South African Commercial Advertiser 1844 - 4 - October to December
Wednesday 2 October 1844
BIRTH at Rondebosch on the 27th ulto, Mrs. James SEARIGHT of a daughter.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 30th September by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Jonah William BREWER to Miss Anne DALTON.
Mr. John BROWN to Miss Jemima BAGSHAW.
On Tuesday the 1st October by the same:
Mr. William John HOATH to Miss Charlotte Lecand TAYLOR.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 30th September by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. George WHITLEY, baptised George Henry.
A Foundling, adopted son of Mr. George SOREY, baptised George Coenraad Allen.
Saturday 5 October 1844
In Rondebosch Church on Monday 30th September by the Rev J Fry:
Thomas WINN to Catherine KELLER.
In Rondebosch Church on Sunday 29th September by the Rev J Fry:
A daughter of Carl BICHER, baptised Sarah Sophia.
Sept 30: Thomas BOSWELL, mate of the cutter Albatross, aged 22 years.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 1st October 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johan Diederich Bernhard NEVELING, late of the Uitenhage District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Uitenhage, on Tuesday the 12th November next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 1st October 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johanna Louisa DE VILLIERS, late of the Paarl, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Paarl, on Tuesday the 12th November next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 1st October 1844
The Paternal and Maternal Relations of the Minor Children of Stephanus HAUBTFLEISCH (Insolvent) and his Wife Margaretha Magdalena ROSSOUW, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Paternal and Maternal Relations of the said Minors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Paarl, on Tuesday the 5th November next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to propose some Person or Persons to be, by the said Magistrate, reported to the said Master, as fit and proper to be by him appointed Tutor or Tutors Dative of the said Minors, in the place and stead of Hendrik DREYER, deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 1st October 1844
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Dirk Johannes VAN SCHALKWYK, Theunis’ son, late of Matjes Fontein, in the District of Malmesbury, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow Sophia Catharina H. SMIT, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Malmesbury, on Tuesday the 12th November next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Wednesday 9 October 1844
The Undersigned begs to return thanks to the Public for patronage he has experienced since he commenced in the above Line, and being situated in the pleasantest part of the Village, he hopes by strict attention to merit a continuance of the Public favor.
Stellenbosch, Sept 23rd 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 7th October by the Rev George Hough MA:
John ROSS to Mary Ann DINAR.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 7th October by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. Jesse LOXTON, baptised Algernon Edgar.
A daughter of Mr. Francis Russell BRETT, baptised Sarah Francis.
A daughter of Mr. William Henry Fitzclarence JOHNSON, baptised Wilhelmina Maria Ann.
A son of Mr. William FISH, baptised James Adolphus.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas SEDERSTROM, baptised Maria Johanna Louisa.
A son of Mr. James JORDAN, baptised Henry Wilkinson.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised Johanna Catharina, surname PETERSEN.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised Frederica, surname RYNHOUD.
Oct 3rd: Louisa Anna Sophia, daughter of Johannes W.B.A. STUCKERIS Esquire, aged 3 years.
Saturday 12 October 1844
BIRTH, Mrs. A.N.E. CHANGUION of a son.
Wednesday 16 October 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 14th October by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. John TAIT, baptised Mary Ann.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised Sarah Louisa, surname KLYNSMITH.
In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street on Sunday the 13th October by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A daughter of Mr. John THORNE, baptised Rhoda.
Oct 10th: Charlotte, Wife of Mr. William Henry WYMAN, aged 56 years.
Saturday 19 October 1844
New Church of the Dutch Reformed Congregation
Such persons as are willing to Cover the Roof of the above-mentioned Church with Zinc are requested to apply, by Sealed tenders, addressed to the first Undersigned, before or on Monday the 21st October next. The Sample of the Zinc, and the Plan and Specification, are to be seen on application to the Architect, Jacob KRUTZMANN.
And BRINK C son
Cape Town, 28th September 1844
The great advantages of steam communication on our coast is strongly exemplified at the present moment. The steamer Phoenix and the Conch, one of our fastest sailing Coasters, put to sea on Thursday the 3rd instant, the latter was compelled, in consequence of the strong south-easter, to put back on the 7th, and still remains in Table Bay, whilst it appears by the report in the Commercial Room that the Phoenix arrived in Mossel Bay on Saturday morning, and left again on Sunday morning at 7 o’clock for Algoa Bay. Her return is advertised as expected tomorrow.
In Rondebosch Church on Sunday the 13th October by the Rev J Fry:
A daughter of Mr. J. BUTLER, baptised Catherina Magdalena.
A son of Jonas Antony DANIELS, baptised Klass Frederick.
In Somerset Hospital:
October 11: Louisa VAN DER BERG, aged 67 years.
Wednesday 23 October 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 21st October by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Job DURRANT to Mrs. Johanna Catharina Everdina LACANDEA, Widow.
Mr. Thomas COATES to Miss Sarah Louisa KLYNSMITH.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 21st October by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Edward Albertus BUCKLE, baptised Johanna Maria.
October 21st: Clarke Henry Thomas, son of the late Mr. Henry William BROTHERTON, aged 1 year and 8 days.
Saturday 26 October 1844
DIED on Tuesday 22nd instant, Catharine Margaret, youngest daughter of A. and E. SPIERS, aged 3 years and 4 months.
Cape Town, 25th October 1844.
By Special Licence
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Wednesday 23rd October by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. Charles Marcorn YOUNGMAN to Miss Elizabeth MORISON.
In Rondebosch Church on Monday 21st October by the Rev J Fry:
Mr. Carl Johan ASP to Miss Johanna MILLER.
Wednesday 30 October 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 28th October by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Arthur GROTE Esq, H.C. Bengal Civil Service, baptised Mary Anna Eliza.
A son of Mr. William Thomas ROSE, baptised George William.
A daughter of Mr. John HOUSTON, baptised Charlotte Johanna.
A son and a daughter of Mr. Richard KING, baptised Richard and Maria.
At Somerset Hospital
Oct 27: John THOMAS, late seaman of the Pagoda, aged 20 years.
Wednesday 6 November 1844
Departed this Life on the 4th November 1844, John Whitley STOKES Esq, Ensign in the 31st Regt of the Madras Native Infantry, aged 23 years, much regretted by his disconsolate Widow and Friends.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 4th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. John CREEGGAN, Bombardier, Royal Artillery, to Miss Maria STROWGER.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 4th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. James CURLEWIS, baptised Sarah Ann.
Nov 1: Mr. William SPIERS, aged 61 years.
Nov 4: John Whitley STOKES Esq, Ensign 31st Madras Native Infantry, aged 24 years.
In Somerset Hospital:
Nov 2: Henry ALLEY, native of St.Helena, aged 25 years.
Saturday 9 November 1844
DIED on Wednesday the 6th instant, after a short illness of eight days, Geertruida Aletta, in the 28th year of her age, dearly beloved Wife of J.A.H. WICHT.
Cape Town, 8th November 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Thursday 7th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of James SEARIGHT Esqr, baptised Isabella Catherine.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Sept 29: A daughter of John PLUNKET, baptised Mary Jane.
Oct 13: A son of Mr. Matthew STRACK, baptised William Adalbertus.
Oct 20: A son of Thomas DUSSEY, 45th Regiment, baptised Martin.
Wednesday 13 November 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 11th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Philip STIGANT, baptised Emily Francina.
A son of Mr. Robert INGLESBY, baptised John Henry.
A daughter of Mr. Robert Charles COFFIN, baptised Louisa Eliza.
Nov 8th: Mr. Henry TEGG, aged 38 years.
Nov 9th: Miss Catharine Margaret HUTCHINSON, eldest daughter of the late John Ross HUTCHINSON Esquire, H.C. Bengal Civil Service, aged 25 years.
Saturday 16 November 1844
Cape Town, November 13 1844
Married by Special Licence by the Reverend Mr Spyker, Maximilian TALWITZER, Hanseatic Consul at the Cape of Good Hope, to Miss Caroline Auguste KRAEMER, eldest daughter of Professor Doctor KRAEMER in Hamburg.
BIRTH at Swellendam on the 5th November, the lady of Captain RAINIER JP of a son.
By Special Licence
In St.George’s Church, Cape Town on Wednesday the 13th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. George Williams RICHARDSON, widower, to Miss Maria Johanna MORISON.
In the Episcopal Church, Long-street on Sunday the 10th November by the Rev B Maitland AM:
A son of Mr. Richard Labrun ATTWELL, baptised James William.
In St.Andrew’s Church, Cape Town on Sunday the 10th November by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. J.M. STRATH, baptised Emily Alice.
Wednesday 20 November 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 18th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. John Aloysius RELIHAN to Miss Maria Catharine STEYN.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 18th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Thomas TINLEY Esquire, baptised Agnes
A son of William George ANDERSON Esquire, baptised Thomas Johnson.
A daughter of Mr. William GALE, baptised Ellen Sarah.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised Benjamin Barend, surname PALM.
An adult person, native of this Colony, baptised George, surname ADRIEN.
Nov 16th: Mr. William Henry John JERROM, a Pensioner of HM Naval Department, aged 63 years 1 month and 25 days.
Nov 18th: Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Michael MURRAY, aged 24 days.
Saturday 23 November 1844
Thos about to be married and others making presents would do well to inspect that most Fashionable and Splendid Assortment of Jewellery, Watches &c and other innumerable Ornaments of Bijouterie at Thomas RADMALL’s, 28 Heerengracht, adjoining the Cape of Good Hope Bank, where the most moderate prices are asked for Ready Money.
In Somerset Hospital
Nov 17: Joaquim DE CONTA, native of Oporto, aged 31 years.
Wednesday 27 November 1844
BIRTH, Nov 26, at Rondebosch, the lady of G.D.WILKINS Esq, B.C.S, of a son.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 25th November by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Peter Alexander SAUNDERS, baptised Sarah Maria.
Nov 21: Richard, son of Mr. Richard BANKS, aged 1 year 2 months and 3 days.
Saturday 30 November 1844
Nov 26: Mr. William CALLAGHER, aged 32 years and 8 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
Nov 24: Francis WILLIAMS, aged 30 years.
Nov 25: William JONES, seaman, late of the bark Fortescue, aged 28 years.
Wednesday 4 December 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 2nd December by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. Joseph Henry FISHER, baptised Helen.
In the Scottish Church on Sunday the 1st December by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas HARRIS, baptised Mary Grace Russel.
Nov 27th: Henrietta Louisa, daughter Edson CHASE, aged 1 year 8 months and 9 days.
Nov 28th: Frances, Wife of Mr. John Pearson CATO, aged 54 years and 3 months.
December 2nd: Ann Helena SMITH, aged 20 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
Nov 29th: Frederick RYNHART, aged 92 years.
Dec 1st: Patterson WILSON, seaman of the late ‘Lady Amherst’, aged 28 years.
Saturday 7 December 1844
Dec 4: Mrs. Elizabeth WILLIAMS, widow of the late Mr. James WILLIAMS, aged 56 years.
Dec 4: Henry Thomas, son of Mr. Henry ADAMS, aged one month.
In Somerset Hospital:
Dec 2: Charles FOREMAN, aged 31 years.
At Three Cups:
Nov 24: Mrs. Julia HENRY, Wife of Mr. HENRY, aged 35 years.
Wednesday 11 December 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 9th December by the Rev George Hough MA:
A daughter of Mr. James GRIFFITHS, baptised Jane DARLEY.
A son of Mr. Richard CLARKE, baptised John Horatio.
A son of Evan DAVIS, baptised Carel Joseph.
Dec 7: Mrs. Maria JURY, wife of Mr. James JURY, aged 37 years.
In Somerset Hospital:
Dec 8: James CAREY, late steward of the ship Duke of Roxborough, aged 25 years.
Saturday 14 December 1844
DIED, after a lingering illness, on Tuesday the 10th instant, in the 41st year of his age, Abraham HORN Esq of the House of Louis STEIN Esq of Franckfort, respected and regretted by his numerous Friends.
Wednesday 18 December 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 16th ecember by the Rev George Hough MA:
Mr. John George BERGH to Miss Anne LONG.
Saturday 21 December 1844
Clears out on the ___ and sails on the ____ for ____Bay direct, the fast sailing first class ship ____, commander ___, ___tons burthen, under the excellent, liberal and punctual management of the previous ships. Each ship carries an experienced surgeon. Superior accommodations, with height between decks six feet. Loading in the London Docks.
Dietary of Mr. Joseph S. CHRISTOPHER’s Ships:
Steerage Passengers to be in messes of 6, or more, as the captain or surgeon may arrange, and victualled according to the following scale, for one adult.
Best 2nd Bread |
Prime Mess Beef |
Prime Mess Pork |
Preserved Meat |
Fish |
Flour |
Oatmeal |
Raisins |
Suet |
Peas |
Rice |
Preserved Potatoes |
Tea |
Coffee |
Sugar |
Butter or Cheese |
Pickled Cabbage |
Salt |
Mustard |
Vinegar |
Water |
lb |
lb |
lb |
lb |
lb |
lb |
pt |
lb |
oz |
pt |
lb |
lb |
oz |
oz |
lb |
oz |
pt |
oz |
oz |
pt |
qt |
Sunday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
1 |
¼ |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
¼ |
2 |
¼ |
¼ |
3 |
Monday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
2 |
½ |
3 |
3 |
Tuesday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
1 |
¼ |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
3 |
Wednesday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
2 |
½ |
3 |
Thursday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
1 |
¼ |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
3 |
Friday |
1 |
1 |
¼ |
1 |
¼ |
2 |
½ |
3 |
3 |
Saturday |
1 |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
¾ |
¼ |
¼ |
3 |
Total week |
7 |
1½ |
1½ |
1½ |
1 |
1¾ |
1 |
¾ |
3 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
1½ |
1 |
6 |
¼ |
2 |
¼ |
¼ |
21 |
Intermediate Passengers
The same scale applies to intermediate passengers, with the addition of 1 pint of ale or porter and ½ pint wine or ¼ pint spirit per day.
Intermediate passengers provide their own beds, but are found in earthenware and table linen, and gave inclosed berths.
For cleanliness, new beds and bedding (matrasses, bolsters, 2 blankets and rugs) provided free of charge for steerage passengers.
All emigrants should be vaccinated: all married couples carry certificates of marriage, and having children, possess certificates of baptism.
Testimonials always desirable: with satisfactory ones, letters are granted procuring friends on arrival.
Women receive the same rations as men; children receive rations in proportion; under twelve months receive no rations. Fresh meat and soft bread supplied till past the Downs, and as opportunities offer.
Daily meals as follows;
Breakfast: Tea or coffee and sugar.
Dinner: According to the above scale.
Supper: Tea or coffee and sugar.
The preserved potatoes being a nutritious vegetable, and unfailing throughout the longest voyage, supplied to all the passengers.
Medical comforts provided in the following proportions;
On every 100 passengers, 7lbs arrowroot; 30 lbs preserved beef; 100 pints lemon juice, and sugar to mix with it; 40 lbs Scotch barley; 12 bottles port wine; 12 do. sherry wine; 200 gallons stout; 20 do. rum; 10 do. brandy.
In case of illness barley served out, and if required, 7oz molasses per week substituted for 6 oz sugar, and a half-pint oatmeal per day for the rice and potatoes.
Medical comforts issued free as the surgeon deems proper. Women wet-nursing have a pint of stout per day, if advised by the surgeon.
The passage averages 75 days; provisions on board for 105 days, as per Act of Parliament. These ships are punctual, but to show that they are so, 2s a day will be paid each passenger if detained beyond the day above-named.
Cabin passengers allowed 1 ton as baggage, intermediate and steerage ½ ton. Cargo taken at 35s per ton measurement; and dead weight at 25s per ton.
Each ship is provided with a small library of moral, useful and cheerful publications.
For freight or passage, apply immediately to
Agent for Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope
East India Chambers
Leadenhall-street, London
In Rondebosch Church on Monday the 16th December by the Rev J Fry:
Mr. Joseph Merckel ARMSTRONG to Miss Martha BUTLER.
In the Episcopal Chapel, Long-street on Sunday 15th December by the Rev B Maitland AM:
A daughter of Mr. Edward WALDEGRAVE, baptised Elizabeth Sarah.
In the Scottish Church on Sunday the 15th December by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Mr. James BRYCE, baptised Archibald.
In the Roman Catholic Church
Nov 10: A son of Mr. Matthew HAYES, baptised Matthew.
Dec1: A daughter of Mr. Wm. CARROLL, baptised Elizabeth.
Dec 8: A son of Mr. Michael HAYES, baptised John.
Dec 13: A son of John JACOBZ, baptised William.
In Rondebosch Church on Sunday the 17th November by the Rev J Fry:
A daughter of D. ROBERTSON, baptised Sophia Margaretha.
A son of John Frank VAN DOESBERG, baptised John Frank.
An adult person, baptised Sarah Elizabeth.
An adult person, baptised Betsey Mary Anne.
On Sunday the 15th December by the same:
A son of Mr. James HENREY, baptised Julien Rudolph.
An adult person, baptised Sarah Elizabeth.
An adult person, baptised Margaret.
Dec 12th 1844: Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of James KENNEDY, aged 1 year 6 months and 15 days.
Dec 11th 1844: Mr. Louis Chery COMARMOND, aged 54 years.
Dec17: Captain George S. BARROW, Master Mariner, aged 46 years.
In the Pauper Asylum:
Dec 14: William FOX, aged 55 years.
Wednesday 25 December 1844
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 23rd December by the Rev George Hough MA:
Charles SMITH to Amelia Fredrica JACOBSE.
Francis MEADES to Louisa MACLEAN.
Jonathan WILSONS to Maria Christina DAYAGRE
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 23rd December by the Rev George Hough MA:
A son of Mr. George WELCH, baptised Carste Henry.
A son of Mr. George SPIERS, baptised William Henry.
An adult person, native of Swellendam, in this Colony, baptised Maria Christina, surname DAYAGRE.
Dec 20: Captain William LOBBETT of the brig Exeter, aged 45 years.
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