There are some lovely old post cards in this album. We are hoping to expand this collection - especially the South African section, especially those about historical buildings, historical events, cultural memories, etc.

The post cards were donated by Pieter van Aardt, Dorothy Adendorff, Adri Alborough, Mac Barnard, Susan Barnard, June Barnes, Jennifer Beckemeier, Allan Beeby, Arnoldus Bestbier, Francois Biewenga, Olga Birch, Jan Booysen, A van Breda, Caroline de Bruin, Erna Buber-De Villiers, Stephen Croeser, Simon du Plooy, Annelie Els, Marielle Ford, Lenore Frost, Patricia Frykberg, Andrea Furnace, Petro Gertenbach, Colleen Gray, Alta Griffiths, Heidelberg Heritage Association Archives, Sharon Hiebner, Olwyn Garratt, Martin Greshoff, Peter Honiball, Bessie Jacobs,  Yvonne Johnson, Nikolas Koulountis, Vic Lindeque, Talita Loftie-Eaton, Annemie Lourens, Jean Marie Mann, David van der Merwe, Glynis Cox Millet-Clay, Paula Monteith, Heidi Morgan, Sandra Elizabeth Meyer, Christine van Niekerk, Shirley Paladin, Amanda du Plessis, Hermien du Plessis, Colin Pretorius, Helen Riding, Riana le Roux, Basil Royston, Goug Sayce, Peet Schabort, Louis Scheepers, Marlene Spies, Ann Tiran, David Christopher Travis-Smith, Tobie de Villiers, Stefan van Rhyn, Pauline van Vuuren, Rita van Vuuren, Elne Watson, Bill Weidner, Sandie Williams and Gertjie Wolmarans.

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under Development]. Please contact Daan Botes ( should you have some post cards to contribute. We only need a scanned copy - not the original!

Click on the pictures to enter the albums or view the postcards. 

1 South Africa / Suid Afrika

1 South Africa / Suid Afrika

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 24 sub-albums and 13 images

Africa / Afrika

Africa / Afrika

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 10 sub-albums and 7 images

Australia / Australië

Australia / Australië

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 sub-album and 16 images

Austria / Oostenryk / Österreich

Austria / Oostenryk / Österreich

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 sub-album and 15 images

Belgium / België

Belgium / België

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 70 images

British Isles / Britse Eilande

British Isles / Britse Eilande

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 sub-albums and 1 image

Canada / Kanada

Canada / Kanada

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 16 images

Canary Islands

Canary Islands

Album containing 1 sub-album and 4 images

Caribbean Islands / Karibiese Eilande

Caribbean Islands / Karibiese Eilande

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images

China / 中國

China / 中國

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 sub-album and 3 images

Czech Republic / Tjeggiese Republiek / ?eská republika

Czech Republic / Tjeggiese Republiek / ?eská republika

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 images

Denmark / Denemarke / Danmark

Denmark / Denemarke / Danmark

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images

Embroidered cards / Geborduurde kaarte

Embroidered cards / Geborduurde kaarte

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 29 images

Estonia / Estland / Eesti

Estonia / Estland / Eesti

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 image

Finland / Suomi

Finland / Suomi

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 3 images

France / Frankryk

France / Frankryk

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 sub-albums and 47 images

Germany / Duitsland / Deutschland

Germany / Duitsland / Deutschland

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 10 sub-albums and 73 images

Greece / Griekeland / Ελλάδα

Greece / Griekeland / Ελλάδα

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 sub-album and 20 images



Album containing 2 images

India / Indië / इंडिया

India / Indië / इंडिया

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 8 images

Indonesia / Indonesië

Indonesia / Indonesië

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images

International Personalities

International Personalities

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 1 sub-album and 1 image

Israel ישראל

Israel   ישראל

Album containing 9 sub-albums and 16 images



Album containing 12 sub-albums and 90 images

Japan / 日本

Japan / 日本

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images

Jordan / Jordanië / الأردن

Jordan / Jordanië / الأردن

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images

KUWAIT الكويت

KUWAIT الكويت

Album containing 1 image

Malaysia / Maleisië

Malaysia / Maleisië

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 2 images



For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 images

Miscellaneous / Allerlei

Miscellaneous / Allerlei

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 7 images



For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 images

Namibia / Namibië

Namibia / Namibië

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 7 sub-albums and 67 images

Netherlands / Nederland

Netherlands / Nederland

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 sub-albums and 23 images

New Zealand

New Zealand

Album containing 1 image

Other Mid & Far East

Other Mid & Far East

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 3 images

Philippines / Filippyne / Pilipinas

Philippines / Filippyne / Pilipinas

For more information about the collection from the specific contributors - go to [Under development]. Please contact Daan Botes at...

Album containing 5 images

Poland / Pole / Polska

Poland / Pole / Polska

Album containing 1 sub-album and 7 images



Album containing 3 sub-albums and 12 images



Album containing 1 image

Russian Federation / Russiese Federasie / Российская Федерация

Russian Federation / Russiese Federasie / Российская Федерация

Album containing 19 images



Album containing 1 image

Singapore / Singapoer

Singapore / Singapoer

Album containing 2 images

South America

South America

Album containing 3 sub-albumsAlbum containing

Spain / Spanje / España

Spain / Spanje / España

Album containing 12 sub-albums and 30 images

St Helena

St Helena

Album containing 5 images

Sweden - Sverige

Sweden - Sverige

Album containing 1 image

Switzerland / Switserland / Schweiz

Switzerland / Switserland / Schweiz

Album containing 3 sub-albums and 40 images

Taiwan / 台灣

Taiwan / 台灣

Album containing 1 image

United States / Verenigde State

United States / Verenigde State

Album containing 5 sub-albums and 27 images

Vietnam - Việt Nam

Vietnam - Việt Nam

Album containing 10 images

World War / Wêreldoorlog

World War /  Wêreldoorlog

Album containing 1 sub-album and 28 images

Yugoslavia / Joego Slawië / jugoslavija

Yugoslavia / Joego Slawië / jugoslavija

These post cards date back to the era of Yugoslavia. After the death of their President Marshal Tito (1892-1980) and the fall of communism...

Album containing 5 sub-albumsAlbum containing