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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1870 - 4 - October to December

Friday 7 October 1870

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th October 1870, the wife of J.D. VAN DER HOFF Esq. of a daughter.

Tuesday 11 October 1870

Graham’s Town, October 11, 1870
The post arrived in King William’s Town last night. The Friend received intelligence by express that a perfect gem of 881/16 carats had been found by Mr. WHEELER, of Beaufort West, on Pniel side. He was offered £22,000 on the spot, but wanted £30,000. He has started for England with his prize.
The finds during the week have exceeded those of any previous week.
The proclamation by General HAY very favourably received by diggers – the news flew round camp like wild-fire, and caused greater sensation than the thirty thousand-pounder.
Mr. SLATER, of Fort Beaufort, has found a diamond valued at £800. There are now about eleven thousand persons on the fields – about six thousand being white.

Tuesday 18 October 1870

BIRTH at Hanover on Saturday the 1st October 1870, Mrs. A. KIRSCHBAUM of a daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday the 15th October, Mrs. James SKEA of a son.

The Cradock Express says: “The marriage of Mr. James CHAPMAN, son of the Rev. George CHAPMAN, of Somerset, to Miss Lucy NELSON, daughter of J.E. NELSON Esq. of this town, was celebrated in the Wesleyan Chapel on Wednesday morning last. The father of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. T CHUBB, officiated.”
The same paper also reports that an accident befell young Mr. COLEMAN, son of Mr. W.H. COLEMAN, and nephew of Mr. E.T. COOPER of this town, who is on his way from Port Elizabeth to the diamond-fields. Walking along the road, some distance from Cradock, he fell, fracturing his right arm just below the shoulder. The limb was subsequently set with some difficulty by Dr. GREY, who placed the patient under the influence of chloroform.
The tiger recently captured on Mr. MARAIS’s farm has been bought by Dr. GREY, who intends to present it to the Zoological Gardens, London.

Tuesday 25 October 1870

The body of Mr. CAFFYN’s late storeman, Joseph MAASDORP, was found on Saturday opposite to Mr. FREEMAN’s house at Green Point. His funeral took place on Sunday, and was attended by a very large number of people. – Argus

Tuesday 1 November 1870

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 30th October 1870, the wife of Mr. H.P. LORIE of a daughter.

DROWNED in H.M.S. Captain, William HEUGH, second son of the late John HEUGH Esq., aged 19 years.

Tuesday 8 November 1870

MARRIED at Healdtown, 26th October, by the Father of the Bride, Charles Henry DRIVER, of Peddie, to Maria Boyce IMPEY, second daughter of the Rev. William IMPEY, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions.

A little girl of five or six years of age, daughter of Mr. Schalk VAN DER MERWE, elder of the D.R. Church, Fauresmith, was burned to death a few days since, through her clothes accidentally catching fire.

Friday 11 November 1870

Mr. HEELEY, formerly a resident of this town, was drowned lately in the Modder River, while on his way to the diamond-fields. The unfortunate man leaves a widow and four children to deplore his untimely end.

Tuesday 15 November 1870

A correspondent of the Cape Argus writes that a few days since Mr. Gert OOSTHUYSEN, of Tweekuilen, in the Riversdale District, met with a serious accident, by which his one side became paralysed, and his brain affected. While riding along the road from Heidelberg he was observed to fall suddenly from his horse, and on examination it was found that he had sustained a fearful wound in the head, extending from the temple to the base of the skull. He lies in a very precarious state.

Friday 18 November 1870

MARRIED on Wednesday the 16th inst, at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. Wm. Greenstock, Colonial Chaplain, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Brook, Rector of St.Paul’s, William Henry WORMALD, of Port Elizabeth, Attorney-at-Law, to Katherine Cuyler ARMSTRONG, daughter of the late Wm. ARMSTRONG Esq., of Cuyler Manor. No cards.

Tuesday 22 November 1870

The funeral of the late Hon. D.G. VAN BREDA Esq. took place yesterday afternoon. It was one of the most numerously attended we have seen in Cape Town for a long time. Besides the numerous relatives and private friends of the deceased, there were present His Excellency the Lieut-Governor, Sir Sydney BELL, and Justice DENYSSEN, the Colonial Secretary, and Sir C. BRAND, together with most of the leading members of the Dutch Reformed Synod, which had adjourned at an early hour for the purpose of attending on this occasion. There were also the representatives of the various Masonic Lodges and some eighty Volunteers, including cavalry, artillery and infantry. The funeral procession was formed punctually at five, and what gave special interest to the ceremony was the locale of the burial. This was a family vault situated within the forest, a short distance from the family mansion. When the procession reached there, and the coffin was deposited, the Rev. Dr. HEYNS delivered an eloquent and most touching address, referring to the unpretentious character, but sterling honesty, of the deceased, and of the pious spirit of humble Christian faith with which he bore his sufferings until his change should come. There was something peculiarly impressive in this scene amid the shade and stillness of the surrounding pines, Table Mountain towering aloft behind, and the setting sun shedding a soft and mellowed radiance on the city extending far below. – Argus

Friday 25 November 1870

DIED on the 22nd August last, at Calcutta, aged 39 years, Jacob, youngest son of the late John Maurice CONWAY Esq., Denbighshire.

Tuesday 29 November 1870

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, 17th Nov, the wife of Mr. Archd. LITTLE of a son.

LITTLE, Mrs. A., on the 17th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
LORIE, Mrs. H.P., on the 30th ult, at Port Elizabeth, of a daughter.
DRIVER, Mr. C,H,, on the 26th ult, at Healdtown, to Miss Maria Boyce IMPEY.
WORMALD, Mr. W.H., on the 16th inst, at Port Elizabeth, to Miss Katherine Cuyler ARMSTRONG

Friday 2 December 1870

MARRIED on the 21st November at St.Mark’s Church, George, by the Rev. W. Taylor, William HUME Esq., of Port Elizabeth, to Louisa Mary, widow of J. Knox LEET Esq., Surgeon C.M. Rifles, and daughter of the late Frederick CARLISLE Esq., of Graham’s Town.

MARRIED by Special Licence in Commemoration Chapel, Graham’s Town, on Wednesday 30th November, by the Rev. G.H. Green, the Rev. John SMITH A.M., of Pietermaritzburg, Natal, to Catharine, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph RICHARDS, and step-daughter of the Hon. R. GODLONTON M.L.C. No cards.

Friday 9 December 1870

DIED on the 8th instant at the Family Residence, on the Hill, Emily Phoebe, third beloved daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth GRIFFITHS, aged 9 years and 3 months.
The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth Dec 9 1870

Friday 16 December 1870

BIRTH at Cradock on the 10th December 1870, Mrs. R.J. TAYLOR of a daughter.

DIED on the 8th December at the Family Residence on the Hill, after a prolonged affliction, which she sustained with patience, Emily Phoebe, third beloved daughter of Thomas and Eliza GRIFFITHS, aged 9 years and 3 months.
Pot Elizabeth, December 12 1870.

Field-cornet WILMOT, of Lower Riebeck, reports to the Civil Commissioner the sudden death of an English navy, named John MOORE, which took place on Thursday morning last, at the farm of Mr. H. PLANTE, Assegai Bush. Deceased had been hard at work the day before, and to all appearances was in very good health. On the morning of his death, he complained of illness, said he was undergoing a sensation of choking, and that he must go to town to consult a doctor. He then dressed himself, saddled his horse, and started, but at the end of about three hundred yards ruptured a blood vessel, and fell to the ground, dead. When taken up, blood issued from his mouth, and the saddle and the mane of the horse were covered with it. He died possessed of a horse, watch and chain, a revolver, £28, and a few articles of clothing. He was formerly in the employment of Sir Walter CURRIE at Oatlands. Mr. WILMOT saw that his remains received proper interment. – Journal.

Tuesday 20 December 1870

BIRTH at Knysna on the 15th inst, the wife of Bennett W. LLOYD of a daughter.

BIRTH at Annerley Terrace, Port Elizabeth, on the 20th instant, Mrs. E. WEBSTER of a son.

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