South African Commercial Advertiser 1841 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 2 October 1841
BIRTH this morning, the lady of Lt-Col. William Gordon McKENZIE of a son.
Strand-street, Wednesday 29th September 1841
On Wednesday last arrived in Table Bay the ship Hero of Malown, bound to Sydney, Christpher JACKSON commander, eleven weeks from Portsmouth, having on board the following cabin passengers; Jas. ALEXANDER Esq, wife daughter, governess and servant; T. SKINNER Esq, wife, child and servant; B. SIMMS Esq, daughter and son; Jas. THOMPSON Esq, wife and three daughters; J.W. BRITTERS Esq, surgeon; 41 intermediate and steerage passengers – one of this number is Mr. Wm. GRAHAM, a very intelligent engineer, having under his care 32 adults and children sent out by the Australian Mining Company, intended to work the coal mines at Newcastle. We are much indebted to the Captain for his nautical skill in conducting the vessel into harbour, after encountering many adverse winds and much thick weather. We have great pleasure in stating that the passengers and crew appear in good health. Great credit is due to the Medical Gentleman for his skill and attention to such as were sick, several of whom laboured under severe indisposition, but are now restored to health. And we feel great pleasure also in asserting that a more agreeable and pleasant party could not be in a cabin on board ship.
Saturday 9 October 1841
In St.George’s Church on Saturday 18th September by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Mr. Abiam TUBB, widower, to Miss Mary Ann SAUNDERS
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 4th October by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Richard CLARKE, baptised Matthias O’Bryant.
A son of Mr. Thomas James WELCH, baptised Thomas James.
In the Roman Catholic Church, Sept 26:
A daughter of Joseph REAN, baptised Elizabeth.
October 1st: Mrs. Sarah Johanna McKENZIE, wife of Wm. Gordon McKENZIE Esq, Lieut-Colonel Bengal Army, aged 35 years.
October 2nd: George REDSDELL, native of St.Helena, aged 25 years.
October 3rd: Henry Richard, son of Mr. Henry STEWART, aged 27 days.
October 7th: Margaret, wife of O.G. FEHRSZEN Esq MD, aged 19 years.
MARRIED on Monday the 4th October in the Dutch Reformed Church by the Rev A. Faure BD, Mr. James Philip McLACHLANG to Miss Margaret RUTGERS, daughter of the late Mr. J. RUTGERS.
DIED at Cape Town on the 7th instant, Margaret RAE, the beloved wife of O.G. FEHRSZEN Esq, MD, aged 19 years. The deceased was the only surviving child of the late Nelson RAE Esq, MD, of Gatehouse of Fleet, in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, Scotland.
Cape Town, 8th October 1841
Wednesday 13 October 1841
MARRIED on Tuesday last in the Independent Chapel, Cape Town, by the Rev Henry Calderwood, Mr. Richard Prince SOLOMON to Miss Anne McKenzie Neilson STUART, daughter of the late W.G. STUART Esq of Edinburgh.
Cape Town, 13th Oct 1841.
MARRIED (by Special Licence) on Tuesday 12th October 1841 in the Dutch Reformed Church by the Rev J. Spyker, Fredrik Russouw TESSELAAR Esq to Miss Cornelia Sophia BLANCKENBERG.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 11th October by the Rev E.P. Blunt AM, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry FARMER to Miss Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Catherina VAN WILLING.
Mr. Andries George Hendrick L’Amour DE MANIELLY to Christina Johanna WITTING.
October 8th: Elizabeth Caroline Anne, daughter of Godfrey RAWSTORNE Esq, aged 4 months and 10 days.
Oct 10th: Mr. Benjamin Gillam KIFT, aged 45 years.
Saturday 16 October 1841
MARRIED by Special Licence in the Lutheran Church on Monday 11th October 1841 by the Rev J.M. Kloek Van Staveren, Mr. Nicolaas BAMBERGER to Miss Anna Wilhelmina, third daughter of Mr. J.F.G. PIETERSEN.
Saturday 23 October 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 18th October by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Mr. Heinrich Gabriel MOLLER to Miss Maria Emerentia DRURY.
In the Roman Catholic Church, October 8:
A son of John Adam BAYER, baptised John Charles.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 18th October by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of John Joseph MABILLE Esq, baptised Maria Charlotte.
Oct 12: Joseph HUMBERT, aged 64 years.
Oct 16: William LUCK, aged 30 years.
Wednesday 27 October 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 25th October by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A son of William Gordon McKENZIE Esq, Lieut-Colonel Bengal Army, baptised Robert Pattle.
A son of Mr. Robert Tate ROBERTSON, baptised William Dunbar.
A son of the late William LUCK, baptised John William Thomas.
Saturday 30 October 1841
Departed this Life, in her 60th year, at one o’clock this morning, Mrs. Hester Aletta BAILEY, wife of Dr. Samuel BAILEY RN, and only surviving child of the late John Gysbertus VAN REENEN Esq, late of Strand-street.
Cape Town, 29th Oct 1841.
DIED at Oatlands, near Graham’s Town, on the 18th instant, Caroline, second daughter of Lieut-Colonel SOMERSET. This very amiable and accomplished young lady was only in her 20th year. Her death was sudden, caused, as we learn, by a determination of blood to the brain, of which the only symptom, to within an hour or so of her death, seems to have been a slight head-ache. Such events are striking; they speak very directly to the heart. Happily in this case the tone of the sufferer’s mind had disarmed even sudden death of its terrors. She is followed to the grave by natural tears, but they are such as a “better hope” deprives of bitterness, and will finally wipe away:
“On the cold cheek of Death smiles and roses are blending,
And beauty immortal awakes from the tomb!”
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Oct 22: A daughter of Patrick DALY, baptised Jane.
Oct 24: A daughter of Mr. Michael GRIFFIN, baptised Mary Ellen.
Oct 25: A daughter of James W. SHORT, baptised Eliza.
Wednesday 3 November 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday 1st November by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Mr. John WRIGHT to Miss Maria Cornelia Leonora SMITH.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 1st November by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of Donald MOODIE Esq, baptised Caroline Maria Mackenzie.
A son of Charles Meredith WELSFORD Esq, baptised Samuel Oliver.
A son of Mr. John DYASON, baptised Edwin Charles.
A son of Mr. John Louis BAUMANN, baptised John Louis William.
A son of Mr. James CURLEWIS, baptised Harry Charles.
A son of Mr. Jerrard DALTON, baptised John Peter Daniel.
October 24: Mr. Thomas SITON, aged 65 years.
October 27: Joseph Antonie DE CASTRIE, seaman, aged 37 years.
October 29: Mrs. Hester Aletta BAILEY, wife of Dr. Samuel BAILEY RN, aged 60 years.
October 30: Mrs. Charlotte HOLLOWAY, aged 52 years and 6 months.
MARRIED by Special Licence in the Lutheran Church on Thursday the 28th Oct 1841 by the Rev J.M. Kloek Van Staveren, Mr. George C. WOLHUTER to Miss Maria Jacoba RICHERT.
Saturday 6 November 1841
In the Roman Catholic Church, Oct 31:
A son of Capt. ROOME, baptised James Edward.
Wednesday 10 November 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday 8th November by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of Johannes W.B.A. STUCKERIS Esq, baptised Louisa Anna Sophia.
A daughter of Mr. John GUNNING, baptised Catherine Helena.
A son of George Jury JACOBS, baptised William Johannes.
Nov 1st: William DOYLE, seaman, aged 37 years.
Nov 2nd: George W. GARDNER, aged 40 years.
Saturday 13 November 1841
In St.Francis Church Simon’s Town by the Rev E. Judge AM:
Oct 25: Joseph HUXTABLE to Jane Elizabeth INGLIS.
Nov 8: John WILLIAMS to Eva.
In St.Francis Church Simon’s Town by the Rev E. Judge AM:
Oct 25: A son of Isaac FELIX, baptised Leynard.
At Simon’s Town:
Oct 10: James McMINN, aged 33 years and 9 months.
Oct 22: James WESTER, aged 46 years.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 5th November 1841
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Albertus Johannes Nicolaas NEL, late of the District of Clanwilliam, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow Christina Susanna Elizabeth STEENKAMP, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Clanwilliam, on Saturday the 18th September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative to the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court
Wednesday 17 November 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 15th November by the Rev Geo Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Daniel MILLS, baptised Daniel James.
A daughter of Mr. John Mitchell BROWN Jun, baptised Charlotte Susanna.
A daughter of Capt. James SCOTT, baptised Jane Mary.
A son of Mr. John WEINMAN, baptised John George.
Nov 7th: Catherine GEORGE, aged 15 years.
Nov 14th: John MAWSON, seaman, aged 21 years.
Nov 14th: James TURNER, seaman, aged 37 years.
MARRIED at the new church Robben Island on Tuesday the 16th November by the Rev T.A. Blair, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain, Thomas Percival TOUZEL Esq of HM 27th Regiment, to Alicia Mary, only daughter of Captain WOLFE, Commandant of Robben island.
Wednesday 24 November 1841
In the Roman Catholic Church, Nov 8:
Louis MYE to Christina AFRICA.
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 22nd November by the Rev Geo Hough MA:
A son of Mr. John COOPER, baptised John Kenne.
An adult person, native of the Cape, baptised Sarah Caroline, surname FIN.
In the English Church, Rondebosch by the Rev J. Fry RN:
Oct 28: A son of William HAWKINS Esq, baptised William.
Nov 14: An adult, native of this Colony, baptised Wilhelmina, surname DE KOCK.
Nov 14: A son of Frederic ROACH, baptised William James.
Nov 21: A son of Nicholas W. MEYER Esq, baptised Mary Ann Cecilia Ogilvie.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Nov 8: An adult girl, native of the Cape, baptised Christina.
Nov 17: A son of Mr. R.J. CARDINAL, baptised Christopher Timothy.
Nov 18: Elizabeth Seldon, daughter of Mr. Robert SPENCE, aged 2 months and 28 days.
Nov 19: Edward SMITH, seaman, aged 56 years.
Saturday 27 November 1841
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Nov 21: A son of Joshua SMYTH, baptised John.
Nov 21: A son of Mr. J. BARRY, baptised Joseph.
DIED on Thursday Nov 25, aged 51 years, months, days [sic], Mr. Robert SHEARER, native of Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 23rd November 1841
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Jacobus Adriaan VICTOR, of the Worcester District, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Worcester, on Saturday the 8th January next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court
Wednesday 1 December 1841
Mrs. Anna Maria SHEARER, widow of the late Mr. Robert SHEARER, begs to return her sincere thanks to the Friends of the Deceased, as also to the Members of the Club he belonged to, for their numerous attendance at his funeral on Saturday last.
No. 48 Market-square.
Saturday 4 December 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday 29th November by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
Charles Chaplin BROWN to Johanna Catharina Wilhelmina LEHMAN
In St.George’s Church on Monday 29th November by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. George FINDLAY, baptised Emily Durham.
A son of Mr. Neil More McINTYRE, baptised Francis William Neil.
Nov 25: Mr.. Robert SHEARER, aged 51 years.
Wednesday 8 December 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday 6th December by the Rev Geo. Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Samuel BARKER, baptised Ann Rebecca.
Angel Dispensary
No.28. formerly 87, Loop-street, Cape Town
A fresh supply of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Preparations, and English Patent Medicines, such as are most in use in this Colony, have been received, and are for sale at very moderate prices. Price Lists for the Profession in the Interior may be obtained on application.
Saturday 11 December 1841
MARRIED in the Reformed Church on Tuesday the 7th December, Mr. Carolus Johannes VILLET to Miss Johanna Helena Catharina KLARCK.
Saturday 18 December 1841
By Special Licence
In St.George’s Church on Wednesday 15th Dec by the Rev George Hough MA:
Lieut. John Whitley STOKES, M.N.I. to Miss Wilhelmina Hendrina BORCHERDS
A son of Mr. Allen TAYLOR, baptised Christian John.
A daughter of the late Mr. Bayly DYASON, baptised Mary Jane.
A daughter of Mr. Geo. HOLLOWAY, baptised Susanna Berry.
A daughter of Mr. Nathaniel LOCKE, baptised Jane.
A son of Mr. Henry CORLESS, baptised Thomas Henry.
A daughter of Mr. James ARNOLD, baptised Louisa Jane.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Dec 4: A daughter of Mr. C. SPYKE, baptised Mary Ann.
Dec 5: A son of Mr. T.S. ROSS, baptised Tom.
Dec 12: A daughter of James FLANIGAN, baptised Catherine.
Dec 13: Anne, daughter of Mr. G.F. FADDY, aged 3 years.
DIED suddenly at the Hermitage near Swellendam, on Saturday the 11th inst, in consequence of a fall from his horse, John Foulis GOODWIN Esq, within a few days of attaining his 70th year, deeply regretted by all who knew him, and most beloved by those who knew him best.
14th Dec 1841
BIRTH on the 10th instant, the lady of Assistant Commissary General TROTTER of a daughter.
Wednesday 22 December 1841
In St.George’s Church on Wednesday 18th Dec by the Rev George Hough MA:
By Special Licence
Fitzherbert CODDINGTON Esq, Captain in HM 40th Regt, to Miss Jane La Vallin TRELAWNY.
Thomas John FEAD Esq to Miss Pauline Jane Baynes WHITE.
On Monday 20th Dec by the same:
Michael MURRAY to Susannah MUNN
In St.George’s Church on Monday the 20th December by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Edward EAGAR Esq, baptised Henry Charles.
A son of Mr. John GALLOWAY, baptised George.
A son of Mr. William Henry John JERROM, baptised Henry John.
A daughter of Mr. Matthew GREEN, baptised Jane Rebecca.
A daughter of Hamlett PETER, baptised Matilda Margaret.
A son of Samuel GEORGE, baptised Samuel.
Two adult persons, natives of this Colony, baptised Gerrard and James, surname BREDENKAMP.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday 19th Dec by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Mr. Robert CALTON, baptised John Maxwell.
Dec 14: John EDWARDS, aged 43 years.
MARRIAGE on Saturday the 18th inst at cape Town by Special Licence, Thomas John FEAD Esq, son of Colonel George FEAD C.B. Grenadier Guards, to Pauline Jane Baynes, youngest daughter of Captain John Lewis WHITE and grand-daughter of major-General John WHITE.
Married on Saturday the 18th inst by Special Licence at St.George’s Church, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, by the Rev. George Hough AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain, Fitzherbert CODDINGTON Esquire, Captain HM 40th Regt, third son of the late Nicholas CODDINGTON of Old Bridge House in the County of Meath, Esquire, and nephew of the late Viscount ALLEN, to Jane La Vallin TRELAWNY, youngest daughter of the Honorable Col. TRELAWNY R.A., the newly appointed Governor of St.Helena, and niece of Sir William TRELAWNY Bart, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornwall.
The beautiful young bride, chastely arrayed in spotless white, arrived at Church at 6pm in His Excellency’s State Coach, and was received by a large assemblage of fashionables, among whom we observed His Excellency Sir George and Lady NAPIER, Sir John WYLDE, Chief Justice of the Colony, Lieut-Col. CLOETE, D.Q.M.Gen, Col. LEWIS, Commandant, &c. The centre aisle of the Church and the Organ Gallery were occupied by elegantly dressed ladies.
After the ceremony the parties retired to the Vestry, where His Excellency Sir George NAPIER and Sir John WYLDE attested the marriage. After dinner, at which a large party met, the happy and accomplished pair left Cape Town for Liesbeek Cottage, to spend a short time at that delightful retreat previous to their embarkation for India.
On Monday morning Capt. CODDINGTON and his lovely Bride, accompanied by Col. TRELAWNY and a train of gay friends, went on board the splendid ship ‘Edinburgh’, which was superbly dressed with flags, the whole presenting the most lively and pleasing spectacle that has been witnessed at the Cape for a considerable period.
Saturday 25 December 1841
Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that my dearly beloved Husband William Bevil PORTEOUS Esq departed this life in his 29th year at Parker’s Cottage, Rondebosch, yesterday, the 23rd instant, at 3 o’clock am, deeply regretted by his Widow, Family and Friends.
24th December 1841
Wednesday 29 December 1841
In St.George’s Church on Monday 27th Dec by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. William John KIRBY to Cecilia Antoinette JOHNSON.
Mr. William Thomas BOONE to Johanna Wendelena BEETS.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 27th Dec by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Donald CAMERON, baptised Alexander Hugh William Herman.
A son of David CHRISTIAN, baptised Charles David.
A native of Africa, baptised James, surname CROW.
Dec 19: Margaret LEADER, aged 57 years.
Dec 20: George FORD, aged 59 years.
Dec 23: John CROSLEY, seaman, aged 23 years.
Dec 25: Mary Ann RANSON, aged 22 years.
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