Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1827 - 1 - January to March
Friday, January 12th, 1827. Vol XX11, No. 1096.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
4th Jan. – Nouveau Demosthene, French Ship, M.REYDELLET, Master, from Bourbon 8th December, bound to Havre, cargo Sugars and Coffee.
Passengers – Messrs. DE L’ARBRE and MOUCHARD.
7th – Minstrel, English Ship, C.ARKCOLL, Master, from Portsmouth 11th October, bound to Bombay, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Colonel LITCHFIELD, Captains LITCHFIELD and HADDISON; Messrs. SOUTHHOUSE, BELL, and COLE; Dr. LITTLE, and 4 Native Servants.
Ditto – William, Coasting Schooner, G.LAWRENCE, Master, from Lamberth’s Bay 19th December, bound to this Port, cargo Tar and Skins.
9th – Kate, English Schooner, D.WATT, Master, from St. Helena 16th December, for this Port, in ballast.
10th – His Majesty’s Ship Larne, - DOBSON, Esq. Commander, from Simon’s Bay 9th instant, bound to England.
11th – Harriet, English Schooner, James PALMER, master, from St. Helena 16th December, for this Port, in ballast.
Ditto – Hussaren, English Brig, G. GIBSON, Master, from the Downs 30th October, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mr. CATO, his Mother, and Son.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
5th January – Isabella, English Ship, R.N. CLARKSON, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
6th – Buckbay Packet, Coasting Schooner, C. MACKOY, Master, bound to Port Frances.
10th – Hon. Comp. Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, for St. Helena.
Ditto – R.G. COX, American Schooner, W.S. MONDAY, Master, for Monte Video.
Ditto – His Most Christian Majesty’s Ship L’Oise, Captain Le Dall DE KERéON, bound to Cayenne.
Ditto – Minstrel, English Ship, C. ARKCOLL, Master, for Bombay.
Married, by Special Licence, on the 10th instant, by the Reverend B.C. GOODISON, Chaplain to the Forces, Daniel DOHERTY, Esq. Assistant Surgeon in His Majesty’s 49th Regiment of Foot, to Margaret Eliza, youngest Daughter of the late Colonel COCKBURN, of the Royal Artillery.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 6th January, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Edward ARMSTRONG, Esq. Lieutenant 34th Madras Light Infantry, to Miss AntoInetta Bertholda TRUTER.
On Wednesday the 10th January, by the same,
Mr. Edward GEORGE, to Miss Sarah TOWNS.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 7th January,
Christiaan Nicolaas GEYER, to Catharina Margaretha GARISCH.
On Tuesday the 9th January,
Mr. Joseph DE KOCK, to Miss Aletta Geertruyda SMUTS.
On the 10th instant, in the English Church, by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces, a Daughter of James Duff WATT, Esq. Deputy Assistant Commissary General to the Forces, baptized Madeline MERIEL.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 5th January, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of John ATHERSTONE, Esq. baptized Caroline.
On Sunday the 7th January, the same,
Two sons of the late Mr. Charles CALDECOTT, Surgeon, baptized Charles Henry, and Robert Frederick William.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 31st December, 1826,
Six Adult Persons, baptized Tobias WEDEL, Carolina Johanna Petronella VAN DYK, Fransina Cornelia ADAMS, Helena Johanna VALENTYN, Clara Christina VALENTYN, and Charlotta Geertruyda RYN, all of the Cape.
On Sunday 7th January, 1827,
A Son of C.A.BEHR, baptized Anna Jacoba Magdalena Fredrica.
A Daughter of L.H. KARSTEN, baptized Anna Jacoba Magdalena Fredrica.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 7th January,
A Daughter of J.A.C. RORICH, baptized Cornelia Maria Jacoba.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
21st December – A Daughter of Philip WHITAKER, baptized Charlotte.
Ditto – A Daughter of A. PIEK, baptized Carolina Fredrica.
29th – A Daughter of James MCINTOSH, baptized Charlotte Isabella.
31st – A Daughter of James WALLACE, baptized Dephilida Margaret.
3d – Jan. Jan VAN LINDENBOOM, aged 65 years, 3 months, and 18 days.
4th – Jan VAN DER HOEVE, aged 77 years and 3 months.
Ditto – Biorn MAGNUS, aged 46 years, 7 months, and 16 days.
6th – A Daughter of Mr. H.C. JARVIS, named Anna Elisabeth Sophia, aged 7 months and 13 days.
8th – Isaak LEZAR, aged 63 years and 3 months.
9th – Johanna Deliana ZINKANTYN, aged 42 years and 10 months.
At Graham’s Town.
28th – Isabella MCLACHLAN, aged 5 months and 8 days.
To Let, a healthy Wet Nurse. – apply to the Widow C. NELSON.
For Private Sale, A Slave Boy, native of the Cape, named “Charles”, eleven years of age. The Purchase Money can remain ten years on interest, under good security. – Inquire at No. 20, Burg-Street, Cape Town.
On Tuesday the 16th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz.
The Insolvent Estate of Pieter Melt VAN DER SPUY, the Slaves Adam and Regina of the Cape.
Hendrik HEGERS, two Silver Sugar Basons.
The Insolvent Estate of Andries RICHERT, Junior, nine Horses.
On Wednesday the 17th inst. on account of the Insolvent Estate of AKEN & MONTEATH, (whose Estate is administered by this Department,) at the Ship-builders’ Yard, near the Whale Fishery, a quantity of Oak and Assagai Wood, Yellow-wood Beams, old Iron, two Boats, Ship Chandlers’ Stores, Blacksmiths’ Tools, &c. &c.
On Saturday, the 20th instant, on account of Johan Philip RYNHARDT, a House and Premises, situated No. 70 Loop Street.
On Monday the 22d instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of James DICK, Senior, (in consequence of no person having attended the Sale advertised on the 23d ultimo,) a Plot of Ground with the Buildings Thereon, situated at Zwarte River, Cape District.
On Tuesday the 23d instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Johan Hendrik WOLF, the Slaves Eva of Mosambique, May of Batavia, and Maria with her seven Children Onverwagt, Spasie, Dina, Pamela, Manisa, Abdol, and Louisa, all of the Cape.
Susanna Maria DE GOEDE, A Mahogany Wardrobe.
Daniel A. ROSSOUW, a half worn Bullock Waggon, and Two Cows.
Frederik Marthinus LINGENFELDER, a Gig, Horse, and Harness, a Scotch Cart, Horse, and Harness, two Mahogany Chests of Drawers, two four-post Bedsteads, a Silver Watch with Gold Chain and Seal, and twenty Deal Planks.
On Wednesday the 24th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of Douwe Gerbrand STEYN, the Slave Adam, of this Colony.
On Thursday the 25th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place of the Field Cornet Hugo, at Franschehoek, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Cornelis DE WAAL, Ts. some Household Furniture.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, at the Place Dassenklip (24 Rivers), on account of Barend Jacobus LIEBENBERG, a Bullock Waggon, 24 Oxen, 18 Mares, 9 Horses, and 271 Sheep.
On Friday the 26th instant, at No. 2, Buiten-Street, on account of Joachim Wilhelm HYNEMAN, household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Wardrobe, Bedsteads and Bedding, Glass, Earthenware, Plate, Culinary Utensils, Bakers’ Implements, four Watches, a Silver Snuff Box, Implements of Husbandry; also the Slaves Batjoe of Malabar, April of Mosambique, Dina of the Cape, Diana of Malabar, Susanna of the Cape, with her five Children Apollon, Saartje, Peter, Geestje, and Marthinus.
On Saturday the 27th inst. on account of Marthinus Josephus MULDER, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) a Piece of Ground with the Buildings thereon, situated at Papendorp, on which is erected a large Distillery with the Implements appertaining thereto; also Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Plate, Glass, Earthen and Plated Ware, Fustage, &c.
On Monday the 29th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place and on account of Johannes Homberg DE VRIES, situated behind the Paarl, a Piece of Land, with the Buildings thereon, being a part of the Place Bloemkoel.
On the same day, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of Richard HUNT, a Plot of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, called Markham House, situated at Port Elizabeth.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 11th, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Joachim Wilhelmus HEYNEMAN, (given over as Insolvent) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 5th instant,
Frederik Wilhelm HOLM (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisment,
The late Susanna Johanna ESTERHUYZEN (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above date,
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 12, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Notice – The Meeting of the Creditors in the Estate of J.H. WHISTON, convened for the 9th instant, not having been properly attended, the aforesaid Creditors are hereby earnestly requested to meet at this Office, on Tuesday next, the 16th instant, between the hours of 11 and 12, to take into consideration the propriety of prosecuting certain legal proceedings. – Those not attending will be considered as voting with the majority.
Sequestrator’s Office, Jan 10, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
To be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Monday and Tuesday the 29th and 30th instant, at the Store of Mrs. The Widow KRYNAUW, situated in Shortmarket-street, the Effects of the late Biorn MAGNUSSEN, consisting in a House and Premises, situated in this Table Valley, in Long-street, marked Nos. 3 ; also, Household Furniture, Tables, Chairs, a Bedstead, Wearing Apparel, a small quantity of Plate, some Cooperage, ready-made Casks of different sizes, 79 Half Pipes, 35 Pipes, 4 Leaguers, &c. &c.
N.B. – The House will be sold on the first day precisely at 11 0’clock, on the premises in Long-street.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope.
To Wine Farmers.
80 Leaguers of Cape Wine wanted, for which Cash will be paid on delivery. – Apply to
CAPT. WARREN, 55th Regiment, going to England, requests all Claims may be sent in.
Wanted, on a Cattle Farm in the District of Swellendam, a Person of good character. – Apply to
Isaak ROSSOUW, Ds. on the Farm.
To Hire, three clever Boys, fit for all work – one is a good mason. Apply at No. 6, Keerom-street.
Friday, January 19th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1097.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
11th January – Caroline, English Ship, R. KIDSON, Master, from Calcutta 5th November, bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Captain and Mrs. IVONSON, Mrs. LEWIS, Captains JOVER and COCKERELL, Lieutenants DREW, ROBBINS, DEVERELL, WYBRANTZ, and PREECE, Doctor ANDERSON, two Children, and Servant, 64 Invalids, 7 Women, and 8 Children.
Ditto – George, Coasting Sloop, H. THOMPSON, Master, from Dyer’s Island 10th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Skins and Oil.
12th – Kerswill, English Brig, E.S. ARMSTRONG, Master, from the Downs 13th October, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. ADAMS, and Daughter.
Ditto – Ratcliff, English Bark, J. COLEMAN, Master, from Simon’s Bay 10th instant, bound to this Port, for a cargo.
Ditto – Actif, French Brig, D. CHEVELEAURE, Master, from Bordeaux 29th October, bound to Bombay, cargo Wines, Brandies, &c.
13th - Preciosa, Spanish Ship, D.J. Fernandez DE LA CASTRO, Master, from Manilla, 3d November, bound to Santander, cargo Sugars and Pepper.
15th – Honorable Company’s Ship Edinburgh, H. BAX, Commander, from China 29th November, bound to London, cargo Teas and Sundries.
Passengers – Sir James URMSTON, the Rev. Mr. HARDING, Capt. BONHAM, Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN, and Family.
Ditto – Luna, English Brig, R. KNOX, Master, from Falmouth 18th October, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Rev. Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS, (Wesleyans,) Messrs. H. HÖHNE, W. COLLINS, and G. HANSON.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
11th January – Swallow, English Ship, J.B. MORLEY, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
Ditto – Caledonia, English Brig, J. BELL, Master, bound to New South Wales.
Ditto – Susanne Marie, French Ship, P. COLAS, Master, bound to France.
Ditto – Royal Charlotte, English Ship, R. DUDMAN, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – His Majesty’s Ship Larne, G. DOBSON, Esq. Commander, bound to England.
12th –Borneo, English Ship, James FARMER, Master, bound to New South Wales.
15th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. MCLEOD, Master, bound to Port Elizabeth.
16th – Lady Holland, English Ship, S. SNELL, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Actif, French Brig, D. CHEVELEAURE, Master, bound to Bombay.
Ditto – Preciosa, Spanish Ship, D.J.F. DE CASTRO, Master, bound to Santander.
18th – Achilles, J. HENDERSON, Master, bound to England.
By Special Licence,
In the Reformed Church, on Tuesday the 16th January,
Albert Erasmus VAN WYK, Esq. to Miss Mary Ann FORSTER.
On the 14th January,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Francis BREW, Esq. Quarter-Master in His Majesty’s 49th Regiment of Foot, baptized George EVANS.
A Daughter of Drum-Major John KNIGHT, of H.M. 98th Regiment, baptized Martha.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 14th January,
A Son of J.A. JANSON, baptized Philip Christiaan.
A Daughter of Mr. J.P. CLOETE, baptized Catharina Cornelia
In The Lutheran Church, on Wednesday the 17th January,
A Son of A.C. KOCH, baptized Nicolaas Jacobus.
11th January – A Daughter of Mr. W.A. DE VRIES, named Johanna Olevia, aged 9 months and 11 days.
Ditto – A Son of Sara Dorothea JANSEN, named Robert, aged 14 months.
13th – A Daughter of C.S. ECKARD, named Cornelia Johanna, aged 8 months and 19 days.
16th – George VAN DENBERG, aged 40 years and 9 months.
Ditto – Oltman ALDERS, aged 47 years, 1 month, and 8 days.
Ditto – A Son of Jan ZANDERS, named Jan Stephan, aged 5 months and 10 days.
To-morrow, the 20th instant, on account of Johan Philip RYNHARDT, a House and Premises, situated No. 70 Loop-street.
On Tuesday the 23d instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz.
On account of P. WANNENBURG, Sheet Copper, Copper Saucepans, ditto Tartpans, Saltpetre, Rattans, Tobacco, Bedtick, Jean, Threads, Counterpanes, Handkerchiefs, Sewing Silk, Silver spoons, Sole Leather, a Boat, &c. &c.
On Tuesday the 30th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Pieter Melt VAN DER SPUY, the Slaves Adam and Regina of the Cape.
Joseph Marthinus GRAAF, a Wardrobe, Sofa, 8 Chairs, 2 Tables, 2 Curtains, and 2 Bedsteads with Bedding.
William SHORTMAN, two Rosewood Card Tables.
Isaak Fred. REDELINGHUIS, the following Slaves, viz: Saloman, Caesar, October, Alexander, Adriaan, Mariana, and Sabina, mortgaged to A. BRINK, Ds.for 8,400 Rds ; likewise, two double-barrelled Guns, a Saddle Horse with Saddle and Bridle, a dozen can-bottomed Chairs, and a set of 4 Dining Tables.
Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. ( whose Estate is placed under Sequestration) Household Furniture, consisting in Bedsteads, Sofas, Chairs, Tables, Glass, Plate, Plated and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, a Saddle Horse with Saddle and Bridle ; also the Slaves Pluto of Mosambique, labourer and gardener ; Carolus of ditto, ditto ditto ; Africa of Matjava, ditto ; ditto ; Carolus of Macoa, ditto ditto ; Dansmeester of the Cape, ditto ditto ; Subo of the Cape, labourer ; Partie of ditto, house-boy ; and musician ; Constable of Bougies, butcher, (absconded) ; Marie of Mosambique, with her child Martha, of the Cape ; (2) Marie of the Cape, sempstress, with her children Louisa, Henry, David , and Robert ; Pamela of the Cape, with her child William ; further, his Fifth Share in the Slaves Dolphina and her children, Job, Christian, Ragima, Willem, Salima, and Maddelia.
On Wednesday the 31st instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place and on account of Hendrik FICK, situated at Mosterdsdrift, at 10 o’clock, a Waggon, 4 Stukvats, 6 Leaguers, and 12 Leaguers young Wines.
On Friday 2d February, by the aforesaid Agent, at the Place Idas Valley, and on account of the Insolvent Estate of Jacob Daniel DE VILLIERS, Js. Fustage, Culinary Utensils, Plate, Plated Ware, &c.
On the same day by the Agent at George, on account of Hendrik STANDER, As. the Female Slave Spaas, with her Children Roos and Maria.
On Tuesday the 6th February, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Cornelis DE WAAL, Ts. a House and Premises, situated opposite the New Market, in the aforesaid Village.
On the same day, on account of Andries BRINK, Js. three plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Green- point.
On Wednesday the 14th February on account of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. Two Plots of Ground, situated at Green-point, adjoining the Land of Mr. W. HEIDEMAN.
On Saturday the 17th February, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of the separated married people Louis BANTJES and J.J.N. SWANEPOEL, an Erf, with the Buildings thereon ; also some Household Furniture.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 18, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
A Meeting of the Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of George THOMAS, is requested, at the Office of the Undersigned, on Tuesday the 23d instant, at 11 o’clock in the morning. Sequestrator’s Office, Jan. 17, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Jan Hendrik JANTZEN,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 22d instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, Jan. 17, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
The undersigned Testamentary Executors to the Estate of the late Mr. N. VAN ES, request all Persons having any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to send them in finally within six weeks, to either of them.
Cape Town, Jan. 19, 1827.
Died at Salt River, District of Beaufort, on the 30th December last, our beloved Daughter Gorendina Johanna, aged 19 years and 4 months, and 22 days, - Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, Jan. 17, 1827.
Died at Flotbeck, near Hamburg, on the 17th of September, 1826, in the 82nd year of her age, Mrs. A.R. PRAHL, Widow of the late E.H. POLEMANN, Director of the Royal Danish Bank at Altona – which mournful event we communicate herewith to our Relatives and Friends.
The afflicted Children.
De ondergeteekende Testamentaire Executeuren der Nalatenschap van wylen den Heer N. VAN ES, noodigen een iegelyk, hunne pretensten op gem. Boedel, uit welken hoofde ook heenkomende, uiterlyk binnen den tyd van 6 weken aan een hunner in tezenden.
Kaapstad den 19 January 1827.
Gevonden, een staande Brak, hebbende bruine kop en ooren en een bruine vlek op den rug. De Eigenaar kan dezelve terug bekomen,mits betallende de kostenvanonderhoud en deze Advertentie.
Loopstraat No. 14.
Overleden te Flotbeck by Hamburg, in het 82ste jaar van haren ouderdom, Mevr. A.R. PRAHL, Weduwe van wylen E.H. POLEMANN, in leven Directeur der Koninklyke Deensche Bank te Altona; welk smartelyk verlies wy by dezen aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden bekend maken.
De treurende Kinderen.
Aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden wordt by deze bekend gemaakt, dat op den 30 December jl. te Zontrivier, Distrikt Beaufort, is overleden, onze geliefde Dochter, Gorendina Johanna, in den ouderdom van 19 jaren, 4 maanden en 22 dagen.
Kaapstad, 17 January 1827.
Friday, January 26th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1098.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
23rd January – Ellen, English Brig, C. PATTERSON, Master, from the Downs 1st November, bound to this Port and Calcutta, with a general cargo.
Passenger – Mr. John TAYLOR.
Ditto – Echo, English Ship, H. THOMPSON, Master, from Shields 31st October, and Portsmouth 4th November, bound to Calcutta, cargo Coals.
24th – Boyne, English Ship, D. MILLER, Master, from Bombay 1st November, bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Rev. Mr. and Mrs. FENN, and six Children, Mrs. GRAY and Child, and Mrs. BLAIR; Majors BARNWELL, ROGERS, and THOMPSON; Lieutenant HOLYOAKE, and five Servants.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
19th January – Alexander Adam, English Schooner, Alex. PETER, Master, bound to Mauritius.
20th – Hebe –English Brig, T. FOREMAN, Master, bound to the Knysna.
21st – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, bound to Port Beaufort.
23d – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, J. JARVIS, Master, bund to Port Beaufort.
24th – George, Coasting Cutter, H. THOMSON, Master, bund to St. Helena Bay.
25th – Honorable Company’s Ship Edinburgh, H. BAX, Commander, bound to London.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 21st January, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, A.M. Colonial Chaplain,
Two Daughters (Twins) of Mr. John M. BROWN, baptized Zelia and Amelia.
On Tuesday the 23rd January, by the same,
A Daughter of the late Mr. Charles CALDECOTT, Surgeon, baptized Mary Ann Jane Amelia.
A Son of Ditto, baptized Timothy John.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 21st January,
A Son of Mr. W.C. BOTHA, baptized Johan Samuel Fredrikk.
A Daughter of Mr. A. LOUW, As. baptized Johanna Hendrietta.
A Daughter of Mr. M.C. WOLFF, baptized Fransina Hendrina Helena.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 21st January,
A Daughter of G. BRINK, baptized Geertruyda Johanna Petronella.
18th – A Daughter of C.H. HOFFMAN, named Anna Hendrina Catharina, aged 15 months.
Ditto – A Daughter of the late P.E. BREVIS, named Sara Andrica Cornelia, aged 3 years, 7 months and 9 days.
19th – Geertruyda Johanna BERNING, aged 27 years and 3 months.
20th – Mrs. Wilhelmina Josina SMALBERGER, Widow of the late Mr. W. LATEGAN, aged 65 years, 8 months and 20 days.
Ditto – A Son of Mr. G.J. JOUBERT, named Ernst August VON HUGEL, aged 2 years and 6 days.
21st – Job Gui GRAY, aged 67 years.
Ditto – An Infant Daughter of Juliana Johanna SMITH.
22ND – A Son of W. GILMORE, named Henry, aged 17 months.
All documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Jan Hendrik JANTZEN,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 22d instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, Jan. 17, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
NOTICE – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Carel Albrecht HAUPT, (placed under Sequestration) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 17th instant.
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Tuesday next, the 30th instant, between the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
R. WITSEN (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement,
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 25, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Notice is hereby given, that the Proposals made by William FORBES to his respective Creditors, and accepted by the latter, have been approved by the Worshipful the Court of Justice; in consequence whereof said Estate is released from Sequestration.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 25, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE – At the Sale to be held on the 2d next month, at Ydas Valley, on account of Mr. J.D. DE VILLIERS will be sold, 10 Cows of the best breed, 30 trained Oxen in good condition, 2 Saddle Horses, a covered Cart, 4 Sets of Harness, a Bullock Waggon, some Horses and Mares; like-wise some clever Slaves, among whom a cook, horse-herd and cattle-herd, not sold on account of any fault.
The Purchasers of the Cook and the Cattle may retain the Money on Interest, by giving good security. The Purchasers of the Fustage may apply to the Creditors to whom the same is mortgaged, if they wish to retain the Money on Interest for one year, under the usual security.
25th January, 1827.
On Tuesday the 6th February, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Cornelis DE WAAL, Ts. a House and Premises, situated opposite the New Market, in the aforesaid Village.
On the same day, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz. -
Johannes Augustus DREYER, a House Clock.
Widow Gert ONKRUYDT, a Card Table, 6 Chairs, a Washhand Stand, 2 Window Curtains, a Looking-Glass, a Writing Desk. &c. &c.
Daniela ROSSOUW, a half-worn Bullock Waggon, and 2 Cows.
AKEN & MONTEATH (whose Estate is administered by this Department), 1 bale Canvas, 10 bolts ditto, 18 bags of Nails, 11 coils of Rope, a quantity of Paper; also a Steam Kiln, to be seen at the shipbuilders’ Yard near the Whale Fishery.
Jabez HART (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), a quantity of Household Furniture, consisting in a Chest of Drawers, Tables, Chairs, Curtains, &c. &c. with an assortment Of Millinery.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of J.J. LE ROEX, his half Share in the Opstal of the Loan Place Doorn River; also 4 Bullocks, 3 Horses, and 20 Sheep.
On the same day, by the Agent at Caledon, on account of H.C. KUUN, the Slaves Pedro and Spatie, of Mosambique.
On Wednesday the 7th February, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
Johannes Hendrik FICK, Ps. a Cart, with four Horses and Harness.
Jacob MALAN, Js. a Bullock Waggon.
Johannes Petrus DE VILLIERS, Js. the Slaves September of Mosambique, and Abel of this Colony.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch on account of Johannes Petrus DE VILLIERS, Js. the Places Libertas, Doornbosch, and Patrys Valley, with a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land adjoining, situated near the aforesaid Village.
On Tuesday the 13th February, by the aforesaid Agent, on account of Johannes Nicolaas KNOOP, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration,) a House and Erf, with four adjoining Houses, situated in the centre of Stellenbosch; also Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Bedding, a Piano Forte, a House Clock, Plate, Plated and Earthenware, two Fowling Pieces, Culinary Utensils, Horses, Saddles and Bridles; also the Slaves Marie, Lena, Clara, Sophia, Philida, Saartje, February, and Peter.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of J. UNGERER, a House and Erf, situated in the aforesaid Village.
On Wednesday the 14th February, on account of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. Two Plots of Ground, situated at Green point, adjoining the Land of Mr. W. HEIDEMAN.
On Saturday the 17th February, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of the separated married people Louis BANTJES and J.J.N. SWANEPOEL, an Erf, with the Buildings thereon ; also some Household Furniture.
Sequestrator’s Office, January 25, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
List of PRIZE NEGROES per Elizabeth, whose Apprenticeship will expire on the 1st February, 1827:-
no. |
Names |
To whom apprenticed |
1 |
Isabella |
2 |
Marrojaja |
4 |
Arosa |
7 |
Mocauria |
9 |
Inoheia |
11 |
Antonia |
12 |
Assoombie |
Ditto |
13 |
Maria |
14 |
Angela |
15 |
Angelica |
16 |
Namiawesta |
Lieut. HANSON |
17 |
Felissa |
18 |
Sepulauncha |
19 |
Moontatie |
20 |
Amatsie |
--- de WET |
21 |
Roffina |
22 |
Andnessa |
23 |
Sepane |
24 |
Maccotto |
25 |
Quoytatesa |
26 |
Thomassa |
27 |
Patiensa |
29 |
Rosina |
31 |
Juliana |
32 |
Maria |
34 |
Woatonaeea |
35 |
Angelica |
37 |
Sophia |
38 |
Jeddotha |
39 |
Chabella |
40 |
Ateriana |
41 |
Roysa |
42 |
Reta |
44 |
Thomasse |
Major O’REILLY |
45 |
Saarta |
46 |
Motoomcalloco |
Mrs. GIE |
47 |
Antonio |
48 |
Bastiano |
49 |
Antonia |
50 |
Lisarde |
52 |
Allemoonteja |
53 |
Namieroo |
55 |
Catherina |
56 |
Juliana |
57 |
Hannah |
58 |
Maccasse |
59 |
Amirosa |
60 |
Carradie |
61 |
Terresina |
62 |
Piatatie |
63 |
Namoojateressa |
64 |
Maria |
Miss DE WAAL |
65 |
Anna |
66 |
Reta |
67 |
Passiensia |
68 |
Namiorie |
70 |
Roomperena |
Captain PETRIE |
71 |
Antonia |
72 |
Parnardo |
Mrs. LONG |
73 |
Taressa |
74 |
Sabina |
75 |
Teressa |
77 |
Aterreenie |
78 |
Miana |
Widow YOUNG |
79 |
Misarto |
80 |
Rosa |
Mrs. ORRI |
81 |
Cossa |
82 |
Carrara |
83 |
Sarrima |
Mrs. ORD |
84 |
Perusiana |
Major DUNDAS |
85 |
Sabelle |
86 |
Helena |
87 |
Maria |
88 |
Royga |
89 |
Angelica |
91 |
Louis |
92 |
Milisao |
93 |
Pattris |
94 |
Joze |
95 |
Zoosa |
96 |
Simaho |
97 |
Maccalaameno |
98 |
Mosamonalie |
99 |
Michel |
100 |
Diague |
101 |
Francisco |
102 |
Joacque |
103 |
Phillip |
Rev. Mr. STURT |
104 |
Waliwa |
105 |
Calloopie |
106 |
Coinsalo |
107 |
Zieeco |
Captain EVATT |
109 |
Permowisie |
110 |
Namahea |
116 |
Johanneque |
112 |
Nantaquinja |
113 |
Namotemela |
114 |
Anton |
117 |
Joze |
118 |
Joaque |
119 |
Deperrotoo |
120 |
Moloria |
121 |
Belto |
122 |
Namelle |
123 |
Natiwo |
124 |
Asieco |
125 |
Antonje |
126 |
Accosiengo |
127 |
Intowolomno |
128 |
Antoonse |
129 |
Nahorro |
130 |
Mahingerio |
131 |
Chemalia |
132 |
Pamporiha |
133 |
Coonamata |
134 |
Casembrie |
135 |
Patella |
136 |
Alexander |
138 |
Macoa |
Mrs. HOME |
139 |
Victorinio |
142 |
Mohalela |
143 |
Joaquie |
144 |
Manneccoo |
Captain EVATT |
145 |
Teromola |
146 |
Tesemao |
147 |
Maccoala |
148 |
Choha |
149 |
Peppeato |
150 |
Denepando |
151 |
Chohao |
152 |
Appetto |
153 |
Sebouche |
Captain EVATT |
154 |
Enaso |
155 |
Semaho |
156 |
Mosemlie |
157 |
Macoans |
159 |
Marapoama |
160 |
Moloocota |
161 |
Monooqua |
162 |
Saphir |
163 |
Abdoocoala |
164 |
Manooara |
165 |
Prendillo |
Captain EVATT |
166 |
Cooniacola |
167 |
Mathesso |
168 |
Pransico |
169 |
Asted |
170 |
Joaquene |
171 |
Maratinje |
172 |
Joacque |
173 |
Modiha |
174 |
Jampoliata |
175 |
Robaliamnoo |
176 |
Namotsia |
177 |
Phillip |
178 |
Salvador |
179 |
Johao |
181 |
Himania |
Mrs. Davy |
183 |
Mecamma |
184 |
Nawocola |
185 |
Mahowian |
186 |
Damiha |
189 |
Denysse |
190 |
Metoommola |
192 |
Materiano |
Commissary BROWN |
194 |
Moccaolo |
195 |
Manuelli |
196 |
Joha |
197 |
Mochoa |
198 |
Teneso |
199 |
Antonia |
200 |
Cawora |
201 |
Sanisse |
Major NAPPER |
202 |
Polonja |
203 |
Joze |
205 |
Paransico |
Miss ORAK |
207 |
Parentie |
208 |
Nequilie |
209 |
Patteneso |
Lieut. PROCTOR |
210 |
Mattawa |
211 |
Nepoaga |
212 |
Francisco |
Mrs. SYME |
213 |
Injoccoro |
214 |
Namootemmola |
215 |
Saphoorie |
216 |
Sohao |
217 |
Moontata |
219 |
Teoco |
220 |
Setampo |
221 |
Matthesso |
222 |
Manuel |
223 |
Corinth |
224 |
Parrissonon |
225 |
Topollocha |
226 |
Quenansie |
227 |
Caworeh |
228 |
Manowaia |
229 |
Quisammaca |
230 |
Lilapaconesa |
231 |
Manowasa |
232 |
Namaha |
233 |
Albert |
234 |
Thomas |
235 |
Wallow |
236 |
Denisso |
237 |
Mocassampo |
238 |
Mossentie |
239 |
Joaquene |
240 |
Saphir |
241 |
Suatela |
242 |
Thomas |
-. EVATT |
244 |
Jamberoombie |
245 |
Pagguelte |
246 |
Pedro |
247 |
Naccootche |
248 |
Temella |
Captain O’REILLY |
249 |
Chamariwo |
250 |
Mumsaha |
251 |
Moweriha |
252 |
Catano |
253 |
Francisco |
Mrs. SYME |
254 |
Palanmoo |
255 |
Martinio |
256 |
Molima |
257 |
Chenowara |
258 |
Antonio |
260 |
Moccoenta |
261 |
Ronda |
262 |
Renardo |
264 |
Joaq. Joze Rodrigue |
266 |
Mosince |
Lieut. DUNBAR |
267 |
Alloperato |
268 |
Louisse |
-. BREDA |
269 |
Lino |
270 |
Roygee |
271 |
Prenditse |
273 |
Awoteheene |
274 |
Joze |
275 |
Francisco |
276 |
Amano |
277 |
Mosentie |
278 |
Sawier |
280 |
Superiano |
281 |
Martinio |
282 |
Lepoggo |
-. BREDA |
283 |
Joaquene |
284 |
Sewter |
285 |
Leossa |
286 |
Nammotappoma |
287 |
Locodorra |
288 |
Lecarta |
289 |
Royge |
290 |
Acconanca |
291 |
Tocamocaro |
292 |
Tossina |
293 |
Paonoo |
294 |
Natmotapa |
295 |
Mosapelle |
296 |
Drego |
297 |
Pruno |
298 |
Monerewa |
299 |
Colongue |
300 |
Malania |
302 |
Colemma |
303 |
Manuare |
304 |
Jago |
-. EVATT |
305 |
Marsaden |
306 |
Joha |
308 |
Micana |
-. EGGER |
309 |
Assentee |
311 |
Joaquene |
312 |
Joze |
313 |
Francisco |
314 |
Francisco |
315 |
Micharo |
-. DU TOIT |
316 |
Antonio |
318 |
Prunda |
319 |
Antonio |
Major O‘REILLY |
320 |
Nurilla |
321 |
Mannuerra |
322 |
Sawiesa |
323 |
Namoonieco |
324 |
Semalio |
325 |
Antonio |
Capt. BLAKE |
326 |
Pedro |
327 |
Joze |
328 |
Carrage |
329 |
Francisco |
330 |
Sappene |
331 |
Commeha |
333 |
Palansie |
334 |
Joha |
335 |
Domingo |
336 |
Louis |
Mrs. LUSON |
337 |
Sacoata |
338 |
Bawiha |
-. EVATT |
339 |
Araseso |
340 |
Pallawela |
341 |
Tarooma |
342 |
Johdo |
343 |
Martinio |
344 |
Ammessie |
345 |
Santenio |
346 |
Tamiha |
347 |
Phillippe |
348 |
Taccala |
350 |
Cabessa |
352 |
Mathesse |
353 |
Paransisco |
354 |
Nawalira |
357 |
Augustine |
358 |
Teneso |
Mrs. SYME |
359 |
Antonio |
360 |
Salamince |
Lieut. BROWN |
361 |
Petele |
362 |
Wananbarro |
363 |
Antonio |
Lieut. PROCTOR |
364 |
Mosawoca |
365 |
Quetano |
366 |
Lapoela |
-. LA HARP |
367 |
Choporomo |
Mrs. LUSON |
368 |
Alsocane |
369 |
Mohomatie |
370 |
Antonio |
371 |
Sabina |
372 |
Sogotto |
373 |
Matthesso |
374 |
Joacque |
375 |
Mistiro |
376 |
Sereserie |
377 |
Saccalala |
378 |
Mamtewola |
379 |
Parnardo |
380 |
Mocato |
381 |
Antonio |
Rev. Mr. HOUGH |
382 |
Lapoola |
383 |
Namahisa |
384 |
Morriso |
385 |
Fello |
386 |
Pedro |
388 |
Queteriene |
389 |
Antonio |
390 |
Mosentie |
391 |
Santarrenno |
392 |
Conta |
393 |
Nawaholle |
394 |
Domingo |
395 |
Mattia |
396 |
Francisco |
398 |
Antonio |
399 |
Antonio |
400 |
Nansobba |
-. CARR |
401 |
Mattinio |
402 |
Nammosamma |
403 |
Sumpeleso |
405 |
Matonima |
406 |
Namiha |
407 |
Terlato |
408 |
Manuel |
409 |
Perroco |
410 |
Manuel |
411 |
Assinerie |
412 |
Cattana |
Colonel BIRD |
413 |
Pahia |
414 |
Joze |
415 |
Mappeta |
416 |
Colesue |
417 |
Saboatie |
418 |
Louis |
419 |
Ampurha |
420 |
Namocowa |
421 |
Chitewo |
422 |
Prenteto |
423 |
Roando |
424 |
Louis |
425 |
Manuel |
426 |
Moquerie |
427 |
Seltamna |
428 |
Namohaja |
429 |
Molocametama |
[431] |
Fortuna |
W. DUCKETT, jun. |
[433] |
Antonio |
H. Excelcy, the Governor |
[434] |
Sambo |
[435] |
Maria |
[437] |
Joze |
-. HOETS |
[438] |
Domingo |
[439] |
Desusa |
[440] |
Gurdes |
[441] |
Anbonio |
[ 3] |
Mascani |
Government Farm, Groote Post |
[ 8] |
Consalasa |
” |
[ 0] |
Samiacharna |
“ |
[ 6] |
Paasco |
“ |
[ 1] |
Nacweta |
“ |
[ 5] |
Coranie |
“ |
137 |
Masaantje |
Government Farm, Groote Post. |
141 |
Louis |
“ |
157 |
Maccoano |
“ |
187 |
Michiel |
“ |
188 |
Mohahocca |
“ |
193 |
Camessa |
“ |
206 |
Caho |
“ |
218 |
Moccolewoto |
“ |
259 |
Passare |
“ |
263 |
Domingo |
“ |
301 |
Alleba |
“ |
441 |
Tigara |
Government Schooner |
442 |
Pedro |
“ |
443 |
Carlos |
“ |
444 |
Pareira |
“ |
NOTICE – Several Inhabitants having neglected to comply with the Advertisement of the 20th December last, for paying the Caffre Commando Tax, Notice is hereby given that the Landdrost and Commissioned Heemraden will again attend to receive the above Tax from those Persons who have not yet paid, on the days hereunder mentioned :-
The Field-Cornetcies of Messrs. P. VAN BREDA, Ax., J.W. LUTGENS, J.G. MUNNIK, and P. STADLER, - on Tuesday the 30th instant.
The Field-Cornetcies of Messrs. W.F. VERSFELD, H. DEMPERS, J.A. LOUW, and A.J. LOUW, Js. – on Wednesday the 31st instant.
The Field-Cornetcies of Messrs. J.S. VAN DER SPUY, D. VAN REENEN, C. VAN WIELLIGH, and J.G. BLANKENBERG, - On Thursday the 1st February next.
The Field-Cornetcies of Messrs. J. VAN REENEN, P. VAN SCHALKWYK, W. THUYNSMA, J.B. BESTER, and P.J. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, - on Friday the 2d February next.
Secretary’s Office, Cape District.
13th Jan. 1827
W.A. WENTZEL, Secretary.
Mrs. The Widow DUCKITT wishing to close her Farming Concerns, having let her Place, the Klaver Valley, to her Sons William and Frederick, will sell by Public Auction, on the 5th and 6th February next, the whole of her Stock and Farming Utensils; consisting of 50 breeding Horses got by the Stallions Loyalist, Nestler, Lutwych, Vanguard, and Sorcerer; two he and three she Asses, two Span of draught Oxen, 50 breeding Cattle got by the best European Bulls, 138 thorough bred Merino Sheep, including 18 thorough bred Rams; also, three-furrowed, double, and single Ploughs, principally new; Vineyard Ploughs, several sets of Harrows, &c. a Winnowing, a Bruising, and a portable Threshing Machine; a Corn Mill of 4 Horse power, a middle-sized and two small Ox Waggons, one-horse Tent Waggon, Curricle, Carpenters’ and Smiths’ Tools, and a variety of other Articles too numerous to insert; also an African Slave Boy named Jack, a carpenter by trade.
Purchases to the amount of 300 Rds. And upwards, can retain the Money on Interest for one year, by giving security.
Refreshment will be provided.
Klaver Valley, Jan. 26. 1827.
Friday, February 2d, 1827. – Vol. XXII, No. 1099.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
26thJanuary – Savina, Spanish Ship, Juan AGEO, Master, from Manilla 7th Nov, bound to Santander, cargo Cotton and Sugar.
Passengers – Don Francisco CABRERO, Don Pedro LERDO.
28th – Flamingo, Coasting Schooner, A.SINCLAIR, Master, from Port Louis 24th December, and Port Elizabeth 24th January, bund to this Port, cargo Sugars and Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Lieut. ROGERS; Messrs. LECLUS, SWARTZE, and VAN EYK.
Ditto – Mary, Coasting Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, from Port Elizabeth 24th December, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Captain ARMSTRONG, and Mr. MAHONEY.
Ditto – Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from Simon’s Bay 27th January, for this Port, in ballast.
29th – Recovery, English Schooner, H.C. CHAPMAN, Master, from Bombay 22d Nov. bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Lady Leonne SMITH, Mrs. Captain GILLIUM, Miss POTTINGER, Miss F. POTTINGER, Mrs. FORLONG, Miss BARTON, Miss TAYLOR; Lieut.-Colonel TURNER, Major JACKSON, Captain SANDWITH, Capt. SPARROW, Lieutenants COOPER and GUMBLETON; Messrs. W. FALCONER and R. RICHARDS, Masters BELL and WESLY, three Female and one Native Servants.
Feb. 1 – Brothers, English Brig, John BIGGS, Master, from Gravesend 14th Nov. bound to this Port, cargo Timber and Sundries.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
26th January – Harriet, English Schooner, J.PALMER, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
Ditto – Pensylvania, French Ship, M. THIROT, Master, bound to the Mauritius and Bourbon.
27th – Nouveau Demosthene, French Ship, M. REYDELLET, Master, bound to Havre.
31st – Boyne, English Ship, D. MILLER, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Iberia, English Brig, PL KIRTON, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Savina, Spanish Ship, Juan AGEO, Master, bound to Santander.
Ditto – Caroline, English Ship, W. KIDSON, Master, bound to London.
The Caroline and Savina anchored again, on account of light and variable winds.
1st February – Hetty, English Schooner, ----- HANDY, Master, bound to New South Wales.
Ditto – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, bound to Algoa bay.
BIRTH – Here, on the 27th January, the Lady of Lieut. FLEMING, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, of a Son.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Thursday the 1st February, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Samuel PHELPS, to Miss Isabella ALMOND.
On Sunday the 28th January, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Corporal Edward COOPER, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment of Foot, baptized Henry.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 28th January,
A Son of P.M. BRINK, Cs. Esq. baptized Andries Johannes.
A Son on J.C. GIE, Esq. Ms. Baptized Johan Coenraad.
A Son of Mr. F.S. BERNING, baptized Fredrik Simon.
A Son of P.F. STERRENBERG, baptized Pieter Gulhelmus Langenhooven.
A Daughter of Mr. R.A. PEACH, baptized Johanna Jacoba Carolina.
A Daughter of A.J. HEYNS, baptized Dorothea Johanna.
A Daughter of J.C. WEBER, baptized Christina Elisabeth Johanna.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 7th
January, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
A Daughter of A.H. DU PREE, baptized Anna Helena Geertruyda.A Daughter of P.J. TERBLANCH, baptized Louisa Josina.
On Sunday the 14th January,
A Daughter of J.G. VAN DER WAT, baptized Jacomina Aletta.
23d January – Wm. WILLIAMS, aged 31 years and 6 months.
24th – A Daughter of F.G. CORNELISSEN, named Christina Catharina Fredrica, aged 4 years and 10 months.
Ditto – Nicolaas RAAF, aged 53 years and 9 months.
25th – Ellen BARBER, Wife of John FULLARD, aged 27 years.
29th – Mr. Johan Hendrik LICHTWARK, aged 49 years.
30th – A Daughter of W.F. HELDZINGER, named Anna Maria Theresia, aged 11 months and 15 days.
On the same day, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Pieter Francois PIENAAR, the Slaves Sampson and Willem, both of the Cape.
Hendrik HEGERS, a quantity of Plate, consisting of Tea and Coffee Pots, Sugar Basins, Mugs, Decanter-stands, Candlesticks, Wine Strainers, Spoons, and Forks; also a quantity of Plated Ware.
On Wednesday the 14th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
Jan Hendrik LATEGAAN, the Slaves Marinus, Marthinus, and Sara (alias Saartje).
Gideon Maurits DE FILLIERS, the Slaves Adam and Mentor.
Petrus Johannes CATS, the Slaves September, mason, and Doortje, housemaid.
On the same day, at 12 o’clock, on account of the said Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. Opposite his late Garden Leeuwenrust, a Brick-kiln, containing about 30,000 Bricks.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, at the Drostdy, on account of Johannes Andries HOLTSHAUSEN, Ts. the half of the Loan Place Verdwaalde Kloof; also a Saddle Horse, 2 Chairs, and 2 Tables.
On Saturday the 17th instant, on account of John MURRAY, a House and Premises, situated behind the Castle.
On Monday the 19th instant, on account of the Widow Jacobus GROENEWALD, a House and Premises, situated No. 6, Buitengracht, a Piece of Land, situated at the foot of the Lion’s Rump; likewise a Wardrobe, twelve Chairs and two Tables; and the Slaves Adonis, Ploat, Esau, and Amelie, all of Mosambique.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 20th and 21st instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place Libertas, situated near the aforesaid Village, on account of Johannes Petrus DE VILLIERS, Js. (placed under Sequestration,) the Places Libertas, Doornbosch, and Patrys Valley, also a Piece of Quitrent Land adjoining; likewise, Household Furniture, Culinary Utensils, Fustage, Stuckvats, a Brandy Still, Horses, Oxen, a Horse and Bullock Waggon, Cart, Implements of Husbandry; also the Slaves Esau, Moses, Mentor, Joel, Christina, Sapphier, (1) Jason, Hendrik, Eva, Lea, Spatie, Abel, Dina, (2) Jason, September, Lena, and November.
On Wednesday the 21st instant, on account of the Estate of Roeland WITSEN, (placed under Sequestration,) a House, Store, and Premises, situated No. 21, Kerk-street; also, Household Furiture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Wardrobes, a Piano Fore, Plate, Jewellery, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, &c. &c.
On Saturday the 24th instant, by the Agent at Graham’s Town, on account of Thomas BUTLER, a Farm containing 2,251 Morgen and 587 Square Roods of Land, situated on the Assagai Bush River.
On the same day, on account of Pieter LAUBSCHER, the Farm Roodebloem, situated between the 2 and 3 mile-stone, on the Rondebosch road.
[Sequestrator’s Office….]
A Public Sale will be held at Mr. H. VAN NIEKERK’S Blaauwbloemetjes Kloof, on the 26th February, 1827, of 2500 extra Fat Wethers, 2, 3, and 4 years old; and 100 Draught and Slaughter Cattle, in excellent condition.
N.B. A good dinner will be provided
The Undersigned intending to remove to the District of Somerset, will hold a Public Sale at his Place, situated at Karnemelks Rivier, District of Swellendam, on the 15th February, of fifty Horses, 400 sheep, 50 trained Oxen, 6 brown draught Horses 3 years old, and 6 ditto 2 years old.
Six months’ Credit will be given.
Josias D. DE KOCK, Ms.
Public Sale on Saturday, 10th February next, of the whole of the Property of the late And. Bern. DU TOIT. Senior, consisting of a small Freehold Place, situated at Dal Josaphat, planted with Vines and Fruit Trees; also Slaves, Household Furniture, and Fustage.
J.G. DU TOIT. Executors.
DIED on the 30th instant, our beloved Daughter Maria Theresia, aged 11 months and 15 days, of which we hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, Jan 31, 1827.
CAUTION – I hereby caution all Persons against giving any Credit to my Wife, as I will not be responsible for any Debts that she may contract.
Strand-street, Feb. 1, 1827.
Friday, February 16th, 1827 – Vol. XXII, No. 1101.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
9th February – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Port Beaufort 4th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce
Ditto – Brittania, English Ship, C. LAMB, Master, from Calcutta 14th November, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Ditto – Dove, English Cutter, J. CHURCH, Master, from the Downs 15th November, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passenger – Mr. WICKSTEAD.
10th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay 4th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. STAEDEL and LOVEMORE, a Serjeant, and 4 Privates of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment.
Ditto - Hope, English Ship, J.T.E. FLINT, MASTER, FROM Madras 23d December, bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonels C. DEACON and GLOVER, Major ELDERTON, Captains MILSOM, GORDON, RUDDEMAN, and STREET, Lieutenants BERRIDGE, O. ST. JOHN, HEWSON, SHIEL, and MILNES; Mrs. Colonel OLIVER, Mrs. ELDERTON, Mrs. COCKE, and Miss F. OLIVER; P. GLEGHORN, Esq. 15 Children, and 4 Servants; 30 Invalids, 3 Women, and 3 Children. – The Rev. T.J. WILLIAMSON and Master OLIVER died on the passage.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
9th February – Ann, English Schooner, J. DUNN, Master, bound to Rio de Janeiro.
Ditto – Ganges, English Ship, E. BOULTBEE, Master, bound to London.
11th – Madeira Packet, English Schooner, P. WILLIAMS, Master, bound to New South Wales.
12th – Rival, English Brig, D. WALLACE, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Echo, English Ship, J.T.E. FLINT, Master, bound to London.
Arrival in Knysna.
24th Jan. - Hebe, English Brig, T. FOREMAN, Master, from Table Bay the 20th, in ballast.
Arrival in Algoa Bay.
6th February – Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from Simon’s Bay 1st instant, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Messrs. HEIDEMAN, PETERSEN, MUTER, HANBURY, DREYER, and two Steerage Passengers.
In the Reformed Church on Sunday the 11th February.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
4th Jan – Mr. James ALLISON, to Miss Dorothy THACKWRAY.
16th – Daniel ROBERTS, to Jane ALDUM.
19th– Mr. Wm. HOWARD, to Mrs. Mary HILES.
1st Feb – Serjeant James Warley BOND, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, to Sarah AMOS.
Ditto – Wm. REYNOLDS, to Sarah LEWIS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 11th February, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. E. DODD, baptized Melvina Catharine.
A Son of Rosetta DUNDAS, (Free Woman,) baptized Edward Charles.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 11th February, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
A Daughter of Serjeant Daniel KENNEDY, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Caroline.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 11th February,
A Son of J.H. COETZEE, baptized Stephanus Gerhardus.
A son of J.J.F.C. HEYDENRYCH, baptized Martinus Johannes.
A Daughter of Mr. A. BRINK, Js. baptized Susanna Justina Faure.
A Daughter of Mr. N.J. LOTZ, baptized Nicolasina Jacoba.
Three Daughters and a Son of Helena Johanna VALENTYN, baptized Alida Aplona, Clara Helena, Hendrica Christina, and Johannes Christiaan Otto.
At Graham’s Town, by the Ref. T.IRELAND, M.A.
7th Jan – A Son of H. HAYES, baptized Henry Francis.
Ditto – A Son of Bombardier DUFFY, of the Royal Artillery, baptized Samuel Ebenezer.
8th – A Daughter of Lieutenant ROSS, of His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Infantry), baptized Leonora Alford.
14th – A Daughter of Corporal HUGHES, of His Majesty’s Royal Sappers and Miners, baptized Caroline.
21st – A Daughter of T.G. SCHALKWYK, baptized Anna Giertiena Margaretha.
28th – A Daughter of L. WILEM, baptized Susanna Josina.
8th February – A Daughter of John ROSE, named Anna Harriet Eliza, aged 2 years, 5 months and 23 days.
9th – A Son of J.C. GARISCH, named Abraham Isaak, aged 6 months.
11th – A Daughter of M.F.J. ABRAHAMSE, named Fransina Jacoba, aged 2 years.
At Graham’s Town.
3d Jan. – Andrew IRVING, late of H.M. 72d Regt. Aged 55 years.
8th – Miss Isabella DANIELS, aged 20 years.
18th – A Son of Lieutenant W.L. HEATHCOTE, of His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Cavalry), aged 2 months and 18 days.
Ditto – Mary CONWAY, aged 40 years.
23d – Arabella LIONS, aged 54 years.
On Tuesday the 20th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Jan RUTGERS, 2 Carts, 4 Horses and Harness, a Boat, and 10,000lbs. of Hay.
The Insolvent Estate of Robert McGARVA, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bedding, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, and some Assagai Wood.
The Insolvent Estate of Jesse MARSH, sundry Household Furniture, Culinary Utensils, &c.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of Johannes ODENDALL, 20 Oxen.
On Wednesday the 21st inst. by the Agent at Worcester, on account of Gert Carel KRUGER, 1 Horse Waggon, 13 Horses, and 10 Oxen.
On the same day, on account of the Estate of Roeland WITSEN, (placed under Sequestration, ) a House, Store, and Premises, situated no. 21 Church-street; also, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Wardrobes, A Piano Forte, Plate, Jewellery, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Utensils, &c. &c. Also the Slaves Benjamin and David, of the Cape, Debora of ditto, with her Children (2) Debora, Linda, Sophia, and Salomon; Philippina of ditto, with her Children Ferina and Jenina; Eva of ditto, with her Children Sophia and Joseph. The Purchasers of the above Slaves may retain the Sums for which they are mortgaged, or for which they may be sold, for a certain period, on application to the Mortgagee.
On Thursday the 22d instant, on account of the [printing has been obscured by a fold in the paper]…..Chairs, Wardrobes, a Sofa, a Piano Forte, Plate, Glass, China, Earthenware, Culinary Utensils, &c. &c.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at 10 o’clock, in front of his House, on accunt of the following Persons, viz.
Michiel DE KOCK, Ss. 10 Draught Oxen, and a Saddle Horse with Saddle and Bridle.
Daniel Thomas DU PLESSIS, the Slaves Jephta, Sara, and Philida.
On Tuesday the 27th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
John LAWRENCE, 2 Mahogany Sofas.
P. EVERTS, a Waggon, 4 Horses, and 3 pair of Harness.
Alida THERON, a Stinkwood Bedstead, a Bureau, and 2 Mahogany Writing Desks.
Widow Marthinus VAN WEILLIGH, the Slaves Talie and Lys of the Cape.
The Estate of Frederik Wilhelm HOLM (placed under Sequestration), 9 Chairs, 2 Tables, 2 empty Casks, an Escritoir, &c.
Michiel SMUTS, the Slaves Spadille of Mosambique, and Alexander of the Cape, coachmen.
John ATHERSTONE, a Gig and Harness, a brown Horse, a gray ditto, 12 Mahogany Chairs, and a Clothes Press.
Petrus Coenraad SOESTMAN, the Slaves (1) Moses, (2) Moses, Asia, Theresia, David, Marietje, and Aletta, all of the Cape.
On Thursday the 1st March, on account of Christiaan HANSLO, two Houses and Erven, situated between Roze-street and Matfeld-steeg, Blok E, being a part of No. 40; also two Plots of Ground given by the Burgher Senate, Nos. 7 and 8.
On Tuesday the 6th March, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of J.H. CROUS, Sen. a House and Premises, situated in the aforesaid Village.
Sequestrator’s Office, February 15, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Friday, February 23d, 1827. Vol. XXII – No. 1102.
Mrs. ROWLES intending to leave the Colony, requests all Claims against her may be sent in for examination and payment before the expiration of this month.
Cape Town, Feb. 7, 1827.
All Persons having Claims on the Estate of the late Mr. Thomas MORGAN, are requested to send them to the Undersigned for adjustment; and all Persons indebted to the Estate are requested to settle their Accounts.
February 21, 1827.
David STILL, Executor,
15 Berg-street.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
15th February – Norden, Danish Ship, J. BURD, Master, from Copenhagen 8th November, bound to this Port, India, and a Market, with a cargo of Iron, Planks, and Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. WATT and Mr. J. WATT.
Ditto – Thomas, English Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, from Mauritius 19th Jan. and Algoa Bay 11th Feb. bound to this Port, cargo Sugars and Sundries.
Passengers - Major and Mrs. COX, and Dr. MORGAN.
Ditto – Claudine, English Ship, R.C. CHRISTIE, Master, from Madras 27th December, bound to this Port and London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. PITMAN and 3 Children, Mr. and Mrs. LAWEY, Mr. NAPIER, Colonel STACKPOLE, Mrs. RIDDLE, and three Children, Mrs. MUL[ hcron ], in charge of thirty-nine children from the Free School, Calcutta; Serjeant WILLIAMS, and 12 Prisoners from the Comp. Service; Mrs. PUGH and Mrs. NEWLAND, Charter Party Passengers, and 3 Native Servants.
16th – Success, English Schooner, G. SMITH, Master, from St. Helena 9th Jan. bound to this Port, in ballast.
17th - Harriet, English Schooner, J.PALMER, Master, from Algoa Bay 11th instant, bound to this Port.
Passengers – Major MASSEY, 3 Servants, and W. STERLING, Prisoner.
18th - Mermaid, English Ship, Alex. YATES, Master, from Madras 10th December, bound to this Port and London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. LIMOND, Mrs. GRAHAM, Mrs. FIELD; Captians YOUNGSON, YOUNG, and VAUGHN; Lieutenants WILSON, CRIPS, HARVEY, GRAHAM, and BRACKEN; John BAGSHAW, and R. MACKENZIE, Esqrs. 4 Children, and 4 Servants.
19th - Hebe, English Brig, J. FOREMAN, Master, from the Knysna 14th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Timber.
20th – Exmouth, English Ship, S. OWEN, Master, from Sincapore 25th December, bound to London, cargo Coffee, Pepper, and Sundries.
Passenger – Mr. CAMPBELL.
21st – Runnymede, English Bark, C. KEMP, Master, from Bombay 26th Nov. and Isle of Alipee 14th December, bound to London, cargo Cotton, Pepper and Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. PITFOLD and 2 Children, Mr. REEVES, Mr. CLARKSON, 2 Masters [ROSS] and Miss McLEOD.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
15th Feb. - La Belle Alliance, English Ship, H. HUNTER, Master, bound to London.
20th – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, bound to Port Beaufort.
Ditto – Usk, Coasting Brig, T. LONG, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
Ditto – The Kate sailed again, having put back from contrary winds.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 19th February, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Michael STUDSER, to Mary Ann REAVES.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 18th February,
Christiaan BARTENICKE, to Dina Catharina SMITH.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Monday the 5th Feb.
By Rev. William WRIGHT, M.A.
James RANDALL, to Margaret BUTLER.
On Wednesday the 14th February,
Mr. William James McLEOD, to Mary KERWICK.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
8th February – By Special Licence, Charles MAYNARD, Esq. to Georgina, fifth Daughter of Alexander BIGGAR, Esq. of Woodlands, Albany.
Ditto – Mr. John FAIR, to Miss Augusta ROWLES.
Ditto – Mr. Thomas Francis KING, to Miss Sarah HONEY.
In the English Church, Cape Town on Sunday the 18th February, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A.Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of A.J. ESPACH, baptized Abraham Jacobus.
A Daughter of Mr. C.C. BRESLER, baptized Sara Brand.
A Daughter of Mr. J.J. KOTZEE, baptized Sophia Magdalena Jacoba.
A Daughter of Mr. J.C. KOTZEE, baptized Johanna Cornelia Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of G.M. BAM, baptized Maria Sophia.
A Daughter of J.M. VILLAVICENTIO, baptized Hendrina Christina Maria.
A Daughter of Sara van Madagascar, baptized Hendrina Jabella VAN DEN BERG.
A Daughter of the late Letje VAN DE KAAP, baptized Louisa Aletta.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 18th February,
An adult Person, baptized Emelia RIEDER, and her Daughter Johanna Magdalena KOLBEE.
At Drooge Valley, on Wednesday the 7th February, by the Rev. W WRIGHT, M.A.
A Son of W. PROCTOR, Esquire, baptized James Mildmay FALKNER.
A Son of John ARCHER, baptized Robert.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday the 6th February, by the Rev. F.McCleland, A.B.
A Son of Staff Assistant Surgeon John WYER, baptized John Francis.
On Sunday the 11th February,
A Son of Daniel WOODS, baptized James.
14th February – A Son of R. ALLWRIGHT, named Charles, aged 4 months and 12 days.
Ditto – A Son of J.H. BUITENDAG, named Jan Hendrik, aged 13 months and 9 days.
15th – A son of George Paton, Esq. named George P[unty], aged 3 months and 22 days.
Ditto – Hester Helena BERGH, aged 22 years and 10 months.
16th – Mr. Andrew DIXON, aged 32 years.
17th – An Infant Daughter of C.L.W. LIESCHING, Esq.
Ditto – A Daughter of F. SCHENCK, named Fredrica Wilhelmina, aged 9 months and 7 days.
19th – Mrs Sara Maria D’AILLY, Widow of the late Mr. J.J. MOSTERT, aged 47 years, 6 months and 2 days.
Ditto – A son of A.P. DE VILLIERS, Jr. named Abraham Pieter, aged 3 years and 5 months.
Ditto – A Daughter of Geo. HUDD, named Rosetta Martha, aged 3 years and 5 months.
Ditto – A Son of E.H. KLEYNSMITH, named John Nicolaas, aged 6 years and 3 months.
Ditto – Mr. D.C. LUYT, aged 43 years and 22 days.
20th – Clasina Geertruyda VAN DER HOEVE, aged 28 years and 6 months.
21st – William CAMPBELL, Esq. late of Sincapore, aged 26 years
Ditto – Jacobus Cornelis ABRAHAMSE, aged 32 years.
On Tuesday the 6th March, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of J.H. CROUS, Sen. a House and Premises, situated in the aforesaid Village.
On the same day, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
Johan Gerrit MUNNIK, 2 open Horse Waggons, 8 Horses and Harness, a Covered Cart and Harness, a Saddle Horse, with Saddle and bridle, and a Gold Watch.
John TILLEY, a Coach.
Hanna PIETERSE, a Camel-hair Shawl.
Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, 7 Horses, and the Slave Christiaan of the Cape.
The Estate of Jabez HART (placed under Sequestration), a large and select assortment of saleable and useful Millinery and Haberdashery.
On Wednesday the 7th March, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz: -
Andries Francois DE VILLIERS, Js. a covered Waggon, an open ditto, 6 Horses, and Harness.
Petrus Johannes CATS, a Horse Waggon, 2 Horses, and Harness.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Frederik Johannes DE JAGER, 6 Oxen.
Coenraad GRABE, a Bullock Waggon and a Team of Oxen.
On Thursday the 8th and Friday the 9th March, on account of the Estate of R. WITSEN (placed under Sequestration), Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Wardrobes, Looking Glasses, Pictures, pair of handsome Patent Lamps complete, House Clock, Chintz Curtains, Plate, Jewellery; Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware; Culinary Utensils, &c. &c. Counting-house Desk, with Brass Rail and Stools; Book-case, Vendue Tables, Benches, Patent Scales, Weights, &c.; 2000lbs. Beads, and sundry Merchandize; a well bred Saddle Horse, a Saddle and Bridle; a good collection of Dutch and English Books, among which is an excellent edition of the Encylopaedia Britannica, of 1819: also the following Slaves – Benjamin, labourer, aged 38 years; David, coachman and gardener, 25 years; Debora, housemaid, and understands cooking, with her four Children, Thebootje 11 years, Linda 9 years, Sophia 6 years, Salomon 3 ½ years; Phelipina, housemaid, 25 years, with her two Children, Jena 9 years, Jerina 7 years; Eva, house and wash maid, with her two Children, Joseph 7 years, Sophie 2 years.
The Purchasers of the above Slaves may retain the Sums for which they are mortgaged, or for which they may be sold, for 12 months, under satisfactory security, on application to the Mortgagee.
On Saturday the 10th March, by the Agent at George, on account of Hendrik STANDER, As. the Female Slave Spaas, with her Children Roos, Maria and an Infant.
On the same day, on account of John MURRAY, a House and Premises, situated behind the Castle; also seven Cables of various dimensions.
On Saturday the 17th March, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at Groeneberg, on account of Pieter Johannes SMITH, Ns, the half of the Opstal of the Loan Place Olyvehout; also the Slave Abner of Mosambique.
Sequestrator’s Office, February 22, 1827.
Died on Monday the 19th instant, our respected Mother, Sara M. DAILLY, Widow of the late J.J. MOSTERT, aged 47 years, 6 months, and 2 days, - of which Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Fe. 22, 1827
In the name of the Children,
Johannes Jacobus MOSTERT.
Died at the Bath House, Caledon, on the 14th instant. Mr. Thomas MORGAN, Merchant, of Cape Town, aged 32 years.
Died on the 19th instant, at half-past 9 o’clock in the morning, my beloved Husband, D.C. LUYT, aged 43 years and 23 days. – of which I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, Feb. 22, 1827.
Widow D.C. LUYT, born M.J. VOS.
Died on the 20th of January last, my dear Son Schalk Willem JOUBERT, aged 20 years, of which severe loss I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends, and request to be excused the visits of condolence.
Groeneberg, Feb. 10, 1827.
Overleden op den 20 January [ ll.] myn waarde Zoon Schalk Willem JOUBERT, in den ouderdom van 20 jaren; van welk droevig sterfgeval ik by deze aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden kennis geef, met verzoek van rouwbeklag verschoond te blyven.
Groeneberg, 10 February 1827.
Overleden aan het Badhuis te Caledon, op den 14 dezer, de Hr. Thomas MORGAN, Koopman in de Kaapstad, in den ouderdom van 32 jaren.
Overleden, op Maandag den 19 Febr. Ll. Onze tee-dergeliefde Moeder, Sara Maria D’AILLY, Weduwee wylen Joh. Jac. MOSTERT, in den ouderdom van 47 jaren, 6 maanden en 2 dagen; gevende van dit voor ons zoo smartelyk verlies kennis aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden.
Uit naam der gezamenlyke Kinderen,
Joh. Jac. MOSTERT.
Friday, March 2d, 1827. Vol. XXII – No. 1103
All Persons having any Claims or Demands on the Estate of the late William DUCKITT, Senior, are particularly requested to attend a General Meeting of the Creditors at the House of Mr. J.C. GIE, Ms. In the Market-square, on Wednesday the 7th of March next, at 12 o’clock precisely, for the purpose of considering a Statement of the Affairs, which will then be exhibited.
W. DUCKITT, Jr. q.q.
Fred DUCKITT, q.q.
Absconded since September last, a Slave Boy named “David”, about 5 feet high, formerly the property of Mr. C. KORSTEN; has gray hair, and was dressed in a duffle jacket, leather trowsers, and had on a white hat. – whoever lodges him in prison will be liberally rewarded.
Ghouph, Feb. 10, 1827
Robt. CARR.
Absconded from the Undersigned, since the 3d of November last, an African Slave Girl, named Mierje, about 17 years of age, yellow complexion, curly hair, round hollow eyes, and a mark on her under-lip; much resembles a Hottentot. Whoever lodges her in prison, or brings her to the Undersigned, will receive a reward of 10 Rds. and those detaining her will be prosecuted.
Mosselbanks Rivier, Cape District,
Feb. 12, 1827
ERRATUM. – In the Shipping List of last Number of the Gazette, announcing the arrival of the English Ship Claudine from Madras, among the Passengers, for “12 Prisoners from the Company’s Service,” read “12 Pensioners from the Company’s Service”.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
23d February – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, from St. Helena Bay 11th instant, to this Port with Sundries saved from the Wreck of the Britannia.
24th – City of Edinburgh, English Ship, George MILNE, Master, from Calcutta 25th November, bound to this Port and London, with Rice, Saltpetre, and Sundries. – Mr. W. HOOPER, Passenger, died on the Passage.
26th – Conch, English Schooner, J.H. ATKINSON, Master, from Sincapore 10th December, bound to this Port, with Rice, Coffee, and Sundries.
Passenger – Mr. T. MUSSON.
1st March – Hon. Company’s Schooner St. Helena, James FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, from St. Helena 2d February, to this Port in Ballast.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
24th February- Kerswill, English Brig, E.S. ARMSTRONG, Master, bound to London.
26th – Harriet, Coasting Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, for Algoa Bay.
27th – Hussaren, English Brig, G. GIBSON, Master, bound to London.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 25th February,
Prudent ADAM, to Elisabeth Jacoba COMBRINCK.
On Monday the 26th February,
Thomas EDWARDS, to Dorothea Christina HENDRIKS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 25th February, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mosa ( Government Prize Apprentice), baptized Frances.
A Daughter of Charlotte (Negress), baptized Esther.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 25th February,
A son of Mr. G.W. SPENGLER, baptized Abraham Theodorus.
A Daughter of Mr. P. VAN BREDA, J.As. baptized Anna Tobia Martina.
A Daughter of Mr. J.O. PHILLIPS, baptized Anna Catharina Margaretha.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 25th February,
A Son and a Daughter (Twins) of Mr. J.A. TEUBES, baptized Andreas Georg Hendrik, and Susanna Justina.
20th February – Sophia Margaretha HYNKE, Widow of the late W. KOETLOPP, aged 23 years.
24th – Catharina Maria WINTERSTEYN, aged 45 years, 6 months, and 6 days.
Ditto – An Infant Daughter of Clarentina BLESSER.
25th – A Son of C.P. VISSER, named Johannes Lucas, aged 5 years, 8 months, and 18 days.
26th – Mr. Alexander DUNCAN, aged 37 years.
Ditto – Petronella Johanna HARTOG, Widow of the late J.G. LINGENFELDER, aged 73 years, 11 months, and 26 days.
27th – Mrs. Maria Wilhelmina Christina DE WAAL, Widow of the late J.P. WATNEY, Esq. aged 40 years, 9 months, and 11 days.
28th – Egbertus BERGH, Esq. aged 68 years, 3 months, and 17 days.
On Tuesday the 6th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, the Slaves (1) April of Mosambique, August of Malabar, and Achillies of the Cape.
Widow Marthinus VAN WEILLIGH, the Slaves Onverwacht and Lea of the Cape.
John TILLEY, a Coach.
On Tuesday the 13th instant, at the Sequestrator’s stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Richard Joseph JOHNSON, the Slaves Jemie, Charles, Rachel, and Doortje, with her Child Dollie.
Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, the Slaves Louis of Mosambique, and Adriana, a housemaid.
Alexander BUCHANNAN, 9 Tables, 7 Canteen Boxes, a Counter, a Bedstead, 6 Chairs, 2 Forms, &c. &c.
Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, Ds. The Slaves Samuel and Philida of the Cape, Appollos, Sophia, and Pedro of Mosambique, and January of Malabar.
The Estate of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. (placed under Sequestration,) a quantity of Bricks.
On Wednesday the 14th inst. by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Pieter Johannes SMITH, Ns. the Slave Abner.
Michiel DE KOCK, a Horse, with Saddle and Bridle, and 10 Oxen.
Daniel Thomas DU PLESSIS, 5 Horses, 10 Cows, Vaderland breed, a Cart, and 2 pair of Harness, a Wardrobe, a Bedsted and Curtains; also the Slaves Jephta, Sara, and Philander.
On Thursday the 15th instant, at 10 o’clock, at the Town Market, on account of Pieter Jacob DE VILLIERS, P.Ds. 20 Horses, 30 Draught Oxen, and a Bullock Waggon.
On the same day, on account of Daniel Adriaan ROSSOUW, a Piece of Land with the Buildings thereon, situated near Wynberg, also 8 Bullocks.
On Monday the 19th instant, on account of Richard Joseph JOHNSON, a House, Store, and Premises, situated no. 64, Loop-street.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place Boter Rivier, Paardeberg, on account of Pieter Johannis GILDENHUIS, the aforesaid Place.
Sequstrator’s Office, March 1, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. - All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Pieter Johannes GROVE, (placed under Sequestration) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 23d ult.
John TILLEY (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement,
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Tuesday next, the 6th instant, between the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
On Forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, March 1, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
The Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Jacobus Johannes BLOMERUS,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, for the inspection of those concerned, in conformity with the Instruction on that head.
Sequestrator’s Office, Feb. 22. 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator
To be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Monday the 5th March next, at the House of Thomas Read WELCH, Auctioneer, No. 61, Loop-street, the Effects of the late Mr. William CAMPBELL, consisting chiefly in Wearing Apparel, a Couch, Trunks, and Two Hundred and Eight Spanish Dollars.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
27th February, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
The Undersigned, in his capacity as General Agent to Mr. D.T. DU PLESSIS, Js. will hold Public Sales on the 21st and 22d March, of the whole of the Effects of the said DU PLESSIS, consisting in a Freehold Place, situated on the North side of the Paarl, planted with about 70,000 Vines, and various Fruit Trees; also Male and Female Slaves, Fustage and Store Implements, Stills, Glass and Earthenware, Kitchen Utensils, and what further may be offered for Sale. The whole of the Purchase Money of the Place may be held on Interest.
All Persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to discharge their Debts; and those having claims against it, to send in the same to
A.M. MEIRING, q.q.
Paarl, 20th February 1827.
DIED, at Wynberg, on the 27th February, aged 40 years, Mras. WATNEY, Widow of the late John Pigot WATNEY, Esq. of Klapmuts, near Stellenbosch.
1st March, 1827.
DIED, on the 18th instant, my beloved Husband, D.G. STEYN, aged 68 years, 4 months, and 20 days – notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Hottentot Holland, Feb.19, 1827.
Weggeloopen in de maand September 11. De Slavejonge genaamd David, 5 voet lang, grys haar, gekleed in een duffel baatje, ledere broek en witte hoed op het hoofd, voormaals het eigendom van den Hr. C. KORSTEN. – die gem. Slaaf in de Gevangenis bezorgt, al goed beloond worden.
Ghouph, 10 February 1827.
Robert CARR.
Friday, March 9th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1104.
Mr. J. MORRIS, Steward of Sir Richard PLASKET, being about to return to England, it is requested that all Outstanding Accounts may be sent in to Sir Richard PLASKET without delay.
William HOFMEYER, Sworn Broker, will remove on the 15th instant, from No. 8, Hout-street, to No.37 Dorp-street, corner of Loop-street.
Mrs. DISKTAAL being about to embark on board the Dutch Ship Dido, for Europe, begs to return her best Thanks to her Friends in this Colony, for the many marks of kindness she has received at their hands, and now wishes them a long continuance of health and happiness; At the same time she requests that all outstanding Debts due to her may be paid to Mr. SCHUITEMAKER, or Mr. VAN DE SANDT, whom she has appointed her Agents.
Cape Town, March 7, 1827.
TO LET, A SMALL COMMODIOUS HOUSE, situated in Boom-street, No.17; likewise a STORE in Long-street, corner of Shortmarket-street. – Apply to Mrs. VAN LIER, No. 40, Wale-street, or Mr. ANOSI, at the Groote Schuur.
To Hire, two clever MASONS, and a very clever HOUSEBOY, a native of this Colony. – Apply to the Widow C. NELSON.
J.H. SMIT offers for Private Sale his Place KLEINE BERG, measured in Quitrent, situated in the District of Worcester. The whole of the purchase money may be held on interest, giving good security. – Apply to Mr. J. REDELINGHUIS, Berg Rivier.
Jan Rynier DE VILLIERS will hold a Sale on the 20th instant, at Mr. J.J. MINNAAR’S, of 70 head of draught and breeding Cattle, and 200 Goats; also a Bullock Waggon complete, a Saddle Horse, and some clever Female Slaves, the property of the late J.S. MALAN.
On Saturday and Monday, the 24th and 26th inst., Sales will be held at Mr. G. KEET’s, Church-street, without reserve, of a select assortment of Merchandize. Also will be put up, on account of whom it may concern, some new Furniture, consisting in Stinkwood Wardrobes of sorts, Chests of Drawers, Tea and Dining Tables, Bedsteads, Camp Beds, Chairs, &c.
ABSCONDED, a black Girl, of large stature, and bald head, a native of this colony, but born of Mosambique Parents; was formerly the property of Mr. LIESCHING, sen. whoever lodges her in prison, or brings her to No. 17 Kerk-street will be rewarded.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
4th March – Cape Packet, Southseaman, J. DUNKIN, Master, from the Islands of Crozet, bound to London, with Elephants Oil and Sealskins.
Passengers – Mr. FOTHERINGHAM, late Master of the Schooner Adventure, Mr. LISQUEIR, Mate, and 13 Seamen, taken off the Island of Crozet, where they had been wrecked on the 29th July, 1825.
5th – Royal George, English Ship, S. ELLERBY, Master, from Bombay 2d January, bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. Colonel BAKER, Mrs. SEELEY and two Children, Miss GREEVES, Colonel T. PIERCE, Major PEDLER, Captains NEPEAN and HOLROYD, Lieutenants RAMSBOTTOM, O’BRIEN, KENNEDY, and WEBB; Dr. G. OBILVY, Master and Miss ROMAR, and seven Servants.
6th – City of Bordeaux, Colonial Brig. John ALEXANDER, Master, from Mauritius 20th January, and Algoa Bay 24th February, bound to this Port, with sugars and Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. CRUYWAGEN, Captain WARREN, Messrs. T. BARRY, SHEPHERD, THOMPSON, and STONE; Mrs ALEXANDER and one servant.
7th – Magnet, English Brig, R. WATKINS, Master, from Cowes 15th December, bound to this Port and Simon’s Bay, cargo Sundries and Government Stores.
Passengers – Miss PAGE, Drs. OVERTON and WALLACE; Messrs. ELLIOTT, ANDERSON, and GOUGH, and John FEVRIER.
Ditto – Buckbay Packet, Coasting Schooner, C. MacKOY, Master, from Port Frances 26th February, to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Passenger – J. MOLLET.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
2d March – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, J. JARVIS, Master, to St. Helena Bay.
Ditto – Flamingo, Colonial Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, for Algoa Bay.
4th – Success, Colonial Schooner, Geo. SMITH, Master, for St. Helena.
Ditto – Exmouth, English Ship, S. OWEN, Master, for London.
Ditto - Luna, English Brig, R. KNOX, Master, bound to London.
5th – Hon. Company’s Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, for St. Helena.
7th – Dido, Dutch Bark, J. SEEPE, Master, bound to Amsterdam.
Ditto – Brothers, English Brig, J. BRIGGS, Master, for London.
Ditto – Ratcliff, English Ship, J. COLEMAN, Master, for England.
8th – Runnymede, English Ship, C. KEMP, Master, for London.
Arrival in Algoa Bay.
27th February – Usk, Coasting Brig, T. LONG, Master, from Table Bay 20th February, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Miss GRIFFITH, Miss JONES, Mr. MITCHELL and Family; Tovias and Son, Malays, a Slave Girl of Mr. KORSTEN, and a Slave Boy to care of J.O. SMITH.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 5th March, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Andrew ROSS, to Carolina Johanna Maria BROWN..
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 4th March.
Paul VAN JAARSVELD, Ws. To Aletta Geertruyda MOSTERT, Widow of the late L.J. PIENAAR.
Gerrit KOTZèE, Ws. to Anna Elisabeth LAMBRECHTS.
Johanes David VAN DER WESTHUYZEN, Gs. to Anna Hendrica Margaretha BRAND.
Petrus Arnoldus Jurgen BRAND, to Hilletje Aletta Johanna GILDENHUYZEN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 4th March, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. Joseph STURGIS, baptized Maria Caroline Elizabeth.
A Son of Joh HAYWOOD, baptized Walter.
A Daughter of Eva (Free Woman), baptized Hendrina Georgina.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 4th March,
A Son of J.J.H. ECHART, baptized Hermanus Johannes.
A Son of R.J. MULLER, baptized Paulus Johannes.
A Daughter of M.J. VERCUEIL, baptized Aletta Jacoba.
A Daughter of Mr. P.J. HAMMES, baptized Anna Elisabeth.
A Daughter of J.F. KANNEMEYER, baptized Jacoba Charlotta.
A Daughter of J.C. ISAACKSE, sen. baptized Elisabeth Christina.
1st March – Captain Telemachus MUSSON, late of the Schooner Conch, aged 37 years.
Ditto – Helena Maria Jacoba COENRADIE, Widow of the late A. JACOBS, aged 67 years, 3 months, and 14 days.
2d – Maria Theresia Wilhelmina Eleonora, Baroness VONBOUCHENRODER VON BUSCHENRAD, Wife of J.B.C. KNOBEL, Esq. aged 40 years, 3 months, and 7 days.
4th – Mr. Joachim Wilhelm HEYNEMAN, aged 35 years, 4 months and 4 days.
The Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of MARSH & CADOGAN, the Widow J.C. ACKERMAN, Matthew FYSH, John JARMAN, G.F. GRAND, J.M. ENDRES, J. DONNOLLY, J.H. JANSEN, J.C. BAERWINKEL, the Widow J. ROSLEE, and J. HERBERT, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear, on Tuesday the 20th instant, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of the said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court of the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 8th March, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
NOTICE – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Pieter STOCKENSTROM, (given over as Insolvent), to this Office, or to the Agent at Somerset, within the term of eight weeks from the date of this Advertisement,
Ands. BRINK, Js. (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above date,
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Monday next, the 12th instant, between the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, Ds (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above date,
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Tuesday next, the 13th instant, between the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
[Sequestrator’s Office]
The Documents relating to the Insolvent Estates of
Robert Blair GREEN, and
Stephanus Francois SMIT,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 12th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeably to the Instructions on that head.
[Sequestrator’s Office.]
NOTICE – Whereas Mr. Hugh HUNTLEY has made satisfactory arrangements with his several Creditors, his Estate, which was taken under the Administration of this Department, by Virtue of a Decree of the Worshipful the Court of Circuit, bearing date 21st September, 1824, is consequently henceforth to be considered as released from Sequestration.
[Sequestrator’s Office].
The Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters, Daniel J. CLOETE, Esq. duly authorised, will dispose of by Public Auction, on Saturday the 24th March next, at Graham’s Town, the Effects of the late Theunis SCHALKWYK, Senior, consisting in Household Furniture, some Cattle, and two Slaves named Pasop and Geduld.
Cape of Good Hope, Feb. 27. 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
Mr. J. MORRIS, Hoofmeester van Sir Richard PLASKET, naar Eneland zullende terug keeren, wordt verzocht dat alle uitstaande rekeningen onverwyld aan Sir. R. PLASKET worden ingezonden.
Overleden, den 28 February jl. De Wel-Ed. Heer Egbertus BERGH, in den ouderdom van 68 jaren, 4 maanden en 17 dagen; waarvan aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden by dezen wordt kennis gegeven.
geb. VAN REEDE van Oudtshoorn.
All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late Widow A. JACOBSE, are requested to send in the same to the Undersigned within six weeks from this date.
Cape Town, March 5, 1827.
A. BRINK. Cs. Executors.
DIED on the 28th February last, E. BERG, Esq. aged 68 years, 4 months, and 17 days, of which I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, March 7, 1827.
Born VAN REEDE van Oudtshoorn.
De ondergeteekende Executeuren des Boedels vanwylen de Weduwe Adam JACOBSE, zullen on Dinsdag voormiddag den 20 Maart, in de Vinkesteeg No.2, laten verkoopen, haar geheelen Inboedel, bestaande voornamelyk in twee zeer goed gebouwde Huizen, gelegen in de Vinkesteeg No.1 en 2, Wyk 24; alsmede alle soorten van Huisraad, Zilverwerk, een Kabinet met zilver Beslag, Keukengereedschap en verscheidene andere Goederen meer.
A. BRINK, Cz. Executeuren.
Friday, March 16th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1105.
NOTICE.- The following Persons have reported themselves at the Police Office, as Holders of Eating Houses, agreeable to the 12th Article of the Proclamation of the 15th November, 1823, viz:-
1. A. WIETEMEYER, 9, Buitengracht, 12th Ward.
2. J. BENN, 3, Zieke-street, 31st Ward.
3. J.F. WILDHAGEN, 40, Long-street, 14th Ward.
4. J.H. NEYHOFF, 27, Waterkant, 15th Ward.
5. J. MERLER, 20, Hout-street, 12th Ward.
6. D. VAN HEMERT, 6, Lelie-steeg, 16th Ward.
Police Office, Cape Town, March 14, 1827.
Superintendant of Police.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
9th March - Fils de France, French Ship, J. GEOFFROY, Master, from Canton 3d January, bound to Nantz, with a cargo of Teas, &c.
Passenger – Mr. Rodney FISHER.
Ditto – Anna Robertson, English Ship, J. IRVINE, Master, from Calcutta 7th January, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. OAKES, W. CRACROFT, Esq. W.H. OAKES, Esq. J.W. ALEXANDER, Esq. Reverend D.J. YOUNG, Majors E.B. CRAIGIE and J.G. ALDER, Captains HUMPHREYS, DEANE, and FERNIE, Lieut. DRUMMOND, Dr. STENHOUSE, J. SMITH, Esq. 13 Children, and 6 Servants.
Ditto - Loretto, English Ship, W. THOMSON, Master, from Liverpool 12th December, bound to Batavia, with a general cargo.
Passenger – Mr. R. DIGGLES.
Ditto – Patience, English Brig, Wm. KIND, Master, from the Downs 22d December, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Thomas SANDERSON, Esquire, Mr. MOBILLE, Mrs. HOLL and Child, and W. TITTERTON.
11th – Hibernia, English Ship, R. GILLIES, Master, from Calcutta 30th December, bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Captain and Mrs. BOYES, Lieut, GEAR, Mrs. WILKINSON, Mrs. BUSH and Niece, Mrs. and Miss BODLEY, 12 Children and 8 Servants.
Ditto – William Money, English Ship, J. JACKSON, Master, from Calcutta 19th Jan. bound to London, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. FRASER, Mrs. NATION, Mrs. DIXON, Mrs. DICK, Mrs. BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. JONES, Lieut. ROBINSON, Drs. STODDART and ADAMS, Captain HOLMSBY, Lieutenants THOMAS, HERBERT, FORDYCE, and SCOT, Mr. CROPLEY, Mr TUTIN, 25 Children, and 7 Servants.
12th - Harriet, Coasting Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from Algoa Bay 8th March, to this Port, with Colonial Produce
Passengers – Mr. DREYER, Mr. HEIDEMAN, Mr. HANBURY, Mr. MUTER, and two Servants.
Ditto – Valley Field, English Ship, T. JOHNSON, Master, from Bombay 15th Dec. bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Captains CROZIER, MARSHALL, and POULTON, Mr. BROWN, and two Children.
13th – Narcissus, English Brig, John WATSON, Master, from Dartmouth 16th December, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
11th March – Loretto, English Ship, W. THOMSON, Master, bound to Batavia.
Ditto – Thomas, Colonial Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, bound to Mossel Bay.
13th – Fils de France, French Ship, J. GEOFFROY, Master, bound to Nantz.
Ditto – Royal George, English Ship, S. ELLERBY, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Cape Packet, English Bark, J. DUNKIN Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Norden, Danish Ship, J. BURD, Master, bound to India.
14th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
15th – Magnet, English Brig, R. WATKINS, Master, for Simon’s Bay.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 11th March.
Matthys Hendrik GREEFF, Hs. to Rachel Anna Jacoba DE VILLIERS.
Johannes Casparus HENDRIKS, to Margaretha Elisabeth Johanna KAUFMAN.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. Geo. STURT, A.B.
By Special Licence.
9th March- Pieter Arendze WIKBOOM, Esq. to Anna Rosina DEVON.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday 11th March, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of Captain George KILGOUR, baptized Caroline Margaret.
A Daughter of Mr. Samuel DRAKE, baptized Martha Cecilia.
An Adult Negress, baptized Mary.
A Daughter of Mary (Negress), baptized Delia Mary.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Tuesday the 13th March, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C.GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
A Daughter of Wm. MACKINTOSH, Quartermaster in H.M. 55th Regiment, baptized Frances Christian.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 11th March,
A Son of Mr. P.F. HUGO, baptized Petrus Jacobus.
A Son of J.M. VALENTYNS, baptized Wilhelmus Johannes.
A Daughter of Mr. J.G. CLOETE, baptized Hester Anna.
A Daughter of Mr. Petrus Johannes K[EEVE], baptized Jacomina Petronella.
A Daughter of L.H. FICK, baptized Carolina Catharina Maria.
A Daughter of H.G. KRAAYENSTEYN, baptized Elisabeth Johanna.
Two Sons and Four Daughters of T. EDWARDS, baptized John Edward, Thomas, Anna Dorothea, Dina Isabella, Jane Agana, and Sophia Margaretha.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 11th March,
A son of J.F. STIGLING, BAPTIZED Frans Michael Hitzenroth.
A Daughter of C.L. MULLER, baptized Susanna Johanna.
On Wednesday the 15th March.
A Daughter of Mr. G.N. MECHAU, baptized Johanna Jurgina Sophia.
A Daughter of C. SCHREEN, baptized Hendrica Johanna Christina.
8th March – Maria BRADSHAW, Wife of John BRADSHAW, aged 30 years.
11th – The Reverend Mr. Jan Christoffel BERRANGé, aged 57 years, 6 months, and 27 days.
14th – A Son of C. BARTENICK, named Daniel, aged 2 years, 7 months, and 12 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of M.C. SCHELLEY, named Christina, aged 10 months and 9 days.
13th – A Daughter of Mr. R. MAASDORP, named Elisabeth Jacoba, aged 4 months and 11 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of the late Anthony DAROZA, named Maria aged 16 years and 3 months.
At Simon’s Town.
12th March – Joseph HALL, cooper, Victualling Department.
On the same day, at the beforementioned Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
James COUSINS, a Scotch Cart, complete.
Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, and 7 Horses.
The Estate of Jabez HART, (placed under Sequestration) a select assortment of saleable and useful Millinery, Haberdashery, and Perfumery.
The Estate of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. Household Furniture, consisting in a Bedstead and Bedding, Chairs, Tables, a Toilet ditto, Swing Glass, &c; a Brick Kiln as it now stands.
On the same day, at the Town Market, at 12 o’ clock, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Thomas THOMPSON, 36 Cows, 9 Bullocks, and 6 Calves.
On Thursday the 22d instant, on account of the Estate of William BAILEY (placed under Sequestration,) at his Store in Peper-street. Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Looking Glass, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, an Open Cart, &c.’ also a quantity of Cedar, Rosewood, Mahogany, and Stinkwood Planks.
On Saturday the 24th instant, on account of the Estate of Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, Ds. (placed under Sequestration), the Place Hoge Kraal, with the Buildings thereon, situated in the Thomas Kloof, Tiger Berg; also, Waggons, Horses, Sheep, Oxen, Implements of Husbandry; and the Slaves, Samuel of the Cape, coachman; Pedro, waggondriver; January, herdsman; Appollus and Sivier, labourers; and Vilida of the Cape; and some Household Furniture.
On the same day, by the Agent at Graaf-Reinet, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
Johan H. HASSELBACH, 4 Tables, 4 Chairs, 4 Iron Pots, 1 Cask Vinegar, 4 Half Pipes, and 4 ditto Leaguers.
The Widow L. HOOGENWERFF, some Household Furniture and Earthenware, 1 Copper Spittoon, a Leaguer, &c.
On Monday the 26th instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Henry DRAY, three Houses and Erf, situated in Grave-street.
On Tuesday the 27th instant, at the Sequstrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:-
Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, the Slaves Louis and Johan, of Mosambique; Adriana, housemaid; Jack and Alert, of the Cape.
Hendrik HEGERS, a large Escritoir, two Glass Cases, three Looking-Glasses, a white Copper Tea Urn, a Hand-Organ, two Silver Salt Spoons, a ditto Gravy ditto, a quantity of Plated Ware, Mahogany Chest of Drawers, a Sedan Chair, an Easy ditto, 12 Pictures, &c. &c.
Andrew BARCK a Silver Watch, with Chain and Seals, and two Silver Sugar Pots.
The Estate of Carel Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. (placed under Sequestration,) the Slaves Parte, and Maria with her Child Martha.
James COUSINS, a Pair of Curricle wheels.
The Estate of R. WITSEN, (placed under Sequestration,) a Mahogany Wardrobe, a Floor Cloth, a Table with Tressels, also 12 Silver Spoons, 36 ditto Forks, a Silver Soup Ladle, 2 ditto Gravy Spoons, 2 ditto Vegetable ditto, a ditto Fish Knife, 8 ditto Tea Spoons, and 2 ditto small Forks; also a quantity of Jewellery.
On Wednesday the 28th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Johannes Albertus HURTER, a Waggon and 10 Oxen.
Marthinus Wilhelmus THEUNISSEN, 9 Horses.
On the same day, on account of the Estate of Andries BRINK, Js. Three Lots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated near the Road leading to Green-point; also Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Wardrobe, Bedstead, a Looking glass, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Requisites, Implements of Husbandry, a Saddle Horse, and 4 Cows; also the Slave Montagne, with her Children Jan, Julia, Adriaan, and Christiaan.
On Thursday the 29th instant. On account of Jan Daniel DE VILLIERS, Sen. a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land, with the Buildings thereon, situated near the Kuils River, Cape District.
On Friday the 30th instant, on account of the Estate of John TILLEY, (placed under Sequestration,) the whole of his Effects, consisting in Five Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated behind the Castle; also Household Furniture, Mahogany Sideboard, Tables, Chairs, Pictures, Plate, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, a Coach, 1 Horse and Harness, Implements of Husbandry, &c. &c.
On Wednesday the 4th April, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, at the Place of G.N. VAN DEN BERG, Field-Cornetcy Middenveld, on account of J.G. VAN DER LINDE, the Female Slave Eva.
[Sequestrator’s Office]…
DIED, on the 4th March, at Cape Town, my dear Husband, Joachim Wilhelm HEYNEMAN, aged 35 years, 4 months, and 4 days, of which notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, 14th March, 1827.
DIED, early on the 11th instant, aged 57 years, 6 months, and 27 days, the Reverend Mr. Jan Christoffel BERRANGE, Minister of the Reformed Church, in Cape Town.
March 15, 1827.
DIED, on the 15th March, in Cape Town, my dear Husband, Simon Petrus DE KOCK, aged 74 years, 7 months, and 3 days, after a happy Matrimonial Union of Forty-six years, - of which I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, 15th March, 1827.
Alida DE KOCK, born KEET.
DIED, this day, of a decline, at the age of 25 years, 3 months, and 25 days, Jacoba Maria JOUBERT, beloved Wife of Carel Wilhelm LIEBETRAU.
Moddergat, March 11, 1827.
DIED, on the 19th February last, my beloved Husband, P.D. ROUSSEAU, aged 36 years and 11 months, of which I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Gore, District of Worcester, March 1, 1827.
Friday, March 23d, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1106.
BIRTH. – At Wynberg, on Tuesday the 20th instant, the Right Honorable Lady Mary Fitz ROY, of a Son.
CHRISTENING.- At Wynberg, on the 21st inst. a Son of Lieutenant-Colonel FITZ ROY, Dep. Adjutant-General, privately baptized Arthur George.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
17th March – Robarts, English Ship, James CORBYN, Esq. Commander, from Calcutta 24th January, bound to London, with a cargo of Sugars, Cottons, &c.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. BADDELAY, Mrs. RICHARDSON, Mrs. READ, Mrs. WARD, Mrs. GARDNER, Major ELLIOTT, Captains OSBORNE, NEWMAN, and ROSS, Mrs ROSS, Mr. and Mrs. SHEARMAN, Mr. and Mrs. WILSON, Dr. HICKMAN, Rev. Mr. STATHAM, R. Whaley, Esq. Lieutenant DALEY, 51 Children, and 13 Servants.
Ditto – Peru, English Brig, John GRAHAM, Master, from Calcutta 14th January, bound to this Port, with Rice and Piece Goods.
Passengers – Captain MOSTYN, and Servant.
19th – Hon. Company’s Ship Herefordshire, J.C. WHITEMAN, Esq. Commander, from the Downs 20th January, bound to Bengal, with Sundries and Troops. – Officers in charge of Troops, Captain TEMPLE, H.M. 14th Regiment, Ensigns FENWICK, CHAMBERS, ROBERTS, and STORK.
Passengers - Mrs. NORMAN, Lieutenant [HILL or HALL], Messrs, HOPPE and O’BEIRNE, 171 Rank and File for different Regiments in India, 19 Women, and 14 Children.
20th – Usk, Coasting Brig, T. LONG, Master, from Algoa Bay 11th instant, to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Lieutenant DESCHAMPS, and three Gunners, Royal Artillery, Mr. DONOVAN and Family, and Mr. JOHNSON.
22d – His Netherlandic Majesty’s Ship Zeeuw, (74), Captain -. LUCAS, from Flushing 5th January, and Downs 17th ditto, bound to Batavia, with 736 Troops – The Waterloo (74), and Wassenaar (74), sailed from the Texel (singly) with Troops for the same destination. The whole force about 3,000 men.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
16th March – Anna Robertson, English ship, James IRVINE, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Valley Field, English Bark, T. JOHNSON, Master, for London.
Ditto – Britannia, English Ship, C. LAMB, Master, for London.
18th – Hibernia, English Ship, R. GILLIES, Master, for London.
19th – John, English Brig, J. ROCHER, Master, bound to Rio de Janeiro.
21st - Hebe, English Brig, T. FOREMAN, Master, bound to the Knysna.
Arrival in Simon’s Bay.
19th March – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Port Beaufort 14th instant, bound to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
In the Lutheran Church,
Willem Petrus VOGES, to Petronella Dorothea JANSE DE BRUIN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 16th March, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Henry HOME, Esq. baptized Helen.
On Sunday the 18th March,
A Son of Francis COLLISON, Esq. baptized Frank Wiliam.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 18th March, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
A Daughter of Private James FEWELL, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Maria.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 18th March,
A Son of W. BOONZAIER, baptized Goris Johannes.
A Son of P.J.P. HANSSEN, baptized Fredrik Dirk.
A Daughter of the Rev. Mr. A. FAURE, B.D. baptized Geertruyda Isabella.
A Daughter of C.D. LOTTER, baptized Susanna Johanna.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 18th March,
A Daughter of C.W.L. SCHNAAR, baptized Anna Elisabeth.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T.IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
6th February – A Daughter of Serjeant R. FEATHERSTONE, of H.M. Cape Corps, baptized Rosetta.
11th – A Daughter of Wm. WILLIAMS, baptized Elizabeth Charlotte.
Ditto – A Son of H.WYATT, baptized George Zoroastus.
Ditto – A Daughter of ditto, baptized Sarah.
Ditto - A Daughter of T.H. HALSE, baptized Cordelia Susannah.
25th – A Son of C. ADCOCK, baptized Robert.
Ditto – A Daughter of ditto, baptized Maria Penelope.
Ditto – A Son of ditto, baptized Charles James.
Ditto – A Son and Daughter of Henry MARSHALL, baptized James Northampton, and Harriet Hester.
Ditto – A Daughter of W. WILLIAMS, baptized Louisa Mary Ann.
1st March – A Daughter of C.J. CATO, baptized Mary Jane.
4th – A Son of C. WYATT, baptized Edward Lewis.
Ditto – A Daughter of R. WEBB, baptized Caroline.
5th – A Daughter of W.T. BROWN, baptized Latitia.
14th March – Adriaan HENDRIKSE, aged 38 years, 2 months, and 17 days.
15th – Mr. Simon Petrus DE KOCK, aged 74 years, 7 months, and 3 days.
16th – Captian Thomas HOWARD, aged 35 years.
Ditto – David KAUFMAN, aged 43 years.
17th – A Daughter of H. RITTER, named Rosina Margaretha Alida, aged 17 months.
19th – Margaretha Johanna PRENGER, Widow of the late Jan BERNARD, aged 38 years, 2 months, and 17 days.
At Graham’s Town.
15th February – Martha Matilda HENMAN, aged about 2 years.
2d March – William Jenkinson KIDD, aged 7 weeks and 3 days.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Whorshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Nicolaas MOSTERT, Jan Hendr. HOFMEYR, and Corn. Marinus KORSTEN, as Testamentary Executors of the Estate of the late Sara Maria D’ALLY, Widow of the ate Jacob MOSTERT, have addressed a Petition to our Court stating:
That they, in their aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to charge of the same, which might prevent their bringing it to a final settlement,) are desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further right.
[Now, the Court………]
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
On Tuesday, the 3d April, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, Viz:
Andries Francois De Villiers, Senior, the Slave Moses of Mosambique, labourer.
Petrus Coenraad SOESTMAN, the Slaves Martha and Saartje; also a quantity of Merchandize, and some Household Furniture.
The Insolvent Estate of Pieter Melt VAN DER SPUY, the Female Slave Cornelia, with her Five Children, Jyna, Syda, Dollie, Cassien, and Adam.
On Wednesday the 4th April, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Johannes Nicolaas VAN NIEKERK, Js. the Slave Candasa.
On the same day, at 12 o’clock, at Klapmuts, on account of Michiel DE KOCK, Ss. A Waggon, 20 Oxen, a Saddle Horse with Saddle and Bridle.
On the same day, at Diep Rivier, Cape District, on account of Coenraad FRIEDRICH, some Household Furniture, a Counter, a Silver Watch, a Filt ditto, a pair of Scales and Weights, &c. &c.
On the same day, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, at the Place of G.N. VAN DEN BERG, Field-Cornetcy Middenveld, on account of J.F. VAN DER LINDE, the Female Slave Eva.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the 4th and 5th April, on account of the Estate of Rynier BECK, (placed under Sequestration,) Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, Chests, Looking Glasses, Pictures; a quantity of Plate, consisting in Spoons and Forks, a China Dinner Service, Culinary Requisites of every description, three small Stukvats; also the following capital Slaves, Constance of Mosambique, cook; Pakette, ditto, ditto; Caduau of ditto, houseboy; Cornelis of the Cape, complete house-servant, &c; Saronie of Batavia, mursery maid; Samia of ditto, sempstress and housemaid; Nanny of the Cape, housemaid, with her child Philip; Asia of the Cape, housemaid; Marietje, ditto; Candasa, do. Do. With her child Willem; Doortje of the Cape, housemaid; Saartje of ditto, housemaid, with her child Saartje; David of the Cape, coachman; Azor of Batavia, houseboy; Phillis of Mosambique, house and wash boy.
On Thursday and Friday, the 12th and 13th April, on account of Mary WHITBREAD, Widow of the late William DUCKETT, (placed under Sequestration,) a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land, with the Buildings thereon, called Klaver Valley, situated near the Groone Kloof, Cape District, measuring in extent 2,128 Morgen and 190 Square Roods, planted with 35,000 Vines; also the Moiety of the Places January’s and Kruywagens Kraals,, the former possessed in co-partnership with Jacob VAN REENEN, Js. and the latter with Jacob VAN REENEN, Ss.; the Lease of the Government Farm Bultfontein, 17 Years unexpired; also Household Furniture, comprising Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Sittee, a patent Mangle complete, Plate, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, a four-horse-power Mill, two Hand ditto; Chaff cutting, Thrashing, Winning, and Hay Machines; a Brandy Still complete, Wine of several Vintages, Leaguers, Stukvats, Fermenting and other Tubs, Wine Store Implements, an open Bullock Waggon, a quantity of Hay; Horses, Asses, brood Mares, Colts, Fillies, Merino Rams, Ewes, Lambs, Draught Oxen, Cows, Calves, breeding Cattle; Implements of Husbandry, comprising superior Ploughs, &c. &c.
Sequestrator’s Office, March 22, 1827.
NOTICE.- the Distribution Account, framed by the late Sequestrator, in the Insolvent Estate of William LOLLEY, since deceased, having been amended, in consequence of an Order from the Right Honorable the Court of Appeals to that effect, -all Documents relating thereto will again lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing Fourteen Days, for the inspection of those concerned.
Sequestrator’s Office, March 13, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – Conformably to the 50th Article of the Instructions of the Undersigned, the known and unknown Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of Christoffel Fred. ROTHMAN, are hereby summoned to appear at this Office, on Tuesday the 15th May next, in order to be heard on their behalf with regard to said Estate, when in case of difference, respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately, and de plano; the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estate, laying in the meanwhile open for the inspection of the respective Creditors.
Sequestrator’s Office, March 15, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
The Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of the late Louis Jacobus PIENAAR.
Will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 19th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the instructions on that head.
Sequestrator’s Office, March 15, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of James SCOTT,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 26th inst. for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office.
ABSCONDED last night from the Undersigned, to whom [the printing is obscured due to a fold in the paper]… a Hottentot named Komas[a]; he is old, and badly clothed; his right arm is rather stiff, having been put out of joint some time ago. All Persons are requested not to harbour him, but to send him to prison.
Stellenbosch, March 18, 1827.
DIED suddenly on the 23d February last, aged 52 years, my beloved Husband James HOWELL, after being united in wedlock for more than 19 years; he has left his Widow, with five helpless Children, to mourn their loss. Notice of the event is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Swellendam, March 9th, 1827.
Widow J. HOWELL, born EKSTEEN.
DIED on the 11th instant, at the house of Mr. H. VAN NIEKERK, Koeberg, on his return from Roggeveld, my beloved Husband J.A.NEL, aged 56 years, 10 months, and 7 days, of which painful loss I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, March 20, 1827.
Friday, March 30th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No 1107.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
24th March – Sarah, English Ship, J. MILLER, Master, from Calcutta 14th January, bound to London, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Captain and Mrs. CLIFF, and Child; Lieuts. BATEMAN and KERR, H.M. 87th Regiment; Messrs. CORDOZO and CUNNINGHAM, and two Servants.
Ditto – Elizabeth, English Brig, W. CAIN, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 17th February, to this Port and Mauritius, with Coffee and Sugar.
Passengers – Mr. Alex. THOMSON, and Mr. MADRUGA.
Ditto – Mariner, English Bark, R. HORESWORTHY, Master, from the Cove of Cork 14th January, bound to New South Wales, with 146 Male Convicts, D. TERNAU in charge. –Captain STUART, and 30 Rank and File of His Majesty’s 39th Regiment.
26th – Hon company’s Ship Marquis of Huntly, J.S. H. FRASER, EQSQ. Commander, from China 21st January, bound to this Port and London, with Teas.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. MAGUIAE, and two Children, W. DOUGLASS, Esq. and two Servants.
26th – Roxelane, French Ship, E. MEOTE, Master, from Bourbon 4th instant, bound to Bordeaux, with Coffee and Sugar.
29th – Hottentot, English Brig, R. SINCLAIR, Master, from Cowes 15th December, bound to Sincapore, with Opium.
Passengers – Mrs. SINCLAIR, and Messrs. EDWARD and Alexander CHIAPPINI.
Ditto – Magnet, English Brig, R. WATKINS, Master, from Simon’s Bay 25th instant, to this Port, in ballast.
Ditto – Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Port Beaufort 14th, and Simon’s Bay 26th, instant, to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Ditto –Walsingham, English Ship, R. BOURKE, Master, from St. Helena 1st instant, to this Port, in ballast.
Passengers - Mr. REYNOLDS, and Mrs. BYRNE.
Ditto – Flamingo, Coasting Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, from Port Elizabeth 24th instant, to this Port, with Sundries.
Passengers – Peter HEUGH, Esq. and Family, Misses STOREY, and RUYOCK, and 13 Servants.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
23d March - William Money, English Ship, J. JACKSON, Master, for London.
24th – Hon. Company’s Ship Heredforshire, J.C. WHITMAN, Esq. Commander, bound to Bengal.
25th – Mermaid, English Ship, A. GATES, Master, bound to London.
26th – Robarts, English ship, Joseph CORBYN, Master, for London.
28th – Mariner, English Bark, R. HORESWORTHY, Master, bound to New South Wales.
In the Reformed Church, on Monday the 26th March,
Fredrik STUHL, to Sophia Carolina Albertina VAN DE KAAP.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 25th March, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Quartermaster-Serjeant David MACKAY, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment of Foot, baptized George.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 25th March,
Two Sons (Twins) of Mr. J.H. HOFMEYR, Ss. Baptized Johannes Jacob, and Nicolaas Jacobus.
A Son of J.A. BAM, baptized Johannes Hendricus.
A Son of J.J. VISAGE, baptized Anthon Paulus.
A Daughter of Mr. Wm. SMITH, baptized Eliza Caroline Aletts.
A Daughter of P.J. LANGEVELD, baptized Elisabeth Johanna.
A Daughter of M.C. VALENTYNS, baptized Susanna Cornelia.
A Daughter of J.H. OPPEL, baptized Johanna Catharina.
23d March – A Daughter of Christina Magdalena RIMSCH, NAMED Martha, aged 23 months and 11 days.
24th –Martha PRICE, Wife of J. LAURENCE, aged 30 years.
26th – Maria HALLARAN, aged 24 years, 6 months, and 12 days.
27th – An Infant Son of C.H. SMITH.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do herby make known:
That whereas Maria Sophia van Oudtshoorn, Widow and Testamentary Executrix of the late Egbertus BERGH, has addressed a Petition to our Curt, stating:
That she, in her aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent her bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more salito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, of pain of being deprived of further right.
[Now, the Court….. J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice. By Order of the Court.]
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do herby make known:
That whereas P. WOUTERSEN, as one of the Testamentary Executors of the late Margaretha PRENGER, Widow of Jan BERNARD, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating: That he, in his aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent her bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more salito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, of pain of being deprived of further right.
[Now, the Court….. J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice. By Order of the Court.]
On Tuesday, the 3d April, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
The Estate of Cael Albrecht HAUPT, Ds. House-hold furniture, consisting in a Bedstead and Bedding, Chairs, Tables, a Toilet ditto, a Dressing Glass, &c.
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