Grahamstown Journal 1897 05 May
Saturday 1 May 1897
DIED at Rock Cottage, Grahamstown, on Friday 30th April 1897, Elizabeth Gardner, widow of the late Rev. C.F. OVERTON, and youngest daughter of the late Rev. John AYLIFF, deeply regretted.
The funeral of the late Mrs. OVERTON will leave Rock Cottage, the residence of her brother, Mr. R. AYLIFF, at half past 8 o’clock on Sunday morning, the 2nd May 1897.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
It is our sad duty to record this morning the death of Mrs. OVERTON of this city, daughter of the late Rev. John AYLIFF, and relict of the late Rev. C.F. OVERTON. Mrs. OVERTON died at 11 o’clock last night, and has suffered much during her last illness. She leaves besides her numerous relatives a very large circle of friends to mourn their loss. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sunday) morning and will leave from Rock Cottage, Grey Street, the residence of her brother, Mr. AYLIFF, where she died.
The Express Johannesburg correspondent writes: The report of what appears to be a deliberate murder comes from the Free State. It appears that about a week ago a native named Josh, employed at the Free State Colliery, near Viljoen’s Drift, was shot by a young farmer named VAN ZYL, whose father owns a farm about three miles from the colliery. It is alleged that the native was walking through VAN ZYL’s mealie fields about half past six or seven in the evening (for what purpose it remains to be definitely ascertained), when the young man deliberately shot him down with a Martini-Henry rifle at a distance of about 50 yards. The bullet entered the man’s side, passed through his intestines, and escaped on the opposite side; and of course he at once dropped. The native lay for some time, and then dragged himself to the colliery compound, where he arrived in fearful agony about nine in the evening. He suffered extremely during the whole night, and died early the following morning. Before he expired he left a marked deposition, made before Mr. B.V. DAVIES, the mine manager, accusing VAN ZYL of the deed, and further stating that after the shooting the accused came to him, looked at the wound, and left without offering help, although he was writhing in agony. VAN ZYL was arrested at the instance of the Magistrate and sent to Heilbron, where a preliminary examination on the charge will be held on Saturday. “Old Josh”, the deceased, was a bit of a character in his way, had seen “life” in a great variety of forms, and went as a servant with the British troops through the Soudan War, so that he was no ordinary “nigger”.
Thursday 6 May 1897
DIED at Impakwe, Matabeleland, on April 8th 1897, Ernest Dawson, fourth son of the late George IMPEY, of Port Elizabeth.
A young man named ALEXANDER, a commercial traveller, lately arrived from England, was drowned at New Brighton, near Port Elizabeth, on Sunday. He was one of a party of four that went out bathing, but getting out of his depth he was swept away before his companions could go to his assistance.
Saturday 8 May 1897
PASSED AWAY on May 4th 1897, Rachel, the beloved wife of Joseph R. MANSFIELD, aged 52 years and 3 months.
Mr. MANSFIELD wishes to sincerely thank Dr. SAUNDERS, Mrs. BLACKBEARD Sen, Mr. HORNE, Mr. TOMLINSON, Messrs. ANSLEY & CONNOCK and other friends for their kindness to his late wife during her illness.
Tuesday 11 May 1897
DIED at Grahamstown on May 10 1897, George ELENTON, aged 40 years.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Francis Street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker
[Transcriber’s note: Civil death notice says he died on 11 May]
A shocking discovery was made in an hotel bedroom at Vryburg on Friday. A railway goods clerk named WATTS was found dead, having apparently bled to death from the breaking of a blood vessel in his head.
Thursday 13 May 1897
DIED at Bulawayo, Matabeleland, Louis James, second son of J.P. COLLYER, of Balfour, in the 35th year of his age: deeply regretted.
[Transcriber’s note: His death notice from Zimbabwe records is here.]
We regret to report the death of Mr. Harry DRIVER, formerly chief clerk of C.C. and R.M. here. Mr. DRIVER died in Matabeleland.
[Transcriber’s note: Death notice from Zimbabwe records for Charles Henry DRIVER is here.]
We regret to record the death recently in Bulawayo of Mr. Louis James COLLYER, son of Mr. S.P. COLLYER [sic, should be J.P.], now of Balfour but formerly of this city. Mr. L.J. COLLYER many years ago was for some time employed in the office of this paper. We offer our sympathy to the bereaved family.
The Midland News regrets to record the death of the Rev. W.B. WALLACE, “The Glen”, Middelburg. The Rev. gentleman came to the Colony some twelve years ago and stayed in Aliwal North, where he won golden opinions from all classes. He afterwards married and settled in Grahamstown, but about two years ago removed to Middelburg.
On Saturday afternoon an accident of a very peculiar and frightful nature occurred on Green Point Common, Capetown, during the blasting of [.....] in connection with the drainage scheme, whereby a white man lost his life. A white ganger, named Richard ADDERLEY, was superintending dynamite blasting at one of the open [caves] in the middle of the vlei, at a point where a very obstinate layer of rock has been [encountered]. At twelve noon ADDERLEY [allowed] about a dozen dynamite cartridges in the obstructive rock and retired to a distance of a hundred yards or so, near the blacksmith’s shop on the Common. It was his duty to check the number of explosions in order to ensure safety for the men on their returning to work after the explosion of the cartridges.
It seems that ADDERLEY was standing with a friend against the wall of the blacksmith’s shop waiting for the explosions. Just as he was stooping down to wash his hands at a tap [...] the wall, one of the cartridges exploded, and a piece of rock was hurtled into the air. It alighted on the roof of the shop, and in falling to the ground, just caught ADDERLEY’s head as he was leaning forward, and cut it clean off, killing the unfortunate man instantly. His companion, two feet away from him, was unhurt. But for the fact that ADDERLEY was bending forward a foot at the moment he too would have been unhurt.
Saturday 15 May 1897
BIRTH at Umdulu, Fort Beaufort, on the 28th April 1897, the wife of Herbert E. SAVORY of a son.
DIED at Gwelo, on May 10th 1897, C.H. DRIVER, Native Sub-Commissioner, late of R.M. office, Grahamstown.
The Rev. Andrew MURRAY is still suffering from the effects of an accident which happened to him some time ago. Last Saturday the reverend gentleman celebrated his 70th birthday.
Mr. D. OLIVER, Scab Inspector, Graaffreinet, whose skull was fractured by the kick of a horse last Thursday morning, is dying. He made excellent progress until Wednesday midday, when he became delirious, and at the time of going to press is sinking fast. The medical report was that the sufferer might not survive the night.
Tuesday 18 May 1897
BIRTH on May 17th at Grahamstown, the wife of A. SHACKLETON of a daughter.
On the 21st April at St.Paul’s, Dublin, by the Rev. Francis J. TUCK MA, Assistant Master of Eton College, and the Rev. Macnevin Bradshaw MA, Colonel John Johnson TUCK, Retired, Army Pay Department, to Miriam Jane, eldest daughter of the Rev. John Lardner BURKE LLD, of Rutland-square, Dublin.
DIED at his residence, New Street, Grahamstown, on the 15th May 1897, Richard John KING sen., aged 52 years and 4 months.
When our heads are bowed with woe,
When our bitter tears o’erflow,
When we mourn the lost, the dear,
Jesu, son of Mary, hear.
Mr. George BEVEREDGE, a Town Councillor, and a well-known business man at Kimberley, was found dead in his room the other morning. The deceased was in his usual health the day before, and the cause of death is supposed to be apoplexy.
Thursday 20 May 1897
BIRTH at the Residency, Grahamstown, on the 18th inst, the wife of Dr. T. Duncan GREENLEES of a daughter.
DIED at Bella Vista, Donkin Street, Grahamstown (the residence of Mr. G.W. BOWER), Frederick Harry HEPBURN, second son of the late F.W. HEPBURN, of this city, aged 31years.
The sad news was disseminated on Tuesday afternoon last of the death of Mr. Fred H. HEPBURN, second son of the late F.W. HEPBURN, well-known in connection with the firm of Hepburn & Jeanes of this City. Mr. Fred HEPBURN, who was only 31 years of age, was an old Grahamstown boy, and was for many years at the Public School here. He was for some time in the Journal Stationery Stores, where he was noted for his sterling business qualities. Mr. HEPBURN left town for up country and went to Klerksdorp, subsequently leaving that place for Natal. He was suffering from a weak chest and lungs. Our rememberances of the late gentleman are most kindly. He was of a cheerful and genial disposition. Most sincerely do we join with the many friends of the family here and elsewhere in offering our sympathies in their sad bereavement. The funeral of the deceased took place this morning at 8 o’clock, when there was a large attendance. The Chief Mourners were Mr. Alex HEPBURN (brother), Messrs. L.G. LLOYD, G.W. BOWER and H.J. SOLE, while the pall bearers were Messrs. W.H. BARNES, H.R. BARNES, PATTERSON, NELSON, UNDERHILL and T. THORNLEY. A short and impressive service was held at the house. The Rev. A.T. RHODES conducted the last rites of the Wesleyan Church, of which deceased was an earnest member. Many beautiful wreaths and other floral offerings were laid on the coffin. Mr. Alex. WILL conducted the funeral in his usual good style.
Saturday 22 May 1897
On the 18th May at St.George’s Cathedral, Capetown, by the Rev. H.C. Gladstone-Hawke MA, Vicar, Williamson WHYTE, Grahamstown, to Amy, youngest daughter of the late William KEMPLAY, Manchester, England.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. FENNEL sen. will leave the residence of Mr. PAGE, Hill Street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
Thursday 27 May 1897
DIED on the 26th May at Middelburg, Transvaal, Walter, third son of William and S.J. GOLDSWAIN, aged 23 years and 9 months.
We deeply regret to record the sad death at Middelburg, Transvaal, of Mr. Walter GOLDSWAIN, third son of Mr. and Mrs. GOLDSWAIN, so well-known in this city. The deceased had a host of friends in Grahamstown, and this is one of those sad cases where Grahamstown boys go off up country in search of a fortune, and are suddenly struck down by fever. The death took place yesterday evening.
During an inspection of troops at Capetown by the Governor and General (reports the Argus) a man named James Finlay GOULD, aged 35, a fitter at Salt River Works, dropped dead on Douglas’s Buildings, where with some friends he was watching the review. The body was taken to the Morgue, where Dr. DIXON and Mr. ARMSTRONG happened to be engaged, and the doctor at once pronounced life to be extinct.
Saturday 29 May 1897
Mr. Thomas LENNOX, stationmaster at Zwartkops, died on Monday. He had a few days previously undergone a very painful operation.
The Cape Times hears that Capt. [HOGWOOD]’s eldest son and a foreman fitter named PELLER have been accidentally drowned at O’okiep.
Mr. Douglas F. [DU FENEL], Mine Secretary of the Porges Randfontein, and formerly Secretary of the Wanderers, has succumbed to an attack of typhoid fever.
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