Queenstown Free Press 1862
Tuesday, January 6, 1862
Mrs. CLARKE, wife of Mr. Joseph CLARKE, died suddenly yesterday morning.
MELANCHOLY DEATH – A SAD OCCCURRENCE TOOK PLACE AT Tylden on Wednesday last, the 31st December. From what we can learn from a Hottentot who was on the opposite side, it appears that during the afternoon Mr W.E. RANDALL left his hotel (situated a short distance from the river) and proceeded down the bank, and was shortly after seen by the boy floating down the stream, whether he slipped and fell in is not known. The river was so swollen and made such a roar that the boy could neither cross or shout loud enough to be heard at the hotel. The deceased was not missed for two hours after, as being lately afflicted in his mind, and often wandering when talking. He had been in the habit of retiring to a small room to sleep during the afternoon. As soon as it was known that a body had floated down the river, and deceased had not been seen for some time, immediate search was made for him without avail. Then parties were dispatched down the river to see if the body could be found to ascertain who it was. After a fruitless search all night, and part of the next day, the body was discovered 14 miles below theplace, and brought into Queenstown for burial. The funeral took place on the 3rd inst. The Rev W.C. HOLDEN conducted the service.
[No other papers for 1862]
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