South African Commercial Advertiser 1831 - 2 - April to June
Saturday 2 April 1831
BIRTH at Beaufort on the 25th ultimo, the lady of W. KINNEAR Esq of a son.
MARRIED on the 31st March in the Dutch Reformed Church by the Rev A Faure BD, Petrus T. KOTZE to Susanna Maria, eldest daughter of Joh.G. & S.M. BLANKENBERG.
MARRIED on Sunday March 27 1831 by the Rev Mr Van Staveren, Mr. Johan Hendrik WICHT to Miss Maria Magdalena MOSTERD.
Mar 24: Dennis HOLLAND, aged 68 years.
Mar 29: John Fuller PRICE Esq, aged 26 years.
Mar 29: Daniel MURRAY, aged 43 years.
Wednesday 6 April 1831
BIRTH on Sunday the 3rd instant, Mrs. Edmund Lombard KIFT of a daughter.Cape Town, April 5
In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 4 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John GRIFFITHS to Rebecca Ann MOLLETT.
Mar 30: A daughter of Mr. CHARLES, native of Mozambique, aged 2 years and 4 days.
Saturday 9 April 1831
DIED at Franschehoek on Tuesday 29th March, my beloved wife Margareta Francina LE ROUX, aged 27 years and about 7 months, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to relatives and friends.J.S. HOYMAN
DIED on board the ship Triumph on his passage from Bombay to the Cape of Good Hope on the morning of the 19th February 1831, Major John HAWKINS of the Bombay Engineers.
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday April 6 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John Marsden STEWARD, Master of the bark Planter, to Mrs. Lydia EASTGATE, widow of the late Mr. Wm. EASTGATE.
In the English Church Port Elizabeth Thursday March 17 by the Rev F. McCleland AB Chaplain:
A son of A.B. ARMSTRONG Esq, Captain in HM Cape Mounted Riflemen, baptised William Brooke.
On Sunday March 27 by ditto:
A son of J.A. CHABAUD Esq baptised Louis Antoine.
April 5: Samuel GILLHAM, seaman, aged 29 years.
April 5: Mary PHILLIPS, wife of William PHILLIPS, aged 26 years.
At Port Elizabeth:
March 8: John HAWKER, Private in HM 98th Regt.
At Uitenhage, on Sunday March 27:
William Walter HARDING Esq, Magistrate of that Town, aged 49 years and 35 days.
Wednesday 13 April 1831
NOTICEDied on the 10th March last by an unfortunate accident, my dearly beloved son Rudolph Sigfried ALLEMAN, aged 30 years, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to friends and relatives.
Robert EAGAR begs to inform the public that he has received per Addingham a further supply of fine and winter goods, viz:
Ladies’ lined kid and other gloves, ladies’ and gentlemen’s worsted hosiery, French clogs; rich plain and figured, black and colored, Gros de Naples; fine colored merinos, sarsenets of various colors, colored areophanes, extra wide black and white crapes; rich plain and figured waist band ribbons, silk and cotton velvet ditto, fashionable French satin ribbons and white cotton braid; patent and thread lace and edgings; fine plain and figured bobbins and quilling nets; large and fashionable tortoiseshell combs; ladies’ silk cloaks, fur tippets, gauze and silk handkerchiefs and scarfs, fine Welsh and Lancashire flannels, printed cambrics and muslins, silk velvet, Crape de Lyons and Crape Lisse, bed ticks, linen diaper and huckaback &c
NB Just unpacked, a case of gentlemen’s black and drab hats of the latest fashion and of superior quality, together with some at very low prices; as also children’s beaver hats.
In the English Church Cape Town Friday April 8 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of W. HAWKINS Esq baptised Hamilton Ross.
On Sunday April 10 by ditto:
A son of Mr. G.F. WILMOT baptised Philip George Herbert.
A son of Mr. F. STANLEY baptised Francis Christian.
Saturday 16 April 1831
DEATH OF THE REV MR SNOWDALLDied at Graham’s Town March 24, after an illness of about four weeks, the Rev Robert SNOWDALL, Wesleyan Missionary. In 1824 he was appointed to Delagoa Bay; but by a subsequent arrangement he was detained in this Colony, where for a period of nearly six years he sedulously performed the duties of his holy calling.
A combination of virtues were conspicuous in his character. He was steady, watchful, benevolent and affectionate. In him cheerfulness and gravity were sweetly blended. He was alike removed from the two extremes of levity and moroseness. All who knew him to any extent were charmed with the mildness of his disposition and the urbanity of his manner, and readily bear an unextorted testimony to his real worth. Love for souls and zeal for divine honor he strikingly evinced – these in him were not the effect of momentary impulse but the result of fixed principle, which was manifested in the erect posture of soul which he maintained under all discouragements; and in his pursuing “the noiseless tenor of his way” unaffected by human opinion.
He commenced the Mission at Simon’s Town in 1826, and there chiefly through his unwearied exertions a beautiful chapel has been erected; and a Society of persons collected who were formerly ignorant and immoral but are now walking as becometh the Gospel of Christ.
The news of his death created universal regret in that place, nearly all the people have gone into mourning. “The memory of the just is blessed”. Funeral sermons were preached on the 10th April at Simon’s Town by the Rev Mr. Cameron and at Cape Town by the Rev B. Shaw, to attentive congregations.
Saturday 23 April 1831
MARRIED at Graham’s Town on the 12th instant, James Clephan MINTO Esq, Staff Assistant Surgeon, to Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas NELSON Esq of that place. The service was performed by the Rev W. Carlisle, the Chaplain. After the ceremony the happy party proceeded to Bathurst.DEATH
April 19: Thomas PONTIN, aged 32 years.
Wednesday 27 April 1831
BAPTISM at Myrtle Grove on Friday 15th inst by the Rev J. Adamson DD, the twin children of H. HOME Esq, viz a son named Charles, a daughter named Mary, born 4th June 1830.MARRIED by special licence on the 25th instant in the English Church Cape Town by the Rev George Hough AM Senior Colonial Chaplain, John BARKER Esq to Miss Ann Bertram FINDLAY.
DIED in Cape Town on Friday last the 22nd instant, aged 43 years, Major Thomas Frederick HUTCHINSON of the 20th Regiment Bengal Native Infantry, son of the late Thomas HUTCHINSON Esq of Harrowgate in the County of York.
Cape Town 26 April 1831
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Monday April 25 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
John BARKER Esq, Attorney at Law, to Ann Bertram, eldest daughter of Mr. John FINDLAY.
April 22: Major HUTCHINSON, Bengal Army, aged 40 years.
April 22: James CASEMAN, aged 50 years.
April 24: Rosina, native of Port Natal.
Saturday April 30 1831
MURDER OF JOHN CANE AND OTHERS(From a correspondent in Albany)
Mr. DRIVER returned from Cafferland this morning (April 22) and brings a report of the murder of John CANE and some of his party, who were proceeding to Natal. The Caffers state that two of the men, Hottentots, went in search of the oxen which were lost and did not return. That afterwards two Englishmen went in search of the men and cattle and also disappeared. The rest of the party, consisting of one Englishman and two or three Hottentots, became alarmed, and made their escape to Natal.
It is supposed by Mr. DRIVER, who is well acquainted with the country and the Caffers, that Fako’s people murdered them, as they state that lions destroyed them. Now there are no lions, Mr. DRIVER says, in that part of the country: and Fako was never partial to John CANE, one of his men having received a shot in the thigh some time since, which he attributed to John CANE.
[Transcriber’s Note: A letter to the editor in June 1831 states that CANE is not in fact dead – see transcriptions for June]
In the English Church Simon’s Town by the Rev Charles Wimberley, Acting Colonial Chaplain, on Sunday April 24:
Soran EVERSON to Maria Louisa Meyer RAAF, widow.
Bryan KELLY to Caroline Elizabeth Jacoba JONES.
In the English Church Simon’s Town by the Rev Charles Wimberley, Acting Colonial Chaplain, on Sunday April 24:
A son of Mr. William COOPER baptised William.
Wednesday 4 May 1831
DIED on Sunday morning the 24th April, aged 1 year and 8 months, Gerrit, only son of Mr. P. HARMSEN, of which notice is hereby given to friends and relatives.Cape Town 2nd May
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday May 1 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Seth ORIMANDY baptised Mary Ann
April 27: Mr. John FISON Sen aged 55 years 6 months and 7 days.
Saturday 7 May 1831
MARRIED on the 1st instant in the Reformed Church by the Rev A Faure BD, Mr. Johannes Hermanus REDELINGHUYS to Miss Susanna Maria OVERBEEK.Wednesday 11 May 1831
DIED at Uitenhage on Friday April 22, aged 20 months, George Robert, son of the late Lieut. Francis George FAREWELL of the Royal Navy, of which severe loss his afflicted mother gives notice to relatives and friends.Uitenhage 27th April 1831
NOTICE is hereby given to relatives and friends that our dear Mother, Mrs. the Widow Johannes LEY, died this morning aged 59 years.
Cape Town May 10 1831
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday May 8 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Oloff Godfried STOCKENSTROM Esq baptised Arabella.
A daughter of Mr. Edmund Lombard KIFT baptised Mary Elizabeth Lombard.
May 7: Mrs. Louisa MOLLETT, wife of Mr. Samuel John MOLLETT, aged 50 years.
Saturday 14 May 1831
DEATHMay 8: Mr. Daniel McCARTHY, aged 30 years
Wednesday 18 May 1831
BIRTH at Green Point on the 15th instant, Mrs. H.E. RUTHERFOORD of a daughter.BIRTH at Stellenbosch on Thursday 12th instant, Mrs. O.M. BERGH of a daughter.
DIED at Port Louis, Mauritius, on the 30th March 1831, Mr. Johannes G. BLANCKENBERG, aged 30 years and 1 month.
Cape Town 16th May.
DIED at Rosebank near Rondebosch on Saturday 14th instant, of the hooping cough, Emma Borradaile, daughter of Charles STUART and Susannah PILLANS, aged 2 years and 11 months.
May 12: A daughter of the late W. ASHBURN, named Ann, aged 1 year and 3 months.
? [image out of focus] a son of Mr. ? INGLESBY? Named John Storr? Aged 3 months 2 weeks and 4 days
May 14: A daughter of S. ORMANDY named Mary Ann aged 1 month
Saturday 21 May 1831
On Thursday afternoon a slave of Mr. T. DREYER of Wynberg stabbed his master in the abdomen. The particulars have not transpired.DIED on the 11th instant in Cape Town, Mr. Paul Moth RING, born at Sandfiord in Norway, aged 43 years and 8 months.
A correspondent requests us to draw public attention to the case of Mrs. ASHBURN, whose husband and three children have successively died since the month of January. This family arrived in the Colony about twelve months ago, intending to proceed to Swan River, but were disappointed in their views. The poor widow herself has been for some time an inmate of the hospital, laboring under severe sickness, and the recent death of her third child has plunged her in the deepest grief and affliction, and prevents her from providing for her own support or that of her remaining family. Some humane persons have opened a subscription for her relief, a copy of which is placed at this office, and one in the Commercial Exchange.
In the English Church Simon’s Town Sunday May 15 by the Rev Charles Wimberley, acting Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. J. BAILEY, baptised Charlotte King.
A daughter of ditto baptised Mary Ann.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Simon’s Town Monday May 16 by the Rev B. Shaw:
Gerrit FRIESLAAR, an adult person who, having renounced Muhamedanism, publicly professed his beliefs in the Truths of Christianity. Also four of his children, viz: Gerrit, Alfred, Elizabeth and Roeloff have been made partakers of the same Ordinance.
Wednesday 25 May 1831
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday May 22 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Thomas ANATLEID? [image unclear] baptised Anna Martha
A daughter of Mr. Edwin OLDHAM baptised Mary Elizabeth.
Saturday 28 May 1831
CHRISTENINGSIn the Wesley Chapel Cape Town Thursday May 19 by the Rev B. Shaw:
Joanna Christina BITTEN
Martina Maria VAN DYK
Francina Joanna THEUNIES
On Sunday May 22 by ditto:
Christoffel Andries MEYER
Paulus Alexander BRAAFT
In the English Church Simon’s Town on Sunday May 22 by the Rev Charles Wimberley, Acting Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. T.B. WOOLLS baptised Marcus Brownrigg.
May 16: Andrew LAM, native of Guinea, aged 60 years.
On Tuesday 24th instant at his house, No.2 Longmarket-street Cape Town, Mr. James CAMERON, Sadler, aged 49 years.
Wednesday 1 June 1831
CHRISTENINGIn St.Andrew’s Church by the Rev J. Adamson DD:
May 29: A daughter of Sjt.Major CORNRIE, 72nd Regt, named Margaret.
May 28: A son of Mr. W. DAVIS, named William, aged 7 weeks.
Saturday 4 June 1831
CANE NOT DEADCape Town, June 2nd 1831
To the Editor: Sir, - By a letter received direct from Cafferland, dated May 3rd, I am directed to inform you that CANE is not dead, as was stated in one of your late papers; but alive and well with the Chief Dingaan. “He lost his cattle by lions, but the people left the cart at the Umzimcula River and carried its contents on their backs. Dingaan was very much pleased with what CANE had brought him from the Colony and says that he is determined to have a clean path from his place to the Colony, that he can send for what he wants.” Dingaan has expressed a determination to be at peace with all, except marauding parties. On the above information you may safely rely as it was communicated to the Rev W.B. BOYCE by Dingaan’s ambassadors to Faka, a neighbouring Chief.
I am yours &c
(The erroneous statement of CANE’s death was sent to us by a regular correspondent, who obtained his information from a Caffer trader)
Wednesday 8 June 1831
DIED on Friday morning at 3 o’clock, June 3rd, Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of J & E LAWTON of Market-square, aged 5 years 4 months and 8 days.CHRISTENING
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday June 5 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of the Rev Edward JUDGE MA baptised Georgianna Rebecca.
Saturday 11 June 1831
At Wynberg on the 26th ult, the lady of James CAREY Esq of a daughter.MARRIED by special licence on Saturday the 4th instant by the Rev B.C. Goodison, Chaplain to the Forces, Mr. Thomas CAFFYN of His Majesty’s Ordnance Department to Mrs Johanna Sophia PERO, widow of the late Richard HEURTLEY Esq.
On Sunday the 5th instant Mr. and Mrs. A. ROUX of the Fransche Hoek attended Divine Service at the Paarl, and next morning on their return home in a cart with their two children, a Miss MALAN (an amiable young woman of 17 years old) and a slave girl, in attempting to cross the Fransche Hoek River, which was considerably swollen from the late rains, the body of the cart became disengaged and drifted down the river. Mrs R and her two children were with difficulty saved by her husband, but lamentable to say Miss MALAN and the slave girl were born away by the force of the stream until the part of the vehicle on which they remained sunk, when both perished. The corpses of both were found at a little distance from the spot where the accident occurred.
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
On Saturday June 4 by the Rev B.C. Goodison, Chaplain to the Forces:
Mr. Thomas CAFFYN of His Majesty’s Ordnance Department to Mrs. Johanna Sophia PERO, widow of the late Richard HEURTLEY Esq
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Jun 5 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. S. BRODY baptised James Joseph.
A daughter of Margaret, a free native, baptised Sabina.
In the English Church at Wynberg Sunday May 20 by the Rev B.C. Goodison, Acting Chaplain:
A son of Hendrick STEPHANIS baptised Hendrick.
A son of John MATHEUS baptised Thomas.
A son of ditto baptised Adrian.
A daughter of A. SAZMAN baptised Catharina Maria.
In the English Church Graham’s Town on Sunday May 15 by the Rev W. Carlisle MA Chaplain:
A daughter of W. ESTMENT baptised Sarah.
A son of W. REYNOLDS baptised James Mathew.
May 22 by ditto:
A daughter of W. and E. ELLIOT baptised Eleanor Adelaide.
A daughter of J. WEB baptised Olivia.
At Oatlands, May 26:
A son of Lt. Col. SOMERSET baptised Plantagenet Henry.
At Simon’s Town
June 5: Samuel LONG (late Pensioner of the Cape Cavalry Regiment) aged 51 years and 6 months.
At Graham’s Town:
April 1: William EATWELL, aged 39 years.
17: Hendrik SHEEPERS, aged 66 years.
22: Sarah CUSS, aged 30 years.
22: John WEBB, aged 47 years.
Wednesday 15 June 1831
DIED at Rondebosch on the 10th instant, at the age of sixty five years, four months and ten days, Mrs. Ann FAIRCLOUGH, wife of Mr. William FAIRCLOUGH, much regretted by her relatives and friends.ACCIDENT – On Saturday morning last a boat belonging to Mr. RODE, the Police Officer, drifted ashore at Melk-bosch, near Blaanweberg, with the oars and rudder. It is supposed that the boat had shipped a heavy sea and swamped. There were three men on board when the accident happened but only one body has yet been found.
In the English Church cape Town Monday June 13 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Henry SWEETMAN, widower, to Margaret HARTY, widow.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday June 12 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of J. DE SMIDT Esq of the Commissariat, baptised John Straton.
A son of Salie, a slave woman, baptised John.
June 9: An infant daughter of Mr, John ELLIOT
June 10: Mrs Ann FAIRCLOUGH, wife of William FAIRCLOUGH Esq, aged 65 years.
Saturday 18 June 1831
DIED at Stellenbosch on Sunday the 12th instant, a daughter of O.M. BERGH Esq, named Anna Geertruyda, aged 1 month.DIED at Wynberg on the 11th instant, Fredrica Charlotta Louisa Johanna MEYER, relict of Colonel Baron F. VON BUCHENRODER VON BUSCHENRAD, aged 70 years, 5 months, 7 days.
All claims against the late Fredrica Charlotta Louisa Johanna MEYER, relict of Colonel Baron F. VON BUCHENRODER VON BUSCHENRAD, are requested to be sent in to the undersigned for adjustment.
Cape Town June 16 1831
In St.Andrew’s Church June 12 by the Rev Dr. Adamson DD:
A daughter of the Rev John PEARS MA, Professor of Classical and English Literature in the SA College, named Ann Christina.
June 12: Mr. J.H. LOLLEY, aged 24 years and 6 months.
June 14: A daughter of Mr. J. BROOKSHAW, named Jemima, aged 7 months and 9 days.
Wednesday 22 June 1831
DEATHJune 18: John SAYER, aged 37 years.
Saturday 25 June 1831
DIED on the 22nd instant at half past 5am, Cicilia Carolina Maria, aged 14 years 7 months and 8 days, only child of L.J. BIANCHI. Those who knew the amiable disposition of the deceased will sympathise with the afflicted father in his severe bereavement.DIED on the 9th day of February last, at Clifton near Bristol, aged 19 years, Alexander, second son of the late John PRINGLE Esq, many years Commissary General and Agent for the East India Company in this Colony.
DIED in Camp near Agra on the 20th January last, after a tedious and severe illness, Lieut. Henry DeWaal COCKBURN, Bengal Artillery, youngest son of the late Lieut-Colonel John COCKBURN of the Royal Artillery.
In the English Church Cape Town Monday June 20 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Henry ADAMS to Maria HARDACRE, widow.
At Cape Town June 22: Mrs. R. BAKER of a son.
Wednesday 29 June 1831
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 17th instant by the Rev F. McCleland AM, John Centilivres CHASE Esq of the Colonial Civil Service, widower, to Mrs. Maria Johanna Charlotta, widow of the late D.A.C.G. J.DAMANT and only daughter of F. KORSTEN Esq of Cradock’s Town.DIED on the 20th June 1831, Fridericus Adelbertus STARCK, born in Bamberg, aged 41 years and 5 months, leaving a wife and three children to deplore his loss.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday June 26 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. R. WILSON baptised Elizabeth Hannah.
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