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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1924 3 July - September

Wednesday, July 2, 1924
Local and General
Natal Colonist’s Death.
The death has occurred at Newcastle of Mr. John Parks after a lingering illness.  The late Mr. PARKS was at one time a member of the old Natal Government and was a very old colonist, being one of the pioneers of the northern districts of Natal.
Friday, July 4, 1924
MALLETT,-  At 3 Milner Street, on the 3rd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. N.M. MALLETT, a Son.
Local and General
Death of a Pioneer.
The death has taken place at Warrenton of Mr. Cornelius Johannes HUMAN, better known to his friends as “Jockey.”  Mr. HUMAN, a Kimberley pioneer, emigrated from Swellendam, where he was born in 1852, to the diamond fields by ox wagon in 1871.  He erected one of the first brick and mortar buildings in Kimberley, and later owned the Wolseley Hotel, Transvaal Road.  He also conducted transport riding to Pretoria and afterwards took up farming in the Free State and Griqualand West.  He was 72 years of age.
A Bride Held Up.
Unable to cross the Atlantic to be married owing to the new immigration law of the United States, Miss Ann SCHECHPER, who had travelled from South Africa and was held up at Southampton, cabled to her fiancé, Mr. Max JACOBSON, a New York business man.  That was a fortnight ago.  On Saturday night, says the “Daily News,” Mr. JACOBSON arrived in Southampton, and Miss SCHECHPER hopes to be married to him in time to sail for America on Wednesday.  As an American citizen’s wife the immigration laws of the United States do not affect her.
Wednesday, July 9, 1924
BUSHELL-BABB,- On July 5th at St. John’s Church, Bulawayo, by the Rev. SCOGGINS, Edward John, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. BUSHELL, of Queenstown, to Winifred May, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HUMPHREYS, of Bulawayo.
Local and General
Mistook Girl for Baboon.
News of a very distressing fatality was received in Barberton on Saturday, says the “Star.”  A few days ago a party of young people went to spend a few days’ holiday at Kaapschehoop, a village on the top of the Kantoos mountains, about 30 miles from Barberton.  On Saturday they were on the mountain face looking towards Barberton, when a young man named WORTHINGTON, taking them at a distance for baboons, fired and killed Eileen NORRIS, a girl about 16 years of age.  She was the second daughter of the Rev. NORRIS, minister of the Wesleyan Church.
An Extraordinary Fatality.
An accident, as a result of which Joseph COLLYER, one of the most popular employees on the Kimberley and Alexandersfontein tramways, lost his life, occurred near Kimberley on Sunday evening.  On Wednesday last COLLYER began a short holiday, which he spent in a shooting excursion to a farm about 18 miles out in the neighbourhood of Content.  After an enjoyable change he was returning to Kimberley just after sundown on Sunday with several friends who had gone over to join him.  They all entered a motor car, COLLYER sitting at the back.  As they pulled up at the farm house gate the others were startled to hear the report of a gun, and COLLYER, who had been sitting with his gun between his legs, was heard to exclaim, “Oh, God, I have shot my leg off.”  It is surmised that the gun slipped and went off, the charge entering the thigh.  His friends summoned medical assistance, but an artery had been severed and the unfortunate man bled to death.  COLLYER joined the company’s service in December, 1917, after returning from the war.  His home was at King Williamstown.  He leaves a wife and three children.
Two Families Poisoned.
A mysterious poisoning case has occurred at the farm Kleindoorn River, in the Oudtshoorn district, says the “Star,” where 11 persons, belonging to two families named DE BEER and BOTHA, after partaking of bread made from meal bought at a country store, became most violently sick.  At first it was suspected that the meal contained the poisonous seed of the weed known as Springkaanbosch, from which the members of one family succumbed a couple of years ago, but apparently in this case the poison was of a most virulent nature, and in each case the persons took an overdose.  Fowls which picked up a few crumbs of bread died shortly after.  No poison is sold at the shop where the meal was bought and other users of meal from the same bin have not been affected.
Friday, July 11, 1924
SISSISON-WAINWRIGHT,- On Tuesday, 8th inst, at residence of bride’s parents, by Rev. J.W. McGAHEY, Noel Faulding SISSISON, of Burghersdorp, to Edith Christiana WAINWRIGHT, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund WAINWRIGHT, Westbourne, Queenstown.
Local and General
A Daughter of Queenstown.
The sad news of the demise of Mrs. Tom OATES on Thursday, June 26th, after a lingering and painful illness, brought a sense of personal sorrow to the very large number of residents who knew her, says the “Natal Mercury.”  Mrs. OATES was the youngest daughter of the late Hon. David BARRABLE, of the Cape Province, and was born at Queenstown.  She came here as a bride over twenty years ago, and no one was ever more widely beloved.  Her nature endeared her to every one with whom she came in contact, and her home at “Broomcliffe” was the favourite resort of Estcourt residents, its hospitality being widely known.  Mrs. OATES was never known to say, or do, an unkind word or deed, and her generous remembrance of the many in less fortunate circumstances will not easily be replaced.  To her stricken husband and two little daughters the deepest sympathy is extended, as well as to the large circle of relations and to her aged mother at the Cape.
Monday, July 14, 1924
Local and General
A Link With Piet RETIEF.
Mr. Johannes Adam ZIETSMAN, aged 107, is lying seriously ill at the house of Mr. F. FICK, Crown Mines, Johannesburg.  Mr. ZIETSMAN was born at Uitenhage in December, 1816.  He was still a lad when the Great Trek commenced, but nevertheless he joined Piet RETIEF’s party, and travelled northwards with him.  He passed safely through many exciting times, and took part in several native wars.  He fought in the battle of Blood River on December 16th, 1833.  Years of strife and bitterness followed, and after drifting about the country Mr. ZIETSMAN at length came to Florida, where he met Mr. J.B. ROBINSON and as granted two small farms for services rendered.  When the Anglo-Boer War broke out, Mr. ZIETSMAN was appointed ed laager commandant for Florida.  He fought at Ladysmith, and afterwards played a prominent part in the guerilla warfare that followed.
Tuesday, July 15, 1924
DAVIES,-  At 7 Garcia Street, Queenstown, on 14th July, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Parry DAVIES, a Son.
Estate late Edgar William Fredrick KAVANAGH…
Attorney for Executor Dative.
Thursday, July 17, 1924
In Memoriam
In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Alice Anne HARDING, who died on July 17th, 1922.
Inserted by her husband and children.
In Loving memory of James Gordon COLTHART, who died at Queenstown on the 17th July, 1923.
Friday, July 18, 1924
Estate late Miriam Solomon SHADIAK…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Charel Zacharias Stefanus PRETORIUS, and subsequently deceased spouse, Johanna Susanna PRETORIUS (born VAN ZYL), of Sterkstroom.  (No. 2917)…
Attorneys for Executors.
P.O. Box 38, Sterkstroom
In the Assigned Estate Purdon Smaile JEFFREY (No. 512), a Trader, of Kamastone, District Queenstown, Cape Province…
Queenstown, Cape Province.
Saturday, July 19, 1924
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
Estate of the late Archibald Sizinzo MAGWANYA, of Macibini, in the district of Glen Grey, C.P. No. 4220…
Attorneys for Executor Dative
Tuesday, July 22, 1924
PIKE-MORGAN,-  Marreid at Wesley Church, Maclear, on the 19th July, 1924, by the Rev. KRIEL, Herbert James (Snook), second son of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. PIKE, Bolotwa, to Dorohy, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dold MORGAN, Queenstown.
Local and General
Death of Old Jan.
Old Jan, the Bushman who was calculated to be 120 years of age, died on Friday night at Prieska, says the “Star.”  It will be recalled that Old Jan, or Jantje, was brought to Johannesburg last May, the idea being to exhibit him to the public and then take him to Wembley.  Opinion, however, was roused against such a project, and the police prevented it from being carried out.
Friday, July 25, 1924
In Memoriam
In ever loving memory of Charles Fielding COLLINGWOOD, who entered into rest July 26th, 1923.
KLETTE,-  At Queenstown on July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. KLETTE, a Son.  Both well.
Harry MTOMBENI, Law Agent, Hackney, died 25th July, at the age of 69 years.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late William Arthur DUVILL, of Queenstown…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary,
PO Box 83, Queenstown.
Saturday, July 26, 1924
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of the late Reuben FLETCHER, of Grey CRAIG, District Queenstown.  (No. 4830)…
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
Monday, July 28, 1924
Estate of the late William James ROBINSON. 166/694/4879/18…
Attorneys for Executor Dative,
Tuesday, July 29, 1924
WIGGILL,-  On the 26th inst., at 37 Prince Alfred Street, to Mr. and Mrs. C.R. WIGGILL, a Son.  Thanks to Doctor and Nurse.
In Memoriam.
THOMPSON,-  In loving memory of Charles William THOMPSON, who died of wounds in East Africa on July 29th, 1916.
Inserted by his father, brothers and sisters.
Wednesday, July 30, 1924
In the Estate of the late Joseph David MTOMBENI…
Executor Dative.
15 Derby Street,

Friday, August 1, 1924
ROSS,-  At 83 Berry Street, on July, H.G. ROSS, beloved husband of C.A. ROSS, who passed away peacefully in his 60th year, after a short illness.
In the Estate of the late Joseph David MTOMBENI…
Executor Dative.
15 Derby Street,
Estate late Lambertus Francois Fredon WANNENBURG, and predeceased spouse, Engela Dorothea WANNENBURG (formerly RICKERT), born GROBLER, of Sterkstroom.  No. 3945/287…
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary.
LLOYDS Building, 58 Burg Street, Capetown
Tuesday, August 5, 1924
SCOTT.-  Passed peacefully away at “Farnley,” Amalinda, on 4th August, 1924, Mrs. Lawrence SCOTT (widow of late L. SCOTT, of Queenstown), in her 79th year.
MUTCH-DAUBERN,-  The engagement is announced between Albert MUTCH, eldest son of the late C.R. and Mrs. MUTCH, of Queenstown, and Beatrice DAUBERN, only daughter of R. DAUBERN, of East London.
ASHTON.-  John, son of Aaron ASHTON, wishes to find his relatives, Mary Anne, Caroline, and Martha ASHTON, of Lowell, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  Mary Anne married Walter VAN DER PANT Baker, Caroline married Benjamin HIALS, mule spinner, in Lowell.  Anyone recognizing this advertisement, or having any knowledge of the present or former whereabouts of any of the above-named parties, will greatly oblige by communicating with their brother, John ASHTON, 7 Green Street, Queenstown, C.P., South Africa.  Massachusetts papers please copy.
Wednesday, August 6, 1924
COLLINGWOOD,-  Died at Grahamstown on 2nd August, Clara COLLINGWOOD, widow of the late Rev. C.A. COLLINGWOOD.
Killed at a Crossing
J.B. Broadcasts Call for Relatives of Victim
Johannesburg, Tuesday.
J.B. last night broadcasted a call for the relatives of a young man killed at a railway crossing.  He was riding a motor cycle, and endeavoured to cross the track at a level crossing near Germiston in front of the Pretoria train.  The train caught his back wheel and he was hurled over 30 feet through the air and against a standard pole, with fatal effects.  His name was W. JACKSON and J.B. last night (Monday) broadcasted a call to his brother at Messina to come to the Rand at once. – Reuter.
Local and General
The death has occurred of the well-known novelist, Joseph CONRAD.  Joseph CONRAD, who was of Polish parentage, was born in 1857.  He leaves two sons.
Friday, August 8, 1924
Estate late Cornelius Johanna VAN VUUREN, of “Dunedin,” District of Sterkstroom.  158/895..
Attorneys for the Executor Testatementary.
LLOYDS Building, 58 Berg Street, Capetown.
Monday, August 11, 1924
Mr. T. VAN DER LINDER wishes to thank the Doctors and all relatives and friends for their kind assistance and sympathy during his recent sad bereavement.
Estate of the late Barend Daniel VAN HEERDEN, and surviving spouse, Maria Margritha Elizabeth VAN HEERDEN, of Lady Frere (570)…
Executor Dative.
Lady Frere.
Estate of the late Jacobus Wessel VAN DYK, of Lady Frere (4114)…
Attorney for Estate.
Lady Frere.
Tuesday, August 12, 1924
In the Estate of the late Isabella BREETZKE (born DIXON), and surviving spouse, Orlando Charles BREETZKE, of Queenstown.  No. 1485…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Saturday, August 16, 1924
Amended Notice.
Estate of the late William James ROBINSON.  166/694/4879/18…
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Monday, August 18, 1924
PHIN,-  On Tuesday, the 12th inst., at Agnes, Glen Grey, to Mr. and Mrs. K.T. PHIN, a Son.
The marriage will be solemnized between Charlot MEYER, of Queenstown and B.D. SACKE, of Steynsburg, at the Queen’s Drive Synagogue on Tuesday, the 19th August, at 9 a.m.  No cards.
CUTLER,-  Died at Pretoria on the 14th August, Hermina CUTLER, age 71 years.  Deeply mourned by loving sons, grandchildren, relatives and friends.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
Estate of the late Hugh CAMPBELL, of Queenstown.  No. 5114…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Notice to Creditors.
Estate of the late Clara COLLINGWOOD (born FIELDING), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 5116…
Solicitors for Executor,
94 Cathcart Road, Queenstown.
Tuesday, August 19, 1924
In Memoriam.
In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth Dixon, who died at Queenstown on 19th August, 1920.
Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.
In loving memory of Elizabeth DIXON, the beloved wife of W.J. DIXON, who died at Queenstown, 19th August, 1920.
In loving memory of our dear mother, who departed this live August 19th, 1920.
Dearly loved and always remembered by her broken-hearted son George, daughter-in-law Polly, and grandchildren.
Mr. MOLLENTZE and family in their bereavement wish to thank the Doctor and Nurses for their kind treatment towards their late son and brother.  They also desire to thank all relatives and friends for their sympathy.
The late Mrs. Lawrence SCOTT
A fortnight ago to-day Mrs. Lawrence SCOTT was laid to rest beside her husband in Queenstown cemetery.  When the end came at East London, where she had resided at East London, where she had resided for the last few years, Mrs. SCOTT had reached the ripe old age or 79, and with her passing over into the life beyond this present life, one of the few remaining early Queenstown settlers, has been removed from the great field of time.
Granny SCOTT, as she was familiarly called by a large circle of friends in Queenstown and East London and all over the Border districts, landed with her parents at Port Elizabeth some 66 years ago.  She spent a number of years as a girl in the neighbourhood of Grahamstown, and life there at that time for her, as for the other early settlers, was no summer pastime.
The difficulties that had to be surmounted, the hardships that had to be borne, the weals that had to be faced, were such as those of us at present time can hardly conceive, but the family to which she belonged come of a dour hardy Scotch stock that were not easily daunted.
Putting a stout heart to a stiff hill they labored bravely and unweariedly in clearing the land and building a home for themselves with such materials as were available, and trying as the experiences were through which they passed they came out of them on the whole none the worse for them but all the better and stronger.  It was a rough school, but it had its rich compensations.
After her marriage Granny SCOTT settled with her husband in Queenstown and became a very prominent figure in the life of the town in its early days.  She was a good wife and mother, and never at any time neglected the interests of her own home and family, but in the midst of her own household duties and cares she ever found time in the goodness and generosity of her heart to be of service to the sick and needy about her.
Wherever a helping hand was required she was there.  She was one of the good Samaritans of the little town.  She gave freely and ungrudgingly both of her time and of her means to those who required assistance, and many a home in Queenstown had a good cause to thank God on every remembrance of her.
A friend of hers, writing to her family a day or two after her death, said of her that he had known her for many years, and that she stood out in his recollection of her as a splendid mother and a good woman, rich in good works of every kind.  Like most Scotch women of the best type, Grannie SCOTT was quietly but pronouncedly religious, and warmly attached to the church of her fathers.  The Presbyterian Church which she joined on coming to Queenstown had no more loyal member than her.
She took a genuine interest in all its activities and was a liberal supporter of all its schemes, and if her voice was seldom or never heard in church meetings – for that sort of prominence or publicity was not natural to her – she did not a little by her character and influence to enrich the life of the church and maintain its very best traditions.
A good wife, a good mother, a good friend and neighbour, unobtrusive, cheerful, kindly, patient, capable Grannie SCOTT gave interest and character and strength to the community and her passing from us is a very real loss.  She served her generation and fell on sleep.
Wednesday, August 20, 1924
In Memoriam.
In loving memory of my loving wife and our loving mother, Louisa THOMPSON, who passed away on the 20th August, 1922.
Inserted by husband and children.
Friday, August 22, 1924
Local and General
Life Saving.
At the commencement of Tuesday’s meeting of the Durban Town Council, the Mayor presented the Royal Humane Society medal and certificate to Mr. Cliff BLAMEY in recognition of the bravery he and others displayed in rescuing a young lady from drowning on the south coast in January last, and in which one of the would be rescuers, Mr. Harry GEERDTS, lost his life, wires Reuter.  The latter was awarded a posthumous medal and certificate, while Miss Phyllis LEES received a testimonial on vellum.
A Pretoria Tragedy.
A tragic discovery was made on Wednesday morning by Mrs. MEYERSON in the bathroom of her residence in Cluver Buildings, Pretoria.  Her husband, Mr. S. MEYERSON, a well-known chemist unwell for some time past, and on Tuesday, says the “Star,” there was a discussion anent an operation on him.  Mr. MYERSON seemed much distressed about this and a decision was deferred until to-day.  At about 2 o’clock this morning Mrs. MEYERSON spoke to her husband and he appreared to be in normal spirits.  When Mrs. MEYERSON awakened some hours later she found her husband’s bed empty, but this did not alarm her, as she thought he had probably gone to the market.  Shortly after, however, she entered the bathroom and was horrified to find her husband hanging by a rope suspended from the ventilator.  Round his neck there was a handkerchief and a thin rope was tied round this.  It would seems that deceased must have climbed on to a washstand and jumped off.  Life was extinct.
In Memoriam.
In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, Oswald John WIGGILL, who died at Ramoutsa, Bechuanaland, on 23th August, 1921.
Saturday, August 23, 1924
Local and General
Lad Accidentally Shot.
A sad shooting fatality took place at Potchefstroom on Wednesday afternoon, when a 16 year old lad named Jacobus Martinus CILLIERS was killed as the result of a tragic accident.  CILLIERS, who was employed at the local Defence Office, with another boy names WALTERS, had engaged a boat at the Lake, and proceeded to Mooi River above the railway bridge to shoot birds.  It appears that while WALTERS was out of the boat CILLIERS accidentally discharged his saloon rifle, which was lying loaded in the boat.  The pellet entered the left side of his body, just below the chest, death taking place within a few minutes.  The only words spoken by the wounded boy was a request for a drink of water.
Wednesday, August 27, 1924
In loving memory of my dear husband, William R. MOYES, who died August 27th, 1923.
In memory of our darling daddy.  
From Eric, Winnie, and Billy.
Thursday, August 28, 1924
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Johannes Hendrik DE WET, who died at Manelsdam, Tarka, on the 27th June, 1904…
Attorney for the Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown.
Local and General
A Farm Tragedy.
A sensational tragedy is reported from Redhill Farm, near Plumtree, Rhodesia.  A few months ago a man, named E.A. POWER, accompanied by his wife, arrived at Plumtree, having walked up from the Union.  He subsequently obtained employment at Redhill Farm.  It is alleged that on the night of the tragedy, POWER attacked his wife, and when she got away the house was found to be on fire.  The house was burned down, and the remains of a human being, presumed to be those of POWER, since he is missing, were found among the ruins.  An inquest will be held.
Friday, August 29, 1924
KHOURY,-  On the 28th inst., at 161 Cathcart Road, to Mr .and Mrs. G. KHOURY, a Daughter.  Both well.
Saturday, August 30, 1924
Local and General
Death of Mr. T. ROBERTSON.
Many friends will hear with sincere regret of the sudden death of Mr. “Tommy” ROBERTSON at the early age of forty-two.  A pensioned telegraphist from the Post Office, he was an enthusiastic follower of soccer football and was formerly treasurer of the local Association.  Much sympathy will be felt with the bereaved widow and family.  The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at four o’clock.

Monday, Sept. 1, 1924
DICKIN,-  At Tylden, on Sundya, the 31st August, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. H.B. DICKIN, a Son.
WHIMANN-HAGEMANN,-  Married at the German Baptist Church, Macleantown, 27th August, Nat WEIMANN, of Qoqodala, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. WEIMANN, of Macleantown, to Adeline Alvina HAGEMANN, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. HAGEMANN, of Kwelegha.
Estate late Izak Johannes Benjamin VAN HEERDEN, of Sterkstroom.  No. 1955…
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary.
LLOYDS Building, 58 Burg Street, Capetown
Wednesday, Sept. 3, 1924
Local and General
Shot Himself on Wife’s Grave.
A distressing tragedy occurred at Tabankulu, a village near Kokstad, on Friday night, when the resident magistrate of that district, Mr. S.D. GOLD, committed suicide by shooting himself over his wife’s grave, says the “Star.”  He had been sorely depressed ever since his wife’s death two months ago, and suffered from melancholia.  Mr. GOLD was highly popular throughout the district of Tabankulu, to which he was transferred from Pietersburg, Transvaal, about two years ago.  He was a member of an old and well-known Natal family, his father coming from Scotland over 50 years ago.  His aged mother is still alive.  Two  brothers are farmers at Ixopo, Natal, and one is a farmer in the Kokstad district.  He leaves a family of five children, the eldest being seventeen years old.  The funeral took place at Tabankulu and was attended by a great concourse of mourners, including Mr. W.T. WELSH, chief magistrate of the Transkeian territory.  Widespread sympathy is felt for the bereaved family.
Thursday, Sept. 4, 1924
Local and General
Stung to Death.
On Monday afternoon a coloured man named JACOBS was found by his wife on the mountain side at Paarl, having been stung to death by bees.  This was the third of a series of fatal accidents during the last week.  Two other men died from injuries.  In the first case horses in a cart bolted and the man was thrown out, falling on his head, and in the other case the man received his injuries through horses turning restless while a heavy box was being off-loaded.
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1924
MILES.-  Died at his farm Riet Kuil on the 1st instant, John Miles, aged 60 years and 10 days.  Mrs. MILES and family desire to thank the doctors, nurses and all kind friends for their sympathy and help.
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1924
Sterkstroom Notes
Our sympathy is extended to Mr. W. ERASMUS, and ex-councillor, in the bereavement he has suffered in the death of  his wife, Mrs. Amelia C.J. ERASMUS, at the age of 49 years, as also to Mrs. BOTHA in the loss of her husband, Johannes C. BOTHA, at the ripe age of 82 years.  The deceased gentleman lived for many years at Tarkastad.
The late Mr. J.C. INGLETHORPE, whose death under distressing circumstances in a railway carriage is reported, was well-known here, where he was employed as book-keeper to the late Mr. E. FLINT.  He was a prominent figure in the social life of the town and during the Great War did useful work in the Red Cross local organization.  Some few years ago he left for Koppiers.
Local and General
A fatal accident occurred, near the junction of Ettrick and Oxford Roads, Johannesburg, on Saturday.  Mr. F.R. ELLIS, who was employed on the City Deep mine, was killed.  Mr. ELLIOS was riding on the pillion seat of a motor cycle driven by Mr. KELLY, and Mrs. ELLIS occupied the sidecar.  They were going down Oxford Road, and in attempting to turn around apparently struck some small obstacle in the road and overturned.  Mr. ELLIS was seriously injured, and died shortly after being admitted to hospital.  Mr. KELLY was injured in the head, and Mrs. ELLIS suffered severely from shock.  Neither of the survivors of the accident was able to relate clearly what had occurred.  Before they realized what was happening they were lying in the road.
Friday, September 12, 1924
FULLER,-  AT 33 Joubert Street, Queenstown, on the 12th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. FULLER, a Son.  Both well.
Monday, September 15, 1924
WARDLE,-  At 92 Robinson Road, Queenstown, on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. WARDLE, a Son.
SIMSON,-  At 11 Reservoir Road, Queenstown, on the 13th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. SIMSON, a Son.
Tuesday, September 16, 1924
CONNOR,-  On 9th September, at Bulawayo, Ruth Muriel, in her 20th year, fourth daughter of late Patrick CONNOR, of Umlaas Road, Natal, and Mrs. M.E. CONNOR, now of Mrs. M.E. CONNOR, now of Bulawayo;  inserted by her sorrowing mother, sisters and brothers.
Tuesday, September 16, 1924
Local and General
A Daughter of the Voortrekkers.
The death took place on the farm Mulder’s Drift on Thursday last of Mrs. Hendrik J.J. MULDER, who had reached the venerable age of 84 years.  She was the daughter of one of the old Voortrekkers, and had lived practically all her life on the farm of which the family were the original owners.  She brought up fourteen out of sixteen children and among her surviving daughters are Mrs. FARRANT (Roodepoort) and Mrs. Fred TOSSEL, wife of the superintendent of the Randfontein municipal compound.  Her descendants include some two hundred grandchildren.
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1924
BARNES,-  Passed away peacefully at Kamastone, James Dixon BARNES, aged 90 years and 8 months.
The family thank all kind friends for their sympathy and floral tributes.
Thursday, Sept. 18, 1924
LORD,-  At Swakopmund, South-West Proctectorate, on the 14th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. R.A. LORD, a Daughter.  Both well.
Friday, September 19, 1924
Local and General
Electrical Linesman Killed.
At 5.30 on Wednesday afternoon Alexandra Road was the scene of an extremely distressing accident, unfortunately attended with fatal results, says the “Cape Mercury,”  of King Williamstown.  It appears that MR. A.D. MacFARLANE, a linesman in the employ of the Telegraph Department and stationed at East London, and in charge of a special construction party engaged upon erecting new lines between “King” and Blaney, was working in the vicinity of the Children’s Home.  A stay on one of the Borough Council’s electric light standards obstructed a portion of the work, and the unfortunate man was in the act of removing the stay when in some unaccountable manner he came in contact with a high tension wire and received a severe electrical shock, causing him to lose his balance and fall a distance of some 30 feet to the ground.  He was picked up unconscious and removed to hospital, where death supervened at 7.20 p.m.  Deceased’s back was broken by the fall.  Deceased leaves a widow and three children, who reside at East London.
Saturday, Sept. 20, 1924
In Memoriam.
BOTHA,- In loving memory of our dear little darling, Anna BOTHA, who was killed by one of the Municipal Rubbish Wagons, on the 20th September, 1921.
Inserted by her loving parents, brothers and sisters.
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1924
Local and General
A Race to Death.
At the inquest at Port Elizabeth on Herbert Oswald TEE (38), who met his death as the result of a motor cycle accident on the Kragga-Kama circuit on Sunday, September 7th, a native eye witness said she saw three motorcycles coming along at a terrible speed.  They appeared to be racing.  Just after the leading rider had passed through the gate the back wheel of his machine bumped and the man was thrown into the air.  He turned a somersault and landed on his back.  When the leader fell of his machine, … (paper damaged).

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