Grahamstown Journal 1898 10 October
Saturday 1 October 1898
George COURTIS, armourer on board the Barossa, was travelling by rail from Simonstown, and in attempting to leave the carriage at Plumstead while the train was in motion he fell under the platform. He was cut to pieces, his head being severed from his body.
There has just died at Maritzburg Mrs. Joseph WILLIAMS, youngest daughter of Thomas and Sarah GRIFFIN, two of the Cape settlers of BAILIE’s Party of 1820. The deceased lived for many years in Port Elizabeth. She was 79 years age.
Yesterday afternoon the mortal remains of Dr. Edwin ATHERSTONE M.D., who was so well and widely known, weere conveyed to their last resting place in the Anglican Cemetery. The cortege left the deceased’s late residence, Prince Alfred Street, at 3 o’clock, and after a short and impressive service in St.George’s Cathedral, proceeded to the graveyard, where the body was committed to the earth. The Very Rev. Dean HOLMES, Vicar-General of the Diocese, conducted the service. The pall-bearers were Sir J.D. BARRY, Dr. GREATHEAD, Messrs. H.R. WOOD (Mayor), W.A.H. HOLLAND, A.B. SHAND and R.A. NESBITT. The chief mourners were Masters Nelson and Castle ATHERSTONE, deceased’s two sons. Many beautiful wreaths and other floral tributes were sent by sympathising friends and relatives. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. A. WILL.
Tuesday 4 October 1898
DIED at Oatlands House, Grahamstown, on Saturday 1st October 1898, Annie, eldest daughter of the late Alexander GOWIE.
We much regret to record the death of Miss Annie GOWIE, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Alexander GOWIE, late on Saturday evening at Oatlands House. Miss GOWIE suffered terribly all through her long illness, but she bore up with characteristic courage. She will be much missed, not only by the home circle, but also by her Trinity Church Sunday-school Class and the Juvenile Good Templars, in both of which she was an earnest worker, and by her large circle of friends generally. The funeral took place yesterday morning and was conducted by the Revs. G.W. CROSS and W. LIDDLE. The pall bearers were Messrs. A.B. SHAND, J. HARDS, J. WEBBER, J. DYCE, S. BOX and J. STEWARD. We would like to join with the other friends in expressing our deep sympathy.
The many friends of Mrs. Arthur FLETCHER were shocked to receive intelligence of her death early on Tuesday. The deceased lady resided at Sunny Brae, near Macleantown, and had been married only two short years. Though she had been slightly unwell for some time past she was not seriously attacked till shortly before her death. Her parents (Mr. and Mrs. G. RANDELL) had been informed, and Mrs. RANDELL had already arrived at Sunny Brae when the death of her daughter occurred, the intelligence of the sad occurrence reaching Mr. RANDELL at Berlin on his way out. The deceased lady was only 28 years of age and was born in Kingwilliamstown, being for some years a teacher in the Wesleyan Sunday School. The service was conducted by the Revs. A.P. [CHAPMAN] and R. [FLOWERDAY]. The funeral was well attended by friends of the deceased and a large number of wreaths were deposited on the [place]. The sorrowing husband and parents, who have the sympathy of the community, have received telegrams from all parts of the Colony offering condolences on the [....] of their bereavement. The deceased was the wife of Mr. Arthur FLETCHER, well known in Grahamstown.
[Transcriber’s note: The Civil Death Notice gives her full name as Ada Lavinia FLETCHER]
The marriage has taken place at Kingwilliamstown of the Rev. James ROBB, Wesleyan minister of Dordrecht, and Ellen Amelia, adopted daughter of the late Mr. John MOSLEY.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate gives Ellen’s surname as GRIFFIN]
When the City workmen were removing the old pavement in Bathurst Street last week, opposite Jardine’s and upwards, in order to lay down concrete, they found underneath it a gravestone with the inscription “Sacred to the memory of James HARPER of HOWARD’s Party”, giving also the dates of birth and death &c, which we did not learn. It was exactly opposite the door of the shop formerly Meredith’s. No one has any idea how it got there. Mr. W.A. SMITH, the Foreman of the Works, who gave us this information, mentions also that there were formerly two small graveyards in the Drostdy ground; not, however, as has been stated, on the site where the Drostdy House now stands, but some distance behind. In one of these Major General CAMPBELL was buried. Long afterwards the bodies were removed to the little cemeteries now included in the Botanic Gardens. The work was done by Mr. BARROW, then a young man, and it is remembered that while one of them was being removed a bullet fell out of the skull. This must be 50 years ago. Then there was a graveyard in what is now the Kowie road, that goes past Mr. TROWER’s residence. When the road was cut, we are informed, the remains of those who had been interred were shovelled away with the earth around them, without any respect being paid to the memory of the dead. The principal old cemetery that our esteemed informant called to mind, however, was near the little waterfall, just above the Cape Corps Camp. There a large number of soldiers and others, perhaps to the number of 1,000, were laid to their last rest, and have never been disturbed. The grass grows green over the unmarked spot where they lie, and ere long there will be none living who remember that this pleasant place is a field of the dead.
Thursday 6 October 1898
In the Insolvent Estate of W. PAGE Sen.
Notice is hereby given that the Third Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie at the office of the Resident Magistrate of Albany for inspection of Creditors, for a period of seven days from this date. And should no objections be made, same will be transmitted to Capetown for consideration by the Honourable the Supreme Court, according to law.
Benj. B. ATTWELL, Trustee
Grahamstown, Oct 1st 1898
Mr. George Theodore KEEFE of Grahamstown has been married at the Rand to Edith Blaine DOWELL.
Saturday 8 October 1898
A melancholy story of a man’s deceit and a woman’s credulity was unfolded before the Natal Supreme Court during the hearing of an application by Alice Grace PEARSE (born HERBERT) for leave to withdraw an action which she had instituted against W.P. PEARSE (whom up to a recent period she believed to be her lawful husband), from whom she was desirous of being divorced.
From documents read, it appeared that in 1889 applicant received an offer of marriage from PEARSE, who expressed a wish that they should be married before a Magistrate, as he had an objection to being married in a church, and said he “could not bear a fuss”. The parties duly appeared before Captain LUCAS, who was then Resident Magistrate at Durban, and the applicant states that she signed a document. On asking if this was all, PEARSE is alleged to have said that they were now married. Miss HERBERT expressed surprise that the placing of the wedding ring upon the finger did not constitute part of the ceremony, but PEARSE replied that this function was only performed in the case of marriages solemnised in church. He subsequently gave her a ring, however, and believing that the marriage ceremony had been performed, the unfortunate lady was induced to live with PEARSE as his wife, and four children were born.
The second act in the strange drama opens with Mrs. PEARSE bringing an accusation of cruelty and infidelity against her husband. Being without means, she approached the Supreme Court for leave to sue ‘in forma pauperis’, and the case was referred for report as to whether there were good grounds for an action. Mr. HATHORN, in his report, stated that from the evidence placed before him there were good grounds for an action for divorce. The Supreme Court, however, considered that as the applicant was earning a living by dressmaking she could hardly be regarded as being without means, and accordingly refused her request for leave to sue ‘in forma pauperis’. The unfortunate lady then placed her case in the hands of Messrs. Rigby & Fyvie, and a summons was issued against PEARSE to show cause why a decree of divorce should not be granted on the grounds of cruelty and adultery. On asking for one of the most important links in the chain of evidence, the marriage certificate, Mrs. PEARSE produced simply the licence to marry. Of course this put an end to the divorce proceedings, and at the Supreme Court Mr. RIGBY applied for leave to withdraw the action.
In her affidavit, Mrs. PEARSE (or to be strictly correct, Miss HERBERT) said she had no suspicion that she was not legally married to PEARSE, although at the time of the alleged marriage the defendant admitted that he had been previously married, but was divorced from his wife. Deponent also informed the Court that she believed now that the defendant was lying when he told her she was married. She had been obliged to support herself and four children and she prayed the Court to allow her to withdraw the action and adjudge the defendant to pay the costs.
An affidavit sworn by Gertrude Mary WADMAN threw a deeper shadow on the case. According to this deposition, PEARSE came to lodge with Mrs. WADMAN in January 1898, and represented himself as an unmarried man. On various occasions he offered deponent marriage, but Mrs. WADMAN objected on the ground of the disparity of age between PEARSE and her daughter. In June Mrs. WADMAN discovered that PEARSE was a married man, and deponent had refused to have anything more to do with him.
The Chief Justice suggested that the best way would be to bring an action for breach of promise of marriage. The Court decided to make no order at all on the application.
Tuesday 11 October 1898
We regret to learn that early on Sunday morning Mrs. W. PAGE sen. met with a painful accident. We understand that Mrs. PAGE left her bed to attend to the wants of one of the children ,and unfortunately her clothing, coming in contact with the candle, caught alight, and before she could tear off the burning garments she was badly burnt. Mrs. PAGE was transferred to the Albany Hospital, where we are glad to learn she is doing as well as can be expected.
Joshua WOODHEAD, ex corporal in the 5th Lancers, and lately guard on the railway, was charged at Durban with the theft of a bag and revolver belonging to George DENT, a railway employe [sic]. WOODHEAD went to reside with DENT when he left the Army, but suddenly disappeared, and also Mrs. DENT. WOODHEAD and the absconding wife were found in the Point waiting room with tickets in their pockets for Capetown under the name of Mr. and Mrs. MORREL. The wife gave evidence that she took the bag and not WOODHEAD, and that she left her husband owing to differences with him.
A pleasing little ceremony took place in the Attorney-General’s Department recently when Mr. Cawood GIDDY, Chief Examining Officer, was presented by his brother officers with a handsome silver centrepiece, suitably inscribed, on the occasion of his approaching marriage. Mr. GRAHAM, Secretary to the Law Department, in making the presentation, referred in eulogistic terms to the esteem in which everybody in the Department held Mr. GIDDY.
A very pretty wedding took place at St.John’s, Wynberg, on Friday afternoon, when Miss Johanna Maria Marion BOWER, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BOWER, Orange Kloof, Houts Bay, was married to Lieutenant John Herbert JONES R.N., of H.M.S. Monarch. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C.W.R. HIGHAM, Rector of Wynberg.
Thursday 13 October 1898
BIRTH at Slaai Kraal on the 10th inst, the wife of A.W. MUNRO of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 8th inst, Mrs. W.M. WRIGHT, of Milburn, Highlands, of a son.
A.J. KING, who for 15 years has been Colonial Executioner, died on Monday. He was originally in the Navy, and was turnkey at East London at the time of his appointment. His salary was [£190] per annum.
Saturday 15 October 1898
On Wednesday last, the 12th inst, a very pretty wedding took place in the Kareiga Church. The contracting parties were Mr. Malcolm DINGLE of Blackburn, Upper Albany, and Miss Minnie BOWLES, eldest daughter of Mr. D.J. BOWLES of Holling Grove. The [resident] minister Rev. E.G. EVANS performed the [interesting] ceremony. The bride was attired in a rich cream silk dress with wreath and veil, and was attended by her three sisters, Ethel, Maggie and Lottie. Miss May PENNY and Miss Irene [WILDING] were also in attendance as bridesmaids. They wore cream coloured dresses with [tulle] and flowers in their hair, and carried bouquets of flowers. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Stewart SLATER, a friend of Mr. DINGLE. Five little girls, Misses Ruby WEBBER, Flossie SMITH, Ella BAINES, Dorothy EVANS and Connie BOWLES, carried baskets of flowers and looked very pretty in their lemon coloured dresses, trimmed with white lace and ribbons. Little Gwyneth EVANS and Malcolm BAINES, aged four and a half and five years respectively, acted as pages, and followed the bride holding the train of her dress. They wore green velvet suits with caps to match, and white ostrich feathers, after the style of Henry VIII. The church was most tastefully decorated with fern and flowers for this occasion by Mrs. Bertie BAINES. As soon as the marriage ceremony was over the wedding party drove to the Schoolroom to partake of some light refreshments with the relatives and friends of the bride. After the usual felicitations and [.....] good wishes the happy couple left for their home in the upper part of Albany. May their union be [full] of happiness and prosperity.
MARRIED in St.James’ Church, Southwell, on Wednesday 12th inst by the bride’s father, assisted by the Rev. F.W. Flack MA, Vicar of Port Alfred and Rural Dean of Bathurst, Percival Wilfred ELLIOTT, Attorney-at-Law of Sterkstroom, eldest son of Thomas ELLIOTT Esq., of Cathcart, to Mary Ellen Douglas, eldest daughter of the Rev. W.R. BRUCE, Vicar of Southwell.
Tuesday 18 October 1898
Married at the Kareigha Baptist Church on Wednesday 12th inst, by the Rev. E.G. Evans, M.M. DINGLE to M.R. BOWLES, eldest daughter of D.J. BOWLES Esq, of Holling Grove.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 15th Oct. 1898, at the residence of Mr. Wm. TUCK, Henry Edward WELLS, aged 21 years and 6 months, eldest son of H.H. and M. WELLS of Rockwood Estate, Zuurberg.
A fatal accident happened at Brandfort on Wednesday night. Two gentlemen were out riding when one horse bolted and the rider was thrown off. When picked up he was unconscious, and died shortly afterwards. The deceased, whose name was Robert ARMSTRONG, was one of the best known men in the Free State.
Thursday 20 October 1898
A painter named H. RUSSELL, while employed at the Zuurbekom Waterworks, Johannesburg, some days ago, fell off a ladder. He was immediately conveyed to the Johannesburg Hospital, where he died. Deceased was 50 years of age.
Saturday 22 October 1898
A sad burning accident occurred at the Observatory Road, Capetown, by which a girl named Edith SYMONDS, nine years of age, lost her life. She was standing by the fire when a gust of wind coming down the chimney blew the flames outwards, and in an instant her clothing was on fire. The poor child was severely burned. All that was possible to ease the pain of the little sufferer was done, but she died during the night.
Intelligence has been received of the death of a young prospector, H.R. CHRISTIE, near Mangwe, in the Lornagundi district, Matabeleland. He had wounded a lion, and rashly followed it into the long grass, receiving terrible injuries.
Dr. Cecil SCHULZ has certified to the death, at 27 Market Street, Johannesburg, of Mrs. Lizzie DOYLE, aged about 32 years, who had died from “acute alcoholism”.
Tuesday 25 October 1898
Capetown, Monday (Reuter’s Wire to Journal)
Sir William GOODENOUGH, the General commanding the forces in South Africa, died suddenly last night. Sir William had been in bad health for some time, and recently took a trip up the coast, but received no benefit.
Thursday 27 October 1898
The death is recorded of Mrs. Emma Alice TUCKER, eldest daughter of the late Jeremiah WOODLAND, of Cradock, and wife of Mr. James B. TUCKER, Government Surveyor, on the 10th inst. at her residence in Vryheid, Transvaal, after a short illness, aged 25 years.
Mrs. POLKINGHORNE, wife of Hon. J.T. POLKINGHORNE, President of Natal Legislative Council, died on Monday. She was the daughter of the Rev. James ACKERMAN, a Wesleyan Minister, of Wiltshire, and was born in May 1849. The following year the family came out to Natal, where they have since resided. The barque ‘British Tar’, on which they came out, sank in the Bay the day after the passengers had been landed. Mrs. POLKINGHORNE leaves a husband and four sons and a daughter.
Saturday 29 October 1898
A youth, eighteen years of age, named GRADWELL, was struck by lightning and killed on Wednesday on a farm a few miles out of Bloemfontein.
[Transcriber’s note: His grave can found here.
On Tuesday Barberton was startled at learning of the death of Mr. Donald BUTTON, third son of Mr. A.R. BUTTON of that town, who died on Monday night after a short but painful illness. The deceased was in his twentieth year, and was a promising and active athlete.
A Rand paper has the following laconic paragraph: “Birth: Mrs. ANTONSON, of Von Brandis-square, yesterday morning, prematurely, of four sons.”
- Hits: 1970