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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1897 03 March

Tuesday 2 March 1897

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 2nd March 1897, the wife of W. ROACH, Kei Road, of a son.

At Grahamstown on March 2nd 1897, John Joseph STAPLES, of Clumber, aged 75 years.

During a brief thunderstorm which passed over the farm Waterval, on the Zoutpansberg Road, about fifteen miles north of Pretoria, on Sunday afternoon at five o’clock, a young man named Cornelius BOTHA, son of the owner of the farm, was instantaneously killed by a flash of lightning. He had been chopping some wood for his mother near the door of the house and was putting the axe away in the roof when he was struck down. His distracted father at once went off to Eberhardt’s Hotel for assistance and Messrs. EBERHARDT and WILLIAMS at once summoned Dr. [DANYER], the eminent French specialist. The three promptly proceeded on foot to the scene of the accident some three miles away. On their arrival the doctor did everything to restore animation but without avail.

Thursday 4 March 1897

Mr. A.A. STANTON, well-known in Grahamstown, was married yesterday morning by special licence at Trinity Church by the Rev. W. LIDDLE B.D. M.A., to Mrs. ROWE, relict of the late Mr. ROWE (Edenborough & Co), Port Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. STANTON left soon after the wedding for Bathurst, where the honeymoon will be spent.
[Transcriber’s note: The bride was born Lucretia Elizabeth ADCOCK. Her first husband was actually Edward WROE, after which she was married to Daniel Orsmond MOODY - see notice in the issue for 11 March.]

Tuesday 9 March 1897

DIED at Barville Park on the 1st March 1897, Hannah, beloved wife of Edward RHODES, in her 77th year.

DIED on March 9th at the residence of her late father, W.A. FLETCHER, Louisa Emma FRANK.
The Funeral of the above will leave the residence, High Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at half past 8 o’clock.

We regret to have to record the death of Mrs. FRANK, daughter of the late Mr. W.A. FLETCHER, which occurred this morning. Mrs. FRANK, who had been ill for a long time, was of a most kindly and benevolent nature and will be deeply regretted by very many friends in this City and elsewhere.

Thursday 11 March 1897

MARRIED on March 3rd at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. W. Liddell MA BD, Alfred Alexander STANTON, late of Johannesburg, to Lucretia Elizabeth MOODY. No cards.

PASSED PEACEFULLY AWAY on the 9th March 1897, after a long and painful illness, Louisa Emma FRANK, eldest daughter of the late W.A. FLETCHER. Deeply regretted.

A shunter on the railway, named WALLACE, was knocked down at Springfontein on Friday by an engine. The locomotive passed over him, taking off his legs above the knee. He was removed to the hospital but has since died of his injuries.

The funeral of the late Mrs. FRANK took place on Wednesday morning from the residence in Church Square, and was numerously attended by almost every class of the sympathising public. The Chief Mourners were Mr. F. FLETCHER, Mr. T. ROBERTS (Cradock), Mr. Geo. WEDDERBURN, Mr. F. HARRIS and master Graham WEDDERBURN. The pall bearers were Messrs. J.E. WOOD M.L.A., W. AYLIFF, R. AYLIFF, J. WEDDERBURN. The Revs. A.T. RHODES and J. PENDLEBURY conducted the last sad rites of the Church to which the deceased belonged. Mr. A. WILL, the well-known undertaker, managed the obsequies with his usual excellent taste.

Saturday 13 March 1897

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday March 9th 1897, the wife of Mr. Henry LAWRANCE of a son.

Salem, Friday (from Journal Special)
Some interesting reminiscences are related of the late John STAPLES, whose death took place and who recently had just completed his 75th year. Born in the early Settler days in one of the Lower Albany settlements, he came in for a full share of the hardships of those times. While quite a little chap he had to go out to herd the goats and was once lost in the veld for about four days, with the wolves howling round every night; he was found all right, however, and was afterwards apprenticed to Mr. James POWELL of Grahamstown, where he learned the wagon-making trade, which he afterwards successfully carried on for some years in the Winterberg, having trekked up there after his marriage to Mary PURDON. He subsequently returned to Lower Albany and Peddie, carrying on farming, at which he was fairly successful, being both a hard-working and painstaking man. He believed in doing well what he did, and herein lay the secret of much of his success. In one of the Kafir outbreaks he was severely wounded while endeavouring (with his 3 brothers-in-law, the Messrs. PURDON) to keep the cattle from being taken out of the kraal at night, Mr. W. PURDON having at the same time his braces cut off by a bullet while in a stooping posture and several bullet holes through the hat he was wearing. A good few of the enemy bit the dust that time, from one of whom Mr. STAPLES captured a gun which is still treasured in the old home at Clifton as a memento of the old times. The deceased was for many years a member of the Wesleyan Church, fond of reading, with a good memory, and he could converse on almost any topic. His wife and 8 children survive him. The funeral took place at Clumber on the 3rd March, being conducted by the Rev. Mr. [ROGERS] and followed by many mourners.

Tuesday 16 March 1897

A sad fatal accident occurred at Komgha on Friday. A Dutch farmer at [Kwelegha] named Jeremiah NAUDE, while throwing a stick at a bird, accidentally hit his younger brother on the head, smashing part of the skull, and causing death in two hours.
[Transcriber’s note: Civil Death Notice names the victim as Willem Johannes NAUDE, aged 12]

Thursday 18 March 1897

DIED suddenly at Oak House, Grahamstown, on 16th March 1897, Elizabeth Ann, the beloved wife of William AYLIFF.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th March 1897, John Hancock WILLS, of Port Elizabeth, aged 72 years. Deeply regretted.

At Maritzburg three or four days ago, as three men of the 9th Lancers and one of the Army Service Corps were riding out to Howick, one of the men’s ponies broke away and ran into the horse ridden by Sergeant SIMMONDS, who was thrown. He was picked up in a dying condition and expired before medical aid could be obtained.

The Oudtshoorn Times says: Between half past ten and eleven o’clock last night persons living in the neighbourhood of St.George’s Street were startled by the report of a gun, and on enquiries being made as to the cause of the report, it was found that Stephanus LE ROUX, a coloured man, employed as a barman at the canteen of the Masonic Hotel, had shot his wife. From what we can gather LE ROUX and his wife had had some quarrel, and words having passed between them, LE ROUX in a fit of temper seized a loaded gun, which was standing in the corner of his bedroom, and fired at his wife as she was passing through the doorway into the kitchen. The bullet entered the unfortunate woman in the back, and passing out below the chest, struck a wall beyond. She expired soon afterwards. LE ROUX, who was standing outside when he was arrested, was removed to gaol and acknowledged having shot his wife, stating that he knew he would have to be punished, but that he was driven to it.

A fatal accident happened yesterday at about 12:30pm, whereby the driver of Mr. MAGILL’s stone wagon, Charles HILL by name, lost his life. He was riding huge slabs of stone from the New Quarries right at the back of [Hospital] Hill for the big culvert in [Hill] Street and had just got his [wagon loaded] heavily and was coming down the hill. The road is steep but smooth but the [brake] was not properly tightened and the wagon capsized down a bank at the side of the road. HILL was sitting on the largest slab of all, which was then thrown over on top of him, leaving only the head and shoulders of the unfortunate man visible. It took six men to [free] the slab. Fortunately the stone did not fall with its full weight on the man or he would have been crushed to pieces. Though suffering terrible agony he refused to go to the Hospital and was tenderly carried home. As soon as he was undressed it was found his body from the hips down [was already cold]. The only words he said were “Thank God! I am in my own bed!” He died in two hours’ time.
[Transcriber’s note: The right hand side of the column for this article has been rubbed away and the rest is difficult to read, but Charles HILL’s DN can be found here.] 

We regret to report the sad and sudden death of Mrs. William AYLIFF, wife of the Hon. W. AYLIFF, which happened very suddenly on Tuesday evening last. The news came as a shock to all her numerous friends and relations, and the deepest sympathy is felt by all for the bereaved family. Death is attributed to the [failure] of the heart’s action. Mrs. AYLIFF, who was a daughter of the late Hon. Robert GODLONTON, was 67 years of age. [sic – she was actually born Elizabeth Anne RICHARDS and was the step-daughter of Robert GODLONTON] She was in her usual health on Tuesday, and indeed seemed more than usually cheerful, visiting friends in the afternoon and spending the evening in reading and chatting. But while preparing to retire she complained of a strange pain. Her husband got a little brandy and water and she appeared slightly relieved and said “I will lie down” but after a few minutes her head sank and the [spirit] passed from earth. Medical assistance was obtained but she was beyond all [human] aid. There still remains the revered memory of a devoted wife and daughter, a loving sister and friend and a [blank] left in the circle that can never be filled. The funeral, which was under the [control] of Mr. WILL, took place this morning, leaving the residence in Lawrance Street at nine o’clock. The chief mourners were the Hon. W. AYLIFF, Mr. R. AYLIFF, Mr. James AYLIFF, Mr. B. HOOLE and [two sons of] Mr. Horace AYLIFF. The pall was borne by the following: H.R. WOOD (Mayor), Messrs. W. WALKER, B. IMPEY, John E. WOOD M.L.A., A.B. SHAND, J. SLATER. The Ministers of the [Methodist] Union were present. Revs. A.T. RHODES, Theo. CHUBB, W. HOLDER, G.W. CROSS, J. PENDLEBURY [S.J. H...] taking part in the impressive service held at the Commemoration Church and then at the graveside. A number of beautiful wreaths had been prepared by friends and were laid upon the coffin. The very large number of our leading citizens who followed in the funeral procession testified to the love and esteem [universally] felt for the deceased lady and for a bereaved husband to whom we offer our deepest sympathy in his great affliction.

It is with deepest regret that we (says the Dordrecht paper) report the death of Mr. J. VALLENTINE, of Barkly East. Mr. VALLENTINE met with an accident some ten or twelve days ago, breaking his leg, and death resulted from lockjaw. The late Mr. VALLENTINE was known to many in these parts and was a brother to Messrs. M.P. VALLENTINE and Ben. VALLENTINE, formerly residents here. To them, his sorrowing wife, and all the relatives, we offer our sincerest condolence.

Mr. WHETZKA, a storekeeper, well known for many years on De Kaap, was found murdered about fifty yards from his house, situated on the Natal road, last Wednesday. The circumstances indicate that the deeds has [sic] been perpetrated either by coolies or by tramps. The body is supposed to have been dead for five days prior to its discovery. The deceased was an educated man and an excellent linguist. The matter, which is now in the hands of the authorites [sic], has caused a profound sensation.

From “Journal” Special War Correspondent.
Vryburg, Thursday, 9 a.m. […] Forces arrived here on Sunday morning.
C.J. DALGETTY having heard of the enemy looting the friendlies near Gamopedi sent Capt. FULLER of the Cape Police in advance of the column to rush the looters with the Vryburg Volunteers, recently arrived at Kuruman.
Capt. FULLER marched on Saturday night and completely surprised the enemy at dawn on Sunday, and routed them, killing MONGALE, an important councillor of GALISHIWE [sic: spelt GALISHWE later in the report], and also a brother.
Private V.C. FLETCHER of Vryburg Volunteers was killed to-day, brought in, and buried with full honours.
Sergt. CASON was shot in the knee, it is supposed by a comrade carrying a loaded rifle at full cock. He is in hospital here, doing well.
Private Ernest BOUGHTON, First City, left behind at Grootfontein, unfortunately died of fever, but very peacefully on Sunday, at 2.15 a.m. [See obituary below.]
The column is camped here, awaiting supplies for the march on Langberg, which will take place most probably on Thursday or Friday.
A small force is remaining at Kuruman.
GALISHWE writes to ROLL, Special Commissioner, protesting his innocence, and declaring he has no arms, men or food, and is relying on God.
Yesterday a policeman was fired upon at the Pan, fifteen miles from here.
It is expected that all rebels will flock to Langeberg, under GALISHWE, directly the column marches.
The march from here is 6½ miles, and fighting is expected en route.

Private E.E. BOUGHTON, of the First City on active service, met his death by no onslaught of the enemy, but by the insidious attack of a wasting fever, which though it began in a mild form soon developed serious symptoms. He was first taken ill at Groot Boetsap Camp, and was carried along in the Ambulance Cart; the doctors, however, said he was so bad that he must be left behind at Grootfontein Farm in charge of a Hospital Orderly, where he died. He had but lately come out from the Old Country, and was a foreman compositor at the printing office of Messrs. Grocott & Sherry. He had served [11] months in the First City, and then volunteered for service. He has no relations in the Colony, and his death will be a shock to those in Lincoln, England, where he came from. His age was only [23]
[Transcriber’s Note: He was in fact 22. This is Edward Ernest BOUGHTON, born Q3 1874 in Kensington district, vol. 01A page 196, living at the 1891 census in Lincoln and working there as a compositor.]

Sergt. Major OWEN, of the Capetown Medical Corps, died on the 10th in Camp, and was buried at the halting place.

[Transcriber’s note: This obituary is only barely legible]
We [sincerely regret to] announce that an old and highly respected citizen of Port Elizabeth, Mr. John Hancock WILLS, died in Grahamstown on Saturday. Mr. WILLS [was for] many years resident in this [city, and] conducted a successful business [as a … ] and general contractor. He [was a man] of strong opinions, fearless [in expressing] them, and was upright and […] in all the relations of his [illegible..]
[…] years ago Mr. WILLS [… to Aus]tralia, and was much struck [by the] energy and enterprise of the [men of] that country. Uncommon [circumstances] induced him to return to this [colony,] where he resumed his former [business,] which he conducted with his [customary] and unflagging industry. Mr. WILLS [was] a typical Englishman, invariably [expressing] his mind when [it was necessary for] him to do so, and for many years [he was a] member of the Town Council, [in which] his practical knowledge was on many [occasions] of the greatest service. He was a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church, to which he contributed [his] service on more than one [occasion. In] fact liberality to his church [was for] him a leading principle [when he] was satisfied of the merits [of any case] that was brought under his [notice. His] death will be regretted in many [circles,] and the large attendance at his funeral yesterday afternoon, which was attended by the Mayor and several of the [Town] Councillors, was an indication of the respect in which he was held.

Saturday 20 March 1897

BIRTH at Johannesburg on the [15th] inst, the wife of Evelyn W. SMITH of a son.

Tuesday 23 March 1897

DIED from the effects of a cart accident, at Grahamstown, on the 17th March 1897, Charles HILL, aged 54 years.
The widow and family tender their sincere thanks to Dr. FITZGERALD, Mr. McGILL and the numerous friends for their many acts of kindness.

DIED at Grahamstown on March 22nd 1897, James PIKE, aged 55 years.
Thy way, not mine, O Lord
However dark it be,
Lead me by Thine own hand
Choose out the path for me,
Smooth let it be or rough,
It will be still the best,
Winding or straight it leads
Right onward to Thy rest.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Market Square, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 9 o’clock. Friends kindly invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker

An interesting ceremony took place at Winburg, O.F.S. lately when Miss Louise DE VILLIERS, a young lady who was educated at the Wesleyan High School, Grahamstown, and has many friends here, became the bride of Mr. [Leslie] BRILL, son of Dr. BRILL, the respected Rector of Grey College, Bloemfontein, in presence of a large gathering of friends.

Thursday 25 March 1897

On Monday last there passed away at his residence on Market Square, at the age of 55 years, a well-known and highly respected inhabitant of this city. Mr. James PIKE was, we believe, born in this city. He was a wagon-builder by trade, but for many years he has conducted a general agency business, and has been greatly esteemed for his upright dealing and obliging manners. For many years he was a member of the Presbyterian Church here, but since the death of the Rev. J.A. CHALMERS he and his family have been regular attendants at the Wesleyan Church at Fort England. His family is a large one; there were sixteen children in all, of whom thirteen survive their father. Mr. PIKE had always been a very healthy man up to about three months ago; about that time he was prostrated by great weakness and an [enemic] complaint, which terminated fatally early on Monday morning. Fortunately he did not suffer great pain, and only complained of feeling always very tired. The collapse at the end was rather sudden, but he passed away with a good hope as to the life beyond.
The funeral of the deceased Mr. PIKE left his late residence on Market Square at 9 o’clock yesterday morning and was one of the most numerously attended funerals we have seen for a long time. The large number of citizens present showed the respect they felt for the dead, and the sympathy towards the living. The Ministers present were Revs. A.T. RHODES, J. PENDLEBURY and J. McALLISTER. The pall bearers were Messrs. H.R. WOOD (Mayor), J.E. WOOD M.L.A., Jas. DYER, B. HILL, Jos. TROWER and [HA..KER]. The Chief Mourners were Messrs. E.J., W.B., Herbert, Arthur and Percy PIKE, (5 of deceased’s sons. Two of the sons, Alfred and Harry, could not get here from the Rand in time.) S. BAX, R.H. RICHMOND and R.W. NELSON. Many in the long procession carried beautiful wreaths and floral offerings. The service at Commemoration Church was conducted by the three ministers present, and Mr. T.E. SPEED, the organist, played the beautiful Dead March in Saul. The procession then wended its way to the Presbyterian Cemetery, where the family plot is, and there the last rites of the Church were held, and the coffin which was full mounted and bore the inscription “Jas.PIKE died March 22nd 1897 aged 55” was lowered into the [....] earth. The funeral was conducted by Mr. A. WILL, the Undertaker, and was as usual carried out in a first class manner.

Tuesday 30 March 1897

Is prepared to take Sick-nursing, or care of Invalid, or travelling with the same, or as Housekeeper.
Good references.
Present address: Dundas Bridge.

Lower [Kuruman] March 19th (from a Journal correspondent)
Just a line to let you know that we are all well, but are anxious to leave here, as we are getting tired of camp life. We want to get to the Langberg, begin work, and get it all over. Camp life, however, is not so bad; we had several concerts, and last night the First City tug-of-war team pilled with the Duke’s Mounted and Duke’s Infantry teams and won both matches. It will take a jolly good team to beat us.
Corporal LONG, Duke’s Mounted, died last night and was buried this afternoon. Very impressive service. Twenty-five of each Troop attended the funeral.
We expect to leave here in eight days but are waiting for rations. We have not enough food to move yet.

On Sunday morning last in Commemoration Church a service was held in memory of Mrs. FRANK, Mrs. AYLIFF and Mr. James PIKE, members of the Wesleyan Church who have died lately. The pulpit and communion rails were draped in black. The service was attended by a large congregation and was of a very impressive character. The opening hymn was “There is a Land of Pure Delight”. This was followed by the usual liturgical service, after which the hymn “What are These Arranged in White?” was sung. The Rev. A.T. RHODES then offered a very suitable extemporary prayer, in which he implored the Divine blessing for the many bereaved ones. Another suitable hymn followed and the Rev. A.T. RHODES announced his text, taken from 2 Cor. v.5, “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” The Rev. gentleman gave a very suitable and eloquent sermon, in the course of which he referred with great feeling to the Christian lives and hopeful deaths of the departed ones, and the blissful hope of reunion which those who are bereaved have through Christ. The concluding hymn was “Give me the Wings of Faith”. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and gave a truly magnificent rendering of the Dead March in Saul, and also of Mendelssohn’s “O Rest in the Lord”.

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