Grahamstown Journal 1897 06 June
Tuesday 1 June 1897
DIED at Grahamstown on 1st June 1897, Ann WELLINGS, aged 76.
The funeral will leave the residence of J. TULLETT, West Hill, on Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
On Sunday morning at about two o’clock, at a ball at Palapye given by Mr. HERRING, there was a disturbance caused by some men quarrelling. Mr. HERRING, in trying to restore peace, was knocked down several times and then hit on the head with some blunt instrument. He expired about nine o’clock. Dr. PAULING held a post mortem examination and found that death resulted from haemorrhage of the brain. A man named KELLY has been arrested.
Thursday 3 June 1897
DIED at [9] Parliament-street, Port Elizabeth, on 31st May 1897, Emily Catherine, relict of the late Capt. A.L. McDONALD (Army Pay Department), aged 63.
The three Kafirs now shortly to expiate the Krantz Plaats murder on the gallows, recently sent for the Rev. J. [RAMAGE] and made a free and full confession of their crime. The Midland News understands that they confessed that they were passing the windmill on that fatal night, carrying a sheep they had slaughtered, when suddenly Mr. ENGELAAR came upon them. He was at once felled to the ground by a blow from a kerrie. A terrible struggle ensued, and the horrible murder took place. The condemned men deny that the murder was in any way planned or premeditated; they express sorrow for their action, which they ascribe to the Devil’s influence over them, and admit the justice of their sentence, the execution of which they trust will not be long delayed. They all appear to be in good health and spirits, eat heartily, and thoroughly enjoy their pipes.
[Transcriber’s note: See entry for 4 February 1897. The surname was actually ENGELA – see his Death Notice here.]
Saturday 5 June 1897
DIED at Somerset East on Sunday 30th May 1897, Eliza DOYLE (born JAMES, James’ Party British Settlers 1820) beloved wife of the late William Andrew DOLD and Robert Charles DOYLE respectively, aged 81 years and 5 months. Rest in Peace.
[Transcriber’s note: The original certificate on Family Search, incorrectly indexed as Eliza DOLU, lists her second husband as Robert Christopher DOYLE]
The death is announced at Somerset East on Sunday last of Mrs. Eliza DOYLE, born JAMES, of James’s Party, who came out to South Africa with the British Settlers of 1820. Her age was 81 years 5 months. Very few of those who arrived here in 1820 are now living.
Tuesday 8 June 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown on June 7th 1897, the wife of A.H. EVANS of a son.
BIRTH on Monday June 7th at Grahamstown, the wife of G.A. WEBBER of a daughter.
BIRTH on June 5th at Vectis Villa, Grahamstown, the wife of F.M. DE VRIES VAN HEIJET of a daughter.
Thursday 10 June 1897
Yet another British Settler has entered into rest. The survivors of the 1820 grand pioneers of civilisation and industry are reduced to a number that may be told on one’s fingers. Mr. J.E. ROBINSON, a Settler of 1820, died in Graaffreinet last week. In 1820 the ROBINSON family settled down near Salem, and in latter years the sons (there being only one daughter) migrated to different parts of the Colony, and James Edmund survived them all. The daughter married Mr. David HOBSON, so that the family relationships in that district are both numerous and influential. Some seven or eight years ago the deceased with his wife went to reside with their son, Mr. W. ROBINSON, near Kendrea Station, and two or three years ago removed to Graaffreinet, where the old Settler died on Sunday. He leaves a widow and eleven children. The interment (says the Telegraph) took place in the Wesleyan burial ground on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Wesley HURT officiating.
Saturday 12 June 1897
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday June 11th, William Henry PARSONS, aged 51 years – Deeply regretted.
At Johannesburg on Tuesday, Rexie, the little son of Mr. DOWLING, the Town Treasurer, died from the effects of a scalding accident. He drew a pot of boiling water upon himself.
We learn with deep regret the news of the decease of the Rev. G.A. THEOBALD, Wesleyan Minister, Bloemfontein, who died last night. Particulars not yet to hand. Mr. THEOBALD, who had not long succeeded the Rev. James SCOTT in that important charge, was universally loved and respected, and his death in the prime of life and usefulness will be widely lamented.
Salem, Friday (Own Correspondent)
I much regret having to relate a sad and painful accident that happened to a little daughter of Mr. George EMSLIE of Sevenfountains. She was run over, or crushed against a gate by a heavily loaded wagon. Her injuries are very serious indeed.
Tuesday 15 June 1897
A proclamation declares June 22 a public holiday throughout the Colony.
[Transcriber’s note: Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee]
Preparations for the Festivities on Tuesday next (Jubilee Day) are going on apace under the direction of the Jubilee Committee. Storekeepers and householders are preparing to decorate and illuminate their premises. Large poles are being got ready for erection along the streets which will be gaily decorated. [Illegible] and strings of flags will be [hoisted]. The latest proposal we hear is to illuminate the Town Hall Clock, which will be a permanence.
Thursday 17 June 1897
We regret to hear that the veteran Wesleyan Minister, Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, has died at Queenstown.
We regret to announce the death of the Rev. G.A. THEOBALD, which took place at Bloemfontein on Friday evening. Mr. THEOBALD was about 38 years of age and was married to a lady who was formerly Miss STODDART of Bloemfontein. He leaves a widow and three children. The rev. gentleman had filled ministries at Simonstown, Kimberley, Maritzburg and East London (where he had a particularly difficult task, which he did well). He was regarded as one of the most promising men in the Wesleyan Church in South Africa. Behind a quiet, unobtrusive manner lay a sterling character, and his fellow ministers and the members of the Wesleyan communion in general will receive the news of his death as a severe blow.
Saturday 19 June 1897
Mr. FRASER died suddenly at Stutterheim on the 13th. He was having a tooth extracted under the influence of chloroform, and never rallied. He was very much liked, and his death has spread quite a gloom over the village.
We are informed that the body of a young man named Rupert E. HOCKEY, and lately a clerk in Grahamstown, was found dead at Mr. WILMOT’s farm at Highlands yesterday. He went out shooting the day before and was found yesterday dead with his gun discharged and a wound in his head. Great sympathy is felt for the relatives and friends of the deceased.
Wednesday 23 June 1897
Alicedale, Saturday (Own Correspondent)
Mr. Rupert HOCKEY (recently book-keeper to Messrs. H. Fitchat & Co), having suffered from indisposition, left Grahamstown for Mr. G. AUSTEN’s farm, Roodekrantz, about 12 miles from Alicedale, on Monday last, with the hope of recruiting his health. He amused himself by strolling about the farm with his gun, in search of game. On Friday morning last he left Mr. AUSTEN’s house as usual at about 8 o’clock, taking with him his short [....] rifle. About noon the people at the house heard a shot fired; apparently about three quarters of a mile distant. Time passed on, and about [....] they became alarmed at Mr. HOCKEY’s continued absence. It very soon became dark, and a search party was organised, who proceeded in the direction from whence the shot was heard, taking with them a lantern. After proceeding a considerable distance one of the dogs was heard to growl. The light was at once turned on the dog, when a terrible sight met their view. Poor HOCKEY was lying under a tree with the gun under his leg, and the dog was licking the blood off his face. So far as will ever be known the gun was fired off close to his right temple, blowing away the greater portion of his forehead and scattering the poor fellow’s flesh and brains in the tree above him. Death must have been instantaneous. Great sympathy is felt for the poor young man’s family, and Mr. and Mrs. AUSTEN and family, whose house he had left only a few hours before in the best of spirits. Corpl. HARTWELL of the Special Police laid out the body, which was returned to Grahamstown for burial.
The Funeral of the late Mr. HOCKEY took place in Grahamstown on Monday afternoon and was fairly well attended. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. Alex WILL, who as usual gave every satisfaction. We tender our sincere condolences to the bereaved family.
On Monday morning Commemoration Church was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Mr. T.E. SPEED, the organist of the church, was united in holy matrimony with Miss Lily PRICE, daughter of Mr. G.W. PRICE, organ builder of this City. A very large number of friends of the bride and bridegroom, and also a great number of interested spectators, assembled in the sacred edifice, both bride and bridegroom being highly respected by the citizens. The choir was in attendance, and the service, which was conducted by the Rev. James PENDLEBURY, was fully choral. Mr. F.F. EVERETT presided at the organ. The bride wore a very simple but pretty [girlish] dress of White China Silk trimmed with rich [gu...] insertion and chiffon, with wreath and veil, and looked very charming. The dress was made by Messrs. Hatch & Co of this City.
The bridesmaid was Miss Maude PRICE, sister of the bride, who was tastefully dressed in a white fancy nunsveiling trimmed with [lilac] lace and satin ribbons, and wore a pretty felt hat trimmed with plumes and cowslips. Mr. Stanley DOLD acted as groomsman.
At the completion of the ceremony the party adjourned to the vestry for the signing of the register, after which Mr. EVERETT very beautifully played Mendelssohn’s Wedding March as the wedding party left the Church.
A reception was afterwards held at the house of the bride’s father in Hill Street, where a large number of guests assembled to wish the pair every happiness. The presents, which were very costly and numerous, were greatly admired by the guests. The happy pair left by the morning train for Port Elizabeth, where a short honeymoon will be passed. Our sincerest wishes are joined with those of their numerous friends that the bride and bridegroom may have many years of great happiness before them.
Mr. “Bert” WEBB of Port Elizabeth was also married to Miss Avis MANSFIELD, the daughter of our fellow townsman Mr.A. MANSFIELD, on Monday.
The great Diamond Jubilee of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria was celebrated right royally in Grahamstown yesterday, the celebrations commencing at 9am and continuing till late at night. In the morning the weather was all that could be desired, soft and balmy, but later on the wind sprang up and rattled stones and dust about in fine style.
throughout the town were far in excess of anything which has previously been done here. Under the direction of the Executive Committee, who were Messrs. J.W. BAYES (Chairman), W.C. MUIRHEAD, E.S. CREED, R.R. STOCKS, W.B. STOCKS, A. MATTHEWS, C.G. MILES, W.A. SMITH, J. HARDS, T.H. GROCOTT, Ben IMPEY (Secretary), the streets had been gaily decorated and festooned with flags of all the bright colours of the rainbow and evergreens, arches had been erected, Venetian poles placed all up the streets, and other tasteful and taking arrangements made. The private houses and buildings had nearly all woke up to a sense of their responsibility, and few indeed were the houses or stores which did not boast some decoration by day, or illumination by night. The E.D. Court, the R.M. Court, the Cathedral, Commemoration and other churches, the Town Hall, the Schools, Hotels and other edifices were all adorned in gay style.
At 9 o’clock sharp services of very short duration were held in all the Churches, where the blessing of Almighty God was fervently invoked for our beloved Sovereign.
At ten o’clock the gathering together of all those who were to take part in the Great procession was completed. For half an hour the Sunday Schools, Day Schools, Friendly Societies, the Military and other bodies poured into Church Square and were marshalled by Lieut. Col. A.E. NELSON in order, in front of the pretty platform at the entrance to the Town Hall.
When the Square was so thronged that it was impossible to squeeze another child into it, black or white,
Henry R. WOOD Esq, in scarlet robes of office, and wearing the chains and symbols of office, supported by the Town Clerk and other Town House officials, and Town Councillors, the Divisional Councillors, Hon. Sir J.D. BARRY and Hon. Mr. Justice S.T. JONES, Judges of the E.D. Court in scarlet robes, and Mr. SILBERBAUER (Registrar) ascended the platform, and a hush fell on the populace down below.
The Rev. C.H. HUTT, who acted as Leader of the music, gave word to the band of the Middlesex Regiment, and the grand old strains of the
swelled on the already freshening breeze. It was taken up by rank after rank, till the volume of sound was tremendous. The Anthem was sung with thew utmost loyalty and enthusiasm by all, black and white, English and Dutch, civil and military.
the crowd as follows: Fellow citizens, in the name of the Mayor and Corporation of this fair City we offer to you all present, Subjects of our beloved Queen, a very hearty welcome to join with us in the festivities of this Grand Jubilee Day, a day of praise and thanksgiving. We offer to the Chairman and the Executive Committee, and its indefatigable Secretary, to all the officials, to Mr. W.A. SMITH, the Foreman of Works, to Mr. WILLIAMS, to all assistants and employees of the Corporation and the Citizens of Grahamstown, who have so well decorated their houses, and to the friends who so liberally contributed to the fund, and to the officers and soldiers of the Middlesex Regiment,
To the [...] who are around us we say they are citizens of no mean City, citizens of the British Settlers City.
who formed the town were loyal and patriotic and we, their descendants, are also loyal and patriotic, and we would live and die for our beloved Queen and country.....
[The rest of the column is taken up with a description of the procession as they lined up]
At the Drostdy Gate each child was given a bun and [....] the 2,500 little mouths were munching away. Before this they had been decorated with Jubilee medals.
[Further descriptions of addresses given in the Drostdy]
As soon as dusk closed in, the wind happily having fallen slightly, the City was a
Rockets and other fireworks soared up into the starry heavens. Bonfires were lit, Chinese lanterns spotted the blackness like thousands of glow-worms, loyal illuminations appeared in the windows and at every corner, and some of them were very fine indeed. In front of the Town Hall was a grand one. The Hall was also illuminated with dozens of little twinkling gas jets. The Railway Station was beautifully decorated and illuminated. The streets were again crowded. The clock on Messrs. GALPIN Bros. buildings was beautifully illuminated. At 7pm
fell in at Market Square and marched amid the blaze of red and blue lights up to Church Square, headed by the Military and their Band. The procession was made up of all sorts of grotesque figures, who danced in the flickering torchlight like so many gnomes. High up on a Car was seated a representation of Her Majesty, at whose feet sat Oom Paul, and beneath him all sorts of Indians, Kafirs &c. The Procession went right through the City and back to the Market Square, where a huge bonfire finished off the Jubilee Day. Three cheers were again given for Her Majesty, and one more for the Executive Committee and Secretary, Col. NELSON, and others who had helped so well, and this ended a most joyous day.
Thursday 24 June 1897
One of the most prominent citizens of Queenstown has been removed from amongst us in the person of that venerable missionary and clergyman, the Rev. Henry Hare DUGMORE, of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of South Africa. The deceased was more intimately connected with Queenstown and district than any other in South Africa. He was a missionary at Haslope Hills in the Zwart Kei, when the Queenstown district was occupied by the Tambookie tribe. He was appointed resident Wesleyan Minister to Queenstown shortly after the town was laid out, and for some time was the only clergyman resident here. In the ordinary course of events he was removed to other circuits, but again returned, and made this his home. He was a poet and musician, and many a pleasant entertainment was given by himself and family – everyone being a musician – for the benefit of the town he made his home. “The Dear Old Land”, “Africa’s Sunbright Climes” and other charming pieces are well remembered by the old folks of the town, composed and set to music by the dear departed one.
The Rev. H.H. DUGMORE was born in Birmingham, on 27th April, 1810; and came to this country with his parents, who formed a portion of a party of Settlers, in April 1820. For some years he lived with the family on an allotment on the Kariega River, about 10 miles from Grahamstown. The family afterwards moved into Grahamstown, where the subject of this sketch was employed by Mr. WRIGHT. After his conversion he became a local preacher, and owed much to the wise counsel and guidance of the Rev. W. SHAW, who may be fitly termed the apostle to South Africa. Under the auspices of Mr. SHAW, Mr. DUGMORE entered the ministry of the Wesleyan Methodist Church as an exhorter, then a local preacher, and three years after at the age of about 24 took charge provisionally of the Mount Coke station, under the superintendence of the Rev. W. SHEPSTONE. Having no knowledge of the language, Mr. DUGMORE had to speak through an interpreter; but being dissatisfied with their performance he set himself to learn the language, and in three months was able to conduct the services in Kafir himself, and before the year was out, the interpreters were laid aside. Attempts at translation and composition followed and Mr. DUGMORE soon added to the number of Kafir hymns then in use. He also translated the Prayer Book and Psalms into Kafir and this translation was in use for many years. The war of 1835 found him at Mount Coke, he remained there for a great part of the war.
In the year of 1838 Mr. DUGMORE married Miss SIMPSON, a cousin of the Rev. W.B. BOYCE, and for 56 years she was a heipmeet to him in everything. Her death in 1894 was a severe blow; but the parting was not for long.
It is not possible to mention the various stations in Kafirland at which Mr. DUGMORE was stationed; but at all of them he laboured acceptably and with results which eternity alone will disclose. If the memory of the writer is correct, Durban, close to Peddie, was the last purely mission station that Mr. DUGMORE occupied, with the exception of a year or two spent at Lesseyton. From Peddie the move was to Grahamstown, and there Mr. DUGMORE was during the war of 1852. Salem, Grahamstown, King Williamstown, Dordrecht and Queenstown were the chief scenes of his labours as a minister to the English; and with the last mentioned place he was connected during the last years of his life, embracing a period of over 30 years. After his retirement from full work in 1876 Mr. DUGMORE lived in Queenstown first with the eldest and during the last 14 years with his youngest daughter, in whose house he passed to his reward on Monday night, the 14th June, 1897, at the ripe age of 87 years and nearly 2 months. For some time previous to his death the venerable minister of Christ suffered intensely from an internal disorder; but the last month of his life was free from pain. He gradually became weaker and weaker, and finally passed from sleep to life immortal without a struggle.
Mr. DUGMORE as a preacher, a musician and a writer of poetry was well known, and he at all times took a keen interest in everything relating to the moral and social welfare of society. Of the fellow workers of his earlier years, we believe only one, the Rev. W.C. HOLDEN, survives. Mr. DUGMORE leaves behind him 5 sons and 3 daughters, and a large number of grandchildren and one great grandchild, who will have reason to honour and cherish his memory to the end of their days.
The funeral was on Wednesday afternoon, the cortege leaving the residence of Mr. SHEARAR at three o’clock; the Rev. Messrs. LAMPLOUGH, TEARLE and DAVIES heading the procession. Rev. S.P. NAUDE, Rev. J.P. RITCHIE, Mr. BARRABLE and Mr. GARDNER were pall bearers. The chief mourners were the four sons, Messrs. Richard, Herbert, George and Alfred (Mr. Arthur was at Graaffreinet and was unable to be present), Mr. SHEARAR (son-in-law) and the grandsons, Mr. F. DUGMORE and Messrs. John, Norman, Henry, Frank and George SHEARAR. The first portion of the service was conducted by the ex-President, Rev. P. TEARLE, assisted by the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH, Rev. S.P. NAUDE (Dutch Reformed) and Rev. J.P. RITCHIE (Presbyterian), and at the cemetery by the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH.
The mourners were representatives of the town and included the Rev. J. GORDON, Hon. T. HARLEY M.L.C., Dr. BERRY M.L.A., Dr. BATCHELOR (Mayor), Major BELL and the leading residents of the town. – Free Press.
Tuesday 29 June 1897
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday June 28th 1897, John LEVINGS, aged 66 years.
The Funeral of the late Mr. LEVINGS will leave his residence, Thompson Street, at half past 3 tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th June 1897, after a long and painful illness, Alexander FARRELL, in his 60th year. Deeply regretted.
Art thou weary, art thou languid,
Art thou sore distressed?
Come to me, saith one, and coming,
Be at rest.
Mrs. FARRELL and family wish to tender their sincere thanks to Drs. GREATHEAD and CHEW for their attentions during her late husband’s illness; also to Mrs. Dennis QUIRK, Mrs. KINNOCK and many kind friends.
Death is busy among us just now. Today it is our sad duty to record the death at about 11 o’clock last evening of Mr. John LEVINGS of Thompson Street, a very old resident of this City. He came her in [1858] and has resided here ever since, following his vocation as a house decorator and painter in such a style as to gain him universal respect from all with whom he came in contact. He leaves a widow and a large family to mourn their loss. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.
Another of our old citizens has gone to that journey from which no traveller ever returns in the person of Mr. Alexander FARRELL of Beaufort Street, who died last night after a long and painful illness of 6 months. For fully 60 years has Mr. FARRELL been a good citizen of Grahamstown and was formerly a brass founder by trade. He was 60 years of age and leaves a widow, three sons at Johannesburg, and one daughter.
Mr. George Henry YELL of Port Alfred died this morning in the town. He was Caretaker of the Government Machinery at the Kowie, and leaves a wife and eleven children. His age was 42. The remains will be interred at Port Alfred tomorrow evening.
The following are the prizes for the most original costumes at the Jubilee Torchlight Procession:
1st, Roy IVY, baboon; 2nd, HALFRICH and YOUNGMAN, husband, wife and baby; special prize, E.W. JUBY, Oom Paul.
We have to record the very sudden death on Sunday morning last of Mr. Robert KAY of Somerset Street, Grahamstown, one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens. Mr. KAY will be sadly missed not only by his bereaved relatives, but by his best of friends and the public generally. He was the possessor of a remarkably fine voice, which was often listened to with much pleasure, both in the Choir of St.George’s Cathedral, of which Church he was a valued member, and on the public platforms of this town. It was only on Friday evening that we were speaking with Mr. KAY, and on Saturday evening he followed the usual routine of his life, after which he retired peacefully to bed. The news of his sudden death at about 8 o’clock on Sunday morning, within twenty minutes after he was taken ill, came as a great shock. Death is attributed to failure of the heart’s action. Mr. KAY was formerly a member of the Town Council. He was elected for No.3 Ward in July 1887 and filled the seat with honour till 1890. Mr. KAY came out to the Colony as early as 1857 with the Royal Artillery. He was a Sergt. Major in the G.V.H.A. (now unhappily defunct) and saw active service in the Basuto War of 1879-80. The Funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the Band and a number of the soldiers of the 1st Middlesex Regt. turning out to do honour to deceased.
The funeral was one of the most impressive we have ever witnessed. First came the Drums and Fifes playing sad funeral marches. The pall bearers were Col. NELSON, Capt. SAMPSON, Messrs. H.R. WOOD, E.J. SMITH, G. BISHOP and R.W. NELSON. Directly behind the hearse walked Messrs. J.W. BAYES, W.E. NORRIS, W.T. SAMPSON, WATSON and RICHARDSON. A large number of citizens followed in the procession and then came the soldiers in full dress and a long line of mourning carriages. The service, which was held at the Cathedral by the Rev. the Dean and the Rev. A. WHITE, was short but impressive. The coffin was a handsome one and was covered by the Union Jack. The funeral was conducted by Mr. A. WILL in his usual good style.
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