Grahamstown Journal 1897 08 August
Tuesday 3 August 1897
DIED August 2 1897, at Cala, Cape Colony, James BRITTON Esq, late of Dartford, Kent, England.
English papers please copy.
FELL ASLEEP at his residence, Moordenaar’s Poort, Middelburg Road, on the 24th July, Miles BOWKER, aged 53 years, deeply regretted.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice gives his date of death as a year earlier, but as it was filed in 1906 this may be a case of faulty memory. His Civil Death Notice gives his date of death as 24 July 1897.]
DIED at Grahamstown on 3rd August 1897, Daniel KELLEHER, aged 75 years. R.I.P.
Mrs. KELLEHER wishes to thank the many kind friends for their attendance to her husband during his long illness.
The Funeral of the late Mr. KELLEHER will move from his late residence, West Hill, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
One of the richest merchants in the Reddersburg district, a man known throughout the length and breadth of the Free State, died at Reddersburg on Saturday week from inflammation of the lungs.
Thursday 5 August 1897
Mr. J.B. JANION, who originally came to Durban from East London, and who was for some years secretary of the Durban Chamber of Commerce, died lately.
We (Cradock Register) regret to record the decease of one of the oldest inhabitants of this town, Mr. James Edward KIDGER, who passed away after a long and painful illness. Deceased had resided over 30 years in Cradock and was well known for his geniality and the active interest he took in promoting the social welfare of the place.
The late Mr. Daniel KELLEHER, who died here on Tuesday last, was an old and respected citizen of Grahamstown. He was born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1822, being 75 years old at his death. He landed at Port Elizabeth in this country in the latter end of [18..] and coming up to Grahamstown from the Police Force at the beginning of [18?9]. In Sept. 1887 he retired on pension. He saw many Magistrates during his [term] of office, amongst whom were Messrs. GRAHAM, HUDSON and HUNTLY. He was latterly in charge of the hard labour party, and under his direction most of the trees that now adorn our streets were planted. In the time of the present Magistrate, Mr. HEMMING, Mr. KELLEHER took [service] under the Municipality and continued to do good work for the good of the town. He was a quiet, unobtrusive man, who never injured black or white. He was respected by everyone, even by those above him. This was explained during his late illness, when many ladies and gentlemen called on him daily. The family are very grateful to them for their kind offices. Deceased leaves a large family to mourn his loss.
Saturday 7 August 1897
Mr. George BREDELL, secretary of the [Wemmer] Company of Johannesburg, died lately. He had been suffering for a long time from a disease of the kidneys and had at intervals resorted to injections of morphia to relieve the pain. Returning on Saturday night from Pretoria, where Mrs. BREDELL was staying, he was in great pain, and a friend at his entreaty injected almost fifteen drops. Mr. BREDELL went to sleep and never recovered consciousness.
Mr. James R. WATSON, whose serious illness we mentioned in our last issue, died this morning at 4am. He was unconscious for a long time, and quietly passed away. Mr. WATSON was 67 years of age, and has relatives living in Natal. He was of a genial and kindly nature, and from his being a resident in this City had come to be very well known, and to have made many friends who will regret his decease.
PASSED AWAY at East London on 4th August 1897, Benjamin WALKER, second and dearly beloved son of the late Joseph WALKER, of Grahamstown.
Tuesday 10 August 1897
DIED at Grahamstown August 9th 1897, Mary, relict of the late Captain KENYON C.M.R., aged 93 years.
The Funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Henry Street, Oatlands, tomorrow (Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
The death of Mrs. KENYON, widow of Captain KENYON of the old Corps of Cape Mounted Rifles, and previously in the Indian Army, took place yesterday. The family of the deceased lady was closely connected with the British Army, many of its members having seen military service. Mrs. KENYON, who had attained the great age of 93, was, we believe, the oldest member of the St.George’s Cathedral congregation. Friends who have known her during her long residence in this City are invited to pay a last tribute of respect by attendance at the funeral, which takes place tomorrow at 8am.
[Transcriber’s note: There is a short description of the funeral in the following issue but no further personal details are given]
Thursday 12 August 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown on August 11th 1897, the wife of O.P. SPINK of a son.
BIRTH at Adelaide, August 6th 1897, the wife of G.H.B. SHAW A.R.M. of a daughter.
An awfully sudden death occurred on the 6th at Port Elizabeth. At Whitby House, Donkin Street, one of the boarders, Mr. Walter SCOTT, came to his lunch at 2pm and had apparently been making “somewhat free”. He lay down on his bed at 2pm and, as he was seen by another boarder to be still lying there at 7pm, the boarder, Mr. BEHRENS, endeavoured to awaken him, but found him stiff and cold. Dr. EDWARDS was immediately called and pronounced him quite dead. The deceased was a chemist’s assistant, and has a brother at Beaufort West.
Thursday 19 August 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown on August 14th 1897, the wife of Fred TOPPER of a son.
A little girl, the daughter of a farmer named ROSE, fell into the fire at her father’s farm, near Blaney, and died in a few hours afterwards from her injuries.
[Transcriber’s note: Civil Death Notice names her as 10-year-old Amelia ROSE of Pembroke Farm, who died 11 August and is buried in Kingwilliamstown]
Saturday 21 August 1897
DIED at Grahamstown 20th August 1897, Margaret, relict of the late David HUME senior, aged 90 years.
The funeral of the above will leave the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. WALLACE, Beaufort Street, at 4pm on Monday the 23rd inst. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Another of the long list of the respected Pioneers of 1820 has passed away from us in the death of Mrs. Margaret HUME, relict of the late David HUME senior. In fact if we are correctly informed this venerable lady came out to the Colony with the Scotch Party several years before the now historic 1820 settlers. Mr. HUME was one of the early and most successful interior traders, who died in 1864. On many of his perilous trips he was accompanied by his good wife, who nobly shared his cares and dangers, as so many of the Early Settlers knew so well how to do.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased was actually the 1820 settler Margaret PIRIE, daughter of Robert PIRIE and Elizabeth BOOTH. Her husband, David HUME, was a member of MOODIE’s Party of 1817]
The death is announced of Mr. Thomas WILSON, Curator of the Botanic Gardens, Kingwilliamstown, after an illness of two months.
A white man named Charles NEAT, a ganger on the Indwe-Sterkstroom line, met with his death near the White Hill a few days since. He was riding on a trolly with some Natives, and in endeavouring to put on the brake a portion of his clothing got caught in one of the wheels. In his efforts to extricate himself he was thrown forcibly to the ground, the trolly passed over him, and he was killed. Deceased was formerly a ganger on the Eastern system at Fort Jackson, and leaves a wife and two children in England.
Thursday 26 August 1897
BIRTH at Fort Peddie, 22nd August 1897, the wife of Dr. ARENHOLD of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on 24th August 1897, the wife of Edward Graham GREEN, A.R.M. Albany, of a daughter.
A little girl, aged 5 years, daughter of Mr. BODEL of Maritzburg, died through injuries sustained through her clothing catching fire. When playing at afternoon tea in her parents’ garden, during their absence at a funeral of a relative, her dress caught fire and she ran about screaming. Some coolies came in and enveloped her in a sheet, but her injuries were terrible and she died in a few hours.
Saturday 28 August 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown, 28th August 1897, the wife of Mr. W. HOLLAND of a son.
DIED at Botha’s Hill, near Grahamstown, on August 24th 1897, Richard PAYNE, aged 75 years.
Tuesday 31 August 1897
Estate of the late Abraham WILD, retired farmer of Wooldridge, in the Peddie District.
All persons having claims against the above-named Estate are hereby called upon to lodge them with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of October next; and those indebted thereto are required to pay the amounts due by them within the same period, failing which legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof.
Dated at Kingwilliamstown this 23rd day of August 1897
Executor Dative
- Hits: 1959