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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1864 2 April - June

Tuesday April 5, 1864

BIRTH, at King William’s Town, on Saturday, 19th March inst, Mrs. E.H. COLDRIDGE of a Daughter.

Tuesday April 12, 1864


To many in this colony, and to all who have ever sailed with him, the news of the death of Mr. W.G. GOODWIN, the chief-officer of U.R.M.S.S. Briton, which occurred on Friday week in Algoa Bay, will be a source of heart-felt regret. Very few passengers ever left the Brtion’s deck, after a voyage, without remembering with gratitude the many little attentions paid them by her chief-officer. He was amongst the oldest and most esteemed of the company’s servants, and had many well-wishers in the colony. On the night of Thursday week he went to bed in apparent good health and spirits, and on the following morning was found dead in his bed. His death is attributed to apoplexy. On the afternoon of Saturday last his body was borne to its last resting place by the officers and crew by whom he was highly respected.
On Thursday morning the remains of the above devoted missionary were conveyed to their last resting place, attended by a large number of citizens, in addition to his immediate relatives. The reverend gentleman has been in this colony for a very great number of years, and during the whole of that time he has laboured amongst the native population. A more self-denying, religious man never entered the field of missionary labours. He had studied the character thoroughly, and he turned that knowledge to the best account. Early morning and evening late he was at his work, he seemed never to tire of it, and it prospered in his hands. Whatever he undertook to do he did thoroughly. Those who have seen the success of his labours since he took up his residence in the Native Location in this city, know how well qualified he was for the task of awakening throughout in the minds of untutored men. Those amongst whom he ministered loved him dearly, for they felt that he was not only their teacher but their friend. His illness was neither long nor painful. He retained his faculties to the last, and took leave of his flock with fortitude. The lamented reverend gentleman departed this life on Sunday morning last, in his 51st year.

Tuesday April 19, 1864


Mr. T. MAULLEN, well known in this district as a gunsmith, met with a melancholy end while crossing the Umzuvooboo. His body was taken to the nearest trading station and buried.

Tuesday April 26, 1864

DIED, at Mount Arther, on the 19th April, 1864 – Thomas Charles, infant son of Mr. And Mrs. S.C. WAKEFORD, aged one year & 7 months.

Tuesday May 3, 1864

BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 16th April, 1864, the wife of Mr. C.D GRIFFITH, of a Daughter.

BIRTH, On Friday, April 22, at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Mission Station, the wife or the Rev. Arthur BRIGG, of a Son.

DIED at Queenstown on Saturday, 30th April, 1864,- Dorathea Bridget, infant daughter of Mr. And Mrs. GRIFFITH, aged 15 days.

Tuesday May 17, 1864

BIRTH at Tylden on the 12th inst – the wife of Mr. John R. THOMSON of a Daughter.

BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 16th May, the wifeof Dr. M. KRANZ, of a Daughter.

The Friends of the late Mr James Bradfield WEBSTER are invited to attend his Funeral, which will move from the residence of R.JEFFERSON, to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half-past three o’clock.


We regret to hear of the sudden death of Mr. James WEBSTER of Dordrecht. Deceased had been suffering from a slight cold but on Sunday was apparently better, retiring at the usual hour on Sunday Evening. About four o’clock his brother Charles, hearing him moving, and apparently very restless, asked what was the matter, when he made reply “Nothing,” Noticing a vacancy about him he roused the horse and sent for Doctor FULSS, but it was too late, deceased never spoke after, and died about 9 o’clock the same morning . This will throw a large circle of relatives into mourning.

Tuesday May 24, 1864

BIRTH, at Queenstown, Cape of Good Hope, on the 23rd May, 1864, the wife of Mr William BROWN, of a daughter, still-born.

The mortal remains of the late Mr. James Bradfield WEBSTER were conveyed to their last resting place on Wednesday afternoon last, followed by every inhabitant of the town of any note, all joining in sincere sympathy with the family in their sudden and melancholy bereavement. The rifle corps postponed their drill and attended, as did also the various cricket clubs, as well as the members of the Masonic lodge. Being half-holiday, all the stores were closed adding much to its solemnity. Although but a youth at the time Mr. WEBSTER was one of the bravest of the brave defenders of Whittlesea, when besieged by the Shilohrebels and Tambookie Kaffirs under Mapassa, remaining at his post till the close of the war, then his energetic mind, shunning inactivity, he went trading into Kafffirland until the village of Dordrecht was laid out, where he established himself in business, and resided to the day of his death, belovedand respected by all who came in contact with him, either in business or socia lintercourse. This fact must affordconsiderable consolation under the weight of sorrow his relatives are suffering, and help to lighten their intense grief: A sermon, awfully solemn, appropriate to the occasion, was preached on Sunday evening, by the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, from 32nd chap Deuteronomy and 29th verse, “Oh that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end.”

Tuesday May 31, 1864


MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. A most melancholy accident happened to Mr John WALDEK and family on Wednesday last. On that day he left Queenstown for his own home in a spider, accompanied by his wife, two children, and wife’s sister. Reachingthe Zwaart Kei drift by Mr VAN GASS’s farm, below its junction with the Klipplaat, he did not observe that the river was high, the water being so clear, until he had nearly reached the opposite bank, then the off horse put his head under water, and must have become entangled in the disselboom, as he could not get it up again The other horse began plunging, Mr W. finding he could not reach the bank, turned the horses heads down the stream, and made for an island about 50 yards down the river. When near the island the current was so strong that it upset the spider, precipitating Mr and Mrs W and infant into the water. Mrs W clinging to her husband and infant. On rising to the surface Mr W threw the child on the bank, and then with great difficulty succeeded in placing Mrs WALDEK by its side. On looking round to his horror he found that the spider with Mrs W’s sister and eldest child had disappeared, Mr and Mrs VAN GASS were immediately on the spot, and up to late at night every effort was made to find the spider with its living freight without avail. The next day Mr VAN GASS, Mr KIDSON, Mr HART and other neighbours were again on the spot, but on this and two following days without result. By Sunday a punt had been made so as to drag the large seacow holes with more care, in one of them the body of Mrs WALDEK’s sister was found by Mr KIDSON and young WINDELL close to the spider, fast under a tree. The infant has not yet been recovered. The Rev Mr DUGMORE proceeded to the farm of Mr VAN GASS, early this morning, to perform the last ceremony before the bodyis committed to its final resting place.

Tuesday 14 June, 1864

BIRTH, at Queen’ Town, on the 10th instant, the wife of Mr. S.C. WAKEFORD of a son.

MARRIED, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queen’s Town, by the Rev.H.H. DUGMORE on the 8th June, 1864, Mr. George William MORRIS, of Douglas Dale, near Alice, to Jane, only daughter of Mr. Thomas BARRABLE of Queenstown.

MARRIED, at Evening Sun, by the Rev. W. MEADON, James Henry, eldest son of Henry MUNDELL, Esq., of the Winterberg, to Rebecca, eldest daughter of Sarah, relict of the late Henry KEW,Esq. – No card.

DEATH, in crossing the drift tending to the farm of Mr. J.G.VAN GASS, on the Zwart Kei, by drowning, on the 25 May, 1864, Esther Margaret WINDELL, aged eleven years, one month, and two days, daughter of the late H. WINDELL, of Fort Beaufort; and Catharine Sarah WALDER, aged two years and four months, eldest daughter of John WALDEK, of Oxion, division of Queen’s Town, deeply and mournfully regretted by their sorrowing relatives.


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