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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1836 - 1 - January to March

1836  January to March

Saturday 2 January 1836

In St.George’s Cape Town [right hand side of notice torn away}
Mr. James CURLEWIS to Miss Christina [missing] MIDDELKOOP

Saturday 9 January 1836

All that valuable and well-built Property, situated at the end of Bree-street, and known by the name of ‘The Whale Fishery’, will be put up to Public Sale on Tuesday the 16th of February next at 12 o’clock precisely, for and account of the Insolvent Estate of the late H.G. MUNTINGH, agreeably to a Resolution of a Meeting of Creditors on the 29th Dec 1835. The Land and Buildings will be subdivided into Five Lots, a plan of which will be suspended in the Commercial Exchange, with Conditions of Sale &c
John Centlivres CHASE
Joint Trustees
Cape Town 6th January 1836

BIRTH on Tuesday the 5th instant, Mrs. DOBIE of a daughter
Cape Town

BIRTH on the morning of the 6th instant, at Green Point. Mrs. HODGSKIN of a son.

SA Commercial Advertiser
The Proprietor and Publisher of the South African Commercial Advertiser, having authorised Mr. PIKE to act as General Agent for that Paper, hereby gives notice that all Orders for the Advertiser and all Advertisements, Notices &c to be inserted in it will hereafter be received by Mr. PIKE at his Office, No.11 St.George’s-street, Cape Town.
SA Commercial Advertiser Office
18 St.George’s-street
January 9 1836

Wednesday 13 January 1836

In the English Church, Rondebosch on Sunday 3rd Jan 1836 by the Rev Edward Judge MA, Chaplain to the Forces.
A daughter of George Francis BROWN Esq baptised Lucy Gisborne.
A son of Mr. William COLLINS baptised Henry Richard.

Jan 7: On board the American Ship ‘Mount Wollaston’, Noahdiah VESPATION, seaman, aged 45 years.
Jan 9: At Wynberg, Mr. William MOORE Sen, aged 47 years.

Saturday 16 January 1836

Superfine Black and Drab Beaver Hats
The undersigned begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has just now received a quantity of superfine black and drab beaver hats, of very neat and fashionable shapes, and which he will sell at very reduced prices.
No.1 Shortmarket Street
NB. CD has also received a choice variety of plain and elegantly figured Silk, Valencia and Marcella Waistcoatings, of the latest fashion, superfine Cloths and Kerseymeres, white and brown Drills, Jeans, some excellent real Russia Duck, a variety of other Stuffs for Trowsers, Silk Handkerchiefs &c
Cape Town, Jan 11 1836

Jan 13: Mrs. Ann BARNES, aged 28 years.

Wednesday 20 January 1836

Dr. L. LIESCHING to 105 Long-street, late Whiskin’s Brewery.

BIRTH at Batavia on 6th September last, Mrs. James B. GRAY of a son, since baptised James Crauford.

Furnishing and General Ironmonger
In acquainting the Public of his return from England, tenders his sincere thanks for the very flattering patronage his Establishment has met with during his absence. He also begs to inform them that his immense stock of Ironmongery will arrive by the Brig Kerswill and Bark Columbia, which vessels are daily expected.
The investments consist of every description of Furnishing and General Ironmongery, Builders’ Materials, Brass-work, Plated Goods, Britannia-metal, Silver, and Japanned Goods, Paints and Colors, boiled and raw Oil, Turpentine, Bricks, Coals, Slates for roofing, and sundry other Articles, which shall be duly advertised on their arrival, which WF hopes will not be longer than a few days.
Ironmongery Warehouse, 64 Strand-street, Cape Town.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday Jan 17 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Jonathan CALF Jun, baptised Johanna Elisabeth.
A son of Mr. William HOLMES baptised James Fortescue.
Two daughter and one son of Mr. James SOUNES, baptised Catharina Beatrice, Anna Augusta and Jacobus Johannus.

Jan 15: Mr. James CLIFFORD, aged 30 years.
Jan 16: Thomas WILLIAMS, aged 34.

Saturday 23 January 1836

The undersigned has just received per Mary Eliza a choice assortment of fashionable Millinery, Haberdashery &c which will be open for inspection on Monday next, the 25th inst, at the Stores of E. DURHAM, 3 Grave-street.

DIED on the 10th inst, my beloved husband Christian Andries BRINK, aged 36 years 11 days, leaving me with an orphan to deplore his loss.
Graaff Reinet 14th Jan 1836

Wednesday 27 January 1836

That most valuable Freehold Farm named Casoega, being the property of the late Lieut. Colonel George Sackville FRASER, containing 2,275 morgen, or thereabout, of excellent pasturage and arable land, having the advantage of an abundant spring of good Water, sufficient to turn a small Mill, and at the same time irrigate some acres of Land, with an abundance of smaller sort of Timber requisite for the uses of a Farm. The Farm immediately adjoins the Land ceded to the Missionary Institution of Theopolis.
For particulars apply at the Office of Messrs DICKSON, BURNIES & Co, Cape Town, or to Mr. James BLACK, Graham’s Town, Merchants, by either of whom offers will be received.

Simon’s Town
January 18th 1836
John CLARENCE begs respectfully to inform Gentlemen from India, Families and Invalids, that his spacious and well known airy House being now nearly unoccupied, he can accommodate them with excellent select and private Apartments. It is to be observed, for the information of Strangers, that Simon’s Town is celebrated for Sea Bathing and pureness of air, and is considered by far the most healthy place in this Colony.
A Medical Practitioner recently from England, and who has the highest Testimonials from the Medical Profession, resides in the Town.

Saturday 30 January 1836

DIED on the 23rd inst, aged 39 years and 4 months, after a painful and lingering illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Christina MUNNIK, wife of Mr. D.W. HERTZOG, deeply and sincerely regretted by her Family and Friends. Cape Town 28th January 1836.

Wednesday 3 February 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday Jan 31 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John THOMAS, baptised John.

Saturday 6 February 1836

The Rev John PEARS AM, late Professor of English and Classical Literature in the SA College, having no longer any connection with that Institution, informs his friends and the Public that he proposes to open Classes at his House for instruction in the English, Latin, Greek and French languages; in Mathematics, Navigation, Land Surveying, Geography, Writing and Arithmetic. From his long experience and success in Teaching, he confidently hopes to give full satisfaction to those who may entrust their children to his care.
Buitinsingel, near the SA College, Feb 5 1836

BIRTH at Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope on the 4th February 1836 at one pm, the lady of Capt. B.T. PHILLIPS, 7th Bengal Cavalry, of a son.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Wednesday Feb 3 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Jonathan Duncan GLEIG Esq, Madras Civil Service, baptised Eleanora Katherine.

Feb 3: Margaret, daughter of Henry HOME Esq, aged 11 years and 8 months.

Wednesday 10 February 1836

On Saturday next, the 13th instant, will be sold at Mr. JONES’ Commission Sale, on the Parade, a Covered Cart with moveable Shafts and Pole. It may be seen any day prior to the Sale, on application at Mr. Benjamin STONE’s Livery Stables.
Cape Town Feb 9.

On Friday the 12th instant, at three o’clock pm, will be Sold, without the least Reserve, at the lower end of Loop-street, on the Beach, near the Steam-mill of Mr. G.W. PRINCE, the following articles, viz: a quantity of Oak Timber, in Beams and Planks, of sizes, and a great quantity of Oak Firewood; Ship Iron, consisting of Bolts, Knees &c and a small quantity of Junk, Masts, Spars &c from the Wreck of the ‘Emperor Alexander’.
10 Feb 1836.

The Rev.Dr. PHILIP being about to leave the Colony, requests that all demands against him may be sent in without delay.
Mission-House, Church-square, Feb 9 1836

The undersigned begs to inform the Public that they will continue their Sales of manufactured Goods, Edam Cheese, Westphalia Hams, Geneva, Brandy &c on Friday the 12th instant at their Store in Castle-street, Heeregracht end.
Caper Town, Feb 9 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday Feb 7 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas ELLIOTT, baptised Henrietta Louisa Catherina.
A son of Mr. George HODGSKIN, baptised George Heideman.

Saturday 13 February 1836

The undersigned begs to inform the Public that he continues to draw Portraits, and intends to instruct a limited number of Gentlemen in Drawing, and in Topography. Apply at the house of Mr. P. REDELINGHUIS Jr, Buitengracht.

Departed this Life on the evening of the 8th instant, our beloved Father, Mr. John Frederick MALLINSON, aged 51 years 11 months and 2 days, of which notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, Feb 9 1836

Feb 6: Dr. James SHAW, on board the Bark ‘Eagle’, aged 68 years.
Feb 8: Mr. John MALLINSON, aged 51 years.
Feb 8: Mr. William MARTIN, aged 39 years.

Wednesday 17 February 1836

J.H.STRURK, Tobacconist, No.8 Shortmarket-street, Market-square, begs to inform the Public and those Amateurs that are fond of really good Snuff, Cegars and Tobacco, that he has on sale every description of very superior Snuff, real Manilla Cegars, the best in the Colony, Chinsurah Do. of Zandyk. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco; American Leaf Tobacco, Louisiana, Varinas, Canaster, Portorico, Virginia &c. All at very moderate prices, and well worthy of attention.
Cape Town, 16th February 1836

DESERTED since the 2nd January, my Apprentice, named Golioth, about six feet high and is blind in the left eye; has large feet and has a grey beard. Whoever lodges him in one of His Majesty’s Prisons will be handsomely rewarded.
Klip Berg, 2nd February 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday Feb 14 by the Rev. George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John CURRAN, baptised John Alfred.
A daughter of Mr. James FORTER, baptised Isabella Maria.
A daughter of Mr. Henry WRIGHT, baptised Ellen Sarah.
A son of Mr. John DENNIS, baptised Edward James Garvet.

Wednesday 24 February 1836

Mrs. H. JONES, in returning her thanks for the favours she has already received, begs to inform her friends and the Public in general that she has this day re-opened No.1 Market-square, where she hopes for a continuance of their Patronage. Mrs. H.J. has just unpacked a splendid assortment of Bonnets of the latest fashion; Gros de Naples, Kid and Silk Gloves, and a variety of new articles. Gentlemen’s light summer Hats very cheap &c &c.
NB A large Store, with Cellars, and Apartments to Let.

Mrs. McDOUGAL, No.19 Boomstreet, has just received a choice selection of Ladies’ and Children’s Fancy Tuscan and Dunstable Bonnets.

A Lunatic Keeper for the Somerset Hospital; no Married Person need apply, and the most strict Testimonials for sobriety, good temper and civility will be required.
S. BAILEY, Surgeon
23rd February 1836

On Friday 19 Feb by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Francis COLLISON baptised Mimi A[rest of name obscured in fold]
On Sunday 21st by ditto:
A son of Mr. Henry Joseph FISHER, baptised William Henry Phillips.
A son of Mr. John FAUL, baptised Frederick James.
On Monday 22nd by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. Frederic DICKINSON, baptised A[rest of name obscured in fold] Emily Johanna.

Feb 18: Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. John GRIFFITHS aged [one? - number obscured in fold] year and six months.
Feb 18: Robert TAYLOR, aged 48 years.
Feb 19: Mr. James WALKER, aged 33 years.

Saturday 27 February 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Thursday Feb [25] by the Rev George Hough, MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Two sons of Mr. Alfred George ROBERTSON, baptised William and Alfred George.

Feb 23: John Hermon, son of Mr. Henry HULL, aged [obscured] years and six months.

Wednesday 2 March 1836

BIRTH on the 10th ultimo, the lady of Martin WEST Esq of a daughter.

J.F. ASCHEN has removed his Music Establishment from 7 Keisersgracht to the corner of Plain and Longmarket streets. Opposite Mr. B. STONE’s Stables.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday Feb [date obscured in fold] by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Benjamin WIGLESWORTH to Miss Emma WHILEY

Feb 25: Anthony FRANCIS, aged 36 years.

Saturday 5 March 1836

Dyer & Scourer
Begs leave to acquaint the Public in general that he has commenced the business of Dying and Scouring at No.1 Stal-street, near Government House, and hopes by strict attention and punctuality to Business to merit a share of their support.
Gentlemen’s Clothes cleaned and made equal to new, at the following prices:
To cleaning a Coat 2s 6d
To cleaning a Jacket 2s 0d
To cleaning Tro wsers 1s 6d
To cleaning Waistcoat 1s 0d
NB Woollen Clothes dyed in any quantity, suitable for the Caffre Trade, and on the shortest notice.

Master’s Office, Cape Town 1st March 1836
The Paternal and Maternal Relations of the Minors Cornelius Johannes MULLER and Ignatius Johannes MULLER, Minor Children of Ignatius Johannes MULLER and Isabella Elizabeth VOGEL, both deceased, are required to take notice that a Meeting of the Paternal and Maternal Relations of the said Minors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage at his Office on Tuesday 22nd March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Tutor or Tutors Dative of the said Minors.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town 1st March 1836
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Edward COHEN, late of Graham’s Town, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Edward COHEN died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham’s Town, on Saturday 16th April next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative of such Deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town 1st March 1836
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Cecilia Jacoba DU PLESSIS, Widow of the late Johannes OBERHOLZER A’s son, of the Graaff-Reinet District, deceased, are required to take notice that Johannes Gysbertus ROOS, one of the Testamentary Executors of the deceased, being absent from this colony, and Petrus Andreas ROOS, the remaining Co-Executor, having refused to act, a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Tuesday 12th April next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative of such Deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the Deceased, in the place and stead of the said Johannes Gysbertus ROOS and Petrus Andreas ROOS.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

With reference to the late Government Advertisement on the subject of Land Surveying, the undersigned begs to acquaint those who may become candidates for the Profession of Land Surveyor in this Colony that he will prepare them for examination according to the Syllabus and Form prescribed by that department.
Archibald BROWN AM
Commercial, Mathematical and Classical Academy
28 Loop-street, Cape Town.

Wednesday 9 March 1836

MARRIED on Monday the 29th ult, by the Rev J. Adamson DD, Alexander BROWN Esq, Surgeon, to Susan Margaret, younger daughter of J.C. FLECK Esq, Justice of the Peace, and late Member of the Court of Justice.

DIED at Sourabaya on the 26th Oct last, Alexander GRAY, late of Cape Town, aged 31 years.

DIED at six o’clock this morning after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Jane Rumsey WALTER, wife of Mr. Abel Alleyne WALTER, of the Customs.

Saturday 12 March 1836

DIED at the Paarl on Wednesday evening, 2nd March, after a lingering and painful illness, Mr. Henry Thomas HITCHCOCK, aged forty six years.

DIED in Cape Town on Sunday morning the 6th inst, Anne Leonora, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. DICKSON, aged 11 years.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday March 7 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Joseph WILTON to Frances Elizabeth HUTCHINSON, Widow.

On Friday 4 March by ditto:
A son of Johannes Godlieb NEGRENEG, baptised James Frederick.
On Monday 7 March by ditto:
A daughter of Martin WEST Esq, baptised Charlotte Maria.
A son of John Heyning VANRENEN Esq, Captain Bengal Army, baptised Albertus John.
A son of Mr. George Francis WILLMOT, baptised Henry George Smith.
A son of Mr. James William SEALE, baptised Johannes Francis Sebastian.

March 8: Mrs. Jane Rumsey WALTER, wife of Mr. Abel Alleen WALTER, aged 47 years.

Wednesday 16 March 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday March [14] by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William JONES, baptised Jane [Eliza]beth [some information obscured in fold]

Saturday 19 March 1836

DIED at St.Helena on the 18th January 1836, Lieut. Robert HAYES of the St.Helena Artillery Corps, aged 32 years. He was an affectionate and kind brother and a generous friend. Three destitute sisters have to deplore his loss. His unremitting attention to the comfort of the soldiers obtained for him their endearing esteem, and by whom he is sincerely regretted.

BIRTH at the Parsonage of Swellendam, on the 11th instant, Mrs. ROBERTSON of a son.

The Partnership formerly existing under the Firm of Messrs. COLLISON, STARKEY & Co, of London and Messrs. COLLISON & Co of Cape Town was dissolved by mutual consent in London, on the first day of October last, Mr. Nicholas Cobb COLLISON retiring from the same. All debts owing either to or by the said firm will be settled by Mr. Joseph STARKEY, by whom the Business will in future be carried on, under the Firm of Messrs. Joseph STARKEY & Co.
Cape Town, 16th March 1836
Francis COLLISON, Agent.

In the English Church Rondebosch on Sunday March 6 by the Rev Edward Judge MA, Acting Chaplain:
A daughter of Johannes DE SMIDT Esq of the Commissariat Department, baptised Georgina I[r]vine.

Wednesday 23 March 1836

BIRTH on Monday morning the 21st inst, Mrs. george THOMPSON of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 8th March 1836, in St.Andrew’s Church, Cape Town by the Rev J. Adamson DD, Mr. Peter LAING to Miss Dorothea Welhelemena FLAMME.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday March 21st by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. George MORTON, baptised Caroline Maria.

Saturday 26 March 1836

Thos. PHILLIPS, Bookbinder
Zonnebloem Cottage
Respectfully announces to his Friends and the Public in general that he still follows the above Business, and hopes by unremitting attention to all orders to merit a continuation of that support he has hitherto experienced. Orders received in Town, for the above, at the Office of this Paper, and at Mr. POWRIE’s, Boot and Shoe Maker, Plein-street.

Evening Class.
Mr. J.H. COLLARD begs to inform his friends and the public that he intends to commence an Evening Class on the 1st proximo. Further particulars as to terms &c may be obtained on application at the School-Room, 55 Long-street, or at his residence, No.11 St.George’s-street.
March 21st 1836.

BIRTH at Sea Point on the 20th March, the lady of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice MENZIES of a son.

BIRTH at Fort Willshire on the 10th March, the lady of Captain HALLIFAX, 75th Regt, of a daughter.

DEATH on Saturday 19th March, Captain George KEIR of His Majesty’s Service, aged 49 years.

To the Hon Colonel SMITH, Commanding the Province of Queen Adelaide.
Graham’s Town, 15th Feb 1836
We the undersigned , having observed with regret in the Graham’s Town Journal the copy of an order said to have been issued by you in the New Province, in which you state it had come to your knowledge that some of the present traders were carrying on a most unfair, unjust and fraudulent traffic with His Majesty’s new subjects (the Caffers); and you further remark, that if such was their conduct, it required no philosopher to tell why the Caffers were so virulent towards the traders in the late war. As we know, and are well able to prove, that we dealt neither unfairly, unjustly or fraudulently with any of the Caffer tribes before the war, but from the great competition &c there then was, actually gave them prices for their produce far too high to leave us anything like a fair profit for our great risk and trouble; and as mischievous and wicked persons will, and already have, endeavoured to turn your words to their account, and to our disadvantage, we wish particularly to hear from yourself whether you have any grounds for believing or supposing that our conduct, or the conduct of the traders generally, before the war, in their intercourse with the Caffer tribes was unbecoming them as men and as Englishmen.
We beg the favor of as early a reply as you can find it convenient.
We have the honor to be Sir your most obedient servants,
E. FORD & Son

Dep.Qtr.Master Gen’s Office, King William’s Town, 27th Feb 1836
In acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 15th inst, which I received yesterday, I am scarcely competent to express any very decided opinion, from a want of knowledge of frontier affairs before the war. It is with great pleasure and satisfaction, however, that I avow none of our new subjects complained of the traders before the late irruption; and of some they speak in terms of regard, asking when they will return. The labour attendant on trade here formerly must have been excessive; and such arduous undertakings merit a fair profit. Competition can alone establish it upon a just and equitable basis, and nothing can be more prejudicial to its real interest than combination.
The expression in the orders I issued is an assumption, “if such was their conduct”. You, gentlemen, must be the best judges of your own actions, and if conscientiously you feel that your conduct as traders was fair and manly before the war (certainly nothing to the contrary has been brought under my observation) this personal gratification and self-satisfaction must be superior to anything I can advance in proof of it. Be assured facts will establish the supremacy over prejudices and prepossession, as well as over those predilections of the human mind which have the greatest influence in perverting its judgement.
I have the honor to be &c
H.G. SMITH, Colonel

March 22: On board the ‘Fergusson’ Mr. William Henry BROWN, Midshipman, aged 16 years.

Wednesday 30 March 1836

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday March 28 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Eugene LAGARDEUR to Helena Johanna WESSELS

On Monday 28 March by ditto:
A daughter of William George ANDERSON Esq baptised Ellen Lovina.

March 27: A daughter of Mr. William WRIGHT, named Johanna, aged 2 years and 4 months.


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