South African Commercial Advertiser 1826 - 2 - July to December
[after the end of June 1826 the paper became twice weekly and BMDs began to be featured regularly, usually on Saturdays]
Saturday 1 July 1826
Sunday June 25:
A son of James McQUILLON, Musician HM 49th Regt, baptised William Henry
Wednesday June 23 [sic – should be 21]:
A son of Lieutenant and Ajutant WOLFE, HM 98th Regt, baptised George Douglas Dunleavie
A daughter of Mr. Adriaan DE WAAL baptised Johanna Catharina Van Brakel
A daughter of Mr. P.E. HAMMES baptised Anna Elizabeth
A daughter of W.S. VALENTYNS baptised Christina Magdalena
A daughter of Dirkje VAN DE KAAP baptised Elisabeth Susanna
At Graham’s Town, June 11:
Two sons of Serjeant Joseph LEVEY of HM Cape Corps, baptised Henry and Charles
June 18:
A son of Joseph STEVENS baptised Joseph
Saturday June 24:
Mr. Rob’t EAGER to Miss Hendrina Christina FOCK
Monday June 26:
Sunday June 25:
Christiaan Fredrik Theodoor SCHWARTZ, widower, to Geertruyda Margaretha ROUX, widow of the late Abraham BOSMAN
June 22:
Hermanus KOELKE, aged about 48 years
June 25:
George JOHNSON Esq, Ensign in the Bombay Infantry, aged 20 years
June 27:
A son of Mr. A.C. OLTHOFF, Gerhard, aged 21 months and 1 day
June 28:
A son of Mr. P.J. PENTZ Esq, Johan Fredrik, aged 18 months.
Ditto an infant son of Mr. J.P. HELLETT
At Graham’s Town, June 4:
James, son of Mr. GILBERT, builder &c, aged 11 years
June 6:
Mary LUCAS, aged 7 years
June 13:
William LEWIS, Private in HM Cape Corps Cavalry
Tuesday 4 July 1826
Sun Tavern and Albion Wine Vaults
H. HARRISON has the satisfaction of informing his friend and the public in general that he has a variety of Genuine Wines, Spirits and Cordials &c for Sale at the above place, at the most reasonable prices.
N.B. Family orders sent to any part of the Town free of expense.
Saturday 8 July 1826
In the Reformed Church on Sunday June 30:
A son of Mr. R. WRANKMORE baptised Martinus
A son of S.A. BECKER baptised Carl Johannes
At Port Elizabeth June 4:
A daughter of T. STADTLER baptised Margaret
June 11:
A son of G.D. DISSEL baptised George Daniel William
June 13:
A daughter of Mr. J. SWAN , District Surveyor, baptised Margaret.
June 18:
Two sons and a daughter of T. GRIFFIN Baptised Stephen William Bill, Charles Carter and Margaret
June 25:
A daughter of J. CROOKS, Bombardier, Royal Artillery, baptised Amelia
Monday July 3
William JOHNSTON to Sarah, widow of the late R. MITCHELL
July 1:
An infant son of Benjamin MORGAN
July 3:
A daughter of Mr. W.J. SMUTS, Magdalena Elisabeth, aged 5 months and 1 day
Ditto a daughter of John GRENGER, Johanna Catharina, aged 2 years and 4 months
Ditto Johan Adam LANKOFF, aged 33 years 5 months and 12 days
Ditto Maria LOURENS, widow of the late Jacob [HEAVEL], aged 75 years
Saturday 15 July 1826
Sunday July 9:
A son of Colour Serjeant Edward JONES HM 98th Regt baptised Edward
A son of M. BERGH baptised Matthys Petrus Johannes
A daughter of J.L. JORSSEN baptised Catharina Carolina Wilhelmina
A daughter of H.G. LANGEVELD baptised Dina Petronella
A daughter of J.F. LUYT baptised Christina Johanna
A daughter of the late A.D. LAURENS baptised Engela Johanna
Mr. John TOWNSEND to Miss Elizabeth BAUMAN
July 5:
An infant daughter of Peter WALKERS
July 9:
Dina Johanna Abrahamse, widow of the late M. LION, aged 29 years 3 months and 8 days
July 12:
A son of F. DE SILVA, named Lazar, aged 6 days
Tuesday 18 July 1826
Received per Mary, and for Sale, at the stores of J.W. KEMP, Hout Street, Wet Hides, Calf and Goat Skins, Aloes, Gum, Butter, Soap &c. Also for Sale, No,4 Spades, Pipe and Half Pipe Packs, Single, Double and Treble Sheet Iron, Threads & Tapes, striped Shirts, Ladies’ Stays, a variety of French Sils, Dressing and Toilet Glasses, Yellow Soap &c.
Saturday 22 July 1826
In the English Church, July 16:
A daughter of J.R. THOMSON Esq baptised Georgiana
A daughter of Mr. John ROWE baptised A Harriet Eliza
A son of ditto baptised John Edwin Benjamin
A son of Serjeant Samuel ELLIS baptised James
In the Reformed Church, July 16:
A son of A. BRINK Esq baptised Jan Hendrik
A son of J.A. LAUBSCHER baptised Johannes Albertus
A daughter of A.P. SMIT baptised Hilletje Maria Jacomina
In the Lutheran Church July 16:
A son of Mr. P.D. HOHNE baptised Jan Andries
A son of Mr. F.L. GAUM baptised Johannes Sebastiaan
A son of P. McLACHLAN baptised Daniel Archibald Wilhelm
Also an adult person baptised Johanna Catharina LOUKHOFF
July 17:
A son of Niels BECK baptised Niels Ole
At Graham’s Town June 25:
A daughter of B.J. DE LANGE baptised Anna Johanna Sophia Maria
A son of W.A. VAN DEVENTER baptised Michiel Daniel
A son of S. NEL baptised Gerrit Jacobus Daniel
A daughter of F.J. VAN DYK baptised Helena Johanna
July 2:
A daughter of R. EMSLIE baptised Mary Anne
July 4:
A son of Lieut. Col. SOMERSET, Commandant on the Frontier &c &c, baptised Henry Plantagenet
A son of B.M. WEHINEYER baptised Gottlieb Wilhelm Bernhard
July 9:
A daughter of Captain PAGE baptised Sophia
A son of T. WALKER baptised William George
In the Lutheran Church, July 16:
Fredrik Gerhard SPOLANDER, widower, to Hester Petronella PRICELIUS
At Graham’s Town, July 6:
George WOOD to Susan GARBITT
July 13:
Simon Hendrik DIPPING, aged 85 years
A son of H.R. OOSTENDORP, named Hendrik Rudolph, aged 15 months and 4 days
July 15:
Catharina Margaretha BUTGER, aged 45 years and 5 months
July 17:
Daniel SHEE, aged 41 years and 5 months
Mrs. Aletta Cornelia SPARENBERG, aged 50 years 11 months and 13 days
July 18:
A son of Niels BECK, named Niels, aged 2 years, 1 month and 22 days
At Graham’s Town, July 6:
A son of Lieut. Col. SOMERSET, Commandant on the Frontier &c &c, named Henry Plantagenet
Robert PRICE, late Serjeant Major in His Majesty’s Cape Corps, aged 57 years
Tuesday 25 July 1826
DIED on Wednesday the 19th instant, Richard GOODMAN, late Garrison Serjeant Major of Cape Town, at the advanced age of 59, after having meritoriously served His Majesty for upwards of [33] years.
Saturday 29 July 1826
In the English Church, July 23:
A daughter of Mr. J.L. CHURCH baptised Ann Matilda
In the Reformed Church, July 23:
A son of J.M. ROHLANDT baptised Daniel Jacobus
A daughter of Mr. J.P.L. CLOETE baptised Johanna Catharina
A daughter of J.J. HEYNS baptised Barendina Carolina
A daughter of Arend DE WAAL Hs baptised Elisabeth Margaretha
In the Lutheran Church, July 23:
A son of Mr. H.J. LEIBBRANDT baptised Johan Sebastiaan
A daughter of Mr. R.P.J. VAN DER RIET baptised Johanna Catharina Hendrina
A daughter of Mr. E,G. LANDSBERG baptised Elisabeth Catharina Cornelia
July 26:
A son of Mr. J.T.W.G. MARTIN baptised Johan Joseph Ernst Wilhelm
A son of Mr. C.G. LANGERMAN baptised George Gustaaf Christiaan
A son of J.C. VAN GRAAN baptised Moses Jacobus
At Port Elizabeth, July 16:
A son of Mr. G. HERBERT baptised Ewald Benedictus
In the Reformed Church July 21 (by special licence)
Mr Benedictus DE RONDE to Miss Dina Elisabeth Kiezewetter LICHTWARK
July 23:
Mr. Hendrik GREEFF Sen to Mrs. Margaretha Elisabeth DE VILLIERS, widow of the late Abraham Isaack DE VILLIERS
July 19:
An infant of Anna Johanna MULLER
Catharina Elisabeth KRUGER, aged 65 years
July 20:
Johan Jacob GROS aged 24 years 7 months and 20 days
July 22:
An infant daughter of David MELLET
July 24:
Sarah GOODEN, wife of James GOODEN, aged 52 years
July 25:
Casper Claasen DYKMAN, aged 24 years 8 months and 24 days
At Port Elizabeth July 2:
Maria Cornelia DAMANT, second daughter of the late Dept. Asst.Com-Gen. J. DAMANT Esq, aged 4 years and 4 months
July 3:
William Henry Llewellyn JONES, aged 34 years
Saturday 5 August 1826
DIED, much regretted, on Wednesday afternoon, the 2nd instant, after a short illness of only 10 days, Henry Robert Josias, second son of Harry CLOETE Jun. Esq., nearly 8 years of age.
In the English Church July 30:
A son of Mr. P.J. GAUGAIN baptised James
In the Reformed Church July 30
A son of Mr. F.H. TRUTER baptised Jacob Laubscher
A son of J.N.J. JOONE baptised Johan Bernard
A daughter of Mr. W.A.J. LIESCHING baptised Willemina Charlotte Christine
A daughter of C.H. NEYHOFF baptised Christina Johanna
In the Lutheran Church July 30:
A son of Mr. F.G.E.LANDSBERG baptised Coenraad Gabriel Cornelius
A daughter of R.J. HEYDENRYCH baptised Elisabeth Magdalena
In the Reformed Church July 28:
H. VAN ZYL Js to C.W. LOCK, widow of the late J.P. GOUS jun.
At Graham’s Town July 19:
J. CARLISLE Esq of Belmont to Catharine, eldest daughter of T. PHILIPPS Esq of Glendour
July 31:
A son of Jacob COENRADIE, named Jonas, aged 14 months
August 2:
A son of H. CLOETE Esq Ls, named Henry Robert Josias, aged 8 years
Tuesday 8 August 1826
DIED in Cape Town on Sunday the 6th August, Mr. Jan Fredrik SCHICKERLING, aged 78 years, sincerely regretted by his family and friends.
Saturday 12 August 1826
In the English Church August 6:
A son of Mr. W. HUTCHONS baptised Edward.
A son of Mr. R. YOUNG baptised James William.
Two daughters of Mr. R.T. MIDDLETON baptised Julia Sophia and Lucinda Caroline.
A son of Serjt. Edward WILSON HM 49th Regt baptised Robert.
A daughter of William DAVIS (Private) HM 55th Regt baptised Jane.
August 7:
A daughter of C.S. PILLANS Esq baptised Anne Jane
In the Reformed Church August 6:
A son of F.W. KELLERMAN baptised Gabriel Eliza.
A daughter of D. DANIELSZ baptised Johanna Maria.
A daughter of J.J. MELLETT baptised Elisabeth Margaretha.
In the Lutheran Church August 7:
A son of Mr. J.D. KLINCK baptised Johan Daniel
A son of Mr. R.J. DE OLIVIERA baptised Manuel Joao.
A daughter of Mr. A. AURET baptised Jacoba Maria.
At Graham’s Town July 21:
A daughter of Mr. Geo. McLACHLAN baptised Isabella.
A daughter of Mr. J.J. ROOS baptised Anna Margaretha.
July 23:
A daughter of A. DE LANGE baptised Elisabeth.
July 30:
A daughter of P.J. VAN DER WESTHUISEN baptised Susanna Elisabeth.
A son of M.J. OTTA baptised Michael Petrus Johannas.
A daughter of G.J. DELPORT baptised Catharina Johanna Maria.
In the Reformed Church August 6:
Johannes Hendrik DE WAAL to Elisabeth Marja Fredrica PAUELSEN.
In the Lutheran Church August 6:
Mr. Johannes Nicolaas HAMMAN to Miss Johanna Elisabeth Hendrica DEKENAH.
At Graham’s Town, July 28:
Peter CAMPBELL Esq. to Miss Mary CUMMING.
August 1:
Maria Barendina STRIKKERT, widow of the late W. KAMAN, aged 56 years.
August 2:
Catharina Fredrica SCHWARTSENBURG, widow of the late HAMELING, aged 66 years 6 months and 6 days.
August 4:
James DUNN, aged 33? years.
Albrecht Johannes HEROLDT, aged 47 years and 8 months.
August 6:
Mr. Johan Fredrik SCHIKKERLING, aged 78 years 7 months and 8 days.
August 9:
A daughter of the Widow Mary HAMILTON, named Mary, aged 13 years.
At Graham’s Town, July 11:
Thomas LEWIS, aged 3 months.
Thomas SIMPSON, aged 18 years.
Saturday 19 August 1826
In the English Church August 13:
A son of Mr. M. MORISON baptised George.
A son of Mr. A. GOSLETT baptised Jacob Sinjeur.
In the Reformed Church August 13:
A son of Mr. J.R.G. KLERCK baptised Willem Jan.
A son of J.A. VAN VUGT baptised Arnoldus Johannes.
A son of G.C. HANSLO baptised James George Therry.
A daughter of Mr. K.N. DE KOCK baptised Alida Maria.
A daughter of Mr. P.D. VAN DYK baptised Maria Anna.
In the Lutheran Church August 13:
A son of D. BEETS baptised Johannes Christiaan.
A daughter of Mr. A. BRINK As. baptised Anda Elisabeth.
A daughter of N. BAMBERGER baptised Aletta Sophia
Also one son and three daughters of J.G. WALENDORP baptised Johan Georg, Catharina Sophia, Maria Cornelia Johanna and Johanna Maria Elisabeth.
At Graham’s Town August 7:
A son of Mr. Donald McDONALD baptised Donald William.
In the Reformed Church August 14:
Mr. Dirk Jacobus VISSER Js to Miss Maria Johanna BESTER.
At Graham’s Town August 3:
Mr. John Owen SMITH to Miss Elizabeth GILBERT.
William LACEY to Mary Ann GOODHEAD.
August 8:
A son of G. HOFFMAN, named Daniel Christiaan, aged two years two months and two days.
August 13:
A daughter of the late J.A. AGRON, named Johanna Charlotta, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Mr. Johan Hendrik ROUX, aged 64 years and 4 months.
August 14:
A daughter of J.E. HENDRIKSE, named Anna, aged 10 years.
August 16:
Mrs. Engela Johanna LEY, widow of the late J.C. GROENEWALD Esq, aged 68 years 3 months and 8 days.
Saturday 26 August 1826
In the English Church August 20:
A daughter of Mr. R. DYASON baptised Mary Ann.
August 23:
A daughter of James Weir HOGG Esq, Barrister at Law and Registrar of the Supreme Court at Calcutta, baptised Isabella.
In the Reformed Church, August 20:
A son of J. WEIDEMAN baptised George Harrison.
A son of G.J. COETZEE baptised Gergardus Jacobus.
A son of J.J. PENTZ baptised Charles Henry Adriaan de Neys.
In the Lutheran Church August 20:
A son of Mr. T.F. MUNNIK baptised James Barry.
In the English Church Monday August 21:
Private J. HICKEY, Musician in His Majesty’s 49th Regt, to Sarah HUNTER.
August 22:
Henry John MOWAT to Dorothea Johanna Christina JANSSEN.
In the Reformed Church August 20:
Johan Michiel LE ROES to Christina Magdalena FICK.
Nicolas LAKE to Johanna Aletta MEYER.
August 16:
Maria Elisabeth BYL, wife of E.H.F. HOPKINS, aged 18 years 8 months and 10 days.
August 21:
George SMITH aged 32 years.
August 22:
Daughter of John BRYAN, named Mary, aged 8 days.
Gysbert Johannes SMITH, aged 28 years 7 months and 9 days.
Saturday 2 September 1826
DIED at Swellendam on the 26th inst, aged 54 years, deeply regretted by his Widow, Children and Friends, Hendrik VAN AS Junr.
On Sunday last the Remains of Mrs. VAN RYNEVELD (Widow of the late W.S. VAN RYNEVELD Esq. who formerly held the highest Situations in this Colony) were consigned to the Grave, attended by His Honor the Lieut. Governor and Staff, The Members of the Court of Justice, The Heads of Departments, and many of the Principal Residents at Cape Town, who assembled on the occasion to mark their respect for the Memory of one who, through a long and latterly not unsorrowed life, necessarily passed in retirement, had exhibited a rare combination of every quality which can adorn human nature, and ensure Esteem, Respect and Admiration, as a Daughter Wife and Mother; and those to whom this lamented Lady was known, in days long gone by, will readily acknowledge how much she was beloved in that circle in which her mildness of manners, her pure principles, and her benevolence, founded on the Religious Spirit and feeling that guided all her actions, and gained for her that Respect which was so fully evinced in the long train which followed her remains to its “House of Rest”.
[There is a second paragraph which basically repeats the above – no family details are given]
A daughter of John LITTLEFIELD baptised Elizabeth.
In the Reformed Church August 27:
A daughter of L. BIEL baptised Clara Aletta Fredrica.
A daughter of W. JACOBSZ baptised Anna Margaretha.
In the Lutheran Church August 27:
A daughter of E.H.F. HOPKINS baptised Maria Elisabeth.
A daughter of J. VAN DEN EYKEL baptised Alida Cornelia.
August 30:
A son of C.J. GARISCH baptised Abraham Isaac.
At Port Elizabeth August 13:
A son of Private Richard STONE HM 55th Regt baptised Richard.
A son of P.C. DARDING baptised Christian Fredrik.
A daughter of D.J. STRYDOM baptised Johanna Magdalena
At Graham’s Town August 13:
A daughter of W. Senior DENTON baptised Hellen Senior.
A son of Mr. C. DALE baptised Charles.
In the Reformed Church August 28:
Mr. Kennet Nicolaas VAN BREDA As. to Mrs Maria Christina TEUBES, widow of the late Mr. D. VAN BREDA Ss.
In the Lutheran Church August 29:
Mr. Joseph Petrus DUSING to Miss Carolina Catharina DILLMAN.
At Graham’s Town August 15:
Serjeant R. WALLACE of HM Cape Corps to Jane MALLET.
August 23:
Johan George WALDENDURFF, aged 41 years and 6 months.
August 25:
Mrs. Martha Cornelia VAN DER RIET, widow of the late W.S. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, aged 64 years and 1 month.
August 27:
A son of C.M. OLVERA?, named Hendrik, aged 2 years and 7 months.
August 28:
Maryna Adriana COETZEE, wife of W. NEL, aged 49 years 8 months and 18 days.
At Graham’s Town, August 17:
Mr. Patrick GIBBLIN. Aged 50 years.
Margaret Ann HANCOCK, aged 14 years and 5 months.
Saturday 9 September 1826
Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that on the 6th inst. departed this life, aged 25 years, 11 months and 18 days, Mrs. C.E. LIESCHING, born LEIBRANDT, wife of Mr. C.F. LIESCHING.
Cape Town, Aug 7 1826
In the English Church Sept 3:
A son of J. COACUM Corporal HM 55th Regt, baptised John.
In the Reformed Church Sept 3:
A son of Mr. J.T. JURGENS baptise Randolph Cloete.
A son of Mr. J.P. SCHIKKERLING baptised Roeland Wilhelm.
A son of Mr. J.M. CROESER baptised Ryno.
In the Lutheran Church Sept 3:
A son of Mr. T.F. DREYER Jun baptised Thomas Fredrik.
A son of C.F. ENVRARD baptised Fredrik Hendrik Jacobus.
A son of J.G. VOIGT baptised Johan David Godlieb
At Port Elizabeth August 27:
Five male adult Govt. apprentices baptised Alexander, Francis, John, Thomas and Diederick.
Three female adult Govt. apprentices baptised Francina, Christina and Thurza.
An adult free man of colour baptised Damon.
An adult slave girl of Mrs the Widow DE LA HARPE baptised Sophia Cornelia.
Three daughters of the above Alexander and Francina baptised Louisa, Margaret and Clarissa.
Two sons of Alexander and Francina baptised Henry and George.
A son of the above Francis and Christina baptised Francis.
A daughter of Francis and Christina baptised Francina.
A male slave of Mrs. Widow DE LA HARPE baptised Abraham.
In the English Church Sept 4:
Thomas APPELBEE to Harriet NELSON.
Sept 5:
Richard RUSSELL, Colour Serjeant of HM 55th Regt, to Ann CROWLEY
Sept 1:
A son of J.A. VAN VUGT, named Carel Johan Jacobus, aged 2 years and 12 days.
Johanna Magdalena EYKENSTROOM, widow of the late J.N. KEER, aged 82 years.
Sept 3:
Helena ZOON, aged 34 years and 2 months.
Sept 6:
Mrs. Christina Elisabeth LEIBBRANDT, wife of Mr. C. LIESCHING, aged about 26 years.
At Port Elizabeth August 21:
A daughter of Mr. P. [TAUTE,] named Sarah, aged 19 years.
Saturday 16 September 1826
In the Reformed Church Sept 10:
A son of J.B. BLOM baptised Johan George Zacharius Stephanus.
A daughter of Mr. J.D. OVERBEEK baptised Wilhelmina Anna.
A daughter of Mr, J.H. VOS baptised Johanna Jacoba.
In the Lutheran Church Sept 10:
A son of P.J. FRISLEW baptised Christiaan Johannes
A daughter of J.F. OBERMEYER baptised Maria Petronella Johanna
In the English Church at Simon’s Town Sept 19:
A daughter of Mr. J. JONES baptised Cornelia Mary.
A son of Mr. J. JONES baptised William Griffith.
At Graham’s Town August 27:
A daughter of T. BINGLE baptised Jane.
A son of G. FUTER baptised Thomas.
A son of P.J. GREYLING baptised Jan Christoffel.
Sept 3:
A son of W. VAN DER MERWE baptised Gert Christiaan.
A daughter of Mr. H. LLOYD baptised Alicia Packenham.
A son of Mr. H. LLOYD baptised William.
In the English Church Sept 9 (by special licence):
Mr. George Macnamara BRUNETT to Miss Maria Theresa Francisca COCKBURN.
In the Reformed Church Sept 8 (by special licence):
Anthony HEERING to Alida MUYTEL
Sept 6:
Mrs. Elisabeth Esther DU TOIT, wife of Mr. P.F. ROSSOUW, aged 20 years and 5 months.
Sept 9:
An infant daughter of Mr. P.J. POGGENPOEL.
At Graham’s Town August 20:
Mary Garvey WYATT, aged 16 months.
Sept 1:
Frederick William HILES, aged 61 years.
Catherine FITZGERALD, aged 14 months and 14 days.
Saturday 23 September 1826
DIED on the 16th inst, aged 76 years and 11 months, our beloved mother and mother-in-law Susanna HEYDENRYCH, widow of the late Jacobus ROHLANDT, of which melancholy event notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends. In the name of the children
Cape Town Sept 16 1826
In the English Church Sept 17:
A son of Mr. J. ROWE baptised John Saunders
In the Reformed Church Sept 17:
A daughter of M VAN EYSSEN Cs baptised Catharina Alida Johanna.
A daughter of J.P. VISSER baptised Platefina
In the Lutheran Church Sept 15:
A daughter of Mr. G. GLAESER baptised Aletta Johanna Sophia.
Sept 17:
Two daughters (twins) of Mr. J.J. ZEYLER baptised Johanna Wilhelmina and Margaretha Catharina.
A son of A. SPOLANDER baptised Jan Nicolaas
Sept 13:
A daughter of J.P. BORGSTORM, named Johanna Maria Elisabeth, aged 2 years and 6 months.
Sept 14:
Andries JINKEL, aged 62 years.
Sept 15:
Fredrik DE JONK, aged 37 years.
A daughter of J.S. LE RIES, named Hendrina Maria Elisabeth, aged 2 years and 21 days.
Sept 16:
Susanna HEYDENRYCH, widow of the late J. ROHLAND, aged 76 years and 11 months.
Sept 17:
Pieter Francois FRUY, aged 38 years and 3 days.
At Saint Helena
June 1: Departed this life Mr. W. WARREN, master baker and confectioner, much respected and regretted.
Aug 15: Married, John ADEEN, servant of Mr. S. SOLOMON, to Mary CAPER
Saturday 30 September 1826
We the Undersigned feel it a duty to make this public acknowledgement for the many kind attentions and sympathy in suffering shown to our departed and dearly beloved relative, Ann PARKER; and we have taken this step in order that our relatives in England may rest assured that we have not been forgotten by our friends in Cape Town, during the trying dispensation of the Almighty towards us, by which one has been bereaved of an affectionate Wife and the others of a beloved Parent.
R. BAKER and
G. BAKER Juniors.
In the English Church Sept 23:
A daughter of J.W. FAIRBRIDGE Esq MD baptised Sarah Armstrong.
Sept 25:
A daughter of G.M. PEDDER Esq baptised Caroline.
A daughter of Private J. McGEOGH HM 49th Regt baptised Elizabeth Jane.
In the Reformed Church Sept 24:
A daughter of J.J. BOONZAIER baptised Louisa Cornelia.
A daughter of P.F. ROSSOUW baptised Elisabeta Maria Susanna.
In the Lutheran Church Sept 24:
A daughter of Mr. P.J. RAVEN baptised Johanna Sanetta Alida.
A daughter of Mr. H.J. DE NECKER baptised Maria Barendina.
At Graham’s Town Sept 10:
A son of Corporal KENNEBY of HM 55th Regt baptised John.
A daughter of G. FAIRCLOTH baptised Sarah.
A son of M.J. POTGIETER baptised Martinus Jacobus Fredrik.
A son of A. DE MEYER baptised Jan Baptis.
A son of W. ELLIOT baptised William.
In the Reformed Church Sept 24:
Frans Nicolaas JORDAAN to Anna Johanna KOCK, widow of the late P. LINGENFELDER.
At Graham’s Town, Sept 7:
Alexander FORBES to Jane THOMAS
Sept 22:
Johan Hendrik UNGEREN, aged 59 years 7 months and 17 days.
Sept 25:
Ann BAKER, wife of G. BAKER, aged 62 years.
Mr. John Seibert DORMEHL, aged 71 years and 10 months.
Sept 27:
Mr. John CONSTABLE Jun, aged 27 years 7 months and 25 days.
At Graham’s Town Sept 11:
John KENNEBY aged 11 days.
Sept 15:
Joseph LOTTS, aged 40 years.
Saturday 7 October 1826
In the Reformed Church [sic] Oct 1:
A son of J. ALLEN baptised Thomas.
A daughter of the late G. SMITH baptised Ann Elizabeth.
Oct 3:
A son of Captain NICHOLSON HM 55th Regt baptised Robert Edward.
In the Reformed Church Sept 29:
A son of D.A. MULLER baptised Roeloff Albertus.
A son and 4 daughters of Jan RUTGERS? [middle letter obscured in fold] baptised Nicolaas, Hendrikje, Alida Cornelia, Grietje and Cornelia Margaretha.
A daughter of J.J. LE SUEUR Esq baptised Johanna Egberta.
A daughter of A.P. HEROLDT baptised Anna Catharina Dorothea.
A daughter of F. JORDAAN Ls baptised Antoinetta Margaretha Maria.
A daughter of W. MATHEWS baptised Betzy Susana Johanna.
Also 15 adult persons.
In the Sub Drostdy of Clanwilliam Sept 14:
A daughter of P.W. LUBBE baptised Johanna Maria.
A son of C.A.J. BURGER baptised Alewyn Johannes.
A son of A.J. VAN HEERDE baptised Schalk Willem.
A daughter of N. A. SPRUIT baptised Hester Adriana Margaretha.
A daughter of [hole in paper] RYNEVELD Esq baptised Martha Cornelia.
A daughter of [hole in paper] SMIT Esq baptised Hester Helena.
A son of E.H. VOL...[hole in paper] Esq baptised Alert [sic –Albert?] George Sebastiaan.
A daughter of J. FOSTER baptised Jane Elizabeth Johanna.
A daughter of F.J. LUBBE B.Ps. baptised Johanna Maria Jacoba.
A daughter of G. NIEUWOUDT Js baptised Johanna Ernetta Henrietta.
A daughter of J.G. SANDBERG baptised Christina Magdalena Cicilia.
A son of A.E. BOTA baptised Gert Albertus.
A daughter of A.G.J. VAN WYK baptised Christina Hester.
Two sons of J.J.S.KOOPMAN baptised David and Jan? [obscured in fold] Johannes Stephanus.
A daughter of C.J. MOUTON baptised Geesje Helena.
A son of F.J. BRAND baptised Fredrik Johannes.
A daughter of I.J. VAN DER MERWE Ns baptised Hester Sophia Jacoba.
A daughter of J.J. VAN ZYL Ps baptised Elisabeth Maria.
A son of W.J. VAN WYK baptised Willem Jacobus.
A son of Mr. H.C. NIEUWOUDT baptised Ernest Hendrik.
A son of M. KOOPMAN baptised Michiel Stephanus.
Two sons of C.L. VAN ROOYEN baptised Barend Jacobus and Cornelis Lodewyk.
A son of C.J.B. KOOPMAN baptised Christiaan Nicolaas.
A daughter of J.H. VAN ROOYEN baptised Helena Margaretha.
A daughter of D.W. VAN ROOYEN baptised Johannes [sic] Wilhelmina.
A daughter of S.W. LUBBE baptised Sophia Christina.
A daughter of G. ECKHARD baptised Maria.
A daughter of Margaretha Johanna KOOPMAN baptised Hanna Jacoba Louw.
A son of W.J. VAN WYK baptised Michiel Stephanus.
In the Reformed Church Oct 2:
Mr. P.J. REDELINGHUYS to Miss Jacoba Alida BOTHA.
Sept 29:
Helena Maria Carolina KARSTEN, aged 16 years.
Sept 30:
A son of Captain Geo. KILGOUR, named James Augustus William, aged 18 months and 7 days.
Oct 1:
An infant son of Mr. Gysbert REITS.
A daughter of the late A.B. LAING, named Margaret Jane, aged 5 years and 4 months.
Oct 2:
An infant son of Ellen JACOBS.
Oct 4:
Willemina PAASSCHEN, aged 82 years.
A son of J.T. LUYT, named Coenraad, aged 22 months and ?2 [obscured in fold] days.
Oct 5:
A son of W. JACOBSZ Gs, named Willem Johan, aged 17 months.
Saturday 14 October 1826
In the English Church Oct 5:
A son of Mr. L.H. TWENTYMAN baptised Lawrence Burrell.
In the Reformed Church Oct 8:
A son of W.T. VAN DEN BERG baptised Lambertus Petrus Johannes.
A son of S.J. JORDAAN Ls baptised Louis Johannes Jacobus.
A son of Apploon VAN DE KAAP baptised Ernst Christiaan.
A daughter of Mr. D.G. EKSTEEN Js baptised Geesje Wilhelmina Maria.
A daughter of Mr. J.D. PRINS Js baptised Johana Maria Carolina
In the Lutheran Church Oct 8:
A daughter of D.F.J. KOENSE baptised Louisa Dina Rosina.
Two daughters (twins) of Mr. J.M. WENZEL baptised Christina Carolina and Ann Margareth Elizabeth.
In the Reformed Church Oct 7:
Lieut. STEELE (half pay) of HM 60th Regt to Miss Anna Catharina LANGERMAN.
Oct 8:
Johannes JOBSEN to Hilletje SCHIETGAT, widow of the late Arie DE JONG.
Oct 12 (by special licence):
Mr. Cornelis Breevilt SCHUITEMAKER to Miss Wilhelmina Magdalena JACOBS.
Oct 6:
Florentina VAN DE KAAP, aged 62 years.
Oct 7:
An infant son of J.W. MELANDER.
Oct 8:
Mrs. Johanna NIEUHOUT, wife of Mr. W. WEIDEMAN Sen, aged 72 years 8 months and 2 days.
In the notice of the death of John CONSTABLE Jun in the Advertiser of the 30th September, for “27 years 7 months and 25 days” read “35 years and 7 months”.
Tuesday 17 October 1826
DIED on the 8th inst my dearly beloved wife Johanna NIEUHOUD, aged 72 years 8 months and 2 days, after having been married nearly 50 years, of which notice is given to Relatives and Friends.
Oct 14 1826
Saturday 21 October 1826
In the English Church Oct 15:
A daughter of Alex. McWILLIAMS baptised Ann.
In the Reformed Church Oct 15:
A son of Mr. C.M. KORSTEN baptised Hendrik Cornelis Johannes.
A son of J.A. CALMEYER baptised Pieter Fredrik.
A son of F.W. SCHIRMER baptised George Fredrik.
A son of J.N. VAN WEILLIGH baptised Johannes Nicolaas Thomas.
A son of A.J. HENDRIKSE baptised Jan Adriaan Daniel.
A daughter of Mr. J.W. MACKRILL baptised Reinietta Catharina.
In the Lutheran Church Oct 15:
A son of C.J. BECKER baptised Fredrik Georg.
A daughter of Dorothea Elisabeth KLIM, Rosina Rebecca Johanna.
Oct 19:
A son of Mr. J.G. ASPELING baptised Johannes Edmunf Willem.
In the English Church at Port Elizabeth Oct 1:
A son of E. WARNER baptised Thomas George.
At Graham’s Town Sept 18:
A daughter of H.C.J. VAN RENSBURG baptised Frericka Johanna Catrina.
Oct 1:
A daughter of G.P. LASENGAA baptised Maria Alettha.
Oct 8:
A daughter of Mr. R.B. GREEN baptised Elisabeth Rosina.
A daughter of Serjt J. TURPIN, Cape Corps, baptised Emma.
A daughter of Serjt. Major G. PRICE, Cape Corps Cavalry, baptised Mary.
In the English Church Oct 16 (by special licence):
Mr. R. BUTLER to Miss Marcella SHELLY.
In the Reformed Church Oct 17 (by special licence):
The Rev. William ELLIOT to Miss Georgina Johanna CALDWELL, youngest daughter of the late W. CALDWELL Esq.
At Graham’s Town Sept 25:
Mr. John Penny MANDY to Miss Mary DOUGHERTY.
Joseph STICK to Sophia SOUTHEY. [sic – should be STIRK]
Oct 11:
Catharina Maria ZWEDE, wife of Fredrik LEIMKEULER, aged 54 years 1 month and 28 days.
Oct 14:
A daughter of G.M. PEDDER Esq, named Anna Mary, aged 3 years 2 months and 9 days.
Helena JACOBS, aged 18 years 9 months and 8 days.
Oct 17:
Mr. Bartholomeus SCHULTZ, aged 58 years 8 months and 7 days.
A daughter of Mr. H.A. SANDENBERG, named Elsabe Antoinetta Jacoba, aged 11 months and 7 days.
An infant daughter of Maria Jacoba DE GROOT.
At Graham’s Town Oct 3:
Serjt. Major Joseph PITT, late of the Cape Infantry, aged 45 years.
Saturday 4 November 1826
In the Reformed Church Oct 29:
A son of Mr. H.H. LOEDOLFF baptised Johan Hendrik.
A son of Mr. S.V. VAN REENEN Fs baptised Dirk Gysbert.
A son of H.P. STAAL baptised Johan Godlieb.
A daughter of Mr. W.A. VAN SCHOOR baptised Anna Tobia Maria.
A daughter of A. CALMEYER baptised Helena Petronella.
A daughter of J.H. HEYDENRICH baptised Anna Elisabeth.
In the Lutheran Church Oct 29:
A daughter of Mr. J.F. DUSING baptised Carolina Helena Josina.
Oct 29:
Susanna Jacoba SWEEDE, wife of T. ARENTS, aged 52 years 6 months and 15 days.
Oct 31:
A son of Daniel BEETS, named Johannes Christiaan, aged 4 months and 9 days.
Nov 2:
A daughter of Mr. J.H. MEYRING, named Johanna Fredrica Alida, aged 4 years and 7 months.
On the 31st ultimo Mrs. WAKE of a daughter
Saturday 11 November 1826
In the English Church Nov 4:
A son of George KEKEWICH Esq baptised Samuel Blomefield.
Nov 5:
A daughter of Mr. William HAWKINS baptised Mary Ann Fitzherbert.
A son of Mr. Joseph HODGSON baptised Charles Hunter.
A daughter of Francis NIBBS baptised Mary Ann.
In the Reformed Church Nov 5:
A son of D.W. HERTZOG Esq bapt Johannes Albertus Munnik.
A son of Mr. Vespasius SCHOONBERG baptised Johan Christiaan Brasler.
A daughter of Mr. J.P.H. FAURE baptised Anna Fredrica Catharina.
A daughter of Mr. J.F. DE WET baptised Elisaberh Catharina Jacoba.
At Graham’s Town Oct 7:
A daughter of W. BERRY baptised Sophia.
A daughter of H.C. VAN RENSBURG baptised Susanna Josiana.
A son of Captain A.B. ARMSTRONG of HM Cape Corps baptised Alexander Thomas.
Oct 29:
A son of Mr. M.G. BOEYING baptised Matthys Martinus.
A daughter of B.S. VAN DER LINDEN baptised Anna Maria.
Oct 27 at Pigot Park by the Rev. Thomas Ireland:
A daughter of Donald MOODIE Esq baptised Catherine Jemima.
In the English Church Nov 4 (by special licence):
Mr. Robert SAUNDERS to Miss Elisabeth Magdalena Susanna MOHR.
In the Lutheran Church Nov 6:
Mr Johannes Jacobus WIID to Miss Theodora Christina STADLER.
At Wynberg Nov 3:
Mr. William Edward SMITH to Mrs. Hanna, widow of the late A.B. LAING.
Oct 31:
Christina Heromia SMIT, widow of the late Joan FAIRBAINX [sic] aged 52 years 4 months and 9 days.
Nov 2:
Barbara Cornelia SMIT, wife of F. SMIT, aged 74 years and 2 days.
Nov 5:
Mrs. Apolonia Carolina MOCKE, wife of Mr. C. HANCKE, aged 44 years 3 months 12 days.
Saturday 18 November 1826
In the Reformed Church Nov 12:
A son of J.C. GNADE baptised August Wilhelm.
A son of Johanna HENDRIKSE baptised Martinus Johannes.
A daughter of J.J. BOSMAN baptised Catharina Maria.
A daughter of the late Helen Maria Carolina KARSTEN baptised Antoinetta Elisabeth.
In the Lutheran Church Nov 12:
A daughter of Mr. H.C. DREYER Fs baptised Engela.
A daughter of Mr. J.C. FRISLEW baptised Sophia Maria Jacoba.
In the Sub Drostdy of Clanwilliam Oct 3:
A daughter of D.J. VERMEULEN baptised Martha Sophia Johanna.
Oct 5:
A daughter of J. VAN ZYL Bs baptised Martha Maria.
A son of Mr. L MARQUARD baptised Leopold.
A daughter of Mr. G. VAN ZYL Bs baptised Geertruida Cornelia.
A son of W. ENGELBRECHT Js baptised Josias Andries.
Nov 8:
Johannes Bernardus VAN SOES, aged 54 years and 4 months.
Nov 9:
Anna Magdalena STADLER, wife of J.L. BIANCHI, aged 38 years 9 months 7 days.
Nov 10:
An infant daughter of J.C. GNADE.
Nov 12:
Martha Maria MOLLER, widow of the late Hendrik MELLET Sen, aged 76 years 5 months and 8 days.
Nov 13:
Mr. Johannes Meynbert CRUYWAGEN As aged 25 years 7 months and 29 days.
Eva Fredrica CORNELISSE, aged 55 years 8 months and 2 days.
An infant son of Arthur SMITH.
Saturday 25 November 1826
In the English Church Nov 19:
A daughter of J. GRIMES baptised Caroline.
Nov 20:
A son of George PATON Esq baptised George Ponty.
In the Reformed Church Nov 19:
A daughter of A.G. DE SMIDT baptised Sara Maria.
A daughter of W.A.J. DE SMIDT baptised Susanna Maria.
In the Lutheran Church Nov 19:
An adult female person baptised Hendrietta Johanna SMITH.
In the Reformed Church Nov 18 (by special licence):
Francois Johannes LOMBARD to Maria Magdalena BOOYSEN
Nov 16:
Mrs. Maria Cecilia VAN DER MERWE, widow of the late Mr. A.W. BECK, aged 70 years and 22 days.
Nov 21:
Mrs. Elizabeth HORNE, wife of James HORNE Esq, aged 49 years.
Pieter Everhard BREVIS, aged 45 years.
A son of R. VAN REJEN, named Reynert Christoffel, aged 13 months.
Tuesday 5 December 1826
The following account of the funeral of the late Serjeant James BRODRICK is furnished by a Correspondent who regrets that he is not in possession of sufficient information to do justice to the very great and justly merited esteem in which the late Serjant James BRODRICK was held by every one who knew him: it was impossible that any individual of his rank in life could be more respected.
Serjeant BRODRICK was born in Sydney in New South Wales in 1791 or 2. He enlisted in the late 102nd Regiment, with which he served in that Colony, the West Indies and North America: on that regiment being disbanded in 1818 he volunteered his services to the 49th Regiment, from which he has not been a day absent. Finding his health much impaired, and conceiving that his native climate might do much towards prolonging his life, he requested to be permitted to return to it; his prayer was forwarded, strongly recommended to His Royal Highness the Commander in Chief, who was pleased to give directions that his wish should be complied with; and he was only waiting the arrival of a vessel from England to proceed to his mother, now residing in Van Diemen’s Land, when death arrested his progress and removed him to “Another and a better world”. He died on the 28th ult and was buried on the following day with both Military and Masonic honours: at his funeral there was a large attendance of military officers belonging to the respective regiments on this station; and a numerous assemblage of Brethren of the several Lodges also followed his remains to the grave.
He was a man of the most unassuming manners, possessing the strictest principles of honor and probity, and an unwearied attention to the duties of his station. As a member of the Masonic Body he is most deservedly regretted. In the office of the Master of the Lodge he pursued a line of conduct that could not fail to leave the deepest impression on the minds of his Brethren; to an anxious desire to see all the duties performed with credit to the order, he added the most inflexible justice, never permitting any deviation to pass without due notice and a proper reproof – indeed it may truly be said of him “that he did unto others as he would they should do unto him”.
Saturday 9 December 1826
In the English Church Nov 29:
A daughter of the Rev. Geo HOUGH MA, Colonial Chaplain, baptised Elice Ellen.
In the English Church Dec 3:
A daughter of Mr. C. KINCAID baptised Jessy.
In the Reformed Church Dec 3:
A son of H.G. VAN GEEMS baptised Christiaan Wilhelm Burselman.
A daughter of C.J. DE CERFF baptised Sara Helena Maria.
A daughter of R. CROOKE baptised Maria Johanna Susanna Hendrica.
In the Lutheran Church Dec 3:
A son of A.J.G. BECK baptised James Andries Hendrik.
A daughter of Felix ORLANDIEN baptised Anna Elisabeth Maria.
In the English Church Dec 4:
Mr. Thomas PEARSON to Mrs. Susanna BLACK.
In the Reformed Church Dec 1:
Mr. Rudolf CLOETE Hs to Miss Johanna Charlotta Rebecca VAN REENEN.
Dec 3:
Philip Gabriel SCHOT to Catryn KEET.
Dec 1:
Pieter Ulrich FISCHER Esq aged 61 years 11 months and 2 dats.
Johan ADRIAANSEN, aged 65 years.
Dec 2:
A daughter of Florentina WILHELMSE, named Charlotta Remsford, aged 8 months.
Dec 4:
A son of A.J. VAN DER WESTHUYZEN, named Isaak Plantefeber, aged 9 years 9 months and 13 days.
Dec 6:
Ensign Anthony Carrel HAYES, aged 21 years, of HM 13th Regt of Foot at Bengal.
Saturday 16 December 1826
In the English Church Dec 10:
A daughter of Mr. E. EAGER baptised Johanna Catherine.
In the Reformed Church Dec 10:
A son of C.J. BRAND Esq baptised Hendrik Christoffel.
A son of S. DE KOCK Jun. Esq baptised Nicolas Jacobus
A son of Mr. H.D.VOS baptised Hercules Crosse.
A son of Mr. C.H.McCOMB baptised John Thomas
A daughter of Mr. J.A. HEYDENRYCH baptised Christina Petronella.
A daughter of Mr. S.J. MOSTERT baptised Anna Martina Wilhelmina.
A daughter of S. PRUCE baptised Rosina Morrentina.
A daughter of Hanna VAN DE KAAP baptised Sara Francina Baks.
In the Lutheran Church Dec 11:
Ten slaves of J.L. PITON Esq baptised James LESENBURY, Robert SISSING, Christian SISSING, William SISSING, Jan GILES, Mary Ann REDORD, Rachel SISSING, Alida SISSING, Susanna GILES and Franchon GILES.
In the English Church Dec 11:
James MANCHEE to Sarah MOORE.
In the Reformed Church Dec 10:
Mr. Carel Johannes VAN DER MERWE Fs to Miss Wilhelmina Maria Aletta VAN AS.
In the Lutheran Church Dec 8 (by special licence):
Carl KIENZLE to Anna Maria Elisabeth Cathrina ZAAYMAN, widow of the late J.A. ALBERT.
Dec 2:
Mrs. Brieta HULTMAN, widow of the late R.H. AKERMAN Esq MD, aged 59 years and 2 months.
Dec 8:
John DEDIER, aged 51 years.
A son of A.J. ISAAKSE, named Gabriel Beyers Strydom, aged 1 year and 24 days.
Dec 9:
A daughter of C.P. BRAND, named Maria Charlotta Petronella, aged 10 months.
Dec 12:
Pieter Pieterse BOLTMAN, aged 52 years,
Saturday 23 December 1826
In the English Church Dec 17:
A daughter of Benjamin BOND baptised Susannah.
In the Reformed Church Dec 17:
A daughter of J.M. SCHIETEGAT baptised Elisabeth Jacoba.
A daughter of W. SYMS baptised Rachel Helena.
In the Lutheran Church Dec 17:
A son of J.F. KELBER baptised Hendrik Johannes.
At Graham’s Town Nov 6:
A son of W. WEBSTER baptised John.
Nov 7:
A son of A. GRAVEL baptised William.
Nov 23:
A son of Lieut. HEATHCOTE of HM Cape Corps Cavalry baptised Thomas John.
Dec 3:
A daughter of C. SANGER baptised Maria Magdalena Elisabeth.
A daughter of J. NEL baptised Aletta Johanna Elisabeth.
A daughter of J.H. DELPORT baptised Aletta Elisabeth.
Dec 10:
A daughter of T.G. POTGIETER baptised Elsje Catharina.
A son of Serjeant William SANDS of HM Cape Corps Infantry baptised William.
In the Reformed Church Dec 17:
Petrus Arnoldus COMBRINCK Hs to Johanna Catharina UYS, widow of the late J. GRAAFF.
Petrus Jacobus Paulus HANSSEN to Carolina Josina BECK.
At Simon’s Town, Dec 11:
Hendrik LOURENS to Wilhelmina Susanna FRANKIN
Isaac Fredrik KLOPPERS to Wilhelmina ADAMSE.
At Graham’s Town Dec 7:
David RUDD to Martha WHEELER.
Dec 10:
Johannes Hermanus BOUWER to Maria Dorothea FERREIRA.
Barend Daniel BOUWER to Gysbertina Jansen VAN RENSBURG.
Dec 13:
A daughter of C.H. SMITH, named Henrietta Petronella, aged 11 months and 24 days.
A daughter of H.J. FAUSTURAN, named Aletta Johanna Isabella, aged 8 months and 12? Days.
Dec 18:
Heronimus SALOMONSE, aged 86 years 11 months and 18 days.
A son of John MURRAY Jun, named William, aged 11 months.
A daughter [sic] of S.J. JORDAAN, named Louis Johannes Jacobus, aged 4 months.
At Simon’s Town Dec 14:
Anthony STEYNHARD, aged 52 years.
Edmund HASLAM, aged 3 months and 2 days.
Saturday 30 December 1826
In the English Church Dec 24:
A daughter of Mr. M. ADAMS baptised Martha Elizabeth.
In the English Church Dec 28:
A daughter of F. BALSTON Esq baptised Emily Sophia.
In the Reformed Church Dec 24:
A son of P.E. BIEL baptised Anthon Fredrik.
A daughter of J.H. HOFMAYER Js Esq baptised Elisabeth Margareth.
A daughter of A.H. LEEUWENDAAL baptised Fransina Christina.
Dec 26:
A daughter of M.W. KELLY baptised Elizabeth Catherine.
In the Lutheran Church Dec 24:
A daughter of D.J. ROOZA Sen baptised Sara Lusia.
A daughter of J.G. KROEZEN baptised Johanna Philippina Hendrica.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Dec 3:
A son of Alexander, prize apprentice, baptised John.
Dec 17:
A daughter of Lieut. Alexander MURRAY of His Majesty’s 59th Regiment, baptised Frances Harriet.
In the English Church Dec 26:
Mr. Benjamin GLASSCOTT to Mrs. H. MUGGRIDGE.
George LITCHFIELD to Elizabeth Mary STURGES.
Dec 19:
A daughter of Mr. A. NELSON, named Barbara Jacoba, aged 11 months.
Dec 20:
A son of H.B. OPPEL, named Carel Hendrik, aged 1 year 8 months and 15 days.
Dec 21:
A son of F. GOSLOT, named Coenraad Gabriel Cornelus, aged 5 months and 9 days.
A son of P.L. VOGEL, named Lourens Jacobus Collin, aged 4 months.
Dec 23:
An infant son of J.M. DE WIT.
A daughter of E.G. LANDSBERG, named Elisabeth Cornelia, aged six months and two days.
Dec 24:
A daughter of Mr. A DE SMIDT, named Sara Maria, aged 14 months and 18 days.
Dec 25:
Jacob STEENKAMP, aged 64 years 6 months and 7 days.
Dec 26:
Mr. Nicolaas VAN ES, aged 69 years 3 months and 15 days.
A son of J. HOGSFLESH, named Thomas James, aged two years and 11 months.
An infant son of J.D.LANGEVELD.
Dec 28:
A son of J. STIGLINGH, named Jacobus Hendricus, aged 14 months and 26 days.
- Hits: 18104