Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1827 - 2 - April to June
Friday, April 6th, 1827. Vol. XXII, No. 1108
Arrivals in Table Bay.
1st April – Thomas, Coasting Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, from Mossel Bay 27th March, to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Ditto – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T.JARVIS, Master, from St. Helena Bay 18th March, to this Port, with colonial Produce.
2d –Caesar, English Ship, T.A. WATT, Commander, from Portsmouth 17th January, bound to Madras and Calcutta, cargo Sundries.
3d – Coromandel, French Ship, P. DESSE, Master, from Bordeaux 1st February, bound to this Port, Bourbon, and India, with a cargo of Wines, Brandies, &C.
Ditto – Triumph, English Ship, T. GREEN, Commander, from Portsmouth 23d January, bound to Bombay, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. McGILLIVRAY, Miss FRASER, H. ROPER, Esq. Lieutenant McGILLIVRAY, Lieutenant LEWES, Messrs. POOLE, SCOTT, STEWART, and NELSON.
4th – Craigie Var, English Brig, W. RAY, Master, from the Downs 18th January, bound to this Port and Algoa Bay, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Messrs. HOATH and POWELL, and a Servant.
Ditto – Maria, English Brig. J. STRONG, Master, from Calcutta 18th January, and Trincomalee 5th February, bound to this Port, with Rice and Sundries.
Ditto – William, Coasting Schooner, G. LAURENCE, Master, from Port Beaufort 13th March, to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
29th March – His Netherlandic Majesty’s Ship Zeeuw, (74), Captain E. LUCAS, bound to Batavia.
Ditto – Harriet, Coasting Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, for Algoa Bay.
30th – Sarah, English ship, J. MILLER, Master, bound to London.
Ditto – Hottentot, English Brig, R. SINCLAIR, Master, bound to Sincapore.
1st April – Roxelane, French Ship, E. MEOTé, Master, bound to Bordeaux.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 30th March, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
By Special Licence of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governer, Ensign William Octavius ATKINSON, (half-pay, unattached,) to Miss Maria Jacoba VAN DEN BERG.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 2d April, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Charles HOBERN, to Miss Elizabeth NESER.
Mr. Joseph MANDY, to Miss Mary Ann THOMAS.
In the Reformed Church, on Saturday the 31st March,
Jacobus Steyn, to Maria Hendrina DU PLESSIES.
On Sunday the 1st April,
Franciscus Pieter TREDOUX, to Hilletje EELDERS
On Wednesday the 4th April,
Paulus Abraham POUPART, Esq. to Mrs. Petronella Johanna SMIT, Widow of the late J.D. ALDERS, Esq.
Married by Special Licence, at Rocklands, on the 31st March, 1827, by the Reverend Fearon FALLOWS, A.M. &c.
George William Charles LYDIARD, Esq. Lieutenant of is Majestry’s Ship Owen Glendower, to Mary Elizabeth HARRION, Widow, second Daughter of the Reverend George STURT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 25th March, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. John HARE, baptized Abraham.
On Sunday the 1st April, by the same.
A Son of Mr. James LAKER, baptized James.
An adopted Son of John DEITZ, baptized John William Henry.
On Monday, the 2d April, by the same,
A Son of J. BLAKE, Esquire, Commandant, Saldanha Bay, baptized Arthur.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 1st April, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Mr. Robert Johnson ROCHFORT, Bandmaster in His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized Clara.
On Thursday the 5th April,
A Daughter of John FITZGERALD, M.D. Assistant Surgeon in His Majesty’s Regiment of Foot, baptized Anna Maria.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 1st April,
A Son of Mr. F.W. DE WET, baptized Fredrik Willem.
A Daughter of W.C. VAN RYNEVELD, Esq. baptized Maria Martha Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of P.A. DANUT, Ps. baptized Elisabeth Laurentina Carolina.
Five Daughter of Fred. STUHL, Baptized Hester Susanna, Margaretha Augusta, Sophia Johanna, Georgdina Fredrica, and Willemina Catharina.
28TH March – A Daughter of W.A.J. LIESCHING, Esq. named Wilhelmina Charlotte Christine, aged 10 months and 23 days.
29th – Captain William KIND, of the Brig. Patience, aged 55 years.
30th – Martha Geertruyda PIETERSE, Wife of Wm. Janzen DE BRUYN, aged 45 years, 5 months and 17 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of J.P. LANGEVELD, Js. named Abigael Johanna, aged 19 months and 17 days.
Ditto – Jan BOTES, aged 46 years.
Ditto – Mrs. Elisabeth Maria HURTER, Wife of Mr. J.G. MUNNIK, aged 41 years, 6 months, and 24 days.
3d April – Maria BOOMGAART, Widow of the late F. ANDRé, aged 64 years.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Johanna Margar. DE VILLIERS, Widow of the late Abraham Isaak DE VILLIERS, Ps. in quality of Testamentary Executrix of her deceased Husband, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating ;
That she, in her aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent her bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same of the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
[Now the Court…….]
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
Thursday the 1st February, 1827.
The Secretary of this Court, D.F. BERRANGE, Esq. LL.D. by virtue of his Office, summonses : - contra
Advocate HOFFMEYR, as Curator ad litem for Sara Adriana VOLSCHENCK, formerly Widow of the late Petrus Johannes DU PLESSIS, and now married with Andries BUTSMER on the other part: the first Plaintiff by Intendith and Dissolution of the Bonds of Marriage for Malicious desertion, and the latter Defendant by Edicte and Defaulter, to hear Sentence pronounced upon the Intendith:
The Court, in consequence of the non-appearance of the Defendant, grants the Fourth and last Default, and for the profit thereof, deprivations of all exceptions and means of Law, which the Defendant, having appeared, could or might have proposed and aviled himself of: and having read and examined the Intendith, with the verifications thereof, administering Justice in the name and on behalf of His Britannic Majesty, dissolves the Bonds of Marriage which have hitherto subsisted between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, deprives the Defendant of all the profits and advantages of Matrimony, and allows the Plaintiff, should she choose so to do, to remarry with another, with condemnation of the Defendant in the Costs of the Suit, to be taxed and moderated by the Court.
This Divorce to be published and affixed in the usual manner.
Thus done and decreed in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 25th January, 1827, and pronounced on the 1st February following.
In my presence,
The Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of MARSH & CADOGAN. J. VAN REENEN, J.As. G.F. GEYER, M.H. VAN NIEKERK, and J.G. MOCKE, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear, on Wednesday the 11th instant, at 10 o’clock A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of the said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court of the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 5th April, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
Tomorrow, the 7th instant, at 10 o’clock, at the Town Market, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Pieter Jacob DE VILLIERS, P.D.s. 20 Horses, 30 Draught Oxen, and a Bullock Waggon..
The Widow Albert B. GILDENHUYS, an open Bullock Waggon, 10 Draught Oxen, and 5 Muids of Wheat.
G. VAN DEN BURGH, an open Bullock Waggon, and 8 Draught Oxen.
On Tuesday the 10th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Petrus Wilhelmus VAN DRUTEN, the following Slaves, viz: Sara, house and wash maid, Lea, do. Do. With her Child Catherina; Cicero, a clever gardener, and Mentor, a good field labourer.
Jan Hendrik WOLFF, a Stinkwood Chest, and Four Cows.
The Hottentot Toontje BUSICK, a Bullock Waggon incomplete.
The Widow Lion SMITH, a Rosewood Wardrobe.
Jacobus Johannes MELLET, a Mahogany Bureau and 12 Chairs.
Frederik SCHENCK, a Bedstead, 6 Chairs, 3 Tables, a Mattress, a Glass Case, 2 Looking Glasses, and a quantity of Stationery.
J. Suasso DE LIMA, a collection of valuable Books, a Catalogue of which may be seen at this Office.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the 11th and 12th instant, in lieu of the 12th and 13th as formerly advertised, on account of Mary WHITBREAD, Widow of the late William
On the 14th April will be Sold, without reserve, 1150 extra Fat Wethers, at Mr. C. HOFFMAN’S, at the Ferry, North side of the Paarl.
DIED this morning, at half-past 3 o’clock, my beloved Husband, Michiel SMUTS, the elder, aged 76 years, Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, April 3, 1827.
Widow M. SMUTS.
DIED this day, My Dear Wife Elisabeth Maria HURTER, aged 41 years, 6 months, and 24 days, of which I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends, and request to be excused from condolence.
Rondebosch, 30th March, 1827.
DIED, my beloved Husband, J.H. KOTZE, aged 54 years, 11 months, and 28 days, of which distressing loss I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Klein Paardeberg, March 28, 1827.
M.E. KOTZE, born BUYS.
The Brig MARIA, Captain STRONG, will be ready to receive Cargo in a few days hence. –
Apply at the Office of NISBET & DICKSON.
N.B. – This Vessel affords a favourable opportunity to send on Horses.
DOCTOR FITZGERALD being about to leave the Colony, will hold a Sale, without reserve, at his House, Somerset Hospital, on Monday next, the 9th instant, at 12 o’clock, of all his Household Furniture, consisting of Drawing, Dining, and Bed-room Chairs; Dining, Sofa, and Pembroke Tables; Window Curtains, Sofas, Bedsteads, Carpets, Mats, Glass and Crockery Ware, a handsome Breakfast and Tea Sett of China; Plate and Plated Ware, Kitchen Utensils, and many other Articles, too numerous to mention; also a Horse, Saddles, and Bridles.
N.G. – Doctor Fitzgerald requests all Demands upon him may be sent in before 10 o’clock on Wednesday next, the 11th instant.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Co-partnership lately subsisting between the Undersigned John Bardwell EBDEN, and the late Henry HOUGHTON of London, under the Firm of “HOUGHTON, EBDEN, & Co.” at the Cape of Good Hope, has been dissolved by the Death of the said Henry HOUGHTON, who died in London, on the 27th day of December last.
Cape Town, 3d April, 1827.
RECEIVED, per Craigie Var, and for Sale at the Stores of B. PHILLIPS, 64 Loop-street, an Investment of British Manufactures, consisting of white Cotton Shirts, Shirtings, Furniture Checks, Dimities, Berkley Handkerchiefs, Cotton and Silk Shawls, Hosiery, fancy Waistcoats, blue Romals, Gown Pieces, Tartan Plaids, Ginghams, &c.
DR. SHAND intending shortly to leave the Colony, will sell by Public Sale, on the 24th April, his valuable Household Furniture, consisting of Mahogany Chairs, Dining, Card, and Tea Tables, Sideboard, Sofas, Mahogany Wardrobes and Chests of Drawers, Tent Bedsteads with Furniture, Beds and Bedding, Looking-Glasses, Carpets, Pictures, a very superior toned and handsome Piano Forte, an eight-day Wall Clock and Stand, Cut Glass, a beautiful blue Dinner Sett (Spodes), China Dessert Sett, Tea Services, Plate and Plated Ware, Kitchen Utensils, Horses, Harness, &c.
The Furniture is London made, of the best quality, and well worth the attention of any one furnishing a House. – The above are in the meantime for Private Sale on favourable terms.
Dr. S. requests all those Indebted to him will settle their accounts immediately.
The Undersigned being compelled to discharge various Debts, will sell by Public Auction, without reserve on the 9th April, his Fertile and Freehold Place, called “Doornbosch,” pleasantly situated at Eerste Rivier, near Stellenbosch, with the Quitrent Land adjoining; also a piece of Freehold and a piece of Quitrent Land, well adapted for a new Farm; some clever Slaves,
Wines, Fustage, a Still, Waggons, Cattle, Furniture, and what further may be offered.
The purchase money of the Place and Slaves may be held on interest, by application to the Creditors.
Doornbosch, near Stellenbosch, March 28, 1827.
Friday, April 13th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1109
Arrivals in Table Bay.
10th April – Mary, Dutch Ship, P. STAVERS, Master, from Batavia 1st January, to this Port, with Coffee, Pepper, Timber and Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. STAVERS and two Children, Lieutenant ALBERTYN, and Mr. HAY, Supercargo.
12th – George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay 8th inst. to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Mr. TENNANT, and Mr. CHABAUD.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
7th April – Hon. Company’s Ship Marquis of Huntly, J.S. FRASER, Esq. Commander, bound to London.
8th – Usk, Coasting Brig, T. LONG, Master, for Algoa Bay.
10th Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, for St. Helena Bay.
12th – Mary, Colonial Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, bound to Mauritius.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Wednesday the 11th April, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
John FRY, to Sarah FRANCES.
In the Reformed Church, on Saturday the 7th April,
Jacob Philippus Faculyn GOUS, to Anna Gysberta VAN SCHALKWYK.
On Sunday the 8th April,
Jacobus Gideon SMIT, to Sophia Catharina Sibella Helena GILDENHUS.
Christiaan Pieter VERWEY, to Catharina Maria FRAESER.
Thomas Alexander FRAESER, to Johanna Anthonetta HOLL.
On Thursday the 12th April,
Mr. Abraham DE SMIDT, to Mrs. Arnolda Geertruyda Nalida VAN REES, Widow of the late Mr. Martinus HOETS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 8th April, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. John HENDERSON, baptized John Job RAYNOR.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 8th April, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Mr Arthur GILSTAIN, (late Quartermaster-Serjeant in His Majesty’s 40th Regiment) baptized [named has been obscured by fold in the paper]
A Son of Private Walter MARSDEN, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized David.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the [8th] April,
A Son of Hendrik DEBLIQUY, baptized Hendrik Gabriel Martinus.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
11th March – A Son of W.J. DE CLERK, baptized Jacobus Petrus.
18th – A Son of Wm. CORY, baptized William George.
Ditto – A Son of F.J. SNEYMAN, baptized Barend Daniel Cornelis.
Ditto – A Son of H. WOODLANDS, Private in His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Cavalry), baptized Henry Thomas.
21st – A Son and a Daughter (Twins) of Mr. CJ. LUCAS, baptized William Hart, and Mary Brown.
1st April – A Daughter of T. BRENT, baptized Mary.
Ditto –A Son of H. AMES, baptized Henry Edward.
At Bathurst, on the 25th March, by the same,
A Daughter of Mr. John BAILIE, baptized Isabella BENNET.
A Son of W. KIDSON, baptized Fenning Park.
A Son of Mr. Alex. BISSET, baptized Charles Roger Walter.
A Daughter of John PINDON, baptized Anne.
Three Sons of Thos. NELSON, baptized Joseph, Thomas, and Benjamin.
A Son of James WHEELER, baptized Peter.
Two Sons and two Daughters of William ELLIOT, baptized William, Thomas, Mary, and Charlotte.
At Port Frances, on the 25th March, by the same,
A Son and three Daughters of Mr. John Henry HEATH, Notary, baptized John Henry, Maria Cecilia, Caroline Amelia, and Elizabeth Rosina.
A Son of Mr. George SMITH, baptized John Belletazad CRAWFORD.
Two Sons and a Daughter of Stephen BROWN, baptized Edward, Thomas Hillman, and Harriet.
A Son and a Daughter of Joseph KING, baptized Elisha, and Eleanor.
A son of John WHITEHEAD, baptized John.
4th April – Mr. Michiel SMUTS, Sen. aged 75 years.
5th – Johanna Elisabeth Helmoedt, Wife of L. KOEVOET, aged 40 years and 9 months.
Ditto – A Daughter of R. MUTER, named Ann Lenora, aged 3 years, 8 months, and 8 days.
8th – Mr. Thomas MORRIS, aged 30 years and 4 months.
Ditto – Jan Rudolph KUBE, aged 46 years, 6 months, and 5 days.
Ditto – A Son of D.B. KöHLER, named Diederik Benedictus, aged 6 months and 18 days.
9th – A Daughter of Johanna Wilhelmina VAN DE KAAP, named Jane, aged 19 months.
12th – Sara DANIELSZ, Widow of the late Paul DANIELSZ, aged 84 years.
At Graham’s Town.
6th March – A Daughter of Mr. W.T. BROWN, named Letitia, aged 2 days.
7th – A Daughter of Mr. R. WEBB, named Caroline, aged [3] years.
13th – Joseph RICHARDS, aged 18 months.
23d – Richard EVA, aged 15 months.
29th – William Hart LUCAS, aged 8 days.
2d April – Mary Magdalene SELF, aged 1 year and 9 months.
ABSCONDED, a Slave named “Rotterdam”, native of Mosambique; he is tall and slender, has sharp pointed teeth, and was lately seen between Hout Bay and Wynberg’ he has in his possession a Pass belonging to a Prize Negro named “Caesar,” and is by trade a mason. Whoever lodges him in prison will receive a Reward from the Undersigned, of 10 Rds.
Widow S. SINGWUR, 15, Kerk-street.
DIED on Saturday, the 10th instant, at this place, my beloved Wife Wilhelmina Johanna ALLEMAN, aged 31 years, 4 months, and 3 days, - of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Roggeveld, March 12, 1827.
Friday, April 20th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1110
CHRISTENING. – At Simon’s Town, on Sunday the 15th April, by the Rev. R. SNOWDALE, Wesleyan Missionary a Son of Mr. W. ANDERSON, baptized William James.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
13th April – Dunvegan Castle, English Ship, Geo. FLINN, Master, from Calcutta 18th December, and Mauritius 18th March, bound to London, cargo Sugar and Sundries.
Passengers – Colonel and Mrs. ROBERTSON, Major and Mrs. GULLY, Captain and Mrs. MAINWARING, Mr. and Mrs. Le GAN, Mr. and Mrs. DELLAND, Mr. and Mrs. FROBERVILLE, Messrs. CHOZEL, RONDEAU, KOSTER, PRIEUR, L’ABBE FONCHON, Miss MACKIE, 13 Servants, and 10 Children.
14th – Providence, English Ship, J.M. ARDLIE, Master, from Mauritius 24th March, bound to London, with Sugars, &c.
Passengers – Mrs. C. OSBORNE, Miss OSBORNE, Mrs. CASSIN, Miss CASSIN, Major OSBORN, Mr. GILLESPIE, Mr. HEWETT, Captain BELL, 4 Children, (16 Men, 3 Women, and 1 Child, Invalids).
16th – Harvey, English Ship, Geo. FINDLAY, Master, from Plymouth 1st February, bound to this Port and New South Wales, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Lieutenants EBRINGTON, PECK, and BONNES, Ensign WILSON, 19 Men, 2 Women, and a Child, (a Detachment for His Majesty’s 55th Regiment,) Mr. and Mrs. FRANKLAND, Mrs. COVNEY, Mrs. NEWALL, Mr. and Mrs. LIGHTFOOT, Miss COVNEY, Mr. and Mrs. ASHBURNER, Messrs. DAWES, EVANS, WILLIAMS, NOBLE, MILLOR, LYON, the Messrs. WELLER, and the Messrs. ALDERSON, and 4 Servants.
19th – Juliana, English Ship, R.W. INNES, Master, from Bengal 10th February, bound to London, with a cargo of Indigo, Sugar, &c.
Passengers, Mrs. Colonel HAMPTON, Mrs. HAWES, three Misses WHEATLEY, Captain HAWES, B.A. Lieut. BOLTON, 59th Regiment, Mr. WARREN Mr. SNELL, a Private 59th Regiment, and 2 Children.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
15th April – Coromandel, French Ship, P. DESSE, Master, for Mauritius, Bourbon, and India.
16th – Caesar, English Ship, T.A. WATT, Commander, bound to Madras and Calcutta.
Ditto – Triumph, English Ship, T. GREEN, Commander, bound to Bombay.
Ditto – William, Coasting Schooner, G. LAURENCE Master, for Port Beaufort.
17th – Narcissus, English Brig, J. WATSON, Master, bound to Ireland.
18th – Providence, English Ship, J.M. ARDLIE, Master, bound to London.
Arrivals in Simon’s Bay.
17th April – Martha and Elisabeth, Dutch Brig. J.P. KIRKHOVEN, Master, from Amsterdam 5th January, bound to this Port and Batavia, cargo Sundries.
Passenger – Mr. P. HENDRIKS, Apothecary, for the Cape.
19th – His Majesty’s Ship Boadicea, from India 25th Feb. bound to England. – Brings a Mail.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 14th April, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
By Special Licence of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governer.
Lieutenant Edmund SPARROW, of the 1st Regiment of Bombay Cavalry, to Valetta Henrietta, Daughter of Lieut.-Colonel CARY, of His Majesty’s Royal Artillery.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 16th April, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. Richard VIPPOND, to Ann BRIDGES.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 13th April, 1827.
By Rev. Geo HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. A.C. DEMPERS, baptized Hermanus Johannes Josua.
A son of Mr. J.D. LEIBBRANDT, baptized Johan Philip Joseph.
A Son of J. COENRADIE, baptized William.
On Monday the 16th April,
A Daughter of Mr. S.J. HOFMEYR, Js. baptized Catharina Florentina.
A Daughter of Mr. C. CRUYWAGEN, baptized Elisabeth Johanna Petronella.
A Daughter of Mr. J.A. BARGMAN, baptized Maria Wilhelmina.
A Daughter of Mr. P. Carstens SCHONEGEVEL, baptized Aletta Petronella.
11th April – Helena Dorothea ABRAHAMSE, Widow of the late Jan PYPER, aged 86 years.
Ditto – A Son of Mr. CN. DEMPERS, named Hermanus Johannes, aged 2 years and 6 months.
12th - An Infant son of R.C. VAN GEEMS.
13th – Mrs. Jacomina Aletta VAN GOEVERDEN, Wife of Mr. P.F. BUYTENDAG, aged 56 years and 21 days.
13th – Clara Johanna UREMER, aged 57 years, 7 months, and 16 days.
14th – Gysbertus VAN REENEN, Esq. aged 63 years, 5 months, and 8 days.
Ditto – A Son of C.A. HAUPT, Esq. named Carel Albrecht, aged 19 years, 11 months, and 4 days.
A Daughter of J.L. PISANO, named Rosina Fransina Andrada, aged 2 years, 2 months, and 15 days.
Ditto – Mr. W.H. BAULCOMB, aged 43 years, 5 months, and 11 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of J.M. BROWN, named Zelia, aged 3 months, and 17 days.
16th – A Son of the late Mr. D.C. LUYT, named Hendrik Daniel, aged 11 years, 2 months, and 22 days.
17th – Jan Pieter MEYRING, aged 62 years.
17th – A Son of J.J. VISAGE, named Anthon Paulus, aged 1 month and 4 days.
This Day, the 20th instant, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Felix BRANKIN, a piece of Land, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Wynberg; also, a Saddle Horse and some Agricultural Implements.
On Saturday the 21st instant, at the Wharf, on account of the Insolvent Estate of the late Telemachus MUSSON, the Schooner CONCH, of 101 Tons burthen, as she now lays in Table Bay, with Masts, Rigging, Anchors, and Cables, Sails, and Stores, agreeable to an Inventory to be exhibited at the time of Sale.
At the same time will be Sold, on the Beach, a Sextant, Chronometer, Sword, Books, Charts, &c.
On Monday the 23d instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Place Hazelkraal, Berg River, near the Paardeberg, on account of Johannes Nicolaas VAN NIEKERK, the said Place Hazelkraal, with a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land adjacent, in extent 84 Morgen and 370 Square Roods; also, the Slaves Thomas, Mentor, Carolus, Klaas, Adam, David, Pasens, Jan, Philida, Rachel, Candasa, Pollie, Paulina, Jonas, Moos, and Pamela, with her Child; also [30] Oxen.
On Tuesday the 24th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
The Estate of Rynier BECK (placed under Sequestration), a small Box with Trinkets; also a Collection of Books, a Catalogue of which may be seen at this Office.
Hendrik VOGET, the Slave Carolina of the Cape.
Pieter Jacob DE VILLIERS, P.D.s. the Female Slave Dina, with her Child Nella.
Isaak Fredrik REDELINGHUIS, the Slaves Salomon, Caesar, Alexander, Adriaan, October, Sabina, and Mariana, all of this Colony.
On Tuesday the 24th instant, on account of Marthinus Josephus MULDER, (whose Estate is placed under Sequestration), four Brandy Stills of various dimensions, with a large Worm belonging to the largest Kettle; also, Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Plate, Glass, Earthen and Plated Ware, Fustage, &c. and the Slave Boy named David of the Cape, Shoemaker.
On Thursday the 26th instant, on account of the Widow Andries SCHEUBLE, a House and Premises, situated No. 8, Castle-street; also the Half of an Erf or Building Allotment, in St. John-street.
On Saturday the 28th instant, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of Christiaan HORN, Sen. a Bullock Waggon, a Saddle Horse, two Draught Oxen, and 28 Goats.
On Monday the 30th instant, on account of Daniel Adriaan ROSSOUW, the Place called ”K[ ]e Valley”, situated at Witteboom, and 8 Oxen.
On Tuesday the 1st May, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
Frans of the Cape, Two new Horse Waggons, and the Slave Appollos of Bougies.
Marthinus Herm. LE ROUX, a Gun and a Horse.
Edward SAUNDERS, a Bedstead and Bedding, 2 Tables, 5 Chairs, a few Culinary Articles, also his Half Share in the Boat Ann.
The Widow Hendrik PRIEM, 3 Cows and 10 Oxen.
Jan PRIEM, A HALF-WORN Bullock Waggon.
The Estate of John TILLEY, (Placed under Sequestration,) a Crane, a Coach, and a few Whips.
The Insolvent Estate of Felix BRANKIN, Household Furniture, consisting in Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, a Silver Watch, &c. &c.
On Wednesday the 2d May, on account of D.C. DE VILLIERS, certain Place called Hooggelegen, situated at Tygerberg, together with such Articles as may be offered.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at 10 o’clock, in front of his House, on account of Johannes Gerhardus DELPORT, Two open Bullock Waggons.
On Saturday the 5th May, on account of Prins PASOP, a Piece of Quitrent Land, situate at Kuils River, Cape District; also a Bullock Waggon complete, and 4 Oxen.
On Monday the 7th May, on account of the Estate of Johannes Joachim THERON, Jun. (Placed under Sequestration,) a House, Store, and Premises, situated in Rose-street, a ditto ditto, adjoining the former, a ditto ditto, situated in Walendorp, with a Plot of Ground annexed; also, Household Furniture, consisting in Mahogany Chairs, Tables, Sofa, China, Glass, Earthenware, Looking Glasses, Silver and Plated Ware, Culinary Requisites, &c. &c. &c. also, a Open Cart, 16 Waggon Horses, 8 pair of Harness; and the Slaves Appollos of Batavia, mason; Damon of Malabar, labourer; and Sophie of Mosambique, housemaid.
On Wednesday the 9th May, on account of the Estate of Bartholomeus Hendricus EYBERG, (placed under Sequestration,) a House and Premises, situated No. 28, Walendorp, a ditto ditto, situated in Dorp-street.
On Saturday the 12th May, on account of the Estate of Bartholomeus Hendricus EYBERG, (placed under Sequestration,) a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land, with the Buildings thereon, called Welgevonden, situated near Zwartland Church; also Household Furniture, consisting in a Bedstead and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, Glass and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, also a Covered Cart, 4 Horses.
Sequestrator’s Office, April, 19, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
DIED at Stellenbosch, after a short illness, the Widow D.F. LAGUERRENNE, aged 37 years. – The Brothers and Sisters of the Deceased cannot pass over the kindness and attention shewn by their Stellenbosch Friends to the Deceased, without offering in return their sincere thanks, - not omitting also her two younger Children, who have experienced every necessary attention, and who are now left to mourn a Mother’s loss.
April 12, 1827.
DIED on the 14th instant, after an illness of four days, our beloved Son, Carel Albrecht, aged 19 years and 11 months, of which we hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, April 16, 1827.
DIED on the 14th instant, aged 63 years, 5 months, and 7 days, my beloved Husband Gysbert VAN REENEN, of which afflicting loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Brakfontein, April 18, 1827.
DIED, on the 11th instant, our beloved Son, Hermanus Johannes, aged 2 years and 6 months.
Cornelis DEMPERS,
Carolina DEMPERS, born WALDEK.
April 18, 1827.
With the deepest affliction, the Undersigned hereby gives Notice to his Friends and Relatives, that his Son W.J. SERTYN, was murdered by some Chinese, on the night of the 27th October last, at his Estate “Blaradja,” Batavia, aged 27 years.
Cape Town, 17th April, 1827.
Friday, April 27th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1111.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
22d April – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, from St. Helena Bay 20th instant, with Timber, &c. saved from the wreck of the Britannia.
23d – Norfolk, English Ship, A. GREIG, Commander, from Bombay 21st February, bound to London, with Cotton, &c.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. BARNARD, and Child; Mrs. JENKINS and 4 Children; Lieut. And Mrs. PROTHER, Mrs. POTTINGER and Child; Captain KING, Queen’s Royals; Dr. ATKINSON, Lieut. THOMAS, 16th N.I. Lieut. NEVIL, 2d N.I. Mr FELL; and 87 Invalids, 5 Women, and 10 Children, from different Regiments. – Lieut. RAND died on the passage.
24th – Catharina Hendrina, Dutch Brig, P. ROLFF, Master, from Amsterdam 3d February, bound to this Port, with Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. VAN STAVEREN, Mrs. ORRI, Mrs. VAN DER SPEK, Rev. Mr. VAN STAVEREN, and Mr. COURLOIS.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
22d April – Craigie Var, English Brig, W. RAY, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
26th – Juliana, English Ship, R.W. INNES, Commander, bound to London.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
9th April – Harriet, Coasting Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from Table Bay 29th March, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. E. OVERTON, Mr. W.WALLIS, Hospital Assistant, and Mr. HANBURY.
15th – Usk, Colonial Brig, T. LONG, Master, from Table Bay 8th instant, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers –Captain GREGORY, 98th Regt. and Servant; Captain BIRD, Mr. John HAWKINS and Servant, and Mr. W. KEMP; and Mr. PRIVOT and Family in the Steerage.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay.
17th April – Harriet, Coasting Schooner, James PALMER, Master, bound to the Isle of France.
Arrival in the Knysna.
14th April – Hebe, English Brig, T. FOREMAN, Master, from Table Bay 21st March, for this Port, in ballast.
Passengers – Mrs. FOREMAN, and Miss KNIPE.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 22d April,
Honoratus Fredrik Willem MAYNIER, Esq. to Mrs. Anna Maria VAN RYNEVELD, Widow of the late Geo. NAPPER, Esq.
Pieter Josua DE VILLIERS, Js. to Cornelia Johanna LOUW.
Andreas WANNING, to Neeltje Catharina VAN DEN BERG, Widow of the late H. PRIEM.
Paul Jonathan BOOYSEN, to Elisabeth Wilhelmina ADAMS.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces.
5th April – Mr. Wm. Robert LEE, to Miss Louisa BOND.
9th – Johannes NEL, to Isabella VAN DER MERWE.
10th – Mr. Samuel FREEMANTLE, to Miss Sarah PAXTON.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 22d April, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of Mr. Thos. FAIRCLOUGH, baptized William Edward.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 22d april, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Colour-Serjeant Phillip HOLMES, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized Robert Chidley.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 22d April,
A Son of Mr. J.W. EKSTEEN, baptized Johannes Paulus.
A Son of J.P. KLEYNSMITH, baptized Philippus Theodorus.
A Son of T.P.J. ZIEDEMAN, baptized Francis Theodorus.
A Daughter of A.J.M. KUYS, Esq. baptized Geertruyda Helena.
A Daughter of Mr. G.F. FAUSTMAN, baptized Georgina Fredrica.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 22d April,
A Son of Mr. A.G.H. TEUBES, baptized Servaas.
A Son of Mr. J.W. MEYER, baptized Johan Diederik.
On Thursday the 26th April,
A Daughter of Mr. Maximilian THALWITZER, baptized Alette Charlotte.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Friday the 13th April, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
A Son of Richard O’NEAL, baptized Maurice.
Two Daughters of Philip FROST, baptized Elizabeth DAWSON and Ann BARNES.
A Son of ditto, baptized Joseph Wesley.
On Sunday the 15th April,
Two Sons of Mr. Thomas COLLING, baptized George and Jabez.
A Daughter of ditto, baptized Caroline.
A Son of Mr. Henry LOVEMORE, baptized Charles.
A Son of Mr. Wm. DUNN, Postmaster, baptized Paul.
At Graham’s Town, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces.
8th April – A Daughter of Elias COETZEE, Private in H.M. Cape Corps (Cavalry), baptized Susanna Maria Petronella.
15th – A Son and a Daughter of Thomas PAYNE, baptized Richard and Martha.
- A Son of J.T. MEYNHART, baptized Christian Fredrik.
- A Daughter of S.J.D. NEL, baptized Anna Cornelia Maria.
- A Daughter of C. NIEMAND, baptized Anna Catharina.
- A Son of P.C. BESUYDENHOUT, baptized Pieter Hendrik Schalk.
In the Roman Catholic Church, Cape Town, by the Reverend T. WAGENER, on the 5th April, 1827.
A Daughter of Nicholas HITGE, baptized Hester Adriana Carolina Merckel.
19th April – Hendrik Johan Martin KRUGER, aged 46 years.
Ditto – Susanna Petronella HARDERS, Wife of P.A.L. RISKINI, aged 41 years.
21st – Mr. Andries VAN DER LITH, aged 50 years, 8 months, and 6 days.
22d – Johan Christiaan DANIEL, aged 71 years, 2 months, and 19 days.
Ditto – An adopted Daughter of M. LAURENS, named Catharina Wilhelmina Jacoba, aged 22 months.
Ditto – A Daughter of J. KANNEMEYER, named Sara Aletta Johanna, aged 16 years, 8 months, and 24 days.
Ditto – Martha Magdalena BIERMAN, aged 70 years.
Ditto – Paulina Maria MULLER, aged 68 years, 2 months, and 22 days.
23d – A Daughter of Mr. Geo. Andreas Werdmuller D’ELGG, named Maria Catharina, aged 15 months and 10 days.
Ditto – A Daughter of G. HOFMAN, named Maria Elisabeth Wilhelmina, aged 22 months and 15 days.
24th – Aletta Theresia KANNEMEYER, Wife of Andries Johs. HENDRIKSE, aged 35 years and 7 months.
Ditto – Barendina JACOBSE, aged 75 years and 7 months.
26th – Mr. Oloff Godlieb DE WET, aged 51 years.
At Graham’s Town.
15th April – Sarah LEWIS, aged 1 year and 6 months.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas John Bardwell EBDEN, lately a Partner in the Firm of HOUGHTON& CO. of London, the said HOUGHTON having died in London on the 26th December, 1826, having presented a Memorial to our Court, stating:
That he, the Memorialist, wishing to liquidate, as soon as possible, the Affairs of the said Firm in this Colony, but, however, being ignorant as to what debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent his bringing it to a final settlement, is desirous the Court would be pleased, , more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same of the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
[Now, the Court …..]
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice,
By order of the Court,
The Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of Herman Fredrik SCHUTTE, Damian PHEIFFER, and Christoph Jacob KIRCKMAN, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear on Wednesday the 2d May, at 10 o’clock A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced o the Draft of Partition of the said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 26th April, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
CAPT. ROLFF, commanding the Dutch Brig Catharina Hendrina, will be ready to take in Cargo as soon as his Vessel is unloaded. – For particulars as to Freight or Passage, apply at No. 21 Berg.
THE fine fast-sailing ship VICTORY, 712 Tons, C. FARQUARSON, Esq. Commander, from Madras, bound to London expected to arrive here about the 1st May, has room for some Freight, and a few Passengers, having excellent accommodations. – Please apply at the Counting-House of Mr. J. AKEN, No.35, Waterkant, where a Plan of the Cabins may be seen.
FOR SALE, a Male Slave, who is a Labourer, and understands Gardening. – The purchase money may remain on interest for five years, on giving good security.
Also, to Let, a clever House Servant and Coachman, who is a Native of the Cape. –Inquire at Mr. R. LOEDOLFF’S Berg-street.
DIED on the 16th instant, at Worcester, aged 32 years, 4 months, and 8 days, my beloved Wife, Anna ZULCH, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Worcester, April 21, 1827.
DIED on Thursday Afternoon, the 19th instant my beloved Wife, Susanna Petronella Harders, aged 41 years, 4 months, and 29 days, - of which loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Op Donderdag den 10 Mei, zullen ter Plaatse van H. VAN NIEKERK, Blaauwbloemetjeskloof, publiek worden verkocht, 400 extra vette Beesten, waaronder Trek – en Slagtossen en Koeyen; alsmede 1,1000 estra vette Schapen, - alles op een lang crediet.
De Ondergeteekende zal op den 12 Mei aanst. Ter Plaatse van den Heer G. LOUW, aan de Mosselbanksrivier, publiek laten verkoopen, een aantal van 120 stuks vette zoo Trek – als Slagtossen alsmede 170 extra vette Slagtkoeyen.
NB. Het Vee zal op den 5 Mei ter gem. Plaats present zyn, en is intusschen uit de hand te koop.
Geen Eetmaal, maar een goed glas Wyn zal gegeven worden.
Graaf-Reinet den 17 April 1827.
Friday, May 4th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1112.
Arrival in Table Bay.
27th April – Hon. Comp. Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, from St. Helena 27th March, bound to this Port, in ballast.
Passengers – Mr. MANGLES, H.C.C.S. and two Servants.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
29th April – Dunvegan Castle, English Ship, Geo. FLINN, Master, bound to London.
- Norfolk, English Ship, A. GREIG, Master, bound to London.
1st May – Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, T. JARVIS, Master, to St. Helena Bay.
3d – Thomas, Coasting Schooner, R. BUTLER, Master, for Breede River.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 28th April, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
John BAGSHAW, Esq. to Miss Mary Ann HENLEY.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 29th April,
Mr. Pieter Christiaan GROENEWALD, to Miss Elisabeth Maria BRINK.
On Monday the 30th April,
Mr. Jan Daniel EKERMANS, to Miss Johanna Josina KEEVE.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 29th April, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Private James WYBER, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Esther.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 29th April,
A Son of Mr. F.W. ALLEMAN, baptized Rudolph Sigfried.
A Son of Mr. H. GEBHART, baptized Jan William Lodewyk.
A Daughter of Mr. H. DE WAAL, Js. baptized Margaretha Elisabeth.
A Daughter of Mr. C.J. LUYT, baptized Maria Johanna Magdalena.
25th April – Frans Fredrik STEENHöBEL, aged 25 years, 5 months, and 18 days.
27th – A Son of P. McLACHLAN, named Archibald Wilhelm, aged 10 months and 6 days.
28th – Ann BARBER, Widow of the late Thos. BARBER, aged 57 years.
30th – Frans Anthony BASTIAANSE, aged 53 years and 5 months.
- Hendrik TEEG, aged 48 years.
- Willem ten BENGEVOORT, aged 71 years and 6 months.
- Anna Elisabeth Maria Rediker, Wife of P.J. LIESMOND, aged 65 years, 8 months, and 15 days.
2d May – Mr. Johannes Henricus VOGET, aged 32 years, and 19 days.
- Lieutenant S.P. BONNES, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, aged 21 years and 4 months.
All Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of The late Pieter LAMBERT,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 30th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, April 25, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of The late George Christiaan BERGMAN,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 30th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, April 26, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
DIED on the 23d January last, at Weesp, near Amsterdam, Hermanus HOFMEYR, Esq. Captain in His Netherlandic Majesty’s Navy, aged 58 years and about 2 months.
Cape Town, May 2, 1827.
[the first sentence is obscured by a fold in the page]….Friends and Relatives,
Cape Town, April 26, 1827.
Widow D.C. LUYT, born M.J. VOS.
DIED on the 25th April last, after an illness of six days, my beloved Husband, Oloff Godlieb DE WET, having been united in wedlock upward of 24 years. I give notice to Friends and Relatives of my afflicting loss, and wish to be excused all further visits of condolence.
A.M. HORAK, Widow of O.G. DE WET.
DIED at the Paarl, on the 25th ultimo, my beloved Wife, J.C. KRIEGO, aged 57 years and 9 months, of which distressing loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
J. JOUBERT the elder.
DIED on the 29th April last, my beloved Husband, Willem Ten BENGEVOORT, aged 71 years, 6 months, and 9 days, of which afflicting loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Friday, May 11th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1113.
LIST OF PRIZE APPRENTICES from the Eliza, whose Term expires on the 1st June next :-
No. |
Names |
To whom Apprenticed |
1 |
Baviacca |
3 |
Joakie |
4 |
Mallaud |
5 |
Jenangeherie |
G. REX |
6 |
Herie |
9 |
Amehera |
11 |
Kamboo |
12 |
Romgoliack |
G. REX |
13 |
Mafatagoo |
14 |
Meurea |
15 |
Esperance |
16 |
Jamaine |
17 |
Pervedie |
18 |
Sallemenie |
19 |
Jaria |
20 |
Henu |
21 |
Nassevo |
G. REX |
22 |
Bassisse |
23 |
Jam Calleka |
24 |
Garawan |
25 |
Masoodie |
26 |
Jacootie |
27 |
Wellaga |
28 |
Chuigauda |
29 |
Nasibo |
30 |
Baviaca |
31 |
Aposa |
G. REX |
32 |
Amballie |
33 |
Jelenkie |
34 |
Ballaka |
35 |
Gamvia |
37 |
Myndola |
38 |
Alluighanna |
39 |
Macoa |
40 |
Hoedarie |
41 |
Hedie |
42 |
Dehewe |
43 |
Barack |
44 |
Enari |
45 |
Jetskiwie |
Monsieur DE LETTRE |
46 |
Esamba |
47 |
Cheffennerie |
48 |
Angora |
49 |
Sangora |
50 |
Selambona |
51 |
Nowe |
52 |
Mamesac |
53 |
Desihe |
54 |
Leerwola |
55 |
Jetematie |
MRS. L[ ] |
56 |
Ferlu |
57 |
Jakaranto |
59 |
Sangora |
60 |
Sa[n]de |
61 |
Sangola |
62 |
Cataga |
63 |
Lejaffe |
64 |
Loulou |
65 |
Lewlana |
66 |
Lengile |
67 |
Leambo |
68 |
Masatto |
69 |
Samie |
Mrs. RABE |
70 |
Bark |
71 |
Barrak |
72 |
Camoona |
73 |
Lesaude |
74 |
Bessa |
75 |
Jowara |
76 |
Moca |
77 |
Nasebo |
78 |
Moffa |
79 |
Lambo |
80 |
Jeea |
81 |
Jana |
82 |
Sangoo |
83 |
Seroma |
84 |
Hassane |
85 |
Lecosimia |
Died before condemnation |
86 |
Abrorotomago |
87 |
Rabatta |
88 |
Salama |
W.H. LYS |
89 |
Rasaffe |
90 |
Lasas |
91 |
Fara |
92 |
Rosalmie |
93 |
Lasaak |
95 |
Rasaff |
96 |
Caro |
97 |
Rabok, infant Male |
98 |
Marie |
99 |
Sangara |
100 |
Raffara |
101 |
Womentie |
102 |
Lettimarosse |
103 |
Ramarie |
104 |
Maro |
105 |
Kelwondro |
106 |
Bado |
107 |
Rafinmare |
108 |
Jieria |
109 |
Gistine |
Widow SPIES |
110 |
Bato |
111 |
Semajahre |
113 |
Tjeraffe |
114 |
Tambesara |
115 |
Bato |
116 |
Sumersare |
117 |
Fattime |
118 |
Karle |
119 |
Karbotto |
F. de LETTRE |
120 |
Lassasse |
121 |
Essa |
Mrs. DE WAAL |
122 |
Bayhewei |
123 |
Kamtaudo |
124 |
Kaumaro |
125 |
Ternenibassa |
127 |
Karberie |
A.S. LEY |
128 |
Rasaffe |
129 |
Rafosse |
130 |
Jangare |
131 |
Semawoole |
Mrs. GRAY |
132 |
Rabatto |
133 |
Motjehietjory |
137 |
Lasaffe |
Collector of Customs.
ALL Persons having any Claims against the following Estates administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:
Of the late Johannes Nicolaas BOTES, and his surviving
Widow Maria Susanna Gerhardina DE MELANDER,
…… Andrew DIXON,
…… Maria Geertruyda ESTERHUYZEN, Widow of Daniel Francois LAGUERRENE,
…… Thomas MORRIS, and surviving Widow Mary Ann HALE,
…… Thomas Wesley OLDHAM,
…… Gysbertus VAN REENEN, and surviving Widow Maria Johanna SMALBERGEN,
Of Gideon Laurens STRYDOM, and deceased Wife Cornelia Susannah BEZUIDENHOUT,
…… William M. SCOTT, and deceased Wife Susanna Ca. CRONJE.
Of the late Anna Sophia THERON, Widow of Cornelis Johs. DU TOIT,
Of Carel Theodorus MULLER, and deceased Wife Catharina Elisabeth SCHUTS,
Of the late Johan Willem PALM,
…… William Henry BAULCOMB,
…… Johannes Henricus VOGET, and predeceased Wife Elisabeth Catharina Jacoba DE WET.
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further tight; and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
9th May, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
THE Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Swellendam, J.F. BAM, Esq. duly authorised, will dispose, by Public Auction, on the 19th instant, of the Effects of the late James HOWELL, and his surviving Widow Maria Magdalena ECKSTEEN; consisting in Household Furniture, some Merchandize, Stationery, and a quantity of useful Books.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 1, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
ANDRIES THIEL will Sell, by Public Auction, on Tuesday the 15th instant, at Mr. Jan ROELAND’S, Pampoene Kraal, a number of Draught and Slaughter Oxen and Cows, all in high condition.
ABSCONDED from Palmiet Rivier, a Male Slave named ”Dappat,” of Bougies, belonging to the Undersigned; whoever lodges him in prison will greatly oblige
DIED on the 1st May, aged 70 years and 11 months, Mrs. VAN BRAKEL, - notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Stellenbosch, May 3, 1827.
P. ROUX, Sen.
P. ROUX, Ps.
DIED this morning, at half-past 7 o’clock, our only Brother, and Brother-in-law, Arend DE WAAL, sen. aged 63 years, 4 months, and 28 days.
Cape Town, May 9, 1827.
DEPARTED this life, aged 65 years, 8 months, and 15 days, my beloved Wife, A.E.M. REDICKER, - of which I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
THE Hottentot “William,” with his Wife, having absconded from the Undersigned he requests any Person who may find the same, to put them in prison.
[the scan does not include the top of the page, therefore the beginning of the Shipping Intelligence is missing]
Arrivals in Table Bay
May 8, Success, Colonial Schooner, Geo. SMITH [ ]
from St. Helena 6th April, to this Port, in ballast [ ]
9, William, Coasting Schooner, J. LAURENCE M[ ]
Yzer Fontein 5th instant, to this Port, with Salt.
- Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, C. EVANSE[ ]
from Saldanha Bay 8th instant, to this Port, w[ ]
and Wheat
Sailed out of Table Bay.
May 6, Hon. Comp. Schooner St. Helena, J. F[ ]
Commander, bound for St. Helena.
- Magnet, English Bri, R. WATKINS Mast[ ]
8, Flamingo, Coasting Schooner, A. SINCLAIR,
Algoa Bay and Mauritius.
10, George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W[ ]
Master, for Algoa Bay.
Arrivals in Algoa Bay.
April 21, Dove, English Cutter, J.L. Ch[ ]
from Table Bay 11th instant, bound to this Port [ ]
of France, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Miss PAGE, Mr. DE LALLUNT, and 3 Children, and Mr. STRENGER, for the Isle of France.
27, Craigie Var, English Brig, Wm. RAY, Master, from Table Bay 22d April, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay.
April 29th – Mary, Colonial Brig, S. PHELPS, Master, bound to the Isle of France.
Arrivals in the Knysna.
April 20, Usk, Colonial Brig, Thos. LONG, Master, from Algoa Bay 17th instant, to this Port, in ballast.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 1st January, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
Mr. David Williams, Widower, to Mrs. Sarah DYKE, Widow of the late Mr. Richard DYKE.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 6th May,
Johannes Nicolaas Daniel BASSON, J.As. to Huybrecht Hester Johanna VAN ZYL.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 6th May, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. Donald McRAE, baptized Sarah.
A Son of Mr. John TOWNSEND, baptized John William.
A Son of John JERRY, baptized Thomas.
A Daughter of Abel WHITE, baptized Anne.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 6th May, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
A Son of Colour-Serjeant John O’lloway, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized John.
On Monday the 7th May,
A Son of Lieutenant Robt. Nairne BOYES, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized James Fichat.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 6th May,
A Daughter of Mr. P. WATNEY, baptized Catharina Maria.
A Daughter of Mr. H.H. MOSTERT, baptized Carolina Elisabeth KEEVE.
In the Lutheran church, on Sunday the 6th May,
A Daughter of J.P. HARDICK, baptized Maria Catharina.
On Wednesday the 9th May,
A Son of J.V. SELLER, baptized Daniel Marthinus Valentyn.
A Daughter of J.A.C. STORM, baptized Catharina Martha.
A Son of Niels BECK, baptized Ole BECK.
Three Daughters of J.J. VAN DEN BURGH, baptized Christina Isabella, Maria Catharina, and Johanna Elisabeth.
Also, two Adult Persons, baptized Dina ABRAHAMS and Louisa Johanna HARMS.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. Geo. STURT, A.B.
March 4, A Son of M. NOBLE, baptized Mark.
April 22, A Son of James BELL, baptized George.
29, A Daughter of Mr. Wm. COOPER, baptized Elizabeth Anna.
- A Daughter of Geo. WATSON, baptized Frances.
- A Daughter of H. SPENCER, baptized Eliza Mary Ann.
At Bathurst, on the 25th March, by the Rev. T. IRELAND,
A Son of Mr. Alex. BISSET, baptized Charles Royer Walter.
May 4, A Son of A.J. THOMAS, named George Adam, aged 1 year and 4 months.
- Jean Marie JAGO, aged 28 years.
5, An Infant Daughter of J.B.C. KNOBEL, Esq. aged about 3 months.
6, A Daughter of Ewan CHRISTIAN, Esq. named Emma Caroline, aged 1 year, 11 months, and 28 days.
- A Daughter of C. VALENTYNS named Susanna Cornelia, aged 3 months.
8, Susanna PIETERSE, Wife of J.H. LIEFKENS, aged 61 years and 24 days.
9, Mr. Arend DE WAAL, Sen. aged 63 years, 4 months, and 28 days.
At Simon’s Town.
April 28, A Daughter of Hugh Christian, Esq. H.C.C.S. named Mary Harriet, aged about 12 months.
May 1, Wilhelmina ZIEKEL, aged 70 years.
4, Daniel Johan Paulus van Reenen LOURENS, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Friday, May 18th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1114.
THE Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of Wm. TILLEY, Johann Nannen SATHOFF, John EYRE, James SCOTT, Daniel Hendrik KOSTER, Hend. Andreas LAURENS, Hend. Francois MELLET, Robert Blair GREEN and Louis Jacobus PIENAAR, Ps. are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear on Wednesday the 30th May, at 10 o’clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 17th May, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
TO be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Friday the 1st of June next, for account of the estate of the late Johan Willem PALM, a House and Erf, situated in St. John’s-street, marked Letter F, being part of Nos. 9 and 10; also, Household furniture, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, some Culinary Utensils, and a few capital Slaves.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 9, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
TO be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 5th and 6th of June next, for account of the Estate of the late Arend DE WAAL, Hs. a House and Erf, situated in the Keerom-street, No. 23; also Household Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Bedsteads, Copper, Glass, and Earthen Ware, a quantity of Plate, Gold and Silver Coins, some Culinary Articles, and two capital Slaves.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 16, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
TO be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Friday the 8th of June next, at the House of Mrs. the Widow Johs. Carolus DE WET, situated in Long-street, and for account of the Estate of the late Johs. Henricus VOGET, a House, Store, and Premises, situated in Long-street, in this Table Valley; Household Furniture, Stukvats, and other Fustage, and a few capital Slaves.
Also, the next day, the 9th June, at the Place situated at the Bankroets Rivier, near the Yzsterplaat, Household Furniture, a Saddle Horse, a Cow and Calf.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 16, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
THE Sale which was advertised to be held on the 14th instant, of the Effects of the late W.H. BAULCOMB, J.H. BOTES, and his surviving Widow M.S.G. DE MELANDER, and SANNA of the Cape, being postponed on account of the bad Weather, will take place on Saturday, the 19th instant, at the House of T.R. WELCH, Auctioneer, No. 61, Loop-street.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 16, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
THE Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Stellenbosch, P.C. VAN BLOMMESTEIN, Esq. duly authorised, will dispose by Public Auction, on Saturday the 26th instant, at the House formerly occupied by the late Maria Geertruyda ESTERHUYZEN, Widow of Daniel Francois LAGUERRENE, consisting chiefly in Household Furniture, and some Culinary Utensils.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 16, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS. Sec.
May 12 – Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, from St. Helena 12th April, to this Port, in ballast.
13, Ann, English Schooner, J.DUNN, Master, from Rio de Janeiro 13th April, to this Port, with Sugar, Coffee, and Tobacco.
15, Wilna, English Brid, Wm. TAYT, Master, from the Downs 11th February, to this Port, with a general cargo.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
May 13th, Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, C. EVANSEN, Master, for St. Helena Bay.
- George, Coasting Sloop, H. THOMSON, Master, for Dyer’s Island.
17, Marie, English Brig, J. STRONG, Master, for Mauritius and India.
- Patience, English Brig, - MATHEWS, Master, for London.
Sailed out of Simon’s Bay.
May 13, Martha & Elisabeth, Dutch Brig, J. KERKHOVEN, Master, for Batavia.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
April 18, Henry McLOUCHLIN, Serjeant in His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Infantry), to Mary Ann BUTCHER.
May 3, Ockert Anthony BOTHA, to Anna Johanna BOTHA.
4, John WILDEN, to Elizabeth FORD.
7, William Oliver LLOYD, to Sarah SEYMOUR.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 13th May, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Robert Waller POE, Esq. the Hon. Company’s Solicitor, baptized Emanuel Thomas.
A Son of Mr. W.E. SCOTT, Jun. baptized Timothy Edward.
A Daughter of Mr. H. LEATT, baptized Charlotte Maria.
A Daughter of Philida, (Free Native), baptized Ann.
On Wednesday the 16th May, by the same.
A Son of R.J. JONES, Esq. baptized Thomas Edwin.
A Son of Edwin MAUDE, Esq. baptized William.
In the Military church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 13th May, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
A Daughter of Private William HOBBS, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Hannah.
On Wednesday the 16th May,
A Son of Assistant Surgeon Daniel ARMSTRON, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized Mary Ann.
A Daughter of Major Robert BARTLEY, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Caroline Christiana.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 13th May,
A Son of Mr. J. HABLUTZEL, baptized Fredrik Hermanus.
A Daughter of Mr. M.C. VAN EYSSEN, baptized [ ] Petronella Martina Johanna.
A Daughter of Mr .M. LOTTER, baptized Johanna Martina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 13th May,
A Son of Mr. J.W. NELSON, baptized Coenraad.
A Son of Mr G.W.F. HELDZINGEN, baptized Jan Fredrik.
A Son of Mr. Arend VAN EYSSEN,baptized coenraad.
A Daughter of F.L. HESS, baptized Christina Aletta Elisabeth Margaretha.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Wednesday the 18th April, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
A Daughter of C. KEYZER, baptized Aletta Adriana Catharina.
At Graham’s Town, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
April 22, A Daughter of P.L. ZIETSMAN, baptized Catharina Johanna.
- A Son of S. POTGIETER, baptized Petrus Hendrik.
29, A Daughter of H.N. BECKER, baptized Maria Elisabeth Sophia.
May 1, Two Daughters of J. SWANEPOEL, baptized Albertha Margaretha and Sophiea Johanna.
6, A Son of C.H. KEULDER, baptized Johannes Hendrik.
- A Daughter of J.J. BESUYDENHOUD, baptized Susara Elisabet.
- A Son of Robert SELP, Private in His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Cavalry), baptized Robert Cobb.
May 11, A Son of Johanna Carolina WAGENER, named Wilhelmus Johannes, aged 8 months and 10 days.
13, Charles VAN HELSLANDT, Esq. aged 64 years, 10 months, and 23 days.
14, Johan George VALENTIN, aged 54 years.
15, Mrs Anne HARINGTON, Wife of RW. POE, Esq. aged 28 years.
- An Infant Son of Kaatje PIETERSON.
At Port Elizabeth.
April 22, Antonia MUNRO, aged about 70 years.
April 17, Charlotte WHITAKER, aged 7 months.
TO-MORROW, 19th instant, by the Agent at Simon’s Town, on account of the Insolvent Estate of J.A. STYNHARDT, some Household Furniture, Culinary Requisites, and what may be further exposed for sale.
On Tuesday the 22d instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of Hendrik Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, the Freehold Farm called Hazenkraal.
On the same day and place, on account of the Estate of Johannes Nicolaas VAN NIEKERK, (placed under Sequestration,) two Pieces Quitrent Land annexed to the Place Hazenkraal, called Diemertskraal and Ongegund; also Household Furniture of various descriptions; Agricultural Implements, Smiths’ Tools, Oxen, Cows, Goats, Calves, Horses, and Mares; also the Slaves Thomas, Mentor, Carolus, Klaas, Adam, David, Pazens, Thom, Kandaza, Rachel, Pollie, and Philida, with her child Paulina.
The Estate of John TILLEY, (placed under Sequestration) a Chariot, an Iron Chest, a Crane, some Whips, a Writing Desk, a Vendue Table on Tressels, an Anchor laying near the Wharf, two Glass Doors, and some Timber, &c.
The Estate of Jabez HART, (placed under Sequestration,) 5 Snuffer Stands, 8 Tea Boards, and some Paper.
Jacobus Johs. MELLET, a Mahogany Bureau and 12 Chairs.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Jacobus Johs. LUTTIG, Hs. the Slaves Doortje, Alie, Jephta, Coba, and (2) Jacob.
Hendrik Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, Js. a Waggon and 8 Horses, 10 brood Mares, 30 Cows, also a Chaise, an open Cart, and 40 Draught Oxen.
On Wednesday the 23d instant, at the Town Market, at 10 o’clock, on account of D. VAN REENEN Gs. 50 bastard Fatherland Cows.
On Saturday the 26th instant, on account of the Estate of Marthinus Josephus MULDER, (taken under Sequestration,) a Piece of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated near Papendorp.
On Monday the 28th instant, on account of Jacobus Johannes MELLET, a Store and Premises, situated no. 9, Loop-street.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Insolvent Estate of George Erhard SEYFFERT, a Freehold Place called The Hoop, with the Buildings thereon, situated near the Paarl; also Household Furniture of various descriptions, a Silver Watch, Wine Store Implements, Culinary Utensils, Stuckvats, Empty Leaguers, 30 Leaguers Wine (Vintage 1827,) a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, Brandy Still, Horses, Oxen,& c. also the Slaves Hector, Amsterdam, and Hendrik.
On Tuesday the 29th instant, by the aforesaid Agent, on account of the Estate of Jacobus Oostwald VAN NIEKERK, Js. (placed under Sequestration,) the Freehold Place called Oliphants Fonteia, situated at the Koeberg, with the Quitrent Lands adjacent; also, Carriage and Saddle Horses, Draught Oxen, Breeding Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Wheat, Barley, Rye, and Oats, Ploughs, Ox Waggons, Blacksmiths’ Tools, and a few Articles of Household Furniture also the Slaves Ruiter, Cornelis, Philis, Spadille, Apollos, and Carolus.
On the same day, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, the Slaves Adriana of the Cape, and Coridon of Malar; also two open Horse Waggons, and two young Horses.
On Wednesday the 30th instant, on account of David Cornelis DE VILLIERS, the Farm called Hooggelegen, situated at Tygerberg, together with such Articles as may be offered for sale.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the House of A.F. DU TOIT, Sen. on account of the following Persons viz:
The Estate of Jacobus Oostwald VAN NIEKERK, Js. (placed under Sequestration), some Household Furniture, and the Slaves Lena, Lys, and Fransina, with her Children Janetta and Frans.
Andries Francois DU TOIT, Senior, the Slaves (1) Lena, and (3) Lena.
On Thursday the 31st instant, by the Agent at Graham’s Town, on account of the following Persons, viz.
Samuel BONNIN, a House and Premises, situated in Artificers-square, lot No. 20, a ditto ditto, situated in do. Lot No. 22, a ditto ditto, situated in ditto, Lot No. 27; also an Erf No. 6, situated in Beaufort Street.
William WATHALD, (in front of the Public Offices,) a Waggon, and 80 Oxen.
Arend DE WAAL, a Waggon complete, a Horse, Saddle and Bridle, and a gun.
H.W. HENDERSON, a Waggon, 8 Oxen, 20 Head of Breeding Cattle, 4 Saddles, and 150 Sacks.
On Saturday the 2d June, at the Town Market, at 10 o’clock, on account of Christiaan Marthinus STOFFBERG, 40 Oxen.
On the same day, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of the following Persons:-
J.H. HASSELBAGH, one Leaguer Brandy, 4 Tables, 5 Iron Pots, 6 Chairs, &c.& c.
The Widow L. HOOGEWERFF, a House, and the half of an Erf, situated No. 12, Kerk-street, in the Village of Graaff-Reinet.
On Tuesday the 5th June, on account of the Estate of Johan Fredrik MUNNIK, (placed under Sequestration) the Place called Goede Verwachting,situated at Green-point, at the foot of the Lion’s Rump; also Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate, Glass, Earthenware, Culinary Requisites, &c. &c.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of the following Persons: -
Andries BURGER, Ps. at the Place Hout Constant, over the 24-Rivers, 8 Waggon Horses, 2 Saddle do. 24 Oxen, 2 Waggons, 10 head of Breeding Cattle, and the Slave Laban of Mosambique.
At the Place of C.J. OBERHOLSTER, situated over the 24-Rivers, on account of B. Jacobus LIEBENBERG, Cs. A new Waggon.
On Wednesday the 6th June, by the aforesaid Agent, in Brouwers-street, Tulbagh, on account of the Free Black SPADILLE, a Cart, 4 Horses, 5 head of breeding Cattle, and some Household Furniture.
On the same day, on account of the Estate of Gabriel Christiaan HANSLO, (placed under Sequestration), a Plot of Land, situated near the New Market, behind the Castle, Blok A. No. 2.
On Thursday the 7th June, on account of the Estate of Bernardus ROODE, (placed under Sequestration), a House and Premises, situated No. 4, St. John’s-street; also Household Furniture,& c. &c. &c.
On Friday the 8th June, on account of the Estate of Jacobus Henricus STIGLING, (placed under Sequestration), a House and Garden, with an adjoining House, Store and Premises, situated in the Buitenkant, near Roeland-street; also Household Furniture of various descriptions, a House Clock, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary Utensils,& c.
Sequestrator’s Office, May 17, 1827.
DIED on the 3d instant, my beloved Wife Joh. Maryna HUMAN, aged 61 years, 10 months, and 17 days, of which I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Storms Vallei, May 5, 1827.
DEPARTED this life on the 4th instant, aged 68 years, 9 months, and 3 days, my beloved Wife, Marg. Ma. ROSSOUW, born LOUW, of which I give notice to Friends and Relatives.
DIED at Wagenmakers Vallei, on the 8th instant, aged 75 years, 3 months and 3 days, Mrs. Anna LAATEGAAN, Widow of the late Mr. B.G. WEIGT, - notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, May 17, 1827.
DEPARTED this life on the 13th instant, aged 64 years, 10 months, and 23 days, my beloved Husband, Chas. Johs. VAN HELSLANDT, of which afflicting loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, May 17, 1827.
Friday, May 25th, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1115.
IT is unnecessary to explain under what circumstances the Slave Boy, called Christian, came to an untimely end, or the cause of his Mistress’s poverty.
It is only necessary to state, that the loss of his services has deprived her of the principal means of supporting herself and family. It is fondly hoped that this appeal will be met by a Subscription from a generous Public; and it is suggested that the amount shall be placed in the hands of Trustees, for her benefit, and that of a growing Family.
Any inquiries will be answered by Dr. LIESCHING, jun.; and Subscription Lists are lying open at the Commercial Exchange, Society House, the Discount Bank, and at Mr. GREIG'S “List of Sales” Office.
Dr. VERSFELD begs to inform the Public, that he has taken up his residence at Stellenbosch, where he intends to practise.
Stellenbosch, May 23, 1827.
John DUNN, Master of the Schooner ANN, being about to leave the Colony, requests that all Claims or Demands against him may be sent in to the Counting-House of Messrs.THOMSON, WATSON, &co. on or before 2 o’clock on Saturday the 26th instant.
Cape Town, May 24, 1827.
Corn. BRINK, Cs. will hold a Sale on the 11th June, at Mr. M. BRINK’S, Dassenberg, of 2000 very fat Wethers and Goats, and 150 good Draught Oxen.
A Credit of seven months, or till the 15th January, 1828, will be given.
All Persons having any Claims or Demands, of what nature soever, against the Estate of the late Widow C. MARAIS the elder, are requested to send them in, accompanied with proper Vouchers, within three months from this date; and those indebted are earnestly requested to settle their Account within the same period, to prevent unpleasant consequences.
Tulbagh, May 11, 1827.
ABSCONDED on the 21st of April last, from the service of the Undersigned, a Hottentot named Gerrit; he is about 20 years of age, was dressed in a drab coloured duffle jacket, leather trowsers, and a drab hat. It is requested that any person who may discover the said Hottentot will lodge him in prison.
Stellenbosch, May 18, 1827.
DIED at this place on the 2d instant, aged 61 years and 3 months, Mrs. Hester MOLLER, Widow of the late Mr. C. MARAIS, notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Tulbagh, May 11, 1827.
DIED on the 9th instant, aged 58 years and 9 months, my beloved Husband, Arie Jacob JOUBERT, of which I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Kromme Rivier, May 10, 1827.
DEPARTED this life on the 15th instant, at 7 o’clock in the evening, our beloved Mother, aged 70 years and 6 months, of which Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, May 23, 1827.
In the name of all the Children,
Arrivals in Table Bay.
May 17, Gleaner, English Brig. T. MUNRO, Master, from St. Helena 14th April, bound to this Port, with Coffee, &c.
20, Hebe, English Brig. T.FOREMAN, Master, from the Knysna 12th instant, to this Port, with Timber.
Passenger – Mr. PETERSON.
21, George, Coasting Sloop, H. THOMPSON, Master, from Dyer’s Island 19th instant, to this Port, with Sealskins and Oil.
22, Usk, English Brig, Thomas LONG, Master, from the Knysna 12th instant, to this Port, with Timber.
23, Victory, English Ship, C. FARQUHARSON, Commander, from Calcutta 22d February, and Madras 16th March, bound to London, cargo Sugar and Indigo.
Passengers – For the Cape, Mr. and Mrs. MACNABB, Mr. and Mrs. PEARSON, Miss PEARSON, Miss PARRY, Mrs. GOODRIDGE, Miss HOFFMAN, and Capt. DINGWELL, N.I.
For England, Mrs. FARQUHARSON, Honble. A.H. COLE, M.C.S.; Captains ARMSTRONG, [ANSTRUTHER,] [ ] and CLIVE; Major GORE, Masters ROBERTSON, ARMSTRONG, PRINSEP, and three Masters HICKS.
- Craigie Var, English Brig, W.RAY, Master, from Algoa Bay 13th instant, to this Port with Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. STUCKERIS, Messrs. HAWKINS, two KEMPS, two WIENANDS, Lieutenant HEATHCOATE and Family, Drs. SMITH and URQUHART, a Soldier, prisoner.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
May 20, Harvey, English ship, G. FINDLAY, Master, for New South Wales.
21, City of Edinburgh, English Ship, G. MILNE, Master, for London.
23, Kate, English schooner, D. WATT, Master, for Port Beaufort.
Arrival in Algoa Bay.
May 14, Flamingo, Colonial Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master, from Table Bay 8th instant, for this Port and Isle of France, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Messrs. HEUGH, TENNANT, and CHIAPPINI, two Masters HELM, John LANDROSS, three Black Boys and a Child; for Port Louis, Messrs. PUMEL, RUDALL, and MABILLE.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 20th May,
Jacob TERHAR, to Elisabeth SEWARD.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 20th May, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Wm. GOLDING, Musician of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized John.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 20th May,
A Son of Mr C.E.C LANDSBERG, baptized August Ernst Godfried.
A Daughter of CG LOHMAN, baptized Christina Louisa Wilhelmina.
May 15, Mrs. Huybrecht LAMBRECHTS, Widow of the late Mr. F.W. SPENGLER, aged 70 years and 6 months.
20, Johan Fredrik Wilhelm MATTHEWS, aged 56 years, 8 months, and 17 days.
- Maria Harriott Louisa JANZEN, aged 27 years.
21, Hugo SMIT, aged 28 years, 7 months, and 26 days.
- A Daughter of Mr. W. THEUNISSEN, named Sara Catharina, aged 16 years.
On the same day and place, on account of Hendrik Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, Js. 6 Waggons, a Chaise, an open Cart, 16 Horses, 10 Brood Mares, 60 Draught Oxen, 30 Cows, and 600 sheep and Goats.
Samuel BONNIN, a House and Premises, situated in Artificers-square, Lot No. 20, a ditto ditto, situated in do. Lot No. 22, a ditto ditto, situated in ditto, Lot No. 27; also an Erf No. 65, situated in Beaufort-street.
William WATHALL, (in front of the Public Offices,) a Waggon, and 80 Oxen.
On the same day, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of R.A. DU PLOOY, 2 Saddle Horses, 22 Goats, and 25 Sheep.
On Tuesday the 5th June, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons, viz:
G.M. GENAU, an open Horse Waggon and 2 Horses.
J.M. CROESER, 3 sets of Harness, and 3 new Saddles.
John ROBERTS, a Gold Watch, Chain, 2 Seals, and Key, and a Mahogany Sofa.
The Estate of John TILLEY (placed under Sequestration), an anchor, laying near the Wharf.
The separated Married persons Nicolaas TYRHOLM and Christina Maria MYNHARTDT, formerly Widow of the late Jan Casper LUSEBRINK, a Gold Watch, and a quantity of Jewellery.
On Wednesday the 6th June, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons:-
Hendrik Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, Js. 100 Draught oxen.
Anna JOUBERT, Widow of the late C. ALBERTYN, Cs. the Slave Africa.
David Jacobus MALAN, Ds. The Slaves Caesar, Moses, Clarinda, and Trees.
Marthinus Wilhelmus THEUNISSEN, Senior, 13 Horses.
Johannes Gerhardus UYS, 6 Draught Oxen.
Friday 8th June, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1117.
Arrival in Table Bay.
June 1, Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, C. EVANSEN, Master, from St. Helena Bay 24th May, to this Port, with Hoops and Staves.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
June 4, Olive Branch, English Brig, J. Anderson, Master, for Simon’s Bay.
5, Madras, English Ship, C. BEACH, Master, for London.
- Good Intent, Coasting Schooner, C. EVANSEN, Master, for St. Helena Bay.
- Ann, English Schooner, Edward CATTELL, Master, for Mauritius and Calcutta.
- Elizabeth, English Brig, W. CAIN, Master, for Ireland and England.
Arrival in Mossel Bay.
30th May, Buckbay Packet, Colonial Schooner, C. McKOY, Master, from Port Frances 15th May, cargo colonial Produce, for Table Bay.
Passengers – Messrs. I. DYASON, J. DYASON, and W.M. BOARDMAN.
Arrival in Port Beaufort.
May 31, Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, from St. Helena, in ballast, for this Port.
Sailed out of Algoa Bay.
May 28, Flamingo, Colonial Schooner, A. SINCLAIR, Master.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 4th June, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. John WALLACE, to Ann, Widow of the late Serjeant John Dolton.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 3d June,
Eduward SCHREUDER, to Helena Johanna PETS.
On Monday the 4th June,
Mr. Dirk Gerhardus DE JONGH, to Miss Johanna Maria VOS.
In the Lutheran Church, on Saturday the 2d June,
Johan Nicolaas SMIT, to Wilhelmina VAN DE KAAP.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 3d June, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. P. HUNTER, baptized William.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 3d June, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Serjeant Wm. WILLIAMS, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Mary Ann.
A Daughter of John O’BRYAN, of His Majesty’s 49th Regt. baptized Catherine.
In the Reformed Church on Sunday the 3d June,
A Son of E. POUZEYN, baptized Pieter Coenraad Christiaan.
A Son of H.A. RAVENS, baptized Johannes Rudolph.
A Daughter of W.F. VAN REEDE van Oudtshoorn, Esq. baptized Jacomina Johanna Maria.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Friday the 18th
May, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
Two Daughters of Jan F. BESUYDENHOUT, baptized Elsie Elizabeth and Anna Sophia.
May 31, Christina CHRISTIAANSE, aged 17 years, 2 months, and 23 days.
June 1, A Son of P. LAING, named James, aged 11 years.
2, A Son of H.D. ARENDZE, named Dirk Gerhardus, aged 2 years, 1 month, and 16 days.
3, An Infant Daughter of Mr. Michiel JURGENS.
- Albert Soete CORNELUS, aged 42 years and 20 days.
5, A Daughter of J.P. VOGES, named Henrietta Willemina Fredrica, aged about 14 months.
- Dorothea Catharina JACOBSEN, Widow of the late J.F. JAANEKE, aged 74 years, 8 months, and 11 days.
Police Office, Cape Town, June 7, 1827.
A MEDICAL CERTIFICATE having been received by the Undersigned, of the most melancholy description, proving, that the Death of Three of Mr. LAING’S Children was caused by eating poisonous Mushrooms, the Undersigned feels it his duty to give Notice thereof, in order to put Parents and others, to whom the care of Children is entrusted, on their guard, to prevent, if possible, the recurrence of so awful an event.
Superintendant of Police.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Arnoldus Mauritius MEIRING, Assumed Executor to the Estate of the late Ryk MEIRING and his deceased Wife Anna ZULCH, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That he, in his aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent his bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same of the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
[Now the Court…….]
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
His Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Christiaan Nicolaas GEYER has addressed a Memorial to our Court, setting forth, that through a combination of unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances not being able to satisfy the pressing demands of his Creditors, he was at last obliged to surrender his Estate as Insolvent, to the administration of the Sequestrator, who having in consequence now liquidated and made a Dividend of the same, Memorialist therefore exhibiting the necessary certificate, as prescribed by the Sequestrator’s Instructions, requested to be rehabilitated from his Insolvency; and as it has appeared to us that his Creditors, without exception have consented thereto:
[So it is that we, ……..]
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
ALL Persons having any claims against the following Estates administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz:
Of the late Anna Elizabeth LOUW, Widow of David Schalk VAN DER MERWE,
Of Jacobus Petrus BEKKER, and his deceased Wife Sara Maria SNYMAN,
Of the late Andries Jacobus NOLTE, and surviving Widow Aletta Hendrica LIEBENBERGH,
…… Arend DE WAAL, Hs.
…… Charles Johannes VAN HELSLAND, and surviving Widow Jeannette Francois DUMINY,
…… Cicilia Johanna KORF, Widow of Andr. OLIVIER,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
1st June, 1827.
J.J. L. SMUTS, Secretary.
THE Board of Orphan Masters offer for sale, by sealed Tenders, a Schooner (decked) about nine Tons register, with Sails and Tackle as she now lies in the Krommerivier, the property of the late Mr. Thos. Wesley OLDHAM’S Estate, The Schooner to be seen on applying to Mr. Piet UYS, at the Krommerivier.
Tenders will be received at this Office, to the 18th July next, and will be opened on Monday the 30th following.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
May 30, 1827.
By order of the Board,
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
DIED, at Mergui, on the Coast of Tenasserim, on the 10th of November last, aged 29 years, our beloved Son-in-Law, Lieutenant Samuel Bridger GOODRICH, of the 1st Regiment Madras native Infantry, sincerely regretted by all who knew him.
Cape Town, June 6, 1827.
DIED, on the 20th instant, my beloved Husband, Dirk COETZEE, aged 28 years, 11 months, and 6 days.
Widow of D. COETZEE.
Swellendam, May 26, 1827.
DIED on the 23d day of May, at Caledon, after a protracted illness of more than eight years, our beloved Son, Jacobus Hermanus, aged 19 years and 2 days, of which afflicting loss we hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
DIED on the 30th May last, our beloved Mother, Maria Magdalena EKSTEEN born LOUW, aged 67 years, of which we hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Swellendam, June 2, 1827,
De Executeuren des Boedels van wylen Martha DIEDERIKS, Weduwe jacs. VAN DEN BERGH, Senior, zyn voornemens op Maandag en Dingsdag den 27 en 28 Augustus aanstaande, aan de meestbiedende publiek te doen verkoopen, hare geheele Nalatenschap, bestaande in Huismeubelen, Aanfokvee, Hamels, enz. Benevens acht uitgelezene Slaven en Slavinnen, alle van deze Kolonie geboortig. De Verkooping zal gehouden worden op de Plaats van Jacs. VAN DEN BERGH, gelegen in het Voorste Boschjesveld.
Worcester, 22 Mei 1827.
Weggeloopen, des Ondergets. Slaaf genaamd Lendor, van Mosambiek, welke waarschynlyk zyn Byzit, de Bastaard Hottentottin Lena, die op den 15 Maart jl. Een Pas van den Superintendent van Policie heft ontvangen, om zich naar hare vorigen Lyfheer, C. VAN WYK, in het Distrikt Clanwilliam, te begeven, heft vergezeld. Een ieder wordt verzpcht, byaldien gem. Slaaf mogt worden ontdekt, hem te apprehenderen en naar een der Gevangenjuizen te zenden.
Brouwery, 5 Juny 1827.
Friday, 22d June, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1119.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
June 15, Hon. Company’s Ship, Thames, W. HAVISIDE, Esq, Commander, from China 14th February, bound to London, with Teas.
19, George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, Wm. McLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay, 4th and Mossel Bay 13th, instant, bound to this Port, with Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. KUYS and VOS, Dr. LIGHTFOOT, and a Serjeant-Major of the Cape Cavalry.
21, Leda, English Bark, J. NORTHWOOD, Master, from VAN DIEMENS Land 15th March, and Mauritius 24th May, to this Port, with Sugars.
Passengers – Mr. W. GILBERT, Commissariat Department, and Mr. W. AIRS.
- Earl of Egermont, English Brig, R. JOHNSON, Master, from Torbay 31st March, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. KEYSER Mr. and Mrs. ROBERTS, and Child.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
June 18, Brit[o]mart, English Bark, D. BROWN, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
20, William, Coasting Schooner, W. LAURENCE, Master, bound to Dyer’s Island.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 17th June.
Ernst Christoffel VAN GRAAN, to Wilhelmina Elisabeth HOFFMAN.
Jan KRAAYVELD, to Maria Magdalena PIETERSE, Widow of the late Jan Christoffel SCHEIFFLER.
At Graham’s Town, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
May 10, Joseph WALKER, to Margaret BOOK.
2d, Deunes CARREY, to Margaret Feighley GIBLEN.
June 7, John GETTINS, to Amelia Louisa PIENAR.
- Frans Johannes DE KLERK, to Helena Barendina Nerberta BESTER.
- Martinus VAN DER MERWE, to Geerbrecht Elisabetha HARTSENBERG.
8, (By Special Licence), Lieutenant T.S. KNIGHT, (Cape Corps), to Anna, eldest Daughter of the late Capt. Mitchell James SPARKS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 17th June, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. David LITLIS, baptized Margaret.
A Daughter of Mr. Thomas HAYLETT, baptized Ann Maria Elizabeth.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 17th June, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Serjeant-Major John ROBERTS, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized George Frederick.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 17th June,
A Daughter of P.F. DE VILLIERS, baptized Cornelia Jacoba.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 17th June,
A Daughter of Willem UDEMANS, baptized Maria Johanna Christina.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
Chaplain to the Forces,
May 13, A Daughter of B. B.ROWN, baptized Lydia.
20, A Son of W. REYNOLDS, baptized John Charles.
- A Daughter of W. UPTON, baptized Mary Dorothy.
- A Daughter of J.W. GODDES, baptized Mary Ann.
27, A Daughter of Wm. BOTHA, baptized Anna Catharina Magdalena.
- A Son of ditto, baptized Petrus Cornelis.
- A Son of Henry ULYATTE, baptized Robert.
28, A Son of Mr. J.J. SMITH, baptized Edward Ward.
- A Daughter of T.H. HALSE, baptized Frances.
June 6, A Daughter of Mr. Thos. F. COWDEROY, baptized Marianne Selina.
10, A Daughter of B. NORDON, baptized Louisa.
- A Daughter of James McCloud, baptized Isabella.
May 14, An Infant Daughter of Stephen ROBERTS.
21, Maria Hester VAN KOPPEN, aged 71 years.
At Graham’s Town.
May 30, A Son of Mr. J.J. SMITH, named Edward Ward, aged 4 months.
5, Frances HALSE, aged 8 days.
7, A Son of Mr. T.F. COWDEROY, named William Henry, aged 3 years and 6 months.
TO-MORROW, 23d instant at 11 o’clock, on account of the Estate of Jacobus Johannes MELLET, (placed under sequestration), a Store and Premises, situated No.9, Loop-street; likewise some Yellow-wood Beams.
On the same day, at 12 o’clock, on account of the estate of Bartholomeus Hendricus EYBERG, (placed under Sequestration,) an Erf, situated at the upper end of Wale-street, marked Letter A.
On Tuesday the 26th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of Hendrik HEGERS, six Looking Glasses, and a quantity of Merchandize.
On Wednesday the 27th instant, on account of the Estate of Fredrik SCHENCK, (placed under Sequestration,) a House and Premises, situated in Ziekedwars-street; also, Household Furniture, Culinary Requisites, &c &c.
On Thursday the 28th instant, by the Agent at Worcester, at the Place Bergrivier, situated at the Nieuwe Kloof of Tulbagh, on account of Abraham Philip MINNAAR, his share in the aforesaid Loan Place.
On Friday the 29th instant, by the Agent at Swellendam, (at Port Beaufort), on account of Louis DE JAGER, the Slave Daniel of this Colony, and 16 Breeding Cattle.
On Saturday, the 30th inst. by the Agent at Worcester, at [the sentence has been obscured by a fold in the page]…the Slave September of Bougies.
On Monday the 2d July, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of the Estate of Thomas HEATLIE, (placed under Sequestration,) the Estate, formerly the Drostdy of Tulbagh; also Household Furniture, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary and Agricultural Implements, Oxen, Horses, and Breeding Cattle, Waggons, and Harness; also the Slave Tiema of the Cape.
On Tuesday the 3d July, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:
Frederik SMALBERG, a Wardrobe, 2 Tables, a Bed and Pillow.
Dirk SLABBERT, the Slaves Moele of Batavia, mason; and Christiaan of Madagascar, coachman and herdsman.
John LAWRENCE, 2 Mahogany Sofas, 8 Plated Branches, and 6 patent Table Lamps.
Evert POEZYN, Jun. a half-worn Horse Waggon, a Horse, and a Wardrobe.
The Insolvent Estate of the late Telemachus MUSSON a Sextant, a Chronometer, a Sword, and some Books and Charts.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons:
Andries Francois DU TOIT, Senior, the Slaves Christiaan, September, and (2) Saul.
Jacobus Johannes LUTTIG, a Chaise and Harness; also the Slave Cornelia.
The Insolvent Estate of Geo. Erhard SEYFFERT, the Slave Amsterdam, and 16 Oxen.
Johannes Hendrik FICK, a cart, 4 Horses, and Harness.
Daniel Johannes ROSSOUW, Ds. The Slaves Present and Jephta.
On Wednesday the 4th July, at No.22, Boom-street, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Charles Etienne BONIFACE, Household Furniture, Glass and Earthenware, Plate, Culinary Requisites, some Theatrical Dresses, &c. and some Books, the Catalogue to be seen at this Office.
On the same day, by the Agent at Graham’s Town, at 11 o’clock, in front of the Public Offices, on account of the following Persons:
William AUSTEN, 300 Sheep.
William WATHALL, 100 head of Cattle.
On the same day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of the following Persons:
Andries BURGER, Ps. at the Place Houd Constant, over the 24-Rivers, 2 Waggon Horses, a Saddle ditto, 2 Waggons, 4 Oxen, 3 head of Breeding Cattle, and the Slave Laban of Mocambique.
At the Place of C.J. OBERHOLSTER, situated over the 24 Rivers, on account of B. Jacobus LIEBENBERG, Cs. a new Waggon.
On the same day, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Josephus Johannes KEYTER, the Loan Place called Hottentots Bosch, situated at the Platte Kloof, also a Piece of Quitrent Land, situated at the Tradouw.
THE Widow D.G. STEYN having sold her Residence Cloetenburg, situated at Hottentots Holland, intends holding Public Sales at the said Place, on Monday and Tuesday, the 25th and 26th June, of One Half of a Loan Place, situated on Hottentots Holland Mountains; also a number of good and clever Slaves, Farming and Store Implements, Fustage of all sorts, a few Leaguers of Wine, a Corn Sieve in good condition ,Horses, Oxen; Household Furniture, consisting in Tables, Chairs, Wardrobes, and what further may be offered for Sale.
Purchasers to the amount of 1000 Rds. And upwards may hold the money on interest, provided good security be given within six weeks from the day of sale, subject to the approval of the Seller.
J. STEYN, q.q.
Good Refreshments will be given.
NOTICE is hereby given to Relatives and Friends, that our dearly beloved Daughter Sophie, departed this life on the 19 instant, aged 12 years.
Ganzekraal, 20th June, 1827.
Jacob VAN RENEN, Js.
DIED on the 16th instant, aged 14 months, our beloved Son, Gerrit Hendrik, - Notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives,
Paarl, June 17, 1827.
DIED on the 21st instant, aged 71 years, Mrs. Maria Hester VAN KOPPEN, notice of which is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Cape Town, June 21, 1827.
J.C. GIE, Ms.
Arrivals in Table Bay.
June 22, Olive Branch, English Brig, J. ANDERSON, Master, from Simon’s Bay 21st instant, bound to this Port, with Government Stores.
Passenger – Mrs. ANDERSON.
23, Buckbay Packet, Colonial Schooner, C. McKOY, Master, from Port Frances 15th May, Mossel Bay 12 inst. and Breede River 20th instant, to this Port, cargo Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. I. DYASON, J. DYASON, and W.M. BOARDMAN.
27, Jessie, English Bark, T. WINTER, Master, from Portsmouth 18th April, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Mrs. PUGH, Mrs. BATT, Mrs. TAYLOR and Child, Miss SCOTT, Mr. G. THOMPSON, Mr. BOWIE, and Mr. GADNEY.
Sailed out of Table Bay.
June 21, Hon. Company’s Ship Thames, W. HAVISIDE, E SQ. Commander, bound to London.
24, Usk, English Brig, Thomas LONG, Master, bound to Algoa Bay,
- Kowie Packet, Coasting Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, for Port Beaufort.
Arrival at Port Frances.
June 14, Orange Grove, English Schooner, - BURCH, Master, from Table Bay 30th May, to this Port, with Salt.
Passengers – H. and J. NOURSE, Esqrs. M. MURPHY, M. GARRATT, Wife, and two Children.
Arrivals at Port Beaufort.
June 11, Good Intent, English Schooner, E. EVANSEN, Master, from Table Bay 7th instant, to this Port, in ballast.
- City of Bordeaux, English Brig, J. ALEXANDER, Master, from Table Bay 8th instant, to this Port, in ballast.
Sailed from Port Beaufort.
June 20, Good Intent, English Schooner, J. EVANSEN, Master, bound to Simon’s Bay, cargo Grain.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 25th June, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. William PRESTWICH, to Bridget REERDEN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 24th June,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Mr. Wm. FORBES, baptized Ellen.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 24th June, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Serjeant Daniel McGILL, of His Majesty’s Royal Sappers and Miners, baptized Edward Francis.
A Son of Armourer-Serjeant Richard RYLAND, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized George BRITTOMART.
A Daughter of Serjeant Thomas DEANE, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Catherine.
A Daughter of Private Anthony COX, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Susan.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 24th June,
A Son of J.A. SMUTS, Esq. baptized Johannes Adriaan.
A Son of Mr. Andries DE SMIDT, baptized Abraham.
A Son of A.C. CORNELISSEN, baptized Nicolaas David Fredrik.
Two Sons of Geertruyda Johanna OBERMEYER, baptized Coenraad Johannes Petrus and Fredrik Ryk Christiaan.
A Daughter of DH. MELLET, Hs. baptized Catharina Johanna.
A Daughter of C.N. DE KAT, baptized Catharina Jacoba.
A Daughter of the late J.N. BOTES, baptized Susanna Margaretha.
A Daughter of Alida VAN DE KAAP, baptized Sohpia Catharina.
At Hermanus Kraal, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A. Chaplain to the Forces,
June 13, A Son and a Daughter of C. BOYCE, Private in His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Infantry), baptized William and Aletta.
- A Son and a Daughter of S. DRAGOONDER, ditto ditto, baptized Francis and Anne.
- A Son and a Daughter of Corporal LAWRENCE, of the Cape Corps (Infantry), baptized Henry and Mary.
- A Son and a Daughter of C. FARRIE, Private in do. Do. Baptized John and Betsey.
- A Daughter of G. FIX, Private in His Majesty’s Cape Corps (Infantry), baptized Ebba.
- A Son of P. MOGALL, do. do. baptized John.
- A Son of J. HANS, do. do. baptized John.
At Fort Willshire, on the 14th June, by the same,
Two Sons, of Captain H.J. ORMOND, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized John and George.
A Daughter of J. LAW, Private in His Majesty’s 49th Regt. baptized Eliza.
A Daughter of John KAIN, Drummer in H.J. 49th Regt. baptized Ellen.
A Daughter of S. FREEMAN, Private in H.M. 49th Regt. baptized Martha.
At Graham’s Town, on the 17th June, by the same.
A Daughter of G.J. LE ROUX, baptized Anna Hendrina.
June 20, Nicolaas Rudolph OOSTENDORP, aged 28 years and 5 months.
22, a Daughter of L.H. CARSTEN, named Anna Fredrica Jacoba Magdalena, aged 8 months.
23, James GOODWIN, aged 56 years.
21, Mrs. Johanna Alberta DE WIT, aged 63 years and 2 months.
BIRTH. – At Worcester, on the 4th instant, the Lady of Charles TRAPPES, Esq. Landdrost of the District, of a Son.
BIRTH. – On Sunday Morning, the 17th instant, at Graaff-Reinet, the Lady of Egbertus BERGH, Esq. of a still-born Child.
Saasveld, 28th June, 1827.
THE Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Clanwilliam, John VAN RYNEVELD, Esq. duly authorised, will sell by Public Auction, on the 7th July next, at the Place Questberg, situated in the Onder Bokkeveld, and for account of the Estate of the late Helena Johanna LAUBSCHER, and her surviving Husband Johs. MOSTERD, sen.
1st. The Opstal on the Loan Place named Questberg;
2nd. Ditto ditto ditto Vlakvntein;
3rd. Ditto ditto ditto Boschkloof;
also Household Furniture, a Waggon, Wheat and Oats, saddle and breeding Horses, draught Oxen and breeding Cattle, and four capital Slaves.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
June 11, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
TO be Sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Friday the 6th July next, at the House of the Auctioneer, Thomas Read WELCH, No. 61. Loop-street, -
The Effects of the late James GOODWIN,
………………………………. Johanna Alberta DE WIT,
……………………………… Female Slave Samia of the Cape,
…………………………….. Johan George VALENTYN,
consisting in Household Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Beds and Bedsteads,Wearing Apparel, &c.; as also the Slaves Adriaan of this Colony, cooper, and his two Brothers, named George and Charles, also of this Colony.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
June 28, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
NOTICE. – Conformably to the 50th Article of the Instructions of the Undersigned, the known and unknown Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of
Henry BREST,
are hereby summoned to appear at this Office, on Monday the 23d July next, in order to be heard on their behalf with regard to said Estate, when in case of difference, respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately, and de plano; the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estate, laying in the meanwhile open for the inspection of the respective Creditors.
Sequestrator’s Office, June 22, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
The late John LLOYD,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Wednesday the 27th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the instructions on that head.
Sequstrator’s Office, June 21, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
Friday, 29th June, 1827. Vol. XXII. No. 1120.
THE Undersigned, intending to re-occupy his Place at Overberg, will hold a Public Sale on the 16th July next, of his pleasant Residence called “Paardenberg,” well situated for Trade, and Corn and Wine Farming.
Also will be sold, a large Horse-Mill, Store and Farming Implements, &c.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th July next, will be sold by Public Auction, the Estate and Effects of the late Widow H. MATFELD; consisting of two Houses, slaves, Household Furniture,
Plate, &c. &c.
27th June, 1827.
DIED on the 25th instant, my beloved Husband Daniel Jacob DE VILLIERS, P.D.s. aged 39 years, and 2 months, of which afflicting loss I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
TO RELATIONS AND FRIENDS. – Departed this life in Cape Town, on Monday the 25th instant, my beloved Husband, Peter DE ROOCK, late Paymaster’s Clerk of the 1st Battalion 60th Regiment, aged 45 years, 9 months, and 17 days, having left a Widow and three Children in great distress to lament his loss.
No. 7, Boom-street.
DIED on the 2d instant, aged 61 years, 11 months, and 21 days, our beloved Mother, Elsje MEYBURG, Widow of C.J. RADEMAN, - of which Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
Windhoek, District of Worcester,
June 20, 1827.
In the name of the Heirs,
- Hits: 11232