Grahamstown Journal 1897 09 September
Thursday 2 September 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown, September 1st 1897, the wife of J.G. RICHARDSON of a son.
BIRTH at Alicedale on 30th August 1897, the wife of Thos. V. REES of a son.
PASSED AWAY at Fairview, Grahamstown, on September 1st 1897, Angelina Maria BETRAM, wife of the late Robert Louis BERTRAM, aged 57 years and 3 months.
For He giveth His beloved sleep.
The funeral of the above will leave her late residence, Caroline Street, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
We regret to report the sad decease of Mrs. BERTRAM of Fairview, Oatlands, a lady who had many friends and relations on Grahamstown. Mrs. BERTRAM only returned from the country on Tuesday of last week, and was taken seriously ill on Saturday with congestion of the lungs. This serious malady removed from our midst last night one who will be much missed. Mrs. BERTRAM was the widow of the late Mr. Robert Louis BERTRAM, formerly a well-known merchant of Grahamstown, and the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Elisha LEE, also of this City. She leaves a large family of children to mourn their irreparable loss. Mrs. BERTRAM was 57 years of age. The funeral will take place at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Saturday 4 September 1897
BIRTH at Salem on 2nd September 1897, the wife of Mr. George MASSON of a daughter.
DEATH. Stephen WEBBER, of Lushington, suddenly on August 31st, in the Tyumie, whilst driving to Alice on his way to visit his sons in Mashonaland, aged 64 years and 9 months.
Saturday 11 September 1897
BIRTH at Carlisle Street, Grahamstown, September 7th, the wife of John Edward GRANT of a son.
A carriage accident occurred at Boschkoppies, Spelonken, Transvaal, whereby Mrs. DE NECKER and her daughters were badly injured, and her thigh broken. The horses bolted, overturning the carriage. The party had attended a wedding at Mr. John EGBER’s, of Mr. Philip EGBER to Miss W. WOLMARANS [sic].
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage record lists the groom as Philippus Christian EYBERS and the bride as Aletta Marthina Johanna WOLMARANS, who married on 27 August 1897]
A verdict of “found drowned” has been returned in the inquest on the body of Mr. McLAUGHLIN at Kimberley. The evidence showed that the deceased had evidently been intoxicated, as shortly before disappearing he was seen crawling on his hands and knees in the street. Owing to bystanders having stated that they saw a man in blue clothes in the well yesterday, whereas Mr. McLAUGHLIN was wearing brown clothes, the well is again being dragged. It is considered highly improbable that any other person is in the well. The late Mr. McLAUGHLIN’s funeral took place this afternoon. He was buried with military honours. Over two hundred members of the Griqualand West Brigade attended, a large number of civilians being also present.
Tuesday 14 September 1897
PASSED AWAY on the 12th September 1897, Jessie, relict of G.H. KIRKPATRICK, aged 72 years and 10 months. Deeply regretted.
The death is reported of Lieut. Col. ALLEN, General manager of the South African Territories Company Limited. Col. ALLEN died at Warmbad, in Damaraland, on the north bank of the Orange River. He succumbed to an attack of dysentery, a disease from which he had suffered on a previous occasion.
Saturday 18 September 1897
W.H. BARNES begs to inform the ladies of Grahamstown that his first delivery of Ladies’ and Children’s Millinery, per Tantallon Castle, is now unpacked and on view at his well-known store, Church Square. Inspection invited.
Near Klerksdorp recently a ten-year-old boy, while running with an open pocketknife in his hand, fell, and the knife went through his heart, killing him instantly.
The father of Sigwald LARSEN, who drowned himself at Middleburg, writes in Monday’s [Midland] News a letter addressed to those who served the deceased with liquor, or were his companions in bars.
Tuesday 21 September 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown, Sept 15th 1897, the wife of R.J. MAGUIRE, Bedford, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Mount Pleasant, Martindale, on Sept 19 1897, the wife of E. BUTCHER of a daughter.
We are glad to learn that Mr. C.H. SAMPSON, son of Capt. SAMPSON of this City, will arrive here from Kimberley at the end of the month to take up the position of Chief Clerk to the Resident Magistrate.
We (Pretoria Press) regret to announce the demise of Mrs. STOWE, daughter of Mr. MUIRE, professor of music here, after a brief illness. The primary cause of the death was an affection of the kidneys, and this makes the third case of the kind within a very brief period. We beg to tender our deep sympathy to the bereaved relatives.
[Transcriber’s note: Deceased is likely to be Minnie Winter MUIRE, who married Spencer Frederick STOWE on 16 January 1894 – see here.]
The funeral of the late Sergeant STEDMAN of the 1st Middlesex Regiment, who died on Sunday last from a severe attack of pneumonia, took place this morning at 9 o’clock. The funeral arrangements, which were in the hands of Mr. A. WILL, were well carried out. A firing party from deceased’s own company headed the melancholy cortege, and afterwards fired the farewell salute over the open grave. The Band of the First City, and the Drum & Fife Band of the First Middlesex, played funeral marches. Six Sergeants of the Regt. acted as pall bearers. A number of soldiers followed the hearse, succeeded by Major Grove WHITE and Officers of the Regiment, Capt. MARSHALL and Lieut. JEANES of the First City, members of the City Police, and a full muster of the Good Templars, of which body deceased was a faithful member. The service at the Cathedral, in the choir of which deceased often sang as a member, was conducted by the Dean, and Revs. W. WHITE and C. SHERARD, and was fully choral. All the shops were closed, and flags flew at half mast as the funeral passed down the street from the Military Hospital in the Drostdy. The late Sergt. STEDMAN is spoken of very highly by his comrades, who will miss him very much. His soldier’s life was cut off at the early age of only 29.
Thursday 23 September 1897
At Jagersfontein, Mr. Stephanus RORICH, a law agent, was found drowned on Saturday in a stream of water eighteen inches deep, near that village.
Saturday 25 September 1897
DIED in London on the 29th August 1897, Harry P.C. EVENS, aged 35 years and 7 months, beloved son of A.R. and the late John EVENS, of Oatlands, Grahamstown.
We learn by the mail, with deep regret, of the sudden death in England of Mr. Harry P.C. EVENS, the general manager of the Matabele Branch of the Standard Bank. Mr. EVENS was the son of the late Mr. John EVENS of this City, and his widowed mother still resides here. He was formerly in this branch of the Bank, where he was well-known and much respected. Mr. and Mrs. EVENS left South Africa by the [illegible] Castle for a six months holiday in England, and after seeing the Jubilee Festivities paid [....] visits to different parts of the country before bringing their trip to a close. Their passage home to the Cape had been actually booked, when during a visit to Oxford Mr. EVENS took a chill, and this brought on a severe attack of [pneumonia] and in three days he died, on Sunday morning, August 29th.A funeral service for the deceased was held on Wednesday September 1st in the chapel of St.Mary Abbotts, Kensington, after which the body was interred at Kensal Green. Our sympathies are with the bereaved relatives.
Tuesday 28 September 1897
BIRTH at Rocky House, Oatlands, Grahamstown, September 27th, the wife of Mr. William BOWES, of Temple, Schoomble Station, of a son.
DIED at Umtali, September 29th 1897, Arthur, second son of the late Stephen WEBBER, of Lushington, aged 32 years.
Thursday 30 September 1897
At the Metropolitan Wesleyan Church, Capetown, on September 28th 1897, Clifford George PALMER of Fairholm, Albany, eldest son of Mr. George PALMER, of Zypherfontein, to Susan Keen Forrest GIBSON, eldest daughter of Mr. Aleck F. GIBSON of Krugersdorp, S.A. Republic. No cards.
Capetown, Tuesday (Own correspondent)
On Tuesday last at the Metropolitan Wesleyan Church in Capetown, the marriage of Miss GIBSON, late of Grahamstown, daughter of Mr. A.F. GIBSON of Krugersdorp, to Mr. Clifford PALMER, eldest son of Mr. Geo. PALMER, Zypherfontein, and one of our most respected and leading farmers, was celebrated in a manner fitting the occasion. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. NUTTALL, President of the Wesleyan Conference, assisted by the Rev. A.H. HODGES, in the presence of a large and fashionable gathering of guests, the church being profusely decorated for the occasion with lilies and evergreens. The bride was dressed in cream satin, and wore the customary wreath and veil, and was attended by Miss [KIELG...] and Miss Molly GIBSON as bridesmaids: the little Misses Winifred DUNCAN and [Mildred] SMITH making two charming flower girls. The bridesmaids were dressed in cream dresses trimmed with chiffon, and [....] hats to match, looking very pretty. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Douglas GIBSON, brother of the bride, as best man, and his present to the bride was a handsome locket and chain, and to each of the bridesmaids a [....] brooch. Mr. TILLY, the accomplished organist of the Metropolitan Church, played the [.....] wedding march and other suitable wedding [.....].
[Transcriber’s note: the rest of the paragraph is too difficult to read but appears to list wedding presents and their donors.]
- Hits: 1921