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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1867 2 July - December

Friday, 5 July, 1867

In den intestaten boedel van wylen Wilhelm HOEVELS, te Kroonstad.
Crediteuren, die hunne vordering tegen gemelden boedel nog niet ingezonder hebben, worden verzocht, zulke binnen 6 weken aan den ondergeteekenden te doen, Deegelyke worden debiteuren opgeroepen hunne schulden zonder verzuim by hem aan te zuiveren, of regterlyke stappen zullen tegen hen genomen worden.
De executeur datief des boedels voormeld.
E. NIEMEYER Bloemfontein,
1sten July, 1867

DIED at Bethulie, on Tuesday, the 11th June, after a severe illness of many months, Rev. Jean Piere PELLISSIER, aged 58 years, and 14 days. Deeply lamented by his family and friends.
Bethulie, 14 June, 1867

GESTORVEN te Bloemfontein, op den 10den Juny na eene korte maar zware zickte, Sarah Elizabeth HAYWARD, geboren BEKKER, veel geliefde echtgenoote van Joseph HAYWARD, van Leeuwrand, district Bloemfontein, oud 38 jaar, 4 maanden en 11 dagen, nalatende een bedoefde echtgenoot en 7 kinderen om hun verlies te betreuren. Diep betreurd [doen aan die haarkende.]

MARRIED at Smithfield, O.F.State, by special licence, by the father of the bride, on Thursday, the 27th June, 1867, Mr. William Whiskin COLLINS, of Bloemfontein, O.F.State, Attorney-at-law and General Agent, to Amelia Isabella, eldest daughter of the Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Church of England minister at Smithfield. – No Cards

BEVALLEN op den 28sten Junij, des morgens ten 1 uur, is bevalle van een welgeschapen dochter, Mejufv. E.S. van BROEKHUIZEN, geboren BORNMAN.
Familie en vrienden gelieve deze als kennisgeving aan te nemen.
Winburg, 28 Junij, 1867

Friday, 12 July, 1867

From our own correspondent
Winburg, 2nd July, 1867.
Reported death of M. PRETORIUS.
You have had so many past and coming events from me of late, that eventually, this 2nd July, 1867 I have nothing else to event-ilate than that PRETORIUS is dead, fallen another victim to an imbecile, ignorant and cowardly policy. I would not for much have recorded against me, the consequences that have followed this policy; and which good sense and a little pluck would have counteracted…

In den boedel van wijlen Mejufvrouw L.C. JACOBS en nagebleven echtegenoot J.P. van ZIJL
Op donderdag, den 10den October A.S., op de plaats “Nootgedacht,” district Boshof, te beginnen om 9 uur in den voormiddag:- De welbekende plaats ”Nooitgedacht,” district Boshof, omtrent 2 uur van het dorp, groot 4000 morgen, met groote tuin en landeryen, geode dameren en fonteinen en gerieflyk woonhuis.
De plaats “Katdoornbult,” naby eerstgenoemde plaats, groot omtrent 2,500 morgen, desgelyke goed bekend van een uitmuntend veeplaats.
De Erven No.133 & 172 op het dorp Boshof.
Omtrent 1000 Wolschapen, 100 anteelbeesten, 5 paarden, 1 kap en lopen kar, 1 paardenwagen byna nieuw, 1 dito oud, 1 nieuwe ploeg, 1 nieuwe shraapblok, 1 groote slagtijzer, 1ijzer korenmolen, 1 trekzaag
Gereedschappen, huisraad, en alles wat tot een welingerigte boerderij behoord.
Terme van crediet zeer gunstig.
Geo. ISRAEL Vendu-Afslager
Boshof, 10 Junij, 1867

Friday, 26 July, 1867

BIRTH at Reddersburg, on the 20th July, 1867, Mrs R.F. A. LAVERS, of a son.

Friday, 2 August, 1867

MARRIED at Harrismith, on the 15th July, 1867, by the Revr. Mr. McMILLIAN, Nicolas Michal LENNON, son of the late Michal LENNON, esq. Veterinary Surgeon, Cliften, Kilkenny, Ireland, to Mary Jane, second daughter of the late John ANDREWS, Esq. of Bethlehem, O.F.S. - No cards.

MARRIED at Aliwal North, Cape Colony, on the 17th July, 1867, by the Rev. Mr. NAUDE, the Rev. Charles Smith MORGAN, Minister of Middelburg, to Cornelia Owen, third daughter of John BURNET, C.C. and R.M. of Aliwal North

Friday, 16 August, 1867

DIED at Bethulie, on Friday, 2nd August, 1867, Jean PELLISSER, aged 88 years, 11 months and 11 days, deeply lamented by his family and friends
Bethulie, 5 August, 1867

Friday, 30 August, 1867

BIRTH at Winburg, on Tuesday morning the 27th inst., the wife of Mr. G.H. LOCH of a daughter

Friday, 6 September, 1867

DIED at Bethulie, on the 17th August last, after a long and painful sickness, Henry Parry MORGAN, Med. doctor, aged 33 years, 2 months and 9 days. Deeply lamented by his friends,
Executor Testamentary

DIED at Boshof, on Saturday, August 30th, 1867, our dearly beloved daughter Alletta Wilhelmina Jeanette, aged nearly 8 months, after an illness of 46 days. This is now the fourth child we have lost by death. “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord”
We beg to thank those persons who showed so much sympathy and rendered so much help to us during the sore affliction of our child.

Friday, 13 September, 1867

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 9th inst., the wife of Dr. B.O. KELLNER, of a son

At Philippolis, on the 2nd inst., the wife of Mr. J.F.M. SCHULZ, of a daughter.

Friday, 20 September, 1867

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Philippolis on Thursday night, the 5th instant, at 11 o’clock after 5 hours of intense suffering, Emma WHITEHORN, the beloved wife of Frederick Kaufmann HOHNE of that place, at the early age of 33 years, leaving a disconsolate husband to lament his loss, and four youthful children, deprived of the tender care of an affectionate mother.
The bereaved husband rises for a moment from his afflicted condition, to express his sincere acknowledgement of the timely and considerate kindness exhibited by his friends during the period of visitation.
Philippolis, 10 September, 1867

Friday, 4 October, 1867

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 29th ulto., Mrs KEYS, of a daughter

Friday, 11 October, 1867

MARRIED at Model Cottage, Bloemfontein, on the 4th October, by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, Wesleyan Minister, Charles Thomas TALBOT, eldest son of Mr. Charles TALBOT, of Salem, to Anna Jacoba Petronella, second daughter of Mr. M. GRIFFIN, of this town.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 1st instant, Margaretha Elizabeth, aged 7 years and 20 days, beloved daughter of J.S. MARAIS and E.C.E. KIESER

Friday, 18 October, 1867

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. E.S. HEPBURN, of a son.

Friday, 25 October, 1867

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 16th inst., Mrs Robert MacFARLANE, of a daughter

BIRTH at Cronstadt, on the 15th October instant, Mrs. Joseph de KOCK A son, of a son. Both mother and child are in good health

Friday, 1 November, 1867

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic, on Sunday forenoon, at half past 11 o’clock, after 31 hours of great suffering, Emily Jacoba COOPER the beloved wife of Thomas Ernest de PRADINES of that place, on the anniversary of her 31st birthday, leaving a disconsolate husband to lament her loss, and three young children deprived at the tender care of an affectionate mother.

Friday, 8 November, 1867

In den insolventen boedel van George INNES
De ondergeteekende, geauthoriseerde zynde doorden curator in bovengemelden boedel, zal op Zaturdag, den 16den November aanstaande, publiek aan den meestbiedende te Philippolis doen verkoopen de volgennde woorwerpen aan den boedel behoorende:- Omtrent 1200 goede Merino ooijen en lammeren, 3 ossen, eenige paardenen koeijen, Alsmede huisraad, zijnde te veel om op te noemen.
Credit zal worden gegeven.
Carl C. MATHEY, Afslager.
Philippolis, 29 October, 1867

Friday, 15 November, 1867

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Sunday night, 10th inst, Michael GORMALLY, age 32 years. Deceased was born in the parish of Kilinven, County Galway, Ireland – R.I.P.

DIED at Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic, on the 24th October, 1867, John Henry [SCHIERPELING] aged 44 years and 6 months.

BEVALLEN van een, welgeschapen zoon, Mejufvrouw VRIES, geboren KLIJNHANS. Smithfield, 10 November, 1867

Friday, 22 November, 1867

DIED at his residence, Bloemfontein, on 19th inst, Mr. James DICK, a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and long a resident of this town, aged 50 years.

We regret to have to announce the demise of Mr. James DICK, the well known general agent - an old and well-to-do citizen of this town. This sad event occurred at an early hour on the 19th inst. (Tuesday). Mr. DICK, as a correspondent justly remarks, was for many years looked upon as one of the [“institutions”] of the town. Till about three years since the deceased was most indefatigable in the pursuit of business and money-making, as well as in the promoting of any scheme which he considered condusive to the interests of the community. He took a leading part in the establishment of the Bloemfontain Bank, of which he was a director, and […..] the creation, until very recently, [a commissioner of the town Municipality]. The late Mr. DICK had resided in the town for some 15 years, and at his death must have been about 50 years of age. He was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, but had resided both in [India and Natal before settling] in this town. Mr. DICK, [……….] till November 1855 [ was the energetic and untiring general clerk] of the late Mr. Charles Urquhart STUART. On the demise of that gentleman Mr. DICK commenced business for himself, as a general agent, ..[several illegible lines]. Mr. D. leaves no heirs or relatives in South Africa, his late wife having died without issue in January last. It is, however, known that he has a brother, sister and other erelatives in Scotland. The funeral which was numerously and respectably attended, took place in the English burial-ground on Wednesday afternoon the service being impressively read by the Rev. D. CROGHAN, Church of England.

Friday, 6 December, 1867

MARRIED by special licence, Edouard van OLDEN, J.U.D. Landdrost of Jacobsdal, to Jane Anne, daughter of Edward WYLDE, late clerk of the Peace of Worcester, and grand daughter of Sir John WYLDE, late Chief Justice of Cape Colony, Jacobsdal, Nov. 20, 1867

Friday, 13 December, 1867

In den boedel van Leseya Christina KRUGER, geboren VORSTER, van Middelpoort, District Bloemfontein.
De executeuren in bovengemelde boeden zullen publiek verkoopen op de plaats Middelpoort, aan Korensprui op Woensdag, 22sten Januarij, 1868 om 11 ure des voormiddage:-
1sten ˗ De Plaats Middelpoort, 2500 Morgen groot, volgens landmeters kaart. Het is een vruchtebare plants, sterke fonteiuen, een woonhuis met 4 vertrekken en 3 buitengebouwen, kralen, land en tuin ommurd, brandhout in overvloed en extra geode veld
2den ˗ Een stuk grond van de plaats ‘Plaatjesfontein, met eene zuiping bij eene fontein, ook voorsien an hout, maar onbebouwd, gelegen aan bovenstaande
3den ˗ wee stukies grond aan bovengemelde zoo als aangewezen worden bij verkooping.
Ruim crediet zal gegeven worden
De condition zullen voorgelezen worden voor de verkooping.
Barend J.J. KRUGER,
Casper J.H. KRUGER
Paardekraal, 25 November, 1867

Friday, 20 December, 1867

In den boedel van wijlen Theunis Theodorus FOURIE, gehuwd met Aletta Johanna MOSTERT
Crediteuren in bovengemelden boedel worden bij deze opgeroepen hunne vorderingen in e leveren binnen den tijd van twee maanden van af heden, en debiteuren worden verzocht het door hen verschuldigde binnen den zelfden tijd te betalen aan en ondergeteekende te zijnere kantore te Harrismith.
R.MacFARLANE, Executeur Datief
Harrismith, 14 December, 1867

Death of John BAGWILL
We regret to hear that Mr. BAGWILL, well known here and better known in Capetown, died recently, while on a teaching trip beyond the Vaal River. Mrs. BAGWILL, who accompanied him, has not yet returned home.

Friday, 27 December, 1867

Het heft den Beschikker van Leven en Dood behaagt, van ons tederminnende onderharte weg te rukken in den jeugdigen leeftijd van 6 jaren 9 maanden en 10 dagen, onze geliefde dochter Johanna Margaretha die op den 14 den dezer door een bliksemstrand getroffen werd ten gevolge waarvan zij oor omblikkelijk overleed. Familie en vriende gelieve deze bekendmaking als eenige kennisgeving aantenemen.
Kroonstadt, 20sten December, 1867

Mr. W.C. BOUWER, senr., of Douglas Valley, and for some time past residing in this town died here, after a short illness, on Saturday night 21st inst, aged 57 years. Mr. BOUWER has lived in this district for many years. He at one time resided in Graham’s Town.

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