Grahamstown Journal 1897 10 October
Saturday 2 October 1897
Captain Murray MACGREGOR, of the Cape Police, who did good work in the Langeberg, has left for England on six months’ leave. He lately inherited a fortune and estate in Gloucestershire.
Will (date the 26th August 1895) of the late Elizabeth Gardner OVERTON (born AYLIFF), widow of the late Rev. Charles Frederick OVERTON, of Grahamstown, was filed in the Master’s Office on the 8th June 1897 by the executor testamentary, Andrew Barclay SHAND, who had been appointed as such, as secretary for the time being of the Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company. The testatrix appoints her two sisters, Esther AYLIFF and Sarah Ann AYLIFF, as [beneficiaries] of her estate.
Tuesday 5 October 1897
In the Estate of the late Abraham WILD
Mr. Horace O. DOLD, duly instructed by the Executors, will sell by Auction, in front of the Auction Rooms, on Tuesday 12th October at 12 noon,
Two Lots of Ground at Fort England, below the road to Belmont Vale, with buildings thereon, measuring in all 396 square rood.
Full particulars from Horace O. DOLD, Auctioneer
Executor Dative
In the Estate of the late R. PAYNE Sen.
Mr. Horace O. DOLD, duly instructed by the Executors, will sell by Auction, in front of the Auction Rooms, on Tuesday 12th October at 12 noon,
1st The Farm (A.G.) Bosky Dell, in the division of Albany, measuring about 1,172 morgen in extent, and adjoining the property of Messrs. TORRER, DOLD and PAGE.
2nd Part Share of the Farm Glen Hope, adjoining the above, measuring about 805 morgen in all (all the portion on the best side of Queen’s Road).
Full particulars from Horace O. DOLD, Auctioneer
We regret to hear that this venerable Minister is lying in a state so critical that it is very doubtful if he will recover. Indeed so weak is he that his death is expected almost daily.
PULLEN, civil service clerk, pleaded guilty to stealing public money amounting to £500. He stated that he committed the crime to support his wife and five children. His doctor’s and chemist’s bills during the last few years amounted to £100. He was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
Thursday 7 October 1897
MARRIED on Tuesday October 5th 1897, at St.Paul’s Church, Port Alfred, by the Rev. F.W. Flack MA, Cecil Alfred, eldest son of Mr. A.S. SMITH, “The Grove”, Grahamstown, to Florence Ann, only child of Mr. T.E. GRAHAM, Port Alfred. No cards.
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on October 7th 1897, Edwin Pridmore ANDREW, late of Leicester, England, aged 55 years.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Matthew Street, tomorrow (Friday) at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
We regret to report the death this morning after a two months’ illness of Mr. E.P. ANDREW of this City. Mr. ANDREW was a well known resident in Grahamstown, and for many years carried on a Tannery and Leather Business here. He was a member of Trinity Church, where he will be much missed. Death was caused by internal disorders. He was 55 years of age. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 4pm and will be conducted by the Rev. Wm. LIDDLE MA BD.
Mr. C.E. SCHAUMANN, a well known resident at Salisbury and representing large interests, committed suicide by shooting himself on Saturday. No reason is assigned, but the deceased had been exhibiting peculiarities of manner for some days previous.
Johannes MULL presented a ghastly figure when he came before Mr. RODENSTEIN at the Krugersdorp Police Court on Tuesday (says the local Times). His shirt was a mass of dried blood, while on his throat, on the coverings being removed, were two gashes caused by a razor. There is no lawin the Transvaal to punish an attempt to commit suicide, and MULL was charged with vagrancy. It transpired that he came to Krugersdorp a day or two ago from Johannesburg, where he had quarrelled with his wife. Evidently considering life not worth living, he procured a razor, and before being stopped by the police had succeeded in making two seep gashes in his throat. Mr. RODENSTEIN let him off without further punishment than an order to return to wedded “bliss” in Johannesburg.
Port Alfred, Tuesday morning. (Own correspondent)
Miss Florence Ann GRAHAM, of Port Alfred, was married to Mr. Cecil Alfred SMITH, eldest son of Mr. A.S. SMITH, Grahamstown, in St.Paul’s Church, Port Alfred. The Rev. F.W. FLACK MA officiated at the ceremony, which was fully choral. Miss [..EG] presided at the organ. The church was beautifully decorated. The bride was given away by her Father, and was dressed in a pretty costume of white figured [glacé] lawn, trimmed with silk chiffon and silver gimp, with white toque, and was attended as bridesmaid by Miss Frances SMITH (cousin of the bridegroom) who wore a charming costume of sea green coloured cashmere trimmed with butter coloured silk and lace, and cream straw hat. Miss Mary MAGILL acted as second bridesmaid and looked well in a fawn coloured costume trimmed with gimp and lace, and wore a beautiful cream straw hat.
The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Robert SMITH (his cousin) as best man. The bride and bridesmaids’ bouquets were given by Deaconess FRANCIS and were very charming. After the service the party proceeded to the residence of the bride’s parents, where a sumptuous repast was laid by Miss STYLE, which certainly did her credit. About 40 guests sat down. The Rev. F.W. FLACK proposed the health of both bride and bridegroom, and spoke of the good work done by her as a member of the church. The bridegroom responded with a short but neat speech. The Rev. F.W. FLACK also proposed the health of the parents on both sides. Mr. GRAHAM responded with a speech, and also Mr. A.S. SMITH. The wedding cake was the work of the bridegroom, and looked well indeed, and was decorated with flags. At about 2:30 the newly married couple left Port Alfred in a spider for Bathurst, en route to Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage, where the honeymoon will be spent. The weather was all that could be desired in the morning, but in the afternoon it rained in torrents, but Bathurst was reached in safety. We join with all their friends in wishing Mr.and Mrs. SMITH every happiness.
The following presents were received:
Father of the bride: piano
Mother: silver teapot
Bridegroom: gold brooch
Rev. and Mrs. FLACK: silver fruit tray
Master Cyprian, Misses Dolly and Kitty FLACK: jam dish
Mr. and Mrs. RINTOUL: silver butter knife, pickle fork and jam spoon
Deaconess FRANCIS: wall bracket and shawl
Mrs. MACFARLANE and Master Renfrew and Peter: silver cake basket
Miss STYLE: handkerchief case and doylies
Mrs. HORTON: cake dish and doylies
Master CHAPMAN: linen tea cloth
Misses ROSE: pair flower bowls
Mrs. ROSE: set of trays
Mrs. J. SWAN: china cups and saucers, crumb tray and brush
Mrs. W. SWAN: fruit dish and plates
Misses Alice and Iris SWAN: vases
Mr. and Mrs. E.G. SWAN: photo album and camera
Mrs. SAMUEL: wine glasses
Mrs. T. REED: vegetable dishes
Mr. and Mrs. WEEKS: china tea set
Miss CLARKE: jug and tumblers
Mr. and Mrs. G. CLARK: china cups and saucers
Mrs. [SLOWLEY] and Mrs. COCK: china tea plates
Mr. GEORGE: Japanese teapot
Mrs. S. DICKS: plush cushion
Mrs. J. PAGE: crazy cushion
Scholars: silver tray, silver sugar basket and silver butter knife
Miss E. WOODS: pair vases
Mrs. Wm. PAGE: glass jug, water bottle and tumblers
Mr. and Mrs. AITCHESON: toilet set
Mr. G. AITCHESON: vase
Misses [J...] and Edith AITCHESON: glass cake dishes
Miss KINNEAR: tea cloth
Miss L. [E....]: night gown [..chel]
Mr. and Mrs. A.S. SMITH: breakfast cruet and cooking utensils
Masters Gordon, Bernard and Everard SMITH: silver tea spoons
Miss Ivy SMITH: tumblers
Mr. Robert SMITH: meat mincer
Miss Frances SMITH: tea cosy
Mr. J. WEBBER: set [....s]
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. WEBBER: china tea set
Miss [L....]: [lustre printed satin cushion maker]
Mr. and Mrs. MAGILL: clock
Mrs. KINNOCK: china cups and saucers, cream jug and sugar basket
Mrs. T. WEBB: china teapot stand
Misses Maud and Bertha MAGILL: cut glass salt cellar and silver spoons
Mrs. C. WEBB: pair plaques
Miss M. MAGILL: toilet set
[Mrs.] Emily WEBBER: carving knife and fork, glass jug
Masters Fred, George and Percy WEBBER: pair china candlesticks
Misses Albina, Amy and Alice WEBBER: hand painted plaques
Mr. and Mrs. HIGHAM and family: drawing room lamp
Mrs. HIGGINS: lady’s companion
Mrs. EMERTON: satin antimacassars
Mrs. [RUM...]: night dress and brush and comb bags
Mr. and Mrs. MAHONEY: silver butter knife
Mrs. PATERSON: antimacassar
Mr., Mrs. and Master [BONSTOW]: cheque
Misses Mary, Lilly and Winnie [BONSTOW]: tray cloth, work bag, cushion cover and tea cosy
Mr. and Mrs. PEARCE: serviettes and rings
Mrs WARNER: doylies
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. WEBBER: [.....] and clock
Mr. and Mrs. S.T. WEBBER: cups and saucers and egg stand
Annie (servant): teapot
Saturday 9 October 1897
MARRIED at Bedford on the 6th October 1897, by the Rev. J. Gould-Layton, Gilbert, third son of Mr. William FOWLDS, Long Lee, Sandflats, to Annie Thrale, third daughter of the late W.J. BRADFIELD, formerly of Dordrecht.
The E.P. Herald hears from Vryburg that Dr. PATERSON, a medical practitioner who has been staying here for some weeks past, has been found dead near the town, the cause of death being poison. The doctor was born at Uitenhage and at one time had a leading practice in Port Elizabeth, afterwards living at Philipstown and Johannesburg. His father, a minister of the Congregational Church, resides at Port Elizabeth.
[See issue of 14 October]
Tuesday 12 October 1897
Early the other morning the body of Mrs. RETIEF, residing near Green Point Lighthouse, Capetown, was found on the beach at the Point in front of her residence. Life was quite extinct, and the body was removed to the deceased’s house, where it has been examined by the magistrate. The tragedy is at present enshrouded in mystery.
Another sad case of suicide has occurred at Kimberley, the victim being Mr. Herbert Wilson BRADSHAW, town traveller in the employ of Messrs. Rolfes, Nebel & Co. The evidence taken at the [inquest] showed that the deceased shot himself through the head with a revolver and expired before medical aid arrived. The reason for the suicide has not yet been ascertained. The deceased was a steady young man and his books are in order. The magistrate returned a verdict of “suicide”. The deceased was very popular in town, and much sympathy is expressed for his mother and relatives. He was about twenty-five years of age.
At the R.M. Court this morning, before Mr. GREEN A.R.M., William George PIKE, Railway Guard, residing in Francis Street, Grahamstown, was charged with having on the 29th September 1897, at Grahamstown, assaulted Frederick JELLETT, a Private in the Middlesex Regiment, by striking him divers blows with a stick on his arm and face.
Mr. Attorney J.W. STONE defended, pleading guilty under great provocation. After the evidence the magistrate said although he sympathised much with the accused, he must find him guilty of assault and fine him 20s, which was paid.
Thursday 14 October 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown, October 12th 1897, thee wife of T.R. MEADE, of Winterberg, of a son.
On the 13th inst, at Fort England, Grahamstown, the wife of R. WALTERS of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 30th September at St.George’s Cathedral by the Rev. W.H. White, Arthur Charles RANGER, of Gleniffer, Kei Road, eldest son of late C.B. RANGER, to Mary Gertrude, second daughter of B.M. THACKWRAY, Gletwyn, of Grahamstown.
DIED SUDDENLY from syncope at Vryburg, on Oct 6th, Dr. George PATERSON, aged 38, son of the Rev. T.J. PATERSON, Port Elizabeth.
ENTERED INTO REST at the Wesleyan Mission House, Location, on Wednesday 13th October, William Clifford HOLDEN, Wesleyan Minister for over sixty years.
A valiant servant of Jesus Christ
The Funeral of the late Rev. W.C. HOLDEN will meet at Commemoration Church at 4 o’clock on Friday afternoon, October 15th. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
On enquiry yesterday we learned that the venerable sufferer was so weak that he was hardly expected to last out the day. This anticipation was verified, and Mr. HOLDEN expired last evening. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.
On Sunday at Kimberley the two-year-old daughter of Mr. Alexander FISHER, of the Three Star Bakery, strayed into the yard, and fell into a tub containing about a foot of water, the tub being sunk into the ground. Some time elapsed before the child was discovered, by which time it was unconscious, and despite medical aid died during the night.
Rev. F.W. FLACK of Port Alfred writes under date Oct 12th, asking us to correct the impression given in Saturday’s issue of the Journal that the late Dr. PATERSON had taken poison. He says: “I am in a position to state that the cause of death was syncope, accompanied by symptoms of sunstroke, not suicide”. Dr. PATERSON leaves a widow, the youngest daughter of Mr. W. CANNELL of Port Alfred, to whom we tender our sincerest sympathies in her sad affliction. We regret that the error should have occurred but it was not our mistake.
Saturday 16 October 1897
Mr. HOLDEN was born in England in 1814, entered the Methodist Ministry in 1836, and after some service in circuits at Home, came out to South Africa in 184[8], arriving at Capetown in the ship ‘George’, the 14th February of that year. Other Missionaries, since well known in the work, were his companions on the voyage, namely Rev. Messrs. DAVIS, PIERCE, GLADWIN, TAYLOR, THOMAS, John SMITH and Thornley SMITH. Mr. HOLDEN was first stationed at Colesberg, from which town he used to proceed to Cradock once in three months for the purpose of holding services there, - an indication of the laborious character of the ministry in those days. In 1857 he was appointed to labour in Natal, his station being Durban, which in those days was little better than a sand-heap, covered with dense elephant-and-python-haunted bush. There he was very successful in rearing up a congregation and church amongst the settlers, and also among the natives. The “building” in which the latter congregation assembled consisted simply of a wall which had been erected for some purpose or other. Here the Missionary used to gather a crowd of densely ignorant but attentive Kafirs, holding his service sometimes on this side of the wall, sometimes on that, according to the direction of the sun and wind. Suitable buildings were, however, soon erected through Mr. HOLDEN’s labours, the first Methodist Church in Durban being used not only for worship but being on one occasion of great service in housing the passengers who were wrecked in the unfortunate emigrant ship ‘Minerva’, which vessel was wrecked at Natal, all hands being saved, but their effects entirely lost. The trouble and anxiety of finding shelter and food for these people devolved upon Mr. HOLDEN, who became their Minister, and by whose exertions they were saved a great deal of suffering, ultimately settling in Natal, and some of them becoming leading members of the community. It was in Natal that Mr. HOLDEN commenced those studies of native history and manners which he has left on record in his book “The Past and Future of the Kafir Races”, a standard work, containing much valuable and interesting information. He was the author of one or two other volumes, including a History of Methodism, during the course of his long and laborious career. In [1862] he returned to the Cape Colony, where the remainder of his ministry was passed. Among other places he was at Kingwilliamstown when the farms in British Kaffraria were first issued to the grantees. Here we find him riding over vast tracts of almost unexplored territory, swimming rivers, and undergoing other hardships, conducting services and attending to the spiritual wants of the scattered farmers. After being stationed at Queenstown and some other places in the Colony, he ultimately settled as a supernumerary in Grahamstown, where, although repeatedly solicited by his family, he declined to give up work, and remained in active employment until, owing to an attack of Russian influenza, he took to his bed in September last, and after an illness of thirty-nine days he died on Thursday night, at the age of 83. Mr. HOLDEN was a man of strong individuality, firm convictions and sound piety. He was a faithful missionary of the old school, who never shunned toil or hardship, and whose labours have been greatly blessed to a race of Colonists who themselves are now advancing in age, or have passed away. Owing to his long life, and retirement from circuit work, he was not so well known to the generation among whom his latter days were spent: but we may truly say that to him and to his contemporaries in the Methodist Ministry of former days, South Africa is lastingly indebted.
The funeral of the late W.C. HOLDEN took place yesterday afternoon, starting from Commemoration Church. A very large number of native people belonging to the Kafir and coloured congregations, to whom the deceased had long ministered, attended the service in the Church, and walked in procession to the cemetery, where they sang a funeral hymn. The service was conducted by the Rev. Messrs. RHODES, HOLM and GRIFFIN. Messrs. R. and W. AYLIFF, Henry WOOD Esq (Mayor), Messrs. John E. WOOD M.L.A., T.H. GROCOTT and B. IMPEY acted as pall-bearers, and a number of leading citizens followed the veteran missionary to his last earthly resting place.
Mr. J.C. FAURE, Resident Magistrate of Capetown, died suddenly at his residence, Camp Street, on Monday morning about 10 o’clock. He was apparently in the best of health on Sunday, when he returned from a short visit he had made to Tulbagh with his cousin, the Minister for Agriculture. On rising on Monday he complained of feeling unwell, and was soon afterwards seized with an apoplectic fit. Death ensued almost immediately, despite all that medical skill and care could do. His death will cause a great blank in Capetown circles. An able magistrate, he was a kind-hearted, genial man, beloved by all, and sorrow at his tragic end is general. Mr. FAURE (the Cape Times says) was an almost perfect type of what a country magistrate should be. His frank, free, unaffected manners, his humour and good nature, and his high character and undoubted probity, made him at once the most popular and the most honoured man in the district. Since his arrival in Capetown it is to be feared that the greater part of Mr. FAURE’s time has been spent at his desk, on the bench, or discharging the many duties which fell to him as Chief Magistrate of the metropolis. Mr. FAURE in Capetown amply proved himself to be an able and discriminating lawyer. Of him on the bench it might be said that his failings leaned towards mercy’s side. There was nothing harsh in his composition. To the erring ones brought before him for the first time he invariably extended his prerogative of mercy, addressing to them words of wisdom which, if followed, would ever keep them out of harm’s way. With the frequent offender Mr. FAURE had little patience, and the specious pleas which were often advanced by them met with little favour in his eyes. With the members of his staff Mr. FAURE was immensely popular. It is but the truth that many of them regarded him more in the light of a friend than of their chief. All were warmly devoted and attached to him, and his demise is felt as a personal loss by all grades in the Resident Magistrate’s offices.
A Capetown doctor says that only on Sunday morning he met Mr. FAURE at the morgue, and not by any means for the first time, drew his attention to the scandalous deficiency of adequate accommodation there, for the purpose for which it was designed. Mr. FAURE replied: “I have done what I could, but it seems to be of no use. I am afraid there will have to be a new R.M. before that is done, and perhaps even a new R.M. Office.” Little did Mr. FAURE’s listener imagine that the vacancy for a new R.M. would be brought about with such tragic suddenness.
Tuesday 19 October 1897
DIED at Kimberley on Saturday October 16th, Edith, beloved wife of J.J. TUPHOLME (late of Queenstown), deeply regretted.
Thursday 21 October 1897
BIRTH on September 19th, at Rose Lawn, Beulah Hill, Norwood, the wife of Thomas F. CARDEN of a daughter.
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on Wednesday Oct 20th 1897, by the Very Rev. Dean Holmes, assisted by Rev. W.H. White, Charles Thomas WHITE, son of T.C. WHITE Esq. of Table Farm, to Hilda, second daughter of Clem. H. CURRIE Esq. of Glen Ovis.
DIED at Port Alfred, St.Luke’s Day, Oct 18 1897, Dorothy Frances, second child of the Rev. and Mrs. F.W. FLACK, aged 3½ years.
DIED after a long and painful illness, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. George NEEDHAM, Kimberley, Edith Ann TUPHOLME, nee GIBSON, the dearly beloved wife of John J. TUPHOLME, aged 26 years and 5 months. Deeply regretted.
A fashionable wedding was the centre of attraction at St.George’s Cathedral yesterday morning at 11 o’clock, when Mr. Charles WHITE of Willowfountain, son of Mr. T.C. WHITE of Table Farm, was united in holy wedlock to Miss Hilda CURRIE, second daughter of Mr. Clem. H. CURRIE of Glen Ovis. The sacred ceremony was performed by the Very Rev. Dean HOLMES, assisted by the Rev. W.H. WHITE. Mr. W. DEANE presided at the organ, and was assisted by a choir of ladies, whose sweet voices in the grand old wedding hymn had a good effect. The bride was handed over to her future guardian by her father. Mr. Bert WHITE and Mr. Guybon ATHERSTONE were the groomsmen, while Miss Ellen CURRIE and Miss Helen CURRIE, sister and cousin to the bride respectively, were two charming bridesmaids. The bride was one of the prettiest of the season and was attired in a beautiful costume of white, with the orthodox wreath and veil.
After the ceremony a Wedding Breakfast and Reception was held in the Assembly Rooms, to which a large number of guests and relatives flocked, and where the beautiful and costly presents were laid out. The customary toasts were disposed of, and speeches and champagne were the order of the day.
The young couple left for Willowfountain soon afterwards, where in their future home all good wishes follow them.
Saturday 23 October 1897
ENTERED INTO REST after a long and painful illness, on October 22nd, at Tarkastad, Christopher WEDDERBURN, formerly of Grahamstown, aged 63 years.
DIED of Bright’s disease, on Thursday 21st October, at the Albany General Hospital, Bertha Lovelock, youngest and dearly beloved child of George and Emma MARSHALL, aged 10 years 1 month and 21 days.
The news of the death of Mr. James Robert WATSON, of Breakfast Vlei, came as a shock yesterday morning. Few men in this and adjoining districts were so well known and generally liked as Mr. WATSON. For years he has kept in a first class manner the halfway house between here and King. Mr. WATSON had some stirring experiences during the Kafir Wars, which should form interesting reading if published. He died on Wednesday last from “general breaking up”. His age was 63. The funeral took place yesterday at Peddie, when there was a large attendance.
At Pretoria a young girl, named Mary BROWN, employed at the Central Hotel as chambermaid, in some way upset a lighted paraffin stove on Monday night. Her clothes caught fire, and she received such injuries that she died next morning. She suffered terrible pain.
Tuesday 26 October 1897
DIED at Breakfast Vley on Oct 21 1897, James Robert WATSON, in his 63rd year.
DIED at Barville Park on Sunday 24th Oct 1897, Samuel William DELL, eldest son of the late Stephen DELL.
Mr. TAINTON, Government labour Agent, Umtata, has just issued a circular to schoolmasters and teachers, in which he says it has been brought to his notice that a falling off in the attendance of scholars at some of the Kafir schools has taken place in consequence of the presence of the cattle plague (rinderpest) as well as other causes. He does not under present circumstances regret this, but urges that “some of the able-bodied male pupils of the schools should be encourage to work, and not flinch from their duty towards their white benefactors and the commonwealth: but, in common with others – white and black – who help themselves, grasp hold of the opportunity of getting a footing at the labour centres within easy reach, where some of the most magnificent industrial schools fortunately exist, and money can be honestly earned, and wholesome discipline learnt at the present Providential moment.”
Andrew FLEMING, manager of an hotel at Ficksburg, committed suicide on Friday by shooting himself through the head with a rifle, the barrel of which he inserted in his mouth. Monetary difficulties are supposed to have been the cause.
We regret to have to chronicle the decease of this gentleman, who was a brother of Mr. John WEDDERBURN of this City, and who died at Tarkastad on Friday. It is not a little singular that the late Mr. WEDDERBURN was years ago a partner in business with Mr. WATSON, afterwards of Breakfast Vley, and the two have now died within a day of each other, and at the same age, 63.
Thursday 28 October 1897
To the list of Indian Mutiny veterans who are now to be found in the Cape Peninsula should be added the name of Mr. G. HOLTON, late of HM 73rd Regiment, and now a respected resident of Simonstown. He has not only seen service in India, but also served in various Kafir wars in this country in the forties and fifties, and again in 1878-79.
On the occasion of the wedding of the Hon. Mr. GIFFORD, it is reported that the bridegroom’s gifts to the bride were diamond and turquoise necklace, forming tiara, sapphire and diamond ring, double-heat diamond ring, diamond lozenge brooch with trefoil in sapphires, and a 20-bore gun gold bracelet. The last mentioned is unique, both in its design and in the romantic associations which cluster around it. It holds the bullet extracted from Mr. GIFFORD’s shoulder when he was wounded outside Bulawayo, and to which he owes the loss of his right arm. The bullet is about an inch and a half in length by about five-eighths of an inch in diameter, and is set in a heavy bangle made of gold dug from a graveyard in Matabeleland. The two ends of the bullet rest in the open mouth of a serpent, whose body forms the circle for the wrist.
Serious loss has been sustained by Mr. Paul DU PLESSIS, of Ruffels Hoek, in Somerset district, through rinderpest. The local paper hears that some time before his cattle were attacked with the disease, his wife dreamed that at a small gate on a footpath on the farm, used in common by her husband, his brother David DU PLESSIS and Jacobus ERASMUS, an infected bundle of forage was placed, so that her husband’s cattle might become diseased, and a curious thing about the matter is that a bundle of forage was actually found at this little gate. Mrs. DU PLESSIS did not tell her dream until after this discovery.
It is reported that not only the barbel but also the yellow fish in the Vaal river are infected with worms now, as the result of feeding on the carcases of cattle which have died of rinderpest. A large number of these carcases line the banks of the river, and every time the river “comes down” more of them are borne upon the flood and stranded along the banks. Many of the farmers living along the river have hurled their dead cattle in the sand at the river’s edge, and the floods have washed the carcases out again.
Miss Annie PATTEN, a draper’s assistant, committed suicide early yesterday morning in a most determined manner. The whole sad story, as far as our reporter was able to glean it, and it’s a long one, is as follows:
Miss PATTEN came out from England with good testimonials toa Kimberley firm, from which she went to Port Elizabeth, where she worked for some time in one of the biggest dry goods stores in Main Street. She was engaged by Messrs. T. Birch & Co. of this City and came up here, where she took up her position in the store on the 1st of this month. Alas for her! when everything seemed to be going well, reports came from Port Elizabeth, whether true or not we do not know, of serious delinquencies in that place, and Miss PATTEN at once received her cheque with the intimation that her services were dispensed with. From this time she seemed driven to desperation, and seemed to be in a state of high mental excitement. She was boarding at Stirling House in Beaufort Street. On Monday evening, after being exceedingly restless all day, she expressed to her fellow lodgers the determination to kill herself, saying “I am going to kill myself, life’s not worth living, do you think it will be right?” Of course they persuaded her not to as best they could, and one of them went out with her for a walk. On the Market Square she ran from him, calling out that she was going to hang herself. He prevented her again. During the night one of the lady-lodgers heard her moving about and went into her room. She was standing with a rope in her hand and said ”Thank God you have come. I was just going to commit the deed.” The lady took charge of her all the rest of the night. On Tuesday she was frightfully depressed all day, but care was taken of her. She went round saying to her kind friends “Goodbye, if you don’t see me again!” At night she went for a walk down near the Albany Hall. When she returned she went to her room and lay down on the bed in her clothes, fully dressed. A lady watched her all night till at 3 o’clock in the morning, thinking the poor girl to be asleep, she went downstairs. About 5 o’clock she heard a rustling noise, followed by a fall, and ran upstairs. Just outside the door was found an empty phial, bearing the label “Salt of Lemons”, which is ordinarily used for removing stains from clothes. Inside the room lay Miss PATTEN full length on the floor. She had removed her clothes and put on her robes de nuit before swallowing the poison. On the dressing table stood a glass nearly empty, containing a whitish liquid. She was in great pain. She was picked up and placed on the bed. “I hope you haven’t taken enough” was the anxious wish of those who found her. “No”, was the frantic reply, “I am only afraid I have taken an overdose!” She made as if to take up the glass again. Shortly afterwards she cried “Send for the doctor!” but before he could arrive she was too far gone, and at 5:25 she was dead.
The deceased was about35 years of age and has a widowed mother in England, away across the seas. An inquest is now being held on the body.
Saturday 30 October 1897
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, on Wednesday Oct 27th 1897, by the Rev. W.H. White, William Lawrence VON BLERK to Ada Sophia TONKIN, both of this City.
PASSED AWAY at ”Leicester House”, Grahamstown, on the 29th October 1897, Melville Leslie, the youngest and beloved child of C.H. and E. ABBOTT, aged 6 years and 7 months.
A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning last at St.George’s Cathedral, when Mr. W.L. VON BLERK, of the firm of Messrs. Von Blerk & Co, Church Square, was married to Miss Ada TONKIN, also of this City. The sacred ceremony was performed by the Rev. W.H. WHITE. The bride looked charming, dressed in a handsome costume of white alpaca, and wore the orthodox wreath and veil. She was attended by her bridesmaids, Misses Nellie TONKIN, Lily WRIGHT, Alice MARDEN, and by two sweet little flower girls, Misses Mary TURNER and Ellie TONKIN. Mr. LEITCH acted as best man, and also gave the bride away. All the dresses, including the bride’s, were the skilful work of Miss Nellie TONKIN. After the ceremony the wedding party drove to the residence, where the usual nuptial festivities were celebrated in the good old way. May every happiness attend these two young votaries at Hymen’s shrine.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. ABBOTT, of Leicester House, Oatlands, will deeply regret to hear that they have lost their youngest child, Melville Leslie, from a severe attack of pneumonia. The child, who was only 6½ years old, and who has been ailing for some time, died yesterday afternoon. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning. Thus does death, the grim reaper, gather young as well as old into his garner.
An inquest was held on the body of the late Miss PATTEN by J. HEMMING Esq. RM on Thursday last, and the verdict was: “From the evidence it appears that Annie PATTEN, not being of sound mind, did on Oct 27th 1897 kill herself by taking a dose of irritant poison.”
The funeral of the late Miss PATTEN took place on Thursday afternoon, moving from Mr.A. WILL’s residence, who managed all the arrangements with his usual good taste. The body was buried in the Anglican Cemetery, the Rev. W.H. TURPIN reading the full service. Several ladies and gentlemen were present at the graveside.
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