South African Commercial Advertiser 1846 - 3 - July to September
Wednesday 1 July 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday June 29 by the Rev Robert G Lamb AB:
Alexander MOROMBO to Mary Georgina, natives of Africa.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday June 29 by the Rev Robert G Lamb AB:
A daughter of Mr. Dennis BYRNES, baptised Harriot.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday the 28th June by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Mr. George Barroman TAIT, baptised George Barroman.
In Somerset Hospital:
June 26: John LUFF, aged 58 years.
Saturday 4 July 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Tuesday 30th June by the Rev Robert G Lamb AB:
[By Special Licence]
Geo. Wing BROWNING Esq to Miss Elizabeth Anne CROOK
In St.John’s Church Wynberg on Wednesday 22nd April by the Rev H Okes DD, Chapalin:
[By Special Licence]
Capt. R. CLARKSON, master of the barque Charles Jones, to Miss Jane MOORE of Wynberg.
On Tuesday the 16th June by the same:
Joseph DE VRIES to Margaret SERBON.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Sunday 28th June by the Rev J Fry AM:
A daughter of Mr. Edwin E. WHILEY, baptised Hannah.
In St.John’s Church, Wynberg on Tuesday the 16th June by the Rev H Okes DD, Chaplain:
An adult baptised Joseph, surname DE VRIES
An adult baptised Margaret, surname SERBON
A son of Joseph DE VRIES, baptised Henry.
On Sunday the 21st June by the same:
A daughter of Mr. Dennis HANAFEY, baptised Sarah Ann
June 28: Ellen Martha, infant daughter of Mr. J.M. STRATH
Wednesday 8 July 1846
Departed this Life on Saturday Evening, the 4th July, our dearly beloved Mother Mrs. Anna Catharina WOLFFERUM, Widow of the late Mr. Richard WRANKMORE, aged 59 years, one month and two days, of which painful loss notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 6th July by the Rev Robert G Lamb AB:
A daughter of Alexander THOMAS, baptised Jannet Elizabeth
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Monday 6th July by the Rev T.A.Blair:
A son of the Rev T.A. BLAIR, baptised Anthon.
A daughter of Mr. C.J. BUISSINI, baptised Eliza Susanna.
June 30: Caroline Maria Ann, daughter of Mr. Wm. THOMAS, aged 3 months.
July 1: Ralph, son of Mr. Lawrence George PEACOCK, aged 8 months and 8 days.
July 3: Mrs. Anna Catharina WRANKMORE, widow of the late Mr. Richard WRANKMORE, aged 55 years
July 3: Hercules, son of Hercules TENNANT Esq, aged 3 years and 10 months.
July 5: Mr. Ebenezer HORNE, native of High Wickham, Buckinghamshire, in England, aged 26 years.
July 5: Massena, native of Africa, afed 26 years
Saturday 11 July 1846
On the 28th June, Ellen Martha, infant daughter of Mr. J.M. STRATH.
Wednesday 15 July 1846
MARRIED at Wynberg on the 8th July 1846, by the Rev P.E. Faure VDM, the Rev Pieter Nicolaas HAM, Minister of Franschhoek, to the Widow of John MAITLAND Esq, of the 4th Madras Light Cavalry.
Departed this Life on the 9th July, at 4 o’clock pm, at his late Residence, Long-street, Capt. George THOMAS, born at Chelsea, Middlesex, at the advanced age of 78 years.
Cape Town July 13th 1846
At Wynberg on the 8th July by the Rev P.E. Faure VDM, the Rev Pieter Nieulans HAM, Minister at Franschhoek, to the widow of John MATLAND Esq of the 4th Madras Light Cavalry.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 13th July by the Rev T.A.Blair, officiating for the junior Chaplain:
Mr. John Parker BARKER to Miss Elizabeth KNIPE.
Mr. George BENSON to Miss Sarah WILLIAMS.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday the 13th July by the Rev T.A.Blair, officiating for the junior Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Edw. CLAYTON, baptised Johanna Susan.
A son of Mr. Thomas Jn. CURRAN, baptised William Lodewyk.
A daughter of Mr. Richard GALE, baptised Eliza Ann.
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Monday 13th July by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A daughter of Mr. Martin HANSEN, baptised Eliza.
July 9: Capt. George THOMAS, aged 78 years.
July 13: Mr. Benjamin BOND, aged 45 years.
In Somerset Hospital:
July 12: William HOPE, aged 66 years.
Saturday 18 July 1846
The Committee of the Cape of Good Hope Gas Light Company hereby give notice that the Company’s Engineer, Mr. WILSON, will be prepared from this date to receive the names of parties desirous of engaging any of the Gas-fittings recently imported from England. The Fittings, as unpacked, are for inspection at the Gas Works, Rogge Bay, where application is to be made.
F.S. WATERMEYER, Hon. Secretary
Cape Town, 15th July 1846
In the Roman Catholic Church
June 24: A son of Mr. Patrick O’BRIEN, baptised Alfred.
July 12: A son of Mr. Dennis QUIRK, baptised John.
July 12: A daughter of Mr. Brian KEARNS, baptised Mary Anne.
July 12: A daughter of Mr. Joseph VINCENT, baptised Rosa Maria.
July 14: Mr. William Henry Shepheard READ, aged 26 years.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 14th July 1846
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Maria Magdalena ROBERTSE, Widow of the late Gerrit VAN NIEKERK, of the Graaff-Reinet District, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday 29th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 14th July 1846
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Louis NORTON, late of Graham’s Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graham’s Town, on Wednesday the 26th August next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Wednesday 22 July 1846
DIED on Friday morning the 17th instant at his late Residence, Loop-street, our beloved Father Mr. John MARTINSON, of Kingston-upon-Hull, aged 63 years 5 months and 9 days, of which notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
In the joint name of the children
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 20th July by the Rev Robert G Lamb AB:
A daughter of James DAVENPORT Esq of the Bengal Medical Service, baptised Frances Matilda.
A daughter of Mr. Cornelius PADMORE, baptised Dinah Christina Carolina.
An adopted son of ditto, baptised Alexander Jacobus.
A daughter of Mr. William Henry BENDALL, baptised Sarah Eliza Ward.
A daughter of Mr. Wm. LEETZ, baptised Martha Wilhelmina.
July 17: Mr. John MARTINSON, aged 63 years and 6 months.
July 20? [second digit rubbed away] Thomas John, son of Thomas John COATES, aged 4 months.
In Somerset Hospital:
July 19: George HARDING, aged 47 years.
In the Pauper Asylum:
Mary BENTLY, aged 54 years
Saturday 25 July 1846
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 21st July 1846
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Gordon NOURSE, late of the Albany District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graham’s Town, on Wednesday the 2nd September next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 21st July 1846
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Willem Adriaan ODENDAL, late of the Swellendam District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said deceased died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Widow, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Swellendam, on Thursday the 3rd December next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Friday 19th June by the Rev J Fry AM:
A son of Peter ROBINSON, baptised James William.
A daughter of Thomas TAYLOR, baptised Dorothea.
A daughter of William CHAMBERS, baptised Anne.
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E Judge AM:
June 1: A son of Joseph HUXTABLE, baptised James Robert.
June 8: A daughter of John FRIESLAAR, baptised Classina Jacoba.
June 27: A son of Lieut. VON DONOP, HMS President, baptised Dacres Brenton.
July 13: A daughter of Capt. Arthur WHEATLEY, 5th Bengal Cavalry, baptised Charlotte Sophia.
July 20: Philip Jacobus, son of Mr. George HENDERSON, aged 1 year 6 months and 9 days.
July 21: Benjamin Abraham, son of Mr. John PALM, aged 13? months [second digit blurred]
At Simon’s Town:
June 15: Alexander CAMPBELL, aged 40 years.
June 19: Thomas WILSON, aged 30 years.
July 11: William D.N. LOND, aged 35 years.
Wednesday 29 July 1846
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 12th instant, aged 63 years, J.L. LEEB Esq, Land Surveyor. This Gentleman resided many years in Graaff-Reinet, where he was universally esteemed by all classes, and will ever be honored and regretted by his Friends, and all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance, one of whom pays this sincere tribute to his worth and ancient friendship.
In Union Chapel Cape Town on Sunday the 26th instant by the Rev J.C.Brown
A son of Mr. John MACKAY, baptised John William Cooper.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday 27th July by the Rev Robt. G Lamb AB:
A son of Mr. William BOYCE, baptised William
A son of Mr. John James NALER, baptised James Nahum.
A son of Mr. Ralph Samuel Francis VAN DER SCHYFF, baptised Jacob Robert Francis.
July 22: Mrs. Mary Wilhelmina TOAST, wife of Mr. John TOAST, aged 39 years.
July 24: Thomas, son of Mr. Charles WILMOT, aged 3 months.
July 26: Mr. William HUMPHRIES, aged 65 years and 9 months.
Saturday 1 August 1846
In the Roman Catholic Church
July 27: Mr. James CHAPMAN to Miss Elizabeth HAYES.
On Wednesday 22nd July by the Rev J.C.Brown:
A daughter of Mr. William Henry RUSSELL, baptised Mary Catherine.
A son of Mr. James POWRIE, baptised Henry Wickstead.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
July 17: A daughter of Mr. Jeremiah HAYE, baptised Wilhelmina.
July 26: A son of Mr. John HERBERT, baptised Charles.
Wednesday 5 August 1846
Mr. Joseph DICK, Claremont, being about to leave the Colony, requests that all claims against him (of whatever nature) may be sent to the Office of the Undersigned, immediately, for adjustment.
22 Longmarket-street
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Monday 3rd August by the Rev T.A.Blair:
A son of Mr. William WHITE, baptised Walter Nairne.
Saturday 8 August 1846
In St.Paul’s Church, Rondebosch on Sunday 2nd August by the Rev J Fry AM:
A daughter of John STOWER, baptised Amelia Sophia.
In St.Frances’ Church, Simon’s Town by the Rev E Judge AM:
July 20: A daughter of Thomas HYDE, baptised Charlotte Agatha.
July 27: A son of Frederic RICHARDS, baptised James Charles.
At Simon’s Town:
July 14: Thomas REDWOOD, late Deputy Ordnance Store-keeper, in this town, burnt to death in the fire which consumed the house of Mr. WILKS, in Simon’s Town, on Monday evening, 13th July, aged 63 years.
July 19: Pierre COUZINET, seaman, of the French corvette L’Oise, who died on board, from eating of the Toad Fish, a poisonous fish caught in this bay.
August 3: W. NAYLOR, private in HM 57th Regt, aged 27 years.
Wednesday 12 August 1846
DIED on the 7th instant, Mr. John BRYANT, Master Shipwright, aged 52 years 10 months and 25 days, sincerely regretted by his Family and Friends.
Cape Town Aug 11th 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 10 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A son of Mr. Edwin ROSS, baptised Shepheard Edwin Matthew.
A son of Mr. Peter DARVALL, baptised Alexander
A daughter of Mr. Henry Griffiths WARE, baptised Elizabeth Merlas
A son of Mr. Charles BANKS, baptised Charles William
A daughter of Thomas William READ, baptised Ann Rebecca.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday the 9th August by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A daughter of Mr. William MARTIN, baptised Mary Ellen.
Aug 4: Henry PERRY Esq of the Bengal Civil Service, aged 37 years.
Aug 7: Mr. John BRYANT, aged 52 years 10 months and 12 days.
In Somerset Hospital:
Aug 7: John COWE, aged 45 years.
Aug 9: James BLACK, aged 45 years.
Saturday 15 August 1846
DIED at Worcester on Sunday the 9th August 1846, of Apoplexy, Mr. Michael QUIN, at the age of 33 years 9 months and 15 days.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Monday 9th August [sic] by the Rev J Fry AM:
A daughter of Abraham JACOB, baptised Sarah Catharine.
A son of Albert DENTING, baptised Charles.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
July 30: A son of Mr. Jack Andre FERAUDY, baptised Andre Alexander.
August 5: A daughter of Mr. Thos. RYAN, baptised Martha Elizabeth
August 9: A daughter of John ANTONIO, baptised Carolina Johanna.
Wednesday 19 August 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 17 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
William DANIEL to Mary Ann FAGAN
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 17 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A son of Mr. William BARTLETT baptised William Henry.
A daughter of Mr. Edwd. JACKSON, baptised Charlotte Jane.
Aug 12: Jemima, daughter of Alexander MOROMBO, native of Africa, aged 11 days.
Saturday 22 August 1846
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Sunday 16th August by the Rev J Fry AM:
A daughter of Mr. S. RANDALL, baptised Martha Elizabeth.
On Monday 17th August by the same:
A son of Mrs. Martha HUDSON, widow, baptised William Henry.
Wednesday 26 August 1846
BIRTH at Cape Town on Tuesday Morning the 25th instant, the lady of F.E. READE Esq, BCS, of a son.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 24 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
Mr. Thomas ALLDRIDGE to Miss Sarah Jane FORBES.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 24 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A daughter of Mr. James S ROUS, baptised Ann.
A son of Mr. William KEAL, baptised William Henry.
August 20: Miss Elizabeth LOFTIE EATON, aged 26 years, 6 months and 13 days.
Saturday 29 August 1846
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Sunday 23rd August by the Rev J Fry AM:
Mr. John CURTIS, widower, to Mrs. Mary Anne RING, widow.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Monday the 24th August by the Rev J Fry AM:
A son of Mr. Richard RIPP, baptised James Alexander.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Aug 20: A daughter of Capt. Henry HENDERSON, baptised Elizabeth Hanna
Aug 23: A daughter of Mr. James McCAFFRY, baptised Mary Josephine.
Aug 23: A son of Cajetan PROMOLATO, baptised Domnick Antonio.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday 23rd August by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of Mr. Robert LAWRIE, baptised Robert.
A son of Mr. Alex. McIntosh BAIN, baptised Alexander.
A daughter of Mr. Robert Kirkwood BROWN, baptised Magdalene Catherine.
Wednesday 2 September 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday August 31 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A son of Mr. Philip STIGANT, baptised George Henry.
A son of Mr. John YEATS, baptised James Peter.
A daughter of Mr. Frans. Xaverius PRINS, baptised Catherine.
Aug 31: John, son of the late George GRANT, aged 4 years and 6 months.
Saturday 5 September 1846
Dr.SMITH, Dentist
Has removed to 17 St.George’s-street (immediately opposite to the Residence of Baron VON LUDWIG) where he may be daily consulted on the disorders which are incident to the Teeth.
Dr.SMITH is supplied with the most approved compositions for stopping decayed Teeth, or replacing their loss by mineral or other substitutes, and is conversant with the recent Improvements which have been introduced in Dental Surgery.
April 17th 1846
DIED in the Military Hospital on the 31st August 1846, after a lingering illness, L. Corporal Isaac WILSON, 2 Battalion 45th Regt, aged 20 years, deeply regretted by his Comrades and Friends.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch by the Rev J Fry AM:
Cornelius KNOLULEI, widower, to Meitze BALIE, widow.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Sunday the 30th August by the Rev J Fry AM:
A son of James BEMISTER, baptised Isaac William.
Wednesday 9 September 1846
Near the 7th Mile Stone
Wynberg Road.
W. SEDGLEY respectfully informs the Inhabitants and Visitors of Cape Town that he has opened the above Hotel, as a Private Board and Lodging House, where the extent of the Premises will enable him to accommodate the families who may favor him with their presence in a retired, select and genteel manner. The spacious Grove and Gardens will render it an agreeable spot for Wedding Parties, as well as a healthful retreat in the summer and warm seasons. Whilst for Indians and Invalids who are in search of comfort and repose, the Indian Cottage will afford the most complete accommodation, as the intention of the Proprietor is to arrange the Apartments so that each Party can be separate from the other, and enjoy the pleasure and privacy of its own circle.
NB Good Stables and Coach Houses
August 28th 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday Sept. 7th by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
Mr. Henry OKEY, widower, to Mrs. Caroline BEAL, widow.
Mr. Daniel COUPER to Miss Mary Ann BYRNES.
Mr. Robert CHARLSTON to Miss Hepzibiah Elizabeth HEARTY.
On Tuesday the 8th September by the same:
Mr. Joseph Mitchell BROWN to Miss Betsey Amelia HOLLETT.
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Tuesday 8th Sept by the Rev T.A. Blair:
Mr. Jas. Mildmy Faulkner PROCTOR to Miss Aletta Charlotta THALWITZER.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday Sept. 7th by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A daughter of Mr. Richard VIPPOND, baptised Alice Mary.
A son of Mr. William BENTLEY, baptised George Alfred.
A son of Mr. Luke QUINN, baptised James Frederick.
A daughter of Mr. William EDWARDS, baptised Hellen Georgina.
A son of Mr. Robert NEVIL, baptised John Fitz.
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Monday 7th Sept by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A son of Mr. James BROWN, baptised Edmund Holmes.
Saturday 12 September 1846
MARRIED by Special Licence at No.54 Long-street, by the Rev S.P. Heyns DD, on Tuesday the 8th Sept, Mr. Josua Johannes Gerhardus ALBERTYN to Mrs. Maria Christina, widow of the late Mr. Johannes Arnoldus JANSON.
DEATH at Cape Town on the 11th instant, Isabella, wife of Henry Felton DRINKWATER, aged 32 years.
DIED at Worcester on the 2nd instant, on the Place “Roode Wal”, Emma Anna, aged 15 months, daughter of P.J. Schindeler TRUTER Esq.
Worcester, 3rd September 1846.
DIED at his House, Selkirk-street, Cape Town, on the 3rd inst, Henry HEATLIE, eldest son of the late Thomas HEATLIE, aged 21 years 11 months and 15 days, much regretted by Bothers and Sisters. Friends will please accept this intimation.
11th Sept 1846
In the Estate of H. HEATLIE, deceased
All persons having any claims against the above Estate are requested to present them for payment, and all persons indebted tp pay the same to the Undersigned within six weeks from this date.
N. STENHOUSE, Executor Testamentary
11th Sept 1846
It having been intimated to Mr. J.R.J. SMITH that several Gentlemen are desirous of becoming conversant with the principles of Mesmerism and Phrenology, Mr. S. undertakes to give the necessary instructions in six lessons.
Terms for the Course, One Guinea.
For tickets apply to Mr. ROBERTSON, Stationer, Heerengracht.
Wednesday 16 September 1846
In St.John’s Church, Wynberg by the Rev Dr Okes:
July 10: Mr. John Robt. KINCAID to Miss Frances Dorothea FISON
July 10: Mr. Thomas CUTTING to Miss Johanna Jacoba SPENGLER
July 13: George CARR to Jane MATHEWS
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 14 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
Mr. William BANKS to Miss Elizabeth Hannah HOMMEL
In Trinity Church, Harrington-street on Monday Sept 14 by the Rev T.A. Blair:
Mr. Lewis William CROLE to Miss Elizabeth BROOKS.
In St.John’s Church, Wynberg by the Rev Dr Okes:
August 3: A daughter of Capt Nathaniel GORDON, Madras Infantry, baptised Helen Mariana Elizabeth.
August 3: A son of the same, baptised John Gibson.
August 3: A daughter of John BUCHANAN Esq, baptised John Henry.
August 16: A daughter of Daniel STORKEY, baptised Sarah Caroline.
August 16: A son of John SAWYER, baptised John.
August 23: A son of Damingo ROSE, baptised John Peter Damingo.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 14 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A son of Mr. Thomas BUTT, baptised Henry Thomas.
A daughter of Mr. William LUTMAN, baptised Margaret.
A daughter of Mr. Joseph ELLIOT, baptised Ann Josephine.
A daughter of Mr. John Harold CORNWALLIS, baptised Mary Sophia.
In the Roman Catholic Church:
Sept 1: A son of Capt. Richard JOHNSON, baptised Richard William.
Sept 1: A daughter of Phillip GUNN, private 27th Regt, baptised Sarah.
Sept 11: Mrs. Isabella DRINKWATER, wife of Mr. Henry Felton DRINKWATER, aged 32 years,
In Somerset Hospital:
Sept 7: Samuel EVANS, seaman, late of the bark Gwalior, aged 36 years.
Saturday 19 September 1846
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday 15th September by the Rev Geo. Morgan:
A son of R.P. DOBIE Esq, baptised John Nicholas.
Wednesday 23 September 1846
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Monday Sept 21 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A son of Francis Edward READE Esq, H.C. Bengal Civil Service, baptised Gifford Sherman.
A son of the Rev Robert G. LAMB AB, Junior Chaplain, baptised Robert Gumbleton.
A son of Mr. Richard MOYLE, baptised John Matthew Sidney.
A son of Mr. John THOMAS, baptised John Robert.
An adult person, native of Madras, baptised Stephen, surname AROOMOOGOM
Saturday 26 September 1846
MARRIED at Beaufort on the 7th instant, by the Rev C. Fraser, Mr. J.B. AURET to Marcella Susan, third daughter of the late John Meares DEVENISH Esq
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 22nd September 1846
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Engela Susanna ESTERHUYSEN, deceased wife of Gerrit Petrus VISSER, of Richmond in the Division of Graaff-Reinet, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Spouse, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday the 7th November next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the time and place aforesaid, then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
In St.Paul’s Church Rondebosch on Sunday 13th Sept by the Rev J Fry AM:
A son of Stephen FLORIS, baptised Nicholas Lewis.
A son of George PELTERET, baptised George John Michael.
Sept 21: Mrs. Elizabeth TOWNSEND, wife of Mr. John TOWNSEND, aged 37 years.
Sept 22: Margaret, daughter of Capt. Sutherland George Gordon ORR, Madras Army, aged one day.
At Rondebosch:
Sept 7: James William ROBERTSON, aged 2 months and 13 days,
Wednesday 30 September 1846
[By Special Licence]
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Tuesday Sept 29 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
William OPENSHAW Esq to Miss pauline Emilie UNNS.
In St.George’s Church Cape Town on Tuesday Sept 22 by the Rev R.G. Lamb AB:
A daughter of William AUSTIN Esq, baptised Emmeline.
On Monday the 28th Sept by the same:
A son of Mr. Robert INGLESBY, baptised William Thomas.
A daughter of Mr. Peter TONKIN, baptised Sally Maria.
A son of Mr. Lawrence CUNNINGHAM, baptised William.
In Trinity Church on Monday the 28th September 1846 by the Rev T.A. Blair:
A son of Mr. George BANWELL, baptised Henry George.
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