Photograph Collections
Archive Documents
Family Bibles
Cape Archives Lists of Freeburgers
Hague Archives Lists of Freeburgers
Cape Town NGK 1655 to 1707
Newspaper Extracts
1820 Settler Correspondence
Church and Burial Records
Stellenbosh NGK 1688 to 1794
Passenger Lists
eGGSA Post Card Collection / Poskaartversameling
Album List
1 South Africa / Suid Afrika (13)
Africa / Afrika (7)
Australia / Australië (16)
Austria / Oostenryk / Österreich (15)
Belgium / België (70)
British Isles / Britse Eilande (1)
Canada / Kanada (16)
Canary Islands (4)
Caribbean Islands / Karibiese Eilande (2)
China / 中國 (3)
Czech Republic / Tjeggiese Republiek / ?eská republika (5)
Denmark / Denemarke / Danmark (2)
Embroidered cards / Geborduurde kaarte (29)
Estonia / Estland / Eesti (1)
Finland / Suomi (3)
France / Frankryk (47)
Germany / Duitsland / Deutschland (73)
Greece / Griekeland / Ελλάδα (20)
Hungary l Magyarország (2)
India / Indië / इंडिया (8)
Indonesia / Indonesië (2)
International Personalities (1)
Israel ישראל (16)
Italy (90)
Japan / 日本 (2)
Jordan / Jordanië / الأردن (2)
KUWAIT الكويت (1)
Malaysia / Maleisië/മലേഷ്യ (2)
Malta (5)
Miscellaneous / Allerlei (7)
Monaco (5)
Namibia / Namibië (67)
Netherlands / Nederland (23)
New Zealand (1)
Other Mid & Far East (3)
Philippines / Filippyne / Pilipinas (5)
Poland / Pole / Polska (7)
Portugal (12)
Prussia / Preussen (1)
Russian Federation / Russiese Federasie / Российская Федерация (19)
Seychelles (1)
Singapore / Singapoer (2)
South America / Sudamerica
Spain / Spanje / España (30)
St Helena (5)
Sweden - Sverige (1)
Switzerland / Switserland / Schweiz (40)
Taiwan / 台灣 (1)
United States / Verenigde State (27)
Vietnam - Việt Nam (10)
World War / Wêreldoorlog (28)
Yugoslavia / Joego Slawië / jugoslavija
1 South Africa / Suid Afrika
16. May 2018
Album containing 1 album and 34 images
Album RSS
Pres Paul Kruger
Album containing 20 images
Bushmen of Southern Africa
Field Marshall, sir John Frensch
Gen. J H De La Rey
Gen. Sir Ian Hamilton
General Smuts in Field Marshall's uniform
Genl C. R. de Wet. Onvoltooide skildery_1
Genl C. R. de Wet. Onvoltooide skildery_2
Group of Kaffir Slaves
King Lewanika, King of Barotseland
Lord Kitchener, Minister of War
Matabele Worrier, Full Plumage
Natal - Valley of 1000 hills, Zulu Dancers
Natal, Native Hut & family
Native Chiefs, South Africa (1927)
Natives wipping women front
Natives wipping women rear
Philip (2)
Piet Retief deur Coert Steynberg
Pres M.T. Steyn (Laaste president van die Vrystaatse Republiek) _1
Pres M.T. Steyn (Laaste president van die Vrystaatse Republiek)_2
South African Native Kraal
Stamlewe - Zoloeman
Two Native Woman, South Africa, 1927
Typical Basuto girls
Typical Boers, Transvaal
Ulundi King Zwelithini Goodwill and Chief Mangosuthu Buthalezi
Women about their work
Young Zulu Warriors
Zulu boys
Zulu girls and child
Zulu Warriors
Zulu Women
Gallery Index
1 South Africa / Suid Afrika (13)
Africa / Afrika (7)
Australia / Australië (16)
Austria / Oostenryk / Österreich (15)
Belgium / België (70)
British Isles / Britse Eilande (1)
Canada / Kanada (16)
Canary Islands (4)
Caribbean Islands / Karibiese Eilande (2)
China / 中國 (3)
Czech Republic / Tjeggiese Republiek / ?eská republika (5)
Denmark / Denemarke / Danmark (2)
Embroidered cards / Geborduurde kaarte (29)
Estonia / Estland / Eesti (1)
Finland / Suomi (3)
France / Frankryk (47)
Germany / Duitsland / Deutschland (73)
Greece / Griekeland / Ελλάδα (20)
Hungary l Magyarország (2)
India / Indië / इंडिया (8)
Indonesia / Indonesië (2)
International Personalities (1)
Israel ישראל (16)
Italy (90)
Japan / 日本 (2)
Jordan / Jordanië / الأردن (2)
KUWAIT الكويت (1)
Malaysia / Maleisië/മലേഷ്യ (2)
Malta (5)
Miscellaneous / Allerlei (7)
Monaco (5)
Namibia / Namibië (67)
Netherlands / Nederland (23)
New Zealand (1)
Other Mid & Far East (3)
Philippines / Filippyne / Pilipinas (5)
Poland / Pole / Polska (7)
Portugal (12)
Prussia / Preussen (1)
Russian Federation / Russiese Federasie / Российская Федерация (19)
Seychelles (1)
Singapore / Singapoer (2)
South America / Sudamerica
Spain / Spanje / España (30)
St Helena (5)
Sweden - Sverige (1)
Switzerland / Switserland / Schweiz (40)
Taiwan / 台灣 (1)
United States / Verenigde State (27)
Vietnam - Việt Nam (10)
World War / Wêreldoorlog (28)
Yugoslavia / Joego Slawië / jugoslavija