Eastern Province Herald 1870 - 3 - July to September
Tuesday 5 July 1870
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 1st instant, the wife of Mr. George ARMSTRONG of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 21st June, at Van Staaden’s River, by the Rev. W. Llewellyn, Mr. Adolphus GRELLERT to Harriott Eliza, fourth daughter of Mr. James PERKINS.
DIED at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. T.E. THEWLIS, Port Elizabeth, 3rd July 1870, William TITTERTON of Kraggakama, in the 67th year of his age.
Port Elizabeth, July 4 1870.
We regret to hear that Mr. W. TITTERTON Sen., of Kraggakama, who met with an accident on Thursday morning last, while seeing some relations into town, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J.E. THEWLIS, on Sunday evening, from the injuries received. The unfortunate gentleman was buried yesterday afternoon.
[Transcriber’s note: The above two notices are as printed, with one saying T.E. and the other J.E. THEWLIS. The marriage certificate shows that his name was Tom Edwin THEWLIS]
Friday 8 July 1870
MARRIED at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, on the 5th July 1870, by the Rev. H.I. Johnson M.A., Mr. Henry FROST to Emma, third surviving daughter of Mr. Henry F. DRINKWATER, of Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 12 July 1870
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th July 1870, the wife of T. TILBROOK Esq. of a daughter.
DIED at the Residence of Mr. John L. CALLAGHAN, Alexandria, on the 8th instant, Mr. Johan C. VOGEL, of Graw Water, aged 60 years and 11 months.
Alexandria, July 9th 1870.
Friday 15 July 1870
BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday 12th January 1870, the wife of J.M. DALY Esq., late Captain 10th and 77th Regiments, of a son.
MARRIED by Special Licence, at Port Alfred, on the 23rd June 1870, by the Father of the Bride, Benjamin Shaw BLAINE Esq., second Son of Henry BAINE Esq., London, and Grandson of the Rev. W. SHAW, to Augusta Louisa Ann, eldest Daughter of the Rev. C.R. LANGE.
DIED on the 14th instant at his late residence, Queen-street, Mr. Bryan HANRAHAN, aged 50 years.
The Funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, July 15 1870.
Tuesday 19 July 1870
MARRIED on Wednesday the 13th instant, by the Rev. W. Greenstock, at the Residence of the Parents of the Bride, Henry SMYTH of H.M. Customs, Port Elizabeth, youngest Son of the late Col. SMYTH, 62nd Regt., to Charlotte, second Daughter of James D’EWES Esq., of Fountain Farm, Addo Heights. – No cards.
MARRIED by Special Licence on Thursday the 14th inst, by the Rev. J.C. Macintosh, at the residence of the bride’s father, J. BREDELL, Organ Grinder, to Catherine, second daughter of J. WOOLACOTT, of Port Elizabeth. – No cards.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 14th July 1870, Elizabeth Mary Marsh, the third daughter of Mr. S. DANIEL, aged eight years and nine months. Mr. DANIEL takes this opportunity of thanking those kind friends of Port Elizabeth for the sympathy shown him under his sad bereavement.
Friday 22 July 1870
Two parties left the city for the diamond fields on Tuesday last. Messrs. ANDERSON, DONELLEY, T. RAE, and AINSLIE left with Rowing’s wagons, loaded up with about ninety bags of potatoes. A flag was flying at the fore of the front wagon as the party left town. Messrs. John SKEA, John HEALY, John HIGGINS, Michael HIGGINS, Alexander MACDONALD and James MACDONALD also started on that day, taking a wagon and Scotch cart with them.
Tuesday 26 July 1870
DIED at South End, Port Elizabeth, on Saturday morning, 23rd instant, Alice Adela, beloved daughter of Mr. W. SUTHERLAND, aged 10 months and 21 days.
Port Elizabeth, July 25 1870.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 25th instant, Alexander Arthur Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.M. TAIT.
Port Elizabeth, July 26 1870.
Friday 29 July 1870
ARMSTRONG, Mrs. George, on the 1st inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a daughter.
DALY, Mrs. J.M., on the 12th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
TILBROOK, Mrs. T., on the 9th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a daughter.
BREDELL, Mr. J., on the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, to Miss Catherine WOOLACOTT.
BLAINE, Mr. B.S., on the 23rd ult, at Port Alfred, to Miss Augusta Louisa Ann LANGE.
FROST, Mr. H., on the 5th inst, at Port Elizabeth, to Miss Emma DRINKWATER.
GRELLERT, Mr. A., on the 21st ult, at Van Staaden’s River, to Miss Harriett Eliza PERKINS.
SMYTH, Mr. H., on the 13th inst, at Port Elizabeth, to Miss Charlotte D’EWES.
DANIEL, Elizabeth Mary Marsh, on the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 8 years and 9 months.
HANRAHAN, Mr. Bryan, on the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 50 years.
SUTHERLAND, Alice Adela, on the 23rd inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 10 months.
TAIT, Alexander Arthur Stewart, on the 25th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
TITTERTON, Mr. William, on the 3rd inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 67 years.
VOGEL, Mr. Johan C., on the 8th inst, at Alexandria, aged 60 years and 11 months.
Friday 5 August 1870
MARRIED on Wednesday 3rd August 1870, at St.Paul’s Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. S. Brook, Mr. Christian Michael LUYT, of Uitenhage, to Elizabeth Ann, only daughter of Mr. John James BERRY of this Town,
Tuesday 9 August 1870
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, August 6th 1870, Mrs. George BIRT of a son.
BIRTH on the 7th, Mrs. Louis BRAMSON of a daughter.
DIED at his Residence, North End, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday evening, the 2nd instant, D.S. DAWSON Esq., aged 58 years and 2 months.
We hear that Mr. John VAN DER BYL, with a party of diggers, started for the Vaal yesterday morning, from Eerste River. Several other parties are in the course of formation. One is to be headed, we believe, by Mr. Henry GLYNN, who is acting in conjunction with a mercantile firm in this city. Another mercantile firm is also, it is reported, getting up a party. A number of young men, of respectable position, are clubbing together for a trial at the diggings, and start next week, as we are informed, with one of their number as leader. Several individuals are also to start on their own account. It may now be said that Cape Town has fairly caught the diamond fever. – Argus.
Tuesday 16 August 1870
DIED at Queen’s Town on the 6th August, George William, eldest son of the Rev. William IMPEY, aged 28 years.
Three or four parties – among which we may mention those of Messrs. DEARE & DIETZ, MULLENS, BERRY, John WOOD and others – have left or are on the eve of leaving this town for the diamond-fields. A party of diamond seekers – comprising Messrs. Jas. TEE, Jos. TEE, W. INGRAM, J. COPPARD and C. COOPER – will leave for the Vaal River on Thursday next. It is estimated that between eighty and one hundred persons will leave during the present week.
Friday 19 August 1870
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 16th August 1870, the wife of C.E. JEPSON Esq. of a daughter.
We are informed that Mr. John COXEN (son of Mr. C. COXEN of this town) has been fortunate enough to disinter eight or ten diamonds during his sojourn on the fields.
Friday 26 August 1870
DIED at Port Elizabeth this morning, the Rev. A. ROBSON. His remains will be interred on Sabbath next, at 3:30pm, when the attendance of Friends is respectfully requested.
George MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, August 26, 1870.
We regret to have to announce the death of that venerable missionary and pastor, the Rev. A. ROBSON, who died this morning at his residence in Victoria-street, at an advanced age. The deceased gentleman, who has gained the universal respect of all classes of the community, will be interred on Sunday afternoon.
A little daughter of Mr. Thos. CAWOOD, of Lower Albany, had a narrow escape from poisoning last week. The child was in charge of a native lad, who, finding a bottle containing some white powder (arsenic) in an out-house, conceived the idea of making some little cakes, of which the child ate several. The accident being discovered, powerful emetics were administered, and the sufferer is now out of danger. The boy has been acquitted of any intentional design in the matter.
Tuesday 30 August 1870
BIRTH at Sunnyside on the 27th inst, the wife of Mr. Robert STEWART of a daughter.
I, in brief, broken words, thus tender my heartfelt thanks and grateful acknowledgements – too strong for words – to the many kind Friends in Port Elizabeth and its neighbourhood who, during the prolonged illness and on the death of my dear deceased Husband, showed such unremitting kindness and attention to him and to myself. The kindnesses that we have experienced have been greater and more numerous than I can find fit words to express, and were exhibited by so many mindful Friends, that I cannot – except in thought and feeling – send special thanks to each.
I wish in this way also to thank the Members of my late Husband’s Church and Congregation, and the other Native Friends, who, by their many kindnesses and thoughtful attentions and services, have manifestly shown the great love and esteem which they entertain for one who has spent a lifetime in arduous and loving labours for their highest welfare.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 27th August 1870, William Arthur, son of Lawrence George PEACOCK, aged 20 years and 1 month.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 29th August 1870, Elizabeth Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Thomas GRIFFITHS, aged 15 years. Friends will please accept this notice.
DIED on the 29th instant, at his late Residence, South End, after a few days’ illness, Captain Donald RUSSELL, aged 41 years and 8 months.
The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, August 30 1870
M.U.O.F. No, 5,099
Members are requested to attend at Lodge
Tomorrow, Wednesday, 31st August, at half past 2
to attend the Funeral of our late Brother, Capt. Donald RUSSELL.
J.N. RUSSOUW, Secretary
Port Elizabeth, 30 August 1870.
Friday 2 September 1870
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday night, 31st August 1870, Jane, beloved wife of the Rev. J.C. MACINTOSH.
The Funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon, and will proceed from the Residence of the Rev. J.C. MACINTOSH at half past 3 o’clock to New Church, where the Funeral Service will be held. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Jos. WILLIAMS, Undertaker.
A fatal accident occurred near Reddersburg a few days since to Mr. Joseph BARRY. While driving across the farm of Mr. P. HAASBROEK, he slipped from his wagon, the front wheel passing over his head and the hind wheel over his chest. He was taken into the house, but expired two hours after the accident.
Tuesday 6 September 1870
BIRTH at Somerset East on 31st Aug, Mrs. H. DAVID of a daughter.
Died at Alexandria, in child-birth, on Friday afternoon, the 2nd instant, Janet, the beloved wife of John Wm. CALLAGHAN.
Friday 9 September 1870
From letters received by Wednesday morning’s post we learn that a party of four sailors, who tramped up to the diggings from this town, under the leadership of an individual named Edward STIMPSON, alias “Shandy-gaff Ned”, has been successful in disinterring a diamond valued at £5000. Mr. John COXEN of this town is said to have also been eminently successful. The Port Elizabeth diggers, as a body, write very hopefully of their prospects, and evince no anxiety to return at present.
Tuesday 13 September 1870
Since the arrival of favourable news from the diggings, the “diamond fever” has broken out in this town with increased virulence. Between Saturday night and Monday morning no less than twenty-six pedestrians left for the Vaal. A large party of Malays – shortly to be followed by more – left last evening. Mr. Bernard LEE leaves during the week, with three wagon-loads of merchandize. The wagons despatched by Mr. Charles FULLER and Mr. SLATER are nearly ready for a start, and will be accompanied by a number of prospective diamond-diggers. Nearly all the boatmen have deserted the beach, and this description of labour is becoming scarce. Most of the Municipal labourers have sought “fresh fields and pastures new”. A large party of Irishmen, fifteen in number, will start this afternoon. The “Good Intent Party No.2” will leave on Tuesday next.
Tuesday 20 September 1870
MARRIED by Special Licence at Port Beaufort, Cape of Good Hope, on Thursday the 15th September 1870, by the Rev. Wm. Robertson D.D., James Gerhard REID Esq., of Riversdale, to Elizabeth Martha, fifth daughter of Thomas BARRY Esq. Sr., of Rhenoster Fontein, near Port Beaufort.
Mr. T. GIFFORD, of Somerset East, one of the Settlers of 1820, was found dead in his house last week. Deceased was eighty-three years old.
Mr. James WHILEY, of the firm THOMSON, WHILEY & Co, left this morning by passenger cart for Graham’s |Town, en route for the diamond-fields.
Tuesday 27 September 1870
BIRTH on the 2nd August at Waltham Place, Black Rock, Dublin, the wife of Captain J.K. KELSALL, 2nd Battalion 11th Regiment, of a daughter.
Friday 30 September 1870
DAVID, Mrs. H., on the 31st ult, at Somerset East, of a daughter.
REID, Mr. James Gerhard, on the 15th inst, at Riversdale, to Miss Elizabeth Martha BARRY.
CALLAGHAN, Mrs. Janet, on the 2nd inst, at Alexandria.
MACINTOSH, Mrs. Jane, on the 31st ult, at Port Elizabeth.
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