Queenstown Free Press 1863 4 October - December
Tuesday October 13, 1863
BIRTH at Queenstown on the 11th instant, the wife of Mr. H. ZIMMERMAUN of a son.
DEPARTED this life on Sunday night the 4th instant, Fanny Emily, aged thirty days, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. H.J. BAILIE, of Vaal Krantz.
Tuesday October 20, 1863
BIRTH, at Newcastle, near Whittlesea, on Monday, 12th October, 1863, the wifeof Mr. W.H. WEBSTER, of a daughter.
Tuesday November 24, 1863
DIED at Queenstown on the 17th inst., Robert Alfonso, youngest son of Mr. & Mrs. John WEBSTER, aged 7 months and 4 days.
SUDDEN DEATH - A son of old TOOISE, one of the Lesseyton head men, broke a blood vessel while attending public worship in the Native Wesleyan chapel on Sunday last, and within a quarter of an hour afterwards died. The deceased, like many of his companions, had long been suffering from consumption. It is astonishing how many kaffirs die from this dread disease.
Tuesday December 1, 1863
MARRIED, on the 5th Nov. 1863, at East London, British Kaffraria, by the Reverend James ROWE, M.A. Military Chaplain, assisted by the Reverend William WALLIS, - James Murray GRANT, Esquire, Lieutenant 85th King’s Light Infantry, eldest son of Major James GRANT, late of the 3rd Light Dragoons, and grandson of the late Major James Murray GRANT, 3rd Foot Guards, to Matilda Jane, youngest daughter of the late William McDowal lFYNN, Esquire, J.P. Transvaal Resident.
Tuesday December 8, 1863
The Volksblaad states that a Mr D SMITH, residing at Platburg, Oliphants River, in the district of Clanwilliam, committed suicide on Monday, the 15th inst., by hanging himself to a beam in the hall of the house. No positive reason is given for the melancholy deed, but it is said that his wife had been living for some days with her brother-in-law, Mr A VAN ZYL, at Middelpost, as she was not sure of her life. With his wife the unfortunate man leaves a family of young children.
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