South African Commercial Advertiser 1839 - 1 - January to March
Wednesday 2 January 1839
Zandvliet 31 Dec 1838
Mr. SCRUTTON’s Establishment for the Education of a limited number of Children, situated at the late residence of Peter Lawrence CLOETE Esq. Mr. S informs the respectable Inhabitants of the Colony he has vacancies for three Pupils.
For Boarders, including Washers &c, Rds 90 per quarter.
Instruction consists of English Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Geometry &c.
The most respectable References may be given by applying to Mr. A.S. ROBERTSON’s, Heeregracht.
The Swellendam Post Wagon will pass will pass within a very short distance, every fortnight, from Cape Town.
Mr. FORD, No.1 Boom-street, continues (since his Son’s departure) to take Portraits in Miniature and on Card, as before.
Saturday 5 January 1839
To be Let – Unfurnished
Mr. OLIPHANT’s House with Stables and Coach Houses in Harrington-street. Entry may be had on 1st February. Also Coach House and Stable in Roeland-street, entry immediately.
4th January 1839.
DIED on the 13th December last, the Widow of the late Mr. Pieter ANDRIES, aged 77 years and 3 months.
Port Elizabeth
Most Valuable Landed Property for Sale
Mr. Frederick KORSTEN desiring to concentrate his affairs, in consequence if indisposition, has empowered his Agent, the Undersigned, to put up to Public Sale on Thursday the 31st January next that well known and valuable Property, situated in Algoa Bay, and near Port Elizabeth
measuring 20 morgen and 205 square roods of Ground with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a Dwelling House with six Apartments, and every convenience for a Family, an Oil Tank, calculated to hold from 40,000 to 50,000 Gallons, Frying Works complete, with six Pots; Superintendent’s Dwelling House, with four Rooms, and a number of Outbuildings for Crew, Workmen, Stores &c &c.
The situation of this Property, the completeness of its arrangements, and the circumstances that a landing can be effected (in the sheltering Cove in which it is erected) in almost all states of weather, would render it a valuable position as a Depot for a Company, despatching Whalers to the Southern Ocean.
At the same time will be offered for Sale several splendid Whale Boats, Tackle, Rope, Lances, Harpoons, with every other description of Gear, and appurtenance requisite to carry on a Perfect Whaling Establishment.
Also several thousands of Roofing Slates (Ladies’) and a quantity of old Sheet Lead.
On the same day will be sold
The Estate adjoining the said Whale Fishery, called
in extent 2062 morgen and 188 square roods of Land, considered to be the best Grazing and Fattening Farm in the Colony, while its immediate proximity to the important and rapidly increasing Sea Port of Port Elizabeth constitute it a very desirable investment of Capital.
The Title Deeds of these Estates may be seen, and all further particulars known, at the Office of
John Centlivres CHASE
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Wednesday 9 January 1839
On Monday 7th January by the Rev Geo Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
William DAVIS to Sara Klasena FREDRIKS
On Monday 7th January by the Rev Geo Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Frederick EVEREST, baptised Sarah Anne.
A daughter of Mr. E. OLDHAM, baptised Katharine.
A son of Mr. Rich. WEBB, baptised Edward William Henry.
The Undersigned, wishing to concentrate his Affairs, in consequence of his advanced age, and bad state of health, will sell by Public Auction, to the highest bidder, on Friday January 18th, his Place, called Waterloo at Diep River, in extent about 34 morgen.
Comprising a commodious Dwelling House, Coach-house, Stable, Cow-house, Fowl-house &c and planted with every description of Trees, Fruit Trees, Vines and neat Flower Garden. There is a good Well on the Place, and abundance of Water throughout the year, and has a Private Road leading to the Main Road.
This Property offers a favorable opportunity for the Investment of Capital, and may be easily divided into Building Lots, and is one of the most healthy places in the neighbourhood of Wynberg and Diep River, enjoying refreshing breezes through the whole summer, and has a delightful prospect.
At the same time will be sold 8 bastard Fatherland Cows, 3 Heifers, two of them thoroughbred Fatherland, a large Bird-cage full of Birds, a good Horse-wagon, Ploughs, Harness, Farming Implements, Household Furniture, Kitchen Utensils, and what further belongs to a complete establishment.
This Property will be sold positively to the Highest Bidder, and the Purchase-money may be kept at interest.
Cape Town, 3rd January 1839
Philip LEEB
We have been favored with the following melancholy details by a friend:
The American whaling ships Romulus and Messenger, Captains ROGERS and KENDRICK, touched at the Portuguese Settlement of the “English River”, Delagoa Bay, on the 25th July last, and from the report of Captain ROGERS, a respectable ship-master well known in Cape Town, and now here, we have collected the following melancholy particulars:
“Fell in here with Louis TREEGARD and his party of five or six families, in a most wretched and miserable condition, his wife, his son’s wife and fourteen additional members of the party having, through sickness, perished among the latter, every male head of each family (himself and son excepted) and the rest, including the children, were in a sickly state. They had with them when they left the Colony 600 oxen, and 2,000 sheep, of the whole of which not above 600 sheep were remaining, and these were daily dying of sickness. They were in want of almost every necessary of life, having nothing but a scanty supply of animal food to subsist upon, not even salt, and their earnest applications fro Bread could, unfortunately, not be complied with, the vessels being short of Bread themselves; they supplied them, however, with such ship’s stores as they could spare, and some medicines, which tended somewhat to recruit them, particularly the children. They had been at “English River” about three months, having arrived there in April last. Their original destination had been “Port Natal”, but hearing of the massacre of their friends by Dingaan and his hostile disposition, they had given it another direction. They were at a loss what to do, but they had applied to the Portuguese Lieutenant Governor at Delagoa Bay for permission to remain, which application had been referred to the Chief Governor at Mosambique for final instructions, and they had hopes would be granted. From the wretched state of these Emigrants (and to aggravate their calamities, the rainy season was about to set in when the vessels left) it is much feared they have all perished.
Saturday 12 January 1838
BIRTH at Wynberg on the 10th inst, the wife of Captain Bowis FORSTER of a son.
In the Episcopal Church Wynberg by the Rev Holt Okes DD:
Dec 2: A son of William, baptised Hendrick.
Dec 9: Two sons of William HALLARAM, baptised Edward William and John Thomas.
Dec 9: Three daughters and a son of Christopher WIEGELS, baptised Caroline Maria, Magdalena Johanna, Louisa Wilhelmina and John Peter.
Dec 9: A son of Christian PETERSON, baptised John.
Dec 16: A daughter of John MARSHALL, baptised Jane Johanna.
Jan 7: Captain Henry STEWARD, aged 65 years.
Saturday 19 January 1839
Grateful for past favors, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has resigned the Confectionary Branch of his Business in favor of his sons William and Thomas CAIRNCROSS, and solicits for them that patronage and support with which he has so long been favored.
NB The Bread and Biscuit will be continued by him as formerly.
William and Thomas CAIRNCROSS, in reference to the above Advertisement, beg to inform their Friends and the Public that they intend on Monday next to commence Business as Confectioners and Pastry Cooks at No.13 Longmarket-street, formerly occupied by Messrs WAGNER and VON POLNITZ, next door to Messrs PALLAS and POLEMANN, and hope by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public favor.
Departed this Life on Tuesday the 15th January, at 12 o’clock, after a lingering illness of nearly four months, Mrs. Susanna WOODCOCK, wife of the late Robert WOODCOCK, aged 67 years, deeply regretted by her family and friends.
Cape Town, Jan 18 1839.
DIED at the Residence of J. MARSHALL Esq, Wynberg, G.P. DUMERGUE Esq of the Madras Civil Service.
Jan 15: Mrs. S. WOODCOCK, Widow, aged 61 years.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 15th January 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of George DUMERGUE, late of the Hon.E.I.Company’s Civil Service; Elizabeth Johanna SELLER, late of Cape Town; and John SNELL, late of Simon’s Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said Persons died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 26th of February next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Persons as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Wednesday 23 January 1839
Tailor &c
(Late Cutter to STEEDMAN & Co)
2 Grave-street, Cape Town
Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public that he has commenced Business in the above line, and earnestly solicits a share of their patronage.
*Some good Tailors wanted; also a respectable Youth as an Apprentice.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 21st January by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Thomas VERRIER to GeertruydaWilhelmina VAN KOUVENBURG.
Joaquem LEITE to Maria Adriana ABRAHAMSE.
In St.George’s Church on Monday 21st January by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Capt. George HERBERT, baptised Christina Johanna.
A son of Mr. Wm. Ustick LEMON, baptised William Ustick.
A daughter of Mr. Charles Barker CRICKMORE, baptised Susanna Eliza.
Jan 19: Mr. Ewan Christian CHIAPPINI, son of A. CHIAPPINI Esq, aged 20 years 4 months and 17 days.
At the house of his Father, St.George’s-street, Mr. Ewan C. CHIAPPINI, aged 20 years 4 months and 17 days.
Saturday 26 January 1839
DIED on the 22nd instant at 46 Strand-street, Mr. Henry Charles Edward PETRIE, son of the late Capt. PETRIE, aged 19 years.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 22nd January 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Johannes VAN DER WESTHUISEN, late of the Beaufort District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said Johannes VAN DER WESTHUISEN died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Beaufort, on Friday the 8th March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 22nd January 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Emerentia Helena VAN WYNGAARDEN, deceased wife of Gerhardus STROEBEL, of the Knysna, in the George District, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said Emerentia Helena VAN WYNGAARDEN, deceased wife of Gerhardus STROEBEL, died intestate, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, George Town, on Wednesday the 6th March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Wednesday 30 January 1839
DIED at Stellenbosch on Monday the 21st January, Major George Douglas STODDART, of the 8th Bengal Light Cavalry.
On Sunday afternoon a Fire broke out in the Bush near Wynberg, which at one time threatened the village. It was eventually got under, without having done farther injury than the destruction of a considerable plantation of young silver trees.
By the ‘Mary’ from Port Natal we learn that the Boers have returned from their commando against Dingaan. They had lost six of their number, and failed in their attempts to capture cattle. From 20 to 30 of the party from Natal had also fallen. Mr. BIGGAR is named among the slain.
Saturday 2 February 1839
DIED on Saturday the 26th instant, our beloved son Michiel Christian, aged 9 months and 18 days, of which notice is hereby given to relatives and friends.
Cape Town, 30th January 1839
Hair Cutter and Wigmaker
Begs to express his Gratitude to his Customers and the Public in general for the liberal support he has hitherto received, and to inform them that his business will be carried on as heretofore with promptitude and dispatch. He will call at the houses of those Gentlemen who may wish to have their hair cut from 6 till 9 o’clock in the morning, and at his shop, for the same purpose, from 9 o’clock in the morning till 6 in the evening. Razors sharpened at a very low rate. Wigs fitted up to the latest fashion.
He will attend at his shop on Sunday mornings, from 6 till 10 o’clock, for hair cutting and shaving.
For cutting a Gentleman’s hair at his Residence£0 10 0
For cutting a Gentleman’s hair at his Shop£0 6 0
For cutting a single time at a Person’s Residence£0 1 0
For cutting a single time at his Shop£0 0 6
For Children three or four pence.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 29th Jan 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Thomas REID and his wife Agnes WALKER, late of Cape Town, both deceased; of Henrietta PARSONS, deceased wife of Richard YATES; and of Henry PETRIE, late of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 12th of March next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Persons as aforesaid, and Tutor or Tutors Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
Wednesday 6 February 1839
Sale of Standing Timber and Bush at Wynberg
On Friday next, the 8th day of February at 11 o’clock, will be sold in small Lots the whole of the Timber and Bush, as it stands, on Mr. OLIPHANT’s Property at Old Wynberg. The wood consists chiefly of Fir, of all sizes, and Indian gentlemen and others residing at Wynberg will find the present a good opportunity for supplying themselves with their Winter Stock of Fuel. By the Conditions of Sale the Wood must be cleared off the Ground within Two Months after the Sale.
R.J. JONES, Auctioneer.
To Let – Unfurnished
Albion Cottage, Rondebosch
The property of Mrs. the Widow HUNT, with Coach-house and Stabling for four Horses, and small Garden, all attached, five miles distant from Cape Town, lately occupied by R. EDEN Esq. Possession may be had on the 1st March next.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Wm. TAYLOR on the Premises.
BIRTH at Langton Hall, Derbyshire, on the 10th Oct last, Mrs. William COKE of a daughter.
DIED at Sea on the 25th Nov, Maria, infant daughter of Capt. D. BIRRELL, Bengal European Regiment, aged 5 months.
By Special Licence, on Saturday the 2nd February 1839 by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. William Thomas TRUMAN to Miss Mary BLIGH.
On Monday the 4th February by the same:
Mr. Thos. POULTER to Mrs. Sacharea Clasina CROON, widow.
Mr. Henry SMITH to Mrs. Sarah WOOD, widow.
On Friday 25th January by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Henry Collingwood SELBY Esq, baptised Ann.
On Monday 28th January by the same:
A daughter of William HOMEWOOD Esq, baptised Sarah Ann.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas MASKEW, baptised Anna Petronella.
On Monday the 4th February by the same:
A daughter of Mr. Thos. MOSSE, baptised Emma Jane.
A daughter of Mr. J.L. BAUMAN, baptised Johanna Catharina de Moldrup.
Jan 23rd: Mr. Henry PETRIE, son of the late Captain PETRIE, aged 19 years.
Jan 24th: Fanny Sophia, daughter of the late Mr. William HUTCHONS, aged 6 months and 10 days.
Jan 25th: Mrs. Henrietta YATES, wife of Mr. Richard YATES, aged 34 years and 9 months.
Jan 27th: Maria, daughter of William NORRIS, aged 2 months and 16 days.
Jan 28th: John Samuel, son of Mr. Joseph Henry FISHER, aged months [sic]
Jan 30th: Mr. George Thomas DARBY, aged 46 years.
Jan 31st: Andrina, wife of John COOKE, aged 60 years.
Saturday 9 February 1839
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 6th February 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of Elsje Sophia VAN DER MERWE, deceased wife of Johannes Christoffel ELS, of Bokkefontein in the Field-Cornetcy of Bruintje Hoogte, District of Somerset, are required to take Notice that the said Elsje Sophia VAN DER MERWE, deceased wife of Johannes Christoffel ELS, died without appointing any Person to be her Executor, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and surviving Husband, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office, Somerset, on Friday the 22nd March next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see some Person or Persons selected by such Magistrate, for approval by the Master of the Supreme Court, as fit and proper to be by the said Master appointed Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid, and Tutor Dative of the Minor Heirs of the deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
J.A. KOCH from Hamburg recommends himself to the Patronage of the Public as Surgeon Dentist at his Residence, No.7 Burg-street.
Cape Town, February the 8th 1839.
DIED at his house in Bree-street, on the 7th instant, Mr. A.P.M. WEINGARTZ of Dusseldorff on the Rhyne, aged 79 years; deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Cape Town, 8th Feb 1839.
Wednesday 13 February 1839
Mr. ASCHEN being on the eve of revisiting England, offers for sale by Private Contract those extensive and eligible Business Premises, Plein-street, corner of Longmarket-street, at present occupied by himself, together with an adjoining House, now tenanted as a Public House,
And would form an excellent auxiliary for an extended trade. This property is universally admitted to be in the very focus of Trade, and in the immediate connexion of Passengers, consequently is a very desirable House and Premises for any Business connected with a Wholesale or Retail Trade. May be had together or separate. Terms accommodating, apply to the Proprietor, or to
Saturday 16 February 1839
To Relatives and Friends
DIED on the 5th inst, the Hon. William Ferdinand, third son of the late Right Hon. Baron William Ferdinand Van Reede VAN OUDTSHOORN.
Cape Town, 15th Feb 1839.
On Monday the 11th February by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry BUTLER to Miss Margaret Jane SPIERS
On Monday the 11th February by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John HIGGS, baptised John James.
A son of Mr. Joseph MERRELLS, baptised David.
A son of Mr. Joseph BELL, baptised Edward George.
Feb 9: Elizabeth Catherine, daughter of Mr. G> HOLLOWAY, aged 11 months.
Feb 11: Hercules, son of H. TENNANT Esq, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Wednesday 20 February 1839
On Monday the 18th February by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Robert CHRISTOPHER to Josina Florendina SMUTS.
John ARMSTRONG to Susanna KELLOW, widow.
On Monday the 18th February by the Rev George Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. James HALLIER, baptised Elizabeth Ives.
A son of William ASSUE, native of China, baptised Charles.
Feb 16: Mrs. Anna FISHER, wife of Mr. Jos. H. FISHER, in the 22nd year of her age.
Feb 18: Mr. James MARRISON, aged 72 years.
Saturday 23rd February 1839
The Measles are now prevalent and rapidly spreading in Cape Town and its neighbourhood, and will, very probably, extend over the whole Colony.
By careful quarantine, under the favor of Divine Providence, this Epidemic has been kept out of the Cape for the last thirty-two years. Therefore, the great body of the present population are liable to it.
Hence also the improbability of its course being arrested. When Epidemics to which the human constitution is liable only once in the same subject appear every year, or at short intervals, there is a chance that patches, or circles of the population, previously affected, may present to its diffusion a sort of non-conducting barrier, and confine it to a single neighbourhood. In the present case nearly all are conductors, and sources of fresh infection. While nothing is omitted that can tend to stop its diffusion, therefore, it is proper that every individual and every family should prepare for its reception.
It is at present mild. But most probably, like other Epidemic Fevers, when the effluvia or aerial poison in which it resides shall have accumulated, and numerous subjects otherwise unhealthy have added to its virulence, it may assume what Physicians call the Typhoid Type, or a kind of action on the system highly dangerous in all climates.
Moderate and wholesome diets; aperients; cleanliness in clothes, furniture and person; ventilation of all apartments; and repeated sprinklings of the solution Chloride of Lime, scattered on the floors, walls and clothes before they are put aside or sent to be washed; avoiding crowds - especially crowded apartments by day as well as by night – by a general attention to these if the disease is not extinguished, its present mild form may be preserved, and many lives saved.
When it appears in a family, of course the only proper remedy is THE DOCTOR. This course every individual owes to the Public, as well as to himself and his family.
Wednesday 27 February 1839
We can assure such of the Inhabitants as may feel unwilling to go to the temporary Hospital in the Gardens, when afflicted by Measles, that every possible comfort and convenience for them has been provided by order of the Governor. New bedsteads and new bed-linen of every description have been liberally supplied.
On Monday 25th February by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Edward BROTHERIDGE to Miss Ann PARKER.
Francis MILHAM to Winifred SELMAN.
On Monday 25th February by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G. SPIERS, baptised Sarah Jane.
Feb 25: Ellen Catherine, daughter of Mr. P.C. DANIEL, aged 3 years 4 months and 20 days.
At Simon’s Town:
Feb 4: Gideon Rousseau OSMOND, son of Wm. OSMOND Esq, aged 1 year 3 months and 21 days.
Feb 8: Abraham Chas. BRANDT, aged 7 months and 10 days.
Feb 13: Ann WARREN, aged 43 years 8 months and 12 days.
Saturday 2 March 1839
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 28th February 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of James MARRISON, late of Cape Town, deceased, are required to take Notice that the said James MARRISON died without appointing any Person to be his Executor, and that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 9th April next at 11 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Person as aforesaid.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 22nd February last by the Rev J. Cassie in the Church at Caledon, Johannes Nicolaas COLYN Esq of Constantia to Miss Barbara Jacoba VANRENEN, daughter of Daniel VANRENEN Esq.
MARRIED on Thursday the 5th February 1839 at Riet Fontein, District Uitenhage, by the Rev Smith, Frederick Hercules TRUTER, second son of F.H. TRUTER Esq to Margaret Louisa RENS, eldest daughter of Bernardus RENS Esq.
(From a Correspondent)
The crew and passengers of the Trafalgar, with one exception, were brought safe on shore at half past 9 on Friday evening. The whole number amounted to about 60 persons, of whom 9 were cabin passengers, and 30 in the second cabin and steerage. The ship struck on the rocks at half past 11 on Thursday night and immediately had her masts cut away; she was gradually beaten towards the shore, from which, at daylight, she was not above 100 yards distant. The gentlemen residing in the neighbourhood, having been alarmed by the signals of distress, crowded to the shore shortly after the ship struck, and remained holding lights on the rocks throughout the night; expresses were forwarded to Cape Town, and boats sent to the ship, which served only to increase the distress of the sufferers, by being compelled, from the roughness of the sea, to return without arriving at the ship; a boat was at length conveyed, by land, from town, and a brave sailor named MILNE, having swam with a rope on shore, the boat was transferred between the ship and the rocks until the entire of her company were rescued. Some of the unhappy sufferers were admitted to the houses of gentlemen of the neighbourhood, among whom the Rev Mr BECK, Mr. MACKRILL &c were remarkable for their kindness and hospitality. The shore, for a mile beyond the Light-house, has since been strewed with the fragments of the cargo, and we regret to say considerable depredation and theft took place, notwithstanding the presence of the officers of the customs and of the military. The property of the cabin passengers, with two exceptions, was insured, but not more than 2 or 3 of the steerage passengers had insured their effects; several of them are altogether destitute, and the case of Mr. TROY and his large family is in the highest degree deplorable. His unhappy wife, shortly after the ship struck, received a blow from a spar of the falling mast, which terminated her existence in a few hours, nothing could exceed the misery of the dying mother, stretched in the cabin, half covered with sea water, and surrounded by her husband and naked children; it is impossible that any case can exist which calls more strongly for the assistance and commiseration of the charitable. Mr. TROY has lost £1000 in cash, and goods to an equal amount, and has, we are informed, no means of being conveyed to New South Wales, where he possesses some friends; his family consists of 9 children, of whom 2 only are old enough to afford him assistance.
For the Subscription for the Relief of Mr. TROY, see Advertisement.
Wednesday 6 March 1839
Mr. DE SMIDT going to Europe will hold a Public Sale, on the 20th March next, at 10 o’clock of his Landed Property and Furniture &c.
1st The pleasant House and Garden (Myrtle Hedge) in Constitution-street, let to a very respectable Tenant for two years.
2nd That valuable and convenient corner-house, in Harrington-street, really fit for all kinds of Trade, lately the property of Mr. BIANCHI, now put in the highest order, with a nice Garden, Coach House, Stable, Servant Rooms &c to be sold in 2 Lots.
The Furniture will be sold in April on a day to be fixed hereafter. The above are in the mean time for Private Sale, and can be daily inspected.
Cape Town, 15th Feb 1839.
Saturday 9 March 1839
On Monday 4th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Robert BYRNE to Miss Elizabeth Greenfield GIANI.
Mr. Thornton TAYLOR to Miss Christian SMYTH.
At Wynberg on the 7th instant, William FANE Esq, Bengal Civil Service.
(Late Foreman to Mr. D. WILLIAMS)
Begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he has opened a Shop at No.1 Plein-street (adjoining Mr. ASCHEN’s) Cape Town, where he has on sale a variety of Boots and Shoes. Boots and Shoes made with neatness, according to the latest fashions.
Wednesday 13 March 1839
Mr. C BOUCHER being on the eve of departure to England by the ‘Lord Hungerford’ has appointed Mr.T.J. WELCH to be his General Agent during his absence.
Cape Town 12th March 1839.
BIRTH on board the ship Lord Hungerford, off Table Bay, on the night of the 8th inst, Mrs. LAWRENCE of a daughter, both doing well.
DIED at Wynberg on Monday the 11th March, beloved and respected by all who knew her, Mrs. Penelope BIRD, Relict of William Wilberforce BIRD Esq, many years Comptroller of HM Customs in this Colony, aged 74 years and 8 months.
A further addition to this useful class of settlers has last week reached Table Bay, via Amsterdam, consisting of 52 men, women and children.
On Monday 11th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
William MURRAY to Sarah STACE
On Tuesday 12th March by the same:
By Special Licence, His Excellency Major General Sir Geo. Thos. NAPIER KCB, Governor and Commander in Chief &c &c, to Frances Dorothea WILLIAMS FREEMAN, relict of the late Admiral William Peere WILLIAMS FREEMAN of Fawley Court, Henley on Thames.
On Monday 11th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William NOSWORTHY, baptised J..[obscured] Andrews.
A daughter of Mr. James DIVINE, baptised Maria Helen[a?] Louisa.
March 6: Philip LAMBERT, late seaman of the Eleanor, aged 22 years.
March 9: Hannah Hendrina, daughter of Mr. J. MARTIN? [name partly obscured in fold] aged 23 years 1 month and 11 days.
Saturday 16 March 1839
On Thursday the 14th March by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Robert Tate ROBERTSON, baptised Frederick Hamlyn.
Wednesday 20 March 1839
The following is the last weekly report:
Cases reported1834
Hospital admissions37
giving an increase of 448 over last week. Many cases occur, and it is feared that deaths take place, which are not reported – in fact it is next to impossible for the Medical Superintendents to get at a correct account of either the cases or the deaths. The disease, however, continues very mild, but the duty is harassing in the extreme. It is hoped that the zeal of none of us will sink under it. We have not heard whether Dr. VAN ZWEEL’s specific has been tried in hospital, or, if it has, what has been its success.
To meet cases of distress among the poor who have been visited by this disease, charity has been very active in this town and neighbourhood, and we observe with pleasure a subscription for purchasing flannel, an article of first rate importance for obviating the tendency to inflammation in the chest &c after the disease has run its course.
On Monday 18th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John Curtis WOODMAN to Miss Sarah WELLS.
On Monday 18th March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. H.L. ASPELING, baptised Christina Philippina.
BIRTH on Sunday last on board the Duchess of Northumberland, in Table Bay, the wife of the Rev R. MOFFAT of a daughter.
March 19 1839
On the 18th March, the lady of John Grenfell MOYLE Esq of a son.
Saturday 23 March 1839
The Undersigned have just received 250 Reams of very superior Machine Demy, which they offer for sale at a moderate price.
15 St.George’s-street.
Formerly with Mr. W. BILLINGSLEY, and lately with Mr. R.J. JONES, informs his Friends and the Merchants of Cape Town that he will, early in the ensuing month, proceed to Graham’s Town, where he intends establishing himself as an Auctioneer and Commission Agent.
To close sundry consignments by Mr. C. PERRY
At the stores of the Undersigned
Including a great variety of Ironmongery, as Cutlery, Plated Ware, Lamps; Iron and Copper Kettles; Guns, Pistols, Gun Caps, Flints, Muskets; Chest Locks; Gimlets, shell and screw Augurs; Spades and Shovels; Pitch and Rosin, Brimstone, Turpentine, Boiled Oil in Jars; Green Paint in Kegs and Jars; Brass Kettles and Komfores &c &c
NB The Day of Sale will be notified next week.
Wednesday 27 March 1839
DIED at his Residence, Haasendal, near Rondebosch, on the 21st inst, in the 60th year of his age, William ROBERTSON Esq, one of the first British Merchants who established themselves in Cape Town, after the capture of the Settlement in 1806. A gentleman, whose integrity of character, and urbanity of manner, caused him to be respected and beloved by all who knew him.
By Special Licence
On Saturday 23rd March by the Rev Geo. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
George Alexander REYNOLDS Esq to Miss Maria Josina PIETERSEN.
On Monday 25th March by the same:
Mr. S.S. LEYLAND to Miss Mary Ann TAYLOR
March 21: William ROBERTSON Esq, of Rondebosch, aged 59 years.
March 21: Mr. Edw. HOGG, aged 27 years 3 months and 11 days.
March 22: Mrs. Catherine WRIGHT, wife of Mr. Jas. WRIGHT, aged 42 years.
March 24: Mrs. Catharine FRY, wife of the Rev John FRY RN, aged 28 years and 8 months.
March 24: Sarah Afra, daughter of Mr. B. DYASON, aged 16 months and 6 days.
March 26: William BASSAM, seaman, ahed 28 years.
Saturday 30 March 1839
Departed this Life on the 24th March, Catherina Reinira DE WIT, wife of the Rev John FRY RN, aged 28 years and 8 months.
Vyge Kraal, 27th March 1839.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 27th March 1839
The Next of Kin and Creditors of the Reverend Joseph MARSH, who died on board the ‘Captain Cook’, at sea,
Of Johann George GÖPELL }
Of Edward HOGG } late of Cape Town
Of Maria Augustina PEAKER }
deceased, are required to take Notice that a Meeting of the Next of Kin and Creditors of the deceased, and all others whom these Presents may concern, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town on Tuesday the 7th May next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon precisely; and all such Persons as aforesaid are hereby required to attend at the place and time aforesaid; then and there to see Letters of Administration granted to such Person or Persons, as shall then be appointed by the said Master, to be Executor or Executors Dative to the Estate of such deceased Persons as aforesaid, and Tutor and Tutors Dative of the Minor Heirs of the Deceased.
Clerke Burton, Master of the Supreme Court.
House and Premises
Having purchased the Premises of Mr. WOODMAN, Tallow Chandler, Plein-street, has given instructions to Messrs. ELLIOTT Bothers to sell by Public Auction, on Friday morning the 5th April, at 11 o’clock precisely, those valuable and extensive Premises situate No.3 Castle-street, well known as an old Establishment, in which for a number of years past various Trades have been carried on with good success; and in which the present Proprietor has enjoyed a very lucrative Business, as Grocer and Haberdasher.
The Premises can be strongly recommended to Capitalists for an outlay of Capital, as the House and Store may be let separately, and would bring high Rent. To persons wishing to start in either of the above branches of Trade, it offers numerous advantages as a known Establishment, situate in one of the most frequented parts of Cape Town. The House and Store will be sold either together or separately.
At the same time will be sold a splendid Assortment of Glass and China Ware and various Shop Fixtures.
Liberal Stryk Money will be given.
For further particulars apply to Mr. FILMALTER or to ELLIOTT Brothers, Auctioneers.
At Wynberg
March 7: Mrs. Ann LEADER, wife of Mr. LEADER, aged 39 years.
March 2: Mr. Thos. MORRIS, police constable, aged 50 years.
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