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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1897 04 April

Tuesday 6 April 1897

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 31st March 1897, the wife of L. [SCH..BELER] of a son.

BIRTH at Queenstown on Saturday 3rd instant, the wife of G.E. FITZGERALD M.R.C.S. England, L.R.C.P. London, of a daughter.

PASSED INTO REST on Sunday April 4th 1897, Ada Emily, the beloved wife of W.S. COLEGATE, late of Dartford, Kent, England, and Matron to the Institute for Imbecile Children, aged 32 years.

We (Register) regret to learn that a sad accident resulting fatally occurred last Friday evening. Mr. [l. HEMSWORTH], a gentleman from Port Elizabeth, who had been staying on the farm [Northam] near [G... illegible line] the Agricultural Show on that day, and on his return in the evening was thrown out of the cart, and died shortly afterwards from concussion of the brain. His funeral took place this morning.

Thursday 8 April 1897

It is with extreme regret that we have to announce the decease of Mrs. COLEGATE, who died last Sunday at the early age of 32. When the Institute for Imbecile Children was opened at Fort England it was considered that the best experts obtainable should be [illegible] ..attend to, educate and train the children, thus giving them the advantages of the most modern methods of training with [care]. Two years ago the authorities were fortunate in obtaining the services of Mr. and Mrs. COLEGATE for this purpose, and these appointments have proved a great success, they having previously had many years’ experience in the Metropolitan Asylum for Imbecile Children near Dartford, Kent, an institution containing [1,...] children. They entered on their duties out here with great enthusiasm, and Mrs. COLEGATE, by her natural kindness of heart, had already endeared herself to the little girls she had charge of, when Death, with its ruthless hand, removed her from their midst. As an [official] her work was well and conscientiously done, and her death is an irreparable loss to the authorities, her position being extremely difficult to fill. During her comparatively short residence at Fort England, the late Mrs. COLEGATE made many friends. To them, and to her bereaved husband, we tender our sincere sympathy, as well as to her relatives in the Old Country. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended. The services, which were very impressive, were conducted by the Rev. W.H. TURPIN, the Chaplain to the Asylum.

The Rev. William ASHTON, who had laboured as a missionary for about fifty-five years among the Bechuanas at Kuruman, died at Barkly West on Monday evening.

Saturday 10 April 1897

Today the flags are flying from many of the flagstaffs in town. It is the seventy-seventh anniversary of the landing of the British Settlers in this country, and Grahamstown, the Settlers’ City, is doing right to remember the day, even in this small way. Tomorrow special services will be held in Commemoration Church, the Settlers’ Church.

Tuesday 13 April 1897

BIRTH at Grahamstown on April 7 1897, the wife of T.G. RAY of a son.

Although the critical state of the Rev. James R. MACPHERSON had been almost generally known in town, a shock was sustained by his numerous friends, the members of his church, and the public generally, when yesterday afternoon the news was passed from one to another that Mr. MACPHERSON was dead. The melancholy event occurred at 10:15 on Friday morning. The particulars of the casualty which probably caused the death of this respected minister and useful citizen are too well known to need repetition. It was hoped that with the extraction of some of the shot which he had received in his body in the late accident, which occurred while Mr. MACPHERSON was watching a party of sportsmen. It was hoped, we say, that with the best surgical assistance and nursing, the reverend gentleman would survive the effects of the gunshot wound. He certainly several times rallied sufficiently to justify the hopes of the more sanguine of his friends, but the fact is that on two occasions he had suffered from attacks of pneumonia, so that any injury to the lungs would in his case be doubly serious. Fatal symptoms, however, set in on Thursday night, and he expired on Friday at the Manse at the hour above mentioned. – Telegraph.

A great gloom has been thrown over the Emfundisweni Mission Station through the awfully sudden death by drowning of Mr. Thomas HUTT, the Joyful News Evangelist. For some days the Umzintlavana river, which flows through the Emfundisweni station, had been considerably flooded, and at times rendered impassable at the drifts. On the Tuesday (March 23rd), however, when the river had somewhat subsided, Mr. HUTT decided to fetch his English letters from the station. Being a fair swimmer he chose, as he thought, a suitable spot for crossing the river, but unfortunately the impetuous torrent proved too strong for him, and carried him down the stream, his Kafir boy barely escaping the fate. The body of the unfortunate evangelist was recovered the next morning about a mile lower down the river. Mr. HUTT, whose career has thus so unaccountably been cut short, was sent out eighteen months ago by the Rev. Thomas CHAMPNESS, the founder in England of the Joyful News Mission, his object being to labour in Pondoland. After staying several months at Umzintlavana with Mr. CHISNALL, a brother evangelist, Mr. HUTT decided to commence active work for himself, a location being assigned to him at Inthlenzi by the Rev. HARGREAVES. The people was sympathetic, and so appreciated his efforts for their good that there appeared every probability of a successful mission being established in the near future. Mr. HUTT was twenty-eight years of age and unmarried, but was expecting the event to take place during the present year. The interment took place at the cemetery on March 26, in the presence of almost the whole of the station people. The Rev. P. HARGREAVES officiated and was assisted by Messrs. CHISNALL and ROCK. The event, in its suddenness and awfulness, has proved a great shock to Mr. and Mrs. HARGREAVES, whose house has often been the home of Mr. HUTT when visiting the station. Great commiseration is felt for Mr. HUTT’s parents and friends in England. The sad news has been cabled to Mr. CHAMPNESS. – Argus.

Saturday 17 April 1897

DIED at Beira House, April 15th 1897, Mary Agatha, eldest daughter of the late Patrick and Aileen HEALY. R.I.P.

DIED at Hectorspruit, East Railway Line, Transvaal, March 24th 1897, Caleb Webb, youngest son of the late William WENTWORTH of Collingham, near Grahamstown, aged 44 years.

DIED at his residence, Lawrance Street, this morning at 2 o’clock, Henry CLARK, aged 75 years and [4] months.
Funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past 3.

Tuesday 20 April 1897

Patrick ARGUE, lately stationmaster at Dargle Road, shot himself lately at Ladysmith, Natal, where he had taken over a hotel business. ARGUE was formerly Sergeant in the Inniskilling Dragoons. He took a great interest in local races.

Thursday 22 April 1897

PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on April 16th 1897, Alexander, youngest son of the late John PATRICK, aged 28 years and 5 months.

DIED at Hopewell Farm, Clumber, April 19th 1897, John Longden, beloved son of Richard and Emma BRADFIELD, aged 23 years 8 months and 2 days.
Day by day we all shall miss him,
Words would fail our loss to tell,
But in Heaven we hope to meet him,
Never more to part again.

We in common with many of our readers were much grieved to hear of the death on Friday last of Mr. Alex. PATRICK, youngest son of the late Mr. John PATRICK. The deceased, who was one of the best known among the young men of Grahamstown, was only 28 years old, and was much esteemed among his many friends. He served with distinction for many years in the old Grahamstown Volunteer Horse Artillery, in which he attained to the rank of Sergeant. One of his last requests were that the Sergeant stripes of his old Corps should be buried with him. His life had been for the most part spent in this City, but he left a few months ago for the Rand, where he contracted his last illness. The funeral, which took place on Saturday afternoon, was largely attended by the friends and relatives of the deceased. We tender our sincere sympathies to the bereaved relatives.

A painful feeling ran through Cradock on Easter Monday afternoon when it became known that Mr. Francois Johannes PRELLER, whose marriage with Miss Catherine ERASMUS, daughter of the Widow Louw ERASMUS, had been fixed to take place at 2pm, had died suddenly and mysteriously.
Some six weeks ago the deceased, who was in the service of the Transvaal Government, came down to this district and stayed at the farm of Mr. Jacobus MARAIS, who is brother-in-law to the bride. Arrangements were made for the marriage to be celebrated on the 14th inst, and the whole family came into town for the event. PRELLER complained of headache and dysentery, Dr. GROBBELAAR was called in, and the marriage was postponed until Monday, the 19th inst, at 2pm. On Sunday he was walking about town with his bride and making calls. On Monday morning the deceased was riding about on a friend’s bicycle. He seemed in the best of spirits, and attended the marriage of another couple in the church that morning. Between 10:30 and 11 o’clock he went into Mr. AUSTEN’s chemist shop and asked for some strychnine pills to send out to Mr. John JORDAAN, Driefontein. Some conversation ensued as to the efficacy of these pills, and finally deceased took a small bottle (1½ to 3 [droplets]) of strychnine, and after signing the book in the form prescribed by law, he left, saying “I can just catch the goods train to send it, and will send the money”. He then left.
A few minutes past 12 he went down with Mr. Jacobus MARAIS to Messrs. [St...s] & Co. to meet Mr. F. RAWSTORNE, and while standing waiting outside, at 23 minutes past 12, he said to MARAIS ”I will go to the Magistrate’s Office to get the special licence”. MARAIS asked if the office was not closed. Deceased said “No, and the Magistrate has promised me to come to the house.” (As a matter of fact the deceased had never been near the Magistrate). He seemed to have gone straight to the house, and entered the closet. He was seen to go to the house, return to the closet door, put something white to his mouth, and then he walked into the back yard and then entered the dining room of Mrs. ERASMUS. After handing a packet of violet powder to the bride he sat down with his head in his hands, said “Oh my head, my head!”. He then suddenly went off into a kind of fit. He was assisted to the bedroom by Mr. Joseph SPRUCE, and then fearful convulsions ensued, it taking several people to hold him down. Dr. GROBBELAAR was sent for and was quickly in attendance. His utmost efforts proved ineffectual, paroxysms returned, and death [ensued] 1pm. The circumstances of the case being so mysterious, a post mortem of the body was made, and we understand there is unfortunately no doubt that death was the result of poisoning by strychnine.
The deceased was a nice, pleasant-looking young fellow, between 21 and 22 years of age. He was formerly Chief Customs Officer at Christiana in the Transvaal, but about eight or nine months ago was recalled to Pretoria and given his junior clerkship in the Custom Office. The enquiry held this morning before the C.C. and RM. (F.PETT Esq) revealed no motive, except that of pecuniary embarrassment. The father of the deceased is Mr. PRELLER, a painter from Pretoria. – Midland News.

Saturday 24 April 1897

MARRIED at Grahamstown on April 21st, Alice J. SOUTH, of Grahamstown, to Robert REID, of Vryburg.

Trooper [RAVESHILL], of the Natal Police, was riding in a hurdle race at Bulwer, Natal, on Saturday when the horse came down on top of him and fractured his skull. He died the same night. He was only 25 years old.

Tuesday 27 April 1897

At Knott’s Memorial Church, Kingston, District Victoria East, by the Rev. A.J. Lennard, Montagu White STIRK, third son of C.J. STIRK Esq, Grahamstown, to Amy Eleanor Prime COCKCROFT, youngest daughter of William COCKCROFT Esq, Kingston.

At Graaffreinet yesterday the young son of Mr. and Mrs. MARAIS of Grahamstown met with an accident in which he broke his leg, and died soon after. Mr. and Mrs. MARAIS are spending their holidays at Graaffreinet. The bereaved parents have our sincerest condolences.

A very pretty wedding was solemnised in the Knott’s Memorial Church, Kingston, District Victoria East, on Wednesday morning last, when, in beautiful weather, and in the presence of a large assemblage of friends and well-wishers, including a large party from this City, were united in the bonds of holy matrimony Mr. Montagu White STIRK, son of C.J. STIRK Esq. of this City, to Miss Amy Eleanor Prime COCKCROFT, youngest daughter of William COCKCROFT Esq., of Kingston. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A.J. LENNARD, of Peddie, and the Wedding March was very ably rendered by Miss KNOTT during the service. The bride was attended by three bridesmaids and two little flower girls. The bridesmaids were Miss HUNT, of Kingwilliamstown, cousin of the bride, Miss Muriel STIRK, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss KNOTT, the bride’s niece. The two little flower girls were also nieces of the bride. Both the bride and bridesmaids bore charming bouquets, supplied by Messrs. W & C Gowie, the well-known florists of the Eastern Province. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. Ross GOWIE, also of this City, as best man. At the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party and guests repaired to the residence of the bride’s father, whence after a sumptuous repast the happy couple departed to the well-known quiet seaside resort, Kasouga, via Grahamstown. The wedding presents were both numerous and costly. We join with the numerous friends of the bride and bridegroom in wishing them long life and great happiness.

Thursday 29 April 1897

DIED at Ficksburg, O.F.S., April 19th 1897, Joseph W. DICKENS, beloved husband of Alice J. DICKENS.

DIED at Graaffreinet on 26th April 1897, [Isie], beloved son of H. and M. MARAIS, aged 6 years 6 months and 14 days.
[Transcriber's note: The child's name is probably written as a short form of Isaac. His civil death notice gives his full name as Isaac Stephen James MARAIS.]

DIED at Peddie on Friday 23rd April 1897, Ellen Manners COYTE, widow of the late James COYTE, Solicitor, London, aged 71 years.
Peace, perfect peace.


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