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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1837 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 1 April 1837

The undersigned offers for private sale his House, situate No.35 Rose-street, near the Scots Kirk.
31st March 1837

Wednesday 5 April 1837

BIRTH on the 16th March at the Residency, Saldanha Bay, Mrs. George MARSH of a son.

Smith & Farrier &c
Begs leave to inform the inhabitants of Wynberg and vicinity that he has commenced business at Plumstead, Wynberg, and executes the various branches of Smithery, in House and Field Work, Mill-work, Lock-smith, Bell-hanging, Field and Garden Gates, Fences &c and trusts that by good workmanship, prompt attention and moderate charges he will receive the patronage of the public. All orders executed on the shortest notice.

Saturday 8 April 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Thursday the 30th March 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Benjamin Travell PHILLIPS Esq, Captain Bengal cavalry, baptised Francis Howell D’Urban.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Sunday 2nd April 1837 by the Rev. R.P. Brooke, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Lieut. William SAMPSON, of the late St.Helena Regiment, baptised Mary Ann.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 3rd April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Donald CAMERON, baptised jacoba Lilly.
A daughter of Mr. William Sizer BARKER, baptised Emily Sarah Sizer.
A daughter of Mr. Richard Leadway O’BRIEN, baptised Mary Frances.

March 31st 1837: Mrs. Mary Belcher CHAMBERLIN, wife of Mr. Thomas CHAMBERLIN, aged 41 years and 8 months.
March 31: George, son of Mr. Benjamin POWELL, aged 6 years and 11 months.

On Tuesday the 11th inst will be sold by Public Auction the household furniture &c of John JACKSON Esq at the House of William SMUTS Esq, in the Gardens; consisting of handsome mahogany Dining Tables, Chairs, Chest of Drawers, Sofa, Book Case &c; Beds, Wash-hand Stands, a variety of Bed-room Furniture, Cooking Utensils; a Slipper Bath, Meat Safe, a variety of articles for Table use, and a handsome China-ware Bath.
A single Horse Phaeton, which has just been put in complete repair, and a remarkably quiet Phaeton Horse; perfectly sound, and accustomed either to ride or drive.
Also some Carpenter’s Tools and a Bench; Garden Tools &c.
Sale will commence at 10 o’clock precisely.

Wednesday 12 April 1837

At Wynberg on Sunday 2nd April 1837 by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
A son of Andrena, Native of the Cape, baptised William Thomas.
A son of the same. Baptised James.
A son of the same, baptised George.
At Rondebosch on Thursday the 6th April 1837 by the Rev Richard Bethnel Boys AB:
A daughter of Thomas Campbell ROBERTSON Esq of the Hon. Company’s Bengal Service, baptised Amelia Louisa.
In the English Church Rondebosch on Sunday the 9th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Joseph STURGIS Esq, baptised Joseph Charles Pope.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 10th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Robert INGLESBY, baptised John Henry.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas BOYLAN, baptised Charlotte Ortance.
A daughter of Etienne FIGARO, baptised Christiana.

Saturday 15 April 1837

DIED at Swellendam on Monday the 10th April, William, youngest child of the Rev William ROBERTSON, aged 13 months.

Wednesday 19 April 1837

Alexander MILLER, Tailor, Clothier and Hatter, from No.3 Hout-street to No.13 Heeregracht, opposite the Public Library.

No.3 Castle-street
Just arrived from Paris, respectfully informs the Public that it is her intention to give Instruction to Young Ladies in the French Language, at her Residence, No.3 Castle-street; and hopes by assiduous attention to the advancement of her Pupils to merit the approbation and esteem of the Ladies in general.
Cape Town, April 18th 1837

Saturday 22 April 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 17th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Samuel Robert ELEY to Hendrika ANTONIZE.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Tuesday 18th April 1837 by the Rev Dr.Adamson:
Mr. William GROVES to Anne, widow of the late Alexander AITCHESON.

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Wednesday the 19th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Jonathan Duncan GLEIG Esq of the Madras Civil Service, baptised Mary Jane.

April 12th 1837: Elizabeth Sarah, daughter of Mr. Edward WOOLLWARD, aged 3 days.
Apr 13: John WILLIS, aged 35 years.
Apr 17: Frances, daughter of Mr. John DYASON, aged 1 year 3 months and 11 days.

April 14 1837 at his Residence Gnadendal, Edward LEES Esq MD, aged ?1 years [first digit of age cut off in photograph]

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 19th April 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Hester Maria AUCAMP, deceased wife of Isaac Gerhardus VISAGIE, of the Graaff-Reinet District, are required to take notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday the 3rd June next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see such Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the deceased, in the place and stead of her subsequent deceased husband Isaac Gerhardus VISAGIE, the Testamentary Executor and Tutor.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 19th April 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Anna Elizabeth MARAIS, widow of Albertus VAN JAARSVELD, late of Berg River, in the Stellenbosch District, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Anna Elizabeth MARAIS, widow of Albertus VAN JAARSVELD, died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 30th May next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the minor Heirs.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, 19th April 1837
The Paternal and Maternal Relations of Hester Margaretha Susanna LE ROUX, Minor Child of Abraham Andries LE ROUX and his Spouse Hester Margaretha Susanna LE ROUX, both deceased, are required to take notice that a Meeting of the Paternal and Maternal Relations of the said Minor will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Worcester, on Saturday the 3rd June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see such Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Tutor or Tutors Dative of the aforesaid Minor.

Wednesday 26 April 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 24th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John TOAST to Miss Mary Wilhelmina HOPPER


In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 24th April 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Samuel MOLLETT, baptised Sarah Helena.
A son of Mr. Isaac DACOSTA, baptised Isaac John.
A daughter of Mr. Johannes OVERMEYER, baptised Mary Ann Abigail.

April 22nd 1837: Robert HOFFMAN, from the Bark Lowther, aged 16 years.

BIRTH on the 25th instant, at Cannon Terrace, Mrs. I. MANUEL of a son.

DIED on the 22nd April, after an illness of 14 years and 9 days, my beloved husband J.B. RYKHEER, aged 74 years 3 months and 26 days.

Saturday 29 April 1837

BIRTH on Thursday the 27th inst, Mrs. DOBIE of a daughter.
Cape Town, 28th April 1837

Uitenhage, December 23rd 1836
Sir, Knowing you to be laudably anxious about the state of Education among us, I beg to state in reply to your Queries that the “Uitenhage Colored School” was originally instituted for the Children of the Slave Population; but as very few attended, no School-room or teaching apparatus was provided; it was held three forenoons weekly – but for the last 7 or 8 years all colored Children have been admitted, which has increased the numbers more than five-fold; but the same unfurnished, unhealthy hovel is the only School-room yet provided.
When His Excellency Sir Benjamin D’URBAN was here, about a year ago, he directed that instruction should be given every day in the forenoon; and to meet the increasing desire for instruction, the Teacher keeps School in the afternoon at his own charge, so that at present the advantage of constant schooling is provided. During the year applications for white Children to be admitted have been frequent, there are about twenty of them have been incorporated with the others, which is found to be a beneficial arrangement in facilitating their acquiring the English language.
The system of teaching is the Lancasterian, a little modified to suit local circumstances; and the subjoined classification is in accordance with that manual of tuition.
The local School Commission held their half-yearly Examination on the 19th inst, and expressed their approbation with the state and progress of the Scholars – there were 105 present – about a dozen small Prizes were distributed to the lower classes; but the following five being further advanced, received Prizes of more value – the entire absence of Funds, however, render this mode of encouragement seldom practicable.
Hans ZWARTLAND for Reading
David JACOBS, best specimen of Small hand-writing
Amelia RUSSEL, Translation
Eliz. HYMAN, Arithmetic, Rule of Three
Senna ADONIS, ditto, Multiplication
The common daily attendance at this School is from 90 to 100, about one half of whom can read the Testament or the Bible, and are daily exercised at translating a portion of the same. The same number also write on paper, and the remainder write on slates: Writing being taught at the same time as Reading, of course every Child in the School knows something of Writing.
The Rule of Three, in Arithmetic, is the highest point any have yet attained; but many leave before that being acquired, to be wholly or partially of any service. The following tabular view shews our number and state, with which I conclude and remain Sir
Your very obedient servant
[regretfully table not photographed]

Wednesday 3 May 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 1st May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George WATSON, widower, to Mrs. Christina PUCKEY, widow.

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 1st May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. James PERRING, baptised Charles Campbell.

April 15 1837: Edmund McDONALD, aged 13 years.
Died, at Woolwich, William John HOATH Esq, late of the 21st Lt Dragoons, and for many years a Resident in this Colony.

Departed this Life at the House of the Undersigned, on Monday morning the 24th instant, Mr. John FOLEY, aged 70 years, much regretted by friends and acquaintances.
Cape Town, May 3rd 1837

Wednesday 10 May 1837

In the English Church, Simon’s Town on Monday 1st May 1837 by the Rev Henry Frazer AB, Colonial Chaplain:
On Tuesday by ditto:
Bombadier Wm. SHEPHERD, Royal Artillery, to Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. R. NORMAN, Postmaster of Simon’s Town.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 8th May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. James ROSS, widower, to Elizabeth Margaretha Lydia CESAR.

In the English Church, Rondebosch on Sunday the 7th May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. James Henry BEMIESTER, baptised Louisa Elizabeth.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 8th May 1837 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. William PRESTWICH, baptised Grace.
A son of Mr. Francis Russell BRETT, baptised James Russell.
A daughter of Mr. Charles Anderson DONALD, baptised Amy Georgina.

April 29: Major Robert Scott AITCHISON, of the Cape Mounted Rifles, aged 47 years.
May 3rd 1837: William Alfred, son of Mr. Daniel McGILL, aged 3 months and 8 days.

7 Keizersgracht.
J. DYASON has opened a small but select variety of Ladies’ Silk and Satinette Cloaks. Trimmed with Velvet, the latest Fashions in the Colony; also very fine French and English Merinos, Winter Grass Cloth Handkerchiefs, figured and plain China Silk Handkerchiefs; an assortment of Shawls, viz. Thibet, Crape, Cachmere, Angola &c; a few lengths of Abbeville Plaid, quite a new Article for Ladies’ Winter Dresses, and warranted to wash, at 2s the ell. Dining Table Covers, 18, 20 24½; a neat assortment of Gentlemen’s superior Dog-skin Driving Gloves, and 4 lengths of very superior French Cambric [ex] Childe Harold.
May 9th 1837.

DIED on the 6th May, Mrs. H. CURREY, wife of W. CURREY, born at Cheddar, Somersetshire, aged 42 years, leaving a husband and 7 children to deplore their loss.

Wednesday 17 May 1837

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 9th May 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Christoffel Bernardus ENSLIN, late of the District of Somerset, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Christoffel Bernardus ENSLIN died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and surviving Widow Jacoba Susanna Johanna Petronella COETZER, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Somerset, on Friday the 23rd June next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 9th May 1837
The Paternal and Maternal Relations of George MORRISON, son of Murdoch MORRISON and of Spasie, minor legatees under the last will of the late George BECKER, are required to take notice that a Meeting of the Paternal and Maternal Relations of the said Minors will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 20th June next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Confirmation granted to such Person or Persons as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Curator or Curators Dative of the said Minors, in respect of the property devolving on them from the Estate of the said George BECKER, deceased, in the place and stead of Hendrik Albert LUNING, The Testamentary Administrator of the said Property.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturer
No.53 Longmarket-street
Respectfully announces to his friend and the public that he has removed his Branch Establishment from No.32 Plein-street to No.53 Longmarket-street, and has on sale prima Havannah, Manille, Van Zandyk and a great variety of other cigars; also Returns, Canaster, Negrohead, fine American Twist and English Cut Tobacco; English, Irish and Cape Snuffs.
NB A few copies of Graham’s Domestic Medicine.

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 15th May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Isaac MANUEL, baptised Robert Byron.
A son of Mr. N.W. MEYER, baptised Nicholas Wollessen.
A daughter of Mr. J.D. JACKSON, baptised Jessie Mary.
A son of Mr. Louis Petrus CAUVIN, baptised Louis Joseph.
A daughter of Mr. Charles HIND, baptised Esther Amelia.
A daughter of Mr. John HOUSTON, baptised Ann.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas SHUKER, baptised Mary Ann.
A son of Mr. James ROSS, baptised George Charles.

May 9th 1837: Henry HASLAM, aged 29 years.
May 11: James JOHNSTONE, seaman, aged 26 years.

Watchmaker and Jeweller
No.5 Keizersgracht, Corner of Grave-street
Begs to inform his friends and the public that the strictest attention is paid to all Articles in the above Line entrusted to his care, either in being made or repaired. He also begs to state that in addition to his former Stock, he has received by the Madras from London a very handsome investment, consisting of fine Gold Earrings, Brooches; Diamond, Pearl and Enamel Rings, Lockets, Crosses, Studs, Gentlemen’s Gold and Silver Guard Chains, Gold and Silver Patent Pencils, and a variety of other Articles, all of the latest fashion and very best quality.

Saturday 20 May 1837

Day School for Young Ladies
Mrs. Bertha BRINK begs leave to announce to the public that she has opened a day School for the instruction of young Ladies in all kinds of Needlework, at 56 Dorp-street, near Dr. Louis LIESCHING’s. Mrs. B begs to state that she is perfectly acquainted, not only with all the branches of Needlework, useful and ornamental, which are in vogue here, but will likewise instruct in several other species of artful and ornamental work of that kind, which, though much admired and in fashion on Continental Europe, she has not as yet found to be known here.
Mrs. B hopes through an assiduous attention to the instruction of the children entrusted to her charge, and more especially through a constant and anxious regard to their morals and manners, to obtain a share of public patronage.
Hours of attendance from 9 to 12, and from 2 to 5.
Terms: 4 Rds per month.

Wednesday 24 May 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 22nd May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George WELCH to Miss Johanna Maria REEDER

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 22nd May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain
A son of Ewan CHRISTIAN Esq, baptised Edward Okes.
A daughter of the late Mr. Johannes Gregorius BAM, baptised Johanna Elizabeth Sophia.
A son of Mr. Thomas VENN, baptised John.

May 17the 1837: Joseph Charles Pope, son of Joseph STURGIS Esq, aged 5 months.

Wednesday 31 May 1837

On Friday morning last, before day-break, the Inhabitants of Wynberg were alarmed by the rapid approach of fire; which, having been communicated to the bushes near Protea, was conveyed by a strong South-westerly wind to the adjoining woods in the rear of Mr. STEUART’s, Col. ROGERS’, Mr. HAMILTON’s and Mr. VAN OUDTSHOORN’s Premises, all of which were in imminent danger; but the progress of the flames was happily checked in this direction about 6 o’clock, by the exertions of the inhabitants and their neighbours. The fire soon after took the direction of Mr. DREYER’s house, some of the outbuildings of which were, we understand, several times on fire; but the flames were fortunately extinguished before any serious injury was sustained by the buildings.
A party of HM 27th Regt arrived from Cape Town about 7 o’clock, and afforded most valuable assistance in arresting the progress of the conflagration, which at one time threatened to destroy a large portion of the village.

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 29th May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Robert Thompson ROBERTSON to Miss Mary FAULKNER

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 29th May 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. John HIGGS, baptised Sarah.

May 25th 1837: Mr. Francis STANLEY, aged 61 years.

Saturday 3 June 1837

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 31st May 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Martha Margaretha BESTBIER, deceased Spouse of Hermanus DE GOEDE; and Beatrix Hendrina RUST, deceased Spouse of Edward Albertus BOCKLE, both of Zwartland, in the District of Stellenbosch, are required to take notice that the said Martha Margaretha BESTBIER and Beatrix Hendrina RUST died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday 11th July next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estates of such deceased Persons as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the Deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 31st May 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Petrus Cornelis VERMEULEN, late of Winterveld in the District of Coleberg, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Petrus Cornelis VERMEULEN died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and surviving Widow Hendrina Johanna MARAIS, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Colesberg, on Tuesday the 11th July next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the Deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 31st May 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johanna Christina GOTSCHALK, widow of Paul OPPEL, late of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Johanna Christina GOTSCHALK, widow of Paul OPPEL, died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday 11th July next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 7 June 1837

Mrs. SLOMAN, Linen Draper, Haberdasher and Milliner, respectfully announces to her friends and the public that she has removed her Shop and Establishment from No.12 Longmarket-street to No.24 Heeregracht, opposite George’s Hotel; in so doing, Mrs. S cannot refrain from publicly expressing her thanks for the kind and liberal patronage hitherto afforded her, and confidently trusts in an increased continuance of the same; pledging herself the Articles she will have the honor of submitting, shall be such as to merit the approbation and well known taste of this Metropolis.
Mrs. SLOMAN begs leave to state she has added to her Stock per late Arrivals, a few rich figured Irish Poplins, rich figured and plain Satins; plain, figured and checked Gros-de-Naples and Luststrings, Blond Gauze Dresses and Sleeves, Tulle and Blond Edgings and Falls, a few rich Shawls, Ladies’ and Children’s Silk and Satin Bonnets, Dress and Morning Caps, and Head Dresses, Brides and Ruffs, embroidered Collars and Capes, Artificial Flowers, Children’s Kerseymere and Merino Dresses; Baby Linen in great variety; French and English Merinos; Ribbons, Shoes, Gloves &C
3rd June 1837

Saturday 10 June 1837

MARRIED at George on the 28th May, Thomas J. MELVILLE Esq to Eliza Jane, second daughter of the late Captain Walter HARDING

M.E. HURLY respectfully announces to the Inhabitants of Cape Town and its Vicinity that he has commenced Business in the House, No.13 St.George’s-street, (formerly occupied by Mr. WILLIAMS) as a Hosier, Haberdasher, Silk Mercer, Milliner and Dress-maker, with a well assorted and useful Stock in the above Line, which he trusts, upon inspection, will merit a share of their patronage.
Mrs. HURLY, from her experience in London as a Milliner and Dress-maker, hopes to afford Ladies favouring her with their patronage, every satisfaction.
M.E. HURLY also has convenient Apartments to Let (which he has no objection to furnish, if required); they are well adapted for a private or professional Gentleman, or as a Merchant’s Counting-house.

Wednesday 14 June 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 12th June 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Thomas Wilkinson ELLIOTT Esq, baptised Charles Forbes McKenzie.

Saturday 17 June 1837

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 13th June 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of James CAHILL, Barrack Sergeant, late of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take notice that the said James CAHILL died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 25th July next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Wednesday 21 June 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 19th June 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John ROSS, baptised Robert Irwin.

May 3rd 1837: At sea, Miss Catherine Letitia BRERETON, aged 11 years.
June 15th: Thomas HARVEY, aged 58 years.

Wednesday 28 June 1837

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 26th June 1837 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Peter TONKIN, baptised Christopher Robert.
A daughter of Mr. Samuel RANDALL, baptised Emily Margaret.
A son of Charles BUSH, baptised Charles.

June 21st 1837: Mr. William ROBERTS, aged 37 years 5 months and 27 days.

Saturday 1 July 1837

DEATH at the age of 33, Mrs. Catherine Mary Ann, the wife of Mr. John YOUNGER, Surgeon &c at Uitenhage, after a short illness.
22nd June 1837

“Birmingham, May 2nd 1836
Sir, My daughter has been in a very declining state for the last twelve months, and was pronounced in a consumption by her medical attendant, who stated that she could not last through another spring; as he gave me no hopes of her life, and being advised by a friend, who had received great benefit from the use of your Pills when declared in a consumption, I determined to give them a trial, and am now happy beyond measure to state this fact to you, that upon commencing with two or three and sometimes four every night, her sleep, after a few nights, returned to her, and about a month after taking the Pills regularly her cough gradually got better, her appetite returned, and she is now quite well. You are at liberty to make any use you please of this letter, and my only wish is that all persons consumptively inclined would give your Pills that trial I am so convinced they deserve.
I am Sir you very obedient and obliged servant
An immense number of cures and testimonials in favour of these Pills may be seen at any of the Agents.
In consequence of the most unparalleled success, and the wonderfully increasing sale of Brandreth’s Vegetable Pills, his Majesty’s Honourable Commission of Stamps have allowed the Proprietor (by express permission) to have his name on the Government label; and the Public will observe that none are genuine unless “Geo. HODGKINSON, Aldersgate-street” is engraved on the stamp, to counterfeit which is felony.
To be had of every respectable Medicine Vendor.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 27th June 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Willem Meintjes VAN DEN BERG Sen, late of Cradock, deceased, are required to take notice that the said Willem Meintjes VAN DEN BERG Sen. died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the Deceased, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Cradock, on Tuesday the 8th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased person as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the Deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 27th June 1837
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Hester Anthoinetta VAN STADEN, deceased wife of Ignatius Wilhelmus FERREIRA, and of Anna Maria STRYDOM, deceased wife of Stephanus GOUWS Sen, of the Uitenhage District, are required to take notice that the said Hester Anthoinetta VAN STADEN, deceased wife of Ignatius Wilhelmus FERREIRA, died without having appointed any Person to be her Executor; and that the said Anna Maria STRYDOM, deceased wife of Stephanus GOUWS Sen, died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husbands, and all others whom these presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Uitenhage, on Tuesday the 8th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased persons as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the minor Heirs of the Deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

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