Grahamstown Journal 1897 07 July
Thursday 1 July 1897
MARRIED at Clumber on June 29th, by the Rev. T.D. Rogers, the Rev. D. Bradfield DAVIES, of Mount Arthur, to Annie Maria, eldest daughter of John QUAIL Esq, of Clumber.
DIED at his residence in Somerset Street, June 27th 1897, Robert KAY, late of the Royal Artillery, aged 66 years. Deeply regretted.
DIED on June 30th 1897, at the Albany Hospital, William Langley BICKLE, late of the Royal Engineers and of Newton Abbey [sic, should be Newton Abbott], Devon, deeply lamented by his sorrowing wife and children, aged 44 years. English and Capetown papers please copy.
The Funeral of the above will leave the Albany Hospital tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
[Transcriber’s note: The Civil Death Notice spells the name BICKELL. The GRO birth index for Newton Abbott, Devon, March quarter 1853 vol 5b page 138, lists William Langley BICKEL, mother’s maiden name ADAMS]
The death is announced of Mr. Peter CRONWRIGHT, one of the oldest inhabitants of Griqualand West, having been born at Griqualand 72 years ago.
An accident of a sad nature has occurred at [N...fontein], the farm of Sub-Inspector [MORRISON], division of Herbert. It appears that after the family retired for the night Miss Annie BURGERS sat up mending a dress. She knocked a lamp over and her clothes became saturated with paraffin, and when assistance came her hair was already alight. The poor girl was terribly burnt and lingered for [.] days in frightful agony. On Saturday June 19 she died, and was buried on the following Monday.
On Tuesday 29th inst. the picturesque little village of Clumber was enlivened by the wedding of the Rev. D. Bradfield DAVIES to Miss Annie Maria QUAIL, eldest daughter of Mr. John QUAIL of Clumber. Long before 11 o’clock, the appointed time for the wedding, vehicles and pedestrians were seen coming from all quarters. The early morning train from Grahamstown also brought a merry party to swell the number, and by the appointed time for the ceremony the Wesleyan Church, which was beautifully decorated for the occasion, was full to overflowing with friends and relations of the bride and bride’s groom, testifying to the high esteem in which they are held. The pretty and graceful bride, who was given away by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Ethelwyn QUAIL, and Miss Grace DAVIES, youngest sister of the bridegroom, each carrying a lovely bouquet (supplied by Messrs. W. & C. Gowie). The bride was beautifully attired in a figured silk silk [sic] crepon with court train, with satin bodice adorned with lace and pearl trimming and long tulle veil. The bridesmaids were attired in figured butter-coloured crepon, trimmed with lace and heliotrope ribbons and hats to match. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. James DAVIES, brother of the bridegroom, and Mr. J. Wilson QUAIL, brother of the bride, and following up there came two little flower girls, Misses Doris QUAIL and Connie TIMM, who looked sweet in their pretty canary-coloured liberty silk dresses, and Master Lorimer FORWARD acted as a page. The ceremony was performed by the beloved pastor Rev. T.D. ROGERS, and at the conclusion, while the signing of the register weas taking place, the choir very effectively rendered “God be with you till we meet again”, after which, amid the peeling forth of the wedding march and showers of rice, roses and blossoms, the wedding party repaired to the residence of the bride’s parents. The gifts were useful and costly and by far too many to enumerate. After partaking of the excellent breakfast, and the never to be forgotten goodbyes and good wishes for their future happiness, the happy couple drove off in time to catch the train for Grahamstown, en route for Kimberley, where they will spend a few days before returning to Mount Arthur. We wish them God speed in their labours for the Lord.
It is our sad duty today to record the death this morning of Private W.L. BICKLE of the First City Volunteers, who in his civil capacity was an attendant at the Fort England Asylum. Pvt. BICKLE would have gone to the Front with the 2nd detachment of the First City, but being a Government employee was prevented at the last moment. Deceased, who was only 44 years of age, was late of the Royal Engineers and was an Army Reserve man. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn their irreparable loss. It is probable that a military funeral will be accorded deceased at 3 o’clock tomorrow, leaving the Albany Hospital at that time.
[Transcriber’s note: The following issue contains a short description of the military funeral, with no further personal details]
Tuesday 6 July 1897
We record with deep regret the death of the Rev. S. EVANS-ROWE on Sunday on board the [illegible] at Algoa Bay. For many years Mr. EVANS-ROWE had held a prominent position in the Wesleyan Church and [some] years ago was President of the South African Conference. For the past [...teen] years he had resided in Natal...
[Transcriber’s note: The whole right hand side of this notice has been rubbed away and the rest is almost impossible to read, but seems to deal mainly with his positions in the Church]
Saturday 10 July 1897
The late Mr. J.W. ATTWELL, ex-mayor of Capetown, is reputed to have left something like £200,000. To his widow he bequeaths £1,800 a year, so long as she shall not remarry, and £300 a year for the education of his three minor children. The three married children receive £500 a year each, as will the other three on attaining majority.
A case of murder has been reported to the Fieldcornet at Johannesburg. It is stated that some men were having a spree in a bar in [Pro....] Tuesday when a man, PETERSON by name, came in and tried to separate the party in a friendly manner.
While he was inducing them to go home, one of the party, named AMOS, is alleged to have struck him a blow, and PETERSON, who was quite sober, retaliated. AMOS then walked off to his room and in a few minutes returned, it is stated, with a revolver, and fired three shots at PETERSON, who is now dead. AMOS has been arrested.
A Star representative visited the [scene] of the murder and saw Mrs. PETERSON, the widow of the dead man. She described the affair as a most cold-blooded murder and said her husband was shot down at her very feet.
Her husband, she continued, her brother and AMOS went out together at night. They all returned together at about 12 o’clock. On the way home a quarrel arose between her brother and AMOS, and on arriving at the house the two remained outside, saying that they were going to fight it out. Her husband then went out and separated them, after which AMOS left, while her husband and her brother went into the house.
About 20 minutes afterwards Mrs. PETERSON says somebody knocked at the kitchen door. Her husband, who was smoking his pipe in the kitchen, opened the door, and as he did so put in his head and fired several shots with a revolver. Mrs. PETERSON rushed into the [....] and found her husband dead, with no fewer than four bullet wounds in his body, while two more holes were visible in the wall. The lady is of the opinion that six shots were fired in all. AMOS took to his heels at once.
Tuesday 13 July 1897
BIRTH at “The Den”, Hill Street, on July 10th, the wife of Frederick Mark WEIGHILL of a son.
MARRIED at Commemoration Church on July 13th by the Rev. A.T. Rhodes, Alfred James ALLCOCK Esq. to Annie Grace BRENT, only daughter of J. BRENT Esq. of Clumber.
MARRIED at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, on July 13th, by the Rev. James Pendlebury, John Daughtrey TYSON, of the Bank of Africa, Kimberley, and son of Rev. Wm. TYSON, to Lettie Impey WOOD, daughter of Henry R. WOOD Esq. of this City.
This morning at 10 o’clock a great wedding took place in Commemoration Church, when Miss Lettie Impey WOOD, eldest daughter of our esteemed Mayor, H.R. WOOD Esq, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. John Daughtrey TYSON of the Bank of Africa, Kimberley, son of the Rev. William TYSON. The church was simply packed with spectators and the Communion rails were prettily decorated with exquisite ferns and flowers. The solemn ceremony was performed by the Rev. James PENDLEBURY. The bride, who looked very sweet, was given away by her father, and was supported to the altar by her sisters, Misses Gertrude and Maud WOOD, and her cousin Miss C. CROZIER, while Miss Natalie HEYMAN, Lilian and Helen SHAND and Maggie PENDLEBURY made four sweet little flower girls. Mr. TYSON was ably supported by the bride’s brother, Mr. Kingsley WOOD. As the large congregation and the bridal party rose from their knees after the concluding benediction, Mr. T.E. SPEED, the talented organist of the church, made the grand old Wedding March peal out, and the happy party filed into the vestry to affix the necessary signatures. After this had been done, the wedding party adjourned to the residence of the bride’s father, Ellington House in Henry Street, where a bridal breakfast was served and the usual nuptial toasts attended to. Only the relatives of the bride and bridegroom were present. A large number of congratulatory telegrams were received. The presents were of a peculiarly pleasing color. At 12:40 the happy wedded couple left amid showers of rice, blessings and good wishes, foe [Constantia], where they will spend their honeymoon. May they have every happiness in their voyage over the sea of life.
The bride was attired in a charming wreath and white lace veil, and wore a white satin trained dress, trimmed with chiffon and pearls, and carried a lovely shower bouquet.
The bridesmaids wore [] dresses of cream glacé [lighted] silk made over with pink silk roses and carried larger bouquets. Each of them wore brooches, the gifts of the bridegroom.
The flower girls were dressed in cream liberty satin dresses and bonnets (Victorian style) and wore brooches given by the bridegroom.
Our worthy Town Clerk and Market Master H.C. LEE Esq. (says our Adelaide correspondent) lost his daughter Alice rather suddenly last night. She has been suffering for the past 10 days, and a change for the worse setting in she expired about midnight. This esteemed young lady, about 21 or 22 years of age, was a favourite with all who knew her and will be greatly missed. The bereaved parents and friends have our deepest sympathy. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon and will be attended by the Choir of Christ Church, of which she was a member.
[Transcriber’s note: Her Civil Death Notice says she was 24 years 3 months old]
Thursday 15 July 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown on July 14th, the wife of J.W. MORRIS of a son.
MARRIED in Commemoration Church on Wednesday July 14 1897, by the Rev. Theo. Chubb BA, [assisted] by the Rev. J. Pritchard of Port Elizabeth, C.W. SULLY, of Klerksdorp, to Miss Elizabeth Webb KING, eldest daughter of the late Robt. KING of Port Elizabeth.
Everybody knows the devotedness and zeal of the MURRAY family, descendants of the Rev. Andrew MURRAY sen., Dutch Reformed minister of Graaffreinet. His sons, also ministers, were equally zealous with their father. Miss MURRAY is daughter of the late Rev. A. MURRAY jun., and long ago gave herself up to mission work among the very poor. She is labouring at St.Paul’s Poort, in the heart of the North-eastern fever-stricken country. Her brother, Rev. John MURRAY, is also a missionary in another impoverished district, the Waterberg. All his family are down with fever, brought on by over-exertion in working for the sick and starving Dutch families. Miss MURRAY’s mother left Wellington last week to endeavour to bring her daughter, daughter-in-law and the child out of the fever-stricken country.
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth (Lizzie) Webb KING, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Robert KING of Port Elizabeth, to Mr. C.W. SULLY of London, but now an engineer in Klerksdorp, was celebrated in Commemoration Church yesterday morning before a large congregation of friends, relatives and the general public. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Theo. CHUBB MA, assisted by Rev. J. PRITCHARD of Port Elizabeth. The bride, who looked charming, was supported by her sisters, Misses Adelaide and Milly KING, while Misses Tootsie and Polly LAWRANCE, and Mary, Gladys and [Toppie] KING were five sweet little flower girls. Mr. T.B. KING of Kingwilliamstown gave away the bride. The best man was Mr. STOWE of Klerksdorp, a cousin of the happy bridegroom. Mr. T.E. SPEED presided at the organ and played the Wedding March in grand style. After the ceremony the wedding party repaired to the residence of the bride’s mother, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was provided, followed at the customary time by a dinner. The happy couple left for Port Alfred, where the honeymoon will be spent. The following were among the guests invited to be present: Rev. and Mrs. CHUBB, Rev. Mr. GRIFFEN, Rev. Mr. PRITCHARD, Messrs. W.C. MUIRHEAD, Arthur WEBB (Kingwilliamstown), Misses HARPER (P.E.) and BRADFIELD, and a large number of relatives, too numerous to mention. The presents were numerous and costly. The bells of St.George’s rang out a merry peal.
The bride was attired in a lovely ivory alpaca dress elaborately finished with Duchesse Satin, mauresque lace and pearl passementerie, with an ivory lace picture hat, relieved with chine ribbon and ostrich plumes.
The bridesmaids wore [...] costumes of ivory alpaca trimmed with yellow glacé silk and ivory chiffon with ivory velvet hats relieved with yellow glacé silk, roses and ivory ostrich plumes. The dresses were made at Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie’s.
Saturday 17 July 1897
Sergt. Major LYNDHURST, of the 9th Lancers, fell from his horse at Ladysmith. He sustained concussion of the brain and severe internal injuries, which resulted in his death.
A shocking suicide has just taken place near Somerset East. Theusina Johanna Stoffelene DE KLERK is the daughter of Farmer William DE KLERK of Langvervacht Farm. Her father noticed that she was very quiet about 8 days before her death, and that she was also enceinte. She was 26 years and 8 months old. On the day of her death she rose at 12 o’clock, telling her mother she felt very bad. She refused food. At 3 o’clock she refused a cup of tea, saying she felt too bad. She then asked for water. Her mother then brought her some milk, which she drank, and then vomited a lot. At 5pm she was dying and could not speak. It is believed that the girl took some deadly poison “Scrub Exterminator”, which was in the house. It is said the poor girl took the poison because of her unfortunate position. – Budget.
Tuesday 20 July 1897
DIED on July 8th 1897, at Hilton Farm (Southside), George Rivers Lister HAYTER, only son of Henry Stovin HAYTER, aged 2 years and 3 months.
We regret to record the sudden death, which occurred on Sunday night last, of Mr. William PAGE sen., an old and respected resident of this City. Mr. PAGE’s death was caused by affection of the heart. He was 72 years of age. The funeral will take place at 3 o’clock today. He leaves a wife and children besides many other relations to whom, in their sad affliction, we tender our sincere sympathies.
At Barberton on Tuesday the Rev. B.G. FITZPATRICK, vicar of All Saints, died suddenly, almost without the slightest indication of being seriously ill. He officiated in church on Sunday, both morning and evening. Next day he complained of a cold and Dr. GRIEVES was called in, who pronounced it to be influenza. Still there was nothing to suggest cause for alarm, and very few of the congregation were aware that the minister was ailing at all, and knew nothing of his indisposition until they received the news that he had died. He was accorded a Masonic funeral.
The following particulars of the tragedy in the Sheba Valley have come to hand:
Charles BRANDT and Solomon SOLOMONS were store and canteen keepers in Figtree Creek, the former’s place being nearest [Avoca] Station, and SOLOMONS’s five minutes’ walk in the Creek, at the point where the Sheba road turns to the right to go to the Royal Sheba. That mine again is another minute’s walk from SOLOMONS’s store.
SOLOMONS had made an affidavit in which he averred he had been commissioned by BRANDT to pay Customs Inspector UNCKERMAN money as a bribe to [place] his books as correct, this being in addition to a sum SOLOMONS alleged he paid UNCKERMAN on his own account. Subsequently BRANDT declared in Barberton that SOLOMONS had made a false declaration so far as he was concerned, but he swore an affidavit inferring that SOLOMONS’s affidavit was substantially correct.
All this appears to have preyed on BRANDT’s mind, as on Wednesday he hid in the bush near the store, telling his barman, a nephew of SOLOMONS, that he feared arrest. About 7:30 BRANDT left the store to go to ROBINSON’s, beyond the Royal Sheba, where SOLOMONS had also gone to welcome some new arrivals at ROBINSON’s. All fraternised, and shortly before 9 BRANDT and SOLOMONS left in company.
A few minutes afterwards a shot was heard, and then two in quick succession, and MILLER, BRANDT’s barman, and ROBINSON himself, suspecting something had happened over the affidavits, ran out and made a search, with the result that they found BRANDT lying dead across the Sheba tramway, with two revolver wounds above and below the heart, and SOLOMONS’s body thirty yards away with a bullet wound in the back, the wound apparently going through the lungs. SOLOMONS’s coat was burnt round the [......] of the wound, showing that the revolver must have been pressed against the back when fired, and while he was in the act of turning round, probably to go home. SOLOMONS was just alive when found, but died immediately afterwards, and both bodies were taken to HAYES’s store close by.
There seems no doubt, from other circumstances elicited, that BRANDT went to ROBINSON’s with the deliberate intention of shooting SOLOMONS, and that he did so, and then committed suicide. BRANDT was about twenty-four, and SOLOMONS thirty-three years of age. SOLOMONS’s wife, who is in a delicate state of health, was brought in here this morning, and is lying in a state of collapse. She was married about a year ago. BRANDT was unmarried.
Thursday 22 July 1897
DIED at Grahamstown on July 18th 1897, William PAGE, aged 72 years.
Mr. W.H. UNCKERMANN has been re-arrested on a fresh charge of embezzlement of a fine said to have been paid to him. Feeling at Barberton is very strong against UNCKERMANN, who is thought to be indirectly responsible for the death of SOLOMON and BRANDT. A tar and feather brigade was with difficulty prevented from getting at him.
The obituary of the week comprises the death of the Hon. J.P. BERTRAM, of Sterkstroom, who many years ago was a Wesleyan Minister at Lesseyton, but subsequently represented the Eastern Circle in the Legislative Council. His quiet influence in politics was for good, quite becoming the Christian gentleman that he was. He was full of years, as he was in his 81st year.
A very sad and fatal accident happened near [Dassic Deur] on Saturday last. Mrs. DE LANGE, an aged woman of some 60 years, the wife of the signalman at the Krantz, was chasing some fowls when a goods train came up. The driver did everything possible to warn the unfortunate woman, who was running wildly along the rails, but before the engine could be stopped she darted in front of it and was knocked over by the cow-catcher. Her head was terribly cut about and other serious injuries inflicted. She was at once brought into Cradock (says the Midland News) where Dr. IRELAND (Railway Doctor) attended the poor creature, whose hurts, however, proved fatal.
Saturday 24 July 1897
DIED at Grahamstown July 23rd 1897, Amelia Anne, wife of Wm. BUTLER, aged 45 years.
We deeply regret to hear of the death of the Rev. R. BRYANT, which occurred in London on the 14th June. Mr. BRYANT was for some time resident minister and Superintendent of the Port Elizabeth Wesleyan Circuit, in both capacities winning the confidence and affection of his people and of the public generally. Miss BRYANT, who is one of the teachers of the Wesleyan High School in this City, is a sister of the deceased minister.
Thursday 29 July 1897
MARRIED on the 28th July in St.Patrick’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Most Rev. Dr. McSherry, Bishop of Justinianopolis, Vicar Apostolic of the Eastern Districts, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Ughetti, the Very Rev. Ryan S.J., Rector of St.Aidan’s and the Rev. Father Ross S.J., James STRATFORD BA, of Exeter College, Oxford, son of the late James STRATFRD Esq. of Uitenhage, to Louisa Mary Genevieve WILMOT, third daughter of Chevalier the Honourable Alexander WILMOT M.L.C., K.S.G.
In very beautiful weather yesterday an interesting wedding took place in St.Patrick’s R.C. Church in Grahamstown, when Mr. James STRATFORD, son of the late James STRATFORD Esq. of Uitenhage, was united in marriage to Miss WILMOT, third daughter of the Hon. Alex. WILMOT M.L.A.
[Transcriber’s note: this article is in a column to the extreme right of the page, and the second half of each line has faded away, so that it is almost impossible to read. It appears to follow the usual pattern of describing the bride’s dress, the wedding reception etc. I can make out that the bridesmaid was the bride’s sister Adelaide, and the best man was Mr. Louis WILMOT].
On Sunday morning a lady named Mrs. KOCK arrived in Johannesburg from Holland accompanied by her three children, having come out to the Transvaal to join her husband, who is an official in the service of the Netherlands Railway Company. She was met by her husband at Vereniging, and on arriving at Park Station, they at once drove to the house of a friend at the corner of Rissik and Kerk street. Here the lady, who was fatigued with her journey, retired to rest while the husband returned to the Park Station to see after the luggage. About 4 o’clock in the afternoon, or about an hour after the lady had retired to her room, one of the children made the discovery that “Mamma has gone”, and on going to her room it was found that the lady in some mysterious fashion had disappeared. It was thought she had gone after her husband to assist him in looking after the luggage at Park Station. Inquiries were made, but the husband was unable to solve the mystery. No trace of her was discovered, though one of the officials at the Park Station stated that about 6 o’clock he noticed a lady standing on the platform who was weeping, and seemed in great trouble. The same lady was also seen standing in Rissik street at a later hour, still weeping. Up to the time of her disappearance, however, Mrs. KOCK had given her friends no sign that she was in any way distressed, and though it was thought that she may possibly have been the lady who attracted attention at the Railway Station and in Rissik street, her friends are at a loss to understand the cause of her apparent distress. Search parties were out all night parading the streets, but up to 9 o’clock this (Monday) morning all efforts to find her have proved unavailing. – Star.
Saturday 31 July 1897
At Uitenhage a daughter of a widow named WEBSTER, eight years old, was knocked down by a dog while playing in the street and fell on a cement step, and bled from the ear, nose and mouth, dying in a few hours.
John McBRIDE, butcher’s assistant, who shot himself on Friday last, died on Wednesday in the Johannesburg Hospital. Deceased, an elderly man of about 60 years of age, put the revolver in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The bullet traversed the nose and went out through the frontal bone, just evading the brain. McBRIDE lingered till yesterday, never regaining consciousness.
John HICKS, a Durban painter, who has been drinking heavily of late, hacked his throat with a knife in a shocking manner, and then staggered along the street in the direction of the police station, smothered in blood. He was immediately conveyed to the Hospital in a rickshaw, and remains in a critical condition.
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