The Sunday Times 1994 05 May
8 May 1994
Abramson-Handelsman – To Susan and Darryl a daughter May 5th. All Well.
Cobb – Hugh and Shelley (Jacobson) are delighted to announce the birth of their son on May 5 (25th Iyar) at the Park Lane. Baruch Hashem.
Cobb-Jacobson – Charlie and Eveline, Sam and Thelma, welcome the arrival of their grandson, born to Hugh and Shelley on May 5.
Friedman – Robynne and David announce the arrival of their precious daughter Danielle on May 5th. Baruch Hashem.
Kaplan – Gemma and Dena, are thrilled to announce the arrival of their baby sister Ariel born on 4/5/94. David and Robyn (nee Trakman) thank doctors and staff at the Park Lane. Baruch Hashem.
Lange – To Neale and Lesley (nee Sher), a daughter born May 4th, 1994 in St. Louis U.S.A. Grandchild for Myron and Leah, Farrel and Liz, great grandchild for Hinda Traub, David and Rose Cowan, Ralph and Rae Sher.
Lief – To Jeremy and Nicolette, a precious baby girl, Kyla, born May 5. Thanks to staff and doctors at Park Lane Clinic.
Rudnick – Made in the U.S.A. Michael and Ros, (nee Sholk), are thrilled to announce the birth of their precious twins, a boy and a girl, born in San Diego, May 6th. All well. Baruch Hashem.
Sher – To Lawrence and Andrea (nee Greenstein), a beautiful baby girl, born on 25th April in Phoenix Arizona, a lovely granddaughter for Gillian and Phil Sher and Cecil and Linda Greenstein. Parents and baby doing well.
Todes – Adrienne (nee Freed), and Daniel, are thrilled to announce the birth of a precious baby sister for Adam. Thanks to doctors and staff at Kingsbury.
Wasilewsky – To Gary and Beverley (nee Bloch), a beautiful baby girl born 3rd May, sister for Craig and Jed. Thanks to doctors and staff at Park Lane. Baruch Hashem.
Ellert, Brett – Youngest son of Tony and Sybille Ellert, will read Maftir and Haftorah on the 14th May 1994 at the Waverley Synagogue.
Jackson-Fraser – Alan and Gail Jackson have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Donna to Gavin, son of Malcolm and Eleanora Fraser of Sedgefield.
Kessel-Ziman – Wolfie and Elaine, Joe and Estrella, are delighted to announce the engagement of their children, Tracy and Brian. Kessel (011) 640-3325, Ziman (011) 954-1877, Tracy and Brian (011) 887-7981.
Kinross-Pacifici – Lorraine and Richard, are thrilled to announce the engagement of their son Clive to Hilda, daughter of Lea and Nino. Mazeltov. Tel. Pacifici (011) 783-9023, Kinross 786-1342.
McLean-Gillatt – Bronwyn and Chris are thrilled to announce their engagement.
Miller-Wulfsohn – Michael and Sybil Miller, Phillip and Edith Wulfsohn, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of Lisa to Michael in Boston U.S.A. Wulfsohn (0110 646-3006, Michael and Lisa 091-617-782-2879, Miller’s 091-401-421-1116 (Rhode Island U.S.A)
Moritz-Berger – Phyllis and Edgar, Masha and Charles, are delighted to announce the engagement of their children, Ilana and Jonathan. Moritz (011) 616-5050, Berger 646-3708.
Rothbart-Tucker – Richard and Angela, Selwyn and Taubette, are delighted to announce the engagement of their children, Carol and Howard. Rothbart (011) 888-5456, Tucker 455-4458.
Shkedy-Kapla – Joseph and Luba (Toronto) are delighted to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage in New York, of their eldest son Gary to Dalia, daughter of David and Mazel (Israel). Gary (212) 360-7473 (NY) Joe and Luba (905) 731-2809 (Toronto).
Bengis, Lawrie – Darling husband of Helen and wonderful father of Philippa, Zoe and greg. We are devasted by your tragic and senseless death. We will always love you and miss you. Funeral today 11.15 am at West Park Cemetery. Prayers 52 12th Ave., Parktown North at 6pm.
Bengis, Lawrie – Taken from us so tragically on May 4th. Deeply mourned by his mother Babs, wife Helen, children Philippa, Zoe and Gregory, brothers, Cliff, Roy and Charles, sisters-in-law Ann, Bibi and Renette, nephews Steven and Merrick, nieces Julia and Lara. Will be remembered forever.
Bengis, Lawrie – Our beloved son-in-law, brother-in-law and uncle. A very special person. He is deeply mourned and will be sadly missed. Reggie and Elizabeth, Rob, Judy, Matthew and Cassy Smith.
Bengis, Lawrie – Passed away tragically. Lovingly remembered by his heart-broken cousins Ken, Valerie, Eddie and godson Steven Rabbie.
Bengis, Lawrie – Passed away tragically. We all send deepest sympathies and love to Aunty Babs, Helen, the children, Charles, Roy and Clifford. Our thoughts are with you. Love Adele and Aaron, Kenneth and Tammy, Patricia and Jacques and families.
Bengis, Laurie – To Helen, Phillipa, Zoe and Gregory. With our kindest thoughts and deepest sympathy from staff and pupils of Glenoaks School.
Bengis, Lawrie – Our dearest friend passed away so senselessly. We grieve with Helen, Gregory, Zoe and Philippa. We will miss him always. Selwyn, Penny and Daniel.
Bengis, Lawrie – Loving thoughts to all. Ada, Trevor and Mimi, Barbara and Leslie and families.
Bergmann, Cherie’ – Passed away after an illness bravely bourne. Sadly missed by her children Andrew and Rene’ and their families.
Chaitow, Natie – Passed away on May 3rd. Deeply mourned by his sister-in-law Ann Wolff, Hilton, Susan, Jonty and Alan.
Cheerin, Sadie – A true Ashet Chayil, passed away peacefully on Sunday May 1st, 1994. Will be loved and remembered forever by her son Howard, Daughter-in-law Beryl and grandchildren Nicolette, Candice, Danielle and Jared.
Cheerin, Sadie – Passed away peacefully on Sunday May 1st, 1994. Those who have passed from this world, die only when we whom they have loved forget them. Rest in peace Mamela. All our love Eric and Felicity.
Greenberg, Arthur – passed away peacefully in Durban May 4th, 1994. Beloved father, grandfather & great-grandfather of Phyllis and Gus Lipschitz, David, Shira and Ori, Jonathan and Aviva and their families. Deeply mourned.
Greenberg, Arthur – Passed away peacefully in Durban May 4th, 1994. Beloved father, grandfather & great-grandfather of Mark and Lilian, Jacqui, Kenny and Amy-Lee, Michael and Leora. Deeply mourned.
Hart, Matthew – Our golden boy died suddenly aged 26 leaving the world a poorer place. Will always be remembered with so much love and pride by his parents Hazel and Robert, sister Lisa and granny Marianne. M.H.D.S.R.I.P.
Hart, Matthew – Passed away so suddenly. Our deepest sympathy to Robert, Hazel, Marion, Lisa and Tanya on your sad and tragic loss. From Evan, Dana and girls. M.H.D.S.R.I.P.
Hart, Matthew – Our dear nephew and cousin passed away tragically. Deeply mourned and always remembered by Aubrey and Esme Isaacs and family. M.H.D.S.R.I.P.
Levin, Dovid – Dearest son of Seanne and Craig passed away suddenly May 1st. (20 Iyar) Sadly remembered by his parents, grandparents Desmond and Noelyne, Avril and Mervyn Cooperman, great-grandparents Eva Cooperman, Ruth, Sydney Taitz, uncles and aunts Bradley, Karen, Nicky, Malcolm and Candice.
Lunz, Manuel – Our most precious Mannie passed away May 4th. The kindest sweetest man we ever knew. Deeply mourned and sadly missed by his loving wife Joyce, children Allan and Lorraine, Geoffrey and Joan, David and grandchildren Romy-Lee, Carly, Darren, Gregory and Davin.
Lunz, Mannie – Our beloved brother and uncle. Very deeply mourned and sadly missed by Aubrey, Essie, Barbi and Stan, Margi and Brian and children and Richard.
Lunz, Mannie – Our lifelong friend, passed away after an illness bravely borne. Manachem will forever be in our hearts and remembered with love and affection. Our deepest sympathy to Joyce and the family. M.H.D.S.R.I.P. Alkin and Mary, Ivor, Adele and Dean, Arlene and Brenda Gordon.
Lunz, Dr Mannie – Passed away May 4th. We express our deepest sympathy to Allan and all members of his family. Dr. Mark Voloshin – Chairman, Directors and staff of the Marvol Group of Companies in South Africa and Internationally.
Lunz, Mannie – We mourn with the family the tragic passing of a true gentleman and a wonderful caring life long friend. Harry and Margot Ulman and family.
Lunz, Dr Mannie – Senior Lecturer/specialist in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Wits Medical School and Johannesburg Hospital for 40 years, passed away on May 4th, 1994. He will be sadly missed by his colleagues and patients. The Orthopaedic Department has lost a great teacher.
Lunz, Mannie – Beloved doctor and wonderful friend of Hermione and Dave Zunde. Rest in peace. Deeply mourned.
Lunz, Mannie – Passed away May 4th. Condolences to his loving wife, sons and families. Directors, Management and staff Concorde Travel Group.
Lunz, Dr. Mannie – Passed away May 4th. Our sincere condolences to Allan and all his family. Sarah and Lou Wolf and family.
Lunz, Mannie – Will always be lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Lou and Gina Shubitz and family.
Margolis, Sarah – Passed away May 5th, 1994. Darling mother, Bobba and great Bobba of Lou and Val Margolis and family, Ray and Jack Dorfan and family, Lily and Stan Marks and family. Deeply mourned and lovingly remembered. Prayers Sunday May 8th, 1994 and Monday May 9th, 1994 at 5.30pm at 175 6th Ave. Percelia.
Minsker, Louis – Passed away in Perth 3rd May. Deeply mourned by sister Ray Meyers, Monty, Maureen, Lara and Russell.
Minsker, Louis – Passed away in Perth 3/5/94. Dearest uncle of Paul, Fiona, Lisa and Kerry. Deeply mourned.
Nowitz, Sam – Passed away May 6th, 1994. Beloved uncle sadly missed by Sadie, Gerald, Wolfe, Renette and families. M.H.D.S.R.I.P. Funeral Sunday May 7th, 10.30am, West Park Cemetery.
Pamm, Joan Barbara – A gracious lady, passed away peacefully on May 7th. Rest in Peace Darling.
Privett, Ronald Bruce – Dearly loved son and beloved brother and father will always be remembered.
Radomsky, Ray – Passed away peacefully on Tuesday May 3rd, 1994. Deeply mourned and sadly missed by her loving children Bernie, Len and Marilyn, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandson.
Robertson, Mona – Passed away on April 30th. Deeply mourned by Sally, Robyn, John and Sara.
Rushovich, Rochelle – Beloved wife, mother and grandmother passed away May 3, 1994. A warm hearted woman who loved life and people. She will be sorely missed and always loved and remembered by her loving husband Freedom, adoring children Alan, Elise, Janet, Alex, Errol, Berry and grandchildren. M.H.D.S.R.I.P. Prayers Sunday May 8th, at 15 Kent Place, Hydepark, at 5.30pm.
Tennenbaum, Ignacio – Passed away peacefully in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 30, 1994. Deeply mourned by his beloved daughter, Silvia, son-in-law Norman and grandchildren Candice and Michael.
Tennenbaum, Ignacio – Passed away peacefully in Buenos Aires, Argentina on April 30, 1994. Will always be remembered as a wonderful man. Bertha and Irwin Smolowitz.
Trehair, Percy – My darling husband, who died early on 5th May. May God grant you all his peace and comfort which you so richly deserve. I will miss you dearly. Your loving wife and friend, Freda.
Trehair, Percy – Our dear father and grandpa, died Thursday 5th May. You have been so very special to us and your memory will live with us forever. Your constant love and support has always been there. We love you and will miss you dearly, but we know that you are present with the Lord. Ray, Lyndie, Joshua and Kristen. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23).
Weinberg, Norman – Passed away tragically on May 2nd, 1994. A Very special man will always be loved and remembered by his wife Naomi, his children Tessa, Lindy and Gill, Robbie and Ruth, his grandchildren Joshie, Evan, Jessie, Jonathon and Michael, his sister Myra and family in Israel and his brother Mark and family in London. Prayers will be held on Sunday 6pm, at 33 Tennyson Road, Lombardy East.
Weinberg, Norman – Passed away tragically. Our loss of such a good fellow will be felt by Rotary and all who knew him. Our deepest sympathy to Naomi and his family. From all at Hillbrow Rotary Club.
Weinberg, Norman – Lovingly remembered by his cousins Joanne and Michael Frame.
Weinberg, Norman – Our dear friend passed away tragically on May 2nd. Our deepest sympathy to Naomi and family. Always remembered by Jos and Lou Morris and family.
Wes, Lea – Our very special sister and sister-in-law passed away peacefully May 4th, 1994. Very deeply mourned and loved by Jankel and Helen Rudolph.
Wes, Lea – Passed away peacefully. Deeply mourned and ever remembered by Harold, Reva, Sue, Martin and families.
Zacchetti, Giovanni – Most dear and wonderful husband and friend of Priscilla, passed away tuesday 3/5/94.
Gremont – The unveiling of the tombstone in loving memory of Hannah, will take place on Thursday May 12th at 11am at Randfontein Jewish Cemetery. Will family and friends kindly accept this intimation.
Funeral Notices
Privett – A memorial service for Ronald Bruce, late of Yeoville JHB, will be held at the Methodist Church, Vanderbijlpark, on Tuesday May 10th at 11.30am, prior to a private cremation. Thom Knight & Co. Tel. (011) 837-5531.
In Memoriam
Berman, Shirley – In ever loving memory of my beloved wife, partner and very best friend, who died one year ago today, forever in my thoughts and always in my heart. Remembered with the greatest love and never to be forgotten. Harry.
Berman, Shirley – In loving memory of my beloved daughter, sister and aunt passed away 8th May 1993. Always remembered and sadly missed Eve, Carole, Alan, Colin, Beverley, Warren, Peta-Sue, Lance, Wayne and Kelly.
Henery, William – Always loved and ever remembered. A very generous and wonderful husband and father. Death may break the earthly tie, but true love will remain forever. If I had to choose again I would choose you. Jean, Michael and Colleen.
Lutrin, Shelley – Five years have not lessened our sorrow nor dimmed our memories. We miss you and long for you every day. Your loving parents Lou and Judy Safro.
Moraitis, Kosta – Passed away May 3, 1989. Always in our hearts and thoughts, never to be forgotten. Your loving wife Helen, and children Basil, Christo and Nicolet.
Shepherd – In loving memory of my mom and our gran, who passed away May 6th, 1981. Sadly missed and always remembered. Love Angela and the Girls.
Yates, Lily – In cherished memory of our dearest Mom, who passed away 4 years ago today. Sadly missed and always remembered by Marian and Gillian.
Yates, Lily – In cherished memory of our dear Mom and granny who died on May 8th, 1990. Lovingly remembered by Leon, Faith, Robert and Wendy.
Abrahams, Jimmy – We would like to express our deepest appreciation and thanks for the love and support shown to us by our priests, family and friends at the loss of our dear father and grandfather on March 26, 1994. Tony, Phyllis and family. The 40th day Mass will be on Sunday May 15, 1994, at 10am, at our Lady of Lebanon Church, Fordsburg, JHB.
Feinberg, Victor – Mignon, Aimee, David, Rae, Myer, Bernstein, Krok and Rakusin families extend a very warm and sincere thank you to all family and friends who has been so caring and supportive during this difficult time.
Rothschild, Manfred – We would like to express our deep appreciation and thanks for the love and support shown to us by all our family and friends on the tragic loss of our beloved father, son and brother, Manfred. To all who sent messages of condolences – our grateful thanks. Mary, Carin, Kevin, Helen and Gill.
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