medical attendant, it is Dr. A.G. CAMPBELL’s intention to afford advice and attendance gratuitously provided a Note or Certificate from one respectable Housekeeper be brought to him.
Advice every Morning at home from 7 till 8.
Notice of Partnership
The Undersigned have entered into Partnership, as General Commission Agents, commencing from the 1st January 1833 under the Firm of NORDEN & JARVIS.
Benjamin NORDEN
NB Commission Sales will be held on every Wednesday, unless notice is given to the contrary.
Thursday 31 January 1833
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain
On Tuesday the 15th January 1833, a son of John FRANCIS baptised David.
On Wednesday the 16, a son of Mr. Johannes Adriaan VERMAAK, baptised Johannes Adriaan.
Thursday 7 February 1833
At Port Elizabeth on Monday the 21st Dec 1832, Robert HENMAN, aged 5 years and 3 months
Jan 1 1833, Thomas LITTLER, aged 73 years
Jan 7th, Thomas GREGORY, aged 36 years
Thursday 14 February 1833
MARRIED in the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Reverend F. McCleland AB, Col. Chaplain:
On Tuesday the 5th Feb 1833, Johannes Jury POTGIETER to Jacomina Esther Josephina NAYTER
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday evening, the 8th inst, Mrs. SATCHELL, wife of the Rev W. SATCHELL, Wesleyan Missionary at Bathurst, aged 32 years.
Mrs. S arrived in this colony about nine months ago, since which period she resided at Bathurst, where she had greatly endeared herself to the inhabitants, as well as to the surrounding neighbourhood, by her amiable manners and pious deportment. A short time since she was seized with the disorder – the Typhus fever – which terminated in death. Every means was adopted that human art could devise for her recovery; she was removed to Graham’s Town, in order that no interruption might take place in the attention of her medical attendant – but the disease baffled human skill – and at length, after enduring extreme suffering with exemplary patience, she departed this life in the meridian of her days, with a hope full of immortality and eternal life. It is intended to improve the event in two sermons, one of which will be preached in the Wesleyan Chapel at Graham’s Town, this evening, at 7 o’ clock, by the Rev W.J. Shrewsbury, and the other at Bathurst on Sunday evening next, by the Rev S. Palmer of Salem.
Thursday 21 February 1833
We are happy to be able to state that Mr. S. MANDY, who arrived last night at Graham’s Town from the Orange River, has brought certain intelligence of the safety of three of the Traders who were reported to have been killed by Matelikal’s people. Mr. M. saw Mr. W. WARD, who was returning to Port Elizabeth, accompanied by one of the French Missionaries, who, we stated, were forced by the invading tribes to quit their station – and he informed him that a few weeks since he (Mr. W.) parted from Messrs. WHITTLE and GIBSON, both of whom were on their way towards the Colony. The other Traders we before named have not been heard of. Great complaint was made of the conduct of Adam KOK, who, it is alleged, does not scruple to plunder almost every Trader who approaches his neighbourhood.
Thursday 28 February 1833
BIRTH on Sunday the 24th inst, Mrs. Edward NORTON of a daughter.
DIED on the 12th inst, at his Brother’s House, Cape Town, where he had gone on his way to England for the recovery of his health, John WATSON Esq. of the Firm WATSON, Brothers & Co of Port Elizabeth, aged 22 years; he will be sincerely lamented by all who knew him.
Thursday 7 March 1833
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel by the Rev W. Shaw, on Saturday the 2d March, Mr. Wm. McDowell FYNN to Miss Margaret WEST.
By the same, Mr. Michael Moylan FOLEY to Miss Margaret McCARTHY of Cape Town
Thursday 14 March 1833
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
On Sunday 10th February
A daughter of T. BILSOR, baptised Maria Jane
On Tuesday 19th Feb
A son of P.J.L. NELL, baptised Frederick Daniel Petrus
On Sunday 24th February
A son of John STERLEY baptised John Morrice
A daughter of Anthonio LAURENS baptised Elsie Wilhelmina Armina Cornelia
Thursday 21 March 1833
DIED at Uitenhage on Friday the 15th inst, Mr. W. Hiddingh FISCHER Esq of Tulbach, aged 28 years, a young man whose worth and amiable conduct through life had endeared him to all who knew him, and whose premature death is a cause of deep affliction to his parents and friends.
Thursday 28 March 1833
MARRIED in St.George’s Church, Graham’s Town by the Rev J Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain, on Monday March 11, John JOLLY to Winnifred DRUMMOND
On Wednesday the 20th, Henry TALBOT to Miss SWEETNAM
CHRISTENINGS by the Rev E.J. Burrow DD:
Feb 18, a son of W. Brotherson GOLDSMITH, Private of the Royal Sappers and Miners, baptised Edwin Brotherson.
On the 23rd, by the same, a son of Lieut. C. GRIFFITH, Barrack Master, baptised John.
Same day, a daughter of George FUTTER baptised Sarah Jane.
March 3rd, by the Rev J Heavyside, a son of William DILLON, Color Sergeant HM 75th Regt, baptised Robert.
Thursday 11 April 1833
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
March 17 – a daughter of R. JONES baptised Margaret.
April 5 – an adult son of Dr. P. McCABE baptised Francis. A son of ditto baptised John. A daughter of ditto baptised Ann.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, March 10 – Mr. Joseph BUTLER to Miss Julia PULLEN
March 15
William FLEMING, aged 17 years
John NELSON, aged 40 years
Thursday 18 April 1833
In the English Church, Graham’s Town, by the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain, Monday April 8, John MACK to Miss Maria WILLIAMS.
Thursday 30 May 1833
On Saturday the 8th day of June next the Undersigned will put up for sale by Public Auction, at the Commission Sale Rooms of NORDEN & JARVIS, a House and Erf situated in New-street, Graham’s Town, the Property of Henry HARPER; together with a small allotment of Ground adjoining thereto. A very liberal Credit will be given, as will be made known at the time of Sale.
Thursday 6 June 1833
Notwithstanding a former Advertisement, the Undersigned is again under the unpleasant necessity of requesting all persons who have not his special permission to desist from sporting on his Property. He cannot help expressing much surprise at any Gentleman Shooting Game of any description whatever, so near his home that the smoke and report of the gun might be both seen and heard from his breakfast room window. Every one ought to know that where game is found so near a house, much pains must have been taken to get it there in the first place, and in the second, if he wished it destroyed or lessened, the Proprietor is Sportsman enough to do it himself.
Richard DANIEL
Sweet Mill Fountain, 29th May 1833.
At St.George’s Church by the Rev J. Heavyside, Acting Colonial Chaplain:
April 8 – A daughter of W. OGILVIE, baptised Ellen.
April 18? – A son of George GILBERT, baptised William.
April 21 – A daughter of Paymaster DOYLE, 75th Regt, baptised Caroline Jane.
April 28 – A daughter of William ELLIOT, baptised Catherine Eliza.
April 28 – A daughter of Thomas DERBYSHIRE, baptised Sarah.
April 28 – A daughter of Archibald McKENZIE, baptised Eliza Ellen.
May 12 – A son of John ROGERS, baptised Daniel James.
May 20 – A son of Capt. HEATHCOTT, baptised Gilbert John.
May 26 – A son of G. BLAKEMORE, baptised George.
May 26 – A daughter of W. BOWLES, baptised Louisa.
May 26 – A son of ditto baptised John.
May 26 – A son of ditto baptised William.
May 26 – A daughter of ditto baptised Elizabeth Sarah.
April 22 – W. COCKCROFT and Elizabeth VENABLES.
April 22 – George BARNES and Ann Maria DUGMORE.
May 23 – J.T. POHL and Maria Elizabeth LOMBARD
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth in the English Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain:
On Tuesday the 28th May, John WATSON, bachelor, to Mary Mayfield HARE, spinster.
Same day, Charles THOMAS, bachelor, to Lucy STAINES, spinster.
Thursday 13 June 1833
At St.George’s Church by the Rev J. Heavyside:
June 2 - A daughter of George JAMES, baptised Sarah
June 8 – A daughter of Wm. GREY, baptised Eleanor.
June 9 – A daughter of Wm. JESSEMAN, baptised Isabella.
June 9 – A daughter of John WEBB, baptised Maria.
June 9 – A son of W.H. BARNES, baptised William Henry.
June 9 – A son of ditto baptised James John.
June 9 – A son of ditto baptised Thomas.
June 9 – A daughter of ditto baptised Louisa Charlotte.
June 9 – A daughter of ditto baptised Caroline.
June 9 – A daughter of ditto baptised Anne.
June 9 – A daughter of ditto baptised Sarah Martha
June 9 – A daughter of the late F. BLACKBEARD, baptised Elizabeth.
June 9 – A daughter of Abraham WILD, previously baptised Anne.
On the 8th instant, Mr. T. CUMMING, aged [43] years.
(From a correspondent) Mr. CUMMING was descended from an ancient and respectable family in Scotland. Unfortunately for him his grandfather was an active leader in favor of the Pretender, from which the greater part of his paternal estates were, by the policy of the [times], conveyed to another branch of the family. His father, after several fruitless attempts to recover the estates, was appointed band-master of the Gordon Highlanders, after which he and his seven sons formed a band for the Rifle-Brigade, under the command of Sir William STEWART. After the resignation of his father, Mr. CUMMING succeeded him, and served throughout the whole of the continental war, to the peace of Waterloo. Having left the army and being passionately fond of music, he was prevailed upon by Lieut.Col. BRERETON to come to this country to instruct a band for the Royal Africans; and on the breaking up of that regiment, he engaged with Colonel SOMERSET to instruct a band for the Cape Corps, which situation he held until compelled by the loss of his eye sight, about 6 years ago, to resign. He was a man possessed of strict integrity, true piety and a generous heart; his illness was induced by ossification of the heart.
Thursday 20 June 1833
On Thursday the 1st, Friday the 2nd and Saturday the 3rd of August next, will be sold, at Bathurst, the whole of the landed and moveable property of Mr. Joseph WEAKLEY, who is retiring from Business, consisting of five excellent stone built Dwelling Houses, with about twenty acres of Ground, situated in the town of Bathurst, together with the whole of his Stock in Trade, consisting of a very large assortment of Merchandize, and also three hundred head of Breeding Cattle, bred in the district.
B. NORDEN, Auctioneer.
Thursday 27 June 1833
By the Rev J. Heavyside
June 17, Mr. Andrew NICOL to Miss Helen MAHONY.
June 20 – A daughter of Lieut. WHITE, of Table Hill, baptised Emily.
June 21 – A daughter of Capt. HALLIFAX, 75th Regt, baptised Gertrude Letitia.
June 23 – A son of Mr. Thomas JARMAN, baptised George Barlow.
June 23 – A daughter of Mr. W. CARY, baptised Catherine.
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