Family Register pages from Bibles and Original Family Registers.
By preserving photographs of these often valuable and always fragile objects we aim to make as many as possible available to all.
All surnames are indexed and can be found using the Search facililty. If you have comments or suggestions, or Bible photos you would like to contribute, please contact Annelie Els

MIJJER [MEIJER] Fredrik Willem 1836
MIJJER [MEIJER] Fredrik Willem 1836
Facebook Post: Debbie Viljoen. Document found in my GGrandmother's Bible.

(5 images )

MILLER Margaret Charlotte
MILLER Margaret Charlotte
Facebook Post: Jo Brand.

(2 images )

MINNAAR Daniel David 1846
MINNAAR Daniel David 1846

(3 images )

MINNAAR Jacob Petrus 1840
MINNAAR Jacob Petrus 1840
Facebook Post: Teresa Anne Moore. Photograph by the Seller.

(3 images )

MOCKE F.G. & S.E. NEL getroud 1831
MOCKE F.G. & S.E. NEL getroud 1831
From the collection of The Heritage Foundation, Pretoria

(5 images )

MOCKE Frederick Simmon and Annie Maria PETERSEN, married 1898
MOCKE Frederick Simmon and Annie Maria PETERSEN, married 1898
From the Museum Africa collection, Johannesburg

(4 images )

MOLLER Pieter C.
MOLLER Pieter C.
Calvinia Museum Collection

(2 images )

MOSENTHAL Adolph 1812-1882
MOSENTHAL Adolph 1812-1882
From the Museum Africa collection, Johannesburg

(3 images )

From the Museum Africa collection, Johannesburg

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MOSTERT Hermanus J. en Aletta K. STANDER
MOSTERT Hermanus J. en Aletta K. STANDER

(1 image )

MULDER Abraham Frederick en Elizabeth Sophia Cathrina PIETERSE, getroud 1867
MULDER Abraham Frederick en Elizabeth Sophia Cathrina PIETERSE, getroud 1867
From the National Cultural History Museum collection, Pretoria

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MüLLER Diederik Johannis en Nicolaszina Suzanna Aletta VILJOEN
MüLLER Diederik Johannis en Nicolaszina Suzanna Aletta VILJOEN
From the National Cultural History Museum collection, Pretoria

(2 images )

MULLER Jakobus
MULLER Jakobus
Calvinia Museum Collection

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MURDOCH William James and Elizabeth DU TOIT, married 1911
MURDOCH William James and Elizabeth DU TOIT, married 1911
From the National Cultural History Museum collection, Pretoria

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contributed by the NGK Argief, Stellenbosch

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MYBURGH Margaret
MYBURGH Margaret
From the Albany Museum collection, Grahamstown

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NAGRINI Zacharia 1895
NAGRINI Zacharia 1895

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NAUDE Stefanus Jacobus, gebore 1872
NAUDE Stefanus Jacobus, gebore 1872
From the collection of The Heritage Foundation, Pretoria

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NEL Albertus Willem Petrus 1865
NEL Albertus Willem Petrus 1865
Calvinia Museum Collection

(4 images )

NEL Emmerenthia Hester 1903-1951
NEL Emmerenthia Hester 1903-1951
From the National Museum collection, Bloemfontein

(3 images )

NEL Hans Jurie, gebore 1794 en Sara Sijbella Johanna GOOSEN, gebore 1800, getroud 1826
NEL Hans Jurie, gebore 1794 en Sara Sijbella Johanna GOOSEN, gebore 1800, getroud 1826

(3 images )

NEL J.M. en S.J.BOTHA gehuwd 1888
NEL J.M. en S.J.BOTHA gehuwd 1888
contributed by the NGK Argief, Stellenbosch

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NEL Jacob Willem Stephanus 1808 & martha Margritha Elisabeth van Taak 1827
NEL Jacob Willem Stephanus 1808 & martha Margritha Elisabeth van Taak 1827
Calvinia Museum Collection

(3 images )

NEL Jan Jeremia Daniel en Barendina Danielina Jansen van Rensburg getroud 17 Februarie 1904
NEL Jan Jeremia Daniel en Barendina Danielina Jansen van Rensburg getroud 17 Februarie 1904

(7 images )

NEL Jan Willem Heimriks; 1873
NEL Jan Willem Heimriks; 1873
Calvinia Museum Collection

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NEL Lowies Johannes, gebore 1821 en Francina RUDOLPH, getroud circa 1840
NEL Lowies Johannes, gebore 1821 en Francina RUDOLPH, getroud circa 1840
From the National Cultural History Museum collection, Pretoria

(4 images )

NEL Lowis en Elisabetta Margrieta BOTA, getroud 1831
NEL Lowis en Elisabetta Margrieta BOTA, getroud 1831
From the National Museum collection, Bloemfontein

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NEL Philip Rudolf, gebore 18(23) en Hendrina Christina TREDOUX, gebore 1823, getroud 1853
NEL Philip Rudolf, gebore 18(23) en Hendrina Christina TREDOUX, gebore 1823, getroud 1853
From the Voortrekker / Msunduzi Museum collection, Pietermaritzburg

(1 image )

NEL Samuel Pieter Martinus, gebore 1812 en Jacomina Cornelia Fredrika BOTHA, gebore 1817, getroud 1834
NEL Samuel Pieter Martinus, gebore 1812 en Jacomina Cornelia Fredrika BOTHA, gebore 1817, getroud 1834
From the Queenstown Museum collection, Queenstown

(5 images )

NEL Samuel Pieter Martinus, gebore 1812 en Jacomina Cornelia Fredrika BOTHA, gebore 1817, getroud 1834
NEL Samuel Pieter Martinus, gebore 1812 en Jacomina Cornelia Fredrika BOTHA, gebore 1817, getroud 1834
From the Queenstown Museum collection, Queenstown

(4 images )