Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1827 - 3 - July to September
FRIDAY, 6TH JULY, 1827. VOL. XX11. NO. 1121.
POST OFFICE, Cape Town, July 6, 1827.
A MAIL is open for Rio de Janeiro, by the Hebe; and a Mail is also making up for Mauritius, by the Mary.
R. CROZIER, Postmaster-General.
THE Undersigned, Agent for the Groote Post Farms, gives Notice that the Sale of these Farms, and the Stock thereon, is postponed until the 1st October next.
Cape Town, 3d July, 1827.
TO BE SOLD, and excellent CURRICLE, with shifting Head and Shafts, to serve as a Stanhope, with double and single Harness; also a capital Hack, quiet in harness, Price 400 Rix-dollars. – Inquire of Mr. MUTER, Saddler, Plein-street.
LIEUTENANT-COLONEL VAUGHAN, being about to leave the Colony, requests all demands against him may be sent to the Counting-house of Messrs. McDONALD & SUTHERLAND, in the course of this day.
Cape Town, 6th July, 1827.
ON behalf of ourselves and the Ladies, Passengers, per the Jessie, from England to this place, we have much pleasure in requesting you to accept our sincere thanks for the unremitting kindness and attention to our comforts, which were evinced by you on all occasions; and shall be much gratified in having an opportunity of recommending any of our Friends, to avail themselves of the excellent and abundant Table and the superior Accommodations of the Jessie.
With every wish for your prosperity, we have the honor to be,
Dear Sir,
Your very obliged and obedient Servants,
James BOWIE.
Francis GADNEY.
To Captain Thomas WINTER, &c. &c.
IF HEINRICH STEPP (who according to the Returns was in the Military Service in the year 1819) be still in this Colony, he is requested to apply to the Undersigned, who has matters of importance to communicate to him. Any person who can give information respecting him, whether he be alive or dead, is earnestly requested to do so.
Cape Town, July 4, 1827.
C. LUDWIG, No. 6, Berg-street.
THE Second Representation of the Amateur Company “Tot Nut en Vermaak” will take place on Saturday the 4th instant.
Tickets may be had of Mr. F.L. GAUM, No. 17, Keerom-street.
July 4, Catharina Hendrina, Dutch Brig, P. ROLFF, Master, bound to Amsterdam.
June 22, Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from the Isle of France 27th May, to this Port and Table Bay, cargo sundries.
Passengers – Mr. HANBURY.
26, Mary, Coasting Brig. S. PHELPS, Master, from the Isle of France 8th June, to this Port and Table Bay, cargo Sundries.
In the Lutheran Church, on Saturday the 30th June,
Dirk Gysbert VERWEY, Ds. to Maria Petronella DUSARD.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 1st July, 1827.
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. William GUNN, baptized John Joshua.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 1st July, 1827.
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M.Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Colour-Sergeant S. BUSBY, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized Mary.
In the Reformed Church, on Friday the 29th June,
A Son of J.A. JOUBERT, Esq. baptized Josua Dirk.
A Son of J.H. HECKROODT, jun. baptized Hendrik Willem.
A Son of Jan RUTGERS, baptized Hendrik.
A Daughter of J.P. HEEGER, baptized Sophia Fransina.
Also the following adult Persons; -
Jan Eduward Hendriks,
Christiaan Johan BRANDMAN,
Elsje Maria Helena JACOBS,
Petronella Johanna JANZEN,
Johanna Maria Rosina GERTZEN,
Sophia Johanna ISAACKSE,
Johanna Elisabeth Louisa JACOBS,
Carolina Christina HENDRIKS,
Philida Dorothea ADRIAANSE,
Louisa Carolina KOK,
Fransina Sophia Elisabeth ARENDSE,
Sara Elisabeth SMITH,
Martha Sophia Elisabeth SAMAAY,
Hendrica Johanna Helena RIET,
Elisabeth BROESENT,
all of the Cape;
Leyza LASALIE of Mauritius, and
Catharina Willemina of Mosambique.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 1st July,
A Son of Mr. J.T.W.G. MARTIN, baptized August Louis Gottlob,
A Son of D.J. KANNEMYER, baptized Michael Hendrik Christian.
At Wynberg, on Thursday the 14th June, by the Reverend William WRIGHT, M.A.
A Daughter of Frederick DUCKITT, Esq. baptized Mary Catherine.
On Sunday the 1st July, by the same,
A Daughter of John JOBSON, baptized Sarah.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. Geo. STURT, A.B.
June 24, A Son of Mr. James GRIGGS, baptized Richard ANDERSON.
July 1, A Daughter of Serjeant WELLS, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Martha.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 3d June, by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B.
A Daughter of John ARLOW, baptized Cornelia Aletta.
On Monday the 25th June,
A Son of Mr. Francis HUGHES, baptized Francis James.
June 25, Pieter Jacob de VILLIERS, aged 38 years and 2 months.
28, Jacobus Arnoldus KIRSTEN, Esq. 64 years, 4 months, and 26 days,
- Roeloff Martinus RENS, aged 54 years and 3 months.
- Hendrik BARENDS, aged 62 years and 7 months.
29, Johannes SCHEPERS, aged 70 years.
30, Johannes Joachim THERON, senior, aged 72 years, 2 months, and 21 days.
July 1, Johannes Jacobus HEEGERS, aged 49 years and 3 months.
2, A Daughter of G.F. FAUSTMAN, named Georgina Fredrica, aged 3 months and 3 days.
At Port Elizabeth.
June 19, Mary, Wife of Thos. COOKE, aged about 45 years.
On Monday the 9th July, on account of the Estate of H. DRAY, Three small Houses, converted into a Blacksmith’s Shop, situated in Grave-street.
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 9th, 10th, and 11th July, at Blaauwbloemetjes Kloof, Koeberg, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Estate of Hend. Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, Js. placed under Sequestration, the corn Farm called “Blaauwbloemetjes Kloof,” with the Perpetual Quitrent Land adjacent; the Loan Place called “Spengelaars Drift,” also a Corn Place, held in Perpetual Quitrent; the Freehold Place called “Hoornbosch,” Paardeberg, being a Corn and Wine Farm, with the Land held in Perpetual Quitrent; the Loan Place called “Kruipin,” situated behind the Witsenberg; Household Furniture of various descriptions, a Smith’s Shop complete; Kitchen and Farming Implements, Waggons, Carts, a Chaise, Horses, Mares, draught Oxen, breeding Cattle, Sheep and Pigs; also the following Slaves, consisting in Coachmen, Labourers, Herdsmen, &c. (1) Jacob, (2) Jacob, Christiaan, Philander, Cleophas, (1) Toon, Arian, Carolus, Castie, (1) Ezau, (1) Louis, Absalon, Lakey, Eenzaam, (1) November, Castor, Pedro, Dimas, Vigeland, Fluks (deserted), Francis, (1) February, (1) Lea, Dina, Janetje, James, Kaatje, Diana, (2) Lea, Silvia, Saartje, (1) Piet, Lucrees, Maart, Doortje, Theresie, Goliath, Rozelyn, Louis, August, Naude (deserted), (2) Piet, Cupido, Willem (deserted), (2) Adam, Sanna, (3) Adam, (2) February, November, Susanna, Carmonie, Moos, Jonas, and Pamela with her child Gideon.
N.B. Purchasers (if required) will be obliged to give immediate security for whatever they may purchase, to the satisfaction of the Agent and Auctioneer.
At the same time and place, on account of the Estate of Johannes Nicolaas VAN NIEKERK, Js. a Piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land, called Ongegund, situated near the Paardenberg, adjacent to the Place Hazenkraal; also the Slave Pasens.
At the same time and place, on account of the Estate of Thomas HEATLIE, (placed under Sequestration,) a Horse Waggon.
On Tuesday the 10th July, by the Agent at Worcester, at the Schurfteberg, on account of Johannes BISSINGER, a Cart, 2 Saddle Horses, and a Saddle and Bridle.
On Tuesday the 10th July, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:
Jan Hendrik SOESTMAN, the Slave Rachel of Mozambique, housemaid, with her child Louis.
The Estate of the late Albert Soete CORNELIS, surrendered by the Orphan Chamber, a Time-piece, a Picture, a Writing Desk, a Table, and some Wearing Apparel.
Herms. BYLEVELD, 5 Brandy Stills, and a quantity of Merchandize.
On Thursday the 12th instant, by the Agent at Swellendam, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Josephus J. Johs. KEYTER, the Loan Place called Hottentots Bosch, situated at the Platte Kloof; also a Piece of Quitrent Land, situated in the Tradouw.
On Saturday the 14th July, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, on account of the following Persons:-
Jacobus Petrus KRIEL, the Slaves Job and Benjamin.
Gideon Mauritz DE VILLIERS, the Slaves August, Fluks, and George.
Willem Hermanus LATEGAAN, an open Bullock Waggon.
Jacs. Johs. LUTTIG, the Slaves Doortje, Alie, Jephta, Coba, (2) Jacob.
On Saturday the 14th instant, by the Agent at Somerset, on account of Edward GUEST, a House and Erf, No. 56, situated in the said Village.
On Saturday the 14th instant, on account of John MURRAY, a house and Premises, No. 45. Strand-street.
On Monday the 16th July, on account of David ODDY, the Place called Rust en Werk, situated near Wynberg.
On the same Day, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of the Estate of Thos. HEATLIE, (placed under Sequestration,) Household Furniture, Glass and Earthenware, Culinary and Agricultural Implements; Oxen, Horses, and Breeding Cattle, Waggons, and Harness; also, the Slave Tiema of the Cape.
On Tuesday the 17th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:
The Estate of AKEN & MONTEATH, 2 Iron Chests, a Ruler, and an Inkstand.
Petrus Wilhs. VAN DRUTEN, the Slaves Mattheus Malabar, coachman, Azor of Mosambique, labourer, and Amelia of the Cape, housemaid.
Dirk SLABBERT, the Slaves Moele, of Batavia, carpenter and mason, and Christiaan of Madagascar, coachman and herdsman.
Albert Willem VAN NIEKERK, the Slaves Jack, (1) Jan, David and Vytje, all of this Colony.
Herms. A. BYLEVELD, 2 Casks Vinegar, 2 half Leaguers, a Triangle, with Scales and Weights; also, a quantity of Merchandize.
The Insolvent Estate of Chas. Etienne BONIFACE, 3 Silver Table Spoons, 4 Tea ditto, and a collection of Books. The Catalogue to be seen at this Office.
On the same Day, at One o’Clock, in front of the Theatre, Boerenplein, on account of the Insolvent Estate of the aforesaid C.E. BONIFACE, some Theatrical Dresses and Scenery.
On Wednesday the 18th of July, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of the Estate of Johannes Daniel HUGO, (placed under Sequestration,) a House and three Erven, situated in Bloem-street; also Household Furniture of various descriptions, Culinary Utensils, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Oxen, Cows, and Pigs; also the Slave Lucrees, with her Children Lea, Dina, Mey, Martha, and Jonas, of this Colony, and Constant of Malabar.
On Saturday the 28th instant, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of Carel David GERATS, a Table, 4 Chairs, a Corner Cupboard, a Coffee Mill, a Tea Pot, a Coffee ditto, and some Fustage.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 5, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – Conformably to the 50th Article of the Instructions for the Sequestrator, the respective Creditors in the Insolvent Estates of
Thomas JONES,
George HUDD, and
Jan Coenraad BEHR,
are hereby summoned to appear at the Office of the Undersigned, on Monday the 30th July next, in order to be heard with regard to their Claims on said Estates, when, in case of any difference respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately, and de plano;- the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estates will in the meantime lay open for the inspection of those concerned.
Sequestrator’s Office, June 27, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – Conformable the the 50th Article of the Instructions of the Undersigned, the known and unknown Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of
Klaas JONAS,
are hereby summoned to appear at this Office on Monday the 30th July next, in order to be heard on their behalf with regard to said Estate, when in case of difference, respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately, and de plano;- the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estates will in the meantime lay open for the inspection of the respective Creditors.
Sequestrator’s Office, June 28, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
The Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Maria Margaretha HILLIGERS, Widow of the late Johan Adolph WAGENER, will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned during the ensuing fourteen days, from Wednesday the 11th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions on that head.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 5, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
J.G. DELPORT offers for Sale his FARM, which is one of the best in the District, planted with 10,000 Vines and all sorts of young Fruit Trees, with good Arable Land and abundance of Water. – This Farm will be put up on the 12th July, with or without Fustage. The Terms will be made very favourable. It may probably be to Let.
Moddergat, June 30, 1827.
ON Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th July next, will be sold by Public Auction, the Estate and Effects of the late Widow H. MATFIELD; consisting of two Houses, Slaves, Household Furniture, Plate, &c. &c.
27th June, 1827.
THE Undersigned offers for Sale his Freehold Farm called ‘Wel van Pas,” which yields 35 Leaguers of very good Wine; or so much of the said Farm as will yield 20 Leaguers of Wine, and 3 Leaguers of Pontac. Also for Sale, part of the Corn Farm called “Olyveboom,” situated at Berg Rivier, and sown with 23 muids of Grain, 3 of which are Barley. These Farms may be viewed on application to the Proprietor.
Waggonmakers’ Valley, 3d July, 1827.
DIED at Stutgard, in Wurtenberg, on 4th October, 1826, my beloved Daughter, Susanna Frederica VON HUGEL, Wife of Capt. John SHAW, aged 28 years, of which Notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
DIED at Graham’s Town on the 21st June, our beloved Son, Johannes LOUW, Rs. Aged 25 years, and 5 months, of which we give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Paarl, July 4, 1827.
Publieke Verkooping, op Dingsdag den 10 July, van des Ondergeteekendens Huis en Erf, met een Tuintje, gelegen tusschen de Keerom – en Tuin-straaten, - hetweld reeds sedert een tyd verhuurd is voor Rds. 85 per Maand.
FRIDAY, 13TH JULY, 1827. VOL.XXII. NO. 1122.
HIS Honor the Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. J.G. GOODWIN to be Notary Public in the Residency of Simon’s Town, in the room of Mr. C.M. LIND, who has removed to Cape Town.
Cape of Good Hope, 11th July, 1827.
By Command of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor,
(signed) R. PLASKET,
Secretary to Government.
HIS Honor the Lieutenant-Governer has been pleased to appoint Mr. T.B. WOOLLS, to be Assistant Registrar and Guardian of Slaves in the Residency of Simon’s Town, vice Mr. C.M. LIND, resigned.
Cape of Good Hope, 11th July, 1827.
By Command of His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor.
July 12, Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from Algoa Bay 30th June, to this Port, with sundries.
July 9, Wilna, English Brig, Wm. TAIT, Master, bound to London.
June 27, Usk, Coasting Brig, Thos. LONG, Master, from Table Bay 24th June, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. KEMP and Family, Mr. RUSH and Family, Mr. WIENAND and Son, Lieutenant ROGERS, Mr. DOYLE and Family, and six Servants.
- Orange Grove, English Schooner, -. BURCH, Master, from the Kowie River 20th June, bound to this Port, cargo Sundries.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 8th July, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of John Peter BOILEAU, Esq. Major Hon. East India Company’s Service, baptized John Peter.
A Daughter of William CUNNINGHAM, Esq. Captain Hon. East India Company’s Service, baptized Jane Smith.
An Adult (Free Native), baptized Christina Catharina DEAB.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 8th July,
A Daughter of Mr. G.J.H. CROESER, baptized Charlotta Hendrica.
A Daughter of J. STAAK, baptized Catharina Elisabeth.
A Daughter of F.H. BOLTMAN, baptized Louisa Elisabeth Maria.
July 5, Mr. Matthias MATTHIESSEN, aged 51 years, 3 months, and 20 days.
- A Son of Niels BECK, named Ole, aged 8 months.
8, Adriaan Vincent BERGH, Esq. aged 62 years, 3 months, and 20 days.
- Mrs. Leonora LORET, Widow of the late J.G. VAN HELSDINGEN, Esq. aged 73 years, 7 months, and 19 days.
- Mr. Bart STEENHUIZEN, of the Dutch Brig Catharina Hendrina, aged 26 years.
9, A Daughter of C.F. LECLUS, named Catharina Elisabeth, aged 6 years, 9 months, and 2 days.
On Monday the 16th July, on account of David ODDY, the Place called Rust en Werk, situated near Wynberg. To be put up in four separate Lots, and afterwards together.
On Tuesday the 24th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:-
Fred. W. KELLERMAN, the Slave Victorie of Mauritius, Clarinda of Batavia, Juny and Arendina of the Cape.
Chr. M. STOFFBERG, a covered Horse Waggon, a ditto Bullock Waggon, and two open ditto.
Carel Chr. SCHULTZ, the Slave Diana of the Cape, with her Child Massien.
On the same Day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 9 o’ Clock, on account of Ands. Adr. DU TOIT, Ps. the Slave Jephta.
On Saturday the 28th instant, by the Agent at Graaff-Reinet, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Jan Fred. DREYER, several Claims due to the said Estate, amounting to Rds. 1135.0.3 a List of which may be seen at this Office, and at that of the Agent at Graaff-Reinet.
Likewise, on account of Carel David GERATS, a Table, 4 Chairs, a Corner Cupboard, a Coffee Mill, a Tea Pot, a Coffee ditto, and some Fustage.
On Monday the 30th instant, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of A.P. MINNAAR, a Bullock Waggon, a Cart, 12 Oxen, and 4 Horses; also, the Slave Felix of the Cape. The sale to be held at the Place Kleine Bergrivier, situated before the Nieuwe Kloof of Tulbagh.
On the same Day, by the Agent at Clanwilliam, (at the Place Watervalsrivier) on account of Dirk G. LOUW, J.Gs. a Bullock Waggon complete, a covered Cart and Harness, 12 Draught Oxen, 15 Breeding Cattle, a Stallion, 17 Horses, and 2 Guns.
On the same Day, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Frans C. GRONDELER, a House and Premises, situated No. 83, Long-street; also, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Glass and Earthenware, Plate, Culinary Requisites, a Sedan Chair, a Gold Watch, a ditto Breast Pin, &c. Likewise, the Slave Sophia of Malabar, housemaid, and his Half Share in the Slave Theresia of this Colony, housemaid, with her Children Sara and Abraham.
On Wednesday the 1st August, on account of Chr. M. STOFFBERG, the Farm called Olifantskop, (Blaauwberg.)
Sequestrator’s Office, July 12, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE.- All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
The late Albert Soete CORNELIS (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 6th instant;
Herms. A. BYLEVELD, (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within six weeks from the date of this Advertisement:
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Tuesday next, the 17th instant, between
the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
Frans C. GRONDELER, (given over as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above above.
The Creditors in that Estate to meet at this Office on Wednesday next, the 18th instant,
between the hours of Eleven and Twelve;
Gideon Mauritz DE VILLIERS, (placed under Sequestration) to this Office, or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within the term of six weeks from the date above;
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 12, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
FRIDAY, 27TH JULY, 1827. No. 1124.
July 24, Kowie Packet, Colonial Schooner, J. PAGAN, Master, from Port Beaufort 15th July, with Grain.
- Success, English Schooner, Geo. SMITH, Master, from St. Helena 29th June, in ballast.
Passengers – Mrs. O’CONNOR, and two Chinese, Sam and John.
July 22, George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W. McLEOD, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
July 15, Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from Algoa Bay 11th instant, to this Port, in ballast.
On Tuesday the 24th instant, at Government House, by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain, Dudly MONTAGU, 4th Son of the late Right Honorable Spencer Perceval, to Mary Jane, eldest Daughter of His Honor Major-General Richard BOURKE, C.B. Lieutenant-Governor, &c. &c.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 23d July, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
Mr. John RAYNER, to Rosina Magdalena WITHOFF.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 22nd July,
Gerhardus Johannes JACOBSZ, to Helena Catharina ROEDELOFF.
Robert WILSON, to Agatha Margaretha Chrstina VAN HEMERT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 22d July, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Joseph HODGSON, Esq. baptized Francis Drew.
A Daughter of Mr. James ANDERSON, baptized Eliza.
A Daughter of Mr. Francis STANLEY, baptized Sarah Frances Martha.
A Son of Serjeant Thomas McLEOD, of his Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized William.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 22d July,
A Son of Mr. D.F. ROUZ, baptized Johan Fredrik.
A Son of Mr. J.H. DE WAAL, baptized Johannes Hendrik Christiaan VISSER.
A Daughter of Mr. Daniel J. THEUNISSEN, baptized Sara Catharina.
July 19, Johan Adolph HERHOLDT, aged 19 years and 18 days.
20, An Infant Daughter of David ESTON.
Sarah GALLAGHER, Wife of John GALLAGHER, aged 42 years and 8 months.
ALL Persons having any Claims against the following Estates administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz :
Of Jacobus ERASMUS, As. and his deceased Wife Anna Catharina WILLERS,
Of the late Magdalena BEUKMAN, Widow of Gm. WOLFAART.
.......... Johan Hendrik Christoffel OOSTHUYZEN, Ms. And surviving Widow Dina Carolina
Of Johannes MOSTERD, senior, and deceased Wife Helena Johanna LAUBSCHER,
Of Louis Christiaan KARSTEN, and deceased Wife Sara Johanna GOBRECHTS,
Of Johannes Petrus JACOBSZE, and deceased Wife Magteld Catharina NEETHLING,
Of Nicolaas GROBBELAAR, and deceased Wife Anna Cath. BOTHA,
Of the late Joseph Jacobus MATTHYSSEN, and surviving Widow Johanna Maria Magd. BESUIDENHOUT,
………. Johanna Alberta DE WIT,
………. Johanna Catharina LUYTEN,
………. Johan George VALENTYN,
………. James GOODWIN,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right; and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates are desired to discharge their respective Debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution at Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
July 17, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
DIED at this place, on the 18th July last, my beloved Husband, Jacob CATS, aged 33 years, 8 months, and 17 days, of which afflicting loss I hereby give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Stellenbosch, July 21, 1827.
Widow A.J. CATS,
HIS Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, L.L.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas G.H. MAASDORP, Executor of the late Wilhelmina Adriana PLANKEN, Widow of the late Hendrik MATFELD, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That he, in his aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent his bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration [………]
Thus done and granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 12th of July, 1827, and published and affixed on the same day.
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
DIED on the 19th instant, our respected Cousin, Johan Adolf HERHOLDT, aged 19 years, of which notice is hereby given to Friends and Relatives.
FRIDAY, 3d AUGUST, 1827. VOL.XXII. No. 1125.
STRAYED, on the 22d of July last, a grey Mare.- Whoever brings her to, or gives information where she can be found, at the Landdrost’s Office, or to any of the Field-Cornets in the Cape District, or to Richard LAMBERT, Gunmaker, near Wynberg, will be well rewarded.
ABSCONDED since the 24th July last, the Slave named “Christian,” belonging to the Undersigned; whoever lodges him in prison, or can give such information as may lead to his discovery, will receive a Reward of Ten Rix-dollars.
August 2, Dove, English Cutter, J.CHURCH, Master, from Mauritius 30th June, with Rice, Sugar, &c.
Passenger – Mr. STRINGER.
- Usk, Colonial Brig, T. LONG, Master, from Algoa Bay 19th July, with Colonial Produce.
Passenger – Captain BIRD.
August 1, Leda, English Bark, J. NORTHWOOD, Master, bound to New South Wales.
Passenger – J. ROBERTS.
July 24, Hippomenes, English Ship, R.C. ROSS, Master, for Portsmouth.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 29th July,
Jan Roeland FRYLINCK, to Sara Barendina BARENDS.
Fredrik Willem BEES, to Martha Johanna BO[..]EL.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
July 5, James WRIGHT, to Mary WICKS.
In the Reformed church, on Sunday 29th July,
A Son of Mr. James BASDEN, baptized John William Fredrik.
A Daughter of Jr. Johs. VAN DEN BERG, baptized Anna Catharina.
A Daughter of Mr. L.J.P. CAUVIN, baptized Josephina Susanna.
A Daughter of Mr. J.G. WAGNER, baptized Anna Johanna.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 29th July,
A Son of Mr. S.P. WOLHUTER, baptized Simon Petrus.
A Daughter of Mr. J.F. KIRSTEN, baptized Christina Elisabeth Maria.
At Wynberg, on Sunday the 15th July, by the Reverend
William WRIGH, M.A.
a Daughter of E. DELOAME, baptized Johanna Christina.
On Sunday the 22d July,
A Daughter of Charles TAYLOR, baptized Mary Ann.
At Graham’s Town, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A.
May 25, A Daughter of Alexander DAY, Gunner of His Majesty’s Royal Artillery, baptized Mary.
July 15, A Son of John FINWICK, baptized Alexander.
22, A Son of David ANDERSON, Gunner of His Majesty’s Royal Artillery, baptized Samuel.
- A Daughter of J. LAPORT, baptized Sophia Aletta.
- A Daughter of H.B. WIENAND, Esq. baptized Catharina Elizabeth.
July 26, Anna Ernstina DE KAT, Wife of Johannes Carolus MOSES, aged 38 years, 1 month, and 6 days.
At Graham’s Town.
July 10, Robert PIRIE, aged 43 years.
19, John WALKER, aged 3 years.
BIRTH – At half-past 5 o’clock in the morning of the 26th ult. the Lady of Mr. P.J. POGGENPOEL, of Worcester, was safely delivered of a Son, at her Father’s, G.A. WATERMEYER, Esq. Buitengracht, Cape Town. Both Mother and Child are doing well. – This Notice is given to acquaint Friends and Relatives.
1st August, 1827.
TENDERS will be received until 12 o’ Clock on Monday, the 6th August, for the Erection of a SCOTTISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in this Metropolis, agreeably to a Plan and Specification to be seen at my Office, 16, Strand-street.
Secretary to the Committee
Cape Town, July 26, 1827.
THE Brig Usk, (a regular Trader,) will be ready to receive Cargo on Monday next. For Freight or Passage, apply to James SMITH, 29, CASTLE-street, or to Joseph DIXIE,
Ship and Insurance Broker.
NOTICE. – Persons having Claims against the Estate of the late Mr. William HARRIS, are requested to transmit the same to the Undersigned, No. 3, New-street, without delay.
1st August, 1827.
FOR SALE, a very fine Cart on Springs, with Harness, complete; also, a strong and quiet Horse – the property of Mrs. Major MENZIES. Apply to W.F. BERGH, Buitenkant.
ALL Persons in the District of Swellendam indebted to the Estate of Mr. J. BARRY are hereby warned to discharge their Debts at the Stores at Port Beaufort, before the 31st instant, after which period all unliquidated Claims will be handed over for prosecution without distinction.
Cape Town, 1st August, 1827.
C.S. PILLANS. Trustees.
RAN away on the 10th July last, a Bosjesman named ”Geswind,” 10 years old, has a mark above his left eye, and was dressed in a pair of leather trowsers, and jacket. Whoever lodges him in prison, or returns him to his Master, will be rewarded, and those who may harbour him will be prosecuted.
Kuils Rivier, Aug. 2, 1827.
On Friday the 31st instant, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of the Estate of John Anthony CHABAUD, (placed under Sequestration), a Plot of Ground, situated at Port Elizabeth, near Baken Rivier, a ditto opposite to the above; also, Household Furniture, Plate, Plated Ware, Cattle, some Books, and what may be further exposed for sale.
On Friday the 7th September, by the aforesaid Agent, on account of the Estate of Edward MARTIN, the Opstal of the Loan Place called Misgund, situated on the Kabeljaauws Rivier; also, Household Furniture, and the female Slave Flora.
Sequestrators Office, Aug. 2, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Esaias MEYER, Gs. (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at George, within the term of eight weeks from the 20th ult.;
Albert LAUBSCHER, As. (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within six weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
John Ant. CHABAUD (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Uitenhage, within the term of eight weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
M. HARRISON (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
Edw. MARTIN (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Uitenhage, within the term of eight weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
On forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequstrator’s Office, August 2, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of James LOUDON,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Thursday the 2d August next for the inspection of those concerned, agreeably to the Instruction on that head.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 26, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – Conformably to the 50th Article of the Instructions of the Undersigned, the known and unkown Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of
Pierre Paul PROS.
are hereby summoned to appear at this Office, on Monday the 27th August next, in order to be heard on their behalf with regard to said Estate, when in case of difference, respecting the Preference and Concurrence, the same shall be decided immediately and de plano; the Documents relating to the aforesaid Estate, laying in the meanwhile open for the inspection of the respective Creditors.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 26, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – The Creditors in the Estate of Gideon Mauritz DE VILLIERS, are, at his request, desired to meet at this Office on Monday Morning, the 6th August next, between the hours of Eleven and Twelve, in order to hear and decide upon the Proposals which will be made by him. Those not attending will be considered to have voted with the majority.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 26, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – is hereby given, that, as the proposals suggested by Mr. D. HAMMAN, and consented to by those of his Creditors who attended the Meeting of the 21st ultimo, have, since the Advertisement of the 28th following, owing to the dissenting of some Creditors, who have subsequently addressed themselves, fallen under the term of the 2d Paragraph of the 33d Article of the Undersigned’s Instructions, conformable to which these Proposals are annulled, said Estate will henceforth be administered by this Department in the customary manner.
Sequestrator’s Office, July 27, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Daniel SHEE,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Saturday the 4th inst. for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, August 1, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Johan Philip REINHARDT,
Will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Wednesday
the 8th inst. for the inspection of those concerned, agreeably to the Instructions on that head. Sequestrator’s Office, August 2, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE. – The Sale of the Effects of Gideon Maur. DE VILLIERS, advertised for the 15th instant, has been postponed in consequence of the intended Meeting of his Creditors announced to take place on Monday next.
Sequestrator’s Office, August 2, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
The Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of J. W. HORAK, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear, on Wednesday, the 8th August, 1827, at 10 o’clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of the said Estate, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
HIS Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas ACHMET OF BENGAL, and DAMON OF THE CAPE, Testamentary Executors of the late SAMUEL OF THE CAPE, have addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That they, in their aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent their bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration [………]
Thus done and granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 26th of July, 1827, and published and affixed on the same day.
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
TO be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Wednesday the 15th August next, at the Place Wolvedans, situated in Zwartland, the Property of Gert VISSER, (for account of the Estate of the late Hend. Jacobus VISSER, and surviving Widow Anna BASSON) Household Furniture, Farming Implements, saddle, draught, and breeding Horses, draught and breeding Cattle, a quantity of Wheat, Barley, and Oats, some capital Slaves, as also the Crop now standing.
N.B. – On the same day will likewise be sold, the above Place, at the usual terms, being the property of the Deceased’s Father, G. VISSER.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
17th July, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
THE Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters, in the District of Albany, D.J. CLOETE, Esq. (duly authorised,) will dispose of by Public Auction, on Saturday the 25th inst. at Port Frances, on account of the intestate Estate of John FREELAND, a House and Erf (No.51), situated at Port Frances, a few Books, a Silver Watch, and a few articles of Household Furniture and Wearing Apparel.
Also, on the same day, at Port Frances, on account of the intestate Estate of John HARRISON, a Horse, Saddle, and Bridle, a Silver Watch, and a few articles of Cooking Utensils and Wearing Apparel.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
August 1, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
TO be sold by Public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Saturday the 4th instant, for account of the Estate of the late Johs. Henricus VOGET, a piece of Land, with the Buildings thereon, situated at the Diepe Rivier, near the Yzere Plaat.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope,
August 1, 1827.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Sec.
FRIDAY, 10TH August, 1827. VOL. XXII. No. 1126.
August 4, Earl of Egremont, English Brig, R. JOHNSON, Master, bound to the Mauritius.
6, Jessie, English Bark, Thos. WINTER, Master, bound to London.
- Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, bound to Algoa Bay.
August 7, Alacrity, English Bark, J. FINDLAY, Master, from England 4th May, and Rio de Janeiro 5th July, bound to New South Wales, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mrs. FINDLAY, the Reverend Mr. and Mrs. SCHEFFELD, Mr. and Mrs. FOSS, Mrs. BLUNDEL, four Children, and one Servant.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 5th August,
Johan Christiaan ZIEDEL, to Elsje Petronella WIPPENAAR.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 5th August, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Serjeant Timothy SHORT, of H.M. 55th Regt. baptized Matilda.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 5th August,
A Son of Mr. P. ROUX, Ps. baptized Ryno Johannes.
A Son of Mr. N.J. LEY, baptized Pieter Hendrik.
A Son of Mr. A.H. LOUW, Hs. baptized Jan Andreas DE WET.
A Son of Edward HOGG, baptized William.
A Daughter of James Onslow WILLIAMS, baptized Jemima Onslowina Susanna.
A Daughter of W.M. TICHY, baptized Janetta Willemina Elisabeth.
A Daughter of J.E. HANSSEN, baptized Alida Carolina Christina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 5th August,
A Son of F.G. SPOLANDER, baptized Andreas Adriaan Gerhard.
A Son of Carl C. SCHOLTZ, baptized Johann Marthinus Sebastian.
A Son of J.G.F. RICHTER, baptized Johan Heinrich.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Reverend F. McCLELAND, A.B.
July 3, A Son of J. Barend WOLMARANS, baptized Louis Stephanus Jacobus.
15, A Son of Stephen SMITH, baptized Stephen.
29, A Daughter of D.G. HARTMAN, baptized Geertruyda Christina Johanna.
August 2, A Son of Mr. J.T.W.G. MARTIN, named August Louis Gottlob, aged 7 months and 7 days.
- Mr. William JONES, aged 52 years.
4, A Son of Mr. Thomas KING, named John Joseph, aged 19 months and 3 days.
LIST continued, of Persons who have reported themselves at the Police Office, as Holders of Eating Houses, agreeably to the 12th Article of the Proclamation of the 15th November, 1823, viz.
7. J. PETRIE, No.1, Klipvisch-lane, Ward 14.
8. C. ROODE, Letter A. 7, Mostert-street, 31.
9. J. PETZ, 3, Long-street, 25.
10. H.C. BAKS, 3, Keerom-street, 22.
11. C.COLLIN, 0, Shortmarket-street, 19.
12. H.F. MULDER, 4, Koffy-lane, 35.
Police Office, Cape Town, August 9, 1827.
Superintendant of Police.
THE Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of Eman. Vid. GABRIELS, are required in the name of the Worshipful, the Court of Justice, to appear, on Wednesday, the 15th August, 1827, at 10 o’clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of the said Estate, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 9th August, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
NOTICE. – All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Albert LAUBSCHER, As. (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Stellenbosch, within six weeks from the 2d instant;
John Ant. CHABAUD (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Uitenhage, within the term of eight weeks from the 2d instant;
M. HARRISON (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the 2d instant;
Edw. MARTIN (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at Uitenhage, within the term of eight weeks from the 2d instant;
Dirk VAN RENEN, Js. (given over as Insolvent) to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
Fredrik Agidius PETERSEN (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, or to the Agent at George, within the term of eight weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
On forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequstrator’s Office, August 9, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
FRIDAY, 24TH AUGUST, 1827. VOL. XXII. No. 1128.
August 17, Clyde, English Ship, D.N. MUNRO, Master, from Portsmouth 10th June, bound to Madras and Calcutta; put in for water and refreshments.
Passengers – Mrs. WATSON and two Daughters, Captain and Mrs. BACKHOUSE, and Child, Lieutenant and Mrs. ROWLANDSON, Mrs. PHELPS, Misses PARSONS and DALY, Captains O’KEEFE and Isaac; Messrs. TURNER, MARTIN, CRAWFORD, MEARS, and FREESE, (Cadets)’ Mr. GRAHAM, Assistant surgeon: Rev. Mr. CROPPER, and Rev. Mr. SHAFTER.
August 19, Clyde, English Ship, D.N. MUNRO, Master, bound to Madras and Calcutta.
August 18, Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, bound to Table Bay.
21, His Majesty’s Ship Sparrowhawk, J. POLKINGHORNE, Esq. commander, bound to the Mauritius.
- Alacrity, English Bark, J. FINDLAY, Master, bound to New South Wales.
- Prudent, English Whaler, J. GULLEVER, Master, bound to London.
August 10, Harriet, colonial Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, from Table Bay 8th instant, for this Port, cargo Sundries.
Passengers – Mr. and Mrs. KEYZER, Mr. and Mrs. STUCKERIS, Mr. BUCHENRODE, and six Caffres.
August 17, George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W.McLEOD, Master, bound to Table Bay.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 20th August, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial chaplain,
Mr. Walter Mills BARBER, to Miss Mary DIXON.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 19th August, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
William DURGAN, Musician of His Majesty’s 55th Regt. to Eliza GRANT, from Trincomalee, in the Island of Ceylon.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 19th August,
Franciscus Petrus DERT, to Clarentina Hendrina BLESSER.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 19th August, 1827,
By the Reverend Geo, HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. N.W. MEYER, baptized Oloff Christian.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 19th August, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Colour-Serjeant Richard RUSSELL, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Charlotte.
A Daughter of Private Wm. SHAW, of His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, baptized Anne.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 19th August,
A Son of Mr. A.J. BESTER, As. baptized Andreas Jacobus.
A Son of Mr. D.H. KELLERMAN, baptized George Pieter.
A Daughter of Mr. R.C. LOGIE, baptized Agnes Christina.
In the Lutheran Church, on Wednesday the 22d August,
Three Daughters of J.F. CAVERNEELS, baptized Sara Wilhelmina Petronella, Francina Cornelia, and Maria Geertruyda Jacoba.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Reverend F. McCLELAND, A.B.
August 12, A Son of Mr. J.A. CHABAUD, baptized Eugene Gordon.
August 15, Jan PHOLIS, aged 77 years and 18 days.
- Petronella Fredrica PAULSEN, Wife of J.A. MULLER, aged 48 years, 8 months, and 15 days.
16, Wilhelmina Dorothea SCHRECHARD, Wife of J.S. KETS, aged 26 years, 2 months, and 28 days.
17, Mr. Augustus Tiberius NESER, aged 60 years, 9 months, and 8 days.
At Port Elizabeth.
August 7, Johanna Hendrica Elizabeth WESTON, aged 35 years.
13, Mr. Wm, REED, senior, aged 52 years and 8 weeks.
BAPTIZED at Steenberg, on Wednesday, 14th instant, Maria Elizabeth, Infant Daughter of Mr. H. VAN DER POLL: also, Anna Maria, Infant Daughter of Mr. P.C. HOFFMAN, -
Wesleyan Minister.
TO-MORROW, the 25th instant, on account of the Estate of Roeland WITSEN, a Piece of Land, with the Buildings thereon, situated in St. John’s-street.
On Monday the 27th instant, on account of the Estate of John TILLEY, (placed under Sequestration), five Plots of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated near the Castle.
On Tuesday the 28th instant, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:-
James COUSIN, a Scotch Cart complete.
The Estate of Jabez HART (placed under Sequestration), some Jewellery, Cutlery, Tortoiseshell Combs, &c. &c.
On Wednesday the 29th instant, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of Arend WAHL, the Slaves Cupido, Lysa, November, and Rosa.
On Thursday the 30th instant, on account of the Estate of Hermanus A. BYLEVELD, (placed under Sequestration) at No. 41, Strand-street, Household Furniture, comprising Tables, Chairs, a Wardrobe silver mounted, an Escritoir do. Bedsteads and Bedding, Looking Glasses, a Piano Forte, a Remnant of Merchandize, and a quantity of Salt.
On the same day, at 12 o’clock, on account of the Estate of said BYLEVELD, a Piece of Ground, with the Buildings thereon, situated at Green-point, (formerly the Whale Fishery belonging to John MURRAY, Js.); some Household Furniture, 2 Boats, a Windlass, some Fustage, &c. &c.
On the same day, at the Paarl, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of Isaac Pieter SCHABORT, Household Furniture, Fustage, and a Saddle Horse, with Saddle and Bridle.
On Friday the 31st instant, by the Agent at Uitenhage…..[the end of this paragraph has not been included in the image]
ON the 12th instant, at Stellenbosch, my beloved Husband Johannes Wilhelmus HAUPTFLEISCH departed this life, at three quarters past 7 in the evening, aged 49 years, 2 months, and 8 days, of which afflicting loss I give notice to Friends and Relatives.
Stellenbosch, Aug. 14, 1827.
FRIDAY, 31ST AUGUST, 1827. VOL. XXII. No. 1129.
August 26, George the Fourth, Coasting Cutter, W. McLEOD, Master, from Algoa Bay 7th instant, with Colonial Produce.
Passengers – Messrs. HEUGH and VAN REENEN, and a Servant.
27, Kate, Colonial Brig, R. SIMPSON, Master, bound to Algoa Bay and New South Wales.
28th, Dove, English Cutter, J. DUNN, Master, bound to London.
August 26, Security, English Bark, A. ROSS, Master, from London 22d May, Torbay 3d June, and St. Jago 3d July, bound to this Port, Mauritius, and Madras, with Troops and Sundries.
Passengers – Lieutenant-Colonel MILL, His Majesty’s 55th Regt. Ensigns POE, WAKE, and CHAPRONIER, R. COOPER, Esq. Deputy Storekeeper, Staff Assist. Surgeons HOLDER, GOLLER, and FOX, 20 Rank and File, His Majesty’s 55th Regiment, 1 do. do., Royal Artillery, 12 Sappers and Miners, 1 woman, and 2 Children, for the Cape; Lieutenant and Mrs. FRENCH, Royal artillery, and 18 Rank and File, for the Isle of France; Dr. WILKINSON, for Madras.
26, Champion, English Bark, H. LOCK, Master, from London 3d June, and Palma 1st July, bound to New South Wales, with 127 Male Convicts.
Passengers – Ensign REID, His Majesty’s 39th Regiment, 30 Men, 3 Women, and 6 Children.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday the 27th August, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
James Baxter BRADSHAW, to Elizabeth COLE.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 26th August, 1827,
By the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Son of Mr. John HERBERT, baptized Joseph Benjamin.
A Son of Mr. D.S. SAPSFORD, baptized James Gabriel.
A Daughter of Mr. G. HUDD, baptized Johanna Dorothea.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Sunday the 26th August, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Son of Colour-Serjeant Wm. PRESTON, of His Majesty’s 98th Regiment, baptized William.
A Daughter of Corporal Robert CLARE, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Mary Anne.
A Son of Gunner Francis ARMSTRONG, of His Majesty’s Royal Artillery, baptized William.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 26th August,
Two Sons and a Daughter of FP. DERT, baptized Franciscus Petrus, Petrus Johannes, and Johanna Maria.
Two Sons and two Daughters of Louisa Carolina KOK, baptized Johannes Petrus, Hendrik Theodorus, Catharina Fransina, and Emilia Margaretha.
A Daughter of H.F. DYKMAN, baptized Elsabé Kassendyk.
A Daughter of Louisa VAN PLATTENBERG, baptized Charlotta.
August 23, Mr. Michiel WOLFF, aged 58 years and months.
24, An Infant Daughter of J.S. LE RICHE.
25, Mrs. Elisabeth Theodora Gerbardina MOLLER, Widow of the late Mr. J.M. NIEUWSTADT, aged 42 years, 10 months, and 2 days.
ADVOCATE J.A. TRUTER, Jun. offers for Private Sale, on very favourable terms, his House in Strand-street, with Stores and Hire-houses adjoining.
Strand-street, Aug. 28. 1827.
One Hundred Rix-dollars each Share.
PRINTED Receipts will be given for each Instalment, by the Treasurer, Mr. Robert CROZIER; and when the whole 1Sum shall be paid up, Printed Shares shall be granted to each Subscriber. – Shares Transferable.
Subscribers’ Names. |
Shares. |
Subscribers’ Names. |
Shares. |
The Hon. Sir R. PLASKET, |
1 |
The Hon J.W. STOLL, |
2 |
1 |
Messrs. CARFRAE & Co. |
1 |
2 |
Ditto, for Mr. COCK, |
1 |
1 |
Advocate DE WET, |
1 |
3 |
1 |
Mr. J.B. EBDEN, |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Mr. H. ROSS, |
2 |
1 |
Mr. J. CHISHOLM, sen. |
1 |
1 |
Mr. R. REEVES, |
2 |
1 |
Mr. G.W. PRINCE, |
1 |
Messrs. COLLISON & Co. |
1 |
Mr. D. MOODIE, |
1 |
Mr. J.T. BUCK, |
1 |
1 |
Mr. I. MANUEL, |
1 |
Mr. Thos. TENNANT, |
2 |
Mr. James SMITH, |
1 |
2 |
Mr. Thomas SANDERSON, |
1 |
Mr R.J. JONES, |
2 |
Messrs. BORRADAILES & Co. |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
& Co. |
1 |
1 |
Mr. G. GREIG, |
1 |
Mr. H. TEUBES, |
1 |
Messrs. NEEDHAM & EVANS. |
1 |
THE Creditors of the Insolvent Estates of John LLOYD, and J.J. BLOMERUS, are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear on Wednesday, the 5th September, 1827, at 10 o’clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear Sentence pronounced on the draft of Partition of the said Estates, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 29th August, 1827.
By Order,
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
ON Tuesday, 4th September, at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:
Hendrik Nicolaas KOTZE, Ds. an open Waggon, 10 Horses, and the Slave Pluto of Mosambique.
Jan PRIEM, 2 open Bullock Waggons.
On Wednesday the 5th September, at the Town Market, on account of Hendrik Nicolaas KOTZE, Ds. 30 Oxen.
On Wednesday the 5th September, at the Paardeberg, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, at 10 o’clock, on account of the Estate of Michiel DE BEER, surrendered under Sequestration, the Quitrent Farm Modderkloof, situated at the Paardeberg; also Household Furniture, Waggons, Horses, Fustage, breeding Cattle, 2 Brandy Stills, and the Slaves Carolina and Debora.
On the same Day and Place, on account of Wilhelm H. LATEGAN, the Slaves Japie, Isaac, David, Philida, and Isaac, of this Colony; also, 2 open bullock Waggons.
Likewise, on account of the Estate of Thos. HEATLIE, (placed under Sequestration,) the Female Slave Tieina, of this Colony.
On Thursday the 6th September, at No. 20 Burg-street, on account of the Insolvent Estate of Rich. WRANKMORE, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, &c. &c.
On Friday the 7th September, by the Agent at Worcester, on account of the Estate of Edward MARTIN, the Opstal of the Loan Place called Misgund, situated on the Kabeljaauws River; also, Household Furniture, and the female Slave Flora.
On the same day, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10o’clock, on account of the following Persons:
Michiel DE KOCK, a Horse Waggon and 4 Horses.
The Estate of Edward MARTIN, a Bullock Waggon, and the Slaves David and Galant.
Daniel Frans. DE VILLIERS, Js. the Slave Africa.
The Widow Adriaan VAN JAARSVELD, the Slaves Rosie and Rosina.
On Saturday the 8th September, by the Agent at Swellendam, at the place of the Field-Cornet M. LE GRANGE, on account of Hendrik J. VAN RENSBURG, a Bullock Waggon, 14 Oxen, 25 breeding Cattle, and 6 do. Horses.
On Monday the 10th September, by the aforesaid Agent, at the Place of the Field-Cornet D.W. STEY, on account of P.J. DU PREEZ, 16 Oxen, 4 Mares, and the Slaves Africa of Mosambique, and Adonis of Madagascar.
On the same day, at the Paardeberg, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of Petrus Johs. GILDENHUIS, the Freehold Place called Boter Rivier.
On Tuesday the 11th Sept. at the Sequestrator’s Stores, Church-square, on account of the following Persons:
J.J. VAN REEDE van OUDTSHOORN, 2 Leaguers of Constantia Wine, 2 young Horses, and the Slaves Floris of the Cape, carpenter, and Apollos of ditto, cooper.
Christiaan HOLTMAN, THE Slaves Syda and Amerens, both of the Cape.
On Wednesday the 12th September, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons:
Casparus Johs. Rynhard BRESLER, a Bullock Waggon and 10 Oxen.
Johs. Albertus HURTER, the Slaves Caesar & Isaac.
Jacob Stephanus MARAIS, Ps. the Slaves Cupido, Arend, Samuel, and Apollos.
Andries Petrus ZEEMAN, 16 draught Oxen.
On the same day, at 12 o’clock by the aforesaid Agent, at the House and on account of P.H. DE VILLIERS, Js. a Bureau, 3 Bedsteads and Bedding, 12 Tables, 24 Chairs, 2 Wardrobes, 4 Chests, 24 Silver Spoons, a do. Soup Ladle, 12 Oxen and Cows, a new Horse Waggon, 2 Mirrors, 6 Pictures, and the Slave Laurens.
On Thursday the 13th September, by the Agent at Beaufort, on account of James HANTON, 2 Leaguers, a Half Aum, 2 Beams, a Tent, a Saddle and Bridle, a Gun, some Merchandize and Tar.
On the same day, at the Paarl, on account of Abraham Paul DE VILLIERS, 3 Leaguers Wine, Vintage 1827.
On Friday the 14th September, at Clapmuts, on account of Michiel DE KOCK, Ss. 25 Leaguers Wine, Vintage 1827.
On Monday the 17th September next, and following day, by the Agent at Uitenhage, on account of the Estate of Richard HUNT, (taken under Sequestration), a House and Premises, called Markham House, a piece of Perpetual Quitrent Land, called Rufane Valley, with the House and Premises erected thereon, called Barbicantower; also a piece of Freehold Land adjoining to the latter, with a Wooden House thereon; further, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Silver, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Jewellery, and a quantity of Merchandize, &c. &c.
On Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th September, on account of the Estate of Nic. Willem LAUBSER, (placed under Sequestration), the Corn Farm called Musselbanks Rivier, Koeberg, together with the adjoining Perpetual Quitrent Land; also Household Furniture of various descriptions Plate, Plated, Glass, and Earthen Ware, Culinary Requisites, Implements of Husbandry, bullocks, Cows, Waggon Horses, breeding ditto, Sheep and Goats; also, the Slaves Esau of the Cape, coachman; Isaac of ditto, labourer; Marthinus of do., do.; Achilles of do. do.; Joab of do. do.; Saul of do. do.; Frits of do. do.; Africa of do. herdsman; Adam of Madagascar, labourer; Silmina of the Cape, housemaid, with her Child Styntje; Christina of do. housemaid; Flora of do. do., with her Children Cupido, Cedras, Mattheus, and Lena; Clarissa of do. do with her Children Joel, Saartje, and Africa; Calonna of do. do.; Camonie of do., cook; Jupiter and Spasie, Children of the late Pamela.
On Thursday the 28th Sept. on account of Thomas TWAITS, a House and Premises, situate No. 24, Longmarket-street.
Sequestrator’s Office, Aug. 30, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG. Sequestrator.
NOTICE. –All Persons having any Claims against the undermentioned Estates, are hereby desired to forward the same, accompanied by proper Vouchers, viz:
Fredrik Wilhelm WOEKE (placed under Sequestration), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the above date;
Richard WRANKMORE (given over as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the date as above;
The late Albertus Stephs. Jacob VAN HELSDINGEN (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the aforesaid date;
The late Bartholomeus DE WAAL (surrendered by the Orphan Chamber as Insolvent), to this Office, within the term of six weeks from the aforesaid date;
Ryk MEIRING and his deceased Wife (placed under Sequestration by the Executors of said Estate), to this Office, or to the Agent at Worcester, within the term of eight weeks from the date of this Advertisement;
Arend WAHL (placed under Sequestration), and Johannes Jacobus HAUPT (taken under Sequestration), at the desire of some of the Creditors, in conformity with the tenor of the 14th Article of the Instructions for this Department – both the latter to this Office, or that of the Agent at Stellenbosch, within eight weeks from the above date;
on forfeiture of further right; whilst all Debts due to the above Estates, are desired to be liquidated within the said periods, in failure of which the Parties will be legally proceeded against.
Sequestrator’s Office, August 30, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Monday the 27th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions.
Sequestrator’s Office, August 22, 1827.
D.J. KUYS, Joint Sequestrator.
THE Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Pieter Francois DE VILLIERS, A.Ps.,
will lay open at the Office of the Undersigned, during the ensuing fourteen days, from Wednesday the 29th instant, for the inspection of those concerned, agreeable to the Instructions on that head.
Sequestrator’s Office, August 23, 1827.
V.A. SCHONNBERG, Sequestrator.
MARRIED, at Cape Town, on Saturday the 1st September, by the Reverend G. HOUGH, Capt. William SHAW, of the Madras Army, to Miss Lucy Maria PARRY.
Sept. 6, Carn Brae Castle, English Ship, J. DAVEY, Commander, from Portsmouth 5th July, bound to Calcutta. - Put in for Water and Refreshments.
Passengers – Mrs. MORGAN, Miss MARTIN, Messrs. GRAVE, CLAMAGERON, HARPER, LUKE, SISSMORE, MURRELL, and PETRIE, and 3 Servants.
Sept. 2, Kate, English Schooner, D. WATT, Master, bound to St. Helena.
3, Bonavista, English Bark, R. TOWNS, Master, bound to New South Wales.
4, Usk, Colonial Brig, T. LONG, Master, bound to Algoa Bay. – Put back from contrary winds on the same evening.
August 29, Security, English Bark, A. ROSS, Master, for Mauritius and Madras.
August 30, Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from the Knysna 14th instant, cargo Wood, for Simon’s Bay.
Passenger – Mr. COOMANS.
August 26, Alexander Adams, English Ship, Alex. PETER, Master, from Sincapore 10th June, and Anjier Point 16th July, cargo Sundries, for Table Bay.
August 25, Harriet, English Schooner, J. PALMER, Master, bound to the Isle of France.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday the 1st September, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
William SHAW, Esq. Captain Hon. East India Company’s Service, to Miss Lucy Maria PARRY.
On Monday the 3d September, by the same,
James FOSTER, to Jenetta Petronella Johanna MATHYSEN.
On Wednesday the 5th September, by the same,
The Reverend Benjamin Croft GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces, to Eleanor Maria, Daughter of James HORNE, Esq. Deputy Assistant Commissary-General.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 2d September,
Piet Gideon LAMBRECHTS, Hs. to Cornelia Fransina LAMBRECHTS.
George Michael ROMS, to Magdalena Wilhelmina VAN DER SCHYFF.
At Graham’s Town, by the Rev. T. IRELAND, M.A.
August 20, Michael Jacobus GROBELER, to Susanna Sagarya VAN DYK.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Thursday the 30th August, 1827,
By the Reverend Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain,
A Daughter of Charles George Christian Baron LORENTZ, baptized Maria Sophia MATHEWENA.
On Saturday the 1st September, by the same,
A Son of Mr. G.M. BRUNETT, baptized George Augustus.
On Sunday the 2d September, by the same,
A Daughter of the late Mr. W. LOLLEY, baptized Margaret.
A Daughter of Mr. Alexander BYRNE, baptized Mary Anne.
A Son of Rowland JONES, baptized Thomas.
A Son of Maro (Free Woman), baptized John Peter.
In the Military Church, Cape Town, on Friday the 31st August, 1827,
By the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces,
A Daughter of Garrison Serjeant-Major John DICKINS, baptized Charlotte.
On Sunday the 2d September, by the same,
A Daughter of Serjeant –Major Thomas ARMSTRONG, of His Majesty’s 49th Regiment, baptized Margaret.
A Son of Gunner John DRAINE, of His Majesty’s Royal Artillery, baptized William Richard.
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 2d September,
A Son of Lieutenant L.W.N. VAN DER RIET, baptized William Christian Carl.
In the Lutheran Church, on Sunday the 2d September,
A Son of C.F. LEIBBRANDT, baptized Johan David Gottlob.
A Son of H.W. HAGEN, baptized David Franciscus.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. Geo. STURT, A.B.
Sept. 2, A Son of Mr. T. BREND, baptized Thomas Andrew.
A Daughter of Mr. William HARTLE, baptized Johanna Clarentina.
At Graham’s Town, by the Reverend T. IRELAND, M.A.
July 29, A Daughter of R.W.H. HORNE, baptized Mary Anne.
August 5, A Son and a Daughter of Mr James McPHAIL, baptized James Hartley and Margaret Hannah.
- Two Sons of Mr. Geo. WATSON, baptized George Thomas and James.
- A Daughter of Henry GREY, baptized Ellen.
7, A Son of J.H. VAN TOOI, baptized Jan Hendrik.
10, A Daughter of J. DE SMIDT, Esq. baptized Sara Maria.
22, A Daughter of Mr. W.R. THOMPSON, baptized Christiana Emma.
26, A Daughter of James VICE, baptized Sarah.
Aug. 30, Thomas EDWARDS, aged 35 years and 5 months.
Sept. 2, Johan Fred. KEYLHOLTZ, aged 29 years, 10 months, and 5 days.
4, Mr. Thomas THOMSON, aged 41 years.
- C.A.N. DEPENEDA, aged 36 years.
At Graham’s Town.
August 16, John BROWN, aged 2 years and 3 months.
19, Henry Edward AMES, aged 7 months.
HIS Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, LL.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas George Fredrik HENNIG, Executor of the late Catharina Corn. VAN BLERK, Widow of the late Johan Adam NEUMEISTER, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That he, in his aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent his bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration [………]
Thus done and granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 23rd of August, 1827, and published and affixed on the same day.
J.A. TRUTER, Chief Justice.
By order of the Court,
D.F. BERRANGE, Secretary.
THE Creditors of the Insolvent Estate of Jan Hendrik VOS, Hs., are required, in the name of the Worshipful the Court of Justice, to appear on Wednesday, the 12th September, 1827, at 10 o’clock, A.M. precisely, before their Commissioner, to hear sentence pronounced on the Draft of Partition of the said Estate, drawn up and exhibited in the Court by the Joint Sequestrator.
Cape Town, 6th September, 1827.
R.J. VAN DER RIET, 2d Head Clerk.
[I have excluded exact repeats of entries in this extract - transcriber]
On Saturday the 15th inst. at the Place Blaauwbloemetjes Kloof, by the Agent at Stellenbosch, on account of Ockert T. VAN NIEKERK, Hs. a number of Horses, Oxen, and breeding Cattle.
On Monday the 17th inst. by the Agent at Stellenbosch, in front of his House, at 10 o’clock, on account of the following Persons:
Johannes HARTOG, Ps. the Slave November.
Widow D.G. STEYN, the Slave Piet of this Colony.
THE KING’S COURT, Saturday, 30th June.
The following presentations took place : -
Sir John WILDE, Kt. Doctor of Laws, on being appointed Chief Justice of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, - by Viscount GODERICH, Principal Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs. The Reverend Dr. JAMES, on his being appointed Bishop of Calcutta, - by the Right Hon. Chas. WYNN, President of the Board of Control.
Sir John MALCOLM, on his being appointed to the Government of Bombay, - by the Right Hon. Chas. WYNN.
Mr. LUSHINGTON, on his being appointed Governor of Madras, - by the Right Hon. Chas. WYNN.
Major Henry WILLOCK, on his return from is Mission to the Court of Persia, - by the Viscount DUDLEY and WARD
John Peter GRANT, Esq. on his being appointed one of the Judges of the Supreme Court at Bombay.
The Duke of Argyll is to be Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, in the room of the Duke of Gordon, deceased.
Mr. CALCRAFT is confidently spoken of as Paymaster of the Forces.
49th Regt. of Foot. – Gentleman Cadet Mortimer R.S. WHITMORE, from the Royal Military College,
[the end of this sentence has been obscured by a crease in the page…]
55th Regt. of Foot. – Captain Charles MILLS, from the half-pay, to be Captain vice Alexander G[the end of this sentence has been obscured by a crease in the page…]
Unattached. – Staff. – Brevet Colonel Sir Thomas Noel HILL, K.C.B. on the half-pay, to be Deputy Adjutant-General to the Forces serving in Canada, vice Sir John HARVEY, appointed an Inspector of Army Clothing.
A special licence for the marriage of Mrs. COUTTS with the Duke of St. Alban’s was granted yesterday.
FRIDAY, 21ST SEPTEMBER, 1827. VOL. XXII. No. 1132.
Sept. 14, Recovery, H. CHAPMAN, Commander, from Portsmouth 29th June, bound to Bombay. – Put in for Water and Refreshments.
Passengers – Colonel, Mrs. and three Misses SULLIVAN, Mesdames WELLS and CLENDON, Miss PARROTT, Captains FYANS and WELLS, Lieutenant CLENDON, Messrs. TWEEDALE, WYATT, and McGREGOR.
- Mary, J. LAIRD, Master, from the Downs 3d July, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
- Alexander Adam, A. PETER, Master, from Singapore 9th June, bound to this Port, cargo Coffee, Rice, &c.
Passengers – Mr. YARRINGTON, and 3 Soldiers.
- Britomart, D. BROWN, Master, from Mauritius 14th August, bound to London. – Put in for Water and Refreshments.
Passengers. – Capt. MAYNE, Ensign WEBSTER, Mr. HAWKEY, Lieut. LEACOCK, Mr. and Mrs. NASH and 3 Children, 47 Invalids, 4 Women, and 3 Children
- Hon. Company’s Schooner St. Helena, J. FAIRFAX, Esq. Commander, from St. Helena 18th August, bound to this Port.
Passengers – Colonel HEPMAN, and Capt. WOTHERSPOON, a Convict and his Wife.
16, Achilles, J. HENDERSON, Master, from Gravesend 4th July, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Messrs. WITHAM and BRABAZON, Lieut. CARR; in the Steerage, John SEAL and Son.
- Musgrave, J. TURNER, Master, from the Downs 2d July, bound to this Port, with a general cargo.
Passengers – Messrs. COOKE, GOODE, and ADAMS.
18, Sydney Packet, D. TAYLOR, Master, from Van Diemen’s Land 18th April, with a cargo of Wheat, Flour &c. for a Market.
Sept. 18, Recovery, H. CHAPMAN, Commander, bound to Bombay.
20, Britomart, D. BROWN, Master, bound to London.
Sept. 12, His Majesty’s Ship Tamar, Captain J.J.G. BREMER, C.B., from Madras 12th July, bound to England.
- Orange Grove, English Schooner, A. BURCH, Master, from the Knysna 14th Aug. and Mossel Bay 8th instant, for this Port, cargo Wood for his Majesty’s Naval Yard.
Passenger – Mr. COMANS.
In the Lutheran Church, on Saturday the 15th September,
Mr. Melt Jacobus BRINK, Ds. to Miss Maria Alida Fredrica LOUW.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Wednesday the 19th September, 1827,
By the Rev. Geo. HOUGH, M.A. Colonial Chaplain.
[the end of this page has not been included in this image]
In the Reformed Church, on Sunday the 16th September,
A Son of Mr. J.G. VAN HELSDINGEN, Ms. Baptized Johannes Michiel.
A Daughter of H. LESAR, baptized Dorothea Berrendina
A Daughter of Debora van DE KAAP, baptized Johanna Jacoba Cornelia CERFF.
At Simon’s Town, by the Rev. Geo. STURT, A.B.
Sept. 16, Two Adult sons of M. LUTZ, baptized Frederick and John.
William CLASSEN.
Frederick HANSE.
Sept. 14, A Daughter of Mr. C. CRUYWAGEN, NAMED Maria Christina, aged 7 years and 4 months.
15, William Ferdinand VERSFELDT, Esq. aged 47 years and 8 months.
17, Dorothea Adriana MATFELD, aged 12 years and 7 months.
18, A Daughter of W. UDEMANS, named Maria Johanna Christina, aged 4 months and 2 days.
HIS Honor the Chief Justice, Sir J.A. TRUTER, Knight, L.L.D. and the Worshipful Members of the Court of Justice of the Settlement of the Cape of Good Hope, and the Dependencies thereof, do hereby make known:
That whereas Michiel Cornelis WOLFF, in his capacity as General Agent to the Widow of the late Michiel WOLFF, Testamentary Executrix of her late Husband, has addressed a Petition to our Court, stating:
That he, in his aforesaid capacity, wishing to liquidate the said Estate, (but, however, being ignorant as to what Debts there may be to the charge of the same, which might prevent his bringing it to a final settlement,) is desirous the Court would be pleased, more solito, to summon all Persons conceiving they have any Claims, of what nature soever, against said Estate, to give in the same at the Office of the Secretary to the Court, within the Term of Three Months subsequent to the Publication hereof, on pain of being deprived of further Right.
Now, the Court having taken the same into due consideration [………]
Thus done and granted in the Court of Justice at the Cape of Good Hope, on the 6th September, 1827, and published [the end of the page has not been included in this image]
FRIDAY, 28TH SEPTEMBER, 1827. VOL. XXII. No. 1133.
THE Slave Girl Candaza, Housemaid, aged 27 years; Magtilda, Housemaid, aged 13 years; Titus, apprenticed a Tailor, aged 7 years; John, aged 4 years; and August, 11 months – the two latter with their Mother Candaza. Should no eligible offer be made in the course of this present Month, they will be put up by Public Auction. Further particulars to be known by application at J. FINDLAY’s, 17 Heeregracht, or to Mr. R.J. JOHNSON, 64 Loop-street.
RAN away, the Slave Boy Napoleon, - whoever apprehends and lodges him in Prison shall be rewarded, and who ever harbours him after this Notice will be prosecuted.
N.B. – The House No. 17, Heeregracht, to Let.
THE Sale of Houses at Stellenbosch, advertised in the Gazette of the 14th instant, having been unavoidably postponed, will positively take place on the 6th October next.
C.C. MOCKE, q.q.
THE Undersigned, as Executors to the Estate of the late W.J. WESSELS, and surviving Widow Dina Jacomina WOLMARANS, request all Persons who have any Claims against the said Estate, to send them in to the first Undersigned within three months from this date.
Caledon, Sept. 10, 1827.
DIED this day, my beloved Husband, D.A. SMIT, aged 48 years, 9 months, and 14 days, of which I hereby give Notice to Friends and Relatives.
Olifants Riviers Bad, Sept. 14, 1827.
Widow D.A. SMIT.
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