Grahamstown Journal 1897 12 December
Thursday 2 December 1897
At a farm two hours’ journey from Ficksburg a whole family of six and three natives have been poisoned by arsenic. Mr. VONBERG had died. Others are slowly recovering. Mr. VONBERG’s loss will be keenly felt, as he was a most enterprising farmer in the district, and respected by everyone.
Saturday 4 December 1897
BIRTH at Goodwood on December 2nd, the wife of P.V. CLOETE of a daughter.
A Jewish storekeeper, named SAWECLOWE, went to bathe in the Porges Randfontein dam. He suddenly showed signs of distress, and although a companion hastened to the rescue, he was drowned. The body was recovered an hour later by some Kafirs.
The S.A. general Mission has received news of the death at Melsetter on Nov 14, from fever, of Mr. COUPLAND, who, along with Mr. KIDD and Mr. RANEY, left Johannesburg on September 8 to establish a station in Gazaland. Mr. KIDD left for Umtali, had a serious attack of fever there, and telegraphed on November 16 that he had recovered and was returning via Beira. Since then nothing has been heard of him and the Mission members are getting anxious. Failing news in the immediate future, a member will be despatched to the spot.
Mr. Henry HILL’s employment as Secretary to the Albany Rinderpest Committee terminates on the 4th inst. Mr. HILL deserves some public recognition for his services, which have been well and faithfully performed. We are somewhat surprised that nothing of this kind was said at the last meeting of the Committee when the resolution was passed.
Tuesday 7 December 1897
On December 5th at Erinville Cottage, Grahamstown, the wife of R.M. KING of a daughter.
In the Estate of the late William BRAMLEY, of Bathurst, Cape Colony
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to file their claims at the Office of the undersigned, 133 Longmarket-Street, Capetown, within six weeks from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto to pay the amounts due by them within the same period.
Executor Dative
Dec 8: At Peddie, third meeting in the insolvent estate of William James RANDALL, for proof of debts and receiving trustee’s report.
Jan 12: At Grahamstown, third meeting in the insolvent estate of Messrs. SWAILES, for proof of debts and receiving trustee’s report.
Thursday 9 December 1897
A matrimonial wave has passed over Gwelo (says the Chronicle) and our local bachelors are gradually entering the noble ranks of the Benedicts. The last marriage was that of Dr. SMYTH MB to Mrs. HADDON. The next on the list is Captain CHAWNER, of the Mounted Police, to Miss DRIVER.
Saturday 11 December 1897
DIED at Thornhill, Griqualand West, on Monday December 6th 1897, Edward Mounsey, beloved son of Edward Boyer and Emma COOK, aged 22 years.
What threatens to be an outbreak of enteric fever has occurred at the barracks at Kingwilliamstown. Private WOOD, of the First Middlesex Regiment, took ill four days ago and died yesterday. He was buried with full military honours the next day. It is reported that another soldier has been attacked, but this has not yet been confirmed.
A lad named Ernest SIMPSON, of Queenstown, as reported in the Representative, gave his life for his friend on Monday afternoon. He was 11 years of age, and in company with his brother Charles, aged 7, and Jack and Tom STANLEY, went for a bathe in the river, just below the lower drift. STANLEY was drowning and SIMPSON swam to his assistance. After much labour he succeeded in getting his friend to shore, but just as he put him on the bank the brave little rescuer fell back into the water exhausted, and was drowned. The body was recovered.
Tuesday 14 December 1897
Has removed his Wholesale Store to High Street
(Next to R. and F. WALLACE)
And is prepared to buy in large quantities
Apricots, Pears, Plums, Eggs, Fowls, Turkeys and Ducks.
Has for sale Christmas Poultry.
Do Not Forget his Retail Fruit, Confectionary and Refreshment Rooms, still in Bathurst Street, where you can get everything nice, even Xmas Presents, cheap for cash.
At the Metropolitan Wesleyan Church, Capetown, on Wednesday 8th Dec1897, by the Rev. Ezra Nuttall, assisted by the Rev. A.H. Hodges, William Bunting SHAW jun., of Capetown, to Elizabeth Eleanor HODGSON, youngest daughter of Mr. J.G. HODGSON of Capetown.
The Metropolitan Church, Capetown, was well filled on Wednesday with guests and visitors, who assembled to take part in the nuptials of Ellie, Mr. J.G. HODGSON’s youngest daughter, to Mr. W.B. SHAW jun. The bride was dressed in rich brocade silk with the customary veil and orange blossom, and looked very handsome, as did the Misses DENT and HALL, who were dressed in white sink and wore Toreador hats, and who attended as bridesmaids. Two little mites, Misses HAMILTON-HODGSON and ISEMONGER, attended as flower girls, and took their parts very well, walking in front of the bride and strewing her pathway to the altar with roses. Mr. C. HODGSON, brother of the bride, officiated as best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. NUTTALL, assisted by the Rev. A.H. HODGES, and was impressive throughout. Mr. and Mrs. HODGSON were subsequently “At Home” to upwards of a hundred guests, the reception being held in the public library at the Prince Alfred Docks, which building was most tastefully decorated, and festooned with flags for the occasion. The usual felicitous toasts were given, that of the health of the bride and bridegroom being in the hands of the Rev.Mr. NUTTALL, who performed the pleasing duty in his customary able style. During the afternoon the happy couple left for Somerset Strand, where the honeymoon will be spent. Out of compliment to Mr. HODGSON, who holds an important position in connection with the Harbour Works, there was a profuse display of bunting in the Docks, and several vessels in port were dressed for the occasion. Miss HODGSON is well and favourably known in Capetown, having endeared herself to a very large circle of friends not only by her general affability, but also from the fact of her having for some years past taken an active part in all charitable and religious work with which she was connected. The presents, which were both numerous and costly, were displayed during the day on the two large billiard tables in the library rooms, and attracted quite a crowd of persons to inspect them.
An old European resident named HYMAN living in Newton, Kimberley, cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor on the night of the ninth. His wife was in the room just before talking to him. She heard a noise and rushed into the room and found the deceased in front of the looking glass hacking his throat. She tried to save him, but it was too late. His friends say his mind became unhinged through his devotion to inventions. The deceased was endeavouring to discover the secret of perpetual motion. A verdict of temporary insanity was returned.
Thursday 16 December 1897
BIRTH at Grahamstown on December 16th 1897, the wife of R.N. BERRY, of Johannesburg, of a daughter.
FELL ASLEEP at Windsorton, 15th December 1897, Madge Evens, youngest daughter of Tilney and Ella PADDON, aged 11 months and 7 days.
The steamer ‘Inchanga’ has arrived in Durban, on which, on November 13, four days out, Mr. L.J. WILSON, proprietor of the Criterion Hotel, Point, was killed. High seas prevailed, and as Mr. WILSON was going to his saloon in the morning, he slipped and fell heavily on the steps, breaking some ribs and sustaining internal injuries, from which he died at 11 o’clock the same night.
About six o’clock on Monday evening a distressing affair occurred at Dutoitspan (Kimberley) whereby two lads were drowned in the Pan within view of their father’s house.
It appears that Andrew PALM, a 12 year old son of Mr. William PALM, a resident of Dutoitspan for the last quarter of a century, took one of his horses (Mr. PALMER[sic] being a cab proprietor) to the Pan for its customary evening swim. It is surmised that the animal either stumbled or attempted to lie down. At all events the little fellow fell into the water. His cries for help were heard by an elder brother, Henry, aged 20 (the house being situated less than 100 yards from the edge of the Pan) and he at once mounted another horse and went to his brother’s assistance.
He reached Andrew (says the Advertiser) but in seizing hold of him was himself compelled to get off the horse into the water. The drowning boy gripped his brother round the neck, and before assistance was forthcoming, both were drowned.
As soon as possible, dragging was commenced. There was no boat, however, within about four miles. Diving operations were also carried on by Messrs. A. RASMUS and J. ROOS. Despite all efforts, it was not until 10 o’clock that the body of Henry was recovered and removed to his father’s house. At a late hour last night Andrew’s body had not been recovered. Very general sympathy is expressed with the family in their terrible bereavement.
Saturday 18 December 1897
DIED at Grahamstown, Dec 18th 1897, Joseph TABB, in his 91st year.
The funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Fitzroy Street, tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 9 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
Mr. Joseph TABB, an old and well-known resident of this City, died at [5:30] this morning from general break up of the constitution. He had reached the ripe old age of 91, all but a few days. Mr. TABB was born in Cornwall, England, in 1806, and came out to the Colony at an early age. He came by sailing vessel and took 9 months to make the voyage, which is now done in [?] days.
He took part in the early Kafir War and assisted to defend Grahamstown against the attacks of the native hordes in 1849. When the diamond discoveries were made he was one of the first pioneers in Dutoitspan. He went up to the Fields in a bullock wagon. He survived the loss of his beloved wife but a few years, and sank off to rest this morning. The funeral will take place at 9 o’clock tomorrow. To the bereaved relatives we tender our sincerest sympathy in the loss of one who will be so much missed as the late Mr. TABB.
The sad news has just been received by wire from Kimberley of the sudden death this morning of Mr. Colin Turing CAMPBELL of that place, and for a long time a resident of this City. He came here in 1848 and left in 1871 and was a very well-known citizen. He was a prominent law-agent, and was proprietor and editor of the Anglo-African for a great many years, and built the present Guardian buildings. He was also the author of an interesting work entitled “British South Africa”.
[Transcriber’s note: British South Africa can be read here.]
Thursday 23 December 1897
Died on the 30th November 1897, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. McGREGOR, of apoplexy, Edmund DURBYN-BRADLEY, aged 68 years and one month.
We take leave of Mrs. CHAPMAN, late Principal of the Shaw Hall Day School, with much regret. Mrs. CHAPMAN, whose ability and zeal had raised the School to great efficiency and prosperity, finds it necessary to leave town, owing to her sons being engaged in business at Port Elizabeth. Her very numerous friends in this City will join with us in wishing Mrs. CHAPMAN much happiness in her new place of abode.
Herschel, Monday (Own correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. R.G. THOMAS, of “Blue Gums” in this district, are so widely known and so well liked throughout the Colony that the marriage of their daughter with Mr. Charles BAILLIE, of the Public Works Department, which interesting event took place on St.Andrew’s Day, should not be passed over in silence. It was indeed a very interesting marriage, and notwithstanding all the drawbacks of this out-of-the-way corner of the Colony, the very tasteful appointments for the ceremony, breakfast and dance in the evening were simply perfection. The blushing bride was dressed in handsome cream silk, bodice richly and daintily trimmed with lace and orange blossoms, spray of orange blossoms in the hair with tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of exquisite cream roses mingled with maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Florrie THOMAS, was dressed in pale cream crepon trimmed with lace, dainty lace hat with veil to match, and richly deserved the high encomiums passed upon her by our respected C.C. and R.M., in proposing her health at the wedding breakfast. The wedding presents were numerous and costly, cheques alone running into three figures. The heads of all the leading families in the District were present at the ceremony and breakfast, while the dance in the evening was for the benefit of the younger branches, whose name is legion. The unanimous verdict of the lady guests, who are undoubtedly the best authorities on such matters, was that it was the prettiest wedding that they had ever seen, whilst all the gentlemen present are agreed that the speeches were of an exceptionally high standard. The health of the bride and groom was proposed by the Rev. Geo. WEAVER (who performed the ceremony) whose admirable speech supplied abundant food for thought to many besides the newly-married couple; and the “oldest resident”, who proposed the health of the bride’s parents, gave sundry personal reminiscences of Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS’s cordial hospitality and the estimable qualities which found a ready echo in the hearts of all present. Immediately after the wedding breakfast the bride and bridegroom drove off amidst such a shower of rice that, considering the drought, one is tempted to quote Scripture. Their new home being only thirty miles distant should perhaps temper the pain natural to parents when parting with a fondly loved daughter, especially when, as in this case, the new son-in-law has given much promise of succeeding in his profession of engineering, and by meeting all trouble like a man, proved himself a loving husband in the higher sense of the term. God bless them all is the prayer of the writer of this short notice, who considers it an honour to be able to sign himself their
[Transcriber’s note: Despite being a ‘Friend’, this correspondent has managed to write nearly 500 words without actually naming the bride! The marriage entry shows that she was Eleanor Grace THOMAS]
Friday 24 December 1897
The Cape Mercury records the death of the Rev. J.M. COWAN, on Friday, at Lovedale. He had given up preaching on account of throat disease, and had removed from King to Lovedale, where he died, leaving a widow and two children.
Only a few days ago Mr. W.H. DANIELL quietly and peacefully passed away very suddenly at his farm Spring Field, near Sidbury. Mr. DANIELL was a son of the late Captain DANIELL, formerly proprietor of the farm Sidbury Park. I have known him (says a correspondent) for over 30 years and I can safely say a more honest, upright and truthful man I do not know: an excellent neighbour and a very intelligent and hospital [sic] man. Of late he had continued ill luck, having lost the greater portion of his stock through inoculation, and immediately followed the death of his son’s wife. This seemed to prey upon his mind so much that he never seemed to recover his usual cheerful self, but died of a broken heart. The widow and family have the condolence of many sympathising friends in the irreparable loss they have sustained.
Tuesday 28 December 1897
The Colesberg Advertiser chronicles the death, at the age of 71, of Mr. Jas. NORVAL, of Tygerhoek, one of the oldest inhabitants of the district, and greatly respected by both the farming community and the townspeople. He was a progressive farmer, and his name is known far and wide for his splendid breed of cart and carriage horses which have been brought to their present state of perfection by long years of careful selection and no stinted outlay in the purchase of suitable sires. Mr. NORVAL was the father of a large family of sons and daughters, the former of whom figure among our [illegible] farmers.
The heat in Swaziland is intense. The Government Medical Officer (Dr. McLACHLAN), died on Thursday from sunstroke, after lying thirty-six hours in a comatose state. He was very much liked. He leaves a widow, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt. There is much sickness in this district, and no medical aid.
Thursday 30 December 1897
On Thursday 30th Dec at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. A.T. Rhodes, Francis Barry Esmond CONOLLY, of Durban, Natal, to Edith Gertrude FLETCHER, youngest daughter of the late W.A. FLETCHER Esq.
This morning a very pretty wedding took place in Commemoration Church. The bride was Miss Edith Gertrude, youngest daughter of the late W.A. FLETCHER Esq, and the bridegroom was M. F.B.E. CONOLLY, of the Government Model School, Durban, Natal, third son of T.W.C. CONOLLY, of the War Office, Whitehall, London. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.A.T. RHODES.
The bride, who looked very charming, wore a beautiful ivory white[illegible] dress, trimmed with duchesse lace and chiffon, which was made by Messrs. Muirhead & Gowie of this city, and a wreath of orange blossoms and [illegible]. As the bride entered the church [leaning] upon the arm of her eldest brother, Mr. Fred FLETCHER, the Wedding March was played upon the organ by Mr. T.E. SPEED.
The bridesmaid was Miss [C....] ROBERTS, of Cradock, who was [....fully] attired in a dress of blue silk [....] trimmed with [.....] lace and chiffon. Mr. R. SKINNER ably assisted the groomsman.
There were a goodly number of guests and friends present, but nothing like the number that would have been there had it not been for the holidays and so many people being away at the seaside. At the conclusion of the ceremony the signing of the register took place in the vestry, and the Wedding March was again played.
The bridal party left the church amidst showers of rice, and an adjournment was made to the house of W.J.J. [M..LER], where a reception took place. Hearty congratulations were showered upon the happy pair, and a large number of telegrams were received from friends at a distance. The presents, which were very numerous and costly, were greatly admired. Especial mention should be made of a beautiful tea and breakfast service in silver, the gift of the members of Commemoration Choir: the bride has for many years been connected with this choir, as one of the leading sopranos. There was also a very fine copy of the Bible, a present from the teachers of the Sunday School, with which also the bride had been connected since her childhood, first as scholar, then as teacher.
The happy pair left by this morning’s train for Humewood, Port Elizabeth, where a portion of the honeymoon will be spent, after which they intend journeying to Natal and spending some time at Mooi River, before going to their home on the Berea, Durban. The bride’s travelling dress was made by Messrs. Birch & Co, and was an elegant tailor-made costume of tweed.
We join with the many friends in wishing the newly wedded pair long life and much happiness.
Another ceremony followed in the same church immediately after the above-mentioned, when Miss Eliza HEWSON, of this city, was united to Mr. James Alexander YOUNG, of Johannesburg. The Rev. A.T. RHODES also officiated at the wedding, and we desire again to join our felicitations with those of the friends of the happy pair.
A sensation was caused on its becoming known that Mr. F. TIMM, a well-known Salisburyan, had committed suicide. He was only married on the afternoon of the 23rd and gave a dance at night, and while his bride was waiting for him to drive away he shot himself. Deceased was very popular. There is no motive for the act, which is an utter mystery. The bride is completely prostrated.
[Transcriber’s note: Zimbabwe Death Registers show that deceased was Ferdinand E. TIMM and his widow was Johanna Elizabeth, nee STOPFORTH]
On Sunday last there died in Bloemfontein a well-known inhabitant of that city, Ou' Grietje, who was a half-caste woman, and whose real name was Gertruida SCHARPNORD. She was a great-grandmother. She was very active, walking all over the town with the aid of a stick, and preserved all her faculties to within a few hours of her death. She was, we (Friend) believe, the mother of Mrs. FAULKINER, who lived with her husband on Thaba Bosigo up to the Basuto War of 1865, when they left. FAULKINER was a blacksmith, and acted as armourer to the old Basuto Chief, Moshesh. Mr. William SCOTT, of this town, married one of FAULKINER’s daughters, and it was at his house that Ou' Grietje died. Until advanced age overtook her, she was employed as a monthly nurse, and had been for years and years. It is said she nursed the wounded soldiers after the Battle of Boomplaats in 1841 [sic – should be 1848?]. She was, we believe, a member of the Church of England, and had almost attained the advanced age of 100 years, having been born on January 1st 1792.
[Transcriber’s note: A monthly nurse was an old term for a woman who attended women in the first month after childbirth]
As announced in our telegram on Tuesday last, Mr. Albert Edgar WINTER, a young man of about twenty, who resided with his parents in Delvers Street, Johannesburg, and was in the employment of Messrs. Exley & Co, woollen merchants, Market-square, formed a member of a picnic party which arranged to spend the Christmas holidays in the vicinity of Waterfalls. On Christmas Day forenoon, WINTER was on a fern-hunting expedition, in the course of which he came to the top of the precipice; he overbalanced himself and fell over the cliff. In the descent his head came into violent contact with the rocks. Great difficulty was experienced in recovering the body from the pool into which it fell. As soon as it could be landed, the party, which but a short time previously was a bright and cheerful one, set out on their mournful journey to town. WINTER had for several years been closely associated with the choir of St.Mary’s Church, and latterly held the honorary post of principal [chorister]; and the news of his sad fate created a profound sensation among his Church friends, with whom he was exceedingly popular. At the evening service the Rev. J.T. DARRAGH, the rector, made a touching reference to the melancholy event.
On Monday morning a memorial service was held at St.Mary’s Church, where Edgar WINTER had been a constant member of the choir for years past. The beautiful and solemn service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. HODGSON. A great number of relatives and friends of the unfortunate young man were present, as well as the full choir. Mr. HEATH presided at the organ and played the Dead March in Saul. The first portion of the Burial Service will be sung at St.Mary’s Church at 3pm and the remainder of the Service was gone through at the grave side.
Mr. WINTER’s father some years ago was employed on the Journal staff, and we believe that the deceased, who was an only son, was born in this city.
Shortly after half past eight on Monday night (says the E.P. Herald) a man, clad in a grey suit, wearing a hard felt hat and carrying a walking stick, was seen loitering about in front of the house opposite the rubbish tip on South Beach Terrace. From this, and adjacent residences, sounds of music were issuing – all was gaiety and the Boxing Day holiday was being concluded, as might be expected, in the most pleasurable manner possible. The stranger, as he was at this time, seemed to have listened attentively for some time to the strains of the accordion, which issued from the house he was constantly passing and repassing – that of Mr. LEACH – and to the cheery chat of the inmates, heard at intervals. He was noticed by Mr. LEACH, who mentioned the fact that there was a man near the verandah, and being laughed at for the mysterious manner in which he indicated the proximity of what his guests called “a bogey man”, or a term much like that unnatural being, he continued to roll out accordion notes, while the others frolicked and danced to the tune. Suddenly there came three loud raps from a stick on the gate, and the music and dancing were temporarily hushed. A neighbour of LEACH’s, Mrs. ANTONISSEN who was one of the party, went to the gate and seeing a gentleman, yet unable to distinguish his features through absence of light – it was a dark night and the electric lamps on the depositing floor were not burning – said in a cheery tone “Who may you be, pray?” She received a mumbled and unintelligible reply, and further questions from her were prevented by Miss BARTLESON, who was residing with Mr. and Mrs. LEACH for the time being, coming to the balcony and saying “Pa, is that you?” He replied “Yes, I want to see you.” Miss BARTLESON went into the house and said “My father is outside”. Mr. LEACH said “Tell him to come in”. The girl did so, but met with a refusal. Mrs. ANTONISSEN also invited him in, yet it seemed as though nothing would please him but that Miss BARTLESON should go out. She complied, twitching Mrs. ANTONISSEN’s skirt as she passed out of the gate, as if to indicate that she desired her to be at hand The couple stood at the foot of the steps leading to the verandah, and a few sentences were uttered by each party. Two minutes could not have elapsed when those inside heard a revolver shot. Mrs. ANTONISSEN sprang up from her seat and said “Oh God, he has shot her.” All was confusion inside the house. Fearing that further shots might be fired if any of the house inmates went to the verandah, all refrained from doing so. Mr. LEACH, however, ran through the back way to intercept the man if he ran up Walmer Road. Another shot was fired as he left the house, yet no one inside dared go out, and Mr. LEACH was heard at the side of the house calling on the man to come out, thinking he was in hiding. All was then quiet, and Mrs. ANTONISSEN and others went out on the stoep.
A horrible sight presented itself to their gaze. Lying alongside the verandah was Miss BARTLESON, bleeding from a wound in her cheek. She lay with her head on her arm, her blouse was saturated, and it was evident that the wound she had received had proved fatal. A yard or two from where the unfortunate girl lay was the body of a man, but ere any examination could be made as to his condition, a constable came on the scene. PC LOE was standing close to the Royal Hotel when the shots were fired, and his first impression was that crackers were being ignited – this belief was also cherished by many of the people who live in the neighbourhood. He, however, seems to have had this idea dispelled when he saw the flash and heard the report of the second discharge, and hurrying forward came on the scene of the tragedy. With commendable promptitude he communicated with the police, and ere many minutes had passed Sub Inspector WYNNE was on the spot, closely followed by Inspector WILLIAMS. The District Surgeon had, ere this, received intimation of the occurrence, and so smartly were the various initiatory steps taken that it would have been surprising, had it been murder alone, if the crime fell to be noticed amongst the mysteries already to numerous in the records of police work.
Miss BARTLESON died about ten minutes after she was shot. The lady from a house close by opened the top button of her blouse thinking a little more air might give her a chance, but she simply gasped and died. The man was more fortunate. He was still breathing when the police picked him up, and with the utmost despatch he was conveyed to the Hospital, though it was feared he would succumb during the journey. He was still alive when given into DR. LEITH’s charge, but after a hurried examination of the wound the House Surgeon gave his opinion that he could not possibly live. Still he lingered on, never regaining consciousness till half past here yesterday (Tuesday) morning, when he breathed his last.
From enquiries which have since been made it transpires that GOMPERT, the man who fired the shots, and Miss BARTLESON were both of German origin, and that the latter [sic] adopted the girl, and they lived together in Kingwilliamstown. The relations between the two were highly immoral, for Miss BARTLESON had two children, both of which were GOMPERT’s. It is supposed that Miss BARTLESON left King suddenly with the intention of marrying someone else, and this brought about the tragedy.
Friday 31 December 1897
By the Rev. Hacker, at the Wesleyan Church, East London, on December 22nd, Gilbert H., sixth son of John DOLD Esq, J.P. of Grahamstown, was married to Emily J.M., eldest daughter of E.H. HEDDING Esq, of East London. Our best wishes to the happy couple. The bridegroom is an old Grahamstown boy, was born and brought up here.
At the Kubusie railway station on Sunday week a pumper named William DANN, employed in the locomotive department, went, it is surmised, for his usual morning dip. Not returning, a search was made, and the unfortunate man’s clothes were discovered lying on the bank of the river. The finders naturally became alarmed for the safety of DANN, and a search was instituted. It was not, however, until a day later that DANN’s body was recovered from the river. The poor fellow had probably been seized with cramp, and the river being of considerable depth, and no help at hand, lost his life. The deceased, who was a brother of the well-known driver, “Bob” DANN, of East London, was much respected.
Later accounts of the sad death of the daughter of Mr. A.E. STEYTLER, of Johannesburg, on Xmas evening, show that the family had safely alighted from the train at Muizenberg, but that in confusion (the platform being crowded) the little girl got separated from her parents. She seems to have imagined that they were still in the train and she ran towards it, falling upon the metals. Just then the train started with the horrible result reported. The body was picked up immediately by the distracted father, but so terribly was Mrs. STEYTLER affected that he had to lay it down and go to her assistance. No blame appears to attach to anyone, but an inquest will be held. Instead of being buried at the Cape, as originally intended, the body is being embalmed and will be buried at Johannesburg.
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