Grahamstown Journal 1898 01 January
Tuesday 4 January 1898
In the Estate of the late Robert James WESSON, of Southwell
All persons indebted to the above Estate are requested to pay the same to the first undersigned within six weeks from date. Claims to be sent to the same address within the same period.
Sarah Fanny WESSON, Executrix Testamentary
Southwell, 18th Dec 1897
A few days ago George PONTON, employed as the manager of the Supply Stores at Cleveland, near the Jumpers-mine, Johannesburg, in presence of one or two companions drank a glass of whisky, and picking up a revolver, shot himself through the head before those present had a chance to grasp him. PONTON, who is said to have belonged to Queensferry, Scotland, had been drinking rather heavily of late.
A distressing fatality occurred at Simonstown on Friday. The children of Mrs. EARP were bathing in the Bay when they were carried out of their depth. Mrs. EARP at once ran to their assistance, but was herself soon in danger of drowning, and was rescued by Mr. RITTMAN. Meanwhile other members of the party pluckily entered the water and brought the children ashore, but two girls were already dead, and the boys were only resuscitated after four hours.
Thursday 6 January 1898
Whilst bathing last Friday morning at Hermanuspetrusfontein, a young man named Peter DE WET, of Brand Vlei, in the Worcester district, was drowned, a bold attempt to rescue him having failed. Two doctors were in attendance, but life was extinct when the body, which was fully half an hour under water, was taken out. The sea was just rising. The occurrence has cast a gloom over the place, which is crowded with visitors. General sympathy is felt with the parents at Worcester.
On New Year’s Eve a horrible double murder took place at [Benoni Boksburg]. Nothing was known of the affair till New Year’s morning, when the bodies of the men were found, the one on the veld and the other in a store. The skulls of both were terribly fractured, and all the indications pointed to their having been battered with kerries.
The bodies were identified, that in the store as David OLKEN, that on the veld as [Solmon WALTOCHKY]. They both belonged to the Jewish persuasion, and traded together in the store in which OLKEN’s body was discovered. The pockets of both men were found turned completely inside out, and the store had been thoroughly looted.
Enquiries made from people in the neighbourhood of Benoni have elicited the fact that the two men were generally regarded as illicit liquor [] on an extensive scale. It is believed that the main purpose of the store was the supplying of Kaffirs with drink.
On the evening of December 31st it was noticed that many of the kaffirs who had entered the store had more than enough to drink. The local theory of the tragedy, therefore, is that the natives got into a dangerous state of drunkenness and being met with a refusal of more liquor killed the two unfortunate men in their thirst for drink.
The remains of the two murdered men were taken into Johannesburg and buried yesterday – Johannesburg Times.
Saturday 8 January 1898
Married at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on Wednesday Jan 5th 1898, by the Rev. T. Liddle MA BD, John Charles, youngest son of the late John FLETCHER, to Catherine Frere Cron (Katie), youngest daughter of the late Ebenezer Cron WRIGHT.
Rev. Father CLANCY DD, Priest in charge of Beaconsfield, died suddenly from an internal disease. He was very popular in his parish.
At Johannesburg on Monday the brothers DONALDSON, aged 13 and 11, while wading in the Robinson Dam, got out of their depth and were drowned.
Tuesday 11 January 1898
In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Maria BEZANT, of Port Alfred
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are hereby called upon to lodge them with the undersigned, at his office, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted thereto are required to pay the amounts due by them at the same place within the same period.
For the Excr. Testy.
High Street, Grahamstown
January 11th 1898
In the Estate of the late Robert Louis BERTRAM and subsequently deceased spouse Angelina Maria BERTRAM, of Grahamstown
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are hereby called upon to lodge them with the undersigned, at his office, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted thereto are required to pay the amounts due by them at the same place within the same period.
For the Excr. Testy.
High Street, Grahamstown
January 11th 1898
Mr. W.M. EDENBOROUGH, of the firm of FORBES & EDENBOROUGH, died at Red House on Thursday. He leaves a widow and seven children, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt here.
At Vrededorp a white lad named A.B. FELL, a little over 11 years, was instantly killed on Tuesday through catching hold of an electric wire. Dr. SCHULZ D.S. certified to the death being accidental. The lad, with some other youths, was playing at an electric receiving-house close to the Netherlands Railway Co. Though a round balk of timber is placed to prevent anyone climbing to the top of the pole placed close to the house, the wires which run across it are uncovered and unprotected. Having seen other youth touch the wire, neither FELL nor his playmates recognised the danger. As soon as he caught hold he fell instantly to the ground dead. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, who suffered greatly by the terrible dynamite explosion in the same district.
Thursday 13 January 1898
MARRIED at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, on Tuesday the 11th January, by the Rev. J. Pendlebury BA, Annie Elizabeth JARDINE, daughter of Mr. F. JARDINE, of this city, to Arthur George RANDALL, son of the late Mr. Thos. RANDALL, of Kingwilliamstown.
A very sad accident occurred near [], Transvaal, on New Year’s Day when Mr. [Koos] OOSTHUIZEN, whilst out riding, lost his balance in the saddle, and his horse having bolted, his foot being caught in the stirrup, his head was literally dashed to pieces by continually coming in contact with the ground.
An interesting wedding took place on Tuesday last at the Baptist Church, Bathurst Street, when a large concourse of people assembled to witness the marriage of Miss Annie Elizabeth JARDINE, the only daughter of F. JARDINE of this city, to Mr. Arthur George RANDALL, son of the late Mr. Thos. RANDALL of Kingwilliamstown. In the absence of the pastor of the church, the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY BA kindly officiated. The bride was prettily dressed in a charming costume of white figured material, richly trimmed with lace and orange blossoms, with bridal wreath and veil, Mr. Restall STOCKS being the costumier. The bridesmaids were Miss BLACKBEARD, cousin to the bride, and Miss Alice WEBBER. They were prettily attired in crème cashmere, trimmed with silk and lace. Needless to say the bride and bridesmaids looked charming. The bride was given away by her father. The groomsmen were Messrs. Joseph and Albert JARDINE, the brothers of the bride. At the close of the ceremony the Wedding March was efficiently played by Miss HAYTER. The wedding party then proceeded to the residence of the bride’s parents, where a plentiful repast of good things was provided for the numerous guests. The usual toasts were given, during which the Rev. J. PENDLEBURY, J.S. WILLCOX Esq. and J. TROWER Esq. spoke in high terms of the excellent qualities of the bride. Replying to the above, the father of the bride said feelingly that while he had gained a son, he was losing the society of a loving daughter who was a real household treasure. The bridegroom also responded, thanking the guests for their good wishes and kind sentiments concerning Mrs. RANDALL and himself. At this stage several telegrams were read conveying the congratulations of their numerous friends. The happy pair took their departure amid showers of rose-leaves per cart for Botha’s Hill, en route to East London, their future home. The bride has long been an active worker in all kinds of Christian work in connection with the Baptist Church and will be greatly missed. For many years she filled the office of local Secretary for the “Young People’s Scripture Union” and the “International Bible Reading Association”, from the members of which Association she received a beautiful set of silver-mounted dessert knives and forks in recognition of her services. The bride’s presents were both numerous and costly, estimated value considerably over £100, including a handsome pianoforte imported by Messrs. Galpin Bros., the gift of the bride’s father. We wish the newly married pair a long and happy career.
Saturday 15 January 1898
At East London a young fellow named SHEA, while bathing, was noticed by his companions to be in distress, and although another man went to his assistance, he disappeared. Search was made for the body, but no signs of it were seen.
Another death at King in the Middlesex Regiment has to be recorded. Private EVANS, the signaller in B Company, who was admitted to the Regimental Hospital about ten days before suffering from enteric fever, died at four o’clock on Monday morning, the immediate cause of death being a broken blood vessel caused by coughing.
Tuesday 18 January 1898
DIED at Queenstown on the 14th Jan 1898, Sarah Eliza, the beloved wife of the Rev. Robert LAMPLOUGH, aged 64 years.
DIED at the Albany General Hospital on the 11th instant, Arthur William GIBSON, aged 23 years.
The parents desire to thank the Medical Officers and the Nurses of the Albany General Hospital for their kind and skilful attention to the deceased during his illness.
ELY – On the 8th January 1898, at Jeppestown, Florence Ada ELY (born VAN GRAAN), the dearly beloved wife of Edward ELY, late of Kimberley and Grahamstown, aged [51] years.
An exemplary, devoted, loving wife, and good mother; beloved by all who knew her.
“Thy will be done”
We are sorry to have to record the decease on the 8th inst. of Mrs. ELY, wife of Edward ELY Esq. of Johannesburg, well known and esteemed in this Colony as a former Inspector of Schools. Mrs. ELY had been ill for some time, but no danger was apprehended till shortly before she breathed her last. We offer sincere condolences to the bereaved husband and family in their distress.
Thursday 20 January 1898
We have already recorded the decease of this esteemed lady, wife of the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH, which took place at Queenstown on the 14th inst. Mrs. LAMPLOUGH, whose maiden name was MOORE, was born in Birmingham and came to this country in 1859, and resided with her husband successively at Annshaw, Healdtown, Grahamstown, Port Elizabeth, Queenstown, Lesseyton, King and Mount Coke, finally returning to Queenstown. This list of places represents hard and faithful work done by the missionary and his wife, who are both cordially remembered and loved for their labours in this city, as elsewhere. Mrs. LAMPLOUGH had long been an invalid, and had suffered from paralysis for two years before her death. She was not only a devoted Christian and an active church-worker, but a lady of great intelligence and information. It was truly said in the sketch of her life, which was read at the memorial service conducted by the Rev. T.J. DAVIES in Wesley Church, Queenstown, that in all the places where she had lived she had left behind her an influence for good which can never die.
Tuesday 25 January 1898
BIRTH, at Cecil Villa, Caroline-street, on the 23rd inst, the wife of Francis HOPE of a daughter.
The funeral of the late Mrs. T.R. TOPPER, whose lamented death occurred on Saturday last, took place on Sunday afternoon, moving from the residence of Mr. E. DICKS in Beaufort Street at 4 o’clock. The funeral was very largely attended, and many beautiful floral wreaths and offerings were sent, testifying to the esteem and love borne to the deceased lady. The pall bearers were Messrs. W. GOWIE, R. DERSLEY, E. ASHINGTON, E.J. MURRAY, W.T. FOX and S. WOOD. The funeral was conducted by the Rev W. Liddle MA BD, and after a short but impressive service at the house the cortege moved to the Cemetery. Mrs. TOPPER, who was only 48 years of age, was the wife of Mr. T.R. TOPPER of Mookers Poort, and had passed through a long and painful illness. We tender our sincerest sympathies to the bereaved family and relatives, who have thus been deprived of a loving friend and kinswoman.
The sad news was received in Capetown (says the Argus) that Mr. Fred MELLISH, brother of Mr. E.H.F. MELLISH, had been drowned at Blaauwberg Strand. The deceased, who was only about 23 years of age, was engaged in legal practice in Klerksdorp, Transvaal, and came down to the Cape only a short time ago. He was living at Blaauwberg, and that morning went to the beach with one of Mr. MELLISH’s sons for a bathe. Details are wanting, but it is said that the deceased was knocked down by a wave and carried out to sea before any help could be given. The body has not yet been recovered. Much sympathy will be felt for Mr. MELLISH in his distress.
Thursday 27 January 1898
BIRTH at Hanover on the 18th Jan, the wife of A.B. VAN RYNEVELD, C.C. and R.M., of a son.
A novel wedding party passed through Maclean Street, Kingwilliamstown, last Tuesday morning. The blushing bride - enveloped in a large veil and crowned with a wreath of flowers – rode in an ox wagon seated on a mattress, while the bridegroom strode along the pavement, very ill at ease in a pair of white gloves – and, of course, a few other things – while his many breast was adorned with a large rosette. The happy pair were apparently of German extraction.
Saturday 29 January 1898
BIRTH at Grahamstown, Jan 26 1898, the wife of George B. WEDDERBURN of a daughter.
At Vryburg on the 24th Miss Ruby TILLARD, eldest daughter of the Magistrate, was married to Mr. Duncan DOLLAR of Bulawayo, in the presence of a large company.
Benjamin BUCHANAN, a mason and an old Beaconsfield resident, committed suicide on Tuesday evening by shooting himself with a shotgun, fired by means of a piece of string. Deceased was a heavy drinker, and this probably was the cause of the rash act. Death was instantaneous.
The Herald hears from Graaffreinet that Mr. Walter RUBIDGE, who contested Graaffreinet at [the] last Assembly election, proprietor of [Rootberg] and two other rich Karroo farms, announces his intention to sell out and remove to England. The whole property extends over 20,000 morgen. General regret is expressed in the district, as Mr. RUBIDGE is a leading progressive farmer, and eminently successful stock breeder and exhibitor at all Eastern and Midland Shows. It is hoped he will return.
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