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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1844 - 2 - April to June

Wednesday 3 April 1844

DIED at Liesbeck Cottage, Rondebosch on 30th March, Charles BROAD Esq of Bristol, aged 31 years.

DIED at Rondebosch on the 1st instant, Cecillia Janet, the beloved daughter of Mr. James ROBERTSON, aged 2 years and 10 days.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 1st April by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Charles Henry COOK to Mrs Mary Ann CRESSWILL, widow.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 1st April by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Frederick Samuel Francis ROESCH, baptised Emily Elizabeth.

March 30th: Mr. Charles BROAD, aged 25 years.
March 31st: At Somerset Hospital, John SMALL, seaman, late of the Childe Harold, aged 30 years.

Wednesday 10 April 1844

Departed this Life on Friday morning the 5th inst, at his residence, Selkirk-street, after a long and painful illness which he bore with Christian resignation and patience, Mr. Gerrald BEGLEY, aged 72 years, a native of the County of Limerick, Ireland, and resident of this Colony during the last twenty-four years, much lamented by his Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, April 9th 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 8th April by the Rev George Hough MA:
Samuel DUDLEY to Elizabeth WATSON.

In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday the 7th April by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Mr. H. McLAUGHLAN, named Humphrey Henry.
A son of Mr. R.K. BROWN, named Hugh.
By the Rev Dr S.P. Heyns on Monday the 8th April:
A daughter of Mr. Petrus Johs. KOTZÉ, baptised Wilhelmina Anna.

3rd April: Thomas James S. KEMP, boatman, aged 41 years.
4th April: Henry John, son of Mr. Philip STIGANT, aged 1 year 8 months and 16 days.
5th April: Joseph, son of Joseph BRUMFIELD, aged 12 years and 5 months.
8th April: Louisa, daughter of Mr. Henry Felton DRINKWATER, aged 1 year and 3 months.

Saturday 13 April 1844

April 9th: Mrs. Mary HUMPHREYS, aged 55 years.
April 0th: George Edward Henry, son of Mr. Richd. BANKS, aged 2 years 1 month and 24 days.
In Somerset Hospital:
April 9th: Henry MURRAY, seaman, aged 25 years.

Wednesday 17 April 1844

BIRTH at Robben Island, April 13th, the lady of Captain WOLFE of a daughter.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 15th April by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Richard MOYLE to Miss Caroline Maria BROOME.
Mr. William WHITE to Miss Elizabeth COUCHER.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 15th April by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. John TAYLOR, baptised Hellen Catharine.
A daughter of Mr. Horatio Nelson CHASE, baptised Jennetta.
A daughter of Mr. Joseph BLOCKLEY, baptised Helena Johanna Josephina.

April 11th: Mr. John POTTON, Master Mariner, aged 49 years.

Saturday 20 April 1844

In the Roman Catholic Church
March 28: A daughter of Joseph Fernando DES DAMIDO, baptised Rosa Maria.
March 31: A son of John ANTONIO, baptised Joachim John.
April 1: A son of Cajetan PROENIATO, baptised Francis John.
April 15: A son of Daniel McNEILL, Serjeant 94th Regiment, baptised John.

In Somerset Hospital
April 13: Antonio WIELAND, aged 28 years.

DIED on Wednesday the 17th instant, Johannes Fredrick Cruywagen, son of Mr. William John GREGAN, aged 6 months and 1 day.
Cape Town, 19th April 1844

Wednesday 24 April 1844

BIRTH in Cape Town on the 22nd instant, Lady STOCKENSTROM of a son.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 22nd April by the Rev George Hough MA:

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 22nd April by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Joseph ROSS, baptised John Spivee Kennrth.
A daughter of Mr. Charles HAMERSLEY, baptised Mary Ellen.
An adult person, native of this colony, baptised Elizabeth Hannah, surname HOMMEL.

April 17th 1844: Johannes Frederick Cruywagen, son of Mr. William John GREGAN, aged 6 months and 1 day.
April 21st: Henry Frederick, son of Michael STUBBS, aged 1 year and 3 months.

Saturday 27 April 1844

BIRTH at Hope Cottage, Rondebosch, the lady of Arthur Aitchison SPIEK Esq of HM Ordinance Department, of a son.
26th April 1844

BIRTH, Mrs. John GRAHAM of a son, on the 24th instant.
Cape Town, April 26th 1844

In Union Chapel, Church-square on Sunday the 21st April by the Rev Dr Philip:
A son of Colonel ALEXANDER, of the Indian Army, baptised James William.

April 23: Ellen Selwyn Sophia Still, daughter of Capt. Wm. Douglas BELL, of the Schooner Conch, aged 1 year and 8 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
April 20: John MUDDEN, aged 44 years.
April 23: Cornelis KOCK (Porter of the Institution) aged 64 years.

Wednesday 1 May 1844

At a General Meeting of the Subscribers to this Company, held in the Town House, on Saturday the 20th instant, Harrison WATSON Esq in the Chair, the number of Shares taken was reported to be 320, whereupon it was resolved unanimously that the Provisional Directors be requested to frame the necessary Trust Deed for the establishment of the Company, to be submitted to the Shareholders on Saturday the 4th May for their approval; on which day the Lists of Applicants for Shares are to be closed. The meeting accordingly stands adjourned to the Day above named, at Noon precisely.
Provisional Chairman
Cape Town 22nd April 1844

In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 29th April by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Chas. Joseph FINDON, baptised Elizabeth Ellen.
A son of Mr. Robert Henry HOOPER, baptised Robert Henry.

April 25: Mr. Henry William BROTHERTON, aged 43 years and 4 months.

Saturday 4 May 1844

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 30th April 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Fredrik Hermanus RAAT, late of the Colesberg District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Colesberg, on Saturday the 15th June next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

In the Roman Catholic Church
April 29: Mr. John WASSEING to Miss Maria BOEL

In the Roman Catholic Church
April 21: A daughter of William FITZPATRICK, baptised Mary Anne.
April 22: A daughter of Mr. John BEGLEY, baptised Margaret Magdalena.
April 28: A son of Lawrence WALSH, baptised Richard.
April 28: A daughter of Hendrick DANIELS, baptised Maria Augusta.
April 29: A son of Mr. William MANNIX, baptised Henry.

In Somerset Hospital
April 27: Alexander ROSS, aged 38 years.

Wednesday 8 May 1844
In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 6th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of John ROSS Esq, baptised Ellen Hamilton.
A son of Robert IZAT Esq, baptised John Robert.
An adult person, native of this colony, baptised Hester Maria, surname STEYN.

May 1: Sophia Wilhelmina, daughter of Mr. Donald CAMERON, aged 11 years 1 month and 12 days.
May 7: George David, son of Mr. G.J. PIKE, aged 3 years and 4 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
May 1: Jane, negress apprentice, aged 16 years.

Saturday 11 May 1844

Dr. BAILEY presents his compliments to his Friends in Cape Town and its Environs, and to the Public in general, and informs them that the contemplated arrangement between Dr. REEDY and himself has not taken place, and that consequently he has resumed his Practice.
Long-street, 1 May 1844

MARRIED at Edinburgh on the 7th Feb by the Right Rev Bishop Terrot DD, Captain Duncan BUCHANAN of the Hon’ble East India Company’s Service, and of the Vale of Endric, cape of Good Hope, to Janetta, youngest daughter of the Hon. Lord ROBERTSON.

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 8th instant, at St.Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, by the Rev G. Morgan, Mr. John MARSHALL, Commander of the Ship ‘Haidee’, to Miss Sarah Australia LEE, eldest daughter of the late Edward LEE Esq of Sydney, New South Wales.

In St.John’s Church, Wynberg by the Rev Dr Okes:
Feb 12: Samuel BROODS to Sarah ELLIS
April 22: Frans G DURIEZ to Caroline Wilhelmina MEYER
April 25: Mr. Stephen GEE to Miss Mary Grace POLLEYBLACK? [second half of name obscured]

In St.John’s Church, Wynberg by the Rev Dr Okes:
March 31: two children of John JASMAN, baptised Phillip Michael and Barbora [sic] Maria.
April 17: A daughter of Robert Rolland COTTON Esquire MCS, baptised Jesse Sophia.
April 22: An adult, baptised Caroline Wilhelmina.
April 22: Three children of Frans George DURIEZ, baptised Caroline Wilhelmina, Daniel Petrus and Andries Cooper.
May 5: A son of Peter MALARY, baptised William George.

May 8: Donald Henry Arthur McKenzie, son of Mr. Donald McKenzie CAMERON, aged 11 months and 26 days.
At the Pauper Asylum:
May 8: Hercules LINDSAY, aged 56 years.
At Wynberg:
May 4: A son of Thos. NORTON, aged 1 year 4 months and 4 days.

Wednesday 15 May 1844

By Special Licence
In the Scottish Church by the Rev G Morgan on Wednesday 8th May
John MARSHALL Esq, Commander of the Haidee, to Miss Sarah Australia LEE.

In the Scottish Church on Sunday 12th May by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Capt. William Douglas BELL of the Conch, baptised William Douglas.
In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 13th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. John KING, Inspector of Police, baptised William Moore.
A son of Mr. Henry BUTLER, baptised Edward Mockett.

Saturday 18 May 1844

BIRTH at Swellendam on the 18th May, Mrs. William VAN DER BYL of a daughter.

BIRTH at Swellendam on the 20th April, Mrs. Dr. ROBERTSON of a son; baptised on the 12th May and named Thomas Chalmers.

All Persons having any claim on the Estate of Ralph Philip ROBINSON, late of Wynberg, are desired to send in their Accounts to the Rev Dr OKES before the First of July next.
Wynberg 17 May 1844

In Rondebosch Church on Sunday the 12th May by the Rev J Fry:
A daughter of Mr. Joseph DICKS, baptised Sarah Matilda
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E Judge AM;
April 8: A daughter of John WARD, baptised Alley.
May 2: A son of Thomas TYERS, baptised Thomas.
May 13: A son of Thomas WILLETT, baptised Thomas.

At Simon’s Town:
April 21: Christian Martinus ABRAMSE, aged 7 months and 20 days.
April 29: Alley WARD, aged 29 days.
May 13: James COUGHLAN, aged 48 years.

DIED at Wynberg on Monday 13th May 1844, Ralph Philip ROBINSON Esq, aged 31 years, formerly Commander of the Delhi.

Wednesday 22 May 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 20th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
Robert HUEY to Clara Wilhelmina THOMAS

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 20th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. William GILLMAN, baptised William.
A daughter of the late Mr. James CLARE, baptised Henrietta.
A son of Mr. Peter BROWN, baptised Peter John.
A daughter of Robert HUEY, baptised Ann Elizabeth.
In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street on Sunday the 19th May by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A son of Mr. Richard WATTS, baptised Joseph Thomas.

Wednesday 29 May 1844

DIED at Cape Town on the 22nd instant, aged 48 years, Mrs. Ann BURNETT, of Uitenhage, widow of the late Capt. BURNETT of the 54th Regt, deeply lamented.

DIED this morning at 10 o’clock, my beloved Husband Hermanus Gerhardus KEEVE (after a confinement of nearly 18 months to a sick bed), aged 52 years, 2 months and 22 days, lamented by myself and two children. I trust in the goodness of the Almighty for support under this visitation of his unsearchable Providence.
Zwart River, Place Rust en Vrede
26th May 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Friday the 24th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. John Haynes BUTLER to Miss Mary Ann GRIGGS
In the Roman Catholic Church:
May 13: Gaspard Philip DE SCANDER to Wilhelmina Catherine STEEL.
May 20: Mr. Francis HUNT, Sub Inspector of Police, to Mrs. Susan SUTTON.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 27th May by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. John CULLIS, baptised Sophia Ann.
A daughter of Mr. Richard R. PARKINSON, baptised Mary Ann Isabella.
In the Episcopal Church, Long-street on Sunday the 26th May by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A son of Mr. Daniel MILLS, baptised Walter Herbert.
A son of Mr. Arthur Aitchison SPECK, baptised William James.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
May 11: A daughter of Patrick CURRAN, private 45th Regt, baptised Catharine.
May 19: A daughter of Peter MACLEGUNN, corporal 45th Regt, baptised Mary Anne.
May 19: A daughter of Michael JACOBS, baptised Maria Johanna.

May 25: Alfred Lewis Hermanus, son of Mr. John Mitchell BROWN Junr, aged 10 months and 19 days.
In Somerset Hospital:
May 20: Samuel Lewis BROWN ,aged 23 years.

Saturday 1 June 1844

MARRIED at Glenthorn Church by the Rev R Niven, on the 29th April 1844, the Rev John Forbes CUMMING of the Glasgow Mission, Caffraria, to Catherine, eldest daughter of John PRINGLE Esq of Glenthorn, Mancazana, District of Somerset.

BIRTH at Green Point on Monday 27th inst, Mrs. J.T. BLORE of a daughter.

Wednesday 5 June 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 3rd June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Edward JACKSON to Miss Helen LAUDER

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 3rd June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. William Thomas BOONE, baptised William Beets.
A son of Mr. George Edward ROSS, baptised John Richard.
A daughter of Mr. John HOWES, baptised Susanna.

In Somerset Hospital:
May 31st 1844: Edmund TASKAR, aged 25 years.

Saturday 8 June 1844

DIED yesterday, the 7th instant, Margaret Gray, fourth daughter of Mr. Henry HEWITT, aged 6 years and 6 months.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 4th June 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Ignatius Stephanus FERREIRA, late of the Uitenhage District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow Geertruida Sophia FERREIRA, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Uitenhage on Tuesday the 16th July next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court

In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday the 26th May by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. James RAPIER, baptised Elizabeth Catherine.

June 3: Laura Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Joseph Henry FISHER, aged 3 years and 5 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
June 4: Archibald WILSON, aged 32 years.

Wednesday 12 June 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 10th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Francis Janson WEBSTER to Miss Alice FREEMAN
Mr. Fredrick Jan Carel BARENDS to Miss Jane Margaret THOMSON

In the Scottish Church on Sunday 9th June by the Rev Mr Bowie:
A son of Mr. John CALTON, baptised James.
In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 10th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. William Henry John JERROM, baptised Johanna Christina.
A daughter of Mr. Charles Elkanah WATCHEM, baptised Clara Augusta.

June 8th: Elizabeth Ellen Isabel, daughter of Mr. Allen TAYLOR, aged 1 year and 2 months.
June 11th: Tullis Roeland, son of Edward EAGAR Esq, aged 9 months.
At Somerset Hospital:
June 6th: Mary Anne ROLFE, aged 19 years.
June 7th: Jacob PALMLIEF, aged 39 years.
June 7th: Pierre DUMONLIN, aged 70 years.
June 8th: Mary Anne DOWNS, aged 23 years.

Saturday 15 June 1844

In the first page of today’s paper the reader will find a List of Subscriptions for erecting a Place of Worship in Harrington-street, Cape Town, in connection with the Colonial Church Society. The situation chosen is convenient for a dense English and Irish population, among whom the evangelical labors of the Rev Mr BLAIR, whose piety and earnestness are so well known, are likely to prove highly beneficial. Such undertakings are always liberally patronised by the people of this town and neighbourhood, and it is hoped that with aid from other quarters the sum required for the completion of this Church will soon be made up.

In the Roman Catholic Church:
June 9: A son of Mr. David BEGLEY, baptised David Eugenius.
June 9: A son of Joachim LEITE, baptised Antonio.

May 12: John Henry, son of Mr. John HOUSTON, aged one year and eight months.
In the Pauper Asylum:
June 12: William WOODMAN, aged 64 years.
In Somerset Hospital:
June 13: Thomas RENSHAW, aged 36 years.

Wednesday 19 June 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 17th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Thomas BIRD, Sergeant HM 45th Regt, to Miss Loveday MARSHALL.
On Tuesday 18th June by the same:
Mr. John Henry BEACH to Miss Eliza ELLIOTT

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 17th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Richard VIPPOND, baptised Catherine Webster.
A son of Mr. Thomas PIERCE, baptised Thomas James.
A son of Mr. William BENTLEY, baptised William Osborne.
A son of Mr. Joseph PURDON, baptised David.

June 14th: Henry, son of Mr. John Curtis WOODMAN, aged 5 days.
June 16th: Lieutenant Henry TAYLOR, 5th Regt, Madras Native Light Infantry, aged 22 years.
June 16th: Mrs. Elizabeth POWELL, wife of Mr. Benjamin POWELL, aged 51 years.
June 18th: Mary Ann Sarah, daughter of Mr. Alfred Henry NITCH, aged 3 days.

Saturday 22 June 1844

BIRTH at Rompe Valley on the 20th instant, Mrs. John BUCHANAN of a son.

DIED on the 16th June instant, in Cape Town, in the 51st year of her age, Elizabeth, the Wife of Benjamin POWELL, from Shropshire in England, deeply deplored, not only by her Husband and Family but by all who had known her through Life.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Wednesday the 19th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Michael BENJAMIN Esq to Miss Amelia MARCUS.

In Rondebosch Church by the Rev J Fry:
June 2: A son of Jack BAAMFULLA, baptised Thomas.
June 11: A daughter of Mr, John Arnoldus LOCKE, baptised Rachel Elizabeth.

May 12: John Henry, son of Mr. John HOUSTON, aged 1 year and 8 months.

Wednesday 26 June 1844

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 24th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
Samuel DOWNING to Mary Ann DUNCKLEY.
In the Scottish Church, Cape Town on Tuesday the 20th June 1844 by the Rev Geo Morgan:
Mr. John Murray AITCHESON to Miss Caroline GILMER.
By the same, on Thursday 22 June:
Mr. Charles TAYLOR, widower, to Miss Henrietta Ann PAGE.

In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Monday the 24th June by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Thomas George ALEXANDER, baptised Frederick Richard Groom.
A daughter of Mr. Edward SMITH, baptised Susan.
A son of Mr. Gerhardus Johannes LE ROES, baptised Thomas Gerhardus.
A daughter of Mr. Stephen HOMMEL, baptised Wilhelmina Mary.
By the Rev J Philip DD on Tuesday 25th June:
A son of Mr. George James PIKE, baptised James Henry.

June 23rd: John ANDREWS, aged 35 years.
June 24th: Mrs. Esther Barnes BLAND, wife of Mr. John James BLAND, aged 44 years.
In Somerset Hospital:
June 21st: Henry WATSON, late an apprentice on board the ‘Velox, aged 17 years.

DIED at Cape Town on the 15th June 1844, the Rev James STEPHEN of Edinburgh, aged 30 years.

Saturday 29 June 1844

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 25th June 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors Margaret Magdalena Elisabeth Susanna WESSELS, wife of James William MILLER, of the District of Beaufort, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, in the Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Tuesday the 6th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 25th June 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Cornelia Margaretha ZELIE, deceased wife of Gerrit Jacobus Emelius COETZE, of the George District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, George, on Wednesday the 7th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

Master’s Office, Cape Town, 25th June 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Glaudina Magdalena MAREE, widow of Daniel Petrus LE ROUX, late of the Caledon District, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Caledon, on Wednesday the 7th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.

In Somerset Hospital:
June 25: Matilda GOUGH, aged 29 years.

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