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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1924 2 April - June

Wednesday, April 2, 1924
Estate of the late Ada MARSHALL (formerly HOLMES, born NORTHFIELD), of Queenstown…
Edgar SHAW,
Wednesday, April 9, 1924
DE WET-ROUSSOUW,-  Mr. and Mrs. S.G. ROUSSOUW, of Paarl, announce the engagement of their daughter Breggie to Mr. P.J. DE WET, Jr., of “Groot Schuur,” Sterkstroom.
Local & General
Hangklip Tragedy.
We regret to record the tragic death of Cyril GEBHARDT, the young nephew of Mr. C. GEBHARDT, the Commonage Ranger.  It appears that he went out shooting on Saturday in the direction of Hangklip and did not return.  On Monday a native reported having found his body lying at the foot of the krantz, terribly battered about.  The gun was found near by, and it is evident that the lad – for he was under twenty years of age – had fallen over, a distance of more than four hundred feet, in attempting to recover a bird which he had shot.  Great sympathy will be felt with the relatives of the deceased in their sad bereavement.
Thursday, April 10, 1924
PEARSALL-WILES-SIMMS,-  On April 7th, at the Wesley Church, by the Rev. J.W. McGAHEY, Samuel Charles PEARSALL to Ena WILES-SIMMS, both of Queenstown.
Friday, April 11, 1924
GEBHARDT,-  On the 5th April, 1924, accidentally killed on Hangklip, Cyril, aged 20 years and 11 months, the second and dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. H. GEBHARDT, of Queenstown.
Mr. and Mrs. H. GEBHARDT wish to thank all kind friend and relatives for sympathy and floral tributes in their sad bereavement.
STROH,-  At Frost Street, on 9th inst., Mary Kathleen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.G. STROH, age 5 months.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
In the Estate of the late Martha Magdalena LAMBOLE (born OPPERMAN) and surviving spouse, Arthur Ernest LAMBOLE… 180/9…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Monday, April 14, 1924
News was received in town on Saturday announcing the death of Mr. B.J. MARCHAND, who passed away early that morning.  Mr. MARCHAND spent a number of years in the Queenstown district and when he retired he settled in town, where he took an active interest in politics and educational matters.  A little over a year ago he settled in Capetown.
Thursday, April 17, 1924
FULLER-KEYS,- At Wesley Church at 3 p.m. on the 16th April, by the Rev. J. WESLEY McGAHEY, Douglas, son of Mr. A.R. FULLER, to Aileen May (Daisy) KEYS, daughter of Mrs. B.A. DICKERSON, both of Queenstown.
Tuesday, April 22, 1924
McCOMB,-  To Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCOMB, of Pietersburg, a Daughter, on 17th inst.
Thursday, April 24, 1924
Local  & General
His Life for His Sister.
A drowning tragedy occurred on Sunday morning at Inyoni, Zululand, when Mark ARDINGTON, a Michaelhouse pupil home for the holidays, the second son of a well-known Zululand planter, was drowned in the Umsindusi River, some 200 yards from his parents’ house.  He and his sister were in a canoe which suddenly, for some unexplained reason, capsized.  In endeavouring to save his sister young ARDINGTON disappeared.  It is presumed he was taken by a crocodile, as one had been seen in the river recently.  His sister was saved, but no trace has been seen of the lad’s body or of any remains.
Friday, April 25, 1924
SEARLY-ERSKINE,-  At St. Michael’s Church on the 23rd of April, by the Rev. W. GOODWIN, M.A., Sheila, third daughter of Mrs. ERSKINE and the late Mr. Monty ERSKINE, to Eric William, second son of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. SEARLE, of Hopewell, Queenstown.
SMITH,- To Mr. and Mrs. W.H. SMITH, on the 24th inst., at St. Georges’ Street, a Daughter.  Both well.
Saturday, April 26, 1924
GODDEN,-  To Mr. and Mrs. B. GODDEN, Robinson Road, on 25th inst., a Son.  Both well.
MALE,-  Passed peacefully away at 80 Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, Charles MALE, in his 74th year.
Funeral on Sunday, 27th inst., from Presbyterian Church, at 3.30 p.m.
Man Found Shot in the Street.
The dead body of a man named N.J. OELOFSE, a barman at the Masonic Hotel, was found on the pavement in Robinson Road opposite the Anglican Church at 7.15 this morning.  A rifle was lying beside him, and there was a bullet wound in the centre of the forehead.  Death must have taken place about an hour previously.  Deceased, who was in the early thirties, lived in Porter Street, and leaves a widow and one child.  He had been subject to fits of depression during the past fortnight, but no other reason can be assigned for his taking his own life.  The body was removed to the mortuary, and an inquest will be held.
Wednesday, April 30, 1924
KIDSON,-  To Mr. and Mrs. B.E. KIDSON, “Rus in Urbe,” Lady Frere, a Daughter, on the 29th inst.
MAYTHAM,-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on 30th April, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank MAYTHAM, a Daughter.
Sterkstroom Notes
The death occurred at Capetown on Friday of Mrs. L. DALY, wife of Mr. Fred DALY, former proprietor of the Old Commercial Hotel, and sister of Mrs. R. EWAN of this town.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late William Gordon BUSHELL, of Queenstown.  No. 3857…
Attorneys for Executors Dative.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late William John Ayliff BARNES, of Alexandra, Queenstown… No. 4193…
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Alwina Matilda BUSHELL (born LYNES), of Queenstown.   No. 3858…
Attorneys for Executors Dative.

Thursday, May 1, 1924
BRADFIELD,-  Died on the 24th April, 1924, at Tylden Villa, Queenstown, Beryl Irene, beloved daughter of S.W. and A.M. BRADFIELD, aged 11 years 4 months and 1 day.
Monday, May 5, 1924
In Memoriam
BREETZKE,-  In loving memory of my dear daughter, Isabella BREETZKE, who died at Queenstown 5th May, 1923.
Inserted by her father, W.J. DIXON.
BREETZKE,-  In loving memory of my dear sister, Isabella BREETZKE, who died on the 5th May, 1923.
Inserted by her sister, Annie ROBERTS.
Wednesday, May 7, 1924
Mr. CHARLES and family desire to thank the Doctors, Matron and Nurses of the Frontier Hospital for their kind treatment to his late wife, Deliah CHARLES, during her last illness.
Thursday, May 8, 1924
HEEGER,-  To Mr. and Mrs. N.A. HEEGER (nee Connie MUTCH), on the 7th May, a Son.
Friday, May 9, 1924
Local & General
Fatal Fumigation.
“Death due to cyanide poisoning, in accordance with the medical testimony,” was the verdict given by Dr. Glover HEATH at Germiston in the enquiry into the death of Millicent Phillips HOARE, aged nine months, who died on April 29th as a result of sleeping in a house recently fumigated.  There was nothing in the evidence, the coroner added, to support a charge of culpable homicide against the fumigator, but if there had been any contravention of the regulations, no doubt the municipality would take the matter up.  Detective OBERHOLZER said he examined the house at 9 a.m. on the day following the fumigation, and found thirteen ventilators, the front door fanlight and the top of some of the windows still sealed.
Tuesday, May 13, 1924
Estate late William Robert HART, and predeceased spouse, Fanny Perkins HART, born MILES…
Attorney for the Executors, Queenstown.
Friday, May 16, 1924
Estate late Petrus Johannes DE WET, of Groot Schuur, District of Sterkstroom.  No. 1632…
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary.
Lloyds Building,
58 Burg Street,
Saturday, May 17, 1924
LOMBARD,-  On the 10th of May, 1924, at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, Susanna G. LOMBARD, of Tarkastad, beloved mother of P.R. and P.W. DE WET.
Sterkstroom Notes
Mrs. Anna Elizabeth VAN ZYL, the respected mother of Mrs. DE WIT, wife of Mr. DE WIT, of the Boeresamewerk Assol, passed away on Saturday last at the ripe age of 77 years.  The deceased lady was a well-known resident of Tarkastad, where, with her late husband, they had a farm.  For some years she was afflicted with blindness.  The funeral on Sunday bore testimony to the esteem in which she was held among a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
In Memoriam
BREETZKE,-  In loving memory of my darling mother and sister, Emily BREETZKE and Bella BREETZKE, who passed away in May 1922.
Fondly remembered by May and Orlando.
Saturday, May 17, 1924
Local & General
Death of Well-known Farmer.
News was received in town this morning that Mr. Claude E. EDWARDS, of Groensbloom, Kroonstad, had died at East London yesterday after a somewhat brief illness.  Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS passed through Queenstown about a month ago on their way to spend a holiday at Kei Mouth.  They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. R.F. WEIR, of Peuleni.  About a fortnight ago Mr. EDWARDS was taken rather seriously ill and was conveyed to East London.  He gradually improved, but the improvement was not maintained, and he sank rapidly and died yesterday.  Claude EDWARDS was brought up in the Queenstown district and was one of our most popular young men.  He will ever be remembered as a great footballer, and probably the Swifts were never served by a more brilliant wing three-quarter.  Claude was also a keen volunteer, and served with the Q.R.V. in the Boer War, when he obtained his captaincy.  He married Miss MacDONALD, daughter of Mr. W. MacDONALD, to whom the sympathy of all will go out in her terrible bereavement.  Arrangements have been made for the funeral to take place in Queenstown, from St. Michael’s Church, at 2 p.m. to-morrow (Sunday).
Monday, May 19, 1924
Wedding Bells
A very pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday, the 6th inst., in St. Michael’s and All Angel’s Church, when Miss Daisy LAWLOR, eldest daughter of Mr. Harry LAWLOR, of Cofimvaba, was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Edward LOVE, fourth son of Mr. J.T. LOVE, of “Cardiff,” St. Marks…
Local and General
Death in a Motor Car.
The death occurred suddenly of Mr. Herbertus DUBUISSON, a farmer in the Senekal district.  He had arrived on a visit to his brother, who has a dentist’s business near the Court House at Volksrust, and while sitting in a motor car outside the dentist’s premised he collapsed and died before a doctor could arrive.  The cause of death was heart failure.
Tuesday, May 20, 1924
EDWARDS,-  Died at East London on the 16th May, 1924, Claude Shepperson EDWARDS, of Strathmore, district Kroonstad, in his 48th year.
Estate late Edgar William Frederick KAVANAGH.  No. 4087…
Attorney for Executrix Dative.
Monday, May 26, 1924
In Memoriam
MULLER,-  In loving memory of dear Willie, died May 26th, 1922.
Gran, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins (Germiston).
MULLER,-  In ever loving memory of our darling, William Arthur MULLER, who was accidentally killed on the Railway, 26th May, 1922.
Sadly missed by Dad, Mum, Sisters, and Brothers.
Thursday, May 29, 1924
Local and General
A Shooting Fatality.
The death as the result of a shooting accident is reported of Mr. Harold S. WATT, of Brand Road, Durban, who was spending the week-end at Delville Wood on the new main line deviation.  It appears that he went shooting in the bush with a companion.  The pair separated in going through the bush and as they did not meet again his companion became alarmed and a search revealed Mr. WATT crumpled up at the bottom of a small krantz with gunshot wounds in the leg.  Medical aid was procured in half an hour, but meanwhile Mr. WATT succumbed to his wounds.  It is surmised that he came on the krantz unawares and slipped over, when the gun must have gone off.  Mr. WATT was 35 years of age, and a member of HARVEY, GREENACRE and Co.’s staff.
Friday, May 30, 1924
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
In the Estate of the late Makene MFOBO.  No. 4091…
Agent for Executors.

Monday, June 2, 1924
In Memoriam
GREEN,-  In ever loving memory of our dear son, Leslie, who fell in G.E.A., 31st May, 1916.- E. and A. GREEN, Bolotwa.
BOTTEN,-  To Mr. and Mrs. BOEEN, on the 2nd inst., a Son.  Both doing well.  Thanks to the Doctor and Nurses.
In Memoriam.
In loving memory of our dear mother, who died suddenly at Cathcart on the 2nd June, 1923.
Ever remembered by Lil, Douglas, Val, and Bob.
Tuesday, June 3, 1924
In Memoriam
BRENER,-  In loving memory of our dear husband and father, William BRENER, who died in Johannesburg Hospital on the 3rd of June, 1923.
Inserted by his sorrowing wife, Millie BRENER, and children, Bessie, Leo and Cyril.
Thursday, June 5, 1924
SCHUMANN,-  At 47 Grey Street, on the 5th June, 1924, Guard William George SCHUMANN, age 41.
Local and General
Fatal Shooting Expedition.
The death has taken place at the Krugersdorp hospital of Victor Brink HARTOG, the 17-year-old son of Mrs. W.S. DENNISTON, District Township, Kurgersdorp, who was accidentally shot in the stomach by a gun while with a party of lads who were after wild birds in King’s Kloof on Sunday afternoon.  The boys were groping  about in an old prospector’s shaft when a saloon rifle was accidentally discharged and the bullet penetrated young HARTOG’s left side and abdomen.  An operation was performed the same evening, but death ensued from peritonitis.  The lad, who was born at Jagersfontein, O.F.S., was an old pupil of the Krugersdorp Town School and a member of the 3rd Krugersdorp troop of Boy Scouts.
Friday, June 6, 1924
In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Jacomina GEYER (born VAN HEERDEN), and surviving spouse, Hermanus Christoffel GEYER, of Queenstown.  No. 157/333…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Monday, June 9, 1924
Estate of the late Archibald Elgie SHAW, of Lady Frere…
For Self and Co-Executrix.
Lady Frere.
Tuesday, June 10, 1924
Baby Boy for Adoption, one month old.  Quite healthy.-  Write “No. 3253,” care Daily Rep.
Thursday, June 12, 1924
VAN HEERDEN,-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 11th inst., to the wife of Dr. J.A. VAN HEERDEN, a Son.
Friday, June 13, 1924
IMPEY,- At Capetown, on June 12th, to the wife of Dr. R. Lance IMPEY, a Son.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Damon NTLABATI of Queenstown.  No. 4046…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late James Alma William GARRETT (also known as James William Alma GARRETT), of Lady Frere, district of Glen Grey.  No. 3734…
Attorneys for Executors
Monday, June 16, 1924
In the Estate of the late Pieter Willem BINGLE (No. 1191), of Venterstad…
Dan J. DE WET,
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary,
P.O. Box 6, Sterkstroom.
Local and General
Thursday, June 19, 1924
Local and General
Heroic Stand Recalled.
The death has occurred of Mr. R.W. BAIN, who entered Matabeleland with the pioneer column, and was a distinguished scout, working with the more famous BURNHAM and INGRAM, in attachment to Major FORBES’ flying column, following up Lobengula.  BAIN returned with the news of the disaster on the Shangani and Major Alan WILSON’s last stand, and subsequently took a prominent part during the Matabele rebellion.  BAIN had hoped to prepare his reminiscences of the early days, but had been in bad health since his recent return from the Cape, though his death was sudden and unexpected.
Friday, June 20, 1924
BRENER,-  The unveiling of the Memorial Stone of the late William BRENER will take place on Sunday, the 22nd, at 10.30, at the Jewish Cemetery.  Friends kindly accept this intimation.
Saturday, June 21, 1924
CROSS,-  To Mr. and Mrs. Terence CROSS, Duncan Vale, Queenstown, on the 19th, a Daughter.
In Memoriam
MILES,-  In loving memory of dear old Jack, who passed away at Harrison, Whittlesea, on the 21st June, 1922.
From all at New Hawstead.
Local and General
Voter’s Sudden Death
In the course of the rounding up of voters at Wellington (Cape) a tragic discovery was made.  A motor car was sent to convey Mr. Manie HAMMAN, a well-known sportsman of the district, to the poling station.  He occupied quarters by himself, and when the driver knocked at the door and on receiving no answer, opened it, he was horrified to see the man he sought lying dead on his bed.  He had evidently succumbed to a heart attack shortly before the messenger arrived.  Mr. HAMMAN was just over 50.
Tuesday, June 24, 1924
FARRINGTON,-  On the 23rd inst., at Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. FARRINGTON, a Daughter.
THORNE,-  Died suddenly in Johannesburg, on 19th inst., Fred THORNE, beloved husband of the late Florence MALE.
Wednesday, June 25, 1924
Notice to Creditors
Estate late John MARCO, of Queenstown, who died at St. George Sikousi, Chios, Greece.  No. 3897…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Local and General
Miss Ulrica Victoria STEPHENSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. STEPHENSON, of Sorrento, Tamboer’s Kloof, Capetown, late of Queenstown, was married on June 11th at St. Barnabas’ Church, Kloof Road, to Mr. Walter C. DEHLEN, of the engineering staff of the British General Electric Co., Capetown.  Mr. and Mrs. DEHLEN sailed for England on Jun 14th on the Durham Castle on a honeymoon trip.
Mrs. William DALRYMPLE
Johannesburg, Tuesday.
The death occurred to-day of Mrs. William DALRYMPLE, youngest daughter of Sir George and Lady ALBU.- Reuter.
Friday, June 27, 1924
STEPHENSON,- At 33 Queen’s Drive on the 23rd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.C. STEPHENSON, a Son.

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